Curriculum vitae Personal information Last/First Name Antiga Luca

Curriculum vitae
Personal information
Last/First Name
Antiga Luca
Work address
Villa Camozzi, 24020 Ranica (BG), Italy
+39 035 4535381
Date of birth
Oct 03, 1975
Mother tongue
Other languages
English – Fluent
Medical and microscopy image analysis; Computational geometry; Mathematical
modeling of transport phenomena; Computational fluid dynamics
Jan 2000 – Jan 2003
Title awarded
Thesis title: “Patient-specific modeling of geometry and blood flow in large arteries”
Bioengineering Department, Politecnico di Milano
Work carried out at the Bioengineering Department,
Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research
Tutor: A. Remuzzi
Sep 1994 – Dec 1999
Title awarded
Thesis title: “Three-dimensional morphologic reconstruction and fluid-dynamic
analysis of vascular capillary structures”
Bioengineering Department, Politecnico di Milano
Work carried out at the Bioengineering Department,
Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research
Tutor: A. Remuzzi
Work experience
Feb 2006 – Onwards
Head of the Medical Imaging Unit
Bioengineering Department
Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research, Bergamo, Italy
Apr 2004 – Jan 2006
Full time researcher
Bioengineering Department
Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research, Bergamo, Italy
Dec 2002 – Dec 2003
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Imaging Research Laboratories – P.I.: D.A. Steinman
Robarts Research Institute, London, Ontario, Canada
Student name
Botti Lorenzo
PhD (in course)
Mechanical Engineering, Bergamo University, 2006
Marina Piccinelli
PhD (in course)
Maastricht University
Botti Lorenzo
Mechanical Engineering, Bergamo University, 2006
Pierantoni Gabriele
Mechanical Engineering, Bergamo University, 2005
Muzzi Roberto
Biomedical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, 2005
Remuzzi Carlos
Biomedical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, 2005
Ambrosini Emilia
Biomedical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, 2005
Main collaborations
David Steinman PhD, Biomedical Simulation Lab, University of Toronto
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing (NA-MIC) – Ron Kikinis MD, Surgical Planning Lab,
Harvard Medical School
Alessandro Veneziani PhD, Department of Mathematics & Computer Science, Emory University
Radiology Department, Ospedali Riuniti di Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy
Roberto Foroni, Neurology Unit, Ospedale Maggiore Borgo Trento, Verona, Italy
Contribution to open source projects
Project name
Vascular modeling toolkit
Lead developer
Slicer 3
Plug-in developer
Insight toolkit
Peer-Review activity
Scientific journals
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
Kidney International
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
Journal of Vascular Research
Clinical Journal of the Americal Society of Nephrology
Journal of Biomechanics
Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing
Medical Engineering & Physics
Medical Physics
NSERC – National Science and Engineering Research Counsil of
United States – Israel Binational Science Foundation
Journal papers:
Lee SW, Antiga L, Spence JD and Steinman DA. Geometry of the carotid bifurcation predicts its exposure to
disturbed flow. Stroke, Accepted, 2008.
Luciani D, Cavuto S, Antiga L, Miniati M, Monti S, Pistolesi M, Bertolini G. Bayes pulmonary embolism assisted
diagnosis: a new expert system for clinical use. Emergency Medicine Journal (EMJ), 24:157-164, Mar 2007.
Antiga L, Piccinelli M, Fasolini G, Ene-Iordache B, Ondei P, Ruggenenti P, Remuzzi G and Remuzzi A.
Computed tomography evaluation of ADPKD progression: a progress report. Clinical Journal of the American
Society of Nephrology (CJASN), 1(4), Jul 2006.
Moyle KR, Antiga L and Steinman DA. Inlet conditions for image-based CFD models: is it reasonable to assume
fully-developed flow? Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 128(3), Jun 2006.
Thomas JB, Antiga L, Che S, Milner JS, Hangan Steinman DA, Spence JD, Rutt BK and Steinman DA. Variation
in the carotid bifurcation geometry of young vs. older adults: Implications for "geometric risk" of atherosclerosis.
Stroke, 36(11), Nov 2005.
Ruggenenti P, Remuzzi A, Ondei P, Fasolini G, Antiga L, Ene-Iordache B, Remuzzi G and Epstein FH. Safety
and efficacy of long-acting somatostatin treatment in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Kidney
International, 68(1), Jul 2005.
Antiga L, Steinman DA. Robust and objective decomposition and mapping of bifurcating vessels. IEEE
Transactions on Medical Imaging, 23(6), June 2004.
Antiga L, Ene-Iordache B and Remuzzi A. Computational geometry for patient-specific reconstruction and
meshing of blood vessels from MR and CT angiography. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 22(5), May
Ene-Iordache B, Mosconi L, Antiga L, Bruno S, Anghileri A, Remuzzi G and Remuzzi A. Radial artery remodeling
in response to shear stress increase within arteriovenous fistula for hemodialysis access. Endothelium, 10(2):
95-102, 2003.
Remuzzi A, Ene-Iordache B, Mosconi L, Bruno S, Anghileri A, Antiga L and Remuzzi G. Radial artery wall shear
stress evaluation in patients with arteriovenous fistula for hemodialysis access. Biorehology, 1-3: 423-430, 2003.
Antiga L, Ene-Iordache B, Caverni L, Cornalba GP and Remuzzi A. Geometric reconstruction for computational
mesh generation of arterial bifurcations from CT angiography. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics,
26(4): 227-235, June 2002.
Antiga L, Ene-Iordache B, Remuzzi G and Remuzzi A. Automatic generation of glomerular capillary topological
organization. Microvascular Research, 62: 346-354, June 2001.
Book chapters:
Antiga L, Peiró J, Steinman D. From image data to computational domain. In Quarteroni A, Formaggia L,
Veneziani A (eds). Cardiovascular Mathematics, Springer NY 2008.
Open access papers:
Antiga L Generalizing vesselness with respect to dimensionality and shape. The Insight Journal, 2007 JulyDecember issue, URI: (DSpace handle)
Conference papers:
Botti L, Piccinelli M, Ene-Iordache B, Remuzzi A, Antiga L. A open source parallel AMR FE solver for biological
flows based on the libMesh C++ library. 16th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Lucerne,
Switzerland, July 2008.
Piccinelli M, Botti L, Ene-Iordache B, Remuzzi A, Veneziani A, Antiga L. Link between vortex structures and
Voronoi diagram in cerebral aneurysms. 16th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Lucerne,
Switzerland, July 2008.
Antiga L. Bridging the gap between shape and flow. Fifth International Bio-Fluid Symposium and Workshop,
Caltech, Pasadena, CA, March 2008.
Antiga L, Steinman DA. Efficient MRI simulation via integration of the signal equation over triangulated surfaces.
ISMRM 2008, International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto, Canada, May 2008.
Forzenigo LV, Domanin M, Veneziani A, Gabrielli L, Vergara C, Biondetti PR, Foresti D, Molinari A, Antiga L,
Piccinelli M. Using engineering mathematical models and CT 4D imaging to understand the hemodynamics after
aortic prosthesis insertion. ECR 2008, European Congress of Radiology, Vienna, Austria, March 2008.
Van Canneyt K, Kaminsky R, Antiga L, Tordoir J, Verdonck P, Eloot S. Experimental study of patient-specific kink
in arterio-venous graft using particle image velocimetry. ESAO, European Society for Artificial Organs, Krems,
Austria, September 2007.
Lee SW, Antiga L, Steinman DA. Variation in the hemodynamics of young adult carotid bifurcations. ASME
Summer Bioengineering Conference, Keystone, CO, June 2007.
Antiga L, Piccinelli M, Ene-Iordache B, Botti L, Remuzzi A, Boccardi E, Bacigaluppi S, Veneziani A.
Hemodynamics and cerebral aneurysms: the role of geometry. 3rd International Symposium on Modelling of
Physiological Fluids, Ranica (BG), Italy, September 2006 (invited).
Antiga L, Planken N, Piccinelli M, Ene-Iordache B, Tordoir J, Remuzzi A. Flow instability in a failed brachiocephalic graft for hemodialysis: a computational study. 5th World Congress of Biomechanics, Munich, Germany,
July-August 2006 (invited).
Antiga L, Planken N, Piccinelli M, Ene-Iordache B, Huberts W, Remuzzi A, Tordoir J. Geometric intra-subject
variability of arm vessels assessed by MRA: a challenge for quantification and modeling of the vascular access
for hemodialysis. 5th World Congress of Biomechanics, Munich, Germany, July-August 2006.
Piccinelli M, Boccardi E, Bacigaluppi S, Veneziani A, Ene-Iordache B, Remuzzi A, Antiga L. Computational
geometric analysis of cerebral aneurysms and their parent vasculature from CRA. 5th World Congress of
Biomechanics, Munich, Germany, July-August 2006.
Piccinelli M, Boccardi E, Bacigaluppi S, Veneziani A, Ene-Iordache B, Remuzzi A, Antiga L. Influence of siphon
bends on the flow patterns of the internal carotid artery: implications for the study of aneurysm development. 5th
World Congress of Biomechanics, Munich, Germany, July-August 2006.
Veneziani A, Boccardi E, Antiga L, Secchi P, Vantini S, Passerini T, De Luca M, Bacigaluppi S. Statistical and
numerical investigations of cerebral aneurysms' morphology and haemodynamics. 5th World Congress of
Biomechanics, Munich, Germany, July-August 2006.
Simedrea P, Antiga L, Steinman DA. Numerical simulation of MRI using unstructured grids. ISMRM 14th
Scientific Meeting, Seattle, Washington, USA, May 2006.
Simedrea P, Antiga L, Steinman DA. Towards a new framework for simulating magnetic resonance imaging.
CSCBC 2006, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, March 2006.
Ene-Iordache B, Antiga L, Fasolini G, Bruno S, Remuzzi G and Remuzzi A. Evaluation of renal morphology and
its functional implications in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. ASN 38th Annual Meeting and
Scientific Exposition, Philadelphia, November 2005.
Antiga L, Simedrea P, Steinman DA. On the overestimation of early intimal thickening at the carotid bulb via axial
black blood MRI. 17th Annual International Workshop On Magnetic Resonance Angiography, Beijing, China,
September 2005.
Moyle KR, Antiga L, Steinman DA. Inlet conditions in hemodynamics - Effects of Secondary Flow on Modeled
Wall Shear Stress at the Carotid Bifurcation. ASME Bioengineering Conference, Vail, Colorado, June 2005.
Antiga L. Imaging and numerical fluid dynamics for the study of the cardiovascular system. Bioflumen III,
November 15, 2004, Istituto Superiore di Sanita', Roma.
Steinman DA, Antiga L. Effect of slice resolution and orientation on 3D reconstruction of artery wall thickness.
16th Annual International Workshop On Magnetic Resonance Angiography, London, Ontario, Canada, October
Ene-Iordache B, Antiga L, Soletti L, Caverni L, Remuzzi A. Validation of a 3D reconstruction method for carotid
bifurcation models starting from angio CT images. 6th International Symposium on Computer Methods in
Biomechanics & Biomedical Engineering, Madrid, Spain, February 2004.
Antiga L, Steinman DA. Automated parameterization and patching of bifurcating vessels. International
Symposium on Modelling of Physiological Flows, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 2003.
Thomas JB, Che SL, Milner JS, Antiga L, Rutt BK, Spence JD, Steinman DA. Geometric characterization of the
normal and mildly diseased human carotid bifurcation.ASME Bioengineering Conference, Key Biscayne, FL,
June 2003.
Antiga L, Ene-Iordache B and Remuzzi A. Centerline computation and geometric analysis of branching tubular
surfaces with application to blood vessel modeling.11-th International Conference in Central Europe on
Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision'2003, Plzen, Czech Republic, February 2003.
Antiga L. Blood flow simulation in arterial bifurcations reconstructed from CT and MR angiography: GAMBIT,
FIDAP and VTK integration. Fluent User Group Meeting, October 22-23 2002, Maranello (MO), Italy.
Antiga L. Geometria computazionale per la ricostruzione 3D e l'analisi geometrica patient-specific di segmenti
vascolari da angiografia CT e MR. MOX, Politecnico di Milano, May 27 2002.
Antiga L, Ene-Iordache B, Caverni L, Cornalba GP and Remuzzi A. Generazione di una metodica
semiautomatica per la ricostruzione tridimensionale e l'analisi fluidodinamica di segmenti arteriosi mediante
angio TC multistrato ed angio RM: teoria e fattibilità. Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Radiologia
Medica, Rimini, May 24-28 2002.
Antiga L. Patient-specific models for blood flow in large arteries. Cardiovascular System: from Mathematical
Modelling to Clinical Applications. MOX, Politecnico di Milano, March 6-8 2002.
Antiga L, Ene-Iordache B, Remuzzi G and Remuzzi A. Automatic generation of glomerular capillary topological
organization from serial section analysis. Cardiovascular System: from Mathematical Modelling to Clinical
Applications, MOX, Politecnico di Milano, March 6-8 2002.
Antiga L. Tecniche di ricostruzione tridimensionale ed analisi fluidodinamica di vasi arteriosi. Quinto Workshop
sul Calcolo ad Alte Prestazioni in Italia, CILEA, October 16-17 2001, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore,
Antiga L, Ene-Iordache B, Remuzzi G and Remuzzi A. Automatic generation of glomerular capillary topological
organization from serial section analysis. 33rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Nephrology, Toronto,
Canada, Oct. 2000.