CURRICULUM VITAE - University of Belgrade

Prof, Dr Djordje RADAK,
Member of Serbian Academi of Sciencie and Art
Date of birth 31 July 1956. Vršac
School of Medicine, Belgrade University , average mark 9,70.
Specilisation in general surgery 1982-1986.
Subspecialisation in vascular surgery 2002.
IMMUNOLOGICAL PARAMETERS, School of Medicine, Belgrade University, 1983.
ATHEROSLEROTIC PLAQUE, School of Medicine, University of Belgrade 1991
Professor of Surgery, School of Medicine University of Belgrade (2004)
Corresponding member of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts SASA (2009)
Chairmen of postgraduate studies in Vascular Surgery and Angiology (2004)
Chairmen of Vascular Surgery Clinic Dedinje Cardiovascular Institute, Belgrade that annually
performs about 1900 arterial reconstructions.
According to SCIENCE CITATION INDEX, articles by Dj. Radak were cited 569 times, 13
times according to Google book search site, which makes a total of 582 citations.
Professor Djordje Radak published 543 manuscripts, 305 papers, 199 articles were published
abroad. 36 papers were published in Current Contents citation, 91 in Medline citation and
56 papers in non-indexed journals
He wrote three books, and 84 chapters in books. He edited 5 books and has many published
Procedures introduced in Serbian vascular surgery by Dr Radak:
Eversion carotid endarterectomy 1993
Endovascular treatmant for chronic postraumatic thoracic aorta aneurysm 2004.
Endovascular treatmant for abdominal aortic aneurysm 2006.
Thoraco- lumbotomy for thoraco-abdominal aortic aneurysm resection 1997
Medial visceral rotation for approaching VCI and aorta, in casis of a tumor invading
major blood vessels 1998.
Kidney revascularization ex vivo 1994
Reconstruction of supraaortic branches- transposition to avoid sternotomy or
thoracotomy 1994
Reconstruction of vertebral arteries, done for the first time in former Yugoslavia 1993
Autotransfusion during major vascular surgeries 1992
Carotid endarterectomy in locoregional anesthesia 2001
Liver and pancreas transplantation- experimental preparation, surgeries and treatment
Important science projects:
Alavantic at al.
A Randomised Prospective Study to Evaluate the value of Noninvasive Stress test to
Predict Perioperative Cardiac Complications in Patients with one or two Risk Factors
with Beta-blocker therapy, and the Protective Effect of Coronary Revascularisation in
Patients with Extensive Myocardial Ischaemia - DECREASE 2. Multicentric randomised
trial 2002. Don Poldermans et al.
study.Ann. Vasc. Surg.. 2007; 21(1): 23-29
IRIS trial - Safety profile of innohep versus subcutaneous unfractionated heparin in
elderly patients with impaired renal function treated for acute deep vein thrombosis,
Multicentric randomised international trial
Citohemical and morphological examination of patological dynamic of arterial lesions
(Ministry of Science Rep. Of Ser. 2002)
ACST II, Multicentric randomised international trial
Teaching activities:
 Undergraduate surgery course, School of Medicine
 Post graduate studies of vascular surgery and angiology, reumatology, general
medicine, cardiology.
He also wrote many textbooks for medical school and postgraduate studies.
HIRURŠKI PRISTUPI ARTERIJAMA (Prosveta, Beograd 1996, second edition
REVASKULARIZACIJA MOZGA (Akademska Misao, Beograd, 2001)
He was a group chairmen that produced National Guidelines for Prevention of
Cardiovascular Diseases (2005). He also participated in creating 4 more national guidelines
for vascular and endovascular surgery.
5 student papers
28 master degree topics
14 doctor dissertations
17 subspecialisation in vascular surgery and angiology
Dj. Radak is Chief editor of “MEDICINSKA ISTRAZIVANJA“, journal of Medical School
University of Belgrade. He is a Reviewer for Journal of Vascular Surgery since 2003. and
member of editorial board of Serbian Archives of Medicine – Journal of The Serbian Medical
Society, Vojnosanitetski Pregled etc
Dr Radak introduced eversion carotid endarterectomy to our country. His work went through
phase of early scepticisim towards acception and largest number of surgeries in Europe
(7200), with perioperaive complications below 1%. European neuroangiological societes were
specialy interested in his work on vertebral areteries reconstruction (invited lecturer).
From 1996-2001 Dr Radak participated in first human liver and pancreas ortotopic
transplantation in our country, including the organization, experimental preparation,
diagnostic and surgery, and perioperative treatment.
In 2004 he participated in first stent graft implantation in our country, in patient with
thoracic aorta aneurysm, which was the begining of new era of endovascular minimaly
invasive treatment of aortic aneurysm. He lectured vascular and angiological themes to
medical society through CME, which resulted in introducing specialisation of vascular and
endovascular surgery to Belgrade Medical School.
Serbian Medical Society
Vascular Medicine Serbian Society
International Union of Angiology (IUA)
European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS)
European Society for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
Vascular and Endovascular Researche Group (VERGE) London
International Society for Transplantology
Titular professor of surgery, Professore ordinario, Institutio di cardiochirurgia – Universita di
Milan, 31.7.1995.
Pro-dean School of Medicine, Belgrade University( 24.09.2002. - 2004.)
The president of Angiology and Vascular surgery section of Serbian medical society, 2002. 2005
Regular member of Serbian Science Academy and science council of Medical science
National delegate in board of European Society for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
(ESVS), 2006 and International Union of Angiology (IUA), 2002
Currently the president of Vascular Medicine Serbian Society.
He is married, has four children.
Language knowledge : English, German, Italian.
SELECTED PAPERS (last 5 years)
1. Radak Đ, Tanasković S, Nenezić D, Vučurević G, Popov P, Gajin P, Babić S, Aleksić N,
Miličić M, Matić P, Ilijevski N. Resekcija tromboziranog predimenzioniranog stent-grafta
u femoralnoj arteriji postavljenog zbog arteriovenskih fistula nastalih usled prostrelnih
rana. Srp Arh Cel Lek 2010; 138(3-4): 233-35.
2. Borović ML, Borović S, Perić M, Vuković P, Marinković J, Todorović V, Radak D,
Lacković V. The internal thoracic artery as a transitional type of artery: a morphological
and morphometric study. Histol Histopathol. 2010 May;25(5):561-76.
3. Davidovic L, Jakovljevic N, Radak D, Dragas M, Ilic N, Koncar I, Markovic D. Dacron
or ePTFE graft for above-knee femoropopliteal bypass reconstruction. A bi-centre
randomised study. Vasa. 2010 Feb;39(1):77-84.
4. Mitrasinovic A, Radak S, Kolar J, Aleksic N, Otasevic P, Popovic M, Radak D. Color
Doppler sonographic evaluation of flow volume of the internal carotid and vertebral
arteries after carotid endarterectomy. J Clin Ultrasound. 2010 Jun;38(5):238-43.
5. Radak DJ, Tanaskovic S, Ilijevski NS, Davidovic L, Kolar J, Radak S, Otasevic P.
Eversion carotid endarterectomy versus best medical treatment in symptomatic patients
with near total internal carotid occlusion: a prospective nonrandomized trial. Ann Vasc
Surg. 2010 Feb;24(2):185-9.
6. Maksimovic M, Vlajinac H, Radak D, Maksimovic J, Otasevic P, Marinkovic J, Jorga J.
Frequency and characteristics of metabolic syndrome in patients with symptomatic carotid
atherosclerosis. Rev Med Chil. 2009 Mar;137(3):329-36.
7. Maksimovic M, Vlajinac H, Radak D, Marinkovic J, Jorga J. Relationship between
peripheral arterial disease and metabolic syndrome. Angiology. 2009 Oct-Nov;60(5):54653.
8. Maksimović MZ, Vlajinac HD, Radak DJ, Maksimović JM, Marinković JM, Jorga JB.
Association of socioeconomic status measured by education and risk factors for carotid
atherosclerosis: cross-sectional study. Croat Med J. 2008 Dec;49(6):824-31.
9. Djurić T, Zivković M, Radak D, Jekić D, Radak S, Stojković L, Raicević R, Stanković A,
Alavantić D. Association of MMP-3 5A/6A gene polymorphism with susceptibility to
carotid atherosclerosis. Clin Biochem. 2008 Nov;41(16-17):1326-9.
10. Popov P, Boskovic S, Sagic D, Radevic B, Ilijevski N, Nenezic D, Tasic N, Davidovic L,
Radak D. Treatment of visceral artery aneurysms: retrospective study of 35 cases. Vasa.
2007 Aug;36(3):191-8.
11. Radak DJ, Ilijevski NS, Nenezic D, Popov P, Vucurevic G, Gajin P, Jocic D, Kolar J,
Radak S, Sagic D, Matic P, Milicic M, Otasevic P. Temporal trends in eversion carotid
endarterectomy for carotid atherosclerosis: single-center experience with 5,034 patients.
Vascular. 2007 Jul-Aug;15(4):205-10.
12. Radak D, Davidović L, Vukobratov V, Ilijevski N, Kostić D, Maksimović Z, Vucurević
G, Cvetkovic S, Avramov S. Carotid artery aneurysms: Serbian multicentric study. Ann
Vasc Surg. 2007 Jan;21(1):23-9.
13. Otasevic P, Buljak M, Ilijevski N, Boskovic SD, Tasic N, Radak D, Djukanovic B. Mitral
stenosis in patient undergoing vascular surgery: prediction of perioperative hemodynamics
by dobutamine stress-echocardiography. Int J Cardiol. 2007 Apr 12;117(1):e24-6.