Ministero della Salute Direzione Generale Ricerca Sanitaria e Biomedica e della Vigilanza sugli Enti BANDO 2011‐212 RICERCA FINALIZZATA ‐ Elenco Progetti Cofinanziamento Industriale Presentati CODICE PROGETTO DESTINATARIO ISTITUZIONALE Classificazione P.I. Area Strategica. CO‐2011‐02346804 RELEVANCE OF PERIPHERAL IMMUNE CELLS TO THE IDENTIFICATION OF NEW THERAPEUTIC APPROACHES FOR NEURODEGENERATION SANTA LUCIA Bossù Paola Brain Disorders and Clinical Neuroscience Neurological diseases CO‐2011‐02347558 InTeReSt Project. Integrated Technological Rehabilitation of Stroke. Upper limb rehabilitation: efficacy of robot versus neuromodulation treatment and assessment of adaptive central‐peripheral plasticity DON GNOCCHI Aprile Irene Giovanna Emerging Technologies and Training in Neurosciences Neurological diseases CO‐2011‐02348049 New Possible Approach for the Classification of Melanoma and Prediction of Response to Immunotherapy: Immunoscore and Immune Profiling PASCALE Ascierto Paolo Antonio Oncology 2 ‐ Translational Clinical Oncology CO‐2011‐02348067 Development of new incretin derivatives for the treatment of diabetes MULTIMEDICA Spinetti Gaia Endocrinology, Metabolism, Nutrition and Reproductive Sciences Metabolism disorders and cardiovascular disease CO‐2011‐02348468 PREVENTION OF HAEMODIALYSIS TUNNELLED CENTRAL VENOUS CATHETER (CVC)‐RELATED INFECTION: COMPARISON BETWEEN A NOVEL DOUBLE‐CUFFED CVC AND THE TRADITIONAL SINGLE‐CUFF CVC. A ITALIAN MULTICENTER RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIAL. Provincia autonoma Trento BANDERA ANDREA Healthcare Delivery and Methodologies Infection and immunity Pagina 1 di 3 BANDO 2011‐212 RICERCA FINALIZZATA ‐ Elenco Progetti Cofinanziamento Industriale Presentati CODICE PROGETTO DESTINATARIO ISTITUZIONALE Classificazione P.I. Area Strategica. CO‐2011‐02348562 Establishing a novel class of diagnostic point‐ of‐care for diabetic complications SAN RAFFAELE MILANO Fiorina Paolo Digestive, Kidney and Urological Systems Metabolism disorders and cardiovascular disease CO‐2011‐02349041 Vitiligo: Studies on molecular and functional bases for the induction of immune response. Identification of possible therapeutic targets. SAN GALLICANO Picardo Mauro Michele Musculoskeletal, Oral and Skin Sciences Infection and immunity CO‐2011‐02349482 Personalized treatment strategies based on individual genetic profiling in myeloid neoplasms (MN) SAN MATTEO DELLA PORTA MATTEO GIOVANNI Oncology 2 ‐ Translational Clinical Oncology CO‐2011‐02350429 ENDOVASCULAR CREATION OF TYPE A AORTIC DISSECTION AND TREATMENT WITH UNCOVERED STENTS: A SWINE MODEL Sicilia D'Ancona giuseppe Surgical Sciences, Biomedical Imaging, and Bioengineering Metabolism disorders and cardiovascular disease CO‐2011‐02350850 Role of Neurotrophins in the pathogenesis of glaucoma and AD: experimental and clinical studies. Istituto Superiore di Sanita' Malchiodi‐ Albedi Fiorella Brain Disorders and Clinical Neuroscience Neurological diseases CO‐2011‐02351362 Design and development of electrochemical biosensor array for screening of the principal veterinary phatologies. IZSVE Nardelli Stefano Veterinary Food safety and animal welfare CO‐2011‐02351627 Realization of an integrated environment for the training and the recovery of body balance OSPEDALE BAMBINO GESU' Petrarca Maurizio Integrative, Functional, and Cognitive Neuroscience The new biotechnologies CO‐2011‐02351706 A Phase II Randomized Multicentre Study of REGINA ELENA Systemic Chemotherapy versus Systemic Chemotherapy plus SIR‐Spheres® as Second Line in KRAS Mutant Unresectable Colorectal Liver Metastases (SIRKRAS STUDY) Cosimelli Maurizio Oncology 2 ‐ Translational Clinical Oncology CO‐2011‐02351787 Development of a new endovascular device for Sicilia the treatment of occlusive disease of large veins Veroux Pierfrancesc o Bioengineering Sciences and Technologies Metabolism disorders and cardiovascular disease Pagina 2 di 3 BANDO 2011‐212 RICERCA FINALIZZATA ‐ Elenco Progetti Cofinanziamento Industriale Presentati CODICE CO‐2011‐02352812 PROGETTO DESTINATARIO ISTITUZIONALE Development and initial clinical evaluationl of I. O. V. two flexible electrodes for improving tissue electroporation during electrochemotherapy treatment of tumors Rossi Classificazione P.I. Carlo Riccardo Surgical Sciences, Biomedical Imaging, and Bioengineering Area Strategica. Oncology Pagina 3 di 3