XIX International Gas Convention AVPG 2010, May 24th - 26th Caracas, Venezuela MULTIFUNCTIONAL CHEMICAL TREATMENT IN OFFSHORE FACILITIES *María Carrasquero, Elluz Torín, Luis Castillo, Rosa Nadales, María Llamedo y Alfredo Viloria. Gas Technical Management (EPMG), PDVSA Intevep, Phone: 0212-3307680, Fax: 0212-3308730, Apdo 76343, Caracas 1070-A, Venezuela. e-mail: carrasquema@pdvsa.com ABSTRACT Being Venezuela one of the first eight countries with the largest natural gas reserves, and as part of plans to exploit oil and gas recovery that are underway in the country, it is expected the development of important reserves located offshore by the Mariscal Sucre, Rafael Urdaneta and Plataforma Deltana projects. These projects are intended to meet the gas needs in the domestic market and export the surplus. To ensure their success, it is necessary to make the transport of fluids on a continuous basis, economic and efficient. However, the presence of certain compounds such as CO2, H2S, CaCO3, MgCO3, H2O and certain conditions of pressure and temperature, can generate phenomena such as corrosion, scale, hydrates, among others. These problems cause the shorter life of the facility, which translates into increased operating costs in the industry. The phenomena mentioned above, typically, are mitigated with specific inhibitors for each case, which are directly disposed to the environment. The vast majority of these inhibitors are compounds imported from chemical synthesis, thus generating technological dependence and loss of foreign exchange. For this reason, and in view of the new global trend that is focused toward minimizing pollution at source through designed green chemical products and processes, PDVSA Intevep is developing a new multifunctional chemical treatment, to cushion the phenomena of scaling, corrosion and hydrates economically and efficiently. Among the results are high compatibility between natural products from plants, and high efficiency in each of the systems evaluated individually. Keywords: scaling, corrosion, hydrates, inhibition, multifunctional treatment, green chemistry, Aloe vera. Page 1 XIX International Gas Convention AVPG 2010, May 24th - 26th Caracas, Venezuela INTRODUCTION Considering the huge natural gas reserves existing in Venezuela, there are currently being developed various plans and projects for the exploitation and recovery of this resource, which include an increase in production from 6,900 million standard cubic feet per day (MMPCED), up to 11,500 MMPCED in 2012 (Plan Siembra Petrolera 2006). To fulfill this goal it is planned to incorporate additional volumes of gas from both mature fields located on the mainland (Anaco, Occidente and Yucal Placer), as future developments in the offshore region of Venezuela (Mariscal Sucre Plataforma Deltana). Given this increase in national natural gas production, it is expected the need to develop clean technologies and products, sustainable and economically feasible to allow the flow assurance from production facilities to the packaging and processing. Among the various phenomena that impede the proper transport of fluids from the reservoir to surface facilities there are mainly hydrate formation, scaling and corrosion. Hydrates are solids formed in multiphase flow streams where the water molecules crystallize around low molecular weight molecules (methane, ethane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, among others), under conditions of high pressure and low temperatures (GPSA 1998). For its part, the scaling occurs due to precipitation of insoluble inorganic compounds owing to changes in pressure, temperature, pH, among others, which promote the saturation of calcium ions (Ca+2) mainly present in formation water (Guo 2005). Finally, corrosion is a degradation of metallic materials as a result of an electrochemical reaction with the surrounding environment, which involves the deterioration of the physical properties of the material (Min 2008). The presence of these phenomena on transmission and natural gas distribution lines causes many inconveniences, among which include obstruction or clogging of pipes due to the formation of solid deposits, leading to decreased productivity, high costs Page 2 XIX International Gas Convention AVPG 2010, May 24th - 26th Caracas, Venezuela operations associated with replacement of worn parts from corrosion and safety hazards of personnel and facilities during normal operations and maintenance. One of the most used alternative technologies in mitigating this problem is the addition of treatments, which work by inhibiting the reactions associated with hydrate formation, scaling and corrosion, among others (Kelland 2006, Pickering et al. 2001). However, chemicals used for this application, in most cases, are toxic and nonbiodegradable, and frequently pre-treatments before their disposal are required. Additionally, for the case of Venezuela, the purchase of these products is a high outlay for the oil industry because of its foreign nature. In this context, there is a concern within the national scientific and technical community, to develop its own natural products for chemical treatment of oil, framed within the principles of green chemistry. Thus, in previous work has been shown excellent results, the efficiency of polysaccharides from Aloe vera in inhibiting scale formation of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) in hydrocarbon production streams (Mata 2007, Carrasquero 2008). Based on the antiscaling character seen in the inhibitor developed by PDVSA Intevep (INTAVTM), the opportunity to develop a multifunctional chemical treatment for preventing simultaneous scaling, hydrate and corrosion phenomena has been approached, initially using commercial inhibitors on last two phenomena, these being considered the most common problem-causing phenomena for flow assurance on regional routes for hydrocarbon production. Page 3 XIX International Gas Convention AVPG 2010, May 24th - 26th Caracas, Venezuela EXPERIMENTAL METHODOLOGY To assess the efficiency of multifunctional chemical treatment is necessary to conduct separate trials of inhibitors in their specific area (scaling, hydrates and corrosion) and then evaluate the synergy between them in each of the systems. Trials assessing the efficiency of scale inhibitors in a static state are made in glass cells, following the procedure specified in the NACE TM0374 standard (NACE International 2001). The tests use synthetic mixtures of water whose chemical composition is established by the standard and inhibitors to evaluate. The test lasts 24 hours. For studies of hydrate formation, the method relies on the ability of tetrahydrofuran (THF) to form hydrates at low temperatures and atmospheric pressure (Mamun 2006). The method involves monitoring of parameters such as temperature and conductivity of the system for the evaluation of the efficiency of hydrate inhibitors to be used, taking into account the exothermic reaction and loss of mobility of ions (formation of solids) associated with the formation of hydrates (Valberg 2006). The test lasts 2 hours. For the evaluation of the corrosiveness of the multifunctional treatment, corrosion tests are performed by weight loss of selected metal (steel API 5L X65). Tests are carried out in 2-liter autoclave, able to withstand 13.8 MPa and temperatures up to 360 °C. The system consists of a solution of sodium chloride (NaCl) at 3.5% as a corrosive medium on which the coupons are evaluated. CO2 is injected and the temperature, pressure and rotation speed (agitation) is fixed, in reference to the operating conditions of the Dragon and Patao fields. The test has a duration of 7 days (ASTM G1 2003, NACE RP-0775 2005). Page 4 XIX International Gas Convention AVPG 2010, May 24th - 26th Caracas, Venezuela RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The selected scale inhibitor product was based on natural polysaccharide extracted from Aloe vera and developed by PDVSA Intevep (INTAVTM) due to its high efficiency, demonstrated at both laboratory and field scale. A scaling test was performed (according to NACE Standard TM0374) using 2000 ppm of INTAVTM, as this proved to be the optimal dose of the product according to previous studies (Castillo 2008). Figure 1 shows the concentration of calcium present in the sample without inhibitor (blank) and the sample with INTAVTM. The dotted line represents the total amount of calcium supplied to the system initially, about 1620 ppm. The calcium content defines the efficiency of chemical treatment evaluated, since the higher amount of calcium in solution (not precipitated calcium), the greater the efficiency of the inhibitor. The efficiency obtained for the scale inhibitor in the assay was 79% (Figure 1), higher than commonly reported for commercial scale inhibitors to Calcium concentration (ppm) the same conditions of criticality which sets the standard (Carrasquero 2008). 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 1432 706 Blank Maximum Calcium Concentration INTAV Evaluated system Figure 1. Efficiency of INTAVTM in scale trials Page 5 XIX International Gas Convention AVPG 2010, May 24th - 26th Caracas, Venezuela Additionally, to prevent tetrahydrofuran (THF) hydrate formation, Mono Ethylene Glycol (MEG) was selected as base inhibitor, because it is a thermodynamic inhibitor, used commercially to inhibit this phenomenon (Brustad et al. 2005). A trial was conducted without inhibitor (blank) to know the behavior that the system has in the absence of chemical treatments (Figure 2). Note that all tests were carried out at atmospheric pressure and temperatures below 15 °C. Figure 2 shows the behavior of the conductivity and temperature versus time for a system in absence of inhibitors (blank). These variables can describe the formation of hydrates, because the presence of these solids in solution substantially decreases the conductivity of the system, related to ion mobility. Moreover, temperature is another variable that shows the behavior of formation of hydrates because the formation reaction of these solids is exothermic, so a temperature increase indicates the formation of the hydrates (Sloan 1998). Figure 2. Behavior of hydrate formation in the absence of chemical treatment Subsequently, tests were performed using different doses of MEG (20 to 30%), obtaining the results presented in Figure 3. Page 6 XIX International Gas Convention AVPG 2010, May 24th - 26th Caracas, Venezuela Figure 3. Behavior of hydrate formation in the presence of MEG at 20% v/v As can be seen (Figure 3) there was no THF hydrate formation in the systems evaluated, because the temperature decreases steadily to reach thermal equilibrium, and in turn the conductivity also decreases slightly and then stabilized at relatively constant values, because ions lose their mobility with decreasing temperature. In all cases curves were obtained similar to Figure 3. Comparing the behavior of the system in the presence of MEG, with that obtained in the blank (Figure 2), it can be confirmed that MEG acts as a thermodynamic inhibitor, since no evidence of a sharp drop in conductivity nor temperature increase, as a consequence of the exothermic reaction resulting in the formation of hydrates, was found. Because MEG is a thermodynamic inhibitor, its presence is expected to shift the hydrate formation curve at lower temperatures, a fact which is evident because the temperature of formation of such solids in the blank was -2 °C while in the systems evaluated in the presence of MEG reached values of -13 °C and there was no formation of said solids. Having examined the efficiency of the scale inhibitor (INTAVTM) and the hydrate inhibitor (MEG), an assessment of compatibility between the products, in both scenarios, was carried out. Page 7 XIX International Gas Convention AVPG 2010, May 24th - 26th Caracas, Venezuela For the evaluation of the efficiency of INTAVTM in the presence of MEG, scaling tests were done (NACE International 2001), using 2000 ppm INTAVTM and between 10 and 50% of MEG. Figure 4 presents the results obtained in these experiments. Between the dotted lines are the threshold concentrations at which efficient chemical treatment is assessed with respect to the sample without inhibitor (blank). Calcium concentration (ppm) 1800 1600 1432 1400 1200 1000 867 769 659 612 535 MEG 10% MEG 20% MEG 30% MEG 40% MEG 50% 800 600 400 200 0 Maximum Calcium conc. Calcium conc. (blank) INTAV Evaluated system Figure 4. INTAVTM efficiency in the presence of Monoethylene Glycol As can be seen, as the MEG concentration increases, the amount of calcium in solution becomes smaller, indicating that it promotes the precipitation of calcium in the system, drastically reducing the efficiency of INTAVTM. This behavior may be due to increased pH that the system suffers as a result of the addition of MEG (pH equal to 8), because it appears that the solubility of CaCO3 is affected by the change in pH, for each increase of pH unit, the solubility of CaCO3 is reduced by two orders of magnitude (Sandengen 2007). Moreover, the evaluation of the efficiency of MEG in the presence of INTAVTM determine that it does not affect the inhibition of hydrate formation, because the behavior of the curves of conductivity and temperature had a similar pattern to that seen for evaluation of MEG (Figure 3). Page 8 XIX International Gas Convention AVPG 2010, May 24th - 26th Caracas, Venezuela Based on the results, it appears that although each inhibitor is efficient in its performance, when evaluated for compatibility, it was noted that there is not synergy between them, as the MEG significantly affect performance of INTAVTM as antiscaling. In order to develop a multifunctional chemical treatment environmentally friendly, based on the efficiency results obtained for the formation of hydrates in the presence of INTAVTM and knowing that Aloe vera is a plant that withstands extreme temperatures, it was decided to evaluate the biotechnology inhibitor in THF hydrate inhibition. Different concentrations were evaluated of INTAVTM in hydrate inhibition, obtaining that from 15% v/v, the INTAVTM is capable of inhibiting the formation of hydrates in the same way it does the MEG (thermodynamic inhibition), revealing the absence of exothermic changes and changes in the conductivity of the system (Figure 5). Figure 5. Behavior of hydrate formation in the presence of INTAVTM Subsequently, the best INTAVTM concentration on the inhibition of hydrates was evaluated in the scaling system, and was found that said concentration does not Page 9 XIX International Gas Convention AVPG 2010, May 24th - 26th Caracas, Venezuela affect the formation of precipitates CaCO3, but continues to restrain the formation of solids. For this reason, INTAVTM was selected as both scale and hydrate inhibitor, and the corrosive potential of this formulation in steel cylinders API XL 65 was evaluated, which is the same material used in pipes for offshore systems of reference. The system consists of a solution of NaCl 3.5%, the pressure of the CO2 was 15 psig and temperature 60°C, conditions that simulate the corrosiveness of the gas offshore, specifically in the fields mentioned above, where corrosion is associated with the presence of CO2. The results are presented in Figure 6. Corrosion rate (mils per year, mpy) 80 68 70 60 50 40 30 20 24 18 23 10 0 Blank INTAV INTAV + 50ppm INTAV + 150ppm Dodecylamine Dodecylamine Evaluated system Figure 6. INTAVTM corrosion rate in absence and presence of dodecylamine It can be seen (Figure 6) that the corrosion rate of INTAVTM is three times higher than the blank, thereby increasing the corrosion rate of the system. This behavior can occur because the INTAVTM has a slightly acidic pH (pH equal to 3.9). In this sense, the dodecylamine was incorporated as a corrosion inhibitor, in seeking to reduce the corrosive potential of multifunctional treatment. The dodecylamine acts as a film inhibitor, adhering to the surface of metals and forming a film that protects Page 10 XIX International Gas Convention AVPG 2010, May 24th - 26th Caracas, Venezuela the environment (Viloria et al. 1994, Méndez 2001). Figure 6 shows the corrosion rate of blank and INTAVTM obtained in previous trials, as well as those obtained by INTAVTM in the presence of 50 and 150 ppm of dodecylamine, which were 24 mpy and 23 mpy respectively. The major decrease in corrosion rate with INTAVTM and dodecylamine is evident, so the latter is verified as an inhibitor of this phenomenon. However, this amine was not able to reduce corrosion to levels lower than those obtained in the blank (18 mpy). Therefore, its action was not enough, because the system is still corrosive. It's worth noting that the maximum corrosion rate allowed on the premises of the oil and gas industry should be 5 mpy, which are classified by all formulations as corrosive (NACE Engineers 1979). Therefore, it is advisable to optimize the dose of this inhibitor in order to obtain a formulation that meets the requirements of prevention of the phenomena studied. According to the results obtained, it can be concluded that optimization of dodecylamine dose or the addition of another corrosion inhibitor is a requisite to reach the corrosion rate required for its application in oil installations, thus completing the formulation of a multifunctional chemical treatment, which allows the alleviation of scaling, hydrates and corrosion phenomena. CONCLUSIONS • The presence of INTAVTM did not alter the efficiency of MEG as a hydrate formation inhibitor but MEG decreases efficiency of INTAVTM as scale inhibitor, because it facilitates the precipitation of CaCO3 by increasing pH in the system. • The INTAVTM at 15% v/v inhibits the formation of hydrates, acting as a thermodynamic inhibitor and this concentration does not alter its behavior as scale inhibitor. Page 11 XIX International Gas Convention AVPG 2010, May 24th - 26th Caracas, Venezuela • The INTAVTM increase the corrosive potential of the system, increasing the corrosion rate of 18 mpy to 68 mpy. • The dodecylamine significantly reduces the corrosive potential of INTAVTM, but did not manage to achieve the minimum values (5mpy), since the rate decreased from 68 mpy to 23 mpy. REFERENCES • ASTM G1. Standard Practice for Preparing, Cleaning, and Evaluating Corrosion Test Specimens. 2003. • BRUSTAD, S., LØKEN, P. y WAALMANN, J. Hydrate prevention using MEG instead of MeOH: Impact of experience from major Norwegian developments on technology selection for injection and recovery of MEG. OTC 17355. OTC Offshore Technology Conference. Mayo 2005. • CARRASQUERO, M. Estudio de un inhibidor de incrustaciones a base de gel de Aloe vera para el aseguramiento del flujo en la industria de los hidrocarburos. Trabajo especial de grado. Universidad de Carabobo. Agosto 2008. • CASTILLO, L. 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