THE SANTA MONICA’S EXPLOSION Written By FASSINOU ANGE J. VINCENT SCREENPLAY BY MOISAQUE BLANC & MICHAEL ESPINAL Fade in EXT. SANTA MONICA - DAN’S BED ROOM- LATE NIGHT/EARLY MORNING A man wraps himself like a cocoon in his bedsheets. DAN’S POV His Altman clock says 5:30 am. DAN (grunting) Uhh. Cell phone ringing. Intercut between Dan and a man in the shadows. DAN (Brocky voice) Hello. MAN Good morning Dan. I assure you have had a good rest. DAN What do you want? MAN Isn’t it quite obvious? (beat) I want to know your answer. DAN I do not know what you are talking about? MAN (Laughing) Ahhh you must still be half asleep. Then let me refresh your memory. I recall two weeks ago Me and my organization have taking you under our wings. DAN (Clearing voice) MAN You were facing eviction. So we took you in and made you one of us. We brought you the house you are living in. Ahh, the car you drive. Even the cloths and food you provide for how do you say...Mikey. 2. EXT. SANTA MONICA - MIKE’S ROOM- LATE NIGHT/EARLY MORNING DAN’S POV 6yr old Mike is in his room sleeping. Intercut between Dan and a man in the shadows. DAN (whispering) Listen. Don’t you mention his name out of your mouth. MAN All we ask is that you kill the priest In two days when he arrives at-- DAN No! I am not killing anyone! I am not even a killer! EXT. SANTA MONICA - DAN’S HOUSE - CONTINUOUS Intercut between Dan and a man in the shadow. MAN Let me assure you what may happen if you do not do this. DAN Bye. Hangs up the phone. EXT. SANTA MONICA - MARKETPLACE - AFTERNOON WEATHER SHOT: THE SUN SHINES EFFORTLESS THROUGH THE SKY AS CLOUDS SLOWLY PASSES AWAY. EXTREME WIDE SHOT: OF THE TOWN. PEOPLE GOING ABOUT THEIR DAY. A school alarm bell rings DING DING can be heard miles away, As it is time for dismissal. I/E. SANTA MONICA - PRIMARY SCHOOL - AFTERNOON The school’s door opens from the inside to outside by a school staff. WIDE SHOT: CHILDREN RUN TOWARDS THEIR PARENTS BY SMILING AND CRYING OUT. MEDIUM SHOT: THE LAST EXITING THE SCHOOL PAUSES AT THE DOORWAY. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 3. 6yrs old, dark slack pants, short sleeve blue collar shirt. CLOSE UP: HE LOOKS BACK AT SCHOOL STAFF AT THE DOORWAY WITH A DISPLEASING FEAR ON HIS FACE. THE STAFF IS DAUNTING TO SEE. CUT-IN: THE STAFF WAVES GO ON. The door shuts leaving the boy alone. CHILDREN (Playful Laugh) You’re it! You’re it! CUTAWAY: THE BOY LOOKS LOST AS KIDS RUN PASS HIM, PARENTS WALKING, AND A SCHOOL BUS THAT PULLS UP. CLOSE UP: THE SCHOOL BUS DOOR UP ON AND WE SEE AN OLD CRANKY BUS DRIVER. BUS DRIVER (Horse voice) On the bus we go kids! Some other children enter in the school bus quickly. BUS DRIVER Ahh! Silence please! If you don’t stop moving I won’t go. BUS DRIVER’S POV He sees the boy just standing at the doorway of the school. BUS DRIVER Hurry up Mike, we are late! Meters away from the school bus. The child looks back once more at the door. MIKE’S POV The school staff is watching through a small glass on the door. Still daunting to see. CUT-IN: MIKE TAKES HIS FIRST STEP AS HIS FOOT DESCENDS OF THE FIRST STEP. As Mike walk towards the bus he sees and hears everything in slow motion. Cut-in: His left hand pulls gently on his right index finger. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 4. MIKE (Panting) MIKE’S POV Kids, birds, cars all moving in an eternity slow motion. EXTREME CLOSE UP: MIKE’S EYES BEINGS TO CRY. CUT TO: A 2005 Mercury Montego all black parks at distant from the school. EXT. VEHICLE - SAME TIME We see two men from our back seat view. One in the driver seat, other in the passenger seat. Looking on at Mike. TWO MEN POV Mike is walking to the bus. CLOSE UP: MIKE IS CRYING. MIKE’S POV Everything, everyone, and Every sound travel at a slow pace. SERIES OF SHOTS A)MIKE BEINGS TO GET CLOSER TO THE BUS. B)THE BUS DRIVER IS YELLING TO HURRY. C)TWO BOYS RUN ACCIDENTALLY INTO MIKE. KNOCKING HIM ON THE FLOOR. MIKE FALLS ON HIS BACKPACK. D)A BACK VIEW OF THE TWO MEN POPPING THEIR HEADS OUT FOR A BETTER LOOK. EXT. SANTA MONICA - PRIMARY SCHOOL YARD - SAME TIME A MEN running to Mike’s area and begins SHOUTING. The CAMERA dollies up to them. FATHER (Smacks his two sons) How many times do I have to tell you boys not to run! Go in the car with your and wait for me there! (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 5. POV The father is on a sniper’s scope and is oblivious to it. CUT TO: EXT. SANTA MONICA - MARKETPLACE ROOF TOPS - SAME TIME ANGLE SHOT: A CAUCASIAN MALE LAYS FLAT ON HIS CHEST ON A ROOF TOP. SNIPER Shall I take the shot? EXTREME CLOSE UP: THE MOUTH OF THE DRIVER OF THE BLACK VEHICLE. DRIVER No! Only if he interfere with the mission. EXT. SANTA MONICA - PRIMARY SCHOOL YARD - SAME TIME The two boys walks off crying. FATHER (Helping Mike up) Stop your crying boy, there is no danger to you. Now go on. The man sees the bus driver calling onto Mike. The man walks him to the bus door. CUT-IN: AS THE MAN WALKS OFF, MIKE GRABS HIS HAND. FATHER (Slaps Mike hands away) Boy I am not your father. Now let me go. The man walks off. BUS DRIVER Why are you crying Mike? MIKE I--I am afraid. BUS DRIVER Of what? CUT TO: 6. INT. SANTA MONICA - PRIMARY SCHOOL - SAME TIME OSS: THE MYSTERIOUS SCHOOL STAFF STILL LOOKS ON THROUGH THE GLASS. SCHOOL STAFF’S POV Mike standing in the bus door way. CUT TO: EXT. VEHICLE - SAME TIME EXTREME CLOSE UP: THE DRIVER’S MOUTH DRIVER Now. CUT-IN:THE MEN ON THE PASSENGER SIDE PULLS OUT A DETONATOR AND PUSHES THE BUTTON. SERIES OF SHOTS: A)THE CAMERA TRAVEL THROUGHOUT THE CAR AND UNDER PEDESTRIANS LEGS. B)IT TRAVEL THROUGH THE FENCES AND INTO THE SCHOOL YARD WITH KIDS RUNNING. C)THE CAMERA SLOWS DOWN BETWEEN TWO KIDS TUGGING ON A ROPE. ONE OF THEM SNEEZES AS THE CAMERA SEES ALL GERMS IN SLOW MOTION. D)THE CAMERA SPEED UP TO WHERE THE BUS IS. IT FADES THROUGH THE BUS WALLS, THROUGH MIKE’S BACKPACK WHERE A MACHINERY OBJECT SWITCHES FROM RED TO GREEN. E) THE OBJECT SLOWLY IGNITES. VERY WIDE SHOT: THE BUS COM BUST IN A FLURRY OF FLAMES. SERIES OF SHOTS A)THE MYSTERIOUS SCHOOL STAFF IS NOT AT THE DOOR ANYMORE. B)THE SNIPER ON THE ROOF TOPS IS NOT THERE ANYMORE. C)THE MERCURY MONTEGO VEHICLE IS NOT THERE ANYMORE. D)PARENTS, KIDS, AND OTHER SCHOOL STAFFS ARE SCREAMING.