गाड�न र�च �शप�बल्डसर् एण्ड इंिज�नयसर् �ल�मटेड Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Limited (भारत सरकार का उपक्रम) (A Govt. of India Undertaking) (र�ा मंत्रालय) (Ministry of Defence) 43/46 गाड�न र�च रोड, कोलकाता - 700 024 / 43/46 Garden Reach Road, Kolkata – 700 024 INDENT NOS. 1000012870-75 FOR PIPE CLAMP ASSEMBLY OF EXHAUST SYSTEM (LCU YARD 2092-97) Indentor : K. MOHAN SL. NO. SAP SL. NO. INDENT ITEMS MATERIAL CODE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION QUANTITY REQ./ SHIP UOM For Yard No. 2092-2097 (FOR 6 SHIPS YARD 2092-2097) 1 10 489561023303 125 PIPE CLAMP FOR EXHAUST SYSTEM 20 EA 2 20 489561023704 150 PIPE CLAMP FOR EXHAUST SYSTEM 10 EA 3 30 484711055001 44 OD X 10 THK EXHAUST PIPE CLAMP MAIN ENGINE 12 EA NOTE: REF. SOTR NO. RN/2092-99/E/074, DRG. NO. 2092-99/M/55 (SHEET 1 & 2) AND & 2092-99/204402 NOTE: QUANTITY INDICATED FOR ONE SHIP. REQUIREMENT IS FOR 6 9SIX) SHIPS ITEMS ARE TO BE MANUFACTURED AS PER SOTR/ DRAWING MENTIONED ABOVE. ANY DEVIATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. TENDER SUBMISSION DUE DATE : 14.07.2014 गाड�न र�च �शप�बल्डसर् एण्ड इंिज�नयसर् �ल � Garden R each Shipbuilders & Engineers Lim ited www.grse.nic.in (भारत सरकार का उपक्र र�ा मंत्रा 43/46 गाड�न र�च रोड , कोलकाता - 700 024 (A Govt. of I ndia Undertaking ) M inistry of Defence 43/46 Garden Reach Road, Kolkata – 700 024 Emails: mtl.eproc@grse.co.in दरु भाष Phone: 033-24698100 (14 लाईन�/ Lines) �वस्ता/ Extn: 315 033-24893902 (सीधा /Direct) फैक् : FAX: 033-24692020 ITEM: PIPE CLAMP ASSEMBLY FOR EXHAUST SYSTEM FOR LCU YARD 2092-97 (6 SHIPS) SPECIAL TERMS & CONDITIONS OF E-TENDER NO : . NCM/LT/BK/LCU/2092-99/F-116/ET-01554 DTD 04-07-2014 SPECIAL TERMS & CONDITIONS: Firm to submit two separate bids, indicating Tender No., Due Date, Nature of bid etc., failing which offer shall be rejected: (i) Part A: Techno-Commercial bid (it must contain only technical and commercial points and must not contain any price). (ii) Part B: Price bid (containing only price). (iii) Techno commercial Bid will be opened on 14.07.2014 at 14.00 hrs 1. Tender must be submitted in system generated data sheet format which is provided with this e-tender. Required information / field should be clearly filled up and is to be uploaded. Mixing of Bid / Combined Bid, if submitted will be rejected. 2. Last date of submission of tender i.e 14.07.2014 will not be extended. Following Points are to be noted:(a) Your offer should be submitted within the scheduled date and time as mentioned in this tender. (b) Techno-Commercial Bid will be opened in the scheduled date and time. You may depute your authorized representative during opening of the Techno-Commercial bid. Scheduled date & time of opening of Techno Commercial Bid will not be normally extended. (c) Price Bid will be opened on later date, after scrutinizing the Techno-Commercial bid. Price bid of those firms will only be opened, whose offer will be found suitable after technical & commercial evaluation. (d) As a general rule price negotiation with L1 vendor(s) will not be entered into as for as possible, unless warranted by unreasonable price quoted in the opinion of GRSE. (e) To avoid any complication regarding late receipt or non receipt of offer, it is to be clearly noted that responsibility is lying with the tendered to ensure that the offer should reach within the due date and time. No offer will be considered which will be received after due date and time. In case of submission of offer in wrong place, the offer will be considered as invalid. (f) This tender is being issued without any financial commitment and GRSE reserves the right to change or very the quantity of item mentioned herein, at any stage during execution the order. GRSE also reserves the right to withdraw this tender, if so necessary at any stage. 1 (g) Suppliers/vendors are to submit bills for payment complete in all respects as relevant as per terms of order, in the check list enclosed, to the officer in charge, Finance-SLP section of Corporate Finance Dept. of GRSE. The checklist for submission of bill(s) is enclosed. Followings are to be noted: i) A transition fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged in case of first return of bill(s) due to inappropriate/incomplete/faulty submission of documents. (ii) A transition fee of Rs. 1000/- will be charged in case of each subsequent return of the bill(s) for the same. Commercial Terms & Conditions:01. Scope of supply: Items are to be supplied as following SOTR & Drawings: Item SOTR No. PIPE CLAMP RN/2092-99/E/074 ASSEMBLY FOR EXHAUST SYSTEM Drawing No Qty 2092-99/M/55 (SHEET For 6 ships(Yard 1&2) 2092-97) 2092-99/204402 Quantity of item will be as per the tender. Any deviation of SOTR / Drawing will not be accepted. 02. Terms of price: Price is to be firm and fixed. No price escalation will be allowed at any stage. 03. Terms of Delivery: Material is to be delivered F.O.R., GRSE Kolkata (Door Delivery). Packing, Forwarding, Freight and Insurance charge is to be borne by the supplier. 04. Delivery Schedule: Item : SOUNDING COCK ASSLY Yard Delivery Schedule 2092 Within 1 month from order 2093 Within 1 month from order 2094 Within 2 months from order 2095 Within 2 month from order 2096 Within 3 month from order 2097 Within 5 month from order Note :i) Delivery is the essence of this tender. ii) Firm is to confirm delivery schedule to meet GRSE requirement. In case nonacceptance of delivery schedule mentioned above, GRSE reserves the right not to consider the offer. ii) GRSE reserves the right for placement of repeat order with same price terms and conditions within 1 year from finalization of this tender. 05. Payment Terms : a) i) 90% of order value will be paid through ECS/EFT from receipt against invoice duly accompanied with Inspection Certificate, Makers' Test Certificate, Guarantee Certificate, etc. as per terms stipulated herein, together with delivery challan with endorsement of receipt by GRSE. ii) Balance 10% payment will be made through ECS/EFT on submission of bill supported with clear receipt inspection certificate and guarantee certificate together with Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) as per GRSE format, which shall remain valid till expiry of the guarantee period. 2 b) The vendors are required to confirm clear acceptance of the aforesaid payment terms. Incase of deviation GRSE reserves the right not to consider your offer as a non-responsive bidder against the tender. 06. Guarantee Term: The materials are to be guaranteed /warranted for satisfactory performance for the period of 18 months from the date of satisfactory commissioning of each vessel on which the materials /items are installed OR for the period of 36 months from the date of final dispatch for each ship, whichever expires earlier, against improper design, defective materials and faulty workmanship. During guarantee/ warrantee period any equipment or component thereof supplied by the vendor, suffers due to defective material and or due to improper design and or due to defective drawing or due to faulty workmanship the vendor will assume full responsibility of rectification of such defective equipment or component thereof including direct expenses related to removal and re-positioning of the replacement/repaired equipment or component thereof and subsequent test & trial, incurred thereon without any financial implication to GRSE. 07. Taxes and Duties: Duties, Taxes and or any other charges as applicable are to be mentioned clearly and separately. As materials will be used for construction of Warship for Indian Navy, the following terms will be applicable in this case:a) Excise Duty: Excise duty will not be paid. Excise Duty Exemption Certificate will be provided. b) Sales Tax:i) Inside West Bengal: VAT as applicable as per Govt. rule will be paid extra. ii) Outside West Bengal: Declaration in Form 'C' will be provided to avail CST at concessional rate as applicable. 08. Customs Duty: Customs duty (if applicable), will not be paid instead customs duty Exemption Certificate will be provided. 09. Price comparison: Price comparison will be made on cost to the company basis. 10. Inspection Authority:i) Makers’ test and guarantee certificate to be provided. ii) Receipt inspection will be carried out by GRSE (RIC). 11. Liquidated Damage (L.D): For delay in delivery of materials, L.D will be applicable @1/2% per week or part thereof on the undelivered material/ work subject to max. 5% of the value of the order for delayed part. 12. Risk Purchase: For unsatisfactory progress even before contractual delivery date or delay in delivery, GRSE shall have the right to cancel the order and procure materials from alternative source completely at the suppliers risk and cost. 13. Force Majeure: Will be applicable as per GRSE STACS clause no. IN 801 and as vetted by Ministry of Law. 14. Arbitration: Will be applicable as per clause no. IN 802 of GRSE STACS. 15. Polices for MSME: (a) Notice for Implementation of Policies for Micro and Small Enterprises, 2012, regarding benefits being accorded to the Micro & Small Enterprises is enclosed. (b)Firm is to submit certificate from competent authority as mentioned in the above said notice along with techno-commercial bid. (c) The firm will be liable for all consequences in the event of any kind of suppression of fact or falsification of statement. 3 In addition of above, following is also to be noted:(i) Whether MSE registered? If “YES” then you have to submit scanned copy of Valid Registration Certificate & EMII Certificate failing which benefits cannot be extended to the firm. (ii) Whether MSE registered firm is owned by entrepreneur belonging to SC/ST category? If “YES”, then documentary evidence to be submitted, failing which, benefits cannot be extended to the firm. Details are also available in GRSE website www.grse.nic.in 16. Validity of offer: Offer must be valid for 90 days from the date of tender opening. 17. Dispatch: Before dispatch, each item should be identified with GRSE Code No properly. Packing list will also indicate GRSE Code No. against each item. Material should be packed properly to prevent any damage, rusting ingress of water, dust etc. 18. During technical and/or commercial negotiation, incase the participating vendor indicate the need of submission of revised price bid but the same is not acceptable by the competent authority in due course, GRSE reserves the right to consider such bid to be disqualified on the ground under intimation to the relevant vendor before price bid opening. 19. All other terms and conditions will be applicable are as per GRSE's latest STACS Ref. No. GRSE-STACS-PE-INDG (August - 2006). 20. Techno-commercial bid will be opened on 14.07.2014 at 14:00 Hrs. at NCM (GRSE, Main). You may depute your rep. on scheduled date & time during opening of tender. Enclosed: Item SOTR No. PIPE CLAMP ASSEMBLY FOR EXHAUST RN/2092-99/E/074 SYSTEM For GARDEN REACH SHIPBUILDERS & ENGINEERS LTD. B. Karmakar, Manager (NCM) *****************End of Document ***************** 4