ARTICLE IN PRESS Int. J. Production Economics 103 (2006) 600–609 Balancing of parallel assembly lines Hadi Gökc- ena,, Kürs-ad Ağpakb, Recep Benzera a Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Gazi University, Maltepe, 06570, Ankara, Turkey b Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gaziantep University, Gaziantep, Turkey Received 13 June 2003; accepted 2 December 2005 Available online 14 February 2006 Abstract Productivity improvement in assembly lines is very important because it increases capacity and reduces cost. If the capacity of the line is insufficient, one possible way to increase the capacity is to construct parallel lines. In this study, new procedures and a mathematical model on the single model assembly line balancing problem with parallel lines are proposed. The procedures are illustrated with numerical examples. Lastly, active case procedure and the mathematical model are tested on well-known problems in the line balancing literature. r 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Assembly line balancing; Parallel lines 1. Introduction Manufacturers mostly use assembly lines to produce a high volume product. An assembly line is a sequence of workstations connected together by a material handling system. It is used to assemble components into a final product. The problem of balancing an assembly line is a classic Industrial Engineering problem. Even though much of the work in this area goes back to the mid-1950s and early 1960s, the basic structure of the problem is relevant to the design of production systems today, even in automated plants (Nahmias, 1993). The assembly line balancing problem is assigning tasks to workstations that minimize the amount of idle time of the line while satisfying specific conditions. The first condition is that the total task time Corresponding author. Tel.: +90 312 231 74 00 2859; fax: +90 312 230 84 34. E-mail address: (H. Gökc- en). assigned to each workstation should be less than or equal to the cycle time (the time interval between two successive outputs). The second is that the task assignments should follow the sequential processing order of the tasks. Assembly lines can be classified into two general groups: traditional assembly lines (with single and multi/mixed products) and U-type assembly lines (with single and multi/mixed products). The literature on assembly line balancing is rather extensive. For literature on traditional assembly line balancing, the review papers of Baybars (1986), Ghosh and Gagnon (1989), and Erdal and Sarin (1998) can be seen. In addition, the papers of Miltenburg and Wijngaard (1994), Urban (1998), Scholl and Klein (1999), Ohno and Nakade (1997), Miltenburg (1998), Sparling and Miltenburg (1998), Miltenburg (2001), Guerriero and Miltenburg (2003), can also be investigated for U-type line balancing. However, studies on parallel lines are quite few. In designing the parallel assembly lines, Süer and Dagli (1994) 0925-5273/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2005.12.001 ARTICLE IN PRESS H. Gökc- en et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 103 (2006) 600–609 suggested heuristic procedures and algorithms to dynamically determine the number of lines and the line configuration. Also, Süer (1998) studied alternative assembly line design strategies for a single product. The objective was to determine the number of assembly lines with minimum total manpower. For this purpose he proposed a 3-phase methodology: assembly line balancing, determining the parallel workstations and parallel lines. Other researches involving parallel workstation have focused on the simple assembly line balancing problem (Simaria and Vilarinho, 2001), mixedmodel production line balancing problem (Askin and Zhou, 1997; McMullen and Frazier, 1997; Vilarinho and Simaria, 2002). Most manufacturing plants consist of one or more assembly lines. When the demand is high enough, it is not uncommon to duplicate the entire assembly line. This provides the advantage of shortening the assembly line, but may require more equipment and tools. Another advantage of parallel assembly lines is seen during workstation breakdowns. If equipment problems occur at a workstation, other lines can continue to run. A single serial line must be shutdown whenever there is a failure at any workstation. The approach presented here is quite different from Süer’s (1998) approach. In this paper, the number of lines to be parallelized is not considered and is not important to be determined as in Süer’s (1998) study. The goal is to balance more than one assembly line together. That is, it will be possible to assign task(s) from each line to a multi-skilled operator. As a result, it is inevitable to minimize the total idle time of the lines. 2. Notation The following notations are used in this paper: C cycle time Card{F} cardinality of set F, i.e. number of tasks in set F. Card{Z} cardinality of set Z, i.e. number of tasks in set Z. x number of trials, x ¼ 1; . . . ; X h line number, h ¼ 1; . . . ; H k station number, k ¼ 1; . . . ; K dk the idle time of station k (C-sum of task times-walking time) RN random number from array of (1, m) 601 JMhkJ total number of tasks (that can be) assigned to station k in line h Lh line h nh number of tasks in line h tih performance time of task i in line h Kmin theoretical minimum number of stations Kmax maximum number of stations Ph set of precedence relationships in precedence diagram of line h xhik 1 if task i in line h is assigned to station k; 0 otherwise Uhk 1 if station k is utilized in line h; 0 otherwise zk 1 if station k is utilized; 0 otherwise 3. Proposed procedures It is a most common case in industry that more than one line (especially two or three lines) produces the same product or different types of products at the same time independently. Working of the lines simultaneously with a common resource is very important in terms of resource minimization. This procedure makes this situation possible. The common assumptions of the procedures are listed below: (i) Only one product is produced on each assembly line. (ii) Precedence diagrams for each product are known. (iii) Task performance times of each product are known. (iv) Operators working in each workstation of the each line are multi-skilled (flexible workers). (v) It can also be worked each side of any line. In this study, productivity improvement of the assembly system by parallel lines can be realized in two ways: A passive way and an active way. 3.1. Passive case procedure In the passive case, same products are assembled with the same cycle time in two different assembly lines. In other words, we have assumed that the number of lines is two. This case can be applied when there is a workstation with an idle time, which is equal or more than the half of the cycle time after line is balanced. For the passive case, the following steps should be carried out: (i) Balance each assembly line by using any single model assembly line balancing method. ARTICLE IN PRESS H. Gökc- en et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 103 (2006) 600–609 602 (ii) Compute the idle times for each workstation of each assembly line. (iii) Find the workstation k with an idle time that is equal or greater than the half of the cycle time, and assign the task(s) in workstation k of another assembly line to the operator of the related workstation. Repeat this process for all workstations to be examined. Table 1 Workstation assignments Workstation Tasks Workstation times Idle times 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3,6 4 5,7 9 5 10 8 10 1 5 0 2 0 If the operator walking times are taken into account, then step (iii) will change as follows: (iii) Find the workstation k with an idle time (here idle time is the remaining workstation idle time which is obtained after subtracting the walking times of the operator between assembly lines from the workstation idle time) that is equal or greater than the half of the cycle time, and assign the task(s) in workstation k of another assembly line to the operator of the related workstation. Repeat this process for all workstations to be examined. 3.1.1. Numerical example for the passive case In Fig. 1 a precedence diagram with 7 tasks for a single product is illustrated. The numbers within the nodes represent tasks and the arrow (or arcs) connecting the nodes specifies the precedence relations. The numbers next to the nodes represent task times. The cycle time for this example is determined as 10. When the proposed procedure’s steps are realized, the first job to be done is to balance the line by using a line balancing method. (For this purpose, the COMSOAL method developed by Arcus (1966) for single model assembly line balancing problems is used.) The workstation assignments after balancing are given in Table 1. The assignments in Table 1 are also valid for both assembly lines, that is, a total of 10 workstations 6 5 2 9 5 4 8 1 4 7 should be constructed in two assembly lines. Existing line efficiencies of these lines are 84% and 84%, respectively. (Line efficiency was calculated as e ¼ 1(Total idle Ptime/KC). Total idle time is defined as TIT ¼ K k¼1 ðC S k Þ; where K and Sk denote the workstation number and workstation time of k, respectively.) As seen from Table 1, the idle time of workstation 2 is 5. This value is equal to half of the cycle time. So, the operator who performs the tasks in workstation 2 of line 1 will also perform tasks in workstation 2 of line 2. In conclusion, the line efficiencies for assembly lines 1 and 2 are computed as 94% and 92.5%, respectively. Tasks and operators assigned to the workstations are shown in Fig. 2. The number of workstations needed for the passive case is 9. This means that the number of workstations is reduced by one. Besides, the line efficiencies are improved 10% for line 1 and 9% for line 2. The line design obtained from the passive procedure with equal cycle times is similar to the design obtained from the studies with parallel workstations in the literature. However, the working principles between the passive procedure and the others are quite different. Some differences associated with them are given below: (1) In the passive procedure, we try to construct the parallel stations after balancing the lines, independently. So, in this situation, using any line balancing method for each line is possible. (2) Because there are two product entries in our procedure, the flexibility of the lines is more than that of the others. 3.2. Active case procedure 7 3 3 6 Fig. 1. Precedence diagram with 7 tasks. To apply this procedure, the products assembled at each line should be different or similar models of a single product, and their cycle times should also be ARTICLE IN PRESS H. Gökc- en et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 103 (2006) 600–609 (1) (2) (3,6) (4) (5,7) (1) (2) (3,6) (4) (5,7) 603 Assembly Line I Assembly Line II Fig. 2. Operator allocations. same. The task assignment logic of this procedure is similar to that of the COMSOAL. The proposed procedure can be applied to more than one parallel line. The steps that should be carried out for this case are listed below: (i) Initialization step (set x ¼ 0, h ¼ 0, k ¼ 0). (ii) Start new trial; set x ¼ x þ 1. (iii) h ¼ h þ 1 until H1, set k ¼ k þ 1 (open new workstation). (iv) For all tasks i 2 fLh ; Lhþ1 g, a set of assignable tasks (F list) to workstation k is determined (if tihpdk, then add i to the F list). (v) For all tasks iAF, if tih ¼ d k , then add i to the Z list. (vi) If Za+, then set m ¼ Card{Z}. Randomly generate RNAUniform(1, m). Assign the RNth task to the relating station and remove the RNth task from the relating precedence diagram and update the dk and F list. (vii) If Z ¼ + and F a+, set m ¼ Card{F}. Randomly generate RNAUniform(1, m). Assign the RNth task to the relating station and remove the RNth task from the relating precedence diagram and update the dk and F list. (viii) If (F ¼ +) and unassigned tasks are available, then go to step (iii); if F a+, then go to (iv). (ix) If the number of stations is less than the previous trial, update the best assignments. If x ¼ X , then STOP, otherwise go to step (ii). The procedure is run for all different line sequences (1,2,3ym; 2,1,3,y,m; 3,1,2,y, m;yyyy). The balance with the lower number of workstations will be selected from among all the line sequencing combinations. This balance will be accepted as the common balance of the parallel lines. If the operator walking times are taken into account, then step (iv) will change as follows: (iv) For all tasks i 2 fLh ; Lhþ1 g, a set of assignable tasks (F list) to workstation k is determined (if any task(s) from the Lh+1 will be assigned to the workstation k in Lh, then the suitable tasks for (tih+1+walking timepdk) condition are added to the F list). 3.2.1. Numerical example for the active case In Fig. 3, precedence diagrams for two different products are illustrated (h ¼ 2). The tasks (nodes) on the precedence diagram of product 1 are not the same as the tasks on the other diagram. For example, task 1 of product (or line) 1 is different from task 1 of product (or line) 2. The cycle times are determined as 10. The workstation assignments obtained when each product in the problem was balanced independently are given in Table 2. As seen from Table 2, the number of workstations needed for two lines is 9. The efficiencies of each line are 70% and 58%, respectively. When the proposed active case procedure is used, the workstation assignment will be different from the previous one. The working system of the proposed procedure for one station is given below. Assignable tasks list (F list) for station 1 is task 1 on line 1 and line 2. No tasks in the F list are added to the Z list due to tih6¼dk. Any task in the F list is selected randomly. Let the task be on line 1. Initially d1 was 10. After assignment, d1 is obtained as 10 7 ¼ 3; the remaining time is 3. In L1, there are no feasible tasks to meet the remaining time of 3. For this reason, the tasks on L2 should be examined There is only task 1 on line 2 in the F list. This task should be added to the Z list because its time is equal to the remaining time. Then, task 1 in the Z list is also assigned to workstation 1. In this situation, the updated F list is empty, so the related workstation is closed and a new one is opened. In a similar manner, steps are repeated until all the tasks are assigned. As a result of working the proposed active case procedure, the number of workstations obtained is 6. Number of workstations for two lines is decreased from 9 to 6; thus, the number of workstations saved is 3. Besides, efficiencies of L1 ARTICLE IN PRESS H. Gökc- en et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 103 (2006) 600–609 604 and L2 are calculated as 100% and 96%, respectively. In this case, improvements in line efficiencies are 30% for line 1 and 38% for line 2. The line 6 2 5 7 7 5 1 3 6 5 4 (a) 5 2 3 8 3 1 5 4 4 3 (b) Fig. 3. Precedence diagrams for (a) product 1 (assembly line 1) and product 2 (assembly line 2). Table 2 Workstation assignments of two lines 1 2 3 4 5 3.3. Different cycle time situation In some practical applications, even though the product is same on both the lines, the cycle times can be different. For example, if we need 10 units per day and we have two lines, one line can produce 6 units per day, while the other produces 4 units per day. In this paper, an approach that represents this situation is also proposed. The steps of the proposed approach are given below: 5 Workstation balancing solution with 6 workstations given in Fig. 4 is preferred. The operator allocations to the workstations on lines are given in Table 3. As seen from the Table 3, idle time rates of the multi-skilled operators assigned to perform the tasks on line 1 and line 2 are 0% and 4% for this example problem, respectively. This means that the lines are balanced almost with 100% efficiency. Line 1 Line 2 Tasks Idle time Tasks Idle time 1 2 3,4 5 6 3 4 0 5 3 1,2 3 4 5 — 2 6 2 7 — (1) Find the least common multiple (LCM) of the cycle times. (2) Obtain the D1 and D2 values by dividing both cycle times by the LCM value. (3) Constitute two precedence diagrams with different task times by multiplying the task times in each diagram with D1 and D2 values, separately. (4) Select the LCM as cycle time and balance the assembly line by using the active case procedure. The line productions have been realized in lots with the amounts of D1 and D2. 3.3.1. Numerical example The precedence diagram and task times in Fig. 1 are also used for this numerical example. Also, it is assumed that the cycle times of two lines are 10 and 20, respectively. For these cycle time values, the LCM value can be obtained as 20. Then D1 and D2 values are calculated as 2 and 1, respectively. D1 value is multiplied by the task times in the precedence diagram for product 1. In the same way, D2 value is also multiplied by the task times in Assembly Line I (1) (2) (3,4) (5) (6) (1) (3) (2) (4) (5) Assembly Line II Fig. 4. Operator allocations. ARTICLE IN PRESS H. Gökc- en et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 103 (2006) 600–609 the precedence diagram for product 2. When the active case procedure is applied for a cycle time of 20, it can be brought to the balance given in Fig. 5. In the new obtained balance, two and one unit products have been produced for each cycle time in lines 1 and 2, respectively. Therefore, the number of stations required for the new balance is 7. If the assembly lines described above are balanced independently for different cycle times, the number of workstations required will be 8. Consequently, overall line efficiencies are improved by a new balance to 12.5%. In Fig. 6, representing task assignments to the operators for a typical case with three lines are given. The balance given in Fig. 6 can be obtained with only 12 operators, while normally it is obtained with 15 operators. 605 4. Mathematical model We have also developed a binary integer-programming model for the balancing of more than one parallel line. It is known that all the assembly line balancing problems have an NP-hard nature, and an optimal solution for middle or large-scale problems is not sufficient. Therefore, it is not suitable for practical applications. But a mathematical formulation of the problem can assist other researchers in further developing procedures for this problem. The mathematical model of the problem is given as follows. This model can be applied for more than one parallel line. K max X Objective function : Min zk . (1) h ¼ 1; . . . ; H, (2) k¼dkmin e Table 3 Task assignments to workstation/operator Workstation/ operator Tasks for line 1 Constraints: Tasks for line 2 K max X Operator idle time xhik ¼ 1 for i ¼ 1; . . . ; nh k¼1 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3,4 5 — 6 1 3 — 2 4 5 0 0 0 0 2 0 nh X thi xhik þ i¼1 nhþ1 X tðhþ1Þi xðhþ1Þik pCzk i¼1 for k ¼ 1; . . . ; K max ; (1) (2) (3) (4) (5,6) (1) (2, 3, 4) (5) (6) (7) (7) h ¼ 1; . . . ; H 1, Assembly Line I Assembly Line II Fig. 5. Operator allocations. (a1) (a2) (a3,a5) (a4) (a6) Line I (b1) (b2) (b5) Line II (c1) (b6) (b3) (b4) (c2,c3) (c4) (c5) (c6,c7) Line III Fig. 6. A sample balance for the case with three lines. ð3Þ ARTICLE IN PRESS H. Gökc- en et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 103 (2006) 600–609 606 nh X xhik jjM hk jjU hk p0 i¼1 for h ¼ 1; . . . ; H; k ¼ 1; . . . ; K max , U hk þ U ðhþaÞk ¼ 1 for h ¼ 1; . . . ; H 2, a ¼ 2 . . . . . . H h; k ¼ 1; . . . ; K max , K max X ðK max k þ 1Þðxhrk xhsk ÞX0 ð4Þ ð5Þ for 8ðr; sÞ 2 Ph , k¼1 (6) xhik ; zk ; U hk 2 f0; 1g for h; i; k. Constraint (2) ensures that all tasks are assigned to a station and each task is assigned only once. Constraint (3) ensures that the work content of any station does not exceed the cycle time. Constraints (4) and (5) ensure that an operator working at station k and line h can perform task(s) from only one adjacent line (i.e. operator in line h can perform tasks in line h+1 or h1). Constraint (6) ensures that the precedence constraints are not violated on the line h precedence diagrams. As a result of objective function, the number of workstations will be minimized. 5. Computational results The performance of the proposed active case procedure is tested on the 14 well-known test problems in the ALB literature. Each problem consists of a number of tasks, task times, precedence relations and a number of cycle times. Problems are classified according to the number of tasks: small (1–30); middle (31–70); large (71—more). The test problems of line 2 are obtained by subtracting one, two and four tasks from each test problem class. Since each cycle time results in a somewhat different problem, this data set actually consists of 95 problems (see Table 4). The number of stations obtained from the procedure is compared with theoretical minimum number of stations and the independent balance of the lines for each of the 95 problems (for only small problems, comparison is made with the mathematical model results (optimal)). The numbers within the bracket in the last column of Table 4 represent the optimal solutions. As seen from Table 4, the number of stations obtained from the proposed procedure is generally less than the results of the independent balance of the lines. In other words, in 30 of the 95 test problems, the results of the proposed procedure and the independent balance are the same. In the remaining 65 test problems, the number of stations required for the proposed procedure is less than that of the others. This case clearly shows the importance/value of the proposed procedure. In 21 of 25 test problems with up to 30 tasks (first five test problems), optimal solutions have been obtained in less than 1,000,000 nodes, whereas 4 test problems required more than 1,000,000 nodes. For all remaining test problems, optimal solutions could not been found. But we know that the optimal number of stations is not less than the theoretical minimum number of stations. That is, if the number of station obtained from the procedure is equal to the theoretical minimum number of stations, then the result is optimal. If it is greater than the theoretical minimum number of stations, then the result may be optimal. Consequently, the theoretical minimum number of stations is a lower bound for the solution, and can be calculated as follows: " ! #þ X X K min ¼ thi =C h , h i + where [X] denotes the smallest integer greater than or equal to X. For the values of the number of stations, which is different from the theoretical minimum number of stations in Table 4 (except for 21 test problems whose optimal solutions are known exactly), it is not possible to say anything about whether the values of the number of stations are optimal or not. This comparison may only give an idea about the performance of the procedure. As seen from Table 4, there were 44 problems where the optimal solutions are known exactly from the 95 problems. In these problems, numbers of stations obtained from the procedure are equal to the Kmin or optimal value. In the remaining problem sets, the procedure mostly produces one or more stations. As a result, it can be seen that the performance of the procedure is sufficient. In the future, more efficient techniques that give a better solution than the proposed procedure should be developed. 6. Conclusion In this study, new procedures and a mathematical model on the single model assembly line balancing ARTICLE IN PRESS H. Gökc- en et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 103 (2006) 600–609 607 Table 4 Computational results Test problems No. of task (Line 1–Line 2) Theoretical min. no. of station Cycle time No. of station for independent balance of Line 1+Line 2 No. of station for proposed procedure(optimal) Merten 6–7 6 5 5 4 9 11 13 17 4+3 3+3 3+2 2+2 7-(7) 5-(5) 5-(5) 4-(4) Jaeschke 9–8 8 7 6 5 4 9 11 13 15 17 5+4 4+4 3+3 3+3 3+2 8-(8) 7-(7) 6-(6) 5-(5) 4-(4) Jackson 11–10 11 9 7 6 5 8 10 13 15 19 7+6 5+5 4+4 4+3 3+3 13-(13) 9-(9) 7-(7) 6-(6) 5-(5) Roszieng 25–24 18 16 15 12 9 14 16 17 22 30 10+10 8+8 8+8 6+6 5+5 18-(18) 16-(16) 15-(15) 12-(12) 9-(9) Sawyer 30–28 26 24 22 18 16 12 25 27 30 36 41 54 14+13 13+12 12+11 10+9 8+8 7+6 26-() 25-() 22-() 18-() 16-(16) 12-(12) Kilbridge 45–43 20 14 12 10 8 6 57 79 92 110 138 184 10+10 7+7 6+6 6+5 4+4 3+3 20 14 12 10 8 6 Hahn 53–51 14 12 10 8 6 2004 2338 2806 3507 4676 8+7 7+7 6+5 5+4 4+3 14 12 10 8 6 Tonge 70–66 43 41 34 30 26 24 160 168 207 234 270 293 23+22 22+22 18+17 16+15 14+13 13+12 45 43 34 30 26 24 Wee-Mag 75–71 105 102 95 89 87 72 70 69 28 29 31 33 34 41 42 43 63+60 63+60 62+60 61+59 61+59 59+57 55+53 50+48 123 123 121 119 119 116 107 98 ARTICLE IN PRESS H. Gökc- en et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 103 (2006) 600–609 608 Table 4 (continued ) Test problems No. of task (Line 1–Line 2) Theoretical min. no. of station Cycle time No. of station for independent balance of Line 1+Line 2 No. of station for proposed procedure(optimal) 60 55 49 54 32+31 31+30 62 60 Arcus1 83–79 39 37 35 33 31 25 22 20 18 14 3786 3985 4206 4454 4732 5853 6842 7571 8412 10816 21+19 20+19 19+17 18+17 17+16 14+12 12+11 11+10 10+9 8+7 40 38 36 34 32 26 22 20 18 14 Lutz2 89–85 86 79 73 68 63 59 56 50 47 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 49+46 44+41 40+38 37+35 34+32 31+30 29+28 26+25 25+24 90 82 75 71 64 60 56 50 48 Lutz3 89–85 43 41 39 37 35 75 79 83 87 92 23+22 22+22 21+21 20+19 19+18 45 43 40 38 36 Mukherje 94–90 47 45 43 41 39 37 35 33 31 29 27 26 24 52 50 48 46 44 42 176 183 192 201 211 222 234 248 263 281 301 324 351 5785 6016 6267 6540 6837 7162 25+24 24+23 23+21 22+20 21+19 20+18 19+18 18+17 17+16 16+15 15+14 14+13 13+12 27+28 26+27 25+26 24+25 23+24 22+22 48 46 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 55 53 50 48 46 44 Arcus 111–107 The optimal solution was obtained within the 1,000,000 node limits. problem with parallel lines are proposed. The two different cases of these procedures developed are studied on two numerical examples. Several wellknown test problems in the ALB literature are solved using the active case procedure and the mathematical model. By the mathematical model, optimal solutions are achieved in less than 1,000,000 nodes for the problems with up to 30 tasks. The ARTICLE IN PRESS H. Gökc- en et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 103 (2006) 600–609 results obtained from the procedure are compared with the optimal solutions (for only small problems), the theoretical minimum number of stations and the independent balance of the lines for each problem. Comparison results show that the performance of the procedure is sufficient. The proposed models provide a significant improvement in assembly line efficiency when more than one line is necessary. Finally, this study is a new approach and provides a different perspective for interested assembly line balancing researchers. References Arcus, A.L., 1966. 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