Eighth Grade Persuasive Writing Prompts SAMPLE 1

Eighth Grade Persuasive Writing Prompts
Writing Situation:
Every year, you and your fellow classmates go on a field trip. The students usually do not like
where the school goes for the field trip. You have the opportunity to plan a field trip for your
grade level. You will be allowed to decide where you go and what you will do while on the trip.
Writing Directions:
You should write a persuasive letter to the principal of your school about planning this trip. You
must persuade him that you have found the perfect location and have arranged plans for all
students while on this trip.
Writing Situation:
Most teens do not wish to be supervised or watched over by their parents as they shop and hang
out with their friends at the mall. However, many shop owners in malls are complaining of
disorderly and disruptive teens being loud and bothering shoppers. Mall owners say teens hang
out in large groups and get into trouble. Many malls now require teens to be with an adult while
they are there. Do you agree or disagree with having to take your parents with you to the mall?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Directions for Writing:
Write a letter to the mall owners explaining you opinion on the issue. Be sure to convince the
mall owners of your opinion by including specific details to support your position.
Writing Situation:
A wealthy donor plans to build a new facility that will benefit young people in your area. It could
be a swimming pool, a theater, a skateboard park, an art school, or any other facility that would
provide young people with constructive ways to spend their time. The donor is not sure what
kind of facility would be most useful.
Directions for Writing:
Write a letter to the donor identifying the type of facility you would like to have built, and
persuade him/her that your building is the best choice for her. Be sure to support your opinion
with convincing reasons and evidence.
Writing Situation:
Your school principal is considering a new policy that will require all students to wear uniforms.
What is your position concerning this issue? You must decide if you are for or against the
uniforms. How do you feel about this option?
Directions for Writing:
Write a letter to your principal stating your position on school uniforms and supporting it with
convincing reasons. Be sure to include specific details and examples that support your opinion.
Writing Situation:
The school principal is considering adding a fast food restaurant to the cafeteria line. Write a
letter to him stating your opinion as to why or why not this is a good idea for school lunches.
In your request, you may want to specify the type of fast food restaurant that would be most
successful and why you feel that way.
Directions for Writing:
Write a letter to your principal explaining your opinion concerning fast food restaurants in the
cafeteria line. Be sure to state your opinion and include convincing reasons and details to
support your choice.
Writing Situation:
Your principal has asked students to suggest a school rule that should be changed. Think of one
rule that you would like to have changed. Write a letter convincing your principal that this rule
should be changed.
Directions for Writing:
Write a letter to your principal explaining your opinion. Be sure to support your opinion with
convincing reasons and evidence.
Writing Situation:
Your principal wants to invite a celebrity speaker to your school. Think about the celebrity you
would choose to have speak; then, write a letter to persuade your principal to invite this person.
Directions for Writing:
Write a letter to your principal explaining who you would like to have speak to your school and
why. Be sure to include convincing reasons and details to support your choice.
Writing Situation:
Girls and boys often enjoy playing the same sport. Some people believe that girls and boys should
be able to play on the same team. However, some people believe that they should remain
separate. What is your opinion on this issue?
Directions for Writing:
Write an essay stating your opinion and supporting it with convincing reasons and examples that
support the way you feel. Be sure to explain your reasons in detail.
Eighth Grade Expository Writing Prompts
Writing Situation:
Friendship is a term used to denote cooperation and support between two or more people.
When choosing friends, we often look for specific qualities. Think about the most important
quality you would choose in selecting a friend.
Directions for Writing:
Choose one character trait such as honesty, dependability, fairness, trustworthiness, caring, etc.
Write an expository essay explaining why this character trait is important in a lasting friendship.
Be sure to include specific details or events that relate to your example.
Writing Situation:
Choose a family member, a family tradition, or something your family enjoys doing and tell about
it. You should share with the reader reasons why your family member or family tradition is
Directions for Writing:
Write an expository essay explaining your family member or family tradition. Be sure to include
specific details or events that relate to your topic.
Writing Situation:
If you could invent something that would be valuable to society, what would it be and how would
it be beneficial? You might want to spend time thinking about your invention and its purpose in
society. Think about what this invention would be able to do and how it would be helpful to
Directions for Writing:
Write an expository essay explaining your invention and how it would benefit society. Be sure to
include specific details or events that relate to your topic.
Writing Situation:
Traveling is a favorite past time for many people. What is the most exciting vacation you have
ever been on in your life? This can be a trip that was the most memorable because of how much
fun you had or a trip that turned out to be a disaster.
Directions for Writing:
You should write an expository essay on a travel experience you have had and explain why you
chose the adventure or trip. You must include specific details on what made this experience
unique. Be sure describe the experience as well as why it was memorable for you.
Writing Situation:
Your class has been given the opportunity to design a brand new television show for children. It
could be a news show, a talk show, a game show, a cartoon, or any kind of show you want for
Directions for Writing:
Write a report to be read to your class in which you explain your idea for the new children’s
television show. Be sure to include specific details so that your classmates will understand what
the new show will be like and its importance.
Writing Situation:
A role model is a person you look up to. Before you begin writing, think about someone you look
up to. Why do you admire this person? In an essay, identify the person you admire and why you
chose this person.
Directions for Writing:
Write an expository essay in which you explain to your classmates whom you admire and why
you admire this person. Be sure to include specific reasons and supportive details when
explaining why you admire this person.
Writing Situation:
Through the years new inventions have changed the way we live. Think about one invention that
has had an impact on the way you live. Write an essay explaining how this invention has changed
your life.
Directions for Writing:
Write an expository essay to your teacher explaining an invention that has changed your life. Be
sure to include specific reasons and supportive details when explaining the invention you chose.
Writing Situation:
There are both good things and bad things about playing on a team, such as a school soccer team
or the school volleyball team. Write a composition for your teacher in which you explain both
what is good and what is bad about playing on a school team.
Directions for Writing:
Write an expository essay explaining both what is good and what is bad about playing on a school
team. Be sure to explain to your classmates each point fully, and include specific examples and
details to support your statements.