CIVIL WAR PROJECT The purpose of this project is to give you an opportunity to do an in depth exploration of a Civil War topic you find interesting: the people who were involved, the problems they faced, the situations that changed lives during that time, and some problems, such as states’ rights and civil rights, that are still issues today. Choose one of the following projects to complete independently. Choose something that interests you and will display your strengths. This project is due Friday January 30th, 3:30 pm. ACTIVITIES: 1) Report on one important CIVILIAN involved in the Civil War. Write a 5 paragraph expository essay about this person’s part in the War. Include a photo or picture of the person. 2) Report on a Northern or Southern commander and his importance in the Civil War. Write a 5 paragraph expository essay about this person’s part in the War. Include a photo or picture of the person. 3) Report on at least one important battle of the Civil War. Write a 5 paragraph expository essay about this battle in which you include a brief explanation of the battle, leading generals, battle movements, who won, and the casualties on both sides. Include a map in which you show troop and battle movements. 4) Report on the assassination of Abraham Lincoln including the events and personalities involved. Use the format of a newspaper front page to share your findings. (try an Internet search for newspaper templates) 5) Make a list of the songs that became popular during the days of the Civil War. Report on one of the songs in particular, explaining how the song shows the suffering or emotion of the Civil War. You and a partner might sing a song in class or act as a disc jockey and play a tape of several songs explaining the background of each. (include a 1 page written summary of background) 6) Draw detailed pictures of uniforms worn by Union and Confederate soldiers who fought in the war. Be sure to include captions describing important features. Include detailed drawings or recreations of their respective flags. Include a 1 page summary of Civil War uniforms 7) Investigate 19th century photography and the work of Mathew Brady. Describe the kind of camera equipment/process they used during the war. Include samples of their most important photographs with captions explaining the significance and why you chose it. 8) Research the role of the navy and “iron clad” navy vessels during the Civil War. Create a poster picture of the Monitor and the Merrimac (no computer generated graphics!). Following a 5-paragraph expository essay format, include a “newspaper” article comparing their strengths, weaknesses, and overall importance of these historically important navy vessels. 9) Report on the Conscription Act (the draft) that was in place during the Civil War. Include information about the draft in other wars and the current status of the draft in the USA and of at least two other countries in the world today. Include graphs or charts to display information. 10) Research the role of African Americans who fought in the Union Army, such as the men of the “fighting” 54 th. Write a first person, narrative account of your experience as if you were one of those soldiers. (1pg) 11) Research the role of women in the Civil War: nurses, soldiers, laborers, spies, etc. Include a picture, photo, or visual representation of their activities, along with a one page written summary of their role(s) 12) Report on the technology of the Civil War: weapons, transportation, communication, etc. Include drawings of common weapons and modes of transportation. 13) Write a 5 paragraph expository essay on the Gettysburg Address, its significance at the time, and the significance of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania today. In addition to these tasks, memorize the Gettysburg Address and prepare to give a dramatic reading of the Address. 14) Report on medical practices during the Civil War and poet Walt Whitman’s role in caring for the sick in the hospitals of Washington, D.C. Be sure to address where and how casualties were cared for and why were there so many deaths? 15) Read Stealing Freedom by Elisa Carbone. Write a five-paragraph essay explaining the theme of the book and life as a slave in the South. 16) Develop a board game around a topic of your choice. You can adapt a well-known board game like Trivial Pursuit, Life, Clue, Pictionary, etc. around your topic. 17) Construct a diorama of a scene/event from the Civil War 18) Make a location map of a historical event from the Civil War and label what happened there. 19) Draw or paint a mural to depict a scene from history. Create something that could be used for display in the classroom or school. 20) Prepare interview questions for a historical character. Dress up as that person and have someone ask you those questions as if YOU were the historical person. Video or live performances accepted. 21) Be a reporter at an important historical scene from the Civil War. Video tape your live report. 22) Create a ballad or song telling of an historical event. Write lyrics and music or adapt words to the melody of a wellknown tune. Include an audiotape of your song or perform it live. 23) Create a one page ‘rap’ that compares about the Civil War that is based on slang from the Civil War era. 24) Research the typical diet of a Civil War soldier from both north & south. Create a ‘menu’ & typical (and actual) meal (for presentation purpose only/no serving) that a soldier might have had (plenty of hardtack) Write a one page paper on the comparison/contrast of 25) Create 3 business cards (using MS Publisher is 1 option) based on your research of 3 professions/occupations in the Civil War (possible examples; undertaker, ammunitions-maker, surgeon, cavalry, scout, spy, teamster, flag-bearer, drummer, rail-splitter etc. (try to find something unique & be creative) 26) Create 2 resumes (unsure of what these are- look it up!) based on your research of 2 famous or not so famous personalities of the Civil War (possible examples; Sullivan Ballou, Robert E. Lee, John Wilkes Booth, Nathan Bedford Forest, Joshua Chamberlain) Use this rubric as a guide in creating quality work on these mini-projects. This is the only grading criterion for your work. MINI-PROJECT CRITERA PTS. POSSIBLE / 25 Ideas: The student uses supporting details from their research to back up their project focus. Finished Product: Writing assignment---- No spelling/grammar errors Creative assignment--- Is neat/looks professional Organization: The student presents the information in a logical, coherent, orderly, and neat fashion. Includes a MLA formatted bibliography. Depth: The student interprets, evaluates, analyzes, and expands on the information presented in the project. There is clear evidence of a mature understanding of the concepts and material discussed in the project. The student’s work reflects more than a ‘surface’ interpretation of the material. TOTAL