Felice Marcus (513) 461-3539 felice.marcus@muohio.edu www.felicemarcus.com ESL Administrative & Teaching Experience Miami University, 2007 to present Associate Director, American Culture and English Program, College of Arts & Science • Responsible for program vision and development including: academic curriculum, staffing, co-curricular programming, assessment and administrative oversight • Teach each semester in the program • Collaborate closely with Office of Admissions and Office of International Education on recruiting, marketing and orientation • Supervise program faculty, administrative staff and students workers • Conduct and promote campus-wide outreach toward supporting international students, and Miami faculty who work with international students ESL Program Coordinator and Instructor, Department of English • Teach three sections of English for International Students (English 108/109) • Chair ESL subcommittee, oversee curriculum and instructor support • Advise undergraduate students on course placement • Assist with graduate student testing and course placement • Collaborate closely with Howe Center for Writing Excellence on international student writing and mentoring Director and Lead Instructor, Academic Preparation and Culture Program • Plan, develop, and execute academics, co-curricular programming and budget for Academic Preparation and Culture Program for incoming international students (undergrad, grad, and transfer) • Teach English 106, Experience in American Language and Culture • Recruit, select and supervise additional instructors and program staff Coordinator of China Business Program and Instructor of Management Information Systems, Farmer School of Business Manage China exchange programs with six universities in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong • Oversee the China Business Program including program development, study abroad and course advising, admission, recruitment, all print and web communications including newsletters, web site, and annual report, event planning, student professional development • Serve as host and interpreter for visiting professional delegations from China • Supervise numerous student workers and an administrative assistant • Plan and develop budget for China Business Program events, marketing, and student worker hours • Teach MIS 235, IT and the Intelligent Enterprise, for sophomore business students University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, 1994 – 1996 Teaching Assistant Teach First Year Chinese Research Assistant Edit and provide translations and transliterations for A Chinese-English Synonym Dictionary, published 1998, Chung and Tsui YMCA, Taichung, Taiwan, 1989 – 1993 English Teacher • • • Train adults and children, all levels, all skills, in English conversation and grammar Run teaching seminars including Teaching Pronunciation and Teaching English through Song Select text books for the program and develop course curriculum Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan, 1991 – 1992 Visiting Lecturer • Teach First Year English • Design course plans, lecture, collaborate on common exams for the entire freshman class Harvard University Intensive English Program, Cambridge, MA, summer 1989 Teaching Apprentice Teach Second Level English, English Conversation Instituto Meyer, Bogotá, Colombia, 1987 – 1988 English Instructor Teach elementary level adult English language classes Education Chinese Language and Literature, MA, May 1996 University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA Computer Science and Systems Analysis, MS, December 2001 Miami University, Oxford, OH Sociology and Anthropology, BA, May 1989 Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA IT Professional Experience Miami University 2003 – 2007 Manager of Digital Technologies, Project Dragonfly • Design and implement technological components for interactive exhibits at the Cincinnati Zoo as part of Wild Research, a $3 million National Science Foundation grant • Maintain distance learning web sites serving over 2000 K-12 teachers nationwide for Miami University graduate credit and professional development • Supervise four programmers including part-time staff, graduate assistants, and undergraduate student workers Programmer/Analyst, Dept. of Advancement Services • Develop and maintain Banner reporting programs and processes for the Division of University Advancement • Part of Alumni web site technical team Cincinnati Financial Corporation, 2001 – 2002 Software Developer Code front-end and middle tier for Cinfin-e Commercial Lines insurance software Steelox Engineering Systems, 2000 – 2001 Part-time Programmer • Create user interfaces and data access classes for Express Pricing System to price new steel building construction • Evaluate Java development environments deployment options for Express Pricing System Grant Involvement Leader, Faculty Learning Community: Working with and Learning from International Students at Miami, 2011 – 2012 Lead faculty development series ($10,000 budget) focused on international student learning and college experience Technology Manager, Wild Research, National Science Foundation, 2006 – 2007 Design and implement technological components for interactive exhibits at the Cincinnati Zoo Consultant, Student Debt & Alumni Giving, American Student Assistance Association, 2005 Collect and analyze data in collaboration with the Department of Sociology and Office of Financial Aide Associate Participant, Web Interactivity, Ohio Learning Network Grant, 2004 Collaborate with interdisciplinary team on revamping of course “Technology and Humanities” Publications & Conference Presentations Pronouncing Chinese Names: Moving Beyond “You can just call me ‘Susie’…” Lilly International Conference on College Teaching. November, 2011. Instructor Reflection on "The Smiling Star: Laybur." Video Project. The Journal for Undergraduate Multimedia Projects Vol. 1.1 (15 March 2010). <http://jump.dwrl.utexas.edu/content/smiling-star-laybur>. (Peer reviewed) Translation of Yuan Qiongqiong’s “Fever”, Renditions Magazine, Vol. 52, Autumn, 1999, pp. 71-85. Republished as one of five featured translations in City Women: Contemporary Taiwan Woman Writers, Renditions Paperbacks, Chinese University of Hong Kong, July 2001, pp. 139-158. Two Poems in Chinese: “Contact Lenses”, “Alarm Clock”, Starry Sky (A Taiwanese Children’s Magazine), Vol. 22, February 1992, pp, 13-14. Professional Service Review Board member, XChanges: Interdisciplinary Technical Communication, Writing/Rhetoric, and Writing Across the Curriculum (New Mexico Tech) Editorial Board member, TheJUMP: Journal of Undergraduate Multimedia Projects (University of Texas at Austin) World Languages and Computer Skills • • • • Fluent in Chinese, fluent (but rusty) in Spanish Strong skills in both front-end and back-end website development Deep understanding of Banner CIT student database system from a systems and user perspective Highly proficient in various software applications and programming languages including MS Office, Adobe Creative Suite, iLife Suite (Apple); Java, Ruby on Rails, Visual Studio, C/C++ References available upon request