this one - BTV Green

Every year, billions of Local,
State, and Federal tax dollars are
wasted trying to enforce Cannabis
prohibition. Marijuana use has
never decreased, it has only
increased since it was first made
illegal over 75 years ago. Nearly
a million people a year are arrested
for Marijuana offences. Someone,
usually a person of color, is arrested
for violating a drug law every 19
seconds. As a result, the United
States currently has the highest
incarceration rate in the world.
Completely separate from the tax
dollars that are spent on enforcing
Prohibition, is money spent by consumers.
Billions of dollars are spent annually by
Cannabis consumers. The money being
spent on Marijuana goes directly into the
black market and organized crime. Legalized, the money would go into the local
economy as well as provide tax revenue.
The medicinal uses for Cannabis
are accepted by Doctors the world
over. Cannabis improves the quality of
life for many people debilitating diseases
and disorders. Side affects and even death
caused by Prescription Drugs are well
known and well documented, all FDA
approved. Recreationally, Cannabis is
far safer than both Alcohol and Tobacco.
Annual deaths - Tobacco - 443,000
Annual deaths - Alcohol - 75,000
Annual deaths - Prescriptions - 27,000
Annual deaths - Cannabis(Marijuana) - 0
Marijuana is the dried female
flower of the plant Cannabis Sativa
or Cannabis Indica. Cannabis has
been consumed by humans for
recreational, medicinal, and spiritual
purposses since 2700 BC. Cannabis
is grown, not manufactured.
Hemp can be used to make
fuel, food, medicine, paper,
plastics, fibers, building materials,
and more. Hemp will give a boost
to the farming industry and reduce
the use of fossil fuels.
Imagine your front door
being kicked in, your barking
dog gets shot, guns are put to your
children’s heads, you’re thrown to
the floor, hand-cuffed and arrested.
All this over a dried flower that you
choose to consume of your own
free will. Normal American families
are being torn apart, lives turned
upside down, thrown into a system
that feeds on the suffering of others.
Imposing years of fines, legal fees,
and lengthy imprisonment.
It’s happening everyday.
It can happen to you.
You can help end it.
For more information or to get involved go to