PSU Dual Enrollment School Handbook update 3 10 14

Handbook for High School Counselors
and Principals
Admissions Contact: Devon Ban, Admissions Counselor
Phone: 717-948-6250
Fax: 717-948-6325
To our local High School Guidance Counselors,
We are pleased to offer your students the opportunity to join the Penn State Harrisburg Dual
Enrollment program, which offers an exciting opportunity for high school students to take college
level courses at a fifty percent tuition savings.
Students can prepare for their educational future by earning college credits and experiencing
the workload of a college class. The credits earned in dual enrollment can be applied to a Penn
State degree and are part of one transcript that is recognized at all Penn State campuses. Future
credits earned at Penn State may also be considered for transfer credit at another institution.
Please review the enclosed packet and necessary forms for the consideration into the
program. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I look forward to assisting you
in the Dual Enrollment process.
Devon Ban
Admissions Counselor
High School Dual Enrollment Coordinator
A. Definition and Requirements of Dual Enrollment 2 B. The Application Process 2 C. Course Registration and Placement Testing 3 D. Dual Enrollment Courses 4-­‐5 E. Dual Enrollment Application 6-­‐7 F. Dual Enrollment Course Selection Form 8 G. Dual Enrollment Consent to Release Form H. Dual Enrollment Student Access Setup 10-­‐11 9 1
Definition and requirements of Dual Enrollment:
Dual Enrollment is a “locally administered program that allows a secondary student to concurrently
enroll in postsecondary courses and to receive both secondary and postsecondary credit for that
coursework. The local programs are run through partnerships between school entities and eligible
postsecondary institutions.”
1. The student must be a high school junior or senior, no exceptions.
2. The student must be making satisfactory progress toward fulfilling applicable
secondary school graduation requirements, as determined by the school district.
3. The student must demonstrate readiness for college-level coursework in the
intended area of study. High schools should develop a screening process to
determine if/when students are appropriate for the program. Penn State will
determine readiness based on placement exam decisions for certain courses.
The Application Process
Please submit the following documents for each student:
Dual Enrollment Application (Page 5) (required)
Consent to Release Form (Page 6) (required)
Course Selection Form (Page 8) (required)
Current, Official High School transcript (required)
Letter of recommendation from a counselor or principal (required)
SAT, ACT, or PSAT scores (if applicable)
The above documents are required by the following dates:
June 1st for Fall
March 1st for Summer (Session II only)
November 1st for Spring
Dual Enrollment students taking Penn State credit courses are enrolled as Non-Degree
students and are subject to the normal restrictions (such as space-available enrollment
and term-to-term renewal status) placed on such students.
Admission into the high school Dual Enrollment program is not guaranteed and selected
courses are not guaranteed. Students must select alternate coursework in the Course
Selection Form (Page 8).
Course Registration and Placement Testing
1. Prior to attending the orientation session, students should meet with their school
counselor to select from the Penn State courses established on the Schedule of
courses at
2. High school students may enroll for a maximum of 8 credits
3. After meeting with all participating students, the high school counselor will send a
list of those students and their course selection interest to the High School Dual
Enrollment Coordinator by the dates.
4. Students who request to take a course in English, Math or Chemistry, are to
complete the appropriate Penn State placement test. The test may be found at Upon completion of the test, a score report can be
found on eLion. This score should be reported to Devon Ban at
Selected courses are not guaranteed to high school dual enrollment students.
5. High School Dual Enrollment students will not be officially registered for classes
until regularly enrolled degree seeking students have registered. See approximate
dates on Dual Enrollment Course Selection Form (Page 8).
6. In each subsequent semester, students will be asked to meet with their high school
counselor to make appropriate course selection.
Grade Reporting
Students will be asked to sign the Dual Enrollment Consent to Release Form (Page 9).
1. Students will be responsible for providing their grades to their Guidance Counselor
or other appropriate parties as designated by their school.
2. Students can access their grades via eLion. Penn State does not automatically mail
final grades. Students wishing to receive a final grade report via US Mail should
access eLion and click on “Mail Semester Grades”; review and update address
information if necessary; and click on the Send grade report button. This will cue the
system to automatically mail grades to the student at the end of the semester.
3. If a student is 18 years of age or older, he/she may also sign Consent to Release
Information to a third party (i.e. parent or guardian). Without which, Penn State will
be bound to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and not be
allowed to share information with anyone other than the student.
Remaining in the Dual Enrollment Program
In order to remain in the program, the student must maintain a successful secondary school
grade-point average as determined by the school district as well as a grade of C or better in
each course.
Dual Enrollment Courses
Important Notes:
1. Selected courses are not guaranteed. Students must select alternate coursework in the Course
Selection Form (Page 8).
2. Course descriptions can be found at:
3. * denotes courses that require the Penn State placement test to be administered before a
student can register.
4. ** denotes courses that require writing SAT, ACT, or PSST scores.
5. Developmental course are not applied to credits for graduation at Penn State University.
6. Math 140 can be used in both Science and Business programs at PSU. Math 110 cannot be used
in Science and Engineering programs at Penn State University. If a student takes Math 140
and Math 110, the student will only receive 4 credits total (they will not receive credit for both).
7. Other courses may be scheduled as appropriate.
Science, Agricultural, Earth and Mineral Communications, English, Theater, Arts, and Literature Biology 110 CAS 100 (Speech) *Chemistry 101 **English 015 *Chemistry 110/111 **English 003 Biology 141/142 **English 050 Biology 129 **English 135 Microbiology 106/107 Comparative Literature 153 *Math 140 Theater 102 Physics 211 (prerequisite Math 140) Theater 105 Geography Art 050 Earth 002 Art History 100 Astrology 001 Integrative Arts 001 Biology Science 002 Integrative Arts 110 Biology Science 003 Integrative Arts 115 Biology Science 004 Biology 011/012 Nutrition 251 Psychology, Sociology, and Politics Religious Studies, Philosophy, and History Psychology 100 American Studies 100 Sociology 001 History 010 Criminal Justice 100 Philosophy 006 Political Science 001 Philosophy 100 Political Science 003 Philosophy 103 Women’s Studies 001 Women’s Studies 003 Religious Studies 110 4
Education and Family Studies Human Development and Family Studies 129 Human Development and Family Studies 229 Human Development and Family Studies 239 Business and Information Sciences and Technology Economics 102 Economics 104 Developmental Courses *Math 110 Computer Science 101 Security Risk and Analysis 111 Other Courses *Math 021 *Math 022 Engineering Engineering Design 100 *Chemistry 110/11 *Math 140 *Physics 211 (prerequisite Math 140) *Computer Science 121 English 004 Math 003 *Math 004 5
Dual Enrollment Application
SECTION 1: Biographic Information
Last Name: _____________________First Name: ____________________Middle Name: ____________
*Social Security Number: ___________________________________
Gender: ____ Male ____ Female
Date of Birth: _________________
Parent is employed by the Pennsylvania State University? YES______ NO______
SECTION 2: Address Information
Home Address
Street 1: __________________________________________
Street 2: __________________________________________
City/State/Zip: ____________________________________
Home Phone Number: _______-_________-_____________
Cell Phone Number:
E-mail address:_____________________________________
Parent[s] e-mail address:______________________________
Emergency Contact Information
Name: ____________________________________ Phone Number: _______-_______-_______________
SECTION 3: Educational Background: Highest Level of Education (Check One)
Non-High School Graduate __________
Currently Enrolled in High School __________
High School Name: ________________________________
Grade: ___11th
High School is a participant in Pennsylvania’s dual enrollment grant. YES____ NO____
If yes, I have received approval from my high school counselor as a participant in the
dual enrollment grant program? YES_____ NO______
Currently enrolled as a home-schooled high school student __________
Local school district is a participant in Pennsylvania’s dual enrollment grant program. YES_____ NO_____
If yes, I have received approval from my local school district as a participant in their dual
enrollment grant program? YES_____ NO_____
Are you using this class to fulfill a high school required course for graduation? YES_____ NO_____
If so, please explain____________________________________________________
Have you ever enrolled at Penn State?
YES __________ (Date of last enrollment: ______________________) NO __________
Are you currently in an academic drop status from Penn State or any other college or university previously
YES __________ NO __________
Are you currently dismissed or suspended from Penn State or any other college or university for disciplinary
YES __________ NO __________
Have you ever been denied admission to Penn State?
YES__________ NO __________
SECTION 4: Enrollment
Enrollment Request for (Check One): Spring _______ Summer _______ Fall _______ Year _______
SECTION 5: Residency Status
Are you a U.S. Citizen? YES _______ NO_______ (If no, which of the following statements describes you
citizenship status?)
____ I am an immigrant (permanent resident) residing in Pennsylvania.
____ I am an immigrant (permanent resident) residing in another U.S. state or territory.
____ I have a nonimmigrant visa - specific type: _____________________________
Are you a legal resident of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania?
YES, but less than one year_______ YES, for more than one year _______ NO _______
SECTION 6: Ethnic Background
Federal law requires that institutions of higher education gather the following information regarding the ethnicity
and race of their students and employees. Your individual information will be kept strictly confidential. The law
only requires institutions to report aggregate totals for each category. Select the appropriate responses regarding
your ethnicity and your race.
1. Is your ethnicity Hispanic/Latino-[Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other
Spanish culture or origin]?
a. ___ Yes, Hispanic/Latino/a
b. ___ No, not Hispanic/Latino/a
2. What is your race-[select one or more]:
White ___ Black or African American ___ American Indian or Alaska Native ___ Native
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander ___ Asian ___ Other ___
SECTION 7: Signature
I have completed all applicable sections of this form and I affirm accuracy of the information provided. Should
there be any misinterpretation of the facts on this form, I understand this may be cause of refusal or cancellation
of my enrollment.
Student Signature: _______________________________
Date: _______________
*The social security number (SSN) you provide for enrollment purposes, or when requesting specific services, will be used by the University to verify your identity for official record keeping
and reporting. If you choose not to supply your SSN, certain services, such as transcripts, academic verification, tax reporting, financial aid and other services may not be available to you,
and Penn State cannot guarantee a complete academic record for you. Your SSN will be stored in a central system and only used for official reporting and record keeping. It will not be used
as a primary source to identify you within the Penn State system; the PSU ID will be used as the primary identifier.
Dual Enrollment Course Selection Form
Student Name:
High School:
Counselor Phone:
Counselor Email:
Counselor Name:
Total # of Courses to be scheduled (8 credit max): _____
( )
Select courses in order of preference
Schedule #
Section #
Course Abbreviation & Name
Meeting Days/Time
HSDE 101: High School Dual Enrollment
MWF/800 AM – 910 AM
High School counselors are responsible for advising and course selection.
Course selections are not final
English 015 requires SAT, ACT, or PSAT writing scores
English, Math, and Chemistry courses require a placement examination.
Placement Test may be found at:
• Dual Enrollment students are not registered until AFTER:
August 1st for Fall
December 1st for Spring
April 1 for Summer
Admissions Checklist:
Penn State Student ID#____________________
Advising Checklist:
Dual Enrollment Consent to Release Form
I, _________________________
(Print First Name)
_____________________ , give permission to Penn State
(Print Last Name)
Harrisburg, Division of Undergraduate Studies (DUS) to release information pertaining to my
academic records checked below to:
Name of High School: ________________________________________________________________
(If home schooled, sponsoring school district)
Name of High School Principal: ________________________________________________________
(If home schooled, not applicable)
Name of High School Counselor: _______________________________________________________
(If home schooled, sponsoring school district designate)
Name of Parents/Guardians: ___________________________________________________________
Please check the academic information for which you authorize release to the High School:
o Final Semester Grades (Submitted to High School automatically)
o Semester and Cumulative GPA’s (Submitted to High School automatically)
o Academic Progress information (Progress Reports and related information)
o Degree Audit (Tracking document for completion of academic requirements)
o Other
Please check the academic information for which you authorize release to parents/guardians:
Final Semester Grades
Semester and Cumulative GPA’s
Academic Progress information (Progress Reports and related information)
Degree Audit (Tracking document for completion of academic requirements)
(Student Signature)
Dual Enrollment Student Access Setup
Once a student is approved for Dual Enrollment, they may follow the steps below!
First Step
Activate your Access Account.
You will need your Penn State ID card or a picture ID to activate you Access Account. You can get your
Penn State ID card from Housing Office in E-122 of the Olmsted Building.
Signature Stations are located throughout campus. There is one at the Front Desk of the Library, two at
the Help Desk in the basement of the Olmsted Building and one outside the Housing Office, E122 of the
Olmsted Building. If you do not have a Penn State ID Card, you will need to bring a picture ID to the
Help Desk in the Basement where the lab operator can assist you.
 New Students to the University or transferring from another university – One week prior to
the start of your first semester, please visit a signature station to activate your access account.
 Transferring from a different Penn State Campus – the UserID and password you had at your
pervious Penn State campus will be the same. You will not have to do anything as long as you have
not had any breaks in between semesters.
 Returning Students – After you register for classes and one week prior to the start of your first
semester, please visit a signature station to activate your access account.
 Friends of Penn State Account – temporary account that will allow new and returning students to
register for classes only. – select Student, Create a Friends of Penn State
Account. One week prior to the start of the semester, visit a signature station to activate your access
About Penn State
Visit Penn State Harrisburg’s IT’s Home page to find out more
Computer Center
• Computer Center Policy
• Pictures, Equipment, & Software Available in Lab
• Color Printing
• Mobility
• Norton Disk Doctor
• Scanner
• Software Installed in the Labs
• Wireless Services
Instructional Services
• Instructional Services Policy
• Pictures & Equipment Available in Technology Rooms & Classrooms
• Equipment Request Form
• Film Order Request Form
• Video Conferencing
E-mail - Your Penn State E-Mail address will be your You can access
your email through different venues.
• Add to your Mail Server
o Incoming Mail –
o Outgoing Mail –
• Forward Mail
• Penn State Web Based Mail
To change your Penn State email password visit:
eLion - The purpose of eLion is to:
provide current, prospective, and former students access to the information and services needed
to initiate and complete academic programs.
• provide faculty access to the information needed to successfully advise and teach students.
• provide advisers access to the information needed to successfully advise students
For more information visit:
Internet Access – PAC-ITS CD has the dialup software, Norton AntiVirus and other
software available free of charge to faculty, staff and students. Visit the Library to check out the
PAC-ITS CD at the front desk or visit .