Dr. Jorge Alvarez High School Introduction to Business Syllabus Instructor Name: Michael Scott Class Web site: http://www.engrade.com/mscott215s2 375 Adelaide Avenue Providence, RI 02907 Time Frame: Third Quarter Email: michael.scott@ppsd.org tel. 401.456.0676 fax 401.456.0679 Course Description Introduction to Business introduces students to the world of business and prepares them for the economic roles of consumer, worker, and citizen. This course will serve as a background for other, more detailed business courses, such as accounting, marketing and business law, as well as preparation for future employment, financial literacy, and consumer decision making. Required Textbook (classroom copy only) and Class Website Intro to Business, 4th Edition, by Eggland, Dlabay, Burrow and Ristau South-Western, 2003. Online Class Materials (http://www.engrade.com/mscott215s2) Supplementary Reading As issued by instructor Supplementary Materials Student will have notebook dedicated specifically to the course as homework, classwork and projects will be recorded in student notebook and will be reviewed by the instructor from time to time. Supplementary and Assistive Online Materials (Websites) Online Free Touch Typing Program (www.sense-lang.org) Banzai Online Financial Literacy (www.teachbanzai.com) Stock Market Game (www.stockmarketgame.org) Online Translator Application (www.microsofttranslator.com) Grading Policy See Alvarez school wide grading policy. GSEs/Standards Addressed See attached list of standards Students should be aware of the following and their due dates: Resume Workbook for High School Students (Analyze interests and potential career opportunities) Teachbanzai.com (Financial Literacy Scenarios) Sense-lang.org (Typing and Keyboarding Skills) Lemonade Stand Project (Data sheet, Group written report, PowerPoint, and Oral Presentations – Four (4) test grades) Assignment and Examination Schedule Reading Topic UNIT 1 Estimated Time Chapter 1 1 week Jan 30 –Feb 3 Economic Decisions p. 4 Wants and Needs Goods and Services Economic Resources Dr. Jorge Alvarez High School Introduction to Business Syllabus Introduce Resume and Cover Letter Project (Resume Workbook, Resume, Cover Letter, Biography PowerPoint and Individual Oral Presentation on Friday, February 3, 2012. Also Way to go RI.com. Chapter 2 Economic Systems p. 16 1 week Feb 6-10 Economic Questions Economic Systems Market Economy Chapter 3 Economic Roles p. 30 ½ week Feb 13-15 Three Economic Roles Supply and Demand Standard of Living Chapter 4 Economic Measurements p. 40 ½ week Feb 15-17 Measuring Economic Growth Four Phases of the Business Cycle Concepts of Inflation and Deflation Submission of completed Resume Workbook Friday, February 17, 2012 February Break -- February 21-24, 2012 Introduce Lemonade Stand (Data Sheet, Group Written Report, PowerPoint, and oral presentations – four (4) test grades) Monday, February, 27, 2012. UNIT 2 Chapter 5 Business in Our Economy p. 54 Four Kinds of Business Business Activities Jobs in our Economy Run Simulation and collect data for Stand/Shop. Data sheet due Friday, March 2, 2012 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 ½ week Feb 27 –Feb 29 Wednesday, February 29, 2012 Business Structures p. 68 Types of Business Structures Advantages/Disadvantages Functions of Managers Specialized Forms of Business Manager as Leader p. 86 Characteristics of effective leaders Five human relations skills needed Types of influence and leadership styles Producing and Marketing p.100 Activities and Concept Steps in Planning Small Business and Customer Service ½ week Feb 29 - Mar 2 ½ week Mar 5 – 7 ½ week Mar 7-9 Dr. Jorge Alvarez High School Introduction to Business Syllabus Unit 2 Quiz, submission of completed Resume and Cover Letter Project, and Lemonade Stand/Coffee Shop Written Report, Friday, March 9, 2012 UNIT 3 Chapter 9 Business Ethics p. 120 ½ week Mar 12-14 Social Responsibility Issues & Examples Code of Ethics Chapter 10 International Business p. 130 ½ week Mar 14- 16 Currency Exchange Balance of Trade Multinational Corporation Submission of completed Lemonade Stand/Coffee Shop PowerPoint Slideshow, Friday, March 16, 2012 Chapter 11 Government in Our Economy p. 144 1 week Mar 19 – 23 Role of Government Governmental Regulations Production of Goods/Services Introduce Teachbanzai.com Financial Literacy module on Monday, March 26, 2012. UNIT 8 Financial Institutions and Banking Services p.336 Chapter 25 The Banking System and Financial Services p. 338 ½ week Mar 26 – 28 Types of deposit-type and non-deposit-type institutions. Services provided by financial institutions. Functions of the Federal Reserve. How financial institutions create economic growth. Chapter 26 Opening a Checking Account p. 352 ½ week Mar 28 – 30 The two major types of checking accounts. The process of opening a checking account. The three types of endorsements. Chapter 27 Using Checks and Other Payment Methods p. 366 ½ week Apr 2 – 4 Proper check-writing procedures. Purpose of stop payment orders. Special types of checks. Payments through Electronic Funds Transfer System (EFT) Submission of completed Teachbanzai.com Financial Literacy module by Friday, March 23, 2012. Oral Presentations of findings and supporting evidence from Lemonade Stand/Coffee Shop with PowerPoint Slideshow, 1 week Mar 26 - Apr 4 Midterm Essay preparation beginning Monday, April 2, 2012 with essay due April 6, 2012. We will begin second quarter activities the following school day. (See second quarter syllabus when available for activities.) Dr. Jorge Alvarez High School Introduction to Business Syllabus GSEs/Standards Addressed 1.0 BUSINESS CORE 1.1 Business Communications (C): Students will understand communications as applied to personal and professional situations. They will demonstrate competency by selecting and using appropriate forms of communications in a variety of situations. 1.1.1 Diversity–demonstrate the ability to work and communicate effectively with persons of different ethnicities and culturally diverse backgrounds 1.1.2 Effectiveness–compose oral and written business communications that demonstrate the use of critical thinking, decision making and problem solving skills 1.1.3 Ethics–discuss ethics and the need for confidentiality, loyalty, integrity and honesty in communicating with business associates 1.1.4 Methods of Communication–demonstrate the use of various methods of communications; research, compose and orally present information using appropriate technology 1.1.5 Nonverbal Communications–identify and use nonverbal communications in a group activity 1.1.6 Oral Communications–orally present information using appropriate language, style and format; utilize different communication techniques to address the intended audience appropriately 1.1.7 Systems–use systems thinking to discuss the impact of cultural, organizational, technological and behavioral characteristics on the selection of communication strategies and methods 1.2 Business Environment (C): Students will understand the development and structure of business environments. They will demonstrate competency by identifying the dynamic components of business structure and its relationship to the global business environment. 1.2.1 Business Ethics–define business ethics and explain the importance of ethical standards and social responsibilities in the business environment 1.2.2 Business Law–describe the sources of law, the structure of the court systems and ways in which these laws apply to basic consumer and business transactions 1.2.3 Business Ownership–identify the major types of business organizations 1.2.4 Competitive Environment–explain the economic effects of competition on a business in an international marketplace 1.2.5 Entrepreneurial Concepts–identify the characteristics of an entrepreneur and describe the role of an entrepreneurship in the private enterprise system 1.2.6 Environmental Issues–describe the impact of environmentally sound business practice in a global economy 1.2.7 International Trade–investigate the challenges and opportunities of international trade in both large and small businesses 1.2.8 Interrelationships of Business Operations–discuss the interrelationships between different business lines as they relate to finance, tax, operations, human resources, marketing, production, management, and the legal environment 1.3 Career Preparation, Job Acquisition and Retention (C): Students will understand the career preparation and job acquisition skills required for employment, professional growth, and employment transitions in the field of business occupations. They will demonstrate competency by researching career options, applying job acquisition skills, preparing job search documentation, and modeling appropriate workplace demeanor. Dr. Jorge Alvarez High School Introduction to Business Syllabus 1.3.1 Career Exploration–explore career opportunities and projected trends; investigate required education, training and experience; and develop an individual education plan for life long learning 1.3.2 Employment Transitions–analyze the effects of job changes, including the impact of unemployment 1.3.3 Goal Setting–identify steps for setting goals and write personal goals and objectives 1.3.4 Interest Assessment–examine aptitudes related to career options; relate personal characteristics and interests to educational and occupational opportunities 1.3.5 Job Acquisition–develop job acquisition documents and interview skills 1.3.6 Job Retention–identify appropriate work attitudes and behaviors 1.4 Economics and Financial Concepts (C): Students will understand the impact of global and domestic businesses, financial concepts, and integrated business models. They will demonstrate competency by using appropriate technology and other resources to solve business problems. 1.4.1 Business/Financial Relationships–analyze the financial implications of various functions of a business and describe how they interrelate 1.4.2 Demographics–interpret demographic data and explain its impact on the economy 1.4.3 Economic Culture–explain how culture affects economic practice and business ethics 1.4.4 Economic Systems–describe a variety of economic systems 1.4.5 Exchange Rates–access and utilize information on exchange rates 1.4.6 Financial Statements–explain how financial statements are necessary for business planning and for the continuous monitoring of business performance 1.4.7 Financial Systems–examine how financial systems and tools are used to solve business problems and to perform business transactions 1.4.8 Global Business–evaluate the impact of international trade on domestic and global economies and the importance of multinational corporations, including the impact of international trade agreements and regulations, protection and ownership of intellectual property 1.4.9 Investments–identify different types of investments; compute cost, profit and return on investment 1.4.10 Money Management–construct personal and business budget plans which include income, expenses, savings, investments and taxes productive workforce in a culturally diverse global environment. They will demonstrate competency by identifying the skills which positively affect productivity. 1.5 Employability Skills (C): Students will understand the factors essential to a productive workforce in a culturally diverse global environment. They will demonstrate competency by identifying the skills which positively affect productivity. 1.5.1 Adapting to Change–provide a workplace example of a constantly changing environment and discuss how employees should incorporate lifelong learning as a career goal 1.5.2 Conflict Resolution–demonstrate skills necessary to resolve disagreements in a professional manner 1.5.3 Diversity–describe and compare cultural differences as related to work styles 1.5.4 Occupational Safety–discuss safety practices and develop a plan to maintain a work environment in a safe and secure manner 1.5.5 Positive Attitude–role play a work situation to demonstrate positive working relationships with customers, employers and employees Dr. Jorge Alvarez High School Introduction to Business Syllabus 1.5.6 Teamwork–develop the ability to work in teams by participating in group activities 1.5.7 Time Management–prioritize work to fulfill responsibilities, meet deadlines, and achieve personal satisfaction 1.5.8 Work Ethics–define ethics and explain how standards and scruples affect human relations 1.6 Information Technologies (C): Students will understand technology used in business. They will demonstrate competency by utilizing technology to access, manipulate, and produce information. 1.6.1 Applications–utilize a variety of software programs to manipulate, analyze and produce data 1.6.2 Computer Operations–demonstrate proper use and care of equipment 1.6.3 Document Processing–create, format and produce documents 1.6.4 Global Communications–discuss the skills necessary for communicating in an international, pluralistic business environment 1.6.5 Information Resources–use electronic media, manuals, and tutorials as resources to access information 1.6.6 Presentation–develop and produce presentations utilizing electronic media 1.6.7 Problem Solving–solve problems effectively by utilizing appropriate technology 1.6.8 Social Issues–discuss the technological issues of ethics and etiquette as they relate to emerging technologies and the impact on society 1.6.9 Technology Innovations–examine the role of technology in future business applications 1.6.10 Telecommunications–use technology to transmit and receive information 1.7 Leadership Development (C): Students will understand the personal qualities that are the basis for developing leadership skills. They will demonstrate competency by identifying and using leadership skills in a variety of individual and group work situations. 1.7.1 Communications–select and use modes of communications appropriate to various employee/employer situations 1.7.2 Decision Making–apply a rational decision-making process to solve common business problems in a dynamic environment 1.7.3 Ethics–identify ethical considerations in the workplace and demonstrate appropriate behavior in a business setting 1.7.4 Motivation–demonstrate self-motivation and use motivation techniques in classroom and small group situations 1.7.5 Personal Qualities–describe personal qualities such as integrity, loyalty, honesty and self esteem; discuss their importance in being an effective leader and team member 1.7.6 Planning–identify the steps necessary to produce desired results and effect change Dr. Jorge Alvarez High School Introduction to Business Syllabus Instructor Name: Michael Scott Class Website: http://www.engrade.com/mscott215s2 375 Adelaide Avenue Providence, RI 02907 Time Frame: Fourth Quarter Email: michael.scott@ppsd.org tel. 401.456.0676 fax 401.456.0679 Course Description Introduction to Business introduces students to the world of business and prepares them for the economic roles of consumer, worker, and citizen. This course will serve as a background for other courses, prepare students for future employment and assist them with consumer decision making. Required Textbook and Class Website Intro to Business, 4th Edition, by Eggland, Dlabay, Burrow and Ristau South-Western, 2003. Online Class Materials (http://www.engrade.com/mscott215s2) Supplementary Reading As issued by instructor Supplementary Materials Student will have notebook dedicated specifically to the course as homework, classwork and projects will be recorded in student notebook and will be reviewed by the instructor from time to time. Supplementary Online Materials (Websites) Online Free Touch Typing Program (www.sense-lang.org) Banzai Online Financial Literacy (www.teachbanzai.com) Stock Market Game (www.stockmarketgame.org) Online Translator Application (www.microsofttranslator.com) Web Development Site (www.wix.com) Grading Policy See Alvarez school wide grading policy. GSEs/Standards Addressed See attached list of standards Assignment and Examination Schedule Reading Topic Estimated Time Unit 4 Small Business Management Chapter 12 Managing a Small Business 1 week Apr 9 –13 Characteristics of Business Owner Steps For Starting a Business Business Plan Financing Create a Business Project assigned Friday, April 15, 2011 April Break April 16 through 20. Chapter 13 Managing Human Resources ½ week Apr 23 –25 Importance of Human Resources Assessing HR Needs Compensation and Benefits Dr. Jorge Alvarez High School Introduction to Business Syllabus Chapter 14 Maintaining Financial Information 1 week Apr 25 –May 2 Financial Information Sources Primary Financial Records Financial Statements used in Decision-Making Create a Business Project –Logo Development -due Friday, April 27, 2012 UNIT 6 Careers in Our Global Economy Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Human Resources in Our Economy p. 240 Types of Industries Occupational Groups Job Opportunities Planning A Career p. 252 Career Information Values and Abilities Additional Education 1 week May 2 – 9 ½ week May 9 – 11 Create a Business Project –Business Plan -due Friday, May 11, 2012 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Succeeding at Work p. 265 Letter of Application Resume Interviewing Pre-employment Tests Opportunities in Small Business p. 280 Characteristics of Small Business Reasons for Failure Successful Owners ½ week May 16 – 18 ½ week May 18 – 20 Create a Business Project –PowerPoint -due Friday, May 20, 2011 UNIT 7 Consumers in the Economy Chapter 22 Chapter 23 The Informed Consumer Characteristics of Small Business Reasons for Failure Successful Owners Consumer Buying Decisions Characteristics of Small Business Reasons for Failure Successful Owners ½ week May 23 -25 ½ week May 25 -27 Create a Business Project –Website Development -due Friday, June 5, 2011 Chapter 24 Consumer Rights and Responsibilities Characteristics of Small Business Reasons for Failure Successful Owners Presentations week of May 31 to June 3, 2011 Senior Finals Week ½ week May 31 –Jun 3 1 week May 31 –Jun 5 Dr. Jorge Alvarez High School Introduction to Business Syllabus Wrap-up Unit Depending on time, the instructor may omit parts of this unit. Chapter 33 Starting a Savings Program ½ week Jun 8 – 10 Importance of a Savings Plan Interest on Savings Factors in choosing Savings Plan Saving Helps Economy Chapter 24 Fundamentals of Credit ½ week Jun 10 –12 Use of Credit Types of Credit Granting Credit Advantages and Disadvantages of Credit Chapter 37 Fundamentals of Insurance ½ week Jun 15 –19 Types of Risk Avoidance of Economic Risk Coverage and Cost Finals Week Review/Final Examination 1 week Jan 22-24 Dr. Jorge Alvarez High School Introduction to Business Syllabus GSEs/Standards Addressed 1.0 BUSINESS CORE 1.1 Business Communications (C): Students will understand communications as applied to personal and professional situations. They will demonstrate competency by selecting and using appropriate forms of communications in a variety of situations. 1.1.1 Diversity–demonstrate the ability to work and communicate effectively with persons of different ethnicities and culturally diverse backgrounds 1.1.2 Effectiveness–compose oral and written business communications that demonstrate the use of critical thinking, decision making and problem solving skills 1.1.3 Ethics–discuss ethics and the need for confidentiality, loyalty, integrity and honesty in communicating with business associates 1.1.4 Methods of Communication–demonstrate the use of various methods of communications; research, compose and orally present information using appropriate technology 1.1.5 Nonverbal Communications–identify and use nonverbal communications in a group activity 1.1.6 Oral Communications–orally present information using appropriate language, style and format; utilize different communication techniques to address the intended audience appropriately 1.1.7 Systems–use systems thinking to discuss the impact of cultural, organizational, technological and behavioral characteristics on the selection of communication strategies and methods 1.2 Business Environment (C): Students will understand the development and structure of business environments. They will demonstrate competency by identifying the dynamic components of business structure and its relationship to the global business environment. 1.2.1 Business Ethics–define business ethics and explain the importance of ethical standards and social responsibilities in the business environment 1.2.2 Business Law–describe the sources of law, the structure of the court systems and ways in which these laws apply to basic consumer and business transactions 1.2.3 Business Ownership–identify the major types of business organizations 1.2.4 Competitive Environment–explain the economic effects of competition on a business in an international marketplace 1.2.5 Entrepreneurial Concepts–identify the characteristics of an entrepreneur and describe the role of an entrepreneurship in the private enterprise system 1.2.6 Environmental Issues–describe the impact of environmentally sound business practice in a global economy 1.2.7 International Trade–investigate the challenges and opportunities of international trade in both large and small businesses 1.2.8 Interrelationships of Business Operations–discuss the interrelationships between different business lines as they relate to finance, tax, operations, human resources, marketing, production, management, and the legal environment 1.3 Career Preparation, Job Acquisition and Retention (C): Students will understand the career preparation and job acquisition skills required for employment, professional growth, and employment transitions in the field of business occupations. They will demonstrate competency by researching career options, applying job acquisition skills, preparing job search documentation, and modeling appropriate workplace demeanor. Dr. Jorge Alvarez High School Introduction to Business Syllabus 1.3.1 Career Exploration–explore career opportunities and projected trends; investigate required education, training and experience; and develop an individual education plan for life long learning 1.3.2 Employment Transitions–analyze the effects of job changes, including the impact of unemployment 1.3.3 Goal Setting–identify steps for setting goals and write personal goals and objectives 1.3.4 Interest Assessment–examine aptitudes related to career options; relate personal characteristics and interests to educational and occupational opportunities 1.3.5 Job Acquisition–develop job acquisition documents and interview skills 1.3.6 Job Retention–identify appropriate work attitudes and behaviors 1.4 Economics and Financial Concepts (C): Students will understand the impact of global and domestic businesses, financial concepts, and integrated business models. They will demonstrate competency by using appropriate technology and other resources to solve business problems. 1.4.1 Business/Financial Relationships–analyze the financial implications of various functions of a business and describe how they interrelate 1.4.2 Demographics–interpret demographic data and explain its impact on the economy 1.4.3 Economic Culture–explain how culture affects economic practice and business ethics 1.4.4 Economic Systems–describe a variety of economic systems 1.4.5 Exchange Rates–access and utilize information on exchange rates 1.4.6 Financial Statements–explain how financial statements are necessary for business planning and for the continuous monitoring of business performance 1.4.7 Financial Systems–examine how financial systems and tools are used to solve business problems and to perform business transactions 1.4.8 Global Business–evaluate the impact of international trade on domestic and global economies and the importance of multinational corporations, including the impact of international trade agreements and regulations, protection and ownership of intellectual property 1.4.9 Investments–identify different types of investments; compute cost, profit and return on investment 1.4.10 Money Management–construct personal and business budget plans which include income, expenses, savings, investments and taxes productive workforce in a culturally diverse global environment. They will demonstrate competency by identifying the skills which positively affect productivity. 1.5 Employability Skills (C): Students will understand the factors essential to a productive workforce in a culturally diverse global environment. They will demonstrate competency by identifying the skills which positively affect productivity. 1.5.1 Adapting to Change–provide a workplace example of a constantly changing environment and discuss how employees should incorporate lifelong learning as a career goal 1.5.2 Conflict Resolution–demonstrate skills necessary to resolve disagreements in a professional manner 1.5.3 Diversity–describe and compare cultural differences as related to work styles 1.5.4 Occupational Safety–discuss safety practices and develop a plan to maintain a work environment in a safe and secure manner 1.5.5 Positive Attitude–role play a work situation to demonstrate positive working relationships with customers, employers and employees Dr. Jorge Alvarez High School Introduction to Business Syllabus 1.5.6 Teamwork–develop the ability to work in teams by participating in group activities 1.5.7 Time Management–prioritize work to fulfill responsibilities, meet deadlines, and achieve personal satisfaction 1.5.8 Work Ethics–define ethics and explain how standards and scruples affect human relations 1.6 Information Technologies (C): Students will understand technology used in business. They will demonstrate competency by utilizing technology to access, manipulate, and produce information. 1.6.1 Applications–utilize a variety of software programs to manipulate, analyze and produce data 1.6.2 Computer Operations–demonstrate proper use and care of equipment 1.6.3 Document Processing–create, format and produce documents 1.6.4 Global Communications–discuss the skills necessary for communicating in an international, pluralistic business environment 1.6.5 Information Resources–use electronic media, manuals, and tutorials as resources to access information 1.6.6 Presentation–develop and produce presentations utilizing electronic media 1.6.7 Problem Solving–solve problems effectively by utilizing appropriate technology 1.6.8 Social Issues–discuss the technological issues of ethics and etiquette as they relate to emerging technologies and the impact on society 1.6.9 Technology Innovations–examine the role of technology in future business applications 1.6.10 Telecommunications–use technology to transmit and receive information 1.7 Leadership Development (C): Students will understand the personal qualities that are the basis for developing leadership skills. They will demonstrate competency by identifying and using leadership skills in a variety of individual and group work situations. 1.7.1 Communications–select and use modes of communications appropriate to various employee/employer situations 1.7.2 Decision Making–apply a rational decision-making process to solve common business problems in a dynamic environment 1.7.3 Ethics–identify ethical considerations in the workplace and demonstrate appropriate behavior in a business setting 1.7.4 Motivation–demonstrate self-motivation and use motivation techniques in classroom and small group situations 1.7.5 Personal Qualities–describe personal qualities such as integrity, loyalty, honesty and self esteem; discuss their importance in being an effective leader and team member 1.7.6 Planning–identify the steps necessary to produce desired results and effect change