Structure Determination: Mass Spectrometry, IR, and UV Spectroscopy 219 Solutions to Problems 10.1 If the isotopic masses of the atoms C, H, and ° had integral values of 12 amu, 1 amu and 16 amu, many molecular formulas would correspond to a molecular weight of 288 amu. Because isotopic masses are not integral, however, only one molecular formula is associatedwith a molecular ion at 288.2089 amu. To reduce the number of possible formulas, assume that the difference in molecular weight between 288 and 288.2089 is due mainlf.'to hydrogen. Divide 0.2089 by 0.00783, the amount by which the atomic weight of one H atom differs from 1.The answer, 26.67, gives a "ballpark" estimate of the number of hydrogens in testosterone. Then, divide 288 by 12, to determine the maximum number of carbons. Since 288 + 12 =24, we know that testosterone can have no more than 22 carbons if it also includes hydrogen and oxygen. Make a list of reasonable molecular formulas containingC, Hand ° whose mass is 288 and that contain 20-30 hydrogens. Tabulate these, and calculatetheir exact masses using the values in the text. Isotopic mass Molecular formula 9 Mass of carbons Mass of hydrogens Mass of oxygens Mass of molecular ion C2oH32O 240.0000 amu 32.2504 amu 15.9949 amu 288.2453 amu C 19H2S02 228.0000 28.2191 31.9898 288.2089 CIsH2403 216.0000 24.1879 47.9847 288.1726 The only possible formula for testosterone is C19H2S02. CH3CH2CH = I CH3 C \ CH3 2-Methylpent-2-ene Hex -2-ene Fragmentationsoften occur to give relatively stable carbocations. + CH2CH= m/z = 69 CH3 cl\ CH3 m/z = 55 Spectrum (a), which has a large peak atm/z= 69,corresponds to 2-methylpent-2-ene, and spectrum (b), which has m/z = 55 as its base peak, corresponds to hex-2-ene. Both of these peaks are due to allylic cations. ~ 2011 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. . 220 Chapter 10 A((3) In a mass spectrum,the molecular ion is both a cation and a radical. When it fragments, V two kinds of cleavage can occur. (1) Cleavage can fomi a radical and a cation (the species observed in themass spectrum). Alpha cleavage shows this type of pattern. (2) Cleavage can form a neutral moleculeand a different radical cation (the species observed in the mass spectrum).Alcohol dehydration and the McLaffertyrearrangement show this cleavage pattern. \ For each compound, calculatethe mass of the molecular ion and identifythe functional gro~ps present. Draw the fragmentation products and calculate their masses. 1 (a) +" ' 0 1/ /C, l . : CH2CH2CH3 ] M+ =86 H3C [ H3C-C=O yC' ] +" CH2CH2CH3 +" ,)1 H3:C =43 mlz . 0 l + Alpha cleavage I _ Alpha CH2CH2CH3 ] H3C". + [ O=C-CH2CH2CH3 ] + mlz =71 In theory, alpha cleavage can take place on either side of the carbonyl group, to produce M+ =86 CI" eavage =43 and mlz =71. In practice, the cations with mlz cleavage occurs on the more substituted side of the carbonyl group, and the fIrst cation, with mlz =43, is observed. +" +" (b) I - lUOH [ ] DehYdratiOn.-O J M+= 100 + H20 mlz = 82 Dehydration of cyclohexanolproduces a cation radical with mlz =82. (c) H, +" CH3 0 +" McLafferty.. I 1/ J rearrangement [CH3CHCH2CCH3 M+ = 100 H H~ H,\ / 0 II H3C_C~C' / C CH 9~ H ? 'iC, [ H2C ~ mlz CH3] . =58 + 1\ H +" H ?lH2 C H3C/ 'H The cation radical fragment resulting from McLafferty rearrangementhas mlz =58. I (d) +" . CH2CH3 , [H3CtCH2 CH2CH3 Alpha 1 N, CH"cH3 ] .. H3C" + cleavage [ 'iN, H"c M+ = 101 mlz Alpha cleavage of triethylamineyields a cation with mlz = 86. iC 20 II Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, + I CH2CH3 =86 ] or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 9 .0.4 Structure Determination: Mass Spectrometry, IR, and UV Spectroscopy 221 The molecule, 2-methylpentan-2-ol,produces fragments that result from both dehydration and from alpha cleavage.Two different alpha cleavage products can be detected. +. CH . Dehydration [CH3CH2CH2t~3 ] M+ =102 ! Alpha cleavage + OH CH3CH2CH2< [ + CH3 mlz /'"' =87 H3C.. [ J HO'?"CH3r CH3 J mlz = 59 0.5') We know that: (1) energy increases as wavelength decreases, and (2) the wavelength of Xradiation is shorter than the wavelength of infrared radiation. Thus, we estimate that an X ray is of higher energy than an infrared ray. J E =hv =he/A; h =6.62 X 10-34 J.s; c =3.00 X 108mls for.A = 1 x 1O-{)m (infrared radiation): E = (6.62 X 10-34J.s) (3.00 X 108mls) = 2.0 X 10-19J 1.0 X 1O-{)m for .A = 3.0 x 10-9 m (X radiation): -34 E = (6.62 x 10 )( 8 J.s 3.00 x 10 mls 3.0 x 10-9m ) = 6.6 X 10-17J ConfIrmingour estimate, the calculation shows that an X ray is of higher energy than infrared radiation. When comparing radiation expressedby different units, convert radiation in m to radiation in Hz by the equation: c v =A = 3.00 X 108 mls 9.0 X 1O-{)m = 3.3 X 1013 Hz E =hv shows that the greater the value of v, the greater the energy. Thus, radiation with v =3.3 X 1013 Hz (A. =9.0 x 10-6m) is higher in energy than radiation with The equation v =4.0 x 109 Hz. <02011 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reseryed. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 222 Chapter 10.6 Use the expression for energy shown in this section. Convert frequency to wavelength when you need to. (a) E 10 = 1.20 X 10-4kJ/mol = f...(in m) (b) 1.20 x 10-4kJ/mol 5.0 x 10-11 = 2.4 X 106kJ/molfor a gammaray. E = 4.0 X 104kJ/molfor an X ray. (c) v E = .£..; f... f... = £ = 3.0x 108mIs 6.0 X 1015Hz v = 5.0 x 1O-8m = 1.20 X 19-4kJ/mol = 2.4 x 103kJ/mol for ultraviolet light 5.0.'x 10-8 . (d) E =2.8 X 102kJ/molforvisible light. 10.7 (e) E =6.0 kJ/mol for infrared radiation (f) E =4.0 X 10-2kJ/mol for microwave radiation. (a) A compound with a strong absorptionat 1710 cm-1 contains a carbonyl group and is either a ketone, an aldehyde, or an ester. (b) with a nitro, group has a strong absorption at 1540 cm-1. ~ A compound . (c) A compound showing both carbonyl (1720 cm-1) and -OH (2500-3000 cm-1 broad) absorptions is a carboxylic acid. I ~ Q To use IR spec~oscopy to distinguish between isomers, find a strong IR absorption that is present in one isomer but absent in the other. . (a) CHsCH20H CHSOCHS Strong hydroxyl band at 3400 - 3640 cm-1 (b) . CHsCH2CH2CH2CH =CH2 Alkene bands at 3020-3100 cm-1 and at 1640-1680-1. .No band in the region . 3400 - 3640 cm-1 o No bands in alkene region. (c) CHsCH2C02H Strong, broad band at 2500-3100 cm-1 HOCH2CH2CHO Strong band at .3400-3640 cm-1 @ 20 II Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a PUblicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Structure Determination: Mass Spectrometry, JR, and UV Spectroscopy 223 ~ ~ (a) Anat 1640-1680 ester next to a double bond absorbs at 1715cm-I. The alkene double bond absorbs D cm-I. (b) The aldehyde carbonyl group absorbs at 1730cm-I. The alkyne CaC bond absorbs at 2100-2260 cm-I, and the alkyne H-G bond absorbs at 3300 cm-I. (c) The most importantabsorptions for this compound are due to the alcoholgroup (a broad, intense band at 3400-3650 cm-I) and to the carboxylic acid group, which has a C=O absorption in the range 1710-1760 cm-I and a broad O-H absorptionin the range 2500-3100 cm-I. Absorptions due to the aromatic ring [3030 cm-I (w) and 1450-1600 cm-I (m)] may also be seen. EJ 0.10 0 . II HsC , ~ C 'CHs H The compound contains nitrile and ketone groups, as well as a carbon-carbon double bond. The nitrile absorption occurs at 2210-2260 cm-I. The ketone shows an absorption at 1690cm-I, a value lower than the usual value because the ketone is next to the double bond. The double bond absorption occurs at 1640-1680 cm-I. ~ 10.11 200 nm = 200 x 1O-9m = 2 x 10-7m 400 nm = 400 x 10-9m = 4 x 10-7 m forA E = 2 x 10-7m: = 1.20 X 10-4 kl/mol = 1.20 X 10-4kl/mol = 6.0 x 102kl/mol 2.0 x 10-7 = 1.20 X 10-4 kl/mol A (in ~) for A = 4 x 10-7m: E = 1.20 X 10-4 kl/mol 4.0 x 10-7 A(in m) = 3.0 x 102kl/mol The energy of electromagneticradiationin the region of the spectrumfrom 200 om to 400 om is 300 - 600 kl/mol. Comparing this with the energy value for IR transitions (calculatedin Section 10.6): Energy (in kl/mol) UV IR 300 - 600 4.8 - 48 The energy required for UV transitions ~sgreater than the energy required for IR transitions. C 2011 Cengage I:earning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. L 224 Chapter B.. 10 A Cxl Where E = molar absorptivity(in L/ A '= absorbance In this problem: E = 50,100 = 5.01 x 104Llmol .cm 1 = 1.00 cm A = 0.735 e o .13 C = -LL = EX 1 1 = sample path length (in cm) C = concentration(inmol/L) = 1.47 x 10-5M 0.735 5.01 X 104 x 1.00 cm 11compounds having alternating single and multiple bonds should show ultraviolet sorption in the range 200-400 nm. Only compound (a) is not UV-active. All of the compoundspicturedbelowareUV active. . o II o Visualizing . (JC , ~ COH OCCHs II o Chemistry 10.14 (a) The mass spectrum of this ketone shows fragments resulting from both McLafferty rearrangementand alpha cleavage. McLaffertyrearrangement: 0 +. CHsCH29H~CH2C?Hs [ j CHs M+ 114 = . McLafferty rearrangement H ~ /H~ "9~ ~ H_C~C" H/ CH2CHs IC\ H CHs t H'9 C HsC" C~ "CH2CHs I H m/z = 86 II:)2011 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website: in whole or in part. 228 . Chapter 10 =88. The fragment (b) CSHIZO is the formula Qf an alcohol with M+ at m/z =70 is due to the product of dehydration ofM+. The other two fragments are a result of alpha cleavage. Draw the possible Cs alcohol isomers, and draw their products of alpha cleavage. The tert~aryalcohol shown fits the data. +" OH + b-+ CH3 I CH3CH2 [ I I CH3 M+ =88 ] Alpha. cleavage +" H3C, /.CH3 C=C ., / H [ CH3] m/z CH3 I =70 . CH3CH2CH2CHCH3 2-Methylpentane k +" CH +e [CH3CH2CH2bH~H3 ] ! + CH3CH2CH2CHCH3 m/z =71 + CH3 \ I CH2CHCH3 m/z =57 CH3 +1 CHCH3 m/z =43 The molecular ion, at m/z =86, is present in very low abundance. The base peak, at m/z = 43, represents a stable secondary carbocation. . Q V Before.doing the hydrogenation,familiarize yourself with the mass spectra of cyclohexene and cyclohexane.Note that M+is different for each compound. After the reaction is underway, inject a sample from the reaction mixture into the mass spectrometer.If the reaction is finished, the mass spectrum of the reaction mixture should be superimposable with the mass spectrum of cyclohexane. iO 2011 Cengage Leaming. All Rights Reserved. May nol be scanned, copied or duplicated, or poSled to a publicly accessible website, in whol~ or in part. Structure 6 Determination: Mass Spectrometry, IR, and UV Spectroscopy 229 ~5 (a) This ketone shows mass spectrumfragments that are due to alpha cleavage and to the McLafferty rearrangement.The molecular ion occurs at W = 148,and major fragments have m/z = 120, 105, and 71. (Note that only charged species are shown.) °II +" + Alpha .. (tc I \ C1OH120 cleavage I M+ O = 148 + aO mlz = 105 m/z +" HYJ II C McLafferty .. '0 th =71 H, -, +" °I H2C c'O c'O reammgement r l O."'C m/z I = 120 (b) The fragments in the mass spectrum of this alcohol (CgH160)result from dehydration and alpha cleavage. Major fragments have m/z values of 128 (the same value as the molecular ion), 110 and 99. M+ = 128 m/z -M+= 128 mlz =110 =99 m/z = 128 (c) Amines fragment by alpha cleavage. In this problem, cleavage occurs in the ring, producing a fragment with the same value of m/z as the molecular ion (99). H I ~N, u-- M+=99 H I - Alpha CHs .. cleavage ~N'CH3 m/z =99 C>2011 Cengage Leaming_ All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 230 -c- Chapter 10 (lO.26)CH3CH2CaCH shows absorptions at 2100-2260 cm-I (CaC) and at 3300 cm-I (CaC-H) "-J that are due to the terminal alkyne bond. H2C=CHCH=CH2 has absorptions in the regions 1640-1680 cm-I and 3020-3100 that are due to the double bonds. It also shows absorptions at 910 cm-I and 990 cm-I that are due to monosubstituted alkene bonds. No absorptions occur in the alkyne region. CH3CaCCH3.For reasons we won't discuss, symmetrically substituted alkynes such as but-2-yne do not show a CaC bond absorptionin the IR. There is also no terminal alkyne absorption.This alkyne is distinguished from the other isomers in that it shows no absorptions in either the alkyne or aUceneregions. Two enantiomershave.identicalphysical properties (other than the sign of specific rotation). Thus, their IR spectra are also identical. Diastereomershave different physical properties and chemical behavior, and their IR spectraare alsodifferent. ~ U . (a) Absorptions at 3300 cm-I and 2150 cm-I are due to a terminal triple bond. Possible structures: CH3CH2C~2C = CH (CH3)2CHC = CH (b)An IR absorptionat 3400cm-I is due to a hydroxylgroup.Sinceno doublebond abs?rptionis present,the compoundmustbe a cyclicalcohol. CH3 [>( ~OH OH J>-CH3 HO (c) An absorption at 1715 cm-I is due to a ketone. The only possible structure is CH3CH2COCH3. (d) Absorptions at 1600 cm-I and 1500cm-I are du~ to an aromatic ring. Possible structures: CH3 ~3\ ~ (a)HCaCCH2NH2 Alkyne absorptions at 3300 cm-I, 2100-2260 cm-I Amine absorptionat 3300-3500 cm~I (b) CH3COCH3 Strong ketone absorption at 1715 cm-I CH3CH2CaN Nitrile absorptionat 2210-2260 cm-I CH3CH2CHO Strong absorption at 1730aldehlde cm- C 20 II Cengage Leaming. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website. in whole or in part. Structure Determination: Mass Spectrometry, IR, and UV Spectroscopy ~ &my 231 Spectrum (b) differs from spectrum (a) in several respects. Note in particularthe absorptions at 715 cm-1 (strong), 1140 cm-1 (strong), 1650 cm-I (medium), and 3000 cm-I (medium) in spectrum (b). The absorptions at 1650 cm-I (C=C stretch) and 3000 cm-I (=C-H stretch) can be found in Table 10.1.They al10w.usto assign spectrum (b) to cyc10hexeneand spectrum (a) to cyc1ohexane. (a). absorptionswithmediumto strougintensityare listed. . C=c (b) o ~C/ OH 6 7"' I ~ (c) N III C OH (e) aromatIcnng 1450-1600 cm-I aromatic ring C-H 3030 cm-I 0 1710-1760 cm-I carboxylicacid O-H 2500-3100 cm-I monosubstituted aromaticring 690-710 cm-I 730-770 cm-I ester 1735 cm-I OCH aromaticring C=C 1450-1600 cm-I 3 aromatic ring C-H 3030 cm-I aromaticester I 1715 cm-I monosubstituted aromaticring 690-710 cm-I 730-770 cm-1 6 7"' carboxylicacidC=O aromatic ring C=C 1450-1600 cm-I aromatic ring C-H 3030 cm-I alcoholO-H 3400-3650 cm-I nitrile C=N 2210-2260 cm-I p-disubstituted aromaticring 810-840 cm-I ~C/ ~ (d) 0 alkene C=C 1640-1680 cm-I alkene =C.",H 3020-3100 cm-I ketone 1715 cm-I ketone 1715 cm-I (b) CH3COCH=CHCH3,a ketone conjugated with a double bond, shows a strong ketone absorption at 1690 cm-I; CH3COCH2CH=CH2shows a ketone absorption at 1715 cm-I and monosubstituted alkene absorp~ionsat 910 cm-I and 990 cm-I. (c) CH3CH2CHOexhibits an aldehyde band at 1730 cm-I; H2C=CHOCH3shows characteristic monosubstituted alkene absorptions at 910 cm-I and 990 cm-I. Q 20 II Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Structure Determination: Mass Spectrometry, IR, and UV Spectroscopy 235 10.43 H CH3 I I 'iC, 'iC, 'iCH2 H2C C C I I H CH3 Hexa-l,3,5-triene Amax 2,3- Dimethylhexa-l,3 ,5-triene Amax "'" 268 nm = 258nm In Problem10:42,weconcludedthatone alkylgroupincreasesAmaxof a conjugateddiene by approximately 5 nm. Since 2,3-~imethylhexa-l,3,5-triene has two niethyl substituents, its UV Amaxshould be about 10 nm longer than the Amaxof hexa-l ,3,5-triene. , 10.44 C ~ =~ Exl = 0.065 11,900L/mol'cmx 1.00cm = 6.5 x 10-2 =' 5.5 x lO-6M 1.19x 104L/mol ;i 0.45 )The peak of maximum intensity (base peak) in the mass spectrum occurs at mlz =67. This ~~akdoes not represent the molecular ion, however, because M+of a hydrocarbonmust be an even number. Careful inspection reveals the molecular ion peak at mlz =68. M+ =68 corresponds to a hydrocarbon of molecular formula CsHgwith a degree of unsaturationof two. Fairly intense peaks in the mass spectrum occur at mlz =67, 53, 40,39, and 27. The ~~ peak at mlz =67 corresponds to loss of one hydrogen atom, and the peak at mlz =53 represents loss of "amethyl group. The unknown hydrocarbon thus contains a methyl group. Significant IR absorptions occur at 2130 cm-1 (-C=C- stretch) and at 3320 cm-1 (=C-H stretch). These bands indicate that the unknown hydrocarbon is a terminal alkyne. Possible structures for CsHg are CH3CH2CH2C=CHand (CH3hCHC=CH. [Pent-l-yne is correct.] ~ Ii 0.46 he molecular ion, M+ =70, corresponds to the molecular formula CsH10.This \~compound has one double bond or ring. ' The base peak in the mass spectrum occurs at mlz = 55. This peak represents loss of a methyl group from the molecularion and indicatesthe presence of a methyl group in the unknown hydrocarbon. All otber peaks occur with low intensity: In the IR spectrum, it is possible to distinguish absorptions at 1660 cm-1 and at 3000 cm-1 due to a double bond. (The 2960 cm-1 absorption is rather hard to detect because it occurs as a shoulder on the alkane C-H stretch at 2850-2960 cm-1.) Since no absorptions occur in the region 890 cm-1- 990 cm-1, we can exclude terminal alkenes as possible structures.The remaining possibilities for CsH10are CH3CH2CH=CHCH3and (CH3hC=CHCH3. [2-Methylbut-2-ene is correct.] Q 2011 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a pllblicly accessible website, in whole or in part.