T h e 1 0 Ye a r A n n i v e r s a r y C e l e b r a t i o n would not be possible without the t e r r i fi c w o r k o f o u r d e d i c a t e d a u c t i o n committee Jennifer Luk as-Jackson, Chair Angela Bednarek Elena Beleno Carney Karina Beleno Carney Eric Benschoter Kerr y Cesareo Dave Cohen Roshana Cohen Kim Connell Hannah Deutsch Carter Dougherty Vijay Ejantkar Micah Elazar Jenny Evans-Muir Craig Flamm H e l e n Fox Shar i Fr iedman Megan Gallagher Preeya Gholk ar Kendall Jackson Sarah King Rachel Lettre Joyce Loebig Alison MacDonald Paul M ack ie Susan Montgomery Keri Myers Kelly O’Keefe Anand Par ik h Anjali Patel K evin Perese Justin Ramsdell Jennifer Reut Kate Reut Bill Richards Rex Robison Kara Saul-Rinaldi Jamie Shambaugh Ana Villegas JoAnn Volk Shelley Waters-Boots K r i s t i n a Ya r r o w Special thanks to the outstanding staff suppor t for this e vent, especially Pam M yers, TCS Executive D irector, and each and e ver y TCS teacher and staff member involved in the creation of the class ar t projects auctioned tonight. TAKOMA CHILDREN’S SCHOOL 6825 Willow Street, NW Washington, DC 20012 202.726.9220 www.takomachildren.org TA K O M A CHILDREN'S S C H O O L 10 years and growing TA K O M A CHILDREN'S S C H O O L 10 year anniversary celeation and annual auction SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 2012 6:30-9:30 PM SILVER SPRING CIVIC BUILDING AT VETERANS PLAZA Takoma Children’s School extends its gratitude to its generous underwriters and event food donors: Margaret Reining Laura McDonnell Shelley Waters-Boots & Mike Boots Meg Finn Pam Sumner Coffey & Ted Curtain Susan & David Montgomery Craig & Rachel Flamm Theresa Immordino Kristina & Noah Yarrow Chipotle Lotus Café Cedar Crossing Tavern & Wine Bar A special thank you to Madeline Comoglio of mlc designs for creating our event logo and marketing materials. Welcome to the Takoma Children’s School 10 Year Anniversary Celebration and Annual Auction Saturday, March 3, 2012 6:30 pm Silent Auction tables open 7:15 pm Table 1 closes 7:25 pm Table 2 closes 7:35 pm Table 3 closes 7:45 pm Table 4 closes 7:55 pm Table 5 closes 8:05 pm Arts Alive! & Table 6 close 8:10 pm 10th Anniversary recognition 8:25 pm Table 7 closes 8:35 pm Table 8 closes 8:45 pm Table 9 closes 8:50 pm Raffle Drawing & Live Auction 9:20 pm Cash out & collect items Please thank and patronize the many local and regional merchants on the next two pages who donated to this year’s auction. ABC7 / WJLA-TV & News Channel 8 (www.wjla.com) AFI Silver Theatre and Cultural Center (www.aft.com/silver) Alchemy by Carla Hall (www.alchemybycarlahall.com) Amano (www.amanotakoma.com) Amicus Green Building Center (www.amicusgreen.com) Around Tuit Professional Organizing (www.getaroundtuitnow.com) Artful Framing & Gallery (www.artfulframing.com) Atlas Performing Arts Center (www.atlasarts.org) Austin Grill (www.austingrill.com) Baltimore Orioles (www.orioles.com) Barston's Child's Play (www.barstonschildsplay.com) Basignani Winery (www.basignani.com) Be With Me Playseum (www.playseum.com) Bennett Frank McCarthy Architects (www.bfmarch.com) Berrywine Plantations/Linganore Winecellars (www.linganorewines.com) Big Bad Woof (www.thebigbadwoof.com) Bikram Yoga (www.bikramyogatp.com) Blue Heron Wellness (www.blueheronwellness.org) Bombay Club (www.bombayclubdc.com) Bombyx Ecodesign (www.etsy.com/shop/BombyxEcoRedesign) Bonnie Coulbourne Photography (www.bonniehorsemanphotography.com) Bowie Baysox Baseball Club (www.baysox.com) Brady Boy Accessories (www.bradyboyaccessories.com) Brooks Glogau Photographers (www.glogau.com) Brookside Gardens (www.brooksidegardens.org) Budding Yogis & Circle Yoga LLC (www.buddingyogis.com) Capital City Cheesecake (www.capitalcitycheesecake.com) Cedar Crossing Tavern & Wine Bar (www.cedarcrossingtavern.com) Charlie Palmer Steak (www.charliepalmer.com) Chesapeake Children's Museum (www.theccm.org) Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center (www.claricesmithcenter.umd.edu) Claude Moore Colonial Farm (www.1771.org) College Park Aviation Museum (www.collegeparkaviationmuseum.com) Color Me Mine (www.colormemine.com) CREATE Arts Center (www.createartscenter.org) Creative Capes by Holly (www.etsy.com/shop/CopusHagenDesigns) Curves of Takoma Park The Culture Shop (www.cultureshop.com) Dance Exchange (www.danceexchange.org) Dance Place (www.danceplace.org) Doggie Washerette (www.doggiewasherette.com) E&M Technology Solutions, Inc. (www.emteksolutions.net) Earth Treks Climbing Center (www.earthtrekclimbing.com) Eggspectations (www.eggspectations.com) Etta Mae Inn (www.ettamaeinn.com) Fenwick Beer & Wine (www.FenwickBeerandWine.com) Franklin's Brewery & General Store (www.franklinsbrewery.com) Friends of the National Zoo (www.fonz.org) Fun & Games (www.funandgameskensington.com) George Washington’s Mt. Vernon Estate, Museum & Gardens (www.mountvernon.org) Glen Echo Partnership for Arts & Culture Inc. (www.glenechopark.org) Go Gardeners – Gardening Coaching (www.gogardeners.com) Grapeseed American Bistro & Wine Bar (www.grapeseedbistro.com) Grass Action Landscaping The Great Zucchini (www.thegreatzucchini.com) House of Musical Traditions (www.musicaltraditions.com) How-To Cowboy (www.howtocowboy.com) Imagination Stage (www.imaginationstage.org) Inn at Valley Farms (www.innatvalleyfarms.com) International Spy Museum (www.spymuseum.org) Jammin' Java Music Club & Café (www.jamminjava.com) John Henry England (www.johnhenryengland.com) Joy of Music Dance Center (www.joyofmotion.org) Kindermusik with Becky Linafelt (www.kmwithbecky.kindermusik.net) Knock on Wood Tap Studio (www.knockonwood.org) Kreeger Museum (www.kreegermuseum.org) Kushi Izakaya & Sushi (www.eatkushi.com) Landmark Theatres (www.landmarktheatres.com) Lebanese Taverna Café (www.lebanesetaverna.com) Let Larry Do It (www.letlarrydoit.com) Levine School of Music (www.levineschool.org) Little Gym (www.tlgofsilverspringmd.com) Madame Tussaud’s (www.madametussauds.com) Mamma Lucia’s (www.mammaluciarestaurants.com) Mark's Kitchen (www.markskitchen.com) Marrakesh Restaurant (www.marrakesh.us) Maryland Jockey Club (www.marylandracing.com) Maryland Youth Ballet (www.marylandyouthballet.org) Mi Rancho (www.miranchotexmexrestaurant.com) Middle East Cuisine (www.middleeasterncuisine.com) MLC Designs (www.mlcdesigns.net) Montgomery Hills Car Wash My Gym (www.my-gym.com) National Museum of Crime & Punishment (www.crimemuseum.org) Newseum (www.newseum.org) Now and Then Olazzo (www.olazzo.com) Old Takoma Ace Hardware (www.acehardwaredc.com) Old Town Auto Service Center Oliver's Labels (www.oliverslabels.com) Olney Theatre Center (www.olneytheatre.org) Panera Bread (www.panerabread.com) Parent Encouragement Program (PEP) (www.pepparent.org) Parkway Deli & Restaurant (www.theparkwaydeli.com) Passion Food Hospitality (www.passionfoodhospitality.com) Paw Prints Pet Care The Phillips Collection (www.phillipscollection.org) The Phoenix (www.thephoenixdc.com) Ponderosa Lodge & Farm (www.theponderosalodge.com) Potbelly (www.potbelly.com) Power Capes.com (www.powercapes.com) Prince George's Swimming Pool (www.pgpool.org) Pump It Up of Elkridge (www.pumpitupparty.com) The Puppet Co. Playhouse (www.thepuppetco.org) Pyramid Atlantic Art Center (www.pyramidatlanticartcenter.org) RS Automotive (www.rsautomotive.com) Reddemeade Equestrian Center (www.reddemeade.com) Romano’s Macaroni Grill (www.macaronigrill.com) Roscoe’s Neopolitan Pizzeria (www.roscoespizzeria.com) Round House Theater (www.roundhousetheatre.org) S & S Liquors Saul Architects (www.saularchitects.com) Shakespeare Theatre (www.shakespearetheatre.org) Silver Stars (gosilverstars.com) Six Flags America (www.sixflags.com/america) Snider's Food (www.sniderfoods.com) Soothing Spaces Inc. (www.soothingspaces.com) Souper Girl! (www.soupergirl.com) Spa Mesu (www.spamesu.com) The Still Point (www.stillpointmindandbody.com) Strathmore (www.strathmore.org) Strosneider's Hardware (www.strosniders.com) Student Conservation Association (www.thesca.org) Susan Hornyak Photography (www.susanhornyak.com) Takoma Bicycle (www.takomabicycle.com) Takoma Park Vision and Uptown Vision (www.takomavision.com) Teatro De La Luna (www.teatrodelaluna.org) Thai Derm (www.thaidermusa.com) Theater J (www.theaterj.org) Tree House Concerts (www.tree-houseconcerts.com) Trohv DC (www.trohvshop.com) Tweddell Goldberg Investment Mgmt. (www.tginvesting.com) Uncle Julio’s Rio Grande Café (www.unclejulios.com) Video Americain (www.videoamericain.com) Vitullo Architecture Studio (www.vitullostudio.com) Wakako Tokunaga Architecture (www.wt-architecture.com) Washington Capitals (www.capitals.nhl.com) Washington Concert Opera (www.concertopera.org) Willow Street Yoga Center (www.willowstreetyoga.com) Woodhall Wine Cellars (www.woodhallwinecellars.com) Woodlands Restaurant (www.woodlandsrestaurants.com) YMCA of Silver Spring (www.ymcadc.org) Z Pizza (www.zpizza.com) Zinn Chiropractic (www.zinnchiropractic.net) GENERAL AUCTION RULES Each bidder will receive a numbered bidding card at the registration table. All sales are final. Proceeds are for the sole benefit of Takoma Children’s School and may not be exchanged, redeemed for cash, or refunded. Everything is sold “as is”, “where is”, and with all faults, with no warranties, representations, or guarantees, express or implied. SILENT AUCTION BIDDING RULES AND PROCEDURES Bid sheets are placed on the tables designated in the program. To bid, please print your BID NUMBER, LAST NAME and the AMOUNT of your bid on the bid sheet. Each new bid must be written on the first available blank line of the bid sheet and must be equal to or exceed the minimum raise amount stated on the bid sheet. In the event where auction items are bundled together into a package, the winning bidder is not required to use the items together as described in the package, unless noted. The Silent Auction will begin closing at 7:15 pm. The tables will be closed in 10-minute intervals according to the enclosed schedule. Each table’s closing will be announced 3 to 5 minutes beforehand. For vacation homes, dinners, events, services, food items, and selected other auction items, the winning bidder will receive a certificate with their receipt that contains contact information for the donor. Unless specified, the winning bidder and the donor should arrange a mutually convenient time for the event or service. In the event that the winning bidder cannot redeem the auction item within the terms of original certificate, the winning bidder must make arrangements directly with the donor. Takoma Children’s School is released from any responsibility to assist the winning bidder or the donor in making new arrangements. The closing bid circled by an on-duty TCS Silent Auction coordinator constitutes the winning bid. Unless otherwise stated, the expiration date for each item is one year from the date of the auction – March 3, 2013. Many items have restricted dates for use and/or are subject to availability and require advance reservation. PLEASE READ THE SPECIFICATIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE BIDDING. All auction items must be claimed and paid for in full by the close of the auction at 9:30 pm on Saturday, March 3, 2012. Cash or checks preferred (payable to Takoma Children's School), but Visa or MasterCard will be accepted. Thank you for helping us avoid the 3% credit card transaction fee. We cannot be responsible for items left behind the night of the auction. We reserve the right to sell any unclaimed items to the second-place bidder. Check-out will take place beginning at 9:20 pm, or as soon as practicable. During this time you will be given a receipt totaling your winning bids. After you have paid, your receipt will be marked paid and you will be able to collect your items. Please do not ask to check out before this time. We’ll do our best to move check-out as quickly and smoothly as possible during the inevitable rush at the close of the auction. Thank you in advance for your patience. Any bidder not attending the auction may place an absentee bid for any item by contacting Anand Parikh at llgg23@hotmail.com. Please put “TCS Auction Absentee Bidding” in your e-mail subject heading. The on-duty TCS Silent Auction coordinators shall have sole and final authority to resolve all disputes. Winning bid results will be available at 9:20 pm. Items may be claimed upon presentation of a receipt marked paid during the cash-out period. All Silent Auction items must be claimed and paid for in full by the close of the event. LIVE AUCTION BIDDING RULES AND PROCEDURES All of the items listed in the catalog under ‘Live Auction’ will be auctioned in live bidding. Bidding will begin with the values set by the Auctioneer. The Auctioneer has the authority to withdraw any item that does not generate bids commensurate with its value. To enter a bid in the Live Auction, MAKE YOUR BID CARD CLEARLY VISIBLE TO THE AUCTIONEER. The highest bidder acknowledged by the Auctioneer will be the winning bidder. In the event of a dispute between bidders, the Auctioneer and the Live Auction runners shall have sole and final authority to determine the successful bidder. The Live Auction runners will confirm winning bid amounts and bidder numbers at the close of bidding on each item. Items may be claimed upon presentation of a receipt marked paid during the cash-out period. All Live Auction items must be claimed and paid for in full by the close of the event. RAFFLE PRIZE Exquisite DC Dining And thank you to the TCS parents and staff, past and present, and other individuals who gave so generously: Pazit & Eyal Aviv Emory Luce Baldwin Jill Barefoot Angela Bednarek & Micah Elazar Elena & Karina Beleno Carney Jerry Black Tara & Chad Blaise Kerry Cesareo & Jim Woodworth Dave & Roshana Cohen Ronald Davies & Janis Tothom-Davies Hannah Deutsch & Carter Dougherty Janet & Steve Dougherty Jamie Downs Peter Ensign Jenny Evans-Muir & Ed Muir Helen Fox & Rex Robison HollyAnn Freso-Moore & Scott Moore Shari Friedman & David Christy Preeya Gholkar & Vijay Ejantkar Shashi & Rekha Gholkar Beth Grupp Christy Hartless Tammeric Itson-Scurry Delila Khaled & Eric Benschoter AeRang Kim & Peter Hirsch Sarah King & Jamie Shambaugh Alison & Drew Kodjak Annette Labiano & Mark Hanna Rachel Lettre & Paul Mackie Joyce Loebig & Peter Stegehuis Jennifer Lukas-Jackson & Kendall Jackson Tom & Jana Martella Alison MacDonald & David Greenberg Tamra Mendelson & Greg Demske Andrea & Roderick Morris Edina & Bruce Morse Bruce & Judy Myers Keri Myers & Graham Copp Pam Myers Marsha Obusek Pooja & Anand Parikh Anjali & Amit Patel Katrina & Toby Reut Rebecca Rivas-Rogers & Jose Antonio Rivas Enid Romanek Kara Saul-Rinaldi Dr. Sal Selvaggio Lani Sinclair Jessica Sloane Frances Toler Ana Villegas & Evan Notman JoAnn Volk Iva Ziza & Alec Chance Schmooze with Washington’s power elite while enjoying top class American fare and stunning wines at Charlie Palmer Steak, DC. In the shadow of the Capitol dome, this premier steakhouse is consistently voted as one of DC’s best and most powerful dining locations. Under the direction of Executive Chef Matt Hill, you and three friends will indulge in a fourcourse chef’s tasting menu and wine pairing, which could include American artisan beef cuts, modern twists on seafood classics, and of course decadent desserts. Take in the impressive nightlit view of the Capitol while sipping on wines from Charlie Palmer’s innovative wine cube—which appears to be floating on water—featuring 3,500 bottles of exclusively American wine featuring over 600 selections and specially selected by the sommelier to match your meal and your tastes. Donated by Charlie Palmer Steak Value: $600 Each raffle ticket is $10 Purchase as many tickets as you like to increase your chances to win this fabulous dining experience at Charlie Palmer Steak! YOU MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN THE RAFFLE DRAWING IS AT 8:50 PM Silent Auction Table #1 Closes at 7:15 pm 101. I Canoe, Can You? Look no further for a unique party idea for older kids or a fun adult excursion with friends. Two American Canoe Association instructors (TCS mom Rachel Lettre and friend) will teach up to six people the fundamentals of Flat Water Canoeing in a fun, interactive class in one of the metro area’s beautiful local lakes or rivers (up to 4 hours, adjusted for the age and skill of the group). The course will introduce participants to sufficient skill and knowledge so that they can enjoy the sport of tandem canoeing on flat water. You'll walk away with basic paddling skills, safety tips, fun games to play with kids on the water, and will learn how to get back in a canoe should you ever tip. Participants should be at least eight years old and comfortable in the water. Scheduling is subject to availability of the instructors. Canoe Rental Fees may apply. TCS dad Paul Mackie and Star Jackson can provide entertainment for younger kids during the course if needed. As a bonus, you can gear up for your excursion with a $50 gift certificate from REI. Donated by the Lettre/Mackie Family and the Saul-Rinaldi Family Value: $230 Minimum bid: $120 102. Drama and Dance Head’s up, art lovers! Win this package and choose two tickets to any performance at the Atlas Performing Arts Center in the trendy Atlas District of Northeast DC. Atlas’ offerings include a wide variety of theater, film, music, and dance, including family-friendly performances. (Valid through March 2013.) The dancer in your family, whether young or young at heart, will appreciate a $50 gift certificate from Joy of Motion Dance Center to apply to a class at any of their three locations (Atlas Performing Arts Center, Bethesda or Friendship Heights). Joy of Motion offers youth and adult classes in tap, jazz, ballet, modern, hip hop, and more. Donated by Atlas Performing Arts Center and Joy of Motion Dance Center Value: $100 Minimum bid: $40 103. Money Matters There is no better time for this two-hour financial review for an individual or couple with adviser Frances Toler, CRPC. She will help you investigate whether your financial decisions are ones you are still comfortable with. Two hours together can unlock a world of opportunities for greater wealth creation and less worry. Then toast your sound financial footing with three bottles of fine red wine: 2010 Ramsden Estate Reserve Merlot from the Napa Valley; 2010 Pico de Aneto from Spain; 2010 Bric Corderi Barbera from Italy. Donated by Frances Toler, First Financial Group and Christine Hartless Value: $360 Minimum bid: $150 104. Gym and Eggs Get your egg rolling! This package includes four weeks of classes at My Gym Bethesda or Potomac plus unlimited free play with a lifetime membership for your enrolled child (new members only, please). Choose a parent participatory class for your infant or toddler, a confidence-building tumbling or sports class for your pre- or early grade-schoolers, or even a gymnastics or cardio class for your 6- to 13-year old. After your workout, take yourself and your child to lunch at Eggspectations in downtown Silver Spring with a $25 gift certificate (tax and gratuity not included). Donated by My Gym Potomac and Bethesda and Eggspectations Value: $192 Minimum bid: $75 105. Yeah, I'm the Tax Man Plan ahead by getting a great deal on a professionally prepared 2012 federal tax return. (Note this is for filing in 2013.) Larry Fischel’s specialties include individual tax returns, the self-employed, non-profit organizations, and even returns for people who have let things slide for a few years. This invaluable service includes preparing Schedules A, B, and M, and one state return, all e-filed. He will prepare additional schedules and forms as needed for an additional charge. New clients only, please. Donated by Let Larry Do It Value: $325 Minimum bid: $150 106. Silver Spring Classics For a simple yet satisfying night out in Silver Spring, it's hard to beat a prime steak dinner at Ray’s the Classics with this $100 gift certificate, followed by a classic flick at the AFI Silver Theatre. You can even make it a double date since you get four general admission tickets to any regular showing (not valid during special events). Donated by Meg Finn and AFI SilverTheatre and Cultural Center Value: $146 Minimum bid: $65 107. Zoo To You Satisfy even the most insatiable animal lovers in your family with a one-year Household membership (two named adults plus children in one household) to the National Zoo in Washington, DC. Veteran DC zoo-goers know that the best reason to be a FONZ (Friend of the National Zoo) is the free parking. Other highlights include the members-only publications, discounts and early ticket-buying opportunities for special seasonal events like Boo at the Zoo, and free or discounted admission to more than 100 other zoos and aquariums nationwide. You’ll also enjoy a copy of the book RAINFORESTS by Rhett Butler, geared toward young readers with 150 color photos, but also appropriate for adults. Donated by the Rivas-Rogers Family and the Villegas/Notman Family Value: $89 Minimum bid: $45 108. Big Plans at Home Do you dream of finishing the basement or even bumping out a wall to expand your kitchen? Consider this two-hour inhome architectural consultation with local residential architect Eric Saul. The initial consultation will be followed by a one- to two-hour follow up meeting to review sketches of Eric’s designs for your home. Your yard will also get some attention when Green Action Landscaping’s team arrives. They’ll provide one complementary hour of service, including lawn mowing, weeding, fall leaf clean-up, or garden preparations, depending on your needs. Donated by Saul Architects and Grass Action Landscaping Value: $340 Minimum bid: $125 109. Jumpin' and Jammin' Let your kids tumble, roll, and spin off energy at the everpopular Silver Stars gym. Use this versatile $100 gift certificate toward any purchase, including gymnastics or tumbling classes, birthday parties, summer camps and more. With this package you also receive two general admission tickets for any performance at Jammin’ Java in Vienna, Virginia, one of the best live music venues in the DC area. Check out their extensive calendar of kids shows, or keep the tickets for yourself for a child-free night out. Tickets are subject to availability and cannot be used for shows sold-out prior to your reservation. You must call in advance to reserve seats. Donated by Silver Stars Gymnastics and Jammin Java Value: $160 Minimum bid: $70 110. The Circle of Life As our children are growing older, so are our parents. TCS mom Pazit Aviv, a licensed social worker with substantial elder care experience, will meet with you to discuss available elder care benefits, transitions, how to deal with change, and other matters that pertain to aging. After your meeting, you’ll have a much better understanding of your options for care of your older family members. Pazit can also provide referrals to appropriate services, if needed. Donated by Pazit Aviv Value: $100 Minimum bid: $30 111. The Faces We Love They're only little for so long, so capture them now with professional portraits. Receive a portrait shoot in Susan Hornyak's Bethesda photography studio, and all images will be available online for six months so you can decide which to order for gifts, cards, and framing. One 8 x 10 enlargement is included. Donated by Susan Hornyak Photography Value: $400 Minimum bid: $150 112. The Sweetest Place on Earth® Non-stop thrills await you and your family at Hershey Park! One of the regions top amusement parks and family attractions, Hershey Park has something for all ages. With four passes (2 regular for ages 9-54 and 2 junior for ages 3-8), you will have full access to all of the “Mild to Wild” rides, shows, and the Boardwalk, Hershey’s fun and refreshing waterpark! Plan this as part of an awesome summer getaway to Hershey, PA. Donated by TCS Executive Director Pam Myers Value: $186 Minimum bid: $80 Silent Auction Table #2 Closes at 7:25 pm 201. Carousel Birthday Gala Is you child's birthday around the corner? Everyone loves a party at Glen Echo Park where a fun playground and carousel thrill every birthday girl or boy. This four hour rental of a room in the park's North Arcade Building will house your party and cake celebration for up to 35 people. The carousel is open weekends May - September with additional hours in the summer. Room rental is subject to availability and must be scheduled in advance. Valid until 03/03/2013. Please visit www.glenechopark.org. Donated by Glen Echo Park Partnership for Arts & Culture Inc. Value: $145 Minimum bid: $70 202. Night on the Town Shake off the work day with a luscious meal and the theater! Take-in a celebrated Round House Theater performance of "Crown of Shadows: the Wake of Odysseus" (April 11 - May 6, 2012) at the Bethesda theater location. Begin - or end - your evening with a sumptuous dinner at 8407 kitchen bar ($100 gift certificate) in downtown Silver Spring. You’ll feel right at home in the warm atmosphere of 8407 kitchen bar, featuring an American artisanal menu using fresh, locally and sustainably sourced ingredients. Donated by the Kim/Hirsch Family and Round House Theater Value: $220 Minimum bid: $90 203. Out with the Old, In with the New Clear your clutter and unclutter your mind with four hours from professional organizer Flavia Compos, then take your $50 gift certificate to The Phoenix in Georgetown to fill-up those empty spaces with new fashion and fine jewelry! Donated by Soothing Spaces Inc.and The Phoenix Value: $362 Minimum bid: $120 204. Mommy & Me Pampering As Mom enjoys a a classic manicure and pedicure at Spa Mesu, beloved TCS teacher Ms. Marsha will take one child and a friend or sibling out for a movie and ice cream. A great Mother's Day Gift! Spa Mesu gift certificate is valid through 1/26/2013. Donated by Spa Mesu and Marsha Obusek Value: $95 Minimum bid: $40 205. Play Together, Stay Together Every parent needs a little help sometimes. Enjoy some surefire fun for all with 4 tickets to any regular season show (or combination of shows) at the Puppet Co. Playhouse in Glen Echo Park. (Valid until March 3, 2013.) For longer lasting help, use a $60 gift certificate toward one Parent Encouragement Program (PEP) core course or workshop on the topic of your choice. For over 25 years, PEP has offered parent education and support for parents of kids of all ages, from newborns to teens. Visit www.PEPparent.org for more information and complete course descriptions. Pre-registration is required. Expires March 3, 2013. Donated by The Puppet Co.Playhouse and the Parent Encouragement Program Value: $100 Minimum bid: $50 206. Galloping Goodies For a lot of sweet fun, relish a tin of delectable cookies from Top Chef finalist and TV personality Carla Hall paired with one month of group horseback riding lessons for one person at Reddemeade Equestrian Center. Reddemeade offers one free introductory lesson to get you started, so think of this as a five lesson package to get you started on a life-long love of horseback riding! Expires March 3, 2013. Donated by Alchemy by Carla Hall and Reddemeade Equestrian Center Value: $264 Minimum bid: $110 207. Blue Ridge Mountain Family Getaway Enjoy the beauty and outdoors of the Blue Ridge Mountains at Wintergreen, a four season resort 45 minutes outside of Charlottesville, VA. Spend a weekend (2 nights) in a 3 bedroom, 3 bath condo next to the Wintergarden Spa and Aquatic Center, steps from the Devil's Knob Golf Course, Tennis Center, and Grille.In winter, stay warm in front of the fireplace and watch movies on the 48” flatscreen with cable and DVD, or cook dinner in the well-stocked kitchen while enjoying music on the stereo. In summer, have drinks on the deck before splashing in the outdoor and indoor pools and hot tubs at the Aquatics Center. Kids will love Discovery Ridge with its climbing tower, bungee jumps, summer tubing, and zip-line, not to mention the 23 slopes for skiing, tubing, and riding. While you relax, the kids can even get some downtime with the Nintendo and PS2 in the room with bunks. Accommodates 8. Available non-holiday weekends; reserve two months in advance with the owner. See www.vacationrentals.com/vacation - rentals/74241.html for full description. Expires 12/31/2012. Donated by Jana & Tom Martella Value: $350 Minimum bid: $160 208. A Pawsitive Doggie Experience Boost your relationship with your pooch with two $20 gift certificates to the Doggie Washerette (each good for one dog wash) and two hours of dog training with TCS mom Joyce Loebig. Learn to use positive reinforcement techniques for basic skills (sit, stay, down), manners (no jumping, sit to greet, loose leash walking), house training, crate training, or tricks (to impress the relatives). Joyce has been a volunteer dog trainer for several years, working with the Washington Animal Rescue League and Your Dog's Friend, training shelter dogs, assisting in puppy and basic skills classes, and continually working with her own "best friend." Joyce plans to finish a trainer's certification program by September. Donated by Doggie Washerette and the Loebig/Stegehuis Family Value: $180 Minimum bid: $70 209. Butterflies and Brunch Rise and shine with a luscious champagne bagel brunch delivered to your door by 9 am (on a mutually agreed upon date) by TCS dad David Greenberg! Everyone in the family and perhaps visiting relatives - will love diving into a dozen bagels with cream cheese, lox, fresh fruit, OJ, and champagne. Pair that with your $50 gift card from Starbucks to have fresh coffee or beans on hand, and then set off with four tickets in hand to take in a lovely day at Bookside Garden's live butterfly and caterpillar exhibit "Wings of Fancy". (Open from May 5 - September 16, 2012.) Donated by Brookside Gardens, the MacDonald/Greenberg Family, and Shaski & Rekha Gholkar Value: $134 Minimum bid: $70 210. Go Green Spring rains can mean spring floods - sometimes into our yards and basements! Executive Director of dc greenworks and TCS alumn Peter Ensign will provide you with a 90-minute residential stormwater management consultation. He will assess your site and recommend appropriate green infrastructure technologies from green roofs, to rain gardens, to rain barrels and more. You'll put to good use a generous basket of green household items from Amicus Green Building Center. Every product Amicus sells goes through extensive review and due diligence to ensure it maximizes energy and/or water savings, healthy properties, and environmental integrity. Donated by Peter Ensign and Amicus Green Building Center Value: $345 Minimum bid: $120 211. Celebrities, Criminals, and … Grandparents!? We’re always looking for something unusual to do when grandparents are in town. It's time for the grandkids to take them for an adventure to two of DC's hottest museums: Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum and the National Museum of Crime and Punishment. Four complementary tickets to each of these downtown DC museums provides hours of fun for young and old! Donated by Madame Tussaud's Museum and the National Museum of Crime & Punishment Value: $175 Minimum bid: $80 212. Airport Transport with a Smile Flying to your next family vacation? With this convenient voucher, you can skip the cost and hassle of long-term parking and getting on a shuttle bus with your family and luggage. The ever responsible TCS Board President Jenny Evans-Muir will provide roundtrip transportation via minivan for 5-6 people and their luggage from Takoma Park/Takoma DC/close-in Silver Spring to National, BWI, or Dulles at mutually agreed upon times. She even has car seats for toddlers on up! Please provide as much advance notice as possible for scheduling purposes. Donated by by the Evans-MuirFamily Value: $120 Minimum bid: $50 213. Year 'Round Flipping Fun Little Gym's full family one year membership will be fun for your entire crew! Family membership benefits include great perks like member milestone points, priority enrollment, and discounts on awesome birthday bash parties, camps, and parents' survival night. This package also includes a Summer Semester 2012 enrollment for one child! The Little Gym's gymnastics-based curriculum will help increase your child's flexibility, balance, and coordination, while also improving listening skills, attention span, and the ability to follow directions. Your child will become more confident, more willing to take prudent risks, and will rise to challenges in ways they never have before. Donated by The Little Gym of Silver Spring Value: $240 Minimum bid: $100 Silent Auction Table #3 Closes at 7:35 pm 301. History Comes Alive Let history come alive as you take a step back in time and visit Claude Moore Colonial Farm and historic Mount Vernon. Through your one-year family membership to Claude Moore Colonial Farm in McLean, VA, you will experience farm life as it was in Colonial Virginia in 1771. Mount Vernon is the most popular historic estate in the U.S. With your 4 complimentary daytime ticket vouchers, visit George Washington's mansion, grave site, and 50 acres of the estate including a working blacksmith shop, an education center, and an old mill and distillery. (Expires December 31, 2012.) Donated by Claude Moore Colonial Farm and George Washington’s Mount Vernon Estate, Museum, and Gardens Value: $95 Minimum bid: $40 302. Healing From Within Feeling stressed and lacking energy lately? Acupuncture and yoga are proven methods for combatting stress and getting your energy back on track. TCS mom and licensed acupunturist Karina Beleno Carney will treat you to an initial 90-minute session, which includes a detailed holistic health evalution and acupuncture treatment, and later a one hour follow-up treatment. Spend some quality de-stressing time with your little one during 3 Drop-In classes for kids and/or familes at Budding Yogis, located in NW DC. (Both expire March 3, 2013.) Donated by Karina Beleno Carney (A Calmness Within Acupuncture Services) Value: $297 Minimum bid: $120 303. Strategic Planning Pays Off The right strategic planning and fundraising expertise can give your organization the boost it needs to get to the next level. Experience the benefits of 2 hours of strategic planning and/or fundraising consultations with one of the country's leading consultants, Beth Grupp. Beth served on Senator Ted Kennedy's staff for almost a decade as one of his top fundraisesrs. Now with her own firm, Beth specializes in serving the non-profit community. Donated by Beth Grupp Value: $300 Minimum bid: $100 304. A Tune up for Your Body and Your Car Sometimes a good tune-up is all we need to feel fabulous again! Start off your tune-up with an initial chiropractic visit at Zinn Chiropractic where you’ll receive a comprehensive neurological and orthopedic examination and a chiropractic treatment (if not contra-indicated), considering your unique medical history. Zinn Chiropractic, located in the heart of Takoma Park, provides comprehensive personalized chiropractic care. (Restrictions: X-rays if needed are not included. This donation may be used only by NEW patients, please). But wait, there's more....shouldn't your car also run as smoothly as the new you? RS Automotive, also right in the heart of Takoma Park, will set you up with 5 oil change vouchers (includes a safety inspection, but not synthetic oil). Enjoy a smooth ride from here on out! Donated by Zinn Chiropractic and RS Automotive Value: $270 Minimum bid: $120 305. Decadent Chocolate Cake with a Perfect Grenache Happy Anniverary to You! Send the kids to their grandparents and indulge in Julia Child's famous "Bombe Aux Trois Chocolate" cake and the perfect bottle of aged-Grenache. A homemade specialty by TCS mom Helen Fox, this amazing cake is a dessert for true chocolate lovers and is perfect for that special occasion. The Châteauneuf-du-Pape Grenache is subtle and open and the ripe fruit is accented with notes of earth and spice. This is a textured and complex wine that will linger on your tastebuds and bring out the richness of the chocolate. Donated by the Fox/ Robison Family and the Water-Boots Family Value: $100 Minimum bid: $45 306. Dance Fever Are you looking for ways to encourage your budding dancer? Try a gift-certificate for a 6-week tap dance session of your choice for ages 5 through adult. Knock on Wood Tap Studio is well known in the area for training-up excellent tap dancers and they've found a new home in the same building as TCS! Once you've got your groove on, enjoy a kid-friendly night out with 4 tickets to the popular Youth Arts Night at the Dance Exchange in Takoma Park on May 24, 2012 at 7 pm. Youth Arts Night brings together various youth dance programs, as well as youth in fine and performing arts programs around Washington, DC. Your tiny dancer will love seeing what other kids can do! This package also includes an eco-friendly and compact Dance Exchange Tote bag to take to your classes. Donated by Knock on Wood Tap Studio and Dance Exchange Value: $138 Minimum bid: $70 307. Get Organized with Style Time for you and your family to get organized! Professional organizer Leslie Clesner will spend 2 hours with you organizing any space in your home. Once you're organized, you'll want to stay that way. A $20 gift certificate toward labels for kids stuff at Olivers Labels is the partner you need! These labels are great for summer camp or the start of a new school year. Finally, Madeline Comoglio of mlc design - who designed our gorgeous event logo - will help you keep your kiddo organized by providing a custom-designed, personalized set of 18 notes cards, envelopes, and matching gift labels. Printing by an FSC certified printer ensures high quality. Perfect for thank you cards or writing to Grandma! Donated by Around Tuit Professional Organizing, Oliver's Labels, and mlc designs Value: $215 Minimum bid: $90 308. DC Playdate An ideal Sunday - a fabulous brunch (or dinner) and a fantastic show for your entire family. This package includes 4 premier-seat tickets to the 2 pm performance of "The Music Man" at the renowned Arena Stage on Sunday, May 27, 2012. (Seats are in the South A, row F section of the theater!) A $50 gift certificate for dining at any of the six Passion Food Hospitality restaurants is a perfect pairing for brunch or dinner – visit Acadiana, Ceibs, or DC Coast in downtown Washington, Burger, Tap & Shake or District Commons on the Hill, or Passion Fish in Reston, VA. Each of these restaurants has eceived outstanding reviews, representing a new breed of American eatery where imaginative food and wine are accompanied by gracious hospitality, comfortable surroundings, and outstanding value. Donated by the Evans-Muir Family and Passion Food Hospitality Value: $100 Minimum bid: $50 309. Get Movin' & Groovin’ The right music and the right gear makes all the difference when you're sweating your way up that last big Takoma Park hill on your morning run. This is a perfect combination of a $50 gift card for Pacers & a $50 iTunes gift card. Let's move! Donated by Pacers and the Benschoter/Khaled Family Value: $100 Minimum bid: $50 310. Mother's Little Helper Maybe this isn't quite what the Rolling Stones had in mind, but it's still hard to beat a fabulous massage or facial and an excellent glass of wine. One of the highly trained, caring professionals at Blue Heron Wellness Center will help you cast aside any worries with your choice of a 30-minute therapeutic massage or an all-natural facial (expires 08/03/2012). After this bliss – or any other occasion, savor these three bold red wines: 2009 Drakenskloof Reserve Pinotage from South Africa; 2010 Patriots Merlot from Chile; 2010 Chateau Les Marcottes Bordeaux from France. Donated by Blue Heron Wellness Center and Christine Hartless Value: $110 Minimum bid: $40 311. Playdates for Everyone This is an afternoon date where the kids are guaranteed to have a blast. Can you imagine the thrill that your kids will have when they find out former TCS teacher (and now DC librarian) Ms. T is coming to their house to play with them for 3 1/2 hours?! The look on their faces makes this package worth its weight in gold. Ms. T's playdate can include up to 2 children between the ages of 1 and 8 and may involve indoor or outdoor play to stimulate those brain cells, broaden the imagination, and exercise motor skills. And if you haven’t seen a movie in the theater since the early part of this century, then you’ll really appreciate your playdate! Get ready for the Oscar-viewing Party with VIP guest passes at any Landmark Theatre (Betheda Row or E Street Theater) good through December 31, 2012. These passes are not valid during special engagements or when a "no pass" policy is listed. Donated by Tammeric Itson-Scurry and Landmark Theatres Value: $94 Minimum bid: $40 312. Delicious Toffee - the Perfect Hostess Gift The perfect hostess gift to have on hand. TCS mom has prepared these taste sensations: one pound of delicious toffee with crunchy almonds and milk chocolate in a decorative tin. Buy one or all 5! Donated by the Blaise Family Value: $10 Minimum bid: $10 313. Climb High Whether you’re an experienced climber or just learning, Earth Treks Climbing Center invites you to challenge yourself on the ropes with two complementary passes redeemable at any of their three locations, including the recently renovated 20,000 square foot indoor climbing gym in Rockville. Use these passes for either two Open Climbs or two Day Passes – no experience is necessary; recommended for ages 6 & up. Open Climbs are accompanied by a trainer and your harness rental is included. Now get up there! Donated by Earth Treks Climbing Center Value: $50 Minimum bid: $20 Silent Auction Table #4 Closes at 7:45 pm 401. Cock-a-Doodle Brew Leave the 800 degree wood-burning oven to the pros at Roscoe's while you enjoy fresh baked pizza or other delectable offerings with this $30 Roscoe's gift certificate. Perfect the evening with ice cold beer, and you'll have plenty left over after receiving two cases (48 bottles) of premium microbrews from Wolvar’s Organic Ales in Vermont, Full Pint out of Pittsburgh, and Sam Adams Winter Classics. Donated by Roscoe's Neapolitan Pizzeria and the Patel Family Value: $80 Minimum bid: $40 402. Shake it, Don't Break Be inspired by a performance at the Dance Place which features local, regional, and internationally-acclaimed dance companies. You may use your two gift certificates to any regularly priced performance through December 31, 2012. (May not be used for WPAS co-presentations or Dance Place performances in outside theaters.) Then learn to dance or increase your conditioning at an adult class at the Maryland Youth Ballet. One card of 10 classes is valid for ballet, stretch, classical core conditioning or Broadway jazz. Your first class must be taken by March 3, 2013 and is valid for one year from the date of the first class. Donated by Dance Place and Maryland Youth Ballet Value: $204 Minimum bid: $80 403. Road Trip! Be prepared when you hit the road this spring or summer break. Your engine will be ready to go after an oil and filter change at Old Town Auto Service Center (includes two gift certifcates for an oil and filter change each). And you're sure not to get lost with this TomTom EASE 3.5 inch portable navigation system (US/Canada edition). Just plug it in and use the touch screen and pre-loaded maps! It comes with a mount and car charger. Donated by Old Town Auto Service Center and the Friedman/Christy Family Value: $155 Minimum bid: $70 404. Tree House Rock Hear top rate indie rock, folk, blues, and more in the intimate setting of a beautiful Takoma Park home courtesy of Tree House Concerts. (Two tickets to a mutually agreed upon concert during the 2012 season for a house concert or a VFW show). This is truly a unique experience featuring well-known acts, and even the kids can come as most of the shows are early to accomodate families. BYOB with two $25 gift certificates from Fenwick Beer and Wine, offering the largest selection of craft beers in Montgomery Co. Donated by Tree House Concerts and Fenwick Beer and Wine Value: $90 Minimum bid: $45 405. Escape to Bethesda Book a table early at the ever-popular Grapeseed, an American bistro and wine bar in downtown Bethesda. With your two $50 gift certificates, you can generously select from the menu. After a sumptious dessert, head to the Strathmore with two tickets for any performance presented on or before March 3, 2013. You must redeem your voucher at least two weeks prior to your chosen performance. (Not valid for Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, National Philharmonic, Washington Performing Arts Society or third-party performances.) Donated by Grapeseed American Bistro & Wine Bar, the Volk Family, and Strathmore Value: $200 Minimum bid: $90 406. Honey, the Kids are in Hysterics! Before The Great Zucchini can even complete his first magic trick, your kids and all their friends will be rolling on the floor giggling with delight! The area's #1 entertainer of young children will perform his colorful magic show, where every child is a star and guaranteed to laugh. This 40-minute magic show for children ages 2 to 6 features lots of audience participation where the birthday child as the star. At the end of show, children will learn a magic trick. Good for one WEEKDAY performance, and please book 2-3 months in advance. Donated by The Great Zucchini Value: $300 Minimum bid: $130 407. ¡Qué Maravilloso!: Dinner and a Show Start out your Mexican themed night at Mi Rancho Tex Mex Restaurant ($25 gift certificate). The tart margaritas and chili infused chimicangas will prepare you and an amigo for a spicy production of Teatro de la Luna’s spring production “Las Quiero a las Dos - I Want Them Both”. Tickets for two are valid May 17-26, 2012. Performed at the Gunston Arts Center in Arlington, VA, in Spanish with English subtitles. Call to check availability, redeem your certificate, and reserve seats. Donated by Mi Rancho Restaurant and Teatro De La Luna Value: $95 Minimum bid: $45 408. Keep the Good Times Coming Are you ready for a family camping trip, but don't have the right gear and aren't sure where to go? The Student Conservation Association will lend you tents, stoves, cookwear, sleeping pads, and sleeping bags so that you and your family or friends can enjoy a night out in one of the great parks in the area. Expert camper TCS mom Rachel Lettre will help you find the right place to camp and set up an itinerary for your adventure based on your interests and experience level. SCA will outfit up to 12 people for 2-3 nights and will bring gear to your home (not available first 2 weeks in August and some weekends in the spring). Once you’re back, the car is cleaned out and the laundry is done, will you certainly enjoy a 60-minute massage from Rachel Schaffer at The Still Point. It should take care of the kinks after “sleeping” with a rock in the middle of your back all night. Donated by the Student Conservation Association and the Friedman/Christy Family Value: $290 Minimum bid: $140 409. Walk on the Wild Side: Organic Family Farm April Retreat Perfect for a family weekend trip, the charmingly rustic Ponderosa Lodge is a mountain-side organic farm, located about five hours from DC on 16 very private acres in the scenic New River Gorge area of southern West Virginia. Enjoy a private room (sleeps four) and bath at the Lodge the weekend of April 20-22, 2012, along with a lovingly prepared country breakfast by proprietors Ken and Jorene. While April means the garden won't be in yet, there are still farm animals to feed and play with and plenty of outdoors activities in the area. Added bonus: the property used to be a zoo in the 1950s, so the lodge is full of taxidermied African animals! Visit http://www.theponderosalodge.com to learn more! Donated by Ponderosa Lodge & Farm Value: $250 Minimum bid: $100 410. I Can See Clearly Now Get focused with Dr. Steven Schneid at Takoma Park Vision, a full-service optometric practices that provides comprehensive eye exams, Laser Vision consultation and co-management, medical treatment of eye disease, all types of contact lenses, and the latest fashion eyewear. One gift certificate for a spectacle eye exam, valid for use at either Takoma Park Vision or Uptown Vision. Total value of $180 (expires March 3, 2013). Win one voucher or up to five! Donated by Takoma Park Vision Value: $180 each Minimum bid: $50 each 411. Horsing Around Enough of that horsing around, it’s time to get serious about horses! You'll be in expert hands with TCS equestrian dad Drew Kodjak during a one hour horseback riding lesson (English style) on a thoroughbred at Woodland Horse Center. This class is good for adults or children 8 years or older, or for smaller children, Drew will arrange for an extended pony ride. Lesson level will match rider's ability, from beginner to advanced, and helmet will be provided. Rider should wear boots with heels. Valid through May 31, 2012. And start watching the new HBO series Luck and then apply your new betting skills at the races at Pimlico Race Course or Laurel Park. Courtesy of the Maryland Jockey Club, you and 9 other friends will have clubhouse passes with reserved seating, liveracing programs, parking for 10 cars and a race named in your honor with a presentation in the Winner's Circle. Blackout dates are Preakness Week and Maryland Million Day. Does not include lunch or transportation. Finally, celebrate your winnings with an offical 138th Kentucky Derby party package. It includes: paper plates, napkins and mint julep glasses with official 138th Derby logo and colors; Kern's Kitchen offical Derby-Pie to be delivered upon request; and historical mint julep recipe and recipe for homemade Kentucky Derby pie from a 5th generation Kentuckian and TCS grandmother Janet Dougherty. Donated by the Kodjak Family, the Maryland Jockey Club, and Janet Dougherty. Value: $200 Minimum bid: $80 412. Attention to Detail Whether the historic preservationists of Takoma Park have you under their thumb, or you simply want some fresh home improvement ideas, a two-hour consultation with architect Richard Vitullo is just the thing. With a focus on sustainable architecture, his design will please any aesthetic. You will receive two hours of preliminary architecture services which includes a site visit to your home and discussion about potential renovations, additions, or home improvements. Donated by Vitullo Architecture Studio Value: $250 Minimum bid: $100 413. Flaunt Those Curves! Does your daily cardio consist of wrestling kids into car seats, hauling laundry, and dashing to the Metro? Give yourself some me-time and improve your overall fitness with a two month membership at Curves, the ladies-only gym, in Takoma Park. You’ll look good and feel even better – and it’ll make running up and down the stairs 20 times a day a lot easier! Donated by Curves of Takoma Park Value: $300 Minimum bid: $100 Silent Auction Table #5 Closes at 7:55 pm 505. Fiesta Time Is your creative side bursting to get out? Sign your child up for an art class, camp, or art party using your $100 gift certificate to CREATE Arts Center in Silver Spring. Enroll your child age 216 (or yourself!) in a pottery, painting, or sculpture class or summer camp! (Not valid for “No School Day” camps, MCRD classes or art workshops. Expires March 3, 2013.) While your child is busy becoming the next Rembrandt or Jackson Pollack, you can explore your own artistic side with a one year basic membership at Pyramid Atlantic – get discounts on studio time, workshops, and gallery rentals. Donated by CREATE Arts Center and Pyramid Atlantic Value: $140 Minimum bid: $60 Not up for chasing your kid around a restaurant waiting for the food to arrive? Here's your chance to sit back, relax, and enjoy a Mexican feast in your own home. Carter Dougherty, TCS parent and board member, will serve up guacamole, margartias (or fresh lemonade) and fabulous fish tacos for up to six people. Satisfy your sweet tooth with a homemade from scratch Tres Leche Cake made by TCS mom, Holly Ann Freso-Moore. Tres Leche Cake, meaning three milks, is a traditional Mexican dessert and tastes like a blend of ice cream, milkshake, and cake. Yumm! The cake can easily serve 10-12 adults. Highlight your theme with a Laurie Gates Santa Fe Collection 4 piece ceramic Mexican serving set. Includes tortilla holder and chip/dip set in vibrant Southwest colored motif and chili pepper detail. Donated by the Deutsch/ Dougherty Family, the Freso-Moore Family, and Shashi & Rekha Gholkar Value: $160 Minimum bid: $75 502. 506. 501. Artistic Expression Just Say Cheese Do you ever wish you had a photo of your kids or family that wasn't just on your smart phone? Take advantage of this great offer to capture family memories with professional photographer, Cindy Bertaut, of Brooks Glogau Photography. This voucher includes a pre-session consult, studio shoot in color or black and white, and one 8x10 finished portrait print. Cindy will come to your home or outdoor setting for a travel fee. From babies to families to professionals, her experience, talent and enthusiasm will bring out your family’s best! Donated by Brooks Glogau Photographers Value: $360 Minimum bid: $140 503. Superhero to the Rescue Your little one will find hours of fun dressed in this delightful handcrafted, bright red "S" for Superhero cape made with love by Creative Capes by Holly. Take your superhero and his imagination to Kensington's independent toy store, Fun and Games, for more fun play and gift ideas! Donated by Creative Capes by Holly and Fun & Games Value: $47 Minimum bid: $20 504. Á Table! Getting dinner on the table will be a snap with the recommendations found on Chef Zan's Cheap and Easy in the Kitchen. This Living Social offer includes a six-month menu planner detailing recipes and shopping lists. With your shopping list in hand and your $50 gift certificate to Trader Joes, you’ll satify all your cravings and serve up some tasty dishes! Offer up your warm delicacies in grand style with a Godinger white porcelain double warmer with chrome serving rack. The set includes a serving rack and two 1 quart covered bakers. Dimensions (LxWxH): 19" x 8" x 7.5". Donated by the Mendelson/Demske Family, the MacDonald/Greenberg Family, and Shashi & Rekha Gholkar Value: $130 Minimum bid: $65 Buy Low! Sell High! This adage may only get you so far without some expert advice like you'll receive from seasoned investment advisor, Steve Goldber. Steve will provide you with a complementary analysis of your investments and recommendations about how to strengthen your portfolio. Steve was senior fund writer at Kiplinger's Personal Finance Mangazine for more than 13 years and still writes frequently on mutual funds. Steve is a fee-only investment advisor and he does not sell financial products. (Expires March 3, 2013.) Donated by Tweddell Goldberg Investment Management, Inc. Value: $400 Minimum bid: $120 507. A Heavenly Pair: Chocolate and Wine Indulge your inner chocolate lover with a six month membership (including shipping) to the Cacao Tree's Chocolate of the Month Club. Savor your chocolate while sipping on expertly chosen wine from Circle Wine and Spirits in Silver Spring. Choose any six bottles from those preselected by the merchant, including Cristalino Rose, Parducci Merlot, Feeding Frenzy Pinot Noir, Obikwa Malbec, Rio Seco Shiraz, Artes Sur Sauv Blanc, South Carolina Mer/Cab, and more! (Must be redeemed by June 12, 2012.) Donated by the Labiano/ Hanna Family and the Morse Family Value: $220 Minimum bid: $90 508. Better Parenting = Happier Families Parenting is an art and a science of love! Learn and explore better parenting techniques with a 90 minute consultation by a certified parent educator, family therpist, and senior PEP leader (Parent Encouragement Program) Emory Luce Baldwin. And spend some quality family time with your kids as you learn and explore together at the Chesapeake Children's Museum in Annapolis with four free pases. Kids will have a ball checking out their interactive displays about the cultures and ecology of our beloved Chesapeake Bay. Donated by Emory Luce Baldwin Value: $211 Minimum bid: $100 509. Happy Clay Date A perfect Silver Spring “double date” or birthday party package. Color Me Mine pottery studio offers a “Clay Date” for up to four painters, including all studio fees and a piece of pottery (value up to $15) for each painter. (No credit will be awarded if there are less than four painters or if the pottery pieces selected are less than $15; cannot be used towards a party package. Expires June 30, 2013.) Included in your date are tasty pies at Z Pizza (two $10 gift certificates) and your choice of a delectable dessert or other home-baked goodies prepared from scratch by TCS mom Tamra Mendelson. Donated by Color Me Mine, Z Pizza, and the Mendelson/Demske Family Value: $128 Minimum bid: $60 510. Hole-in-One Father's Day Special Fore! Treat your dad to a two-hour golf lesson at the University of Maryland golf course range with "scratch" golfer and TCS alum Jerry Black. Perfect for any skill level golfer. Make sure the family ride is polished and purring with two oil changes (with safety inspection; no synthetic oil) from RS Automotive and three Montgomery Hills Car Wash "ultimate car wash" gift certificates (for up to van sized vehicles; includes interior vacuum, window and wheels washed, dash towel cleaned, triple coat treatment, hot wax application, under carriage treatment, tire dressing and towel dry). Donated by Jerry Black, RS Automotive, and Montgomery Hills Car Wash Value: $232 Minimum bid: $90 511. It's a Dog Life Take a break from your doggy duties and let your favorite furry friend enjoy two dog washes from Doggie Washerette, assorted high-quality boxed dog treats from Big Bad Woof, and two midday walks (or two visits for a cat) by Paw Prints Pet Care. Your precious pet will even have a complementary meet & greet with your Paw Prints care-giver before services begin. They’re bonded, insured, certified in first aid, and a member of Pet Sitters Int’l and petsit dogs, cats, chickens, small mammals, fish, and exotic birds! (Voucher must be redeemed in its entirety by June 3, 2012). Donated by Doggie Washerette, Big Bad Woof, and Paw Prints Pet Care Value: $95 Minimum bid: $45 512. Take in Some Culture Your family will revel in the quality entertainment offered at two DC cultural landmarks! Our own amazing TCS teacher Jill Barefoot will chaperone up to two kids for the day exploring the Natural History Museum. Meanwhile, you can dine at Silver Spring's Thai Derm ($30 gift certificate; expires May 31, 2012) and catch the Choral Arts Society of Washington's performance of Brahms’ Requiem at the Kennedy Center on Sunday, April 22, 2012 at 4 pm (orchestra Y113-114). Donated by Jill Barefoot, Thai Derm, and Ronald Davies & Janis Tothom-Davies Value: $200 Minimum bid: $90 Silent Auction Table #6 Closes at 8:05 pm 601. Musical Theater Stardom Nourish your child's creative spirit by introducing them to the world on stage at Imagination Stage (2 free tickets to a show; expires August 12, 2012), one of the most respected multidisciplinary theater arts organizations for young people in the mid-Atlantic region. Then offer them music for the soul during a semester of Kindermusik with renowned local music teacher Becky Linafelt (one free semester in Spring or Fall 2012 of any active class; materials fee of $30-50 not included). Donated by Imagination Stage and Kindermusik with Becky Linafelt Value: $224 Minimum bid: $90 602. Local Weekend “Getaway” Start off your weekend at the Kreeger Museum (6 complimentary tickets - expire March 2013) admiring 19th and 20th century masterpieces in a most spectacular setting built by architect Philip Johnson – or reserve in advance your very own complementary 90-minute docent-guided tour on weekdays only. Then spend a lively weekend day at the Linganore wine festival (2 admissions for June or Sept 2012) indulging in a 19-wine tasting, winery tour, food and artisan vendors and live music ... could your weekend get any better? We can’t guarantee that you’ll want to return home afterward! Donated by The Kreeger Museum and Berrywine Plantations/Linganore Winecellars Value: $100 Minimum bid: $40 603. Souper-Girl-Licious! Who knew soup and salad could be this divine! Savor 2 quarts of your choice of the most delicious, homemade, healthy soup and 1 quart of whole grain salad from Takoma Park’s Souper Girl restaurant (expires August 30, 2012). All of Souper Girl’s soups are 100% vegan, kosher, and feature ingredients from local farms. Combine this feast with a loaf of freshly baked bread from Panera Bread (you will receive one fresh loaf each month for a year!) and you will knock your dinner guest’s socks off! Donated by Souper Girl and Panera Bread Value: $92 Minimum bid: $40 604. Ride ‘em Cowboys and Cowgirls! If your child loves the idea of the Wild West – cowboys, cowgirls and horses, you will want to treat him or her to this fabulous themed birthday extravaganza. Learn the tricks of a real cowboy or cowgirl with a one hour performance of the How-To Cowboy at your child’s next birthday party (choose between cowboy tricks or joke fest). You will receive 12 coloring books (for the party goody bags of course!) featuring Montgomery County landmarks and history, created by the donor, local artist Enid Romanek. No need to stress about the next birthday - it will surely be an unforgettable one for your little cowboy or cowgirl! Donated by the How-to Cowboy and Enid Romanek Value: $160 Minimum bid: $75 605. 608. It's OK to admit it ... our kids have LOADS OF ENERGY!! So why not treat your child to a party where they can bounce from start to finish? Host a weekday (only) party at Pump It Up of Elkridge (includes your own private party room), which has indoor arenas filled with gigantic inflatable slides, bounce houses, obstacle courses and more. When the party’s not enough, use your 5 Pop-In Playtime passes, which will surely get your little one hooked to bouncin' around! (Valid through October 2013; party certificate excludes extras like pizza, goodie bags, balloons, and drinks). Pick up $20 worth of perfect party snacks from Snider's Super Foods to make the party extravaganza a whopping success! Donated by Pump It Up and Snider’s Super Foods Value: $265 Minimum bid: $100 New Hampshire Bed and Breakfast Escape Experience the beauty and traditions of New England at the Inn at Valley Farms, a 105-acre organic farm located in the Monadnock Region of southwest New Hampshire. This family-friendly farm offers a unique opportunity for guests to interact with the farm animals, relax and take in the fresh country air, and discover that food doesn’t just come from a store. This offer is a free second consecutive night in your choice of accommodations in the Inn, 2-bedroom cottages, or farmhouse (up to 4 person occupancy in room accommodating more than 2 people). Includes breakfast. Valid Sunday through Thursday (i.e., your first paid night must be Saturday through Wednesday). Not valid on holidays or during foliage season. Expires December 31, 2012. Donated by Inn at Valley Farms Value: $260 Minimum bid: $90 609. Feline Frenzy Don't fret for your felines the next time you need to leave town – it could be a spa-like experience for your furry friend! Your cat will be in pure bliss when its very own seasoned catsitter, TCS mom and feline fan Andrea Morris (no relation!), shows up every day at the door (for up to a week) to clean the cat box and lovingly feed and play with your cat. Big Bad Woof’s fabulous box of catnips toys will keep your kitty high on life while you’re off galavanting! Donated by the Morris Family and Big Bad Woof Value: $185 Minimum bid: $60 607. Let's See Those Pearly Whites Have you always wanted that bedazzling pearly-white smile but have never done anything about it? Here is your chance to indulge and make it happen. To get that gleeming grin, Dr. Sal Selvaggio will take upper and lower dental impressions, make trays for you to wear at night for two weeks, and set you straight on a path to whiter teeth in just two appointments. See the difference a sparkling smile can make! Donated by Dr. Sal Selvaggio, DDS Value: $300 Minimum bid: $125 Flying High Did you know the world’s oldest continuously operating airport is right next door in College Park? Learn this and so much more when you take your family with four free admission passes to explore the College Park Aviation Museum (expires March 3, 2013)! When you and your aspiring aviators are finished with the museum, head over with your $25 gift certificate to Franklin’s Brewery & General Store in historic Hyattsville for a family -friendly meal in this great brew pub or use it in their amazing toy store! (Expires March 3, 2013). Donated by College Park Aviation Museum and Franklin’s Brewery & General Store Value: $41 Minimum bid: $20 610. 606. A Bouncin' Bash Steppin' Out on the Town Come escape to an exotic dinner for two at the Bombay Club of Washington DC. Enjoy what the New York Times calls the restaurant that sets the newest standards for Indian cuisine. (Mon - Thurs; excludes tax, tip and alcohol; may not exceed $100; expires January 31, 2013). Then fill your evening with concert opera's most spectacular performance of Camille Saint-Saens' Samson et Dalila - some of the most beautiful music Saint-Saëns ever wrote (two tickets, section E, for Sunday, May 13, 2012, 6 pm, GW University Lisner Auditorium). Donated by Bombay Club and Washington Concert Opera Value: $180 Minimum bid: $80 611. A Dancin' Saturday Surprise in Downtown Takoma Treat your little one to four Saturday dance classes (June 2012 session) with the famous Jessica Sloane at Takoma Park studios at the Dance Exchange (3-6 year olds) in downtown Takoma. Whether teaching the kids to make a ballet peanut butter jelly sandwich or becoming a blooming ballet flower, Ms. Jessica gets hands-down raves from all her students … she's absolutely the best! Then celebrate your little dancer's new moves with a $20 gift certificate for a milk shake at Mark's Kitchen. The next week, hit Capital City Cheesecake with your $30 gift certificate. It's bound to be a spectacular Saturday for all!! Donated by Jessica Sloane, Mark’s Kitchen, and Capital City Cheesecake Value: $100 Minimum bid: $40 612. Schwing, Batta Batta: Baltimore Orioles Memorabilia Be the envy of your baseball lovin' friends with an autographed photo of Baltimore Orioles starting pitcher #17 Brian Matusz. Comes with a certificate of authentication. This could be the year for the Os! Donated by the Baltimore Orioles Value: $50 Minimum bid: $20 Arts Alive! Table Closes at 8:05 pm AA1. Mod Ikat Flower Silk Obi Tote - Handmade from a vintage Japanese obi (sash). Donated by Bombyx EcoRedesign Value: $68 Minimum bid: $30 AA2. 3 Brazilian Leather etchings (sold as a set) Donated by the Parikh Family Value: $50 Minimum bid: $20 AA3. 1 Boy's Handcrafted Bracelet Donated by Brady Boy Accessories Value: $20 Minimum bid: $10 AA4. 1 Girl's Handcrafted Bracelet Donated by Brady Boy Accessories Value: $20 Minimum bid: $10 AA5. One Large Artists Model Print Donated by Pyramid Atlantic Value: $100 Minimum bid: $35 AA6. Hockey Puck Autographed by Washington Capitals Defenseman Mike Green (comes with Certificate of Authenticity) Donated by Washington Capitals Value: $50 Minimum bid: $20 AA7. Two Shakere (African Gourd) Rattles Donated by House of Musical Traditions Value: $30 Minimum bid: $15 AA8. Handcrafted Wooden Pull-Toys (Handcrafted by a Local Takoma Park Artist) Donated by the Mendelson/Demske Family Value: $40 Minimum bid: $15 AA9. Package of Pet Note Cards (8 Cards) Donated by Enid Romanek Value: $12 Minimum bid: $4 AA10. Mixed Media Painting Of Lotus Blossom on Paper Donated by Jamie Downs (A Salon) Value: $200 Minimum bid: $50 Silent Auction Table #7 Closes at 8:25 pm 701. Party Hearty Sugar! Face-painting! Yelling! Running! There’s no better way to spend a Saturday afternoon. The highest bidder will get a 90-minute face painting party from Fun Faces DC (within 30 mile radius of the 20906 zip code). Up to 18 little ones (additional children are extra) will be transformed from a ragtag bunch of cuties into lions, tigers, bears, or any number of creatures—a $175 value. Blackout dates do apply (Easter, Independence Day, and Halloween) and the offer expires February 16, 2013. Round out the party with 24 luscious cupcakes made from scratch by TCS mom Iva Ziza using the finest ingredients – your choice of yellow cupcakes with chocolate or Nutella frosting; coconut cupcakes; or chocolate cupcakes with peanut butter frosting. Just give Iva a week’s notice—and you’ll be ready to feed a small army. She’ll even deliver on the weekends within a 2-mile radius from Takoma Park (offer expires February 13, 2013). Donated by the Evans-Muir Family and the Ziza-Chance Family Value: $225 Minimum bid: $90 702. Safari Party Livingstone might have skipped Africa if he knew how much fun he’d have with this package. For your next party, you can have a private, guided tour of the National Zoo for up to 10 people (at $65 value). When your little explorers get hungry, take them to Lebanese Taverna in Silver Spring with a $25 gift certificate. Then, ply them with a dozen delicious miniature cheesecakes from Capital City Cheesecake in Takoma Park (orders should be placed by June 4, 2012). Please note that the tour covers standard zoo areas, not behind-the-scenes areas. Please reserve two months in advance; weekend mornings only. Ages 4+. For both the tour and Lebanese Taverna, the offers expire March 3, 2013. Donated by Friends of the National Zoo (FONZ), the Gholkar/Ejantkar Family, and Lebanese Taverna Value: $116 Minimum bid: $50 703. Design Matters Life is short, art is long—and you can spend a long, long time talking to the award-winning Takoma Park firm Bennett Frank McCarthy Architects about your next project. They’ve been renovating, restoring, and reinventing homes in the area for more than 20 years and will provide you with a two-hour, inhome consultation and, later, up to four hours of design services (a $600 value). Bennett Frank McCarthy Architects specializes in green, sustainable design and is dedicated to exploring your needs. Donated by Bennett Frank McCarthy Architects Value: $600 Minimum bid: $200 704. Yard Work Don’t have a green thumb? Let Jim Woodworth, an International Society of Arboriculture (ISA)-certified arborist and director of tree planting at Casey Trees, help you. His two-hour consultation (for residential or commercial properties) will cover hazard tree and tree risk assessment, planting design guidance, tree care recommendations, and a brief written report to inform your next steps. (Expires March 3, 2013.) Then, hop over to Strosneiders Hardware to redeem a $40 gift certificate to fill the complementary, handy tool box. Donated by the Cesareo-Woodworth Family and Strosneiders Hardware Value: $305 Minimum bid: $100 705. I Spy Antony, clutching the satchel, slipped silently out of the parking garage—his Prius gliding over the frosty asphalt. He knew he was running perilously low on fuel, but he simply had to get downtown before the International Spy Museum closed. Waiting there were two complementary general admission tickets (for adults, children, or seniors) – a $40 value – and a certificate for 20% off at the Spy Store. He decided, whilst navigating potholes on North Capitol, to speed up this mission—he had to get back before the Russians in order to claim a $30 gift certificate waiting at Austin Grill (good at any location). Donated by International Spy Museum and Austin Grill Value: $70 Minimum bid: $25 706. The Medium is the Massage Upscale people, such as yourself, really deserve a break once in a while. Make it fun with a friend and cash in your two complimentary passes (shampoo, cut, and blowdry) for Salon Cielo in Dupont Circle. Salon Cielo is affordable luxury (and the best kept secret in D.C.) – staffed with European professionals who provide the latest hair trends and get real results with any hair type. Then head back to Takoma Park for a 30 minute massage with the experts hands of Carol Iverson at The Still Point. Donated by Salon Cielo and The Still Point Value: $180 Minimum bid: $80 707. Wine Time Impress your friends by hosting a private tasting and vineyard tour at Woodhall Wine Cellars for 12 people. Gather for a group dinner at Patricia Della Casual Fine Dining on the day of your tasting, redeeming a $25 off coupon. The on-site restaurant showcases pairings, local produce, organic meat, and free range poultry. Donated by Woodhall Wine Cellars Value: $200 Minimum bid: $80 708. Helping Hands Some people just have a hard time letting go – and hoarding can become problematic. TCS mom Pazit Aviv, a licensed social worker, will consult with you and/or your loved ones about your hoarding situation including an assessment of the specific causes, key factors, and suggestions on how to move forward. Donated by the Aviv Family Value: $100 Minimum bid: $35 709. Luxurious Takoma Park Getaway Françoise de Repper and Takoma Park’s own Etta Mae Inn offer two consecutive nights in the Phoenix Suite – the height of luxury – for a romantic weekend or to put up friends and family for a short visit. The bedroom includes an antique iron bed (queen sized), gas fireplace, and cable television (with DVD player). A dressing room and large closet complete the ensuite amenities. The private bath includes shower, large soaking tub, pedestal sinks, and bidet – for a little European charm. Certificate redeption is based on availability and must be used by December 31, 2012. Please mention certificate at the time of booking and visit www.ettamaeinn.com. Donated by the Etta Mae Inn Value: $450 Minimum bid: $175 710. Office Organization Planning an office retreat? Having an investor meeting? Trying to get your small business off the ground? E&M Technology Solutions in Silver Spring is offering a 90 minute information technology consultation for the highest bidder’s network environment or a repair service – a $190 value! TCS dad James Shambaugh, a trained professional facilitator with years of experience with NGOs and government agencies, will lead your meeting, guide the group’s discussion, or facilitate some other event for your organization or business. Through strategic planning, goal and objective refinement, problem solving, and interactive methods, James's skill is helping you work smarter and better – a $250 value. Donated by E&M Technology Solutions, Inc. and the King/Shambaugh Family Value: $440 Minimum bid: $150 711. Tune Up Those Rides Spring is either here or right around the corner – depending on the source. So, clean up your rides! Takoma Park’s RS Automotive is offering two oil changes with safety inspection gift certificates (no synthetic oil). Then zoom over to Montgomery Hills Car Wash in Silver Spring to take advantage of not one, not two, but three Ultimate Car Wash gift certificates for vehicles van-sized or smaller. Each certificate entitles your vehicle to interior vacuuming, window cleaning, wheel washing, dash towel cleaning, triple coat treatment, hot wax application, under-carriage treatment, tire dressing, and towel drying. Don’t forget to throw your bike in the trunk, though, because you’ll want to bring it down to Takoma Bicycle for a tune up! Make it two! Two certificates for tune-ups – a $158 value – good through September 30, 2012. Donated by RS Automotive, Montgomery Hills Car Wash, and Takoma Bicycle Value: $290 Minimum bid: $125 712. Weekend Warrior Is your family going out of town? Feeling like beer, t.v., and pizza is a poor consolation prize? Grab a friend and see the Bowie Baysox play with two general admission tickets for a April or May game this spring (excludes Fridays and Saturdays) – a $20 value. On the way home, be sure to stop at Ace Hardware (anywhere in Maryland or DC) and cash in your $20 gift card, courtesy of Old Takoma Ace Hardware. And, swing by Video Americain in Takoma Park to rent 5 videos/DVDs to get you through the weekend - a $25 value (expires February 16, 2013). Donated by Bowie Baysox Baseball Club, Old Takoma Ace Hardware, and Video Americain Value: $65 Minimum bid: $30 Silent Auction Table #8 Closes at 8:35 pm 801. Get Hungry and Get Fed Nothing works up an appetite like swimming, and for those who don't want to joint a pool this summer, six one-day family passes at the PG pool are just the thing . A Playmobile Ghost Pirates Whale Skeleton, courtesy of the awesome toy store Barston’s Child’s Play, will occupy your little one out of the water. Stuff yourself silly with Italian food afterwards with a $50 gift card at Mamma Lucia and put the kids to bed! Donated by Prince George’s Swimming Pool, Barston’s Child’s Play, and Mamma Lucia Value: $251 Minimum bid: $100 802. A Classic Night Out Two tickets to any show at Theater J in the next year will give you something to talk about afterwards at Cedar Crossing. Takoma, DC's classy bar and resto offers you a gift certificate for 10 small plates (like tapas), which you can use on one or multiple occasions. Theater J has been hailed by The New York Times as "The Premier Theater for Premieres," and nominated for over forty Helen Hayes Awards. Theater J has emerged as one of the most distinctive, progressive and respected theaters on the national and international scene. Tickets are subject to availability and must be reserved ahead of time, and may not be redeemed on opening night. Donated by Theater J and Cedar Crossing Tavern & Wine Bar Value: $190 Minimum bid: $80 803. Piano Party You know the feeling: it's time for a kid birthday bash, you're fresh out of ideas but still simply unwilling to farm it out to a Bethesda professional. So, farm it out to a Takoma Park professional! TCS dad Jamie Shambaugh may not know as many songs as Mr. Lilo, but with a month's notice, he'll provide a fun-filled music-themed party for eight kids complete with music-themed favors, plates, cups, napkins and a 30-minute piano show of kid faves. Afterwards – or even during! – your child can don a red shiny superhero cape with matching bracelets. Donated by the King/Shambaugh Family and Power Capes.com Value: $125 Minimum bid: $50 804. Pamper That Pet Show your pet how much you care! A certificate for one animal exam, vaccination and nail trim (expires March 3, 2013) at Takoma Park Animal Clinic will help keep your dog or cat healthy. And the Doggie Washerette will clean up your canine when you use this $20 gift certificate good for one loving wash. Donated by Takoma Park Animal Clinic and the Doggie Washerette Value: $157 Minimum bid: $70 805. Then Do What Comes Naturally Leave the kids with their grandparents and head for the Red Fox Inn in Middleburg, VA (an hour from DC) on any night Sunday through Thursday. This is great for one of those three day holiday weekends! Open up the bottle of high-quality champagne you picked up complements of S&S Liquors in Takoma, DC. The rest comes naturally. Donated by Red Fox Inn and S&S Liquors Value: $295 Minimum bid: $140 806. Stress-Free Travelling With your $50 iTunes gift card you can download some movies and music for that long plane ride. And cast aside your worries about the drive to the airport. The TCS Cohen family will get up to five people to any area airport (National, BWI, or Dulles), and pick them up too. They’ll also do a grocery run for the "basics" before you return, so your fridge isn't empty when you get home. Now that's stress-free travel! Donated by the Benschoter/Khaled Family and the Cohen Family Value: $200 Minimum bid: $80 807. "Feed Me Seymour, Feed Me" The $25 gift certificate at vegetarian Indian restaurant Woodlands speaks for itself - consistently delicious! The shocker is when you redeem two tickets to see the rousing musical "The Little Shop of Horrors" at Olney Theatre, one of the top community theaters in the DC region. Not valid on Saturday evenings or Sunday matinees. Valid for the first two performance weeks only; Wednesday through Sunday, August 1-12, 2012. Must call the box office in advance to redeem. Donated by Olney Theatre and Woodlands Restaurant Value: $123 Minimum bid: $50 808. Take It and Frame It Bonnie Coulbourne Photography will use their expert eyes to capture you and your precious ones thanks to this $250 credit toward a professional photo session and prints. And don't just let those beautiful new photos get tucked into a drawer. Put the finishing touches on your family portraits at Artful Framing & Gallery using this $100 gift certificate. Donated by Bonnie Coulbourne Photography and Artful Framing & Gallery Value: $350 Minimum bid: $150 809. Good for the Body, the Soul, and the World With this $100 gift certificate toward a class or workshop at Willow Street Yoga Center, you can give your body and soul a good workover. Use this $20 gift certificate at The Culture Shop, Takoma's own "Socially Conscious Global Marketplace," and you'll give a little of the same to the world. Donated by Willow Street Yoga Center and The Culture Shop Value: $120 Minimum bid: $50 810. The Perfect Combination of Wine and Art If the perfect red or white is a canvas on which the vintner can conjure up a masterpiece for the tastbuds, then there's something perfect in the combination of modern art and the right wine. A one-year membership to The Phillips Collection (for two adults and two children, a discount in the shop and cafe, and tickets for friends) is an excellent mate for a private wine tasting and tour for up to 12 adults at Woodhall Wine Cellars in Parkton, MD. A $25 coupon off a dinner at Patricia Della Casual Fine Dining, showcasing wine pairings, local produce, organic meat and free range poultry, can only add to the experience on the day of your tour. Donated by The Phillips Collection and Woodhall Wine Cellars Value: $300 Minimum bid: $100 811. A Kid-Friendly Pairing What could possibly work better together than amusement parks and macaroni? Children will squeal with delight at Six Flags in Upper Marlboro, MD with these two one-day admission tickets. Don't miss the Hurricane Water Park, which opens May 19, 2012. (Tickets are valid anytime from March 31 to October 7, 2012.) Afterwards, satisfy your kid's voracious appetite for carbs with a $30 gift certificate at Romano's Macaroni Grill. Donated by Six Flags America and Romano’s Macaroni Grill Value: $144 Minimum bid: $70 812. Takoma Shop-a-Thon If you always thought the great part about Takoma Park is that you hardly have to leave town to do your shopping, then this package is for you! Unload this $25 gift certificate at Amano on fabulous shoes, jewelry, or clothing before strolling across the street to the House of Musical Traditions with a $10 gift certificate in hand. Another block later and you're spending a $25 gift card at Now and Then. Talk about supporting local businesses! Donated by Amano, House of Musical Traditions, and Now and Then Value: $60 Minimum bid: $25 Silent Auction Table #9 Closes at 8:45 pm 901. Batter Up! Enjoy a family night or treat your friends to a night at the ballpark to cheer on the Nats when they take on the red-hot Milwaukee Brewers on Friday, September 21, 2012, at 7:05 pm. You'll be sitting in high style in premium first row seats at the club level behind home plate, with the potential to see Steven Strasburg throw his every pitch! Plus park for free with 2 complimentary passes. The Nationals' ballpark is a fantastic venue that has a full playground, rock wall, and a great local food options like Ben's Chili Bowl and Five Guys. Catch America's favorite past time and catch the up and coming Nationals! Donated by Sigal Construction Value: $300 Minimum bid: $120 902. No Place Like Home Expert gardener Elise Stigliano of Go Gardeners! will advise you on design, plant and flower choices and garden maintence that fits your abilities and life style! Before or after, enjoy shopping for items for your home and garden at new local Takoma shop "Trohv" with a $50.00 gift card so your home and yard are inviting and beautiful this year! A great way to get help with your annual spring cleaning. Donated by Go Gardeners! and Trohv Value: $200 Minimum bid: $80 903. Inner Pieces Are all of those pieces of papers piled up in your home stressing you out? Do you wish you had time to be one of those folks who is organized and does yoga in their spare time? Bid on changing your life today! Personal organizer and TCS parent Keri Myers will bring 15 years of experience as a records manager and archivist to your home to give you a 2 hour personalized home office organizing consult to help you map a route to order and accessibility of your personal records. Then take a deep breath, stretch out and enjoy 2, one week passess to Bikram Yoga in Takoma Park - each pass entitles the holder to an entire week of unlimited access to yoga classes. Pick up the pieces and find inner peace. Donated by the Myers/Copp Family and Bikram Yoga Takoma Park Value: $260 Minimum bid: $70 904. There's an "useum" for Everyone! 907. Order Up! Always wanted to get to the Newseum? Now is your chance to win four general admission tickets to be used anytime until December 31, 2012. Explore the First Amendment right to a free press, news-making history, current events, and much more! For a great family experience while relatives or friends are in town, we have you covered with a basket of 8 admission passes to the Be With Me Playseum. This children's new & resale bookstore is in the design of a cityscape with tons of hands-on fun. Play for hours in the more than a dozen kid-sized interactive rooms. In addition to the 8 passes, you will receive the gift of 3 children's books, and painted wooden toy icons of the Playseum's play rooms. What better way to explore and enjoy DC museums! Donated by Newseum and Be With Me Playseum Value: $160 Minimum bid: $60 In the Shakespeare Theater Company's production of Carlos Goldoni's, "The Servant of Two Masters", mayhem erupts when the wily—and chronically hungry—servant Truffaldino hatches a zany scheme to double his wages (and his meals) by serving two masters at once. But, don't go on an empty stomach, grab sushi or grilled skewers at Kushi Lazkaya & Sushi with a $50.00 gift card first! The highest bidder adds the gift card with two tickets for any performance of "Servant" good May 15 - July 1, 2012 (not valid opening night, Friday and Saturday evening shows, or Sunday matinee shows). Order up! Kushi rates 4 stars on the DC menu pages and the production sold out in its run at Yale Repertory Theater before heading to the District. Donated by Kushi Iazkaya & Sushi and Shakespeare Theatre Value: $226 Minimum bid: $100 905. 908. A Perfect "10" Which wine is your "10", or do your prefer a great performance? Add 9 of your friends to combine and find out with this perfect 10 package which includes: 10 tickets for a wine tasting and tour at Basignani Winery, just north of Baltimore. On your tour, learn how wine is produced from the wine to the bottle, and then survey a tasting of all available wines at the Vineyard accompanied by an elegant spread of bread, cheese, fruit, and crackers. (Your tour date must be arranged in advance.) Also enjoy 10 tickets to "Levine Presents the Sound of U Street" on May 12, 2012 at 6:30 pm (pick-up tickets at will call 15 minutes before the show). Long known as "Black Broadway", U Street is best known for its many jazz clubs that were so central to DC's African American community. Drummer Andrew Hare and his troupe will paint a picture of this vibrant musical street and its influence on American music. The concert will end with the celebrated Ballou High School Marching Band under the direction of Raymond Shaw. So, grab 9 friends and take in the perfect 10! Donated by Basignani Winery and Levine School of Music Value: $130 Minimum bid: $50 906. Green Living Fabulous architect and interior designer, Wakako Tokunaga Architecture will provide you with an initial one hour design consultation followed by a proposal of design ideas. Alumna TCS parent, Wakako is a LEED accredited professional who believes that architecture and design should enrich people's lives. Her designs focuses on simplicity, green approaches, and affordability. Don't miss this chance to let her vision inspire a fresh look for your home! Donated by Wakako Tokunaga Architecture Value: $500 Minimum bid: $175 "Y" Not? Get Fit! 2 month Family Membership, plus initiation fee, all complementary. This membership provides two adults and their children with total access to the Silver Spring (only) facility. This YMCA has two year round pools (one indoor and one outdoor) and two children's pools in the summer. Free child care is available on-site while you workout. The Y features lots of free classes, including zumba and yoga and several low cost classes for adults and children. So, whether you've let down on your New Year's resolution or you want a more family friendly gym experience - enjoy 2 months free at the local YMCA! Donated by The Y of Silver Spring Value: $294 Minimum bid: $100 909. No Yellow Bellies Ready for some adventure?! Zip through the tree-tops at Sandy Spring Adventure Park with two gift passes (ages 7+)! The course is a blast, and builds skills and confidence. Passes are good during normal operation hours for the 2012 season. Let Potbelly Sandwiches Works pack your lunch with three coupons for any Orginal or Skinny sandwich for use at any location. Donated by the Lukas-Jackson Family and Potbelly Sandwich Works Value: $110 Minimum bid: $50 910. Dance Party Make this year's birthday party extra special for your child age 2-8 with and interactive music and movement concert by John Henry England. John counts punk pioneers The Ramones as a key influence, and his kid-friendly, silly songs will have your party dancing! (Your party must be booked by June 3, 2012.) For that unique and awesome present, go to Takoma Park's Now and Then with your $25.00 gift certificate to find a fantastic variety of crafty gifts. (Expires April 3, 2013.) Donated by John Henry England and Now and Then Value: $325 Minimum bid: $120 911. A Great Local Pairing Want a great night out without DC parking or the Metro? Treat yourself to an upscale local date night! Choose two tickets to ANY performance during the 2011-2012 season at the University of Maryland's Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center (season ends in July 2012). Before or after the show enjoy delicious Italian food at Olazzo in Silver Spring with a $50.00 gift certificate. Donated by Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center and Olazzo Value: $110 Minimum bid: $45 912. Coming to You Live! For all you Maureen Bunyon and Bob Ryan fans! Get the inside scoop on local news coverage with a tour for six of the ABC7/WJLA-TV & News Channel 8 studios on a date mutually agreeable to you and the station. This tour will include a visit to the newsroom, control room, weather center and studio, and might include a studio visit during a live broadcast. Offer expires on March 1, 2013 and is limited to non-holidays. Live broadcasts only open to visitors ages 10 and up. Donated by ABC7/WJLA-TV & News Channel 8 Value: $250 Minimum bid: $100 Live Auction Begins at 8:50 pm A. In-home Craft Cocktail Party Don’t miss out on this fun and unique opportunity to entertain at home. TCS dad and expertmixer Micah Elazar will come to your home at a mutually agreed upon date and time to prepare a three course cocktail tasting for 10 to 12 people using homemade infusions, syrups and fresh squeezed juices. The menu will be based on a prior consultation. That’s a play date no parent will turn down! Donated by the Elazar/Bednarek Family Value: $300 Minimum bid: $100 B. Sensuous Dinner for Ten at Marrakesh Excite all your senses with this seven-course Moroccan meal for ten guests at Marrakesh Restaurant in Washington. Exotic and delicately seasoned Moroccan cuisine blends with authentic music, belly-dancing and Middle Eastern décor to create an extraordinary dining experience. Step into another world, and treat yourself and your friends to a few amazing hours. Available Sunday through Thursday only. Beverages, tax and gratuity not included. Donated by Marrakesh Restaurant Value: $310 Minimum bid: $100 C. Meet Alec Baldwin (yes, really!) This unique opportunity includes two tickets to Alec Baldwin's appearance at the National Press Club along with access to the VIP reception where the winners can get their pictures taken with the Actor. The event, which includes a complementary lunch, speech and a Q&A period, takes place on Thursday, April 19, 2012, 12 to 2 pm at the National Press Club. But plan to arrive by 11 am to get photos with Mr. Baldwin. Donated by the Kodjak Family Value: $60 Minimum bid: $40 D. Redskins Under the Stars Watch the Washington Redskins battle at FedEx Field with two tickets to the night game of your choice during the 2012 season. Tickets are for exclusive Loge level seating in the end zone where you will enjoy gourmet catering, in-seat waiter/waitress service, panoramic views of the field, and full access to the luxurious Club Level Concourse. You must select which night game you wish to attend by September 1, 2012, by calling the season-ticket holder donors. Donated by Lani Sinclair Value: $400 Minimum bid: $150 E. Off-Season Island Beach Getaway Take a break on an island beach! A lovely, modern, four bedroom, 2.5 bath townhome in Stone Harbor, N.J., could be yours in 2012 for a Spring (April 1st to May 20th) or Fall (October 1st to November 30th) five day/four night getaway. The house is two blocks from the beach, ten blocks from town, and 10 minutes from Cape May. It comes fully equipped with everything you need with the exception of linens. Stone Harbor is a small, family-friendly beach town at the southern end of the New Jersey barrier island chain known for its white sandy beaches and quiet charm, just 3½ hours from Washington, D.C. Visit www.stoneharborrental.com to learn more about the home and Stone Harbor. The winner must contact the owners one month in advance to select specific dates. Donated by Katrina and Toby Reut Value: $1500 Minimum bid: $400 F. One Week in Aruba Check your calendar and make plans now for one unforgettable week in the sun at Casa del Mar Beach Resort Aruba, March 16-23, 2013 (dates are non-negotiable). Casa del Mar (www.casadelmar-aruba.com) is located on one of the finest beaches in Aruba and is directly across the street from the exciting nightlife of Alhambra Casino. Your onebedroom Ambassador Suite includes a fully-equipped kitchen and sleeps up to four people in one king bedroom and one living room queen sleeper sofa. In addition to one of Aruba’s most beautiful beaches, the resort offer pools and pool bar, tennis courts, water sports, island tours, family-friendly activities and a fine dining restaurant. The winner will need to contact the donor to receive a letter of introduction before arriving at the resort. The donor is also happy to provide tips on things to see and do while in Aruba. Donated by Bruce and Judy Myers Value: $1575 Minimum bid: $700