2014 Comprehensive Departmental Implementation Plans

Fall Town of Apple Valley Vision 2020
Departmental Implementation Plan
Prepared by Flint Strategies
Table of Contents
Goal #1 Public Safety ......................................................................................... 5
Maintain funding for public safety. .................................................................. 5
Ensure police staff levels keep pace with population growth. ..................... 5
Focus on maintaining a safe environment for retail businesses. ................... 6
Focus on gang control and prevention. ......................................................... 6
Proactively address blight-related public safety issues. ................................ 7
Maintain programs for youth in Apple Valley. ................................................ 8
Engage the community in maintaining public safety.................................... 8
Goal #2 Adequate And Well-Maintained Infrastructure ............................. 10
2.1 Continue to work cooperatively with neighboring jurisdictions and
agencies to develop the sub-regional wastewater treatment facility. ...... 10
Seek to resolve infrastructure issues in North Apple Valley. ......................... 10
Complete and implement the Watershed Management Plan. ................ 11
2.4 Promote greater public understanding of water resources and other
public infrastructure issues through education and outreach. .................... 11
Goal #3 A Thriving Economy ........................................................................... 13
Focus on job creation and development of a trained workforce. ........... 13
Develop a comprehensive Business Attraction and Retention Program. 13
Market the Town of Apple Valley to businesses and entrepreneurs. ........ 15
Goal #4 Transportation .................................................................................... 16
4.1 Complete key transportation projects including the Yucca Loma Bridge,
Falchion Interchange and the High Desert Corridor (E-220). ....................... 16
4.2 Achieve a satisfactory level of traffic flow and pavement condition on all
Town roadways. ................................................................................................. 17
Maintain a network of multi-use trails and bicycle paths. ........................... 17
4.4 Support the expansion and enhancement of bus transit service
throughout Apple Valley. ................................................................................. 18
4.5 Coordinate with neighboring jurisdictions and regional agencies to seek
state and federal funding for transportation projects. ................................. 18
4.6 Promote greater understanding of transportation system needs and
benefits to Town residents. ............................................................................... 18
Goal #5 Ample Parkland And Diverse Recreational Opportunities .......... 20
Maintain youth, senior and equestrian recreation programs. .................... 20
5.2 Identify and secure funding sources for parks and recreation facilities and
programs. ........................................................................................................... 20
5.3 Partner with other public and private organizations to provide park and
recreation facilities and programs. ................................................................. 21
Develop Apple Valley Golf Course as a self-sustaining facility................... 21
Goal #6 Highest Quality Staff .......................................................................... 22
Provide a positive work environment. ............................................................ 22
6.2 Provide education and training opportunities to maximize staff utilization,
retention and plan for staff succession. .......................................................... 22
Focus on customer service. ............................................................................. 24
6.4 Regularly audit Council-staff communications and internal staff
communications. ............................................................................................... 26
Promote local volunteerism and civic engagement. .................................. 26
Focus on work-life balance to retain staff. .................................................... 27
Goal #7 Promote Partnerships ........................................................................ 28
7.1 Allocate resources to connect Town Council members and staff one-onone with decision makers on state and federal levels. ................................ 28
7.2 Actively pursue partnerships with universities and colleges to promote
education opportunities in Apple Valley. ....................................................... 28
7.3 Work collaboratively with regional and sub-regional interests to promote
economic development. ................................................................................. 29
Goal #8 Revenue Generation ........................................................................ 31
8.1 Encourage all departments to explore and implement viable revenue
generating opportunities in both public and private sectors. ..................... 31
Adopt a private sector business model for providing services. .................. 32
Explore opportunities for renewable energy in Apple Valley. .................... 33
Department Key
Town Manager
Economic Development
Community Development
Code Enforcement
Public Works
Environmental and Regulatory Compliance
Parks and Recreation
Town Clerk
Human Resources
Public Information
Information Systems
Animal Services
Sheriffs Department
Town of Apple Valley Vision 2020:
Implementation Plan
Goal #1 Public Safety
Objective: Maintain and enhance the high level of public safety in Apple Valley.
Maintain funding for public safety.
Town Manager
TM 1.1.1 Continue to explore most efficient and effective allocation of fiscal
resources to support police services and maintain highest level of public
Sheriff’s Department
SD 1.1.1 Continue to pursue all available grant funding on a regional, state
and federal level to maintain staffing levels and enhance programs.
F 1.1.1 Work closely with the Town Manager to access cost of services and
ensure best possible fiscal structure for police services.
Ensure police staff levels keep pace with population growth.
Sheriff’s Department
SD 1.2.1 Allocate limited human resources to maximize cost efficiency and
level of service.
SD 1.2.2 Propose increase in staffing levels to support traffic and DUI
Focus on maintaining a safe environment for retail businesses.
Sheriff’s Department
SD 1.3.1 Work collaboratively with the Apple Valley Chamber of Commerce
and business owners to identify potential problems and provide proactive
SD 1.3.2 Continue to offer Crime-Free Business, providing training and site
Code Enforcement
CE 1.3.1 Proactively work with local businesses to deter graffiti.
Focus on gang control and prevention.
Sheriff’s Department
SD 1.4.1 Implement TAGGERS program, which identifies specific graffiti
signatures and links to gangs and/or individual taggers.
SD 1.4.2 Seek to increase participation and available support for the Apple
Valley Police Activities League.
SD 1.4.3 Increase coordination with Parks & Recreation Department.
Code Enforcement
CE 1.4.1 Utilize TAGGER software to identify gang graffiti and coordinate
efforts with local law enforcement agencies.
Parks and Recreation
PR 1.4.1 Where applicable, apply Crime Prevention through Environmental
Design (CPTED) guidelines in the design and operation of parks and facilities.
PR 1.4.2 Collaborate with the Police Department to work with neighborhood
watch and public safety groups to create an eyes‐in‐the‐park volunteer
group who can call to report behavioral or maintenance problems in parks.
PR 1.4.3 Evaluate feasibility and functionality of installing camera systems
throughout the Park’s system or in parks that show a greater need.
Proactively address blight-related public safety issues.
Sheriff’s Department
SD 1.5.1 Work collaboratively with Apple Valley Code Enforcement and
Community Development Departments to address blight issues related to
criminal/gang activity.
SD 1.5.2 Reduce calls for service to create proactive patrol time by
addressing chronic problem areas.
SD 1.5.3 Continue coordination of programs including Crime Free MultiHousing, Crime Free Business, Neighborhood Watch, and Department of
Housing regulation compliance.
Code Enforcement
CE 1.5.1 Obtain more voluntary compliance from banks/realtors on foreclosed
CE 1.5.2 Increase participation during community enhancement cleanup
events by coordinating efforts with Public Information Officer.
CE 1.5.3 Improve communications with residents by coordinating efforts with
Public Information Officer.
CE 1.5.4 Conduct proactive inspections of foreclosed properties.
CE 1.5.5 Conduct proactive property maintenance inspections of rental
properties including apartments and single-family homes.
Community Development
CD 1.5.1 Manage and implement grant funded rehabilitation programs for
low-income mobile home parks.
Public Information
PIO 1.5.1 Coordinate promotion of clean-up days with Code Enforcement to
increase public participation.
Maintain programs for youth in Apple Valley.
Sheriff’s Department
SD 1.6.1 Pursue all available grant funding on a regional, state and federal
level to maintain and enhance programs to support the Apple Valley Police
Activities League, which provides programs for at risk youth.
Parks and Recreation
PR 1.6.1 Continue to evaluate the needs of the community to ensure the
youth programs are sustainable and serve the community effectively.
Animal Services
AS 1.6.1 Provides opportunity for juveniles needing court ordered community
service hours to learn positive aspects of animal keeping and for continued
mentoring by caring Apple Valley Animal Services staff.
AS 1.6.2 Continue “Me & My Shadow Program” a mentoring program
designed to instill responsible pet-ownership at an early age and provide
positive work ethics in our future community leaders.
Engage the community in maintaining public safety.
Sheriff’s Department
SD 1.7.1 Provide education programs for the community about crime
prevention and safety, working collaboratively with Public Information.
Public Information
PIO 1.7.1 Serve as Public Information conduit during emergencies.
PIO 1.7.2 Work proactively with police services to educate and inform
residents and business about public safety issues in the Town.
Town Clerk
TC 1.7.1 Provide noticing and appropriate document support for public
meetings involving public safety.
Animal Services
AS 1.7.1 Provide education and outreach to residents regarding responsible
pet ownership, rabies control, bite prevention, appropriate care and handling
of house pets and dealing with wild animals native to the area.
Goal #2 Adequate And Well-Maintained Infrastructure
Objective: Provide the infrastructure necessary for Apple Valley’s residents and
businesses to live and grow.
Continue to work cooperatively with neighboring jurisdictions
and agencies to develop the sub-regional wastewater
treatment facility.
Town Manager
TM 2.1.1 Support efforts to facilitate the forming of a management entity for
the sub-regional wastewater treatment facility.
ENG 2.1.1 Work collaboratively with High Desert communities and the Victor
Valley Wastewater Reclamation Authority and Apple Valley Public Works to
provide engineering support for the development of the facility.
Seek to resolve infrastructure issues in North Apple Valley.
Community Development
CD 2.2.1 Facilitate the implementation of the North Apple Valley Infrastructure
Specific Plan to include Infrastructure Expansion Plan and Financing
ENG 2.2.1 Identify specific infrastructure improvements required, identify
funding mechanisms and where appropriate, manage projects.
Public Works
PW 2.2.1 Complete the rehabilitation of Lift Station AD2B Improvements to
maintain capacity.
Complete and implement the Watershed Management Plan.
Environmental and Regulatory Compliance
ERC 2.3.1 Participate in the Stormwater Prevention Program via the Mojave River
Watershed Group developing best management practices to channel stormwater
runoff without contaminating the river.
ENG 2.3.1 Implementation of the dry well installation program.
ENG 2.3.2 Serve as the Flood Plain Administrator, working with FEMA to
manage storm related public hazards within our community.
ENG 2.3.3 Continue to work with San Bernardino County Flood Control, Zone
4 to develop a Regional Retention/Detention facility at Tussing Ranch
Road and Juniper Road.
Parks and Recreation
PR 2.3.1 Implement a water efficiency program in compliance with the
Updated Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance AB 1881, and the
Irrigation Association’s Turf and Landscape Best Management
Promote greater public understanding of water resources and
other public infrastructure issues through education and
Public Works
PW 2.4.1 Implement public outreach programs regarding FOG (fats, oils and
grease) and appropriate disposal working with Public Information.
PW 2.4.2 Implement outreach to businesses regarding FOG programs and
other maintenance programs.
Environmental Regulatory Compliance
ERC 2.4.1 Increase awareness of Household Hazardous Waste programs
through outreach efforts coordinated with Public Information.
ERC 2.4.2 Promote countywide Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE)
program that allows interested property to finance the installation of eligible
renewable energy, energy efficiency, or water efficiency improvements that
are permanently fixed to the property.
ENG 2.4.1 Work collaboratively with Public Information and Public Works to
provide information about upcoming projects and the future needs of the
Information Systems
IS 2.4.1 Upgrade the unsupportable video presentation systems in the Town
Council Chamber to facilitate reliable and higher quality video for the Town
Council meetings, enabling the public to keep informed.
Goal #3 A Thriving Economy
Objective: Enhance and expand the Town’s economic base.
Focus on job creation and development of a trained
Town Manager
TM 3.1.1 Prioritize economic development programs that increase training
opportunities for local workforce.
TM 3.1.2 Complete annexation of the Golden Triangle area to facilitate
opportunities for new businesses.
Economic Development
ED 3.1.1 Concentrate on industrial, manufacturing, goods movement and
other business opportunities that best suit our local workforce.
ED 3.1.2 Facilitate funding, planning and installation of infrastructure and
utility expansion in the North Apple Valley Specific Plan area.
ED 3.1.3 Partner with education, vocation and job training associations to
improve quality of workforce, specifically with local colleges and County
Workforce Investment Board.
ED 3.1.4 Identify potential uses and tenants for high value locations including
the corner of Bear Valley and Apple Valley Road and the former, Fountains at
Quail Ridge.
F 3.1.1 Support economic development by providing forecasting analysis for
market trends in the region.
3.2 Develop a comprehensive Business Attraction and Retention
Economic Development
ED 3.2.1 Enhance lead generation and management program, including
responses to requests for information.
ED 3.2.2 Expedite site selection, entitlement and permit processes.
ED 3.2.3 Explore potential for business attraction via incentivized sales tax
revenue sharing program.
ED 3.2.4 Explore state and federal “zone” designations to increase
investment in local businesses and/or attract new businesses to the area.
ED 3.2.5 Establish a brand identity for quality of life and business
opportunities in Apple Valley.
Community Development
CD 3.2.1 Support economic development via the Town’s land use element
and entitlement process.
CD 3.2.2 Support economic development by providing adequate housing
planning for workforce via the Town’s housing element.
B 3.2.1 Support economic development efforts by offering timely building
inspections, working closely with business owners and developers to facilitate
a smooth process.
Animal Services
AS 3.2.1 Serve as a site for the CALWorks Program to provide job skills
training designed to allow participants to become self-sufficient and
independent working citizens.
AS 3.2.1 Continue to support “Transition Partnership Program”, a school-towork transition program that provides work experience and helps young
people become productive members of society in the future.
AS 3.2.1 Serve as a site for interns from schools or colleges such as,
Westech College and ITT Technical Institute, which allows students to gain
work experience and hands-on training in the areas related to their academic
Market the Town of Apple Valley to businesses and
Town Manager
TM 3.3.1 Host unique business attraction events and tours to promote Apple
Valley as a premier location for commercial and industrial development.
Economic Development
ED 3.3.1 Continue marketing of “Get a Slice of the Apple” and “Select Apple
Valley” brand and update materials.
ED 3.3.2 Create and manage social media presence for economic
development marketing purposes.
ED 3.3.3 Collaborate with Town Public Information Office to leverage and
enhance marketing, media and advertising efforts.
ED 3.3.4 Attend conferences and other opportunities linking potential
companies considering expansion or relocation to the Town.
Public Information
PIO 3.3.1 Work collaboratively with Economic Development to develop and
implement communications programs that support business interests in the
PIO 3.3.2 Expand opportunities for business engagement through online
collaboration tools and e-news.
PIO 3.3.3 Facilitate development and implementation of a comprehensive
Shop Local program.
Goal #4 Transportation
Objective: Develop and maintain a comprehensive transportation system.
Complete key transportation projects including the Yucca
Loma Bridge, Falchion Interchange and the High Desert
Corridor (E-220).
Town Manager
TM 4.4.1 Support Public Works in the completion of the Yucca Loma Bridge
and other major infrastructure enhancements for the Town.
Community Development
CD 4.1.1 Continue to pursue the future development of the High Desert
Corridor with Caltrans District 7 & 8, Los Angeles and San Bernardino
Counties, SANBAG Los Angeles Metro, including environmental clearance,
approval and design.
ENG 4.1.1 Begin construction of the Yucca Loma Bridge project, the Town’s
highest priority in terms of transportation.
ENG 4.1.2 Engineering will continue to work closely with Southern California
Edison to underground utilities along Yucca Loma Road east of Apple Valley
Road, in preparation for the future street improvements of the Yucca Loma
corridor project.
ENG 4.1.3 Engineering will continue to pursue the future development of the
High Desert Corridor with Caltrans District 7 & 8, Los Angeles and San
Bernardino Counties, SANBAG Los Angeles Metro, including environmental
clearance, approval, design and anticipated construction commencement in
ENG 4.1.4 Receive funding and award contract for structural engineering
consultant services to analyze and rehab the existing Bear Valley Road
ENG 4.1.5 Continue to improve Apple Valley Road at SR18 with plans to
develop realignment and re-contour of the intersection, allowing the
removal of the split-phase operation, and improve traffic movement in all
Economic Development
ED 4.1.1 Administer and preserve Successor Agency funding for key capital
improvement projects, including Yucca Loma Bridge Corridor project.
ED 4.1.2 Provide support for the development of the High Desert Corridor.
Achieve a satisfactory level of traffic flow and pavement
condition on all Town roadways.
ENG 4.2.1 Implement Capital Improvement Projects including pavement
management projects.
ENG 4.2.2 Explore possible realignment/improvements of Kasoto Road,
Rimrock Road and Navajo Road intersections with State Route 18.
Public Works
PW 4.2.1 Provide ongoing inspection of roadways to ensure appropriate
levels of maintenance and safety.
PW 4.2.2 Maintain roadway cleanliness and safety via regular street
sweeping program.
PW 4.2.3 Manage maintenance of Town owned medians and increase
aesthetic value.
Maintain a network of multi-use trails and bicycle paths.
ENG 4.3.1 Implement Capital Improvement Projects including development of
new and maintenance of existing trails and bicycle paths.
Public Works
PW 4.3.1 Provide ongoing inspection of trails and bike paths to ensure
appropriate levels of maintenance and safety.
Support the expansion and enhancement of bus transit service
throughout Apple Valley.
Environmental Regulatory Compliance
ERC 4.4.1 Prioritize and complete projects listed on the Victor Valley Transit
Authority (JPA) needs assessment report.
ERC 4.4.2 Review opportunities for increased efficiency in transit services
including consolidation, expansion of services.
ERC 4.4.3 Explore viability of new routes to Fort Irwin.
Coordinate with neighboring jurisdictions and regional
agencies to seek state and federal funding for transportation
Town Manager
TM 4.5.1 Continue to pursue Federal and State grant funding sources for
transportation projects, community development and municipal service
TM 4.5.2 Explore regional effort to expand and enhance airport facilities and
increase options for general aviation.
Environmental Regulatory Compliance
ERC 4.5.1 Support regional planning efforts by representing Apple Valley on
the Victor Valley Transit Authority’s Technical Advisory Committee (TAC).
ENG 4.5.1 Work collaboratively with SANBAG, the regions’ Metropolitan
Planning Organization (MPO), and local municipal agencies to secure funding
for local and regional transportation projects that benefit Apple Valley.
Promote greater understanding of transportation system needs
and benefits to Town residents.
Public Information
PIO 4.6.1 Work proactively with Public Works and Engineering to provide
information about upcoming projects, initiatives and programs related to
transportation in Apple Valley, including specific outreach on bike lanes
Town Clerk
TC 4.6.1 Provide noticing and appropriate document support for public
meetings involving public transportation.
Goal #5 Ample Parkland And Diverse
Recreational Opportunities
Objectives: Maintain the Town’s network of parkland and recreational
Maintain youth, senior and equestrian recreation programs.
Parks and Recreation
PR 5.1.1 Evaluate ongoing programs to ensure that participation warrants
their continuation.
PR 5.1.2 Develop a formal cost recovery policy for programs, events, and
PR 5.1.3 Evaluate and implement online registration for programs and
services to better serve the community.
Public Information
PIO 5.1.1 Plan and promote community events throughout the year.
Identify and secure funding sources for parks and recreation
facilities and programs.
Parks and Recreation
PR 5.2.1 Proactively research grant opportunities and funding sources via
coordination with Town Manager’s office and other departments.
PR 5.2.2 Continue to effectively use Community Development Block Grant
funding to rehabilitate parks and facilities that fall within the Town’s applicable
project areas.
PR 5.2.3 Explore opportunities for naming rights for facilities
PR 5.2.4 Explore opportunities for the development of “Adopt a Park”
Partner with other public and private organizations to provide
park and recreation facilities and programs.
Parks and Recreation
PR 5.3.1 Work collaboratively with assisted user groups and other providers
of youth programs to maintain and improve Apple Valley facilities.
PR 5.3.2 Search out opportunities to partner with local businesses, nonprofits and other agencies to better provide programming for the community.
PR 5.3.3 Partner with local service groups to install a large picnic shelter at
Civic Center Park.
Develop Apple Valley Golf Course as a self-sustaining facility.
Town Manager
TM 5.4.1 Town Manager will work proactively with the selected management
company to ensure profitability of the Apple Valley Golf Course.
F 5.4.1 Finance will work proactively with the selected management company
to ensure profitability of the Apple Valley Golf Course.
Goal #6 Highest Quality Staff
Objective: Retain the highest quality Town staff.
Provide a positive work environment.
Town Manager
TM 6.1.1 Town Manager will provide clear and consistent leadership by
holding weekly staff meetings allowing the management team to work
collaboratively and proactively to meet Council Goals.
TM 6.1.2 Promote collaboration and internal customer service values,
supporting cooperation and team building.
Human Resources
HR 6.1.1 Provide assistance to employees to develop and administer benefits
included in the Town’s employment package.
HR 6.1.2 Foster a culture that treats every employee equally with the respect
and dignity that they deserve.
HR 6.1.3 Work with the Employees Activities Committee to plan activities for
employees including potlucks, picnics, contests and other team building
and/or moral boosters
Public Information
PIO 6.1.1 Support employee events and contribute to creative direction.
PIO 6.1.2 Promote positive news about employees, contractors and Town
Provide education and training opportunities to maximize staff
utilization, retention and plan for staff succession.
Town Manager
TM 6.2.1 The Town Manager will provide opportunities for management
training an interdepartmental coordination as part of staff in service training
Human Resources
HR 6.2.1 Develop training programs for supervisors and managers including
the fundamentals of supervision, leadership, employee discipline, and human
HR 6.2.2 Enhance training programs for new employees.
HR 6.2.3 Promote educational opportunities by collaborating with local
colleges and universities to provide discounted tuition for employees pursing
their degrees.
Economic Development
ED 6.2.1 Pursue professional development via formal education, and industry
and skills training.
B 6.2.1 Provide educational opportunities for staff to train on latest
compliance programs for Building and Safety.
Sheriff’s Department
SD 6.2.1 Provide opportunities for law enforcement staff to participate in
training activities increasing use of technology and crime prevention
Public Works
PW 6.2.1 Encourage staff to get appropriate certifications, participate in
training opportunities and management academy.
PW 6.2.2 Cross-train staff when appropriate to maximize staff utilization.
F 6.2.1 Continue to participate in education and training programs supporting
best practices in municipal finance.
F 6.2.1 Provide training and assistance to all departments to support the
development of annual budgets.
Focus on customer service.
Town Manager
TM 6.3.1 Town Manager’s office will provide specific support and direction
regarding internal and external customer service policies.
Human Resources
HR 6.1.3 Continue to evaluate the processes within the Human Resources
Department and look for ways to improve processes and maximize efficiency
of department staff and our ability to support our current and potential
employees and contractors.
Economic Development
ED 6.3.1 Respond quickly and efficiently to requests from potential and
current businesses.
Code Enforcement
CE 6.3.1 Maintain a same day response time for health and safety and time
sensitive cases related to Code Enforcement.
CE 6.3.2 Provide high quality graffiti removal services, matching paint at no
charge to property owners.
Community Development
CD 6.3.1 Approve Project Entitlements Faster than any Other Community in
CD 6.3.2 Continue to administer CDBG, HOME and Cal HOME grant funds.
CD 6.3.3 Proceed with acquiring additional property or existing rehabilitation
through the use of Neighborhood Stabilization Program 3 funding for future
low income housing projects.
B 6.3.1 Continue to review, permit and inspect all private and public land
development projects faster and more efficiently than any other community in
B 6.3.2 Maintain a reputation for being the most customer-friendly municipal
Building and Safety Division in the High Desert.
B 6.3.3 Continue to provide the normal turn-around cycles that are the
shortest in the High Desert.
B 6.3.4 Continue to promote and provide “Express Plan Check” services for
projects and can be approved over-the-counter.
B 6.3.5 Maintain the highest availability of Building Official and Building
Inspector access to our customers to ensure that customer questions are
answered by a skilled professional.
B 6.3.6 Maintain the highest level of flexibility when scheduling inspections
and field reviews to ensure that all customer needs are met in the quickest
and most efficient manner.
Town Clerk
TC 6.3.1 Complete Review/Modification of the Town’s Records Retention
TC 6.3.2 Conduct Complete Review of Apple Valley Municipal Code.
TC 6.3.3 Organize, track and scan all vital records.
TC 6.3.4 Ensure that 90% of citizen’s records requests are responded to
within five working days or by the requested deadline.
ENG 6.3.1 Approve Project Entitlements faster than any other community in
ENG 6.3.2 Continue to review, permit and inspect all private and public land
development projects faster and more efficiently than any other community in
Information Systems
IS 6.3.1 Information Systems Department will continue to provide complete
operational support to all Town departments for technological needs.
IS 6.3.2 Upgrade existing telephony system to ensure efficient, effective
connectivity internally and externally and meet the long term needs of the
Animal Services
AS 6.3.1 Continue best practices in reuniting owners with animals and
facilitating pet adoptions.
AS 6.3.2 Update all Animal Rescue Organization cooperative agreements to
increase placement of shelter animals needing additional time to become
AS 6.3.3 Expand public education programs that assist residents with
responsible pet ownership, including behavior modification.
Regularly audit Council-staff communications and internal staff
Town Manager
TM 6.4.1 The Town Manager will ensure that staff at all levels is kept
informed regarding Council directives, department programs and other
matters of interest.
Public Information
PIO 6.4.1 Produce and distribute “Council Wrap-Ups” immediately after each
meeting, keeping employees informed of important Council actions.
PIO 6.4.2 Provide assistance to various departments in marketing and
communication plans for town programs and services, including press
releases, flyers, ads and other means of outreach.
Promote local volunteerism and civic engagement.
Human Resources
HR 6.5.1 Promote opportunities for staff to volunteer in the community.
HR 6.5.2 Promote opportunities for community volunteers in Town
Departments such as Parks, Animal Services and other departments.
Public Information
PIO 6.5.1 Expand opportunities for community engagement through online
collaboration tools and e-news.
PIO 6.5.2 Plan and promote activities celebrating the Town’s Silver
Anniversary in 2013.
PIO 6.5.3 Plan and promote community events throughout the year,
Sheriff’s Department
SD 6.5.1 Continue to manage and support Citizens on Patrol and Explorers
programs and reserve deputies activities; individual officers who volunteer for
public events, concerts and serving warrants at a substantial savings to the
F 6.5.1 Work with the Town Manager’s Office and the Public Information
Office to explore opportunities to engage the public in the budget process.
Focus on work-life balance to retain staff.
Human Resources
HR 6.6.1 Foster a work ethic that includes an appropriate, healthy balance of
professional and personal time.
Goal #7 Promote Partnerships
Objective: Develop meaningful partnerships in both the public and private
sectors, increasing opportunities for funding projects and supporting economic
Allocate resources to connect Town Council members and
staff one-on-one with decision makers on state and federal
Town Manager
TM 7.1.1 Continue to take an active role in the League of California Cities
partnership for the promotion and preservation of local control.
Economic Development
ED 7.1.1 Advocate for legislation to create and fund state economic
development tools and programs.
Actively pursue partnerships with universities and colleges to
promote education opportunities in Apple Valley.
Town Manager
TM 7.2.1 Support Victor Valley College’s High Desert Economic Summit in
May 2014, an opportunity to learn about state economic, indicators, and case
case studies.
Economic Development
ED 7.2.1 Work collaboratively with colleges and universities to increase size
and qualifications of local workforce.
Town Clerk
TC 7.2.1 Implement a new Internship Program in collaboration with local high
schools for the Town of Apple Valley Clerk’s Office.
Work collaboratively with regional and sub-regional interests
to promote economic development.
Town Manager
TM 7.3.1 Continue to develop new public agency partnerships and strengthen
existing relationships to bolster legislative advocacy efforts and promote
regional economic development.
TM 7.3.2 Develop funding relationship with the Federal Economic
Development Administration and pursue specific economic development
grant opportunities.
TM 7.3.3 Continue to work towards regional collaboration for economic
development supporting High Desert Opportunity.
TM 7.3.4 Facilitate the exploration of the development of Apple Valley as a
cultural arts destination via public/private partnerships.
Code Enforcement
CE 7.3.1 Participate in multiagency sweeps in Apple Valley with Adelanto,
Hesperia, and San Bernardino County Code Enforcement.
Economic Development
ED 7.3.1 Support “Opportunity High Desert “and other regional and state
economic development marketing initiatives and partnerships.
ED 7.3.2 Support Apple Valley Chamber of Commerce and Village Property
and Business Improvement District Association.
Community Development
CD 7.3.1 Along with the County, adopt a complete Development Code for the
Town’s Sphere of Influence.
Sheriff’s Department
SD7.3.1 Continue promoting police/community partnerships with school
districts, recreation providers and other to develop solutions to public safety
SD 7.3.2 Continue coordination with regional law enforcement agencies such
as the SMASH program.
SD 7.3.3 Continue coordination with FBI efforts in the region.
Information Systems
IS 7.3.1 Work with regional agencies to develop GIS data sets to support
regional economic development.
Goal #8 Revenue Generation
Objective: Identify potential revenue streams in both public and private sectors.
Encourage all departments to explore and implement viable
revenue generating opportunities in both public and private
Town Manager
TM 8.1.1 Continue increasing community event donations and sponsorships
to decrease General Fund subsidies.
Community Development
CD 8.1.1 Explore potential for providing environmental services regarding
Joshua Trees to other agencies.
CD 8.1.2 Explore potential for providing Multi-Species Habitat Conservation
Plan (MSHCP) support and/or training to other municipal agencies.
CD 8.1.3 Proceed with acquiring additional property or existing rehabilitation
through the use of Neighborhood Stabilization Program 3 funding for future
low-income housing projects.
Environmental Regulatory Compliance
ERC 8.1.1 Develop a revenue generating advertising program using Town
bus shelters and bus stops.
ERC 8.1.2 Explore potential for expansion of services (organic materials)
and/or management of services at the Materials Recycling Facility (MRF).
Parks and Recreation
PR 8.1.1 Promote and increase usage of the New Town Hall Conference
F 8.1.1 Provide support and cost of services analysis for departments to
support revenue generation via cost of service recovery.
Public Information
PIO 8.1.1 Increase underwriting of community events for an overall cost
recovery of 60%.
PIO 8.1.2 Pursue opportunities for naming rights for some Town facilities.
Adopt a private sector business model for providing services.
Town Manager
TM 8.2.1 Continue utilization of contract services model for providing
fluctuating service needs for departments.
Community Development
CD 8.2.1 Ensure cost recovery for all services provided through Community
Development via appropriate fees.
CD 8.2.2 Utilize contract services to accommodate fluctuating workload and
accommodate increase in applications.
Parks and Recreation
PR 8.2.1 On an ongoing basis, evaluate opportunities to contract services to
increase productivity.
F 8.2.1 Maintain the Town’s fiscal health and provide adequate resources to
fund Town services to the community.
F 8.2.2Perform financial responsibilities in accordance with statutory
regulations and standards promulgated by professional regulatory agencies.
F 8.2.3 Account for the Town’s fiscal activities in an accurate and timely
manner within generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and other
legal requirements.
F 8.2.4 Prepare the Town’s financial statements internally.
F 8.2.5 Prepare monthly budget status reports within ten days of month end.
F 8.2.6 Provide all departments with on-line access to the financial system for
report generation purposes
F 8.2.7 Assist the Town Manager in preparation of a balanced budget and
maintain established operating reserves for contingencies.
F 8.2.8 Safeguard the Town’s assets and invest available cash within the
limits established in the Town’s adopted investment policy.
F 8.2.9 Provide financial services such as accounts payable, payroll, cash
receipting, to departments.
F 8.2.10 Efficiently provide purchasing services to take advantage of volume
discounts and coordinate bidding procedures for all departments.
Explore opportunities for renewable energy in Apple Valley.
Town Manager
TM 8.3.1 Identify potential companies with interest in renewable energy
facilities and/or opportunities in Apple Valley.
Environmental Regulatory Compliance
ERC 8.3.1 Work collaboratively with the High Desert Partnership and
Southern California Edison to get rebates and develop more energy efficient
options and/or renewable energy for the Town.
ERC 8.3.2 Work collaboratively with SANBAG to explore a joint solar power
procurement process, placement of solar generating facilities on Town
ERC 8.3.3 Continue to seek energy alternative options such as Community
Choice Aggregation (CCA).