BREVARD COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT ELEMENTARY VISUAL ARTS CURRICULUM Sunshine State Standards Course descriptions Student Performance Standards Summer Workshop 2000 Dr. Richard DiPatri, superintendent TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements..............................................................................................................................................................................i Verification of Authenticity Statement ................................................................................................................................................ii Preface...............................................................................................................................................................................................iii Sunshine State Standards Pre-K -2 .................................................................................................................................................................................. 1 Grades 3-5 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Grades 6-8............................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Grades 9-12 ............................................................................................................................................................................. 7 Organization of Sunshine State Standards ........................................................................................................................................... 9 Grade Level Expectations Design Model........................................................................................................................................... 10 Goal 3 Standards............................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Elementary School Grade Level Expectations Pre-K .................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Kindergarten.......................................................................................................................................................................... 17 First Grade ............................................................................................................................................................................ 22 Second Grade ........................................................................................................................................................................ 26 Third Grade........................................................................................................................................................................... 31 Fourth Grade ......................................................................................................................................................................... 35 Fifth Grade ............................................................................................................................................................................ 39 Sixth Grade ........................................................................................................................................................................... 44 Visual Art: Elementary Grade Level Expectations - 2000 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Writing Team Yvonne Weinstein, Coordinator, Satellite High School Bridget Geiger, Co-Coordinator Longleaf Elementary School Leah Andritz, Astronaut High School Carol Freeman, Johnson Middle School Peggy Nolan, Golfview Elementary School Mark Ozz, Indialantic Elementary School Lynn Spencer, Bayside High School Writing Team Coordinator Andre C. Arrouet, Fine Arts K-12 Resource Teacher, Division of School Operations Special Thanks June Hinckley, Fine Arts Consultant, Florida Department of Education Frank Howes, Polk County Schools Mecheall M. Giombetti, Principal, Longleaf Elementary School Visual Art: Secondary Course Descriptions - 2000 i PREFACE This curriculum guide is to be used as a primary resource in all Brevard County Public School art programs. It is intended to assist art educators with the implementation of the following state, local and professional requirements: Florida Sunshine State Standards Florida Curriculum Frameworks/Course Descriptions Florida Goal 3 Standards Professional Development Plans All of the Sunshine State Standards for art, and when appropriate, the Goal 3 standards have been met for each grade level. The curriculum is written to update previous local and state course descriptions to include the Sunshine State Standards. The standards provide minimum benchmarks, indicating what students should be able to know and do upon completion of each course. The course descriptions are intended to be open ended, allowing each art teacher to implement the standards in her/his own way. The suggested outcomes (“ the student will be able to:”) are not intended to represent the only possible outcomes but rather a model from which teachers can explore and implement additional outcomes that will meet individual student needs. Because the new curriculum formalizes a significant shift in student expectations, as required by the Department of Education, both new and experienced teachers are expected to use this resource in tailoring their existing programs to meet the new expectations for each course. As co-curricular courses, performance-oriented art classes have requirements that go beyond the regular school day. This is similar to requiring homework or project oriented classes such as Science Research, which requires the student to spend extra school hours. It is essential that students who take these classes be well informed about the requirements for participation during and after school hours. While attention to the development of strong performance skills is the mainstay of strong art programs, the Sunshine State Standards require more emphasis on creating art, historical and cultural connections, aesthetic and critical analysis, and applications to life., Students should be given the opportunity to learn more about art, how it works and how it applies to their life now and in the future. Students’ lives can be enriched by intellectual and emotional development that art courses provide. Additionally, the enhancement of critical thinking skills, the enjoyment of making art while working in cooperation with others, the opportunity for exposure to other cultures, and the opportunity to learn citizenship and community involvement are but a few of the benefits that participation in a comprehensive art program provides. Visual Art: Secondary Course Descriptions - 2000 ii VERIFICATION OF AUTHENTICITY In keeping with the highest national standards Brevard County’s Art Leadership team strongly suggests the following guidelines for County juried shows. Any work that makes use of photographs, published images, and/or other artists’ work must show substantial and significant development beyond duplication. This may be demonstrated through manipulation of formal qualities, design, and/or concept of the original work. If a student generates work from their own photographs or another artist’s photograph or illustration a photocopy should be attached to the back of the work. It is unethical, constitutes plagiarism, and often violates copyright law to simply copy an image (even in another medium) that was made by someone else. This verification is adapted from and reflects standards of the College Board’s guide for studio art classes and Scholastic Art and Writing Awards. iii Sunshine State Standards: Visual Art For Grades Pre K-2 Strand A: Skills and Techniques Standard 1: The student understands and applies media, techniques and processes. Benchmarks The student will: VA.A.1.1.1 use two-dimensional and three-dimensional media, techniques, tools, and processes to depict works of art from personal experiences, observation or imagination. VA.A.1.1.2 use art materials and tools to develop basic processes and motor skills in a safe and responsible manner. VA.A.1.1.3 distinguish the differences within and among art materials, techniques, processes, and organizational structures, such as elements and principles of design. VA.A.1.1.4 use good craftsmanship when producing works of art. Strand B: Creation and Communication Standard 1: The student creates and communicates a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas using knowledge of structures and functions of visual arts. Benchmarks The student will: VA.B.1.1.1 know how subject matter, symbols, and ideas are used to communicate meaning in works of art. VA.B.1.1.2 understand that works of art can communicate an idea and elicit a variety of responses through the use of selected media, technique, and processes. VA.B.1.1.3 know a variety of purposes for creating works of art. VA.B.1.1.4 use the elements of art and principles of design to effectively communicate. Visual Art: Pre K-2 SSS - 2000 1 Strand C: Cultural and Historical Connections Standard 1: The student understands the visual arts in relation to history and culture. Benchmarks The student will: VA.C.1.1.1 know that specific works of art belong to particular cultures, times, and places. VA.C.1.1.2 understand how artists generate and express ideas according to their individual, cultural and historical experiences. Strand D: Aesthetic and Critical Analysis Standard 1: The student assesses, evaluates and responds to the characteristics of works of art. Benchmarks The student will: VA.D.1.1.1 use appropriate vocabulary to describe, analyze, interpret and make judgements about works of art. VA.D.1.1.2 understand that works of art can be rendered realistically, symbolically, or abstractly. VA.D.1.1.3 know the difference between an original work of art and a reproduction. Strand E: Applications to Life Standard 1: The student understands the relationship between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts. Benchmarks The student will: VA.E.1.1.1 understand that people create art for various reasons and that artists design everyday objects. VA.E.1.1.2 know various careers that are available to artists. VA.E.1.1.3 understand and uses appropriate behavior in a cultural experience. Visual Art: Pre K-2 SSS - 2000 2 Sunshine State Standards: Visual Art For Grades 3-5 Strand A: Skills and Techniques Standard 1: The student understands and applies media, techniques and processes. Benchmarks The student will: VA.A.1.2.1 use and organize two-dimensional and three-dimensional media, techniques, tools, and processes to produce works of art that are derived from personal experiences, observation or imagination. VA.A.1.2.2 use control in handling tools and materials in a safe and responsible manner. VA.A.1.2.3 know the effects and functions of using various organizational elements and principles of design when creating works of art. VA.A.1.2.4 use good craftsmanship in a variety of two-dimensional and three-dimensional media. Strand B: Creation and Communication Standard 1: The student creates and communicates a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas using knowledge of structures and functions of visual arts. Benchmarks The student will: VA.B.1.2.1 understand that subject matter used to create unique works of art can come from personal experience, observation, imagination, and themes. VA.B.1.2.2 understand what makes different media, techniques, and processes effective or ineffective in communicating various ideas. VA.B.1.2.3 know how to identify the intentions of those creating works of art. VA.B.1.2.4 use the elements of art and principles of design with sufficient manipulative skills, confidence, and sensitivity when communicating ideas. Visual Art: Grades 3-5 SSS - 2000 3 Strand C: Cultural and Historical Connections Standard 1: The student understands the visual arts in relation to history and culture. Benchmarks The student will: VA.C.1.2.1 understand the similarities and differences in works of art from a variety of sources. VA.C.1.2.2 understand how artists have used visual languages and symbol systems through time and across cultures. Strand D: Aesthetic and Critical Analysis Standard 1: The student assesses, evaluates and responds to the characteristics of works of art. Benchmarks The student will: VA.D.1.2.1 develop and justifiy criteria for the evaluation of visual works of art using appropriate vocabulary. VA.D.1.2.2 use different approaches to respond to and to judge various works of art. VA.D.1.2.3 understand perceived similarities and differences among genres of art. Strand E: Applications to Life Standard 1: The student understands the relationship between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts. Benchmarks The student will: VA.E.1.2.1 understand the influence of artists on the quality of everyday life. VA.E.1.2.2 know the type of tasks performed by various artists and some of the required training. VA.E.1.2.3 understand the similarities and differences and the various contributions of galleries, studios, and museums. Visual Art: Grades 3-5 SSS - 2000 4 Sunshine State Standards For Grades 6-8 Strand A: Skills and Techniques Standard 1: The student understands and applies media, techniques and processes. Benchmarks The student will: VA.A.1.3.1 use two-dimensional and three-dimensional media, techniques, tools, and processes to solve specific visual arts problems with refinement and control. VA.A.1.3.2 use refinement and control in handling tools and materials in a safe and responsible manner. VA.A.1.3.3 understand what makes various organizational elements and principles of design effective and ineffective in the communication of ideas. VA.A.1.3.4 create two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art that reflect competency and craftsmanship. Strand B: Creation and Communication Standard 1: The student creates and communicates a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas using knowledge of structures and functions of visual arts. Benchmarks The student will: VA.B.1.3.1 know how different subjects, themes, and symbols (through context, value and aesthetics) convey intended meanings of ideas in works of art. VA.B.1.3.2 know how the qualities and characteristics of art media, techniques, and processes can be used to enhance communication of experience and ideas. VA.B.1.3.3 understand and distinguish multiple purposes for creating works of art. VA.B.1.3.4 know and use the interrelated elements of art and the principles of design to improve the communication of ideas. Visual Art: Grades 6-8 SSS - 2000 5 Strand C: Cultural and Historical Connections Standard 1: The student understands the visual arts in relation to history and culture. Benchmarks The student will: VA.C.1.3.1 understand and use information from historical and cultural themes, trends, styles, periods of art, and artists. VA.C.1.3.2 understand the role of the artist and the function of art in different periods of time and in different cultures. Strand D: Aesthetic and Critical Analysis Standard 1: The student assesses, evaluates and responds to the characteristics of works of art. Benchmarks The student will: VA.D.1.3.1 understand how a work of art can be judged by more than one standard. VA.D.1.3.2 use research and contextual information to identify responses to works of art. VA.D.1.3.3 understand how an artist’s intent plays a crucial role in the aesthetic value of an object. Strand E: Applications to Life Standard 1: The student understands the relationship between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts. Benchmarks The student will: VA.E.1.3.1 understand how knowledge, skills, and attitudes gained from the visual arts can enhance and deepen understanding of life VA.E.1.3.2 understand the skills artists use in various careers and how they can be developed in art school or college or through internships. VA.E.1.3.3 understand the various roles of museums, cultural centers and exhibition spaces. Visual Art: Grades 6-8 SSS - 2000 6 Sunshine State Standards: Visual Art For Grades 9-12 Strand A: Skills and Techniques Standard 1: The student understands and applies media, techniques and processes. Benchmarks The student will: VA.A.1.4.1 use two-dimensional and three-dimensional media, techniques, tools, and processes to communicate an idea or concept based on research, environment, personal experience, observation or imagination. VA.A.1.4.2 use tools, media, processes, and techniques proficiently, knowledgeably, and in a safe and responsible manner. VA.A.1.4.3 know how the elements of art and the principles of design can be used to solve specific art problems. VA.A.1.4.4 use effective control of media, techniques, and tools when communicating an idea in both two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art. Strand B: Creation and Communication Standard 1: The student creates and communicates a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas using knowledge of structures and functions of visual arts. Benchmarks The student will: VA.B.1.4.1 apply various subjects, symbols and ideas in works of art. VA.B.1.4.2 understand that works of art can communicate an idea and elicit a variety of responses through the use of selected media, techniques and processes. VA.B.1.4.3 understand some of the implications of intentions and purposes in particular works of art. VA.B.1.4.4 know how the elements of art and the principles of design can be used and solves specific visual-art problems. Visual Art: Grades 9-12 SSS - 2000 7 Strand C: Cultural and Historical Connections Standard 1: The student understands the visual arts in relation to history and culture. Benchmarks The student will: VA.C.1.4.1 understand how social, cultural, ecological, economic, religious and political conditions influence the function, meaning and execution of works of art. VA.C.1.4.2 understand how recognized artists recorded, affected, or influenced change in a historical, cultural, or religious context. Strand D: Aesthetic and Critical Analysis Standard 1: The student assesses, evaluates and responds to the characteristics of works of art. Benchmarks The student will: VA.D.1.4.1 understand and determine the differences between the artist’s intent and public interpretation through valuative criteria and judgment. VA.D.1.4.2 understand critical and aesthetic statements in terms of historical reference while researching works of art. VA.D.1.4.3 know the difference between the intentions of artists in the creation of original works and the intentions of those who appropriate and parody those works. Strand E: Applications to Life Standard 1: The student understands the relationship between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts. Benchmarks The student will: VA.E.1.4.1 know and participate in community-based art experiences as an artist or observer. VA.E.1.4.2 understand and identify the skills that artists use in various careers to promote creativity, fluency, flexibility and elaboration within the arts and across life. VA.E.1.4.3 know how to communicate with the public, the consumer, and the artistic community about aesthetic questions, entertainment, resources and choices in education. Visual Art: Grades 9-12 SSS - 2000 8 ORGANIZATION OF SUNSHINE STATE STANDARDS VA. A. 1. 2. 3 SUBJECT AREA VA VISUAL ART STRAND STANDARD CATEGORY OF KNOWLEDGE GENERAL EXPECTATION REGARDING DEVELOPMENT OF KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS A. SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES B. CREATION & COMMUNICATION C. CULTURE AND HISTORICAL CONNECTIONS D. AESTHETIC AND CRITICAL ANALYSIS E. APPLICATIONS TO LIFE Visual Art: SSS Flow Chart DEVELOPMENTAL LEVEL 1. PRE K – 2 2. GR. 3-5 3. GR.6-8 4. GR. 9-12 (I.E. “THE STUDENT UNDERSTANDS AND APPLIES MEDIA, TECHNIQUES AND PROCESSES) BENCHMARK LEARNER EXPECTATION FOR EACH DEVELPMENTAL LEVEL (I.E. “THE STUDENT KNOWS THE EFFECTS AND FUNCTIONS OF USING VARIOUS ORGANIZATIONAL ELEMENTS…’’) 9 CURRICULUM DESIGN MODEL COURSE TITLE (DOE Course Title) Course Number: Florida Department of Education’s course number State Level: II or III District Course Description: Information that summarizes course content Course Content: General Course Outcomes taken from the Florida Department of Education Course Curriculum Prerequisite: STRAND: label for a general category of knowledge (identified by letters A-E in the Sunshine State Standards, i.e.,: VA.A.1.2.3) Standard: general statement of expected learner achievement (identified by the first number in the SSS, i.e., : VA.A.1.2.3) Standard: Standard: Intended Outcome: from Florida D.O.E. Course Descriptions (numbers assigned in this document are Brevard County’s) Benchmark – The student will: The student will be able to: Goal #3 learner expectations at the end of the expected levels of student proficiency to achieve benchmark. refers to developmental level (identified by the last the State’s Goal 3 number in the SSS, i.e.,: VA.A.1.2.3) standards (see p12) Visual Art: Secondary Course Descriptions - 2000 10 GOAL 3 STUDENT PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Standard 1: Information Managers Florida students locate, comprehend, interpret, evaluate, maintain, and apply information, concepts, and ideas in literature, the arts, symbols, recordings, video and other graphic displays, and computer files in order to perform tasks and/or for enjoyment Standard 2: Effective Communicators Florida students communicate in English and other languages using information, concepts, prose, symbols, reports, audio and video recordings, speeches, graphic displays, and computer-based programs. Standard 3: Numeric Problem Solving Florida students use numeric operations and concepts to describe, analyze, disaggregate, communicate, and synthesize numeric data, and to identify and solve problems. Standard 4: Creative and Critical Thinkers Florida students use creative thinking skills to generate new ideas, make the best decisions, recognize and solve problems through reasoning, interpret symbolic data, and develop efficient techniques for lifelong learning. Standard 5: Responsible Workers Florida students display responsibility, self-esteem, sociability, self-management, integrity, honesty, and healthy decision-making. Standard 6: Resource Managers Florida students will appropriately allocate time, money, and other resources. Standard 7: System Managers Florida students integrate their knowledge and understanding of how social, organizational, informational, and technological systems work with their abilities to analyze trends, design and improve systems, and use and maintain appropriate technology. Standard 8: Cooperative Workers Florida students work cooperatively to successfully complete a project or activity. Standard 9: Effective Leaders Florida students establish credibility with their colleagues through competence and integrity, and help their peers achieve their goals by communicating their feelings and ideas to justify or successfully negotiate a position which advances goal attainment. Standard 10: Multiculturally Sensitive Citizens Florida students appreciate their own culture and the culture of others, understand the concerns and perspectives of members of other ethnic groups, reject the stereotyping of themselves and others, and seek out and utilize the views of persons of diverse ethnic, social, and educational backgrounds. Standard 11: Involvement of Families Families will share the responsibility of accomplishing the standards set in Goal 3 throughout a student’s education from preschool through twelfth grade. Visual Art: Secondary Course Descriptions - 2000 11 Pre-Kindergarten Visual Art Grade Level Descriptions: The purpose of this level is to emerge students into the visual arts, engaging them in multi media experiences which introduces them to the basic elements of art. Content: The content should include but not be limited to: two-dimensional materials such as finger-paint, tempera, crayons, & chalk three-dimensional materials such as clay, styrofoam, & straws introduction to the proper use of tools exposure to major works of art & artists introduction to line, shapes, colors & texture introduction to art vocabulary experiences to mixed media processes explorations into multi-sensory processes Visual Art: Grade Level Expectations (Pre-K) 12 STRAND A: Skills and Techniques Standard 1: The student understands and applies media, techniques and processes. Intended Outcome 1: To experience the use of various media and tools. Benchmark – The student will: The student will be able to: VA.A.1.1.1 • create a variety of two and three-dimensional work using media such as crayon, use two-dimensional and three-dimensional media, chalk, tempera and modeling clay. techniques, tools and processes to depict works of art from personal experiences, observations of • draw a cat, dog, or favorite doll, car, etc. imagination. VA.A.1.1.2 • explore, recognize, and properly apply media using appropriate tools. (scissors, clay, use art materials and tools to develop basic glue, paint, pencils, chalk, brushes, and stamps). processes and motor skills, in a safe and responsible manner. VA.A.1.1.3 • recognize and name a variety of line, colors, shapes, and textures. distinguish the differences within and among art materials, techniques, processes, and organizational • identify different tools and media (paint brush, crayon, pencil, paint, chalk, etc.). structures, such as elements and principles of design. VA.A.1.1.4 • manipulate various media successfully and safely. use good craftsmanship when producing works of art. Visual Art: Grade Level Expectations (Pre-K) Goal #3 1,4,6 1,2,3,4,6 1,2,3,6,9 1,6,7,8 13 STRAND B: Creation and Communication Standard 1: The student creates and communicates a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas using knowledge of structures and functions of visual arts. Intended Outcome 1: To experience the process of creating artwork that communicates ideas and expression. Benchmark – The student will: VA.B.1.1.1 know how subject matter, symbols, and ideas are used to communicate meaning in works of art. The student will be able to: • create artwork that communicates and/or celebrates an important event. VA.B.1.1.2 understand that works of art can communicate and elicit a variety of responses through the use of selected media, technique, and processes. • tell how artists can express ideas in different ways. • discuss the feelings evoked from various works of art. • create art to express different feelings. (happy, sad, excited, etc.). • create art that is functional. • create art that tells a story. • create a piece of artwork using a variety of colors, shapes, lines, and textures to express an idea, feeling, or certain message. VA.B.1.1.3 know a variety of purposes for creating art. VA.B.1.1.4 use the elements of art and the principles of design to effectively communicate ideas. Visual Art: Grade Level Expectations (Pre-K) Goal #3 1,2,4,5 1,2,4,5 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 14 STRAND C: Cultural and Historical Connections Standard 1: The student understands the visual arts in relation to history and culture. Intended Outcome 1: To experience an introduction to art from different cultures and/or historical time periods. Benchmark – The student will: VA.C.1.1.1 know that specific works of art belong to particular cultures, times, and places. VA.C.1.1.2 understand how artists generate and express ideas according to individual, cultural, and historical experiences. The student will be able to: • name or identify the elements (line, shape, color, and texture) in various works of art from other cultures and/or time periods. • identify artwork(s) to a particular culture, time, or place. • compare and contrast artwork from specific cultures, times or places. • explore a variety of symbols in a work of art, and create artwork-using symbols. • tell how Native American pottery looks different from pottery from another time and culture. Goal #3 1,2, 4,10 1,2,4,10 STRAND D: Aesthetic and Critical Analysis Standard 1: The student assesses, evaluates, and responds to the characteristics of works of art. Intended Outcome 1: To verbalize knowledge, feelings and judgements about art. Benchmark – The student will: VA.D.1.1.1 use age-appropriate vocabulary to describe, analyze, interpret, and make judgments about works of art. VA.D.1.1.2 understand that works of art can be rendered realistically, symbolically, or abstractly. The student will be able to: • describe artworks through storytelling processes. VA.D.1.1.3 discriminate between an original work of art and a reproduction. Goal #3 1,2,4 • describe similarities and differences when comparing two works of art. • recognize and identify subject matter or ideas in art that looks real, symbolic or abstract (e.g., identify the difference between a photograph of a dog, a cartoon dog, and an abstract dog). 1,2,4,10 • distinguish between an original painting and a reproduction print of a painting by describing the similarities and differences. 1,2,4 Visual Art: Grade Level Expectations (Pre-K) 15 STRAND E: Applications to Life Standard 1: The student makes connections between the visual arts, other disciplines, and the real world. Intended Outcome: 1: To recognize that art is everywhere. Benchmark – The student will: VA.E.1.1.1 understand that people create art for a variety of reasons, and that artists design everyday objects. VA.E.1.1.2 know various careers that are available to artists. VA.E.1.1.3 understand and use appropriate behavior in a cultural experience. The student will be able to: • identify art in his or her personal environment. • take part in a discussion about personal choices with art (e.g. favorite colors, shapes, designs). • make artwork for a special place or to have a special function. • explore various types of art careers by role playing (dress up/using props). • experience meeting artists (through field trip or classroom visit) and participate in group discussions/demonstrations with the artists. • use appropriate etiquette during a museum, gallery or artist demonstration. • experience proper handling of artwork. Visual Art: Grade Level Expectations (Pre-K) Goal #3 1,2,4,5,10 1,2,4,5,10 1, 2,4,5,10 16 Kindergarten Visual Art Grade Level Descriptions: The purpose of this level is to reinforce the elements of art begun in Pre-K as well as further immersing them in multi-media experiences. Content: The content should include but not be limited to: elements of art, (e.g., color, shape, texture, form, and size) in different media sequencing skills oral and written expression and identification of two-dimensional and three-dimensional works compare and contrast: (a)two-dimensional and three-dimensional works (b)times, cultures, and historical events historical and cultural traditions develop a working art vocabulary two-dimensional materials (e.g., tempera and finger-painting), basic drawing tools (e.g., crayons, chalk, and markers) three-dimensional textures (e.g., cardboard and styrofoam) introduction of printmaking processes (e.g., stamps, sponges) Visual Art: Grade Level Expectations (K) 17 STRAND A: Skills and Techniques Standard 1: The student understands and applies media, techniques, and processes to produce drawings and paintings. Intended Outcome 1: To expose the students to basic skills and techniques. Benchmark – The student will: The student will be able to: VA.A.1.1.1 • recognize primary colors and create two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of use two-dimensional and three-dimensional media, art. techniques, tools and processes to depict works of art from personal experiences, observations or imagination. VA.A.1.1.2 • recognize primary colors and learn the proper handling tools. use art materials and tools to develop basic process and motor skills in a safe and responsible manner. VA.A.1.1.3 • recognize and create works of art utilizing basic geometric shapes. distinguish the differences within and among art materials, techniques, processes, and organizational structures, such as elements and principles of design. VA.A.1.1.4 • be able to demonstrate cutting and gluing skills in final production. use good craftsmanship when producing works of art. Visual Art: Grade Level Expectations (K) Goal #3 1,4,6 1,2,3,4,6 1,2,3,4,6,7,9 1,6,7,8 18 STRAND B: Creation and Communication Standard: 1: The student creates and communicates a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas using knowledge of structures and functions of visual arts. Intended Outcome: 1: To create works of art that communicate ideas, feelings and messages. Benchmark – The student will: The student will be able to: VA.B.1.1.1 • identify subjects and symbols from different works of art. (e.g., Currier & Ives, explore how subject matter, symbols, and ideas are Norman Rockwell, Native American artifacts/works). used to communicate meaning in works of art. VA.B.1.1.2 • communicate knowledge of subject matter in works of art through discussion or other understand that works of art can communicate an language art avenues. idea and elicit a variety of responses through the use of selected media, technique, and process. VA.B.1.1.3 • describe a series of events portrayed in an artwork. communicate a variety of purposes for creating works of art. • demonstrate how a local vacant lot could be redesigned to be a park. VA.B.1.1.4 use the elements of art and the principles of design to effectively communicate ideas. Visual Art: Grade Level Expectations (K) • create a design using any medium, which will tell a story, express an idea, and/or communicate an idea. Goal #3 1,2,4,5,10 1,2,4,5 1,2,4,5,6,7 1,2,3,4 19 STRAND C: Cultural and Historical Connections Standard: 1: The student understands the visual arts in relation to history and culture. Intended Outcome 1: To recognize art from the past and present. Benchmark – The student will: The student will be able to: VA.C.1.1.1 • explore similarities between works of art and their origins. know that specific works of art belong to particular cultures, time, and places. • group similar works of art together according to time, place, culture, or style. VA.C.1.1.2 understand how artists generate and express ideas according to their individual, cultural, and historical experiences. • identify and reproduce symbols from cultures. • discuss how colors and shapes give messages (e.g., red, green, and yellow on traffic lights). • use scanning skills. • describe the way the artist expresses a historical event. Goal #3 1,2,4,10 1,2,4,10 STRAND D: Aesthetic and Critical Analysis Standard 1: The student assesses, evaluates, and responds to the characteristics of works of arts. Intended Outcome: 1: To use art vocabulary when discussing art. Benchmark – The student will: The student will be able to: VA.D.1.1.1 • use age appropriate vocabulary to describe works of art. use age-appropriate vocabulary to describe, analyze, interpret, and make judgements about works of art. VA.D.1.1.2 • verbally express or create the differences they observe in abstract works of art. understand that works of art can be rendered realistically, symbolically, and abstractly. VA.D.1.1.3 • distinguish an actual painting on canvas from a reproduction. know the difference between an original work of art and a reproduction. • compare and contrast the differences between a photograph and an actual sculpture. Visual Art: Grade Level Expectations (K) Goal #3 1,2,4,5 1,2,4,10 1,2,4 20 STRAND E: Applications to Life Standard 1: The student makes connections between the visual arts, other disciplines and the real world. Intended Outcome 1: To recognize that art is all around. Benchmark – The student will: The student will be able to: VA.E.1.1.1 • have a better understanding as to why artists’ make certain choices. understand that people create art for a variety of reasons and those artists’ design everyday objects. • gather and classify examples of everyday objects designed by artists. VA.E.1.1.2 know various careers that are available to artists. VA.E.1.1.3 understand and use appropriate behavior in a cultural experience. Visual Art: Grade Level Expectations (K) Goal #3 1,2,4,5, • take part in an arts career day or visit artists, or craftsmen. 1,2,4,5,6,10 • use appropriate etiquette during a museum experience or school presentation.(e.g., individual decorum, and proper handling of art objects). 1,2,4,7 21 First Grade Visual Art Grade Level Descriptions: The purpose of this grade level is to actively engage the child and to spark an enthusiasm for the creative process based on his/her on going developmental hand-eye coordination. Content: The content should include but not be limited to: illustrations of main ideas, themes, and supporting details written and spoken art vocabulary pictures by styles, times, historical events and cultures geometric shapes, properties, and concepts (i.e., patterning) two-dimensional pictures with pencils, crayons and paint three-dimensional sculpture with clay, boxes, styrofoam, etc. print making processes (e.g., sponges, rubbings, negative prints, mixed media, techniques) historical and cultural traditions Visual Art: Grade Level Expectations (1st) 22 STRAND A: Skills and Techniques Standard 1: The student understands and applies media, techniques, and processes to produce drawings and paintings. Intended Outcome 1: To demonstrate an improved hand-eye control when using tools (e.g., crayons, scissors, and glue) when creating art. Benchmark – The student will: The student will be able to: VA.A.1.1.1 • Observe growth on leaf patterns on a variety of trees and use this information to create use two-dimensional and three-dimensional media, patterns and designs that are consistent with nature (e.g., static, repetitive, radial, and techniques, tools and processes to depict works of overlapping). art from personal experiences, observations or imagination. VA.A.1.1.2 • Create new colors by combining primary colors to make secondary and tertiary colors. use art materials and tools to develop basic process and motor skills in a safe and responsible manner. VA.A.1.1.3 • Demonstrate effective placement of objects and cropping in a work of art. distinguish the differences within and among art materials, techniques, processes, and organizational • Begin to develop an awareness of the whole page. structures, such as elements and principles of design. VA.A.1.1.4 • Use a variety of materials, properly, to express ideas. use good craftsmanship when producing works of art. Visual Art: Grade Level Expectations (1st) Goal #3 1,4,6 1,2,3,4,6 1,2,3,4,6,7,9 1,6,7,8 23 STRAND B: Creation and Communication Standard: 1: The student creates and communicates a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas using knowledge of structures and functions of visual arts. Intended Outcome 1: To successfully create works of art that will effectively communicate, ideas, feelings or messages. Benchmark – The student will: The student will be able to: VA.B.1.1.1 • create works of art which celebrate, record, and communicate important historical, explore how subject matter, symbols, and ideas are cultural, and personal events. used to communicate meaning in works of art. VA.B.1.1.2 • interpret personal ideas, feelings, and experiences through toys and artifacts of other understand that works of art can communicate an cultures. idea and elicit a variety of responses through the use of selected media, technique, and process. VA.B.1.1.3 • observe and explain choices (e.g., subject, materials, techniques, and processes) made communicate a variety of purposes for creating in his or her artwork and that of others. works of art. VA.B.1.1.4 • develop an awareness of the “whole page” (i.e., relates the picture size to the paper use the elements of art and the principles of design size). to effectively communicate ideas. Goal #3 1,2,4,5,10 1,2,4,5 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 STRAND C: Cultural and Historical Connections Standard: 1: The student understands the visual arts in relation to history and culture. Intended Outcome 1: To know that art is a record of the past, present and future. Benchmark – The student will: The student will be able to: VA.C.1.1.1 • compare and contrast works of art from different times and cultures (i.e., identifying know that specific works of art belong to particular similarities and differences). cultures, times and places. VA.C.1.1.2 understand how artists generate and express ideas according to their individual, cultural, and historical experience. Visual Art: Grade Level Expectations (1st) • relate facts about individual artist’s lives. • retell learned historical facts, which are meaningful to the art production discussed. Goal #3 1,2,4,10 1,2,4,10 24 STRAND D: Aesthetic and Critical Analysis Standard 1: The student assesses, evaluates, and responds to the characteristics of works of arts. Intended Outcome 1: To use appropriate art vocabulary when responding to works of art. Benchmark – The student will: The student will be able to: VA.D.1.1.1 • use the elements and principles of art to describe, analyze, and interpret works of art. use age-appropriate vocabulary to describe, analyze, interpret, and make judgements about works of art. VA.D.1.1.2 • use appropriate vocabulary to describe art works, which represent different styles and understand that works of art can be rendered cultural experiences. realistically, symbolically, and abstractly. VA.D.1.1.3 • participate in an “in-school” (professional comes to school), or out-of-school field know the difference between an original work of art trip to a museum, gallery or studio to compare an original work with a print, and a reproduction. photograph, or other reproduction. Goal #3 1,2,4,5 1,2,4,10 1,2,4 STRAND E: Applications to Life Standard 1: The student makes connections between the visual arts, other disciplines and the real world. Intended Outcome 1: To explain the role art plays in society today. Benchmark – The student will: The student will be able to: VA.E.1.1.1 • interpret art from his/her personal environment (e.g., favorite clothes, toys, ) and make understand that people create art for a variety of individual conclusions about them. reasons and those artists’ design everyday objects. Goal #3 1,2,4,5, VA.E.1.1.2 know various careers that are available to artists. • identify various art careers through teacher resources, (e.g., posters on artist’s careers, host-practicing artists in the classroom, display artists works in classroom). 1,2,4,5,6,10 VA.E.1.1.3 understand and use appropriate behavior in a cultural experience. • use appropriate etiquette during a museum, gallery, or artist demonstration . 1,2,4,7 • experience proper handling of art works. Visual Art: Grade Level Expectations (1st) 25 Second Grade Visual Art Grade Level Descriptions: The purpose of this level is to increase the child’s fascination with the art world, and to capitalize on the natural development of hand-eye coordination and motor skills. Content: The content should include but not be limited to: written and spoken art vocabulary to support themes, styles, and historical events evidenced in works of art the main idea or common theme in art works mathematical language to describe two dimensional and three-dimensional works of art (e.g., angle, sphere, shape) elements of design in two-dimensional and three-dimensional art main idea and common themes in works of art patterns in printmaking, painting and sculpture stories of historical cultures and events imaginary and expressive qualities Visual Art: Grade Level Expectations (2nd) 26 STRAND A: Skills and Techniques Standard 1: The student understands and applies media, techniques and processes. Intended Outcome 1 : To create works of art, which displays skills and techniques. Benchmark – The student will: The student will be able to: VA.A1.1.1 • observe the colors and patterns in a variety of objects from nature (e.g., leaves, and use two-dimensional and three-dimensional media, flowers). techniques, tools and processes to depict works of art from personal experiences, observations or • create two and three-dimensional works of art from their observations using warm and imagination. cool colors with a variety of art media and tools. Goal #3 1, 4,6 VA.A.1.1.2 use art materials and tools to develop basic process and motor skills, in a safe and responsible manner. • create a mixed media piece of artwork. • create new colors by combining primary colors to make secondary colors. VA.A.1.1.3 distinguish the differences within and among art materials, techniques, processes, and organizational structures, such as elements and principles of design. VA.A.1.1.4 uses good craftsmanship when producing works of art. • demonstrate an understanding of the design principles of repetition and variety by creating artwork that incorporates pattern using multimedia techniques. 1,2,3,6,9 • apply materials appropriately to produce well-crafted, cared-for works of art. 1,6,7,8 • identify instances of poor craftsmanship in models provided. Visual Art: Grade Level Expectations (2nd) 1,2,3,4,6 27 STRAND B: Creation and Communication Standard 1: The student creates and communicates a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas using knowledge of structures and functions of visual arts. Intended Outcome 1: To develop a greater awareness of the use of symbols, subject matter, and ideas when creating art. Benchmark – The student will: The student will be able to: VA.B.1.1.1 • identify subject matter and symbols in a work of art and discuss the ideas/meanings know how subject matter, symbols, and ideas are represented in the piece. used to communicate meaning in works of art. • create works of art that use symbols to communicate an idea or story. VA.B.1.1.2 understand that works of art can communicate and elicit a variety of responses through the use of selected media, technique, and processes. • identify different moods and feelings from various artworks and discuss the techniques used to achieve that response. • create works of art that convey different feelings or moods using a variety of media. VA.B.1.1.3 know a variety of purposes for creating art. • identify different functions of art in society. • observe and explain choices made by artists (e.g., subject, materials, techniques, and processes). • create a functional piece of art. • create art that encompasses the “whole page.” • identify the elements, principles, and ideas that are communicated in a work of art. VA.B.1.1.4 use the elements of art and the principles of design to effectively communicate ideas. Visual Art: Grade Level Expectations (2nd) Goal #3 1, 2, 4, 5, 10 1, 2, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 1, 2, 3, 4 28 STRAND C: Cultural and Historical Connections Standard 1: The student understands the visual arts in relation to history and culture. Intended Outcome 1: To learn the differences between history and culture. Benchmark – The student will: The student will be able to: VA.C.1.1.1 • identify artworks from different cultures, times, and places. know that specific works of art belong to particular cultures, times, and places. • create artwork in the style of a particular culture, time period, or place. VA.C.1.1.2 understand how artists generate and express according to their individual, cultural, and historical experiences. • read and examine age-appropriate literature written and illustrated by artists from varying cultures (e.g., Faith Ringgold, Richard Scary, and Jim Henson). • create artwork reflective of different cultures. Goal #3 1,2,4,10 1,2,4,10 STRAND D: Aesthetic and Critical Analysis Standard 1: The student assesses, evaluates, and responds to the characteristics of works of art. Intended Outcome 1: To increase the student’s ability of communicating the different meanings in works of art. Benchmark – The student will: The student will be able to: VA.D.1.1.1 • work cooperatively in-groups to critique her or his own art productions. use age-appropriate vocabulary to describe, analyze, interpret, and make judgments about • participate in a discussion about artwork. works of art. VA.D.1.1.2 • describe how certain works of abstract art communicate information or emotion. understand that works of art can be rendered realistically, symbolically, or abstractly. • discriminate between realistic, symbolic, and abstract styled art . VA.D.1.1.3 discriminate between an original work of art and a reproduction. Visual Art: Grade Level Expectations (2nd) • identify original artwork as compared to art reproductions and prints. • participate in a community-based field trip to a museum, gallery, or studio and compares and original work with a print, photograph, or other reproduction. Goal #3 1,2,4,10 1,2,4,10 1,2,4 29 STRAND E: Applications to Life Standard 1: The student makes connections between the visual arts, other disciplines, and the real world. Intended Outcome 1: To increase the student awareness of art in every day life. Benchmark – The student will: VA.E.1.1.1 understand that people create art for a variety of reasons and those artists’ design everyday objects. The student will be able to: • gather and classify examples of everyday objects designed by artists. • create a functional piece of art (e.g., steps, chairs, etc.). VA.E.1.1.2 know various careers that are available to artists. • take part in an arts career day and visits with artists, craftsmen, and media-arts production staff for outreach experience. • experience examples of art careers throughout the year. • use appropriate etiquette during a museum, gallery, or artist demonstration. • experience proper handling of artworks. VA.E.1.1.3 understand and use appropriate conduct in a cultural experience. Visual Art: Grade Level Expectations (2nd) Goal #3 1,2,4 1,2,4,5,6,10 1,2,4,5,6,10 30 Third Grade Visual Art Grade Level Descriptions: The purpose of this level is to encourage critical and divergent thinking during the creation process. Content: The content should include but not be limited to: drawing and painting media such as acrylics, tempera, watercolor, pencil, ink, and chalk drawing and painting techniques, processes, and technology three-dimensional art (e.g., cardboard, clay and styrofoam) two dimensional and three dimensional art with formal and expressive qualities (i.e., positive and negative space) cooperative skills, problem solving, and multiple step directions historical and cultural connections (e.g., heritage and time periods) aesthetic evaluation of artistic prints, artworks, and student works introduction to communicating ideas (e.g., symbol systems of different cultures) written and spoken art vocabulary in all processes printmaking processes (e.g., stencils, sponge and styrofoam) aspects of family life as found in many periods of art Visual Art: Grade Level Expectations (3rd) 31 STRAND A: Skills and Techniques Standard: 1. The student understands and applies media, techniques and processes. Intended Outcome: 1: To create works of art with age appropriate skills. Benchmark – The student will: The student will be able to: VA.A.1.2.1 • create a two-dimensional design. use and organize two and three dimensional media, techniques, tools and processes to produce works of • create a three-dimensional design. art that are derived from personal experiences, observation or imagination. VA.A.1.2.2 • demonstrate the safe and responsible use of tools and materials (e.g., watercolors, use control in handling tools and materials in a safe scissors, and glue). and responsible manner. VA.A.1.2.3 • understand positive and negative space and balance in a composition know the effects and functions of using various organizational elements and principles of design when creating works of art. VA.A.1.2.4 • demonstrate refined skills and craftsmanship when creating projects. use good craftsmanship in a variety of twodimensional and three-dimensional media. • create a two-dimensional or three-dimensional work to specification. Visual Art: Grade Level Expectations (3rd) Goal #3 1, 2, 4 1,2,4,8,9 1,2,3,6,8 1,6,7,8 32 STRAND B: Creation and Communication Standard 1: The student creates and communicates a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas using knowledge of structure and functions of visual arts. Intended Outcome: 1:To generate works of art with an understanding of how to express style and meaning. Benchmark – The student will: The student will be able to: VA.B.1.2.1. • draw symbols from many cultures to show how masks and pottery express a lifestyle. understand that subject matter used to create unique works of art can come from personal experience, • identify issues, events or themes in artwork from a particular culture. observation, imagination, and themes. VA.B.1.2.2 • create artwork that communicates an idea. understand what makes different art media, techniques, and processes effective or ineffective in • critique artwork to determine its effectiveness as to expressed and media use. communicating various ideas. VA.B.1.2.3 • give the impressionists theory of color as it relates to painting. (e.g., Seurat and know how to identify the intentions of those Monet). creating works of art. VA.B.1.2.4 • demonstrate the proper use of manipulative skills when working with line, shape, use the elements of art and the principles of design color, and texture as used in a work of art. with sufficient manipulative skills, confidence, and sensitivity when communicating ideas. Goal #3 1,2,4,10 1,2,4 1,2,4 1,2,4 STRAND C: Cultural and Historical Connections Standard: 1. The student understands the visual arts in relation to history and culture. Intended Outcome 1: To increase student awareness of art history and culture. Benchmark – The student will: The student will be able to: VA.C.1.2.1 • describe a major style of painting and how it was created. understand the similarities and differences in works of art from a variety of sources. • compare and contrast themes and subjects from different time periods and/or cultures. VA.C.1.2.2 understand how artists have used visual languages and symbol systems through time and across cultures. Visual Art: Grade Level Expectations (3rd) • identify similarities and differences in line, shape, and color in paintings by various artists. • identify periods of art by their symbol system. Goal #3 1,2,4,10 1,2,4,10 33 STRAND D: Aesthetic and Critical Analysis Standard 1: The student assesses, evaluates, and responds to the characteristics of works of art. Intended Outcome 1: To communicate responses based on a variety of art works, assessment measures, and criteria. Benchmark – The student will: The student will be able to: VA.D.1.2.1 • evaluate the applications of the elements in works of art. develop and justify criteria for the evaluation of visual works of art using appropriate vocabulary. • create basic standards and guidelines for discussing a work of art. VA.D.1.2.2 use different approaches to respond to and to judge various works of art. • use the elements and principles of design to critique works of art. • tell why different media would require different modes of evaluation. VA.D.1.2.3 understand and perceive similarities and differences among genres of art. • distinguish perceived similarities in genres of art during the Renaissance, or other periods. Goal #3 1,2,4 1,2,4,6,10 1,2,4,10 STRAND E: Applications to Life Standard 1: The student assesses, evaluates, and responds to the characteristics of works of art. Intended Outcome 1: To make connections between the visual arts, other disciplines, and the real world. Benchmark – The student will: The student will be able to: VA.E.1.2.1 • show how the ‘Bauhaus’ or other art movements influenced current fashion and style understand the influence of artists on the quality of in today’s world. everyday life. • compare a sterile environment to one that is enriched with the arts. VA.E.1.2.2 know the types of tasks preformed by various artists and some of the required training. • view a video on an artist and identify characteristics unique to that artist. • tell what one might have to know to be an advertiser, architect, sculptor, etc.. VA.E.1.2.3 understand the similarities and differences and the various contributions of galleries, studios, and museums. • identify the similarities between a gallery, a museum, and art web sites. • tell facts about large contributors to the art world (e.g., Getty, The Art Institute of Chicago, The National Gallery of Art). Visual Art: Grade Level Expectations (3rd) Goal #3 1,2,4,6,7 1,2,4,6,7 1,2,4,6,10 34 Fourth Grade Visual Art Grade Level Description: The purpose of this level is to have the students generate schematic building blocks, which are an essential component for critical thinking. The students will concentrate on the concept of looking at a work of art as opposed to just seeing a work of art. The students will further develop their artistic expression through the refinement of artwork. Content: The content should include but not be limited to: drawing and painting techniques, processes, and technology drawing and painting media which can include acrylics, tempera, watercolors, pencil, ink, and chalk safe, effective, and appropriate use of tools, materials, and techniques historical and cultural connections of heritage and different time periods (e.g., ancient times, Middle Ages) two-dimensional and three-dimensional works which express imagination two-dimensional and three-dimensional works utilizing elements and principles of design – line, form, color, texture, space, unity, etc. career opportunities discussion of artistic styles using aesthetic and critical analysis detailed three dimensional sculptures (e.g., clay and found objects) written and spoken vocabulary in all processes Visual Art: Grade Level Expectations (4th) 35 STRAND A: Skills and Techniques Standard 1:. The student understands and applies media, techniques and processes. Intended Outcome 1: To demonstrate greater skill dexterity with art materials and tools. Benchmark – The student will: The student will be able to: VA.A.1.2.1 • follow directions to fold simple Origami shapes. use and organize two and three dimensional media, techniques, tools, and processes to produce works • create sculpture from various sources. of art that are delivered from personal experiences, observation or imagination. VA.A.1.2.2 • demonstrate age appropriate level of craftsmanship. use control in handling tools and materials in a safe and responsible manner. • clean up after himself/herself. VA.A.1.2.3 know the effects and functions of using various organizational elements and principles of design when creating works of art. VA.A.1.2.4 use good craftsmanship in a variety of twodimensional and three-dimensional media. Visual Art: Grade Level Expectations (4th) Goal #3 1,2,4 1,2,4,8,9 • know how line, form, color, texture, and space combine to form unity in a work of art. 1,2,3,6,8 • know the difference between watercolors, tempera, and acrylic paints and what application each can be used for. 1,6,7,8 36 STRAND B: Creation and Communication Standard 1: The student creates and communicates a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas using knowledge of structure and functions of visual arts: Intended Outcome 1: To produce works of art with an understanding of how to show style and expression. Benchmark – The student will: The student will be able to: VA.B.1.2.1 • tell how art expresses imagination. understand that subject matter used to create unique works of art can come from personal experience, • create a work of art after seeing an artist’s work. observation, imagination, and themes. VA.B.1.2.2 • identify a variety of subject matter (as it relates to life) found in various art works. understand what makes different art media, techniques, and processes effective or ineffective in • create art that effectively communicates an idea. communicating various ideas. VA.B.1.2.3 • relate to others how artists are able to express the different times of the day through know how to identify the intentions of those paintings (i.e., Monet). creating works of art. VA.B.1.2.4 • recognize artists’ styles and how they communicate ideas. use the elements of art and the principles of design with sufficient manipulative skills, confidence, and sensitivity when communicating ideas. Goal #3 1,2,4,10 1,2,4 1,2,4 1,2,4 STRAND C: Cultural and Historical Connections Standard 1: The student understands the visual arts in relation to history and culture. Intended Outcome 1: To increase student awareness of art history and culture. Benchmark – The student will: The student will be able to: VA.C.1.2.1 • produce art which show characteristics of a style of art. understand the similarities and differences in works of art from a variety of sources. VA.C.1.2.2 • compare and contrast similarities and differences between two different styles in art. understand how artists have used visual languages and symbol systems through time and across cultures. Visual Art: Grade Level Expectations (4th) Goal #3 1,2,4,10 1,2,4,10 37 STRAND D: Aesthetic and Critical Analysis Standard 1: The student assesses, evaluates, and responds to the characteristics of works of art. Intended Outcome 1: To communicate responses based on a variety of art works. Benchmark – The student will: The student will be able to: VA.D.1.2.1 • use art vocabulary to critique a work of art. develop and justify criteria for the evaluation of visual works of art using appropriate vocabulary. VA.D.1.2.2 • express their aesthetic judgement in reference to a work of art. use different approaches to respond to and judge various works of art. • respond with a token set of symbols to works of art. VA.D.1.2.3 understand and perceive similarities and differences among genres of art. • write, tell, or create art works, which represent various genres. Goal #3 1,2,4 1,2,4,6,10 1,2,4,10 STRAND E: Applications to Life Standard 1: The student assesses, evaluates, and responds to the characteristics of works of art. Intended Outcome 1: The student will become aware of artwork availability in his or her surroundings. Benchmark – The student will: The student will be able to: VA.E.1.2.1 • show how an artist’s work is represented in the mass media of today. understand the influence of artists on the quality of everyday life. VA.E.1.2.2 • understand the different types of art schools and training available. know the types of tasks preformed by various artists and some of the required training. VA.E.1.2.3 • explain the contributions that local museums and galleries can provide within the understand the similarities and differences and the community. various contributions of galleries, studios, and museums. Visual Art: Grade Level Expectations (4th) Goal #3 1,2,4,6,7 1,2,4,6,7 1,2,4,6,10 38 Fifth Grade Visual Art Grade Level Descriptions: The purpose of this level is for the art students to be further exposed to art terms, history, and elements and principles of design. The students will expand the visual art experience through the creation of two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art. The students will also increase their awareness of craftsmanship in their own artwork. Content: The content should include but not be limited to: drawing and painting media (e.g., acrylics, tempera, watercolor, pencil, ink, and chalk) drawing and painting techniques, processes, and technology safe, effective, and appropriate use of tools, materials, and techniques in two-dimensional and threedimensional works two-dimensional and three-dimensional art with formal and expressive qualities critical analysis and aesthetic evaluation of drawings and paintings using the elements and principles of design appropriate geometric vocabulary to describe properties and attributes of perspective symmetry two-dimensional and three-dimensional figure drawing historical and cultural events, heritage, and time periods career opportunities good craftsmanship (e.g., detail, size) in two-dimensional and three-dimensional art written and spoken art vocabulary in all processes a variety of sculpture tools and materials (e.g., clay, paper, foil, found objects). Visual Art: Grade Level Expectations (5th) 39 STRAND A: Skills and Techniques Standard 1: The student understands and applies media, techniques and processes. Intended Outcome 1: To incorporate basic art elements and design principles with continued development of craftsmanship. Benchmark – The student will: The student will be able to: VA.A.1.2.1 • create a one point perspective drawing. use and organize two-dimensional media, techniques, tools and processes to produce works of • create works of art from a holiday, fieldtrip, or personal experience. art that are delivered from personal experiences, observation or imagination. VA.A.1.2.2 • demonstrate the safe and responsible use of tools and materials (e.g., glue and use control in handling tools and materials in a safe scissors in paper sculpture techniques). and responsible manner. VA.A.1.2.3 • organize elements in a given space according to given criteria to create a work of art. know the effects and functions of using various organizational elements and principles of design when creating works of art. VA.A.1.2.4 • recognize a variety of techniques to use with chalks, colored pencils, and pastels. use good craftsmanship in a variety of twodimensional and three-dimensional media. • create artwork-demonstrating proficiency with two and three-dimensional materials and techniques. Visual Art: Grade Level Expectations (5th) Goal #3 1,2,4 1,2,4,8,9 1,2,3,6,8 1,6,7,8 40 STRAND B: Creation and Communication Standard 1: The student creates and communicates a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas using knowledge of structure and functions of visual arts: Intended Outcome 1: To increase the student’s ability to create works of art. Benchmark – The student will: The student will be able to: VA.B.1.2.1 • express themselves through observations of the world around them. understand that subject matter used to create unique works of art can come from personal experience, • set up a still life using selected subject matter and create drawings or paintings. observation, imagination, and themes. • relate art from a selected theme (e.g., Earth, endangered species, America). • identify objects and symbols that can represent a particular idea and create art to express thoughts from a personal experience or event. • communicate ideas through works of art. • compare and contrast art that is effective and ineffective. • create a poster to communicate an important issue or event. VA.B.1.2.3 know how to identify the intentions of those creating works of art. • study the lives of several famous artists (e.g., da Vinci, Van Gogh, Picasso). • explore different styles of art (e.g., Renaissance, Impressionism, and Contemporary) and identify characteristics and symbols that communicate ideas, feelings, or stories. VA.B.1.2.4 use the elements of art and the principles of design with sufficient manipulative skills, confidence, and sensitivity when communicating ideas. • scan reproductions using scanning skills to understand how artists communicate their ideas through art. • create artwork that incorporates the basic art elements and principles of design. VA.B.1.2.2 understand what makes different art media, techniques, and processes effective or ineffective in communicating various ideas. Visual Art: Grade Level Expectations (5th) Goal #3 1,2,4,10 1,2,4 1,2,4 1,2,4 41 STRAND C: Cultural and Historical Connections Standard 1: The student understands the visual arts in relation to history and culture. Intended Outcome 1: To increase student awareness of art history and culture. Benchmark – The student will: The student will be able to: VA.C.1.2.1 • compare and contrast similar artworks from different cultures, styles, or time understand the similarities and differences in works periods. of art from a variety of sources. • create artworks of similar subjects in different styles. VA.C.1.2.2 understand how artists have used visual languages and symbol systems through time and across cultures. • explore how artists generate and express ideas according to their individual, cultural, and historical expressions. (i.e., Marc Chagal) • create art reflecting their own lives using symbols to represent events or issues. Goal #3 1,2,4,10 1,2,4,10 STRAND D: Aesthetic and Critical Analysis Standard 1: The student assesses, evaluates, and responds to the characteristics of works of art. Intended Outcome 1: To communicate responses based on a variety of art works. Benchmark – The student will: VA.D.1.2.1 respond to criteria for the evaluation of visual works of art using appropriate vocabulary. VA.D.1.2.2 use different approaches to critique various works of art. The student will be able to: • talk about a work of art. VA.D.1.2.3 distinguish and perceive similarities and differences among various genres of art. Visual Art: Grade Level Expectations (5th) • participate in a group discussion, critique, and aesthetic games. • write individual responses to works of art. • recognize different styles of art. • compare and contrast artwork from different time periods and styles. Goal #3 1,2,4 1,2,4,6,10 1,2,4,10 42 STRAND E: Applications to Life Standard 1: The student assesses, evaluates, and responds to the characteristics of works of art. Intended Outcome 1: To become aware of artwork availability in his or her immediate surroundings and explore visual arts globally. Benchmark – The student will: VA.E.1.2.1 understand the influence of artists on the quality of everyday life. VA.E.1.2.2 know the types of tasks preformed by various artists and some of the required training. VA.E.1.2.3 understand the similarities and differences and the various contributions of galleries, studios, and museums. Visual Art: Grade Level Expectations (5th) The student will be able to: • compare and contrast design in clothing, furniture, buildings, landscapes. Goal #3 1,2,4,6,7 • study an artist of choice and understand his/her creative and educational process. 1,2,4,6,7 • use technology to explore the arts (e.g., internet, automotive). 1,2,4,6,10 • participate in museum, studio, and/or field trip. • experience a visiting artist expertise presentation. 43 Sixth Grade Visual Art Grade Level Expectation: The purpose of this course is to enable students to develop a basic knowledge of artistic expression, to use two-and three-dimensional media, and to further their artistic talents through hands on art experiences. Through the study of history and culture, the students will make connections from art lessons and experiences to life experiences. Content: The content should include but not be limited to: a variety of two-dimensional and three-dimensional works using art media, technology, and processes safe, effective, and appropriate use of tools, materials, and techniques when making two-dimensional and three-dimensional works historical and cultural connections aesthetic evaluation of original art and art productions career opportunities two-dimensional and three-dimensional art which demonstrates good craftsmanship(e.g., detail and size) written and spoken art vocabulary in all processes symbols that communicate thoughts and ideas art, artifacts, and architecture from other cultures mood, meaning, and symbolism art elements and principles of design Visual Art: Grade Level Expectations (6th) 44 STRAND A: Skills and Techniques Standard 1: The student understands and applies media, techniques and processes. Intended Outcome 1: To intentionally recreate ways to manipulate media, techniques, and processes. Benchmark – The student will: The student will be able to: VA.A.1.3.1 • experiment with different compositional arrangements including formal, informal, and use two-dimensional and three-dimensional media, radial balance. techniques, tools, and processes to solve specific visual arts problems with refinement and control. • design a work of art in one point or two-point perspective. VA.A.1.3.2 use refinement and control in handling tools and materials in a safe and responsible manner. • clean and care for art equipment and tools. • create a new way to use or apply media. VA.A.1.3.3 understand what makes various organizational elements and principles of design effective and ineffective in the communication of ideas. • clarify and refine sketches and/or plans to solve problems and to communicate ideas in a visual form. • compare and contrast effective and ineffective designs. • critique various communication mediums for effectiveness of ineffectiveness. • produce works of art with consideration for technical process, form, function, and craftsmanship. • produce works of art to specific criteria. VA.A.1.3.4 create two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art that reflect competency and craftsmanship. Visual Art: Grade Level Expectations (6th) Goal #3 1,2,4,8,9 1,2,4,6 1,2,4,7 1,2,4 45 STRAND B: Creation and Communication Standard 1: The student creates and communicates a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas using knowledge of structure and functions of visual arts. Intended Outcome 1: To increase the student’s ability to create works of art. Benchmark – The student will: VA.B.1.3.1 know how different subjects, themes, and symbols (through context, value, and aesthetics) convey intended meanings or ideas in works of art. The student will be able to: • create a time line using symbols based on his or her family lineage, incorporating historical, cultural, and personal events. • create a storyboard about an important event or illustrate artwork for a book. VA.B.1.3.2 know how the qualities and characteristics of art media, techniques, and processes can be used to enhance communication of experiences and ideas. • use a controversial issue (i.e., capital punishment) to create two works of art that take opposite positions, paying attention to design aspects that help emphasize each position. • participate in discussions that will analyze artwork which communicate certain issues. • create a poster about an important issue (i.e., endangered species). • demonstrate problem-solving skills both independently and cooperatively when working on a team project (i.e., community mural). • create a functional piece of art to use at home or in class. • produce a work of art using either formal or informal balance. • identify the art elements and principles of design in magazine ads, posters, and/or book illustrations. VA.B.1.3.3 understand and distinguishes multiple purposes for creating works of art. VA.B.1.3.4 know and uses the interrelated elements of art and the principles of design to improve the communication of ideas. Visual Art: Grade Level Expectations (6th) Goal #3 1,2,4,5,10 1,2,4,9,10 1,2,4,6,7,9 1,2,4,6,7,9 46 STRAND C: Cultural and Historical Connections Standard 1: The student understands the visual arts in relation to history and culture. Intended Outcome 1: To increase student awareness of art history and culture. Benchmark – The student will: The student will be able to: VA.C.1.3.1 • recognize that works of art have an overall style that reflects the people’s values, understand and use information from historical and beliefs, particular ways of perceiving the world, and levels of technology. cultural themes, trends, styles, periods of art, and artists. • compare and contrast art from different historical time periods and cultures. VA.C.1.3.2 understand the roll of the artist and the function of art in different periods of time and in different cultures. • identify the use of the visual arts in business and industry, including architecture and commercial design, advertising, television, film, and in art careers associated with all of these forms. • create artwork to represent the present time or culture. Goal #3 1,2,4,10 1,2,4,10 STRAND D: Aesthetic and Critical Analysis Standard 1: The student assesses, evaluates, and responds to the characteristics of works of art. Intended Outcome 1: To communicate responses based on a variety of art works. Benchmark – The student will: The student will be able to: VA.D.1.3.1 • discuss various criteria (e.g., function and community values) that may be used to understand how a work of art can be judged by determine the aesthetic value of a work of art. more than one standard. • create criteria for judging an art exhibit or show. VA.D.1.3.2 use research and contextual information to identify responses to works of art. Visual Art: Grade Level Expectations (6th) • use analytical descriptions to identify fallacies and prejudices that people bring to a work of art. • retell, from research, public reaction to Matisse and/or other artists or periods. • find in a newspaper, public reactions to any of the arts. Goal #3 1,2,4 1,2,4,10 47 Intended Outcome 1: To communicate responses based on a variety of art works. Benchmark – The student will: The student will be able to: VA.D.1.3.3 • describe the relationship between the success of a communicated message in an understand how an artist’s intent plays a crucial artwork to the aesthetic value of an object (e.g., Jenny Holzer, Barbara Kruger, Andy role in the aesthetic value of an object. Warhol, and Roy Lichtenstein’s work). • create a two-dimensional and three-dimensional work of art that makes a statement about the aesthetic value of an object. • critique his/her own work. Goal #3 1,2,4 STRAND E: Applications to Life Standard 1: The student assesses, evaluates, and responds to the characteristics of works of art. Intended Outcome 1: To become aware of the role of the visual arts in the past, present, and future society. Benchmark – The student will: The student will be able to: VA.E.1.3.1 • create a report or a research project about a life situation using information gained understand how knowledge, skills, and attitudes from the visual arts. gained from the visual arts can enhance and deepen understanding of life. • study artifacts from various cultures and discuss the characteristics found that indicates needs and values of a particular people. VA.E.1.3.2 understand the skill artists’ use in various careers and how they can be developed in art schools or college or through internships. VA.E.1.3.3 understand the various roles of museums, cultural centers, and exhibition spaces. Visual Art: Grade Level Expectations (6th) • analyze a magazine to determine the contributions of artists. • examine catalogs from art schools and universities. • participate in a discussion with an art school or college representative. • visit a local museum or gallery and analyzes its cultural, social, and economic role. • participate in a museum or cultural event (i.e., by contributing time or exhibiting artwork). Goal #3 1,2,4,8,9 1,2,4,5,6,7 1,2,4,5,8,9 48