Tammy Estep Evans

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Tammy Estep Evans
T h is r e sum e i s f or t he p u r p o se of obt a i n i ng a t ea c h i ng p o si t i o n i n a
c o l l e ge o r u n ive r sit y w o r k i ng w it h stu d e nt s i n t e r e st ed i n a n ima t i on , v is u a l e ffe ct s, mot i on grap hic s, mult imed ia de sign, ne w med ia a nd digit al art s.
MFA in Computer Art
3D Animation
2 00 8
Fl or id a Atla nt ic U ni ve r si ty
F ort Laud er dal e, Fl or id a
BFA in Painting and Drawing
Minor in Sculpture
2 00 0
G e or gi a S ta te U niv ersi ty
Atlanta Georgi a
S pe ci al iz i ng in 3D M od el i ng , May a d y na mic s a ni ma t io n , c har act er
a n im at io n a nd r en de ri n g pr oc e ss e s i n Me nta l R ay
P roficient in Aft er Effect s, Dreamweaver, E ncore, Fl ash, Illu st rat or, Maya,
P ai nt er , P hot oshop , Pr em i er, Re al fl ow , Syf lex , ZB ru sh
P ai nt i ng , Dr aw i ng , St or yb oa rd ing
Adjunct Instructor | I T T T e c h
June, 2009 – Present
IT-212- Broadcast Graphics using After Effects, Audition, Premier
- Teaching introductory techniques in 2D & 3D animation, special effects,
compositing, masking, keying, lighting, camerawork, using expressions, audio
and video manipulation
- Instructing in use of audio to support imagery and storyline
- Instructing in creating the visual narrative and storyboarding
- Instructing in portfolio creation and presenting/defining professional identity
- Creating teaching tools and example files and resources for student use
- Supervising students in onsite lab work.
VC-215 Interactive Communications Design using Flash
- Teaching fundamentals of website creation and animation with Adobe
- Instructing in creating the visual narrative
- Introducing storyboarding, character design and animation concepts and
- Instructing in usability testing and pros/cons of Flash vs HTML
- Instructing in portfolio creation and presenting/defining professional identity
- Creating teaching tools and example files and resources for student use
- Supervising students in onsite lab work.
CD-140 Rapid Visualization
- Teaching introductory fundamentals in freehand rendering to
undergraduate students.
- Instructing in perspective and representational drawing techniques
- Storyboarding and character development in preparation for 3D modeling
- Creating teaching tools and example files and resources for student use
- Supervising students in onsite lab work.
VC-130- Digital Type & Image Manipulation using Photoshop
- Teaching image manipulation through compositing, masking, color
correction, special effects, painting and drawing
- Instructing in the use and creation of typographic elements
- Instructing in design and integration of visual information
- Instructing in portfolio creation and presenting/defining professional identity
- Creating teaching tools and example files and resources for student use
- Supervising students in onsite lab work.
VC-220- Graphic Design Production Processes using Illustrator & InDesign
- Teaching image creation through vector drawing, painting and working
with objects
- Instructing in text processing, typesetting and printing formats
- Introducing graphic design concepts such as page composition, document
design, color correction, designing for function
- Instructing in portfolio creation and presenting/defining professional identity
- Creating teaching tools and example files and resources for student use
- Supervising students in onsite lab work.
VC-110- Typography using Illustrator & InDesign
- Teaching image creation through vector drawing, painting and working
with objects
- Introducing typographic terminology, usage and classification
- Instructing in text processing, typesetting and printing formats
- Introducing design concepts
- Instructing in portfolio creation and presenting/defining professional identity
- Creating teaching tools and example files and resources for student use
- Supervising students in onsite lab work.
3D Animator / Graphic Artist / Web Designer | E v a n s V F X
2000, 2007 – Present
Creating still and animated digital artwork & children’s picture books
Freelance graphics, interactive web and animation services
I a m a n edu cat or a nd ar t i st c om m it t ed t o ma ki n g my co nt ri but io n t o
s o c iet y t h ro ug h edu ca ti n g suc ce s s iv e ge ne rat i o ns i n t h e a rt s of cr it ic al
t h i nk i ng , v is u a l i nqu iry a nd t he c o n st r u ct ive ap pl ica t i o n of i deas .
I b el iev e it i s im portant t o e ngage the student not only intellectu ally
bu t e motiona lly , cultur al ly and pr act ic al ly .
I e mp l o y t ec h n iqu e s t h at ar e org a ni z ed t o all o w a s t u d e nt t o l ea r n f ir st
u s i ng t h e ir s t yl i st i c st r e n gt h s a nd t he n moving on to unfamiliar learning
s t yle s , t h ere b y al wa ys b al an ci ng a nd e xp a nd i n g a stu de nt s con f ide n ce
a nd ab il it y t o me et cha l l e n ge s . T he stu d ent t he n c rea t iv el y a p p l i e s t he ir
k no wl ed ge t o uniqu e a ppl ic ati ons. T hr ou gho ut t hi s pr o ce sse s I
e ndea vor to t eac h a stu de nt how t o t hink a bou t t he issue at hand , how
t o or ga n iz e a nd a nal yze a p r ob le m a nd b y t app ing int o al l a va ila ble
r e so urc e s, h o w to c om e t o a n inv en tiv e res o lut i on. In s h ort , how t o t h ink
l i ke a p rofe ssional .
P eople w ho a re educ ate d t o ex pr e ss t hem sel ve s t hought ful ly a nd
e xa m ine i nf o r ma t io n i nt el l i ge nt l y m a ke mo r e em p o we r ed c it iz e n s, m o r e
c o nf id ent a nd c om pe te nt em ploy ee s and t her ef ore m o re consid er ate
neighbors and happie r people. This is my mission.
College Art Association | h t t p : / / w w w . c o l l e g e a r t . o r g /
High Museum of Art | h t t p : / / w w w . h i g h . o r g
AMC Siggraph | h t t p : / / f o r t - l a u d e r d a l e . s i g g r a p h . o r g /
FAU Dorothy Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
School of Communication and Multimedia
Screen Media: Student Work in Film, Video, & Animation
Orlando, FL
Online Portfolio for Digital Work
Orlando Visual Arts League
Annual Juried Portrait Show
Orlando, FL
2 n d Place
First Thursdays
Edgewater Arts
Orlando FL
Graduating Student Exhibition
Ernest G. Welch School of Art & Design:
Georgia State University
Stills from 4 part video tutorial