Country Notebook Assignment Proforma

Student Name:
Lisa Fu (傅培瑜)
ID 9977039A
Internship Organization:
Innovative Custom Brands
No 4 Jin-ying 2nd Street, Chen-wu Administrative District, Hou-jie Town,
Dong-guan City, Guang-dong Province, China
Internship Organization Supervisor:
Mandy Hsu
Dates of Internship:
July 3rd to August 31st 2013
ISU-IC/IBA Supervisor:
Dr Paula May Tomsett
Report date:
12 December 2013
Image source:
INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 3
Objectives of Internship ........................................................................................................... 3
Goals, Activities and Accomplishments of Internship ............................................................ 3
ESTABLISHMENT INFORMATION ....................................................................................... 4
Background/History................................................................................................................. 4
Nature of the Business ............................................................................................................. 4
MY PLACE IN THE ESTABLISHMENT ................................................................................. 5
Job Title ................................................................................................................................... 5
Job Description ........................................................................................................................ 5
Department Organization and My Position in the Organization ............................................. 8
Recruiting ................................................................................................................................ 8
Training.................................................................................................................................... 8
Evaluation Procedures ............................................................................................................. 8
SELF CRITIQUE ........................................................................................................................ 9
VALUE OF WORK EXPERIENCE ........................................................................................... 9
CONCLUSIONS ......................................................................................................................... 9
APPENDIX A: Report to Internship Organization ................................................................... 11
APPENDIX B: Duty Photographs & Accommodation ............................................................. 14
APPENDIX C: Daily Journal (separate document)................................................................... 23
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I heard from people in our department [International Business Administration – International
College) that there is an internship credit in the senior course, so I choose it as an other elective
credit. The credit is from 3 to 9, so I come to IBA office to ask the detail. I get the information
from IBA assistant Bettina. I have thought to have the internship before, but there isn`t a big
motivation to find the company to let me in to have the internship. Because this time our
department give me an opportunity to do it like one course, we need to write our feedback, our
feeling to be a systematic course. I think it`s good, we can connect with the real world
experience and have a good content and we also can ask one professor to be our supervisor to
let our internship leave in a completely ending. I`m appreciate can have this internship.
After I get the internship outline, I know what I need to fill in and what kind of the job I should
do. I start to find the company I can have the internship. I want to find a trading company,
because after I graduate I want to get into a trading company to work. Luckily, my father is
doing the business in China, he knew someone doing the trading company. Because this
relation, I found the company can let me in. So I start my internship this summer vacation
[June-August 2013].
The first goal I set is to see how one company runs in the real world. Is it different from our
study book? And know shoes will, about how to make it, what the application it owned,
because my father is doing the business for the shoes outsole, I don`t understand about shoes
which I think that is so terrible as my father does business in this industry. I need to use this
internship to know deeply about shoes, not only for the first I think about shoes but also what
the shoes real was.
Objectives of Internship
To meet more people and participate in the real world trading company. To see how to make
shoes, and what is the process for the company to run their business.
Goals, Activities and Accomplishments of Internship
In this part, I am setting some goal to let myself to be more motivate so that I can have a
clearly direction to do my internship.
To find out what kinds of materials the shoes are made of use, and how to differentiate from
those materials by myself. Because part of job have to supervise the warehouse, I need to go to
warehouse every day. I can ask the manager there and ask him to introduce to me and then in
the weekend, my father will bring me to the shoes material store to teach me to differentiate
from the shoes materials.
To know what each department working process, what is the negotiation way for every
department. Is it hand out in a format to everyone who need the information? Or they have a
meeting together?
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This internship let me know how to think the instruction in a simple way so that I can let
people to do what we like them to do.
We also need to think how to do the graphic and the format clearly so that everybody can
understand what we means at the first time. ~Independent Thought!
Innovative Custom Brands (ICB) is a privately owned shoe designer and manufacturer based in
the province of Guang-dong in China.
Introductory paragraph with name of the company and status – e.g. Innovative Custom Brands
(ICB) is a privately owned shoe designer and manufacturer based in Hou-jie Town, in the
province of Guang-dong in China.
ICB is a Chinese company which makes footwear for a global market. It helps its clients bring
meaningful footwear products to market and fine tune their supply chain process. The
company understands footwear and what is require for brands and retailer to compete in the
world market place.
Most of our customers come from Europe and America. The biggest customer Dockers which
is the brand famous in Germany. The head office if ICB is in China, and they have offices in
Taichung, Taiwan and New York, USA.
Nature of the Business
ICB manufactures the shoes of well known brands in Europe and the USA.
ICB meets its clients challenges with the simple three part process that brings together the
client’s design teams vision. ICB promotes that it understands the creative process in footwear
and the need to bring the new ideas to market as quickly and efficiency as possible.
The first process is including and producing quality footwear. Explore (Analyze Ideas):
Through intensive research and clear understanding of our work direction the company work
with your design team to formulate new ideas and product directions.
The second process is Execute (Ideas Take Form): Throughout three design phase the company
review each facet of the product development process, formulate timelines and fanatically
work to meet and agreed upon deadlines.
The third process is Deliver (Form To Market ): ICB guarantees the accurate translation of
product through all aspects of the production process and the company provide full support
from the drawing board to the marketplace.
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The tool the company use is product design, sample development, production and supply chain.
The company`s culture is expressed in the maxim: “Our clients business in our only business”.
The sole strategic objective of ICB is to add value for its clients via the efficient
synchronization of the critical stages of product development, commercialization and
production at the optimal cost.
Effectively, if a given client elects to outsource ICB serves as the solutions provider for this
Challenging and changing times will always be components of the global business landscape.
However, within this context, we view the outlook for the ICB company as very promising
because the company non-compromising comment to reliable, consistent high performance
will add value for our client despite any prevailing macroeconomic environment. The greater
the challenges, the more we seek new opportunities through providing innovative solutions.
The source of the above information is the ICB website:
I was employed though family connections as international sales department assistant for the
purpose of learn about shoe design, manufacture and export.
Employed from July 3 to Aug 31, I worked 50 days, from 8:30 a.m to 5:30 p.m with a rest time
of one hour - 8 hrs per day for a total of 400 hrs.)
Job Title
I was employed in several positions over the period of the internship:
 Administration Assistant
 Warehouse Supervisor
 Factory Assistant
 Internet Store Marketing
Job Description
The Assistant job description as provided by ICB before employment stated:
Record customer relationship management.
Customer Feedback Management.
Check Customers orders.
Check the requisition quantity and the purchase and order foreign customers with the
business documents.
5. Sales Performance Management.
Upon commencement of the internship some of these duties changed a little, but not
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Administration Assistant
This job belongs to administration department. I am writing announcement for everybody need
to know, such as the penalty or the reward news to let every employees to know. It can be a
message or even be a proven in the law.
I still remember one event happened in our company. There is one employee, he want to resign
his job. But there is one question happened, he didn`t want to sign the format that announce he
want to quit this job in our company. In that moment our president go abroad on a business trip,
the human resource executive he didn`t force that employee to sign the format before the
deadline he finish the job. After the employee leave our company, the executive still don`t
write the announcement to declare the employee absent without leave.
After three days, the employee goes to the government unit which is employee right protected
department to accuse our company we didn`t have good treatment for the employee, he is still
the employee in our company. Wow, our president heard this thing he quickly ask human
resource department to attach the announcement to let everyone know how many day he
absents in his working position. But this time declare many days absent in one day, I don`t
know is it work in the law. Because in general speaking, we need to announce which employee
absent in everyday, in this time we just announce three days in one time. This is really
disadvantage for us. I don`t know what is going on this event in the end, because I just finished
my internship to go back to Taiwan.
The other things I do in this job is to update what the receipts warehouse need to receive than
they can hand out there material working processing in our company.
Warehouse Supervisor
During the time I doing this job, I go down to warehouse every day. What is the part I do is to
pick one leather, metal hardware or zipper whatever the goods I can found in the warehouse.
All I need to do is to pick one up and to check is the numbers correct or not. Then I need if it
not correct I just record it in my report to the president.
Don`t think this job is so easy, because it is harder than I think when I first start my work.
Because in this case I pick up one goods to measure or estimate it. After that I need to know
what it is so that I can go back to see what the record they recorded. But there are many
problem causes, such as the tag which must be attached in the goods disappear or the goods
first come to warehouse they need to record but they didn`t do how could I solve the problem?
I can`t distinguish what the leather it is not to mention what style it is so how can I do this job?
Even when I ask the manager in the warehouse what is the leather which the tag is disappeared
it is and what number the record written now? You know how does he answer me? He just tell
me what the leather and style the leather is, but in this warehouse we have too many these
leather how could I know which one is the record indicate one. Because the tag usually just
write down what color it is, which exporter company is it and what the style and leather it is. If
the tag is disappear we will mess up, we can`t figure out which leather belongs which record,
because the warehouse own 15,000 kinds of leather. You didn`t have a wrong message, and it
is only for leather not contain with zipper, metal hardware and reel etc… So, it is really a big
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Factory Assistant
For this part I just do a little bit. I do the format for the factory manager to let him easy to do
the work. And then to check the produce manager everyday shoes producing result. To make
sure she do the daily report or not.
Internet Store Marketing
As these part, honestly speaking, I didn`t do many of it. For internet selling shoes is our
company the shoes which the order be cancelled or some of them have a little bit blemish that
customer cannot afford. The left shoes will be our inventory so that I need to think about how
to sell it, don1t be continuous stored in our warehouse. At first, I just count on how many
shoes in one style and how many numbers in each shoes size. Then, I do a format to record it
to hand in to our president to know.
Before we put on to the internet to sell, we take one of shoes from each style to have a physical
test such as age test, flexible test and tortuous test. Because most of our shoes production date
is more than one year, we afraid customer just wear it one or two times than the shoes is
broken. Shoes are as same as the clothes, if we manufacture it but no one buy it. We will just
leave it in the warehouse, as you know everything will have the depreciation, shoes also
without expectation.
If the shoes didn`t be wore but stay in the warehouse, the outsole will turn old, through two
years we wear it, it is different than the shoes first produce condition. Not only the outsole will
have the problem but also the surface of the shoes will have some problem. For example, if the
shoes surface is made of in PU material. In ordinary condition, PU will biodegradable by itself;
if the shoes material we use leather to produce, the leather also will mildew. The only different
from leather and PU material is the time it can be used.
To say this more, in this job I just finish to count how many shoes in each size and do it in the
format with my partner Jenny. To put it on the internet to sell is another people do, because I
didn`t finish it then the internship is finish. I would like to try at first, although I didn`t do it
To mention about internet shop I first come up with one search engine in Taiwan, yahoo. They
have to website can buy goods. One is auction, the other is shopping. We just need to be there
member and sign in, and don`t need to have the deposit we can start to sell our goods. We just
need to pay when we successfully sell our goods, we need to pay 4% of the deal price. There is
also one fee we need to pay that is carry the story fee for per goods, each one is NTD$3. I
thought it can also be used in China.
But there is one thing I forgot, China prohibited Yahoo searching engine. So I quickly to think
another searching engine is popular used in China, it name is called TAO BAO. I think my
supervisor Dr Tomsett may also heard this auction engine before. But there is one question,
there is different in Taiwan. If we sign in to be a member, we like to sell something in there
website, we need to deposit 1000RMB at first if we want to sell goods in their website.
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Department Organization and My Position in the Organization
There are seven departments in this company. First is administration department, the job they
need to do is to type the announcement and attach it to our bulletin to let every employee know
what the new working processing or the punishment/ award to our employee to our company.
Second is human resource department, in this department they need to connect the people who
want to work in our company, we need to arrange time let they come to have an interview. And
they also need to receive employee`s be on furlough document to key in in computer.
Third is ombudsperson, this is the main department I belong to. The employees who belongs to
this department need to go to warehouse to check that the goods we buy are correct or not. In
my part, I go warehouse everyday to check the goods we order from the firm to minus now the
goods we already use is equal to the goods now left or not. Of course, there is some range for
the deviation. If the deviation is too big, I will write it in report to present our president. This is
the main job that I did in this internship.
I heard from some people, most of the trainee in China are the college students similar to me,
they also have the internship during junior summer vacation, but the difference between them
and me is most of them are study in a “shoes” college where they learn shoe design and
manufacturing as a major when they study.
The remaining departments in ICB structure are 4) Shipping Department, 5) Sales Department,
and 6) Manufacturing Department.
In this company, the administration department will leave the recruit message in the website.
In Taiwan, we have the recruit website like 518 or 104 Human Resource Recruiting website.
The website will take charge from employer or even employee to be their income. We leave
the message in there, waiting people to see and coming to interview in our company.
The president meet with me to explain what is the job content. I need to implement it and after
a few days, I need to write a report for her to have a look. She will correct me will I did wrong
and give me a direction to do it. Also, she teach me how to do the good format to let people
easy understand at they see the first sight. My first department is ombudsperson. I go down to
second floor warehouse to check our material which is used in shoes for it input and output. As
I said before in detail in the job description the supervisor in the warehouse. I know some
leather in there, most of the beginner who start to do the shoes career is start from here. The
president is really nice and kindly, I am glad to have an internship here.
Evaluation Procedures
Two–three times per week the president would speak with me about my performance of duties
and advised when I needed to do some paid of the job differently.
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I am satisfied for this internship. I learn many things not only the shoes working process but
also the communication by people to people. The president Mali let me to try four departments
to work. There are many departments are connecting. What I mean is they just like a process,
We need to recruit people first to help us to make shoes. Second, we need to find customer to
make an order in our company. Third, we need producing shoes. Before we make shoes we
need to have the supervisor to supervise our elements input and output, this is for the fourth
step. Fifth after our shoes finished, we need to have the Quality Check (QC) to check the goods
have the appearance disadvantage or not. After QC doing that, we will deliver our goods to the
international environmental agency to have a check all of the QC inspect is according to our
customer required. Then finally we have the Shipping department to arrange our goods
delivery things. Of course, if people communicate not well. It will lead the company causing
some lost. So the experience told me communicate is really important. Another thing that
makes me happy is I reach my objective in this internship.
In this internship I get many experiences in it, like people and people contact and how to make
an appointment. I think the appointment making in business is similar as I have the meeting in
school club, but it is not actually the same. In business appointment it may be more serious and
the most of the time, speaker will be the manager or even the president not like the school club
everyone can have an opportunity to say something. In this experience, I think I know what to
do and I need to bring the notebook to write it down in the meeting. Something is not only just
to listen but also to make a note. Because there is one time the president ask me to do in the
meeting I forget to write it down, I just use my memory to do it. There is something else I miss
to do, I was de mentioned by president. This time is happen in internship, I think if it is
happened in the work, it will be so terrible. I remember to bring the notebook after this
accident. Because of all the experience I have in this internship, I think I can do more best after
I graduate in the work place. No matter is in this company or other company.
See Appendix B for Duty Photographs and Appendix C Daily Journal (separate document).
I think I have already achieved my objective in this internship. I made contact with the
company and I work in many department to realize the shoe design, manufacturing and
distribution process and how each department works together; what is the relationship between
Every department should be separated to work but not just to do their work by themselves, I
think they need to make an appointment in the regular time. Because I found that there exist
some problem is in the communication. It is because they just think the other department
understand what they want but didn`t have a double check or hold a meeting to communicate. I
t always been discovered by the good finished doing. This phenomenon usually happened in
urgent time, most of the event will delay the shoes deliver. In this internship I see many time
the similar things like this, so I think to communicate in each department is the main issue in
one company.
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To say that how to make one shoes is not so familiar to me now. I know the outline of the
working process about how to put all the component of shoes from beginning to the end. At
first before I go to have an internship, I think shoes making process is same as the coca cola
working process. The shoes should be done by machine but not a human being. This thought is
until I have this internship, all of my wrong concept have changed.
The shoes is made from one pattern by the beginning, and the pattern is drawing by the pattern
maker, then suddenly there is a cut out leather people to cut out the leather according to the
shoes pattern. After we have the cut out leather, we should go to the stitching department to let
them stitching the leather for us and finally we should let the finish shoes surface to connect
with the outsole, the shoes will be repair by any angle or other ways. Than we put shoelace,
dumpling pad or shoe-pad on it. The shoe is well-completed after all the processing. See, to
manufacture one shoes is not easier than I think before. I`m fortunately to have the internship
experience to know how to make the shoes. Otherwise, I won`t know how to make one shoes
in normal ways.
In finally, I want to thank my father to introduce me in a good place to have the unforgettable
memory and to thank president Mali teach me this more and let me try many department work
to know the shoes trading company well. I`m really in thankful.
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APPENDIX A: Report to Internship Organization
The following is the short report that has been sent to ICB.
Student name: Lisa Fu (傅培瑜)
Internship organization: Innovative Custom Brands
Location: No 4 Jin-ying 2nd Street, Chen-wu Administrative
District, Hou-jie Town, Dong-guan City, Guangdong Province, China
Internship Organization Supervisor: Mandy Hsu
Dates of Internship: July 3rd to August 31st 2013
ISU-IC/IBA Supervisor: Dr Paula May Tomsett
This is a brief report to ICB of my internship in ICB. This
internship is valuable so that I would never forget. For here I
would like to thank the president in ICB Mali, you really
teach me a lot and give me several chances in each department,
if I have a pleasure to go back to your company to keep going
to get the experience after I graduate that will be so wonderful.
Mr. Mandy, I also thank you very much, although you are the
original person want to show me how to work in my
internship, there is something happened that you can`t do my supervisor in this internship. You
still concern about my internship situation, thank you. My dad also is the one of the person
who I need to thank for, thank you for find a perfect place to let me intern and thank you bring
me to eat the Hong Kong yam cha everytime when I have a day off. Thank you aunt, thank you
to let me stay at your home until I start my internship. Thank you parental aunt, you always
give me a hand when I don`t know what happened in the shoes expert. After all, thank for
everyone who have given me a hand in my internship lifetime. Thank you.
Objectives of Internship
To meet more people and participate in the real world trading company. To see how to make
shoes, and what is the process for the company to run their business.
Goals, Activities and Accomplishments of Internship
Goals: To find out what kinds of materials the shoes are made of use, and how to differentiate
from those materials by myself. Because part of job have to supervise the warehouse, I need to
go to warehouse every day. I can ask the manager there and ask him to introduce to me and
then in the weekend, my father will bring me to the shoes material store to teach me to
differentiate from the shoes materials.
Activities: To know what each department working process, what is the negotiation way for
every department. Is it hand out in a format to everyone who need the information? Or they
have a meeting together?
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Accomplishments: This internship let me know how to think the instruction in a simple way
so that I can let people to do what we like them to do. We also need to think how to do the
graphic and the format clearly so that everybody can understand what we means at the first
time. ~Independent Thought!
My Place in ICB
I was employed though family connections as international sales department assistant for the
purpose of learning about shoe design, manufacture and export. I was employed in several
positions over the period of the internship including: Administration Assistant, Warehouse
Supervisor, Factory Assistant, and Internet Store Marketing
Self Critique
I am satisfied for this internship. I learn many things not only the shoes working process but
also the communication by people to people. The president Mali let me to try four departments
to work. There are many departments are connecting. What I mean is they just like a process,
We need to recruit people first to help us to make shoes. Second, we need to find customer to
make an order in our company.
Third, we need producing shoes. Before we make shoes we need to have the supervisor to
supervise our elements input and output, this is for the fourth step. Fifth after our shoes
finished, we need to have the Quality Check (QC) to check the goods have the appearance
disadvantage or not. After QC doing that, we will deliver our goods to the international
environmental agency to have a check all of the QC inspect is according to our customer
required. Then finally we have the Shipping department to arrange our goods delivery things.
Of course, if people communicate not well. It will lead the company causing some lost. So the
experience told me communicate is really important. Another thing that makes me happy is I
reach my objective in this internship.
Value Of Work Experience
In this internship I get many experiences in it, like people and people contact and how to make
an appointment. I think the appointment making in business is similar as I have the meeting in
school club, but it is not actually the same. In business appointment it may be more serious and
the most of the time, speaker will be the manager or even the president not like the school club
everyone can have an opportunity to say something. In this experience, I think I know what to
do and I need to bring the notebook to write it down in the meeting. Something is not only just
to listen but also to make a note. Because there is one time the president ask me to do in the
meeting I forget to write it down, I just use my memory to do it. There is something else I miss
to do, I was de mentioned by president. This time is happen in internship, I think if it is
happened in the work, it will be so terrible. I remember to bring the notebook after this
accident. Because of all the experience I have in this internship, I think I can do more best after
I graduate in the work place. No matter is in this company or other company.
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I think I have already achieved my objective in this internship. I made contact with the
company and I work in many department to realize the shoe design, manufacturing and
distribution process and how each department works together; what is the relationship between
Every department should be separated to work but not just to do their work by themselves, I
think they need to make an appointment in the regular time. Because I found that there exist
some problem is in the communication. It is because they just think the other department
understand what they want but didn`t have a double check or hold a meeting to communicate.
It always been discovered by the good finished doing. This phenomenon usually happened in
urgent time, most of the event will delay the shoes deliver. In this internship I see many time
the similar things like this, so I think to communicate in each department is the main issue in
one company.
Lisa Fu (傅培瑜)
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APPENDIX B: Duty Photographs & Accommodation
Lisa Fu on the factory floor.
The main reception to Innovative Custom Brands Shoe Manufacturing and Showroom
This machine tests the shoe
tension between outsole and the shoe itself.
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Left picture is the tool to open one kinds of the last
(model on which to form the shoe).
Below picture is one kind of the last which need hammer to kick it to separate.
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This machine is outsole strong press machine, which glues the shoes and outsole together.
The machine is like an oven to heat the shoes while on the last; the shoes shape becomes fixed.
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Left Picture is older testing, to know how
long the shoes appearance will change (molt as in degrade) in normal use.
Below Picture is the winding test, to provide an estimate of the length of time is takes for the
shoes to break in normal use.
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Above is the heat machine which has the
moulds for the outsole, left are examples of an
outsole mould.
Right: The two shoes left one is been polishing, the other
one is in normal.(Only some of the leather can polished
this way.)
Below: Polish Machine.
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Dumpling pad- to put it under the insole to make shoes fitting more comfortable.
Above, one kind of last.
Below, the outsole and right, the surface of the shoe (upper).
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My partner Jenny.
Shoes with glue to stick with dumpling pad.
The employee who works in glue the shoes, with the dumpling pad.
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My parental aunt.
The factory department manager.
The warehouse I work for.
Stitching machine.
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Lisa Fu’s Accommodation at ICB
Recreation room and personal space with private bathroom facilities.
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APPENDIX C: Daily Journal (separate document)
The daily journal was submitted as a separate document.
Supervisor note:
Lisa’s journal was read in conjunction with this report and achieved all the aims of a good
personal journal of her work and life experiences in Guang-dong Province, China. Lisa’s
journal was returned to her upon completion of the assessment of this Industry Internship
Dr. Paula May Tomsett
Assistant Professor
I-Shou University, IBA-IC
12 December 2013
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