Booklet Т-Services

A team with diverse experience
provides HPC modeling
and simulation services for industrial and
academic markets. The experts at T-Platforms
are highly effective at utilizing both industrystandard titles and their own methodologies
to develop large-scale supercomputing
models and simulations, driving innovation
and productivity while reducing time-tomarket and operational expenses.
The expert teams from T-Platforms are comprised
of scientists and engineers with many years of
experience in various scientific and industrial
computing fields, including:
Computational Fluid Mechanics/Dynamics
Rigid Body Mechanics
Heat and Mass Transfer
Thermal Physics
Supercomputer-based Modeling and Simulation Services
Today there is a wide range of applications requiring supercomputer-based modeling and simulations, ranging
from the design of children’s toys to the modeling of commercial buildings, to workflow simulation in the aerospace
industry, and booming projects in the field of nanotechnologies.. Utilizing a one-stop approach to computer modeling
helps customers greatly reduce project implementation lead-times. The experts at T-Platforms are able to adapt and
scale up a customer’s PC-based models to run supercomputer simulations using the T-Platforms Supercomputer
center. Modeling and simulation projects can be developed as turn-key solutions developed from scratch with just
minimal initial input from the client. The Center of Computation Expertise is the company’s core intellectual asset. It is
comprised of several workgroups with expertise in fluid dynamics, heat and mass transfer, structural analysis, thermal
and power physics, and other disciplines.
Rent The Compute Power or Capacity – When You Need It
For companies with a temporary requirement for high performance computing, or just needing additional computing
capacity, the optimal solution is to rent time on a third party supercomputer. This option from T-Platforms enables
customers to gain access to optimal compute systems, paying only for resources actually used.
Services include:
—— On-demand cluster access
—— Scheduled access to specific hardware and software configurations
—— Estimates of total computational time and cost of required access for all projects
—— Access to updated HPC systems with no need to buy new hardware
—— No operational expenses related to running an in-house supercomputer system
—— Flexible pay-per-hour or pay-per-project usage scenarios
—— Professional technical support, eliminating the need for specifically trained customer IT staff
Rendering support*
Computer graphics and animation studios can remotely access our 4.8TFLOPS rendering farm over a secure
Internet connection. Movie companies, dealing with complex projects spanning an extended period of time, can
have the rendering farm, fully configured and debugged, delivered to their premises to ensure a highly efficient
operation and the fastest-time-to results.
Supercomputer Center Management*
T-Services provides all necessary services for external management of supercomputer systems both on deployment
and operational efficiency levels.
Available resources
T-Platforms Supercomputer Center
Application Software
—— One option for an on-demand computational
cluster is a single rack cabinet with 12-20
nodes based on the six-core Intel Xeon 56xx
series and AMD 12-core Opteron 61xx series
platform architecture, with a QDR Infiniband
interconnect and an Ethernet-based network,
complimented by Panasas and LSI Engenio
parallel storage systems.
Customers can tackle a wide range of numeric modeling
and virtual prototyping activities using an optimal range
of available on-demand software:
—— Also available is a 50-node dual-socket Intel
Xeon quad-core rendering farm, based on
T-Blade 1 systems and the ActiveStore parallel
file system with 12TB of storage or more.
—— Depending on the complexity and timing
of a specific project, remote access to larger
configurations can be provided as well.
Available systems are operated by university
based HPC centers, equipped by T-Platforms,
and offer mature and secure shared cluster
usage policies
* These services are available only in Russia
—— Industry-standard CFD suites, including STAR-CD, STARCCM+, ANSYS CFX to analyze gas and liquid currents
based on their compression rates, phase states, heat
and mass transfer values, chemical reactions, burning
and emissions factors in scientific, applied and
industrial research, including transportation, aerospace,
electronics, ecology, commercial construction, nuclear
power, metallurgy and chemical industries.
—— ANSYS - ANSYS Enterprise Knowledge Management,
ANSYS HPC, ANSYS Multiphysics & Structural
Mechanics, ANSYS Fluid Dynamics, ANSYS Pre and
Post-processing, ANSYS CAD Integration for structural
analysis of constructions under static or dynamic
load, liquid and gas mechanic, inter-depended power
thermo-physical and other construction loads
—— ESI ProCast and QuickCAST, Systus, Sysmagna, ACE +
Suite, Weld Quality, Distortion Engineering, a portfolio
of specific industry software packages popular in cast,
molding, stamp and welding applications
Established in 2002, T-Platforms Group has completed
more than 200 supercomputer installations and is rapidly
emerging as one of the leading global HPC companies,
providing comprehensive supercomputing systems,
software and services, with customer installations
consistently included on the TOP500 worldwide list of
the most powerful supercomputers. T-Platforms Group
develops, installs and maintains complete turn-key
solutions for high performance computing environments
and datacenters, specializing in innovative hardware and
software solution suites designed with the scalability
requirements of petascale, and eventually exascale-class
supercomputer installations.
T-Platforms solutions are used to conduct fundamental
and applied research in numerous scientific disciplines,
including biotechnology, nuclear physics, chemistry, and
mathematics, along with being utilized for resourceintensive computational problems, graphics and
visualization solutions across many advanced computing
In 2011, T-Platforms Group CEO, Vsevolod Opanasenko was
recognized as one of the HPC community’s top Thought
Leaders by the industry publication HPCwire with their
“People to Watch” list for 2011.
T-Platforms Group has its headquarters in Moscow (Russia)
and regional headquarters in Hanover (Germany), Kiev
(Ukraine), Taipei (Taiwan) and Hong Kong (China).
tPlatforms GmbH
Moscow, Russia
Leninsky Prospect 113/1
Suite E-520
Tel.: +7 (495) 956 54 90
Fax: +7 (495) 956 54 15
Woehlerstrasse 42, D-30163,
Hannover, Germany
Tel.: +49 (511) 203 885 40
Fax.: +49 (511) 203 885 41
© T-Platforms 2011
T-Platforms, T-Platforms logo, T-Blade, Clustrx TP edition are trademarks or registered trademarks of
T-Platforms, JSC. Other brand names and trademarks are property of their respective owners.
This document is for informational purposes only. T-Platforms reserves the right to make changes
without further notice to any products herein. The content provided is as is and without express or
implied warranties of any kind.