Nucleosynthesis Steinn Sigurdsson Astro 120-17 - Feb 2016 in the beginning... universe was really, really hot all different particles were hanging around about one second after Big Bang temperature was low enough that neutrons and protons “froze out” protons and neutrons collectively called “baryons” Saturday, February 9, 2013 compounded NB: neutrons and protons are not fundamental particles, they are compound particles made from “quarks” atomic nuclei are made from protons and neutrons they are fairly high mass, so require quite a lot of energy neutrons are more massive and are unstable - they decay to proton + electron + neutrino on a time scale of a few minutes Saturday, February 9, 2013 Era of nucleosynthesis Nuclei begin to fuse. The Universe is essentially a big nuclear furnace. Era of nuclei Helium nuclei form at age ~ 3 minutes. Universe became too cool to blast helium apart. Protons and neutrons combined to make long-lasting helium nuclei when universe was ~ 3 minutes old. How do the abundances of elements support the Big Bang theory? Insert TCP 6e Figure 23.11 Big Bang theory prediction: 75% H, 25% He (by mass). This prediction matches observations of primordial gases. beyond helium some unburned deuterium and 3He is left behind when temperatures get low enough for fusion to fizzle tiny bit of helium fuses to the next element, 7Li (3p + 4n) - but note that to get there from 4He (2p+2n) takes multiple interactions. some beryllium and boron also gets made Saturday, February 9, 2013 instability BUT - fusing helium is unstable in particular 4He + 4He fusion gives an unstable beryllium isotope which decays very rapidly back to 4He to get to the next step you need carbon, with most stable isotope 12C (6p+6n) Saturday, February 9, 2013 carbon, nitrogen, oxygen carbon is important because it catalyzes additional fusion reactions - it will fuse with hydrogen to make nitrogen, then oxygen and so on up to iron, without the carbon being burned up in the process it can do this at relatively low temperature mere millions of degrees K Saturday, February 9, 2013 triple fusion 3 4He -> 1 12C this “triple alpha” reaction happens very rapdily, but ONLY at very high temperatures by the time 4He is made from deuterium, the universe is TOO COOL for any triple alpha fusion to take place within a few minutes remaining free neutrons decay to protons Saturday, February 9, 2013 prediction Big Bang theory makes a strong prediction Primordial nucleosynthesis makes hydrogen and helium in 3:1 mass ratio with tiny trace of incompletely burned deuterium, 3He and 7Li and maybe some beryllium and boron and NOTHING else abundances calculable (Be and B tricky because of later “spallation” reactions with cosmic rays etc) Saturday, February 9, 2013 Astronomer’s Periodic Table H Text He Metals Saturday, February 9, 2013 metal free universe cosmology predicts that the early universe is essentially metal free where “metal” means any element not hydrogen or helium all metals seen in the current universe made later (mostly in stars) Saturday, February 9, 2013 oops oh, one slight problem if you take the universe to be at the critical density (ie a flat universe) and the mass is all protons and neutrons to begin with then even more deuterium should be burned up ie as little as there is, we observe too much deuterium for a flat “baryonic” universe Saturday, February 9, 2013 Abundances of other light elements indicate that the Universe’s v i s i bl e m a s s density is ~ 4% the critical density. Recall that the addition of dar k matter means the total mass density is ~ 25% the critical density. “Seeds” Inferred from CMB • Overall geometry is flat. – Total mass + dark and normal energy has critical density. • Ordinary matter is ~ 4.4% of total. • Total matter is ~ 27% of total. – Dark matter is ~ 23% of total. – Dark energy is ~ 73% of total. • Age is 13.7 billion years. structure formation cold, neutral, pressure free universe structure forms as density perturbations grow under their internal gravity as H/He gas collapses under gravity density increases and temperature increases Saturday, February 9, 2013 booooring Nothing much happens from redshift z=34,000 until about redshift z=20 at which point the universe is about 650 million years old and the cosmic radiation background has a temperature of about 60 K main radiation source is “21 cm” radio emission from neutral hydrogen would now be seen at wavelengths > 5 m due to redshift nothing much to see, we think, from this epoch Saturday, February 9, 2013 Era of atoms Atoms form at age ~ 380,000 years. Background radiation released. S E G A RK DA Era of galaxies Galaxies form at age ~ 1 billion years. Saturday, February 9, 2013