English 7 Vocabulary Worksheet: Unit 2 Words 1-20

Name: ___________________________
English 7
Vocabulary Unit 2 – Words 1-10
1. available
(adj.) ready for use, at hand
๏ synonym – obtainable, on hand
๏ antonym – not to be had, unobtainable
2. cater
(v.) to satisfy the needs of, try to make things easy and pleasant; to
supply food and service
๏ synonym – pamper, provide
๏ antonym – frustrate, refuse
3. customary
(adj.) usual, routine
๏ synonym – regular, traditional
๏ antonym – strange, unusual, untraditional
4. dissuade
(v.) to persuade not to do something
๏ synonym – discourage, talk out of
๏ antonym – persuade, talk in to
5. entrepreneur
(n.) a person who starts up and takes on the risk of a business
๏ synonym – businessperson
6. firebrand
(n.) a troublemaker, an extremely energetic or emotional person; a piece
of burning wood
๏ synonym – hothead, agitator
๏ antonym - peacemaker
7. hazard
(n.) risk, a dangerous situation
(v.) to expose to danger or harm; take a chance
๏ synonym – (n.) danger
๏ antonym – (v.) to gamble
8. hinder
(v) to delay, to stop or prevent from happening
๏ synonym – interrupt, block, retard
๏ antonym – speed up, encourage
9. homicide
(n.) the killing of one person by another
๏ synonym – murder
10. indifference
(n.) a lack of interest or concern
๏ synonym – apathy, unconcern
๏ antonym – interest, concern, enthusiasm
Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop New Edition by Jerome Shostak Level B (orange) Unit 2
Review activities: sadlier-oxford.com/student.cfm; ivocabulary.com;
http://sites.levittownschools.com/hmason/SitePages/Home.aspx/ (Ms. Mason’s website for review and other links)
created by Ms. Mason = teacher, Salk Middle School
Name: ___________________________
English 7
Vocabulary Unit 2 – Words 11-20
11. indignant
(adj.) filled with resentment or anger over something unjust or mean
synonym - offended, resentful, outraged
antonym - pleased, overjoyed
12. indispensable
(adj.) absolutely necessary, not to be neglected
๏ synonym – essential, crucial, vital
๏ antonym – unnecessary, nonessential
13. lubricate
(v.) to apply oil or grease to reduce friction, to make something run
๏ synonym – oil, grease, smooth
๏ antonym - dry
14. mutual
(adj.) shared (reciprocal) relationship between people
๏ synonym – two-sided, joint
๏ antonym – one-sided, unilateral
15. pelt
(v.) to throw a barrage of things, to hurry
๏ synonym – bombard
๏ antonym - drizzle
16. plague
(n.) an easily spread disease causing a large number of deaths, widespread
(v.) to annoy or bother
๏ synonym – (n.) epidemic; (v.) pester
๏ antonym – (n.) advantage; (v.) assist, help
17. poised
(adj.) balanced, calm and controlled, ready for action
๏ synonym – self-confident, ready
๏ antonym – nervous, tense
18. regime
(n.) a government in power, a system of management
๏ synonym – administration, a system in which government is
19. transparent
(adj.) easily seen through or detected, easily recognized or understood
๏ synonym – clear, obvious
๏ antonym – unclear, indistinct
20. unscathed
(adj.) not injured, unharmed
synonym – unhurt, safe
antonym – injured, damaged
Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop New Edition by Jerome Shostak Level B (orange) Unit 2
Review activities: sadlier-oxford.com/student.cfm; ivocabulary.com;
http://sites.levittownschools.com/hmason/SitePages/Home.aspx/ (Ms. Mason’s website for review and other links)
created by Ms. Mason = teacher, Salk Middle School