Too Much Technology
Persuasive Essay
Samantha Arraiga
Persuasive Essay • Morrison Elementary School • May 27, 2011
Persuasive Essay
Using Too Much Electronics
Samantha Arraiga• email: •Morrison Elementary School
Kids using their phones, texting, and using computers. A graph of how much kids use electronics on age.
People think that when kids are spending too much time with electronics it is not
a big deal. Those people don’t realize it not only affects people in our community, but in
other parts of the U.S. 75% of people are saying that they do spend more than they are
suppose to using electronics. Since they spend more than 7.5 hours on technology, kids
could get health problems, that will later affect their future. Therefore kids should stop
using electronics as much, and think about the consequences they will have, so they could
have a better future.
Electronics need to be put down, so that kids could hang out with friends. Many
studies have showed that kids are using 25% of their time on electronic devices, 27% of
their time on TV, 6% on radios, and 5% of their time on video games. 7 out of 10 kids
own a cell phone, but over a decade ago it was only 4 out of 10. Back in 1999 only about
18% owned an iPod or MP3 player, but now it is up to 76%. Most of the kids who use
electronics, don’t spend as much time with their friends. They are mainly on their
electronics, but some people disagree. They say that it is okay to use electronics instead
of hanging out with friends, and they text them. However, they do not realize they could
start to loose their friendship, if they do not start putting down electronics.
Samantha Arraiga• email: •Morrison Elementary School
Before electronics started coming along, kids use to get better grades, but now
there is a big change. 47% of heavy electronics users get C’s or lower, but 23% of light
users get C’s or lower. Over ten years ago kids read about 43 minutes a day, but now it’s
38 minutes a day. “I use to do my homework, and not get distracted, but now that I have
my iPod and cell phone. I barely have time for homework” says Kristy Arraiga, a 13 year
old, who spends about every minute at home using a device. People like her are to busy
using technology, when they should be studying or doing homework. Some people
disagree and say that it is okay to use electronics instead of doing homework. However, if
they keep on using it as much, there is a possibility, they will get grades lower than C’s
and might not pass their grades.
When your using electronics do you ever think you might get a health problem?
People do not realize that from using electronics too much, they could get
problems that will harm their brain, body, and even eyesight. “Too much
TV exposure can lead to inactivates in classroom for school-aged
children. They could become diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder,
or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.” says Mali Mann, M.D adjunct
clinical assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral science at Science
University’s School of medicine. Studies have showed that our parents
generation my outlive this generation, because of our health problems .
We may also be able to get issues from our eyesight. From using too
much electronics, kids could become obese. Some people are saying that
they do not care if they become obese, since they do exercise. However,
they could get other health problems, such as ADHD or even a type of
cancer, to ruin their future.
Kids do not realize the consequences they could get from using too
much electronics. Those many kids could start to not hang out with their
friends, and it could affect their grades. From using too much electronics
kids could get health problems. If we do not do something now, it could
affect this generations future. If you want more information about this
issue visit
Samantha Arraiga• email: •Morrison Elementary School
Bibliography Page
“Do kids spend too much time on the internet” February
26,2011 < h"p://"ech/2010/01/
“Too much Technology” February 26,2011. < http:// >
“75% say children spend too much time using electronic
devices” February 17, 2011 <
Janruary_2010/75_saychildren_spend_too_much_time_using_electronic_devices >
Samantha Arraiga• email: •Morrison Elementary School