Your Venture Check all that apply

Launching the Venture FINAL Application
Due Sunday, Oct. 6, 2013, Midnight
Page 1: Your Venture
Name of Vent ure
Patrick Verno n Testing Example
Brief Descript ive Phrase
(5-10 carefully chosen words
describing your venture)
This is just an example fo r do wnlo ad PDF
Type of Vent ure
Traditional (products, services, retail, wholesale, consulting...)
IT/Web/Media (ecommerce, software, gaming hardware...)
Social (education, health environment, sustainability...)
Scientific (med. device, pharma, energy, materials...)
Indust ry
Check all that apply
Consumer Goods
Financial Services
Government & Non-Profits
Media & Entertainment
Travel & Tourism
St age of Vent ure
How far along are you? Which best describes your venture?
An unresearched idea / not sure where to start
An idea I've been investigating for weeks/months
Made some progress, but no customers yet
Beta customers only (non-paying)
Some paying customers
Time Invest ment
How many hours would you estimate you and your team have spent on this venture already?
Fewer than 25 hours
25-50 hours
51-100 hours
101-999 hours
Over 1,000 hours
Page 2: Team Information
Team Liaison
For purposes of Launch, the person filling out this application will be considered the TEAM LIAISON. Some
communications may only go to the team liaison, who is responsible to communicate with the rest of the team.
First Name
Last Name
Verno n
Dept., Major or School,
If Student, Year of
If Staff or Faculty, Title
Clinical Asst. Pro fesso r
Liaison UNC Af f iliat ion
As team leader, you must be a founding member of the team and af f iliat ed wit h UNC.
MBA Student
Other Grad Student
PhD Candidate
UNC Staff
UNC Faculty
Undergraduate Student
Other Team Member(s) Information
Full Name
Member 2
Member 3
Member 4
Member 5
Member 6
This t eam is predominant ly LED by...
Graduate Students
Faculty, Staff, or Alumni
A mixture
Page 3: Long Answers
Other Info
Dept., Major or
1- 3 Paragraph Descript ion
Please write a 1- 3 paragraph description of your venture here.
At UNC Kenan-Flagler, an entrepreneurial spirit is engrained in the scho o l’s culture. Since 19 9 7, the Center fo r Entrepreneurial
Studies has o ffered students, staff and faculty the reso urces to identify and evaluate valuable entrepreneurial o ppo rtunities, as
well as get co nnected to mento rs and co aches in o ne o f the natio n's mo st vibrant entrepreneurial ho tspo ts, Research Triangle
Park (RTP).
Key Insight
What is the "key insight" that motivated you to start this venture? Please be brief, one sentence or a brief paragraph.
What we're looking for is some context as to what is driving your pursuit of this venture at this time?
This is at test. Please igno re the text!
Problem Solved
Describe the problem(s) being addressed by your venture. What are you solving?
This is at test. Please igno re the text!
Reactions to Problem Solved
Share your idea with at least 5 people. Note key reactions below.
This is at test. Please igno re the text!
Compet it iors
Who else tries to solve that problem and/or how do people "get by" now? Briefly describe your competitors and other
alternatives to your solution.
This is at test. Please igno re the text!
Cust omers
Briefly describe who you think your venture's customers will be. Specifically name some, if appropriate. Have you talked
to any potential customers yet?
This is at test. Please igno re the text!
Your progress to date (in 30 words or less).
This is at test. Please igno re the text!
What do you perceive to be the top 3- 5 risks for this venture?
This is at test. Please igno re the text!
Siz e
Describe the best- case scenario siz e of your venture in 5 years using any measure.
This is at test. Please igno re the text!
Help From?
We encourage you to use your venture as a way to network and learn. We like to see you reaching out for assistance.
Describe any help you have received so far, including classes, coaches, mentors, advisors, etc. List anyone who has
This is at test. Please igno re the text!
Last Page: Int erview Availabilit y
Team Interview
If your application is accepted to Round 2 of the process, your team will be invited
to interview with the instructor. Please check all times you are available. Minimum
TWO teammates must come to the interview.
Tuesday, Oct. 8, 8-9a
Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2-3p
Tuesday, Oct. 8, 9-10a
Wednesday, Oct. 9, 3-4p
Tuesday, Oct. 8, 10-11a
Wednesday, Oct. 9, 4-5p
Tuesday, Oct. 8, 11-12
Thursday, Oct. 10, 8-9a
Tuesday, Oct. 8, 2-3p
Thursday, Oct. 10, 9-10a
Tuesday, Oct. 8, 3-4p
Thursday, Oct. 10, 10-11a
Tuesday, Oct. 8, 4-5p
Thursday, Oct. 10, 11-12
Wednesday, Oct. 9, 8-9a
Thursday, Oct. 10, 2-3p
Wednesday, Oct. 9, 9-10a
Thursday, Oct. 10, 3-4p
Wednesday, Oct. 9, 10-11a
Thursday, Oct. 10, 4-5p
Wednesday, Oct. 9, 11-12
Any of the above
Wednesday, Oct. 9, 1-2p