Syllabus - Brandeis University

Brandeis University BUS 10a Syllabus (Finer,Spring 2014) DRAFT 5
Spring 2014
Class Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 5pm-6:20pm
Class Location: Lemberg NN
Office Hours: by appointment
Barbara Finer
Course Description
This course, which is an integral part of the Business minor and major, uses case examples and practical concepts
to build a framework for addressing key management issues. The first half of the course reviews the key functions
of managers through cases and lectures on marketing, operations, finance, strategy, and organizational behavior.
The second half applies this knowledge to three broad themes: startups, business in the global economy, and
business ethics & social responsibility.
There are five primary learning outcomes for students:
(1) to understand the fundamental concepts and functions in business management
(2) to recognize the interrelationships among these functions
(3) to learn how to apply the language and tools of the course to analyze a variety of business globally
(4) to learn how to read, analyze, and discuss business school case studies
(5) to develop oral presentation skills for business
Prerequisite: BUS 6a, which may be taken concurrently with BUS 10a.
The course uses a textbook, business school cases + notes, and selected articles. This syllabus lists the key
readings and cases for each class. You should use these to guide your reading and preparation.
The textbook will be cheaper if you purchase it online. Ronald J. Ebert and Ricky W. Griffin, Business Essentials
8e (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall). You may use any of the later editions so long as it’s the 6th- 9th.
In addition, there is course area on the Harvard Business Online website where you can order the required
business school cases and notes:
Make sure you registered with Harvard Business Online. Electronic course materials are in PDF and should be
viewed with Adobe Reader, available free at You will have immediate access to the materials
upon placing your order; for subsequent access, you must log in to
Business School cases and articles
1. Reebok International Ltd., HBS case # 589-027
2. Benihana of Tokyo, HBS case # 673-057
3. Cartwright Lumber Company, HBS case # 204-126
4. Crown Cork and Seal in 1989, HBS case # 793-035
5. The Five Competitive Forces that Shape Strategy, HBR article #R0801E
6. Kyocera Corp., HBS case # 491-078
7. Taran Swan at Nickelodeon Latin America (A), HBS case #400-036
8. Grupo Bimbo, HBS case # 707-521
Brandeis University BUS 10a Syllabus (Finer,Spring 2014) DRAFT 5
Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, Ltd. HBS case #707-441
Ad-Lider Embalagens case #TB0141
Year Up HBS case #308-032
Groupon case HBS #511-094
Parable of the Sadhu, HBR Reprint # 97307
Teaching Methods
This course uses assigned readings, case studies, class discussions, and lectures to address key issues in
management. Because this course is based on the case method, class participation by all students is essential.
In order for this method to work, everyone must prepare the cases and readings thoroughly. This allows us to
conduct analytical, rather than descriptive, discussions.
1. Presence: attendance is required.
2. Preparation: reading and assignments are to be done on time.
3. Participation: share your views based on what we’ve learned and discussed in class. Use name cards to
facilitate discussion (and grading) and please sit in the same seat each class. Ask questions. Answer questions
your peers have asked.
If you are unprepared for the discussion on any day, please let me know before the start of class.
You will be graded on a combination of the following (55% individual/45% team):
1. Contributions to class discussions (25%) The grade is based on the quality and frequency of in-class
comments. Midway through the course, I will offer feedback on class participation and suggestions for
NOTE: you are permitted two absences for any reason (e.g., illness, family celebration, job interview, unfavorable
airline schedule, you forgot to set your alarm); for each additional absence, your participation grade will be
reduced by a half-grade, e.g., A- becomes A-/B+. If you have perfect attendance but rarely participate actively in
class discussions, your participation grade will be C+. “Active participation” is when you raise your hand; it is not
when I “cold call” on you.
2. A PowerPoint presentation on “Cafeteria Day” (5%) given in teams of 5 or 6 students on Tuesday,
February 4 on one of the university’s cafeterias or food stores or one nearby. See p.7 for details (e.g.,
“deliverables” on January 31 (cohort) and February 3 (PPT)). Business attire is required.
NOTE: Grades on the 3 team projects (“Cafeteria Day”, Globalization, Final Paper) are assigned to all
members of the team, though I reserve the right to alter individual grades when it is clear that an individual
did not contribute to the assignment in a consistent and meaningful way.
3. A midterm exam (25%) This is a written open-book exam that will take place during normal class hours.
You will be asked essay questions about the materials covered and issues discussed in class.
4. A PowerPoint presentation on globalization (15%), given in teams of 5 or 6 students on April 18 and
April 20. Each presentation (on a theme of your choice) should last 8-10 minutes, plus time for Q+A.
Please inform me by noon on April 11, who is on your team and what your proposed topic will be; only
one email per team, though! I will let you know in about 24 hours if that topic has already been selected
by another team. Business attire is required both days for all students, whether presenting or not.
5. A one-page essay on the ethical issues surrounding the copyright in the music or video industry (5%),
due at the start of class on April 24. This is an individual assignment. See Page 9 for details.
Brandeis University BUS 10a Syllabus (Finer,Spring 2014) DRAFT 5
6. A final paper analyzing a business problem facing a real company (25%) The final paper must be done
in teams of 3 students. The paper is due by noon on Friday, May 2.
Final Paper: This is an opportunity to examine in depth a topic of your choice. The paper must:
deal with a problem a real company is facing today,
incorporate specific learnings and/or paradigms from the course, and
offer a clear set of recommendations that are carefully analyzed.
Failure to adhere to these requirements will result in a grade no better than C+. The paper should be based
on empirical evidence and applied the concepts in the course. The paper will contain the following elements:
Factual description of a company or aspect of a company's business. This portion of the paper should be built
on data and case histories selected from the business press, annual reports, and other sources.
Identification and analysis of a business problem the company is facing. Please state the analytical purpose of
the paper up front, i.e., the "question" you are addressing. Use the topics in the course or in the textbook as a
guide to focus on a specific aspect of the business that you will analyze. It is essential for you to get
perspectives from sources other than the company itself — newspapers, competitors, industry reports, etc.
These will help you take a critical stance toward the company information.
Conclusions and recommendations. Based on your research and analysis, you must suggest what the company
should do about the problem you studied. Be specific. Tell us why and what you base this on (learnings).
Format of the paper. You need to cover the three areas above. Having said that, use your best writing skills and
editorial judgment to decide how to structure the paper. There is no one best way. Some excellent papers begin
with a section giving the factual case, then a section with the analysis of the case. Other excellent papers weave
the facts in and out of the analysis. All good papers, however, are driven by the analytical goals. Use pros-andcons, matrices, and tables to help. Be aware that this paper should not be just a "case study" like those we read in
class; those cases are purely descriptive. Your paper should be more like a "case study plus analysis."
Process of writing the paper. Final papers must be written in teams of 3 students. Although the papers will be
evaluated on quality, not quantity, their length will usually be about 12 double-spaced pages, plus exhibits
(including footnotes and “Works Cited”). Be sure to use Times New Roman, font size 11, 1” margins all around.
You will receive a deduction if you don’t!
To help you define an appropriate topic and give you guidance about the project, I will need to know what ideas
you are considering. You must email me a one-page outline of the paper topic by noon on Friday, March 7 (the
earlier in March, the better). I will give written feedback on these outlines. You will then need to digest this
feedback and worked a bit more on the research for the paper.
Note: you may not use the same topic for both the globalization project and the final paper.
The final paper is due via email on or before Friday, May 2, at noon. This is the absolute latest date and time for
handing in the paper. Late submissions will be penalized. If you have a good reason for missing this deadline
(e.g., illness), please let me know so we can determine if an Incomplete is the best path to follow.
Academic Honesty You are expected to be honest in all of your academic work. Instances of alleged dishonesty
will be forwarded to the Office of Campus Life for possible referral to the Student Judicial System. Potential
sanctions include failure in the course and suspension from the University. Refer to:
Special Accommodation If you are a student with a documented disability on record at Brandeis University and
wish to have a reasonable accommodation made for you in this class, please see me immediately.
Brandeis University BUS 10a Syllabus (Finer,Spring 2014) DRAFT 5
Course Outline (see further pages for details)
Reading Assignments
Tues 1/14 Introduction
For instructions, see page 6 of this syllabus
BE: Business Management Chapter 5
See instructions on page 6
BE: Marketing Chapter 11 and 12
LATTE: Guide to Case Analysis
The Four P’s:
R_94.htm and
The Business of Managing
The Management Process
Tues 1/21
Filling Market Needs
Marketing Goods and Services
Tues 2/4
Tues 3/4
Filling Market Needs
Case Analysis
Accessing Information
Market research
Creating and Delivering Value
Case Analysis
Creating and Delivering Value
Producing Goods and Services
Understanding Finance
Financial Analysis
Understanding Finance
Case Analysis
Organizational Behavior &
Organizational Behavior &
Organizational Behavior &
Thurs 3/6
Tu 3/11
HBS: Grupo Bimbo
Th 3/13
Business in the Global Economy
Business in the Global Economy
Tu 3/18
Student Presentations - Global
Student Presentations
Th 3/20
Student Presentations – Global
Student Presentations
Tu 3/24
The Roles and Life of an
Thurs 2/6
Tues 2/11
Tues 2/25
HBS: Reebok International
GUEST: Jason Bernard
Chapter 7
HBS: “Benihana of Tokyo”
Cafeteria Day: Student Presentations
BE: Operations Management and Quality
HBS: “Cartwright Lumber”
HBS: “Five Competitive Forces that Shape
HBS: “Crown Cork and Seal in 1989”
BE: Leadership and Decision Making Chapter 9
HBS: “Kyocera”
HBS: “Taran Swan at Nickelodeon Latin
HBS: “Teva Pharmaceutical”
Brandeis University BUS 10a Syllabus (Finer,Spring 2014) DRAFT 5
Th 3/27
Tu 4/1
Market Targeting,
Segmentation, Demographics
360 Degrees of Business
HBS: Ad Lider
Watch Movie on own
Discussion on Tucker: The Man and His Dream
Th 4/3
Social Entrepreneurship
HBS: Year Up
Tu 4/8
Creating and Sustaining Value
Business Models
Business Ethics and Culture
Student Debate
HBS: Groupon
Th 4/10
Th 4/24
Tu 4/29
Business Ethics and Culture
Student Debate
Real Companies, Real
Copyright and trademark ownership in the 21st
century electronic age
GUEST: D.Wolf, Patent Attorney
HBS: Parable of the Sadhu
FINAL PAPERS DUE by 5/2 at Noon – email
and hardcopy please.
Brandeis University BUS 10a Syllabus (Finer,Spring 2014) DRAFT 5
In addition to the assigned readings and postings on LATTE, here are the principal assignments to complete
before coming to class. Do not hand in responses to study questions unless directed to do so.
For our first class, please look at the Kellogg Company site:
Look at the home page for about 20 seconds; do not click anything. Write down your immediate reactions.
(We’ll discuss them in class.) Now, go to the upper right hand corner and click “Who We Are”. Then, click
“Marketplace Commitment”. What is your reaction to their “Promise to You”? Finally, return to the home
page and explore some of the links in the middle: “Get Started”, Learn More”, “Start Sharing”. Your
For our second class, please look at the Starbucks Coffee Company site:
Does it have a similar feel and appearance to Kellogg’s home page?
Find its “Mission Statement”. (Hint: go to the lower left “About Us” and click “Our Company”.) Print the
page and bring it to class. What’s the message? Search the Kellogg’s site for their mission statement.
3rd meeting: we will be discussing marketing.
How you would apply the concepts in the textbook to Kellogg’s? - Evaluate its "marketing mix", using your
knowledge of their product + industry. - Which element of the four P's is most important to the company, and
4th meeting: we will be discussing our first case, “Reebok International, Inc.” There is nothing to hand
in. Here is your study guide:
Reebok Case Summary
Reebok executives are reviewing the company’s advertising and promotion programs for the second half of
1988. These include sponsorship of the 1988 Summer Olympics and a rock concert tour organized by
Amnesty International. In addition, Reebok is launching a new advertising campaign with the slogan,
“Reeboks Let U.B.U.”
Study Questions: Please read the case and come prepared to discuss the following:
1. Why has Reebok been successful? What are the company’s strengths and weaknesses?
2. How do consumers buy athletic footwear in 1988? How is the market segmented?
3. How would you evaluate Reebok’s proposed 1988 communications program?
4. Does Reebok need an umbrella brand campaign (versus product specific advertising alone)? Is the UBU
campaign appropriate?
NOTE: We will not have time to evaluate the HRN tour sponsorship.
“Benihana of Tokyo”.
Study Questions
1. What is the Benihana concept? What attracts customers to its restaurants?
2. How does Benihana's cost structure differ from that of a typical sit-down restaurant?
3. Examine the production system in detail. (It may help if you draw a process flow diagram that identifies
how customers pass through the system, where key operations are done, how food is handled, etc.) What are
the major design choices which generate operating efficiencies?
Brandeis University BUS 10a Syllabus (Finer,Spring 2014) DRAFT 5
Cafeteria Day: On Tuesday, 2/4, using PowerPoint, you will be presenting in teams of 5 or 6 students
one of the university's cafeterias or food stores or one nearby that is mutually agreeable and accessible
to your team. Please follow these instructions carefully.
Based on your own experience, apply the concepts in the reading to your cafeteria or store:
1. How does the cafeteria or store define "quality"?
2. Draw a flow diagram depicting how customers move through the cafeteria or store to select, purchase, and
consume products.
3. How might the cafeteria or store be reorganized to provide greater value to its customers?
Each group must send me an e-mail by 7 pm on 1/31
The names of team members (only one e-mail per team, or you get a deduction!)
Your choice of cafeteria or store (I cannot guaranty your choice if another team has already selected it)
You MUST email me your PPT slides by 7 pm 2/3.
Each team will have 5 minutes to deliver the presentation. I recommend that you assign speaking roles and
that you practice your presentation. Be sure to wear business attire (required).
On 2/6, in addition to the assigned chapter, we will discuss the Kellogg Company. Thus, please return to
the site:
Find the link “”Company Site”. Click “Investor Relations”. Click on the HTML version of the “2012
Annual Report”. On the upper right, click “10-K/Financials”. This is the report that all public companies
must file with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). You will see that it’s a huge document!
Now, click, “Financial Highlights” and then “Consolidated Financial Statements”. Click on and print the
income statement; click and print the 2-year balance sheet. Print those 2 pages and bring them to class.
Also, determine the current Market Value of the company’s equity. Before doing so, do you think it’s about
the same as the book value, which is shown on the balance sheet as “Total Equity”? Here’s one way to find
the market value (or market cap): go to In the lower right hand corner, in the section called
“Markets,” type in the company’s stock symbol “K”. Hit “Get quotes” and a lot of information appears; halfway down on the left side, you will find the market cap of the equity. Why is it so different from the book
“Cartwright Lumber”. Here are the study questions:
1. Why does Mr. Cartwright have to borrow so much money to support this profitable business?
2. Do you agree with his estimate of the company’s loan requirements? How much will he need to borrow to
finance his expected growth in sales (assume a 2004 sales volume of $3.6 million)?
To calculate his financing need, you will need to project what his balance sheet would look like at the end of
2004. The amount of bank financing he will need is then the amount under "Notes payable, bank." To project
his balance sheet in 2004, assume, as he does, that his sales will be $3.6 million and then calculate other
items on your "pro-forma" financial statements as follows:
For projected income statement:
 COGS: assume constant % of sales (“constant” means the same as FY 2003)
 Operating expense: assume constant % of sales
 Interest expense: assume $40,000
 Taxes: assume constant % of pre-tax net income
For projected balance sheet:
Brandeis University BUS 10a Syllabus (Finer,Spring 2014) DRAFT 5
Cash: assume constant % of sales
Accounts receivable: assume constant % of sales
Inventory: assume constant % of sales
Property: assume constant % of sales
Notes payable, trade: zero (he wants to get rid of these supplier loans!)
Accounts payable: assume constant % of sales
Accrued expenses: assume constant % of sales
Long term debt numbers: continue to pay off $7,000 annually
Net worth: calculate by adding the 2004 net income to last year's net worth
At the start of class, I will ask several of you to put your answers (the projected I/S and balance sheet)
to question 2 on the board. (HINT: come prepared!)
“Crown Cork and Seal in 1989” Study Questions
Please read the case and the Porter article, and come prepared to discuss the following questions:
1. How well did Crown Cork do under John Connelly? What were the keys to the company’s success?
2. How attractive is the metal container industry? (Try to use Porter’s 5-forces model.)
3. What are the strategic issues that William Avery needs to consider? What strategic options are open?
“Kyocera Corporation”. The study questions are:
1. Why has Kyocera done so well?
2. What are the key elements of Kyocera's corporate culture?
3. Would Kyocera's culture work in the US?
“Taran Swan at Nickelodeon Latin America (A)” Study Questions
1. How would you describe the culture at Nickelodeon Latin America. Be specific.
2. How did Swan go about building that culture? (Consider Nickelodeon Latin America's position within its
company, its organizational design, and its culture.)
3. How would you describe Swan's leadership style? What impact has it had on the culture?
4. What are the challenges that Swan faces at the end of the case? What actions should she take? Should she
assign an interim director?
“Grupo Bimbo” Study Questions
1. How would you propose to address the challenges that Grupo Bimbo faces in Brazil? Be specific about
which actions you would take and which problems those actions would solve.
2. How would you propose to address the challenges that Grupo Bimbo faces in the US? Be specific about
which actions you would take and which problems those actions would solve.
3. Should Grupo Bimbo be going to China? Why, or why not? If Grupo Bimbo continues its expansion in
China, what (if anything) would you change about their strategy there?
“Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, Ltd” Study Questions
1. How did Teva succeed in Israel? Why did such a company emerge in Israel? How did Teva set
itself apart from its competitors in Israel?
2. As the CEO of Teva, which markets would you concentrate on developing going forward?
3. As an executive in ‘big pharma,’ what approach would you take to deal with Teva?
4. Where is Teva vulnerable going forward?
Brandeis University BUS 10a Syllabus (Finer,Spring 2014) DRAFT 5
“Ad-Lider Embalagens” Study Questions
1. What do you think was the reason for looking to develop a new product?
2. What were some of the differences in demographics from what the research showed? Are there
segmentation variables you can identify?
3. Would you introduce a new product(s)? Why/why not? And What market segment would you target
if yes.
4. Going back to the beginning of the semester: thoughts on leadership? Operations? Finance?
5. Does Ad-Lider have a market/marketing orientation?
“”Year Up” Study Questions
1. What are the biggest challenges Year Up faced?
2. Thinking of non-for-profits, what are the biggest growth challenges? Be as specific as possible.
Compare with a for-profit corporation.
3. How important is knowing the target? The mission?
4. What’s the role of a Board in a not-for-profit when it’s starting up?
“Groupon” Study Questions
1. Does Groupon have a sustainable business model?
2. How did the model change from the initial plan?
3. What do you think the profitability of the American Apparel campaign was? What are their costs, in
general? Per campaign?
4. How can they develop a barrier to other competitors?
Essay due 4/10 on Ethics on Copyright in music and video and other creative endeavors. Be prepared
to take a side in a debate.
WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT (hand in your essay at the start of class; do not email it to me)
NOTE: As an individual assignment, you may not discuss your work with anyone else.
1. In a one-page essay (single-spaced, Times New Roman, font size 11, 1” margins), argue either for or
against the following prompt: Do you think the copyright and trademark laws are fair? Why/why
not? Who wins/who loses?
This assignment is worth 5% of the final grade. There is no “right” answer; instead, I am looking for
well-reasoned and well-written essays.
Debate: Find an example of a current company that faces challenges with protecting its content or
 Search the web for a definition of trademarks and copyrights (hint: USPTO)
 What are the key challenges to companies with this type of intellectual property?
 How have these changed for the company in the last 5 or 10 years (may be shorter depending on
company’s age)?
 Do you download music, video, graphics, etc.? Think about your use. Are you adhering to copyright
and trademark law?
Brandeis University BUS 10a Syllabus (Finer,Spring 2014) DRAFT 5
Your Globalization presentations and PPT decks in class. Business attire is required for students who are
You may want to save your PowerPoint as a PDF in case you are worried about the fonts or version effect
your slides.
“Parable of the Sadhu”. This is one of the most thought-provoking cases taught in US business schools and
corporate off-sites. Study Questions
1. Why does Bowen McCoy now feel the way he does?
2. What responsibilities did he have?
3. Did he do the right thing?
4. Why did he act the way he did?