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Test Your Fraud IQ

I f you think occupational fraud and abuse can't happen at your company, think again. Fraud

is a global epidemic. In a recent study, the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE)

estimates that the typical business loses 5 percent of its revenues each year to fraud. Put

another way, this equates to $50,000 for every $1 million in annual revenues.

Part of the problem is that many owners and managers believe they're too smart to be duped by

a fraudster. But fraud awareness is often a company's first line of defense against white collar

crime. Test your fraud IQ with this 10-point quiz (the answers are below):


1. What's the most common way to catch a thief? a.

Employee tip b.

Management review c.

CPA audit d.

Accidental discovery


When a perpetrator is caught, what is

the average amount of time that lapsed

between commencement of the fraud

scheme and detection?


6 months b.

1 year c.

18 months d.

5 years

3. Which type of asset do fraudsters steal most often?


Cash b.

Accounts receivable c.

Inventory d.


4. What do you call a method of concealing receivables skimming by crediting

one account with money stolen from a different account?[11/20/2014 8:54:35 AM]


Kiting b.

Lapping c.

Swapping d.

Account substitution

5. Which of the following are examples of vendor fraud schemes that cause

companies to overpay for personnel, services and goods?


Fictitious invoices b.

Double-billing scams c.

Commingling of contracts d.

Change order abuse e.

All of the above


Who steals more from retailers?


Employees b.


7. Which of the following is a red flag that contractors are working together in a

bid-rigging scheme?


Fewer qualified bidders respond to the request than normal b.

The winning bid is unusually high c.

The losing bidders end up as subcontractors when work is

performed d.

All of the above

8. Which of the following technology snafus is least likely to result in a data



Thefts of encrypted laptops b.

Unsecured wireless networks c.

Failure to download the latest updates to network security

systems d.

Stolen passwords

9. How many firms that unearth fraud never recover a dime?


8 percent b.

38 percent c.

58 percent d.

88 percent

10. What percentage of business failures are attributed to internal fraud?


13 percent b.

33 percent[11/20/2014 8:54:35 AM]


53 percent d.

73 percent


1. a.

Tips are the most common fraud

detection method, accounting for more than

40 percent in cases reporting in the latest

ACFE study. Employees made about half of

all tips that led to the discovery of fraud in

the ACFE study. This proves that insiders

often know about co-workers' unethical

behaviors. So, it's important for

organizations to make it as easy as possible

for employees to make anonymous tips

without fear of retaliation. It's also crucial to

follow up on tips and to punish wrongdoers.

2. c.

The median duration for the fraud cases reported was 18 months,

according to the ACFE's 2014 Report to the Nations on Occupational Fraud

and Abuse .

3. a.

Cash is involved in approximately 90 percent of all misappropriation (theft)

cases. Other scams involve the misuse or theft of inventory and other noncash

assets. Common cash schemes include larceny, kiting and fraudulent


4. b.

Lapping occurs when an employee steals a remittance from Customer 1

and later covers it up by applying a payment from Customer 2 to Customer 1's

account. Customer 3's payment is posted to Customer 2's account (and so on)

until the thief repays what's been taken or gets caught.

5. e.

All of these scams are just some of the ways vendors can artificially inflate

their revenues, which, in turn, causes their customers to incur higher expenses.

Fictitious invoices are the most straightforward way to defraud customers by

sending bills for items never delivered. A slight twist is a double-billing scam in

which the vendor invoices the customer more than once for items delivered --

often under a new invoice number but using the same delivery date and line

items as the previous order's. These schemes often involve collusion between

the vendor and someone inside the victimized organization.

Commingling of contracts occurs when a supplier bills for the same expenses

under multiple contracts. To ward off these scams, managers need to carefully

review each contract to ensure the work performed isn't duplicated in another

contract. Change order abuse is a problem in construction and other industries

that use long-term contracts. Once they've won the bid, contractors may use

inflated change orders to make up for low bid prices. That's because customers

tend to scrutinize change orders less closely than the original contract.

6. a.

The ACFE estimates that 30 percent of retail losses are from shoplifters

and 70 percent of thefts are committed by employees.

7. d.

When competitors work together to secure a high priced bid, it's called bidrigging -- and it causes customers to overpay for goods and services.

Sometimes employees are involved to make sure that the fraudster isn't

underbid by an unexpected bid submission from someone outside the group of[11/20/2014 8:54:35 AM]

fraudulent bidders.

8. a.

Laptops are mobile, making it easier for employees to work from home. But

mobility also makes laptops vulnerable to theft. Encryption can substantially

reduce the risk of data breach when laptops are stolen. Encryption encodes

data, requiring users to enter special passwords and keys to gain access.

9. c.

Nearly three-fifths of companies recover none of their fraud losses.

Financial recovery takes time and effort. Many companies sweep fraud under

the rug to avoid bad press and legal fees associated with pursuing criminal

action against the perpetrator. But going after wrongdoers can help companies

recoup losses and set a powerful example to other would-be fraudsters. In the

2014 ACFE study, 14 percent of the victims fully recovered their fraud losses.

10. b. The ACFE estimates that about one-third of business failures are due to

internal fraud. Many of these failures involve small businesses, which tend to

be disproportionately affected by white collar crime and abuse. Often these

organizations don't have enough resources to absorb fraud losses and

frustrated business owners eventually close shop. Stronger fraud prevention

and prosecution efforts can help reduce losses, however.

Bonus Question: Which Industries Have the Highest

Fraud Risk?

The term "risk" has many different meanings. On one hand, risk could be

measured by the prevalence of fraud schemes. Based on this interpretation,

the ACFE's 2014 Report to the Nations on Occupational Fraud and Abuse

reports that the following industries had the highest number of reported fraud



Banking and financial services,


Government and public administration,




Health care, and



While the ACFE list demonstrates the distribution of cases in this study, it does

not necessarily mean that these industries are more at risk of fraud than others.

It could also be a sign that they're more proactive in dealing with antifraud


Another measure of risk is the likelihood that an investor or creditor will receive

a negative return on an investment in a particular industry over 12 to 18

months. Using this alternate interpretation of risk, another recent study, Top 10

Riskiest Industries of 2014-2015, published by research firm IBISWorld in

October, reports that the most risky industries are:


Appliance repair,


Recordable media manufacturing,


Cigarette and tobacco products wholesaling,


Vacuum, fan and small house appliance manufacturing,


Cigarette and tobacco manufacturing,[11/20/2014 8:54:35 AM]


Women's and girls' apparel manufacturing,


DVD, game and video rental,


Computer manufacturing,


Corn farming, and


Men's and boys' apparel manufacturing.

Many of these industries are in a state of decline or face intense competition

from global suppliers. In turn, weak financial performance and pressure to meet

stakeholder expectations could motivate employees and managers in these

high-risk industries to commit fraud.

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