From by guest on March 5, 2016. For personal use only. The By ABH antigens the are Robert present corresponding which antigens To 1gM (the labeled of H with response leled that and intrinsic of the cell intrinsic with ABO platelets binding type. with of Lewis, anti-A was from reported. antigens and to quantitate platelets. Platelets the from plasma from donors were HE To verify the A1 and donors to platelets paral- incubated but A and B were in plasma from human used. incubated from group different type I H chain, while ABO membranes are composed antigens of type platelet 57 ABH type of the individual,’4 the antigens are intrinsic (type 1 H chain) has We have wide range are The adsorption these (type 2H chain) not been delineated. examine the human platelet ABH antigens. Evaluation and the 60-minute to which used nadioimmunoassays, of antigen and antibody performed using mouse monoclonal to known to possess to the ABO red cell extent a direct anti-2H and red over nadiolabeled from various 0 platelets recovery and process studied Blood, wished to verify 3 (March), 1985: pp 6 15-619 95% of this The influenced Our consist intrinsic adsorbed by present as when ABH struc- 1 H chains. Lewis, and survival of the blood, Duke serums cells, containing lgG Region fraction caprylic prepared acid and the ABO METHODS AND were serums were anti-A or ammonium used. Blood serum sulfate.9 of HIA to antibodies exclude preparation of and irregular platelets staff members Fresh group supplied by Service. by and human An Antiserums were by standard cell blood with screened banking antibodies. as previously 0 the lgG precipitation technique’#{176} to verify red were The were Cross each from laboratories. anti-B Red from collected Center use by the microlymphocytotoxicity absence when system. Serums American was platelets involve Medical human secretor-type transfused and serums University frozen Carolinas before and presumed variability of intrinsic (2H) on platelets may affect the Collection described.” the techand Platelets antigen over a by Kelton et to confirming the group 0 platelets that occurs with B antigen. Furthermore, the elution of both A and B antigen Vol 65, No Inc. of Cells From the CA10267-16. we & Stratton, mismatches Collection of visual interpretation. In addition rate of A antigen adsorption onto assay, type antigens. on platelets passively MATERIALS ham. our of platelets the 1 8 hours. was antigens platelets 0 plasma. presumably presence and (1 H) antigens donor-recipient al,2 who used a mixed erythrocyte-platelet agglutination test. This assay is subject to a number of errors because of nonspecific cell clumping and the difficulty with and plasma. are presumably ABO, donors. The and extrinsic niques group cells, are these off within ABH to no significant acquired of donor hours “coated” platelets and from genetic group A and B platelets oven a 24-hour time period. A two-stage assay with radiolabeled mouse monoclonal anti-human lgG was used to evaluate binding of anti-A and anti-B to platelets incubated in plasma in a to which on B substances type 96 a 45% Group rapidly eluted that chains. by Grune Whole adsorbed and adsorbed antigens was assay with antibody.8 onto 2H @ 1985 platelet sensitive concentrations, subsequent elution of adsorbed time course has been studied the type secretor demonstrates previously for intrinsic of intrinsic of A antigen of A and and on with type I chain showing fi, 2 chain involving /3, 1-4 link- Although platelets antigens corresponding uptake the Lewis antigen period. original maximum for was of mouse showed There 2H their antigen which differ to adsorbed tures, readily B antigens galactose returned found intrinsic to med cell 2H chains.5 These two precursor molecules of the A and in the linkage of the subterminal N-acetyl-galactosamine, 1-3 linkage and if 0 acquires both ABEl and HLA antigens by passive adsorption from the surrounding plasma.’4 The soluble ABH antigens involved in this phenomenon presumably reside on glycolipid molecules possessing the of type incubation IgG amount a 126l-labeled incubated of anti-A. in A or B plasmas in ABO, with The A1 platelets passively study incubated CIRCULATING for level same Human platelets. When group in binding donors. to the lgG. plasma. in the of type platelets anti-human 0 the B antigens and determined during was B donors was change system donors. bound decrease of A and 0 added group F. Rosse secretor-type was dose- phenomenon assay presumed showed 0 > B > A1 > A1B> elution following group group this and 50% and Wendell or anti-B monoclonal in Platelets Knowles, antibody chain erythrocytes) W. to H substance. 2H on Human Robert remains type antibody and extent adsorbed on The curves. individuals the against found type. red or for incubated ABO previously T are B. Simpson, giving a single factor variance Fof 1 90 (P < .0005). adsorption of A antigens by platelets has been Passive from but antibody Antigens Marcus from platelets saturation #{176}h cells, on structure 1251 different Dunstan, platelets monoclonal intrinsic A. phenotype. evaluate mouse of ABH cell red these undefined. an Origin the same we have from these Departments of Pathology. Hematology-Oncology, NC. Kettering and the Cancer Supported Submitted Reprints © I 985 Duke Tissue Center. in part Jan Medicine. Medical Laboratory. Division Center. Memorial of Dur- Sloan- York. by National awarded are Typing New and University Cancer institute grant No. 5 ROl to W.F.R. 16. 1984; accepted Sept 14, 1984. not available. by Grune & Stratton, Inc. 0006-4971/85/6503--0016$03.OO/O 615 From by guest on March 5, 2016. For personal use only. 616 DUNSTAN from a donor of the Red Cross #{176}h (Buffalo, (CPD-Al) and tested lation and storage antibody within results platelets citrate 24 hours when platelets collected mixture dextrose-adenine Scientific Co, CPD-anticoagu- phthalate [Eastman optimal be collected significantly by the American of collection. cannot platelets not supplied phosphate 20 #{176}C is considered 0 one-day-old gave were in at assays Group blood group NY) in different for platelet tested immediately.’2 the same anticoagulant from those of tion of off. 0 in EDTA. Each Kodak platelet Purification and Radiolabeling of Monoclonal were calculated using r monoclonal laboratories Inc. and radiolabeled Mouse was eluted (0.1 sodium by other proteins by sodium was preserved radiolabeled monoclonal 2H Equal anti-type NaCI, and purity was were 2H The thawed anti-type for use (GVB-EDTA) 30 antibody, using on platelets, from different of platelets l) minutes was performed at with beginning of from group ABO and 500 2sI Mg/mI 2H dilutions of the at a concetration of diamine acid tetracetic at 22 #{176}C for 30 minutes. platelets a of 22 #{176}C. Anti-type doubling buffer-ethylene and incubated conducted (100 0, A,, 2 lncubations B, A,B, and #{176}h blood type donors. For the adsorption-elution was incubated for varying at room temperature. evaluated by mixing time plasma, studies group done to incubation at levels incubations. EDTA The and minutes 100 ‘25l-labeled After were the higher were pipetted platelets or 22 #{176}C gave equivalent were then After three suspension anti-human incubation separate in lgG both resuspended 400-mb more with A, results, the and microfuge and in GVBfor tubes The of 1.65 specific over bound (Figs x l0 a wide per cell” I and to cells of experiments, .0005), test differences different also 2) exposed each r, molar n is sample concen- daltons.’3 range refers and This of antigen to the binding to to lgG the of binding anti-A the reactivity paralleled phenotype gave an while analysis demonstrated in type 2H ABO types. of or anti-B of anti-type that predicted (Fig 1). SingleF value of 190 by Student-Newmanstatistically significant antigen strength The strength of on platelets the type of 2H antigen on platelets corresponds to the emythnocyte pattern ofO > B > A > A1B > #{176}h phenotypes57 and is unaffected by the Lewis and secretor type of the platelet donor. Dose-response curves with anti-type 2H against 0, A,, and B platelets demonstrate that the type 2H (Fig 2). Group structure 0 is a saturable platelets receptor incubated A on B antigen during the first with reactivity, hour and on platelets A on B plasma which increases then more slowly . 1 25 #{149} : Jo S I 30 5 in GVB100 ml of I 0 50-Mb counts. weight from back- times two-stage three of the ligand, 15 for 30 minutes. one- background IgG 2O for all or anti-B with mole of the tips or B Although washes was incubated each per cell, 5). 30 passively anti-B. three anti-A bound x C,,,r,/(n)(S,,A), is the cpm and 2H For these 22 #{176}C was used washed 200 Ml of IgG of lgG (PackFor elution had absorbed minute. was identical that anti-A with thoroughly into < B plasma in A, or B plasmas. was repeatedly temperature. final while at 37 #{176}C; therefore, ILl of platelet the 0 A, and one in cpm/m 2H antibody with platelets for red cells of the same factor analysis of variance B antigens from platelets group A, and B donors in plasma, group or buffer B substances group detectable platelets monoclonal with by incubation all incubated at room EDTA, platelets autologous 37 #{176}C and were 3 through acquire rapidly suspension of plasma A and loss of A and platelets from 0 plasma remove in I ml of soluble 0 platelets using the group cells ground and A or B antigens studies, red buffer, were acquired periods Uptake of known lewis phenotypes. was measured by suspending 0 200 Mb of platelet studies, C(,,) “molecules anti-human (P the binding at a concentration for 2H present to compare ‘25I-labeled counter concentrations.’4 In a series lgG. to platelets antibody analysis 2H antigen x 1020) is sensitive ‘251-labeled The (SDS)-PAGE. that unbound RESULTS contamination anti-human volumes in gelatin-veronal were sulfate was used antibody together dose-response mg/mb system donors. incubated labeled of type assay anti-type blood group were 5%) for molecules activity on a molecular anti-type (Figs (6.02 and ‘251-labeled Keulls the quantity (one-stage) labeled and system of to was cut with Assay To measure direct 8.0) and (PAGE). than fractions as for the monoclonal Radioimmune mol/l pooled assay centrifuga- was applied the formula: for the tube is based In the figures, was G-200 electrophoresis (less dodecyl in frozen (pH of cells correction tration - After scintillation Ill) tested, is the specific and antibody at pH (DEAE) HCI 0.15 was protein Sephadex were gel (all SA the number in distilled The TRIS on minor fluid fluid dissolved TRIS-HCI, contained of ascites buffer. mol/l Fractions polyacrylamide antibody antibody mol/b azide). where antigen8 aminoethyl same in 0.01 ascites in TRIS-HCI to a diethyl chromatography buffer mol/l purified KCI 2 ml sulfate, in the from 2H erythrocyte 60 hours applied Research after type as follows: equilibrated before determined and was (Bethesda was purified ammonium in 0.2 mol/b TRIS-NaCI 0.005 fluid at 4 #{176}C for dialysate (Fc) anti-human ascites column concentrated with described.” 1gM dialyzed The cellulose then as previously in saturated and 8.0). Md) from precipitated lgG Gaithersburg, monoclonal purified water, anti-human Grove, [Fisher the tip of the tube free gamma AL [2-ethylhexyl] a clamp and tip, bis NY]). microfuge, in the phthalate part Rochester, in a well reaction Antibodies Mouse Co. I .0 of the oil layer, Downers n-butyl and Calif) button antibody-platelet parts NJ] (Irvine, was counted Tri-carb, (1.5 lawn, in the middle anti-lgG, ard esters Fair in a Beckman the tube group phthalate ET I B Plom 580 I I I I, AG 0h Type assays, volumes containing a Fig 1 . Binding of ‘251-labeled anti-type from 0. B. A,. A,B. and 0h donors. 2H antibody to platelets From by guest on March 5, 2016. For personal use only. ABH ANTIGENS 617 ON PLATELETS 0 0 4H - 5 of Antibody Concentration Fig 2. anti-type Dose-response curves 2H antibody to platelets from one incubated activity. plasma incubated to 24 hours in 0 plasma for the binding of ‘25I-labeled from 0. B. and A, donors. (Fig 3). Group on buffer show 0 platelets no A or B their passively acquired A or B antigen within 18 hours (Fig 3). Group A on B platelets maintained in A on B plasma, respectively, show no change in A on B antigen over 24 hours, in buffer or absorbed in reactivity during but A1 or B platelets 0 plasma demonstrate the same period. incubated a decrease Most of this elution occurs in the first five hours of incubation, and by 24 hours, group A on B platelets still retain significant reactivity as compared with the essentially complete loss of antigens passively acquired on genetic group 0 platelets (Fig 4). On two occasions we have extended this incubation of group A1 platelets plasma to four days with daily changes maximum loss of 45% to 50% of A antigen in group 0 plasma (Fig 4). theme was no significant change level 2H antigen group A, platelets present (dotted line, Fig 4), as measured a one-stage nadioimmunoassay (RIA). To determine the effect of plasma donor status on the absorption of A and B antigens platelets, 24 hours donors by secretor on to 0 the platelet suspensions were incubated for in A and B plasma from known Lewis-type (Fig 5). The difference among the groups is significant when analyzed by Knuskall-Wallis test, although the difference between the Le(a+b-) and Le(a-b+) groups for A absorption is not significant when analyzed by a Wilcoxon two-sample test. The 10 in 0 two days experiments of type Fig 4. Elution of A antigen from group A,. Le (a - b + ) platelets over 96 hours with a change of plasma/buffer every 24 hours. Platelets from a group A, donors (0) were incubated in group 0 plasma (rJ). autologous group A, plasma (0), or buffer (Lu). The level of type 2H antigen on the same group A platelets is essentially unchanged over the same time period (s). of plasma. A was reached in approximately In the same in the 96 48 Time (Hours) I mg/rn)) Group 0 platelets incubated with A on B for five hours, washed three times, and then in their own original plasma lose 95% of strength I 2429 on the 8 C-) . 8 . 0 6 I2 ±4 0 B 2 --------------------------------:; Trne I Hu’ 1 I Le(c+b-) Fig 3. Adsorption of A antigen onto group 0 platelets over a 24-hour time period. Group 0 platelets were incubated in group A, Ic (a - b + ) plasma (0). autologous group 0 plasma (0), or buffer (a). Group 0 platelets incubated in group A, plasma for five hours. washed three times in buffer, and then incubated in group 0 plasma lose most of their acquired antigen (dotted line). Plasma I Le(a-b+) I Le(a-b-) Lewis Type Fig 5. Molecules of ‘25l-labeled anti-lgG bound by group 0 platelets that were exposed for 24 hours to plasma from group A (#{149}) and B (0) donors of different Lewis phenotypes and then incubated with anti-A or anti-B. From by guest on March 5, 2016. For personal use only. 618 DUNSTAN Le(a b - ) - plasma donors However, absorption status. tigen Le(a+b-)se not Le(a-b-)se > Kelton were the data suggest for Le(a-b-)Se tested for secretor antigen a pattern of A an> Le(a-b+)Se > as found previously by et al.2 present 50% to 55% 2H chains, found platelets possess to the ABO blood emythrocytes.’ These adversely affect platelets trates if group from group response to ABO and anti-B in the recipients and and secretor survival in the plasma.2 passive platelets, partly to antigen The on platelets major blood and in the donor, The by and the on the platelet type A substance studies is attached have evaluated assessed. are trans- by red cell precursors as some and perhaps all ABH antigen from inversely occur as pas- with plasma consists of H antigen serves as the strength of H the antibody has been amount Our of A or B show characterized 2 configuration assays using dose-response saturation of this that the human platelet of the ABH system. studies curves variability in strength as an inverse conversion, with H-negative (Oh) agree with those possesses of previous intnin- workers on the passive uptake of soluble A antigen, which is probably a type 1 structure.2’3 Using the sensitive RIA,’4 we have extended these observations to include the adsorption and elution of both A and B antigens on group 0 platelets, which is affected quantitatively by pletely enythrocytes is synthesized type 2 glycolipids, whereas type I glycolipid.57 Because the precursor for A and B antigens, 2H as specific for the type med cell H antigen.8 Direct the Lewis Furthermore, to the oligosacchar- the anti-type demonstrate sic antigens is the precursor H antigen and the derived A and B antigens exist either as type I or type 2 chains.5’7 In group A or B individuals, most of the A or B antigen on varies remainder demonstrati ng essentially no reactivity above assay background values. If the platelet and are assumed to be analogous with respect to of type 2H structures, then our findings be due anti-A backbone by N-acetylglucosamine. This linkage between $-D-galactose and N-acetylglucosamine occurs in two forms, a /3(1-3) linkage designated type I chain and a /3(1-4) linkage termed type 2 chain. Thus reactivity the platelets indirect med cell derivation may B substances from plasma of intrinsic A and B acquired and 2H ide passively antigens on platelets occur as type are presumably intrinsic, as when predicted ofsubstnate has not been previously group ABH antigens fl-D-galactose struc- anti-type and D-galactose (B antigen) are attached in a fl(l-3) linkage to the H determinant, which consists of fl-D-galactose with an 1-fucose at its two-carbon posiThe ABH 2 chain.57 that approximately and the function platelets. is affected the 1gM ferase-specified oligosacchanide determinants on glycoproteins or glycolipids.57 The terminal immunodeterminant sugars N-acetyl-galactosamine (A antigen) tion. ofABH which med cells, previously intrinsic can to differences of earlier of A and contributions intrinsic of transfused on donor on platelets type Although uptake the with platelet concenVariability of of immune amount of blood group A substance proportional to the amount of soluble the antigens platelets in titer of A or B antigen of A or B reactivity Lewis group patients receive A or B donons.24 incompatible to differences the 0 B antigens comeof the individual’s blood the recovery partly amount strength A and group major on cell, sively adsorbed structures, which are presumably type I H chains ofsoluble glycolipid. The mouse monoclonal DISCUSSION Human sponding on the of the fl(] -4) type study demonstrates tunes composed Our present ET AL and this secretor rapid reversible by type passive of returning the uptake the donor plasma. appears corn- platelets to their original 0 plasma, indicating the gradual loss of the acquired A substance, presumably owing to elution from the platelet into the suspending plasma. By contrast, slightly similar tion platelets from genetic A on B donors less than half their reactivity when subjected incubations, suggesting that a significant lost to por- of their A or B antigens is intrinsic to the cell. These data suggest that the ABH antigens on human platelets 2H) and extrinsic are a mixture of both (type I H) substances. the both quantity of may affect transfusions, enies and distinct patients.2’4 Further ical characterization assessment antigens adsorbed the outcome accounting and of ABO for the intrinsic (type Variations in intrinsic antigen incompatible platelet irregular initial recov- biphasic survival curves seen in some work is needed for precise biochemof platelet ABH antigens and for of the in platelet significance transfusion of intrinsic therapy. v adsorbed REFERENCES I . M#{225}jskyA: Antigenicity biol Immunol 2. Kelton blood group the plasma. 3. Lewis 58:138, JG, Hamid A substance Blood JH, A and B group of blood platelets. Current Top 4. Micro- 59:980, Draude substances. C, Aker S. Blajchman on platelets MA: is proportional Vox Sang Coatingof”0” 5:434, 1968 Effect of anticoagulant amount of in and The P blood 6. 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For personal use only. 1985 65: 615-619 The origin of ABH antigens on human platelets RA Dunstan, MB Simpson, RW Knowles and WF Rosse Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved.