THE EAST HAMPTON STAR. EAST HAMPTON. N. Y- NOVEMBER 28. 1957 Montauk Mrs. Elsa M. George. Corr. ON HONOR ROLL The following students made the Honor Roll at Montauk Public School for the first marking period: Grade I—Andrea Anastasato, Ju­ dith Sepp, Deborah Tuma, Peter J°Grade II—Sharon Kahler, Susan Stanislaw, John Kelley. Grade III—Perry B. Duryea III, Phyllis Hofmann, Charles Houseknecht, Barbara Kelley, Deborah Wolf. Grade IV—Terrie Beckwith, Mar­ jorie Riley, Nancy Tilstra. Grade V—Lynn Duryea. Grade VI—Susan Carroll, Janice Fougere. Ingrid Kissel, Elaine Mc­ Donald, Jeanette McDonald, Bruce Smith, Connie Smith, Ingrid Soderlund, Carol Stanislaw. Grade VII—Marilyn Sepp. Grade VIII — Margaret Burke, Jeanne Carroll, Judy Smith. The following had perfect at­ tendance: Grade I — Linda Lenz, Robert Hargrove, Peter Joyce, Charles Kenny, James Nicoletti, Gerhardt Ruschmeyer. Grade II— David Kenny Sharon Kohler, Nan­ cy McMahon, Donna Windsor. Grade III—Carolyn Cavella, Mary McGuire, Karen Nabor, Skip Reich­ ert. Grade IV — Terrie Beckwith, Marjorie Riley, John Schutzel, Su­ san Sharpies, William Sturtevant, Jane Walsh. Grade V—Ray Bimson, Michael Kenny, Kevin McCann, James Sweeney, Barbara Mundus, Linda Naber, Elizabeth Peterson, Elizabeth Sharpies. Grade VI — Richard Kohler, Susan Carroll, Jan­ ice Fougere, Joanne Kenny, Jean. ette McGuire. Grade VII — Louis Ferreira, Philip Lewis, Beverly Paon, Michael Nicoletti, Jeanne Carroll, Ron Blake, Judy Smith. MONTAUK BOWLING LEAGUE The Montauk Bowling League met for the fifth week on Nov. 20. The outstanding feat of the season was the high game of 874 bowled by Duryea’s Lobsterpots. In the three years of the League's existence this is the highest game bowled by any team, and in all probability will hold for the year. It will make the cmopetition hotter than ever. High game and high series for the night goes to Bob Byrnes with a 219, and high series of 521. High total pins go to Tuma's Tackier Team standings to date W Tacklers 11 Lobsterpots 8 6 Marketeers _____ Beachcombers 4 refreshments were served by Mrs. i Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schiavoni Charles Fanning and Mrs. James, have moved into their new home in North Haven. Dutton. Shaw, U. S. Air Force, sta­ Richard F. White Sr. and Rich­ tioned in Germany, and Mrs. Shaw BROWNIE NEWS Asst. District Attorney Theodore ard Jr. attended the Dartmouth vs. are parents of a son born Friday, Brownie Troop 40 comprised of R. Jaffe has just returned from San girls from Springs meets at the Antonio, Texas where he handled Princeton football game at Prince- Nov. 22nd. Chapel Parish Hall at the close of the legal procedure in the Texas Charles D. Hooper, A /lc U. S. school each Friday afternoon under Court in connection with the exAir Force, Mrs. Hooper, Edward le leadership of Mrs. Robert TalMrs. John Craft writes from of a prisoner for Suffolk >ominican Republic that the Island Loper and Larry Merritt left today lage and Mrs. Stratton Miller. A County. He made the trip by plane. i delightful and quaint, and she is to spend Thanksgiving with Mrs. ;cent project of the troop was the Margaret Loper in Washington, preparation of Thanksgiving Favors njoying it immensely. SCHREIER — TULLIUS D. C. Edward Loper Will return trays of children who Mrs. Paul Alexander Tullius of Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Francis home Sunday and the others will must remain in Southampton Hos­ Long Beach, Calif, recently anFougere for over Thanksgiving and go on to Lake City, Tenn. pital over the holiday. junced the marriage of her daugh! holidays, is Mrs. FouLast Friday afternoon twelve girls ____ ___ nt, Mrs. Catherine Boyd, ST. PETER'S FAIR GROUP of the Troop and their leaders made ■r, Iris Marie to Dr. Charles FredA group of women from St. . trip to the Hospital to deliver the ;ick Schreier of Sag Harbor, N. Y. of Medford, Mass. he ceremony was performed in Peter's Catholic Church met Thurs­ avors. They were greeted by the On Friday, Dec. 6th, at 8 p.m. the day evening to discuss winter plans lospital administrator and present- ewport, R. I., on July 2, 1957. After December 1st, the couple Rosary Altar Society will hold for next summer's fair. A number d the gifts to him with Miss Mar­ ir next monthly meeting in of handmade items were shawn. An gery Miller acting as spokesman will be at home at 85 Smythe AvMiddletown, R. I. -eation room of the Church of appeal for donations is made and it ir the group. is hoped that more women will at­ Before returning home the girls Little Flower, at which they will discuss plans for the tend the meetings. Mrs. Albert Ryan all enjoyed ice cream cones. GOLDEN WEDDING PARTY as general chairman presided. Re­ Pete Reichart assisted the On Friday evening, Nov. 22nd, Christmas holidays. freshments were served. leaders in transporting the girls to [r. and Mrs. Benjamin Wells of Capt. and Mrs. George McTurck the hospital. The following girls Bay St., Sag Harbor entertained at closed their Montauk residence FIRE LINES made the trip: Margery Miller, party in honor of the 50th on Flamingo Road, on Tuesday and Cadet David Bennett, U. S. Naval Shirley Talmage, Terry Miller, Su- wedding anniversary of Mrs. W Talmagc, Deborah Bennett, brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and left for their winter home in Say- Aviation, made an instrument flight in a T-28 plane from Pensacola, Nancy Hulse, Helen Howard, Susan Mrs. Elias Payne of East Hampton. ille, L. I. Fla. to Mobile, Ala. This completes Diamandis, Linda Rea, Mary Ann About 27 relatives and friends Miss Linda Martel celebrated his preliminary flight training. Mon­ Reichart, Diana Cote and Sue Mar- ere present. The house was beau­ 8th birthday by giving a party for day, the 25th, he was assigned to a der. tifully decorated with flowers ap­ fifteen classmates at her home on1squadron for advanced training. propriate for the occasion ar le afternoon of Thursday the 2lst. David will be home December 20th, The "Turkey Hop" planned for three-tiered wedding cake was Lively games were enjoyed by the for a two week leave. Nov. 29 in the Springs Chapel by by the bride and groom. They re­ group and prizes were won by Phyl­ Adolph Notel with the Scabecs members of the Westminster Fel­ ceived many lovely cards, flowers lis Hoffman and Eddie Keller. Re­ in Newfoundland passed a recent lowship has been postponed until and gifts. freshments were served in late aft­ test and was promoted to Builder :r the holidays. The date will be Mr. and Mrs. Payne were ernoon. Linda received many I 3rd class. Adolph will be home De­ loiinced later. ________ ed by the Rev. John Stokes on cember 18th for a 20-day leave. ly gifts. November 22, 1907, at Second Carl Creaser U. S. Army who was House, Montauk. home on leave until November 6, The Montauk Troop of Guests present were their son Scouts are getting off to a reported to Fort Dix,- N. J. From daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Rich­ start. Their first project, already be- there he was flown on November ard Payne and their daughter, Mary making lamps out of old 11th to Frankfurt, Germany. Then Mrs. Edward C. Ayles, Corr. Lou of East Hampton. Also, Mrs. .......... Anyone with some of those followed a 5-hour train ride to his Mr. and Mrs. Stanley T. Str Charles Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Har­ intriguing oddly-shaped bottles station at Liechen. Carl has been r. and Mrs. Edward Mason of Sag old Taylor and family, Mrs. Thyrza standing around is asked to assigned to the 93rd Engineers. His Harbor drove to West Hartford, Enders, of East Hampton; Mr. and tribute them. They make lovely tour of duty in Germany > Conn., yesterday to spend Thanks­ Mrs. Francis Lavinio and family, Christmas gifts. Old shades can months. Carl’s little daughter Amy giving Day and the week-end with Water Mill; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley used, and would be welcomed was 10 days old when he left for Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gould. Jacobs and family, Sag Harbor; Mr. the boys to make over, so long Germany. and Mrs. Clifford Windsor Jr. and there are usable parts. Phone Asst. Capt. Elmer Forbell of Com­ 2506, Vincent Grimes, or 2922, Craig pany No. 2 was born in Amagansett J. Howard Hand and Charles family, Mr. and Mrs. Knowles d Miss Mary Smith, MonPeele of East Hampton are on an Tuthill, Scoutmasters. I and raised in grandfather Frank automobile trip to North Carolina. Bennett's cottage on Atlantic Av­ Mrs. Taylor, sister of Mr. Payne, FORSBERG — McTURCK enue. He attended the local school and. Mrs. Smith were guests at the Capt. and Mrs. George McTurck and on November 2, 1949 married Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dankowski 'dding 50 years ago. Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Babinannounce the marriage of their Miss Dorothy Bennett. They daughter, Muriel, to Capt. Paul boys, Clifford age 6 years and ski of Bridgehampton drove to Forsberg, son of Capt. and Mrs. Carl Jeffrey 6 months. Elmer was ac­ Smyrna, Delaware, over the week­ Forsberg, The young couple were cepted in the Amagansett Fire De­ end to attend' the funeral of Stan­ larried the morning of November partment in 1951. He was assigned ley Stachecki. 20th and left immediately for F to Company No. 2 and was elected ida where Capt. Paul Forsberg Asst. Captain in April of this year. Prof. Wallace John of Hastingsa position as captain of a boat. Elmer is regarded as a very de­ on-Hudson, N. Y.. spent the week­ pendable officer and fireman. end at the Conklin' House. Capt. Carl Forsberg sailed Thursday last Fire Chief Francis Viking Star on the week-end, with R. Smith and Asst. Chief James E. Rep. and Mrs. Stuyvesant Waingood crowds aboard who brought Griffiths attended a conference of wright II and children, Laura and fine catches of cod. the East Hampton - Southampton Snowden of Washington, D. C. and Fire Chiefs Association at the Fire Stuyvesant III who attends the Capt. Gus Pitts sailed both Sat­ House in Southampton. Westminster School in Simsbury, urday and Sunday, bringing ii Thomas W. McGrail Conn., are spending a few days at nice stripers the first day and s their home on Stone Road. the next, all fish up to 35 lbs. Mrs. Clarence R. Hayward had as her guests over the weekend Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. Holdsworth Gor­ Frederick R. Rauber, David H. P. don of St. James, L. L, were at theii Magill and Fred McDonald. summer home on Town Line Road for the week-end. Capt. and Mrs. Ralph Pitts left on Wednesday of last week for an auto trip to Maine. are: L 4 6 9 10 lund D. Schaefer, we regret the EDWARD KROM i have been informed of the nission of the name, Mrs. Edmund it and sudden death of Edward D. Schaefer (formerly Mary Buck) le of the survivors. Krom of Carlstadt, N. J. who had a summer resident on Ackerly St., Sag Harbor, for the past 15 Mr. Krom had been recuperating EA ST H A M P T O N HISTORY an d 1 summer from a heart attack, but GEN E A LOG IE S o l 47 E A RLY FAM ILIES by Jeannette Edwards Rattray 619 Pages — Illustrated S10.00 a Copy At E. H. FREE LIBRABY or.E. H. STAR In the obituary, last week, of Ed- iities as Superintendent of Schools i Carlstadt, N. J. Among the survivors, besides wife, Mrs. Edward Krom, are daughters: Mrs. Frederick R. Gutekunst of Jersey City and Miss Fi es Krom of Kearney, N. J. Very Important People ...J H E S E “SK YW ATCH ERS” W E N E E D Y O U , TO O Wainscot! Your alert eyei and ears ore needed because (1) In the event of war we will be itfuck first ond hard, despile all our efforts for peace |2) The Red Air Force has the capability for long-ronge bombing P) Our miliscanning the skies, but additional information ii vital |5) Only the eyes ond ears of "Slrywolcherj" con furnish the odditionol information to complete our oir defense organization. So pick up the phone ond vol- C o n ta c t c iv il d e fe n s e : G|0|C G R O U N D OBSERVER CO RPS 50th ANNIVERSARY SALE STARTING DECEMBER 1st MONTAUK GOLF CLUB The Montauk Golf Club finished its 1957-58 season tournament Monday last, ■with Ed Pospi emerging as the winner, with Bob Fisher a good runner-up. Jack Craft won the second flight, with Bob Lcnnihan in runner-up spot. Mrs. F. Norton Griffing, Corr. Gene Haas took the beaten eight of the top bracket and Bill Cooper the Miss Judith Vorpahl with hi gradmother, Mrs. Eleanor Bangston same in the second bracket. Some good golfers who fell by left Thursday to spend ten days the wayside were Court Schenck, with relatives in York, Pa. Glenn Kissel, Frank Ward, Frank Tuma, Father Robert Ecker, Bob Heil, Dick Me Gowan, Perry Dui yea Jr., Marshall Prado, Clift Stan­ ley, Bill Fitzgerald, and A1 Retina, Mr. and Mrs. Emile Rellstab and Honors at the dinner table fol­ children Peter and Susy will spend Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. lowing the golf were taken by Cooper with a score of five lob­ Rodney Wilcox Jones in New Ro­ sters plus. No one even close. chelle. Next week, Court Schenck’: Bankers tee off against Bob Heil’ Miss Joanne Wiseman left Tues­ Brokers in a team match for the day for three months’ training at Montauk Cup. Bronx Morisania Hospital. This is affiliation with her nursing The Women’s Guild of the Mon­ course at Southampton Hospital tauk Community Church will hold where Miss Wiseman is a senior. their Annual Bazaar at the Church, on Wednesday, Dec. 4th from 2 Dr. F. A. Finch celebrated his 5 p.m. Besides the Silver Tea Table 81st birthday Thursday at which in charge of Mrs. George Sears, many friends called at his there will be a fancy goods table home to extend "happy returns." headed by Mrs. Harold Steck, fine foods and baked goods by Mrs. Mrs. Robert Reed and Mrs. Rus­ Ruth Miller, Parcel Post, grab-bag, sell Miller Sr. visited Mr. and Mrs. etc., by Mrs. C. M. Pilbro, Toy Ta­ Wilbur Bennett at Valley Stream ble by Miss Florence Sammis and week and then went on to an especial attraction for children coteaque, Va. to spend a few under the management of t Church Fellowship Group, then, 3:30 p.m. Santa surely will arrive Gifts have been made to the to delight the youngsters. A.V.I.S. to be used as prizes for door yard exhibits at Christmas The Sunday School 5th grade in Amagansett. First prize will class at the Montauk Community be $15, second prize $10 and third Church with their teacher, Mrs. prize $5. Harold Pitzl, met at the home of one of the pupils, Robert White, on Friday the 22nd, for a social and Directors of the A.V.I.S. met with Bible Study time. Class officers were elected as follows: Robert White, Friday night at which time the pro­ gram of the projects committee and President; Lynn Duryea, Vice Pres.; Linda Naber, Secretary; Faith Nico­ the budget report were approved. letti, Social Secretary; Dale Handuce Bistrian is home from rup. Treasurer, and Elizabeth Clarkson College for the holiday Sharpies, Attendance Secretary, so attending was Marjorie McTurck week-end. who left for the winter, with Mr. and Mrs. S. Fantini will spend parents, Capt. and Mrs. George Mc­ Turck, on Tuesday. Refreshments Thanksgiving with Mrs. James O. were served during the meeting Donnell in LynbrooSt. which was in the evening. Class Motto decided upon was, "We ic Strodthoff who attends BryPledge Ourselves to Read the Bible College and Donald Shaw of Daily and to Act as Christians." Providence, R. I. arrived today for holiday vacation to be guests of . A. Strodthoff and Mr. and Mrs. Montauk Fire Department Turkey /. Parsons. Raffle held last Saturday ever was a grand success. Thirty-f turkeys and eight baskets were \ by as many individuals. Watch Next Issue of this Paper for the Many Bargains to be Had Amagansett The Springs Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Beehan and children of New York are spending a few days at their home on Hedges Mrs. Ethel H. Talmage, Corr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hults and baby son were the guests of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. John Emmett en­ and Mrs. Howard Bishop at Owego, tertained at a family dinner on Sunday in honor of their uncle and N. Y. last week. aunt, Mr. and Mrs. David Christie Mrs. P. H. Morrison left last Sat­ of New York who marked their urday for a visit with her sister fiftieth wedding anniversary on that, Mrs. David Kane at Port Washing­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Christie arrived, week for a visit with Mr. ton, L. I. and Mrs. Emmett. Sharon Miller celebrated her tenth birthday with a party on Fri­ day evening, Nov. 22. Sharon’; guests included the Misses Karen “ :ton, Jane Denton, Audrey CulMrs. Ray Harris, Corr. i, Beryl Miller and Dianne Fi tag. Also Sandy -Katine, George and Mrs. Everett Aid Miller, William Maggrett and Ken­ who celebrated their 35th wedding ny Miller. iniversary on Tuesday, Nov. 19th and Mr. and Mrs. Mel Beebe who .•elebrated their 25th on Sunday, Mrs. Edwprd Millor for Sewing Club at her home last Nov. 24th, are being congratulated. Friday evening. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pidgeon left Methodist Church met in the church Tuesday to spend the Thanksgiving parlor on Monday evening. Plans made for the Christmas Sale holiday with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome and dinner to take place on SaturBenoit and family at Meriden, Conn. )y, Dec. 7th at the church. Mrs. William C. Bates left this Mr. and Mrs. Edward Anderson eek to spend the Thanksgiving are spending Thanksgiving week holiday at the home of her son-inwith their daughters and families at and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Great Neck and Garden City. James Tripp at Huntington, L. I. There will be a family dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tripp t Milbrook, N. Y. day. Mrs. Herbert Overton will spend PARENTTEACHER GROUP On Wednesday evening, Nov. 13 a meeting was held at Ashawagh Hall for the purpose of forming a DEBUT OF NEW BAND Parent - Teacher association at Decorating Com­ Springs. There was a good attend­ mittee which is headed by Frank ance with all in favor of such an C. Barry is making plans to decoassociation and resulting in its or­ e Main Street for the holidays. ganization. Mrs. Ralph Maggrett Light Up" time will be on Fri­ day, Dec. 6th, with the Sag Harbor James Dutton, secretary. A planity Band, under the diroccommittee was appointed and o f Ant ony A included Mrs. Gus Diamandis, Mi first appearance before the public. Charles Fanning, Mrs. Ralph Mag­ Also for that evening, the Round grett and Mrs. Clarence King. Table Card Party is being held for It was decided to hold regular .he benefit of the Band. meetings on the second Wednesday Charles Schreier is chairman of of each month at 8:15 p.m. at Ash­ the committee arid he and members awagh Hall to which the parents of his committee earnestly request the children of the Springs School public to support this, card par­ ty so that a substantial amount may Following the business meeting be turned over to the Band. Do Your CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Here and SAVE MONEY! A. W. BASILE & SON P h o n e S A 5-0235 W a s h in g to n S treet S a g H a rb or. N. Y . BUSINESS MEN - - be prepared for the days ahead B y p la c in g y o u r o r d e r io r le tte r h e a d s, sta tem en ts, b ill­ h e a d s , e n v e lo p e s , e tc . n o w . Is y o u r street n u m b e r o n y o u r p r e s ­ en t lette r h e a d s? O u r s ta ii o f e x p e r ie n c e d p rin ters, a n d th e a d d ition o f a n e w C h a n d le r a n d P r ic e P ress, c a n lu rn ou t fh is w o r k fo r y o u n o w e c o n o m ic a lly a n d w ith o u t d e la y . Estimates on any job, large or small, cheerfully given. East Ham pton Star 153 M A IN STREET EA st H a m p ton 4-0477