Rector’s Report The Year in Review In February, Ben and Kathy Lehman and Bill and Annette Ernst joined me as Good Shepherd’s delegates to the annual council of the Diocese of Southern Virginia in Williamsburg. In addition to council, we maintain our connection with the diocese and the wider church through my attendance at the spring and fall clergy conference at Camp Chanco, Chanco and as time allows the monthly convocation of Episcopal clergy in the Richmond area. area The diocese supports Good Shepherd by providing a variety of resources, such as the Manual for Parish Finances, and guidelines for our annual Mutual Ministry Review, Review when the vestry assesses the effectiveness of our ministry and sets goals for the coming year. Good Shepherd has also received several financial grants in recent years for roof repair and for my sabbatical. Kathy Day recently submitted a proposal for diocesan funding for our food ministry, Stop Hunger Now. Now One of the highlights of the year was our Lenten study on prayer, prayer based on the book, Kneeling with Giants. The study was accompanied by a sermon series on the Lord’s Prayer entitled Teach us to Pray and opportunities to participate in the daily office during the week. The series culminated in our Good Friday meditations on the theme of the cross.. On Maundy Thursday, Thursday we celebrated the Eucharist in the context of a fellowship meal, meal hosted by Kevin and Katherine Murray and Kevin’s mother, Donna; many remember the evening as the highlight of our Holy Week observance. We continued our tradition of inviting neighborhood churches to join us for the Shrove Tuesday pancake dinner and Mardi Gras procession, accompanied by the No BS Band, as well as our participation in the neighborhood Lenten lunches on Wednesdays. In April, your vestry met for a day of planning an orientation. We welcomed Brandon Cr Crockw ockwell and Rob Swineford. Swineford Rob’s areas of responsibility include stewardship (working with Adrienne Hymes) and policies for use of the building by outside groups. groups In addition to his responsibilities as Assistant Acolyte Master (helping Ron Welshman), Brandon is overseeing our compliance with the diocesan Safe Churches program, program a three-hour training module that is required for all who work regularly with children and young people. In June, it was a privilege to join Brandon’s family as well as Allison and Mike Starr for Brandon’s graduation from the Virginia State Trooper Academy. Youth Sunday in May was a celebration of the vibrancy of our youth fellowship and the centrality of youth to our parish life. In the late spring, I invited parents of our school-age children for a meeting to discuss Good Shepherd’s ministry to children and young families. families Thanks to our Children’s Chapel leadership team, we offer an ageappropriate Ministry of the Word on Sunday morning during the sermon. The parents group generated creative ideas for a number of new initiatives, and this year I hope to establish a regular steering committee of concerned parents who will meet with me quarterly for planning, promotion, and strategy to reach other families with school-age children. The beginning of the school year brought new challenges and opportunities in my ministry to Good Shepherd Episcopal School. School In the absence of a music teacher in the school, Francile Bilyeu graciously stepped in to provide music leadership for the weekly chapel service, which I lead with help from Head of School, Mike Woodruff. In October, we celebrated GSES Sunday with a splendid sermon by Ms. Nancy Chafin, Chafin the newest member of the school board, who invited members of the congregation to offer our gifts to serve the school community. By all accounts, the Good Shepherd Music Festival in October was one of the signal events of the year. I believe that God is calling us to use our musical resources to increase our profile in the Richmond area and to be known as a community that welcomes musicians and performances of a variety of styles. In 2014, 2014 we will likely shift to a recital series on three successive months, rather than concentrating all of our efforts on a single weekend. Pete Mathis has introduced an effective model of community outreach that I believe would work well with an annual lecture series on issues relevant to the Christian faith, establishing Good Shepherd as a forum for stimulating theological reflection on pressing contemporary issues. Joe Coalter’s class on Paul’s Epistle to the Romans on Sunday morning was Christian education at its best. His presentations took us to the heart of the epistle and invited stimulating discussion. Our Sunday morning adult series seems to be experiencing a new surge of energy, as evidenced by attendance at Chuck Coreth’s first session on Jonathan Edwards and the Religious Affections. Affections No report is complete without acknowledging significant turning points in the lives of our members. In August, Margaret Fortune passed on to larger life. We will miss her genial smile and faithful service on the altar guild. This year, we also lost Jim Simmons, Simmons a true Christian gentleman who kept a low profile but was a true disciple of our Lord Jesus Christ and a witness to the resurrection. The Rev. Tom Nöe, Nöe who was buried from the Diocese of Eastern North Carolina, where he served before retiring to Richmond, had not been able to worship with us for some time but remained connected to our Eucharistic life through the stalwart ministry of our Eucharistic visitors, visitors who take communion to the homebound every Sunday. We will miss Faye LaPrade, LaPrade who worshipped regularly until prevented by health issues. And we grieve with Nazlee Peck at the death of her husband, Powell Peck. It was a joy to welcome Sawyer Jones, Virginia Murray, and Taylor Flowers into the church through Holy Baptism and to present Sarah Swineford for confirmation. I was delighted to officiate at the weddings of Megan Hodge & Brian Sutton, Sutton both of whom were presented for confirmation last year, and of Leigh Noland and Corey Pollard. Pollard This fall, we welcomed some new members of the Good Shepherd family. We are delighted to have Brendan and Jessica Toone worshipping with us and rejoice with them at the birth of their daughter in December. Billy Reed recently transferred to Good Shepherd; we welcome him and his wife, Andrea and their four children. It is good to have Bob Skalleberg and Susan Byrd among us. Susan recently moved to Richmond from Charlottesville. And what a joy it is to have Suzanne Reamy back with us! On the occasion of Good Shepherd’s 105th parish meeting and the beginning of my eighth year as your rector, I thank God for the privilege of serving this congregation: • • • • • for our reverent, joyful worship, worship enlivened by an excellent choir, the highest quality of music, and enthusiastic congregational participation for the gift of unity: unity may we always “Maintain the unity of the Spirit” (St. Paul) for the gift of evangelism that is exercised regularly through unspectacular means, such as inviting friends to church, as well as a commitment to global mission, seen most concretely in Val Bowman’s ministry to the Zaza people of Turkey for Ann Boelzner, Boelzner who begins her 14th year as Music Director: where would we be without her splendid musicianship, conscientious leadership, and generous spirit of Christian service? for Darlene Spires, Spires who begins her seventh year as Office Administrator and who keeps the parish family connected through the bulletin, the Newsletter, the Monday morning email news blasts, and her warm and efficient running of the office. Respectfully submitted, The Rev. Dr. Ross M. Wright Senior Warden – Scott Simmons The past year has thankfully been a relatively easy one within which to serve as your Senior Warden. That is to say we have been blessed to be free from the typical crises which from time to time beset all churches, and which we have experienced in the past. We can be thankful to God for this good fortune. The end of one year and the beginning of another is a good time to reflect on what has gone well and to give thanks to those who have given of their time to make these successes possible. This report is necessarily subjective, selective and somewhat arbitrary as there are many contributions that occur behind the scenes, or at least not in my own personal view. Indeed, almost every parishioner at Good Shepherd is personally involved in one or more significant ministries. But I would like to use this last report of my time on the vestry to review what jumps out to me as some of our major strengths and successes this past year. I also want to thank some of those who, with God’s help, have made these good things possible. First, with regard to worship, three continuing strengths at Good Shepherd are 1) the quality and depth of Ross’ sermons; 2) the committed cadre of acolytes and other lay ministers; and 3) the beautiful and thoughtfully selected music we enjoy each week. All of this and the dedicated work of the Altar Guild and others combine to provide us with a dignified and moving worship experience each Sunday. There are, of course, many who are involved in these efforts, and thanks are due to all who serve in this core function of the church. Special thanks and appreciation are due our rector for his inspired sermons and overall leadership of the worship experience; to Ron Welshman for heading up the acolyte program; to Sallie Neblett, Barbara Kelley and the Altar Guild; and to Ann Boelzner for her direction of the Choir and music program at Good Shepherd. Second, our adult Christian Education program had two of its most successful programs in recent memory this past year. In the spring semester, the study of a variety of forms of prayer using the Kneeling with Giants book was wellreceived by all participating. Thanks to Joe Coalter and Ross for providing leadership for the class. In the fall, Joe Coalter led a rich and thought-provoking study of Romans. Special thanks are also due to Chuck Coreth for continuing to lead the Men’s Bible Study group as well as the current adult Christian Education based on Jonathan Edwards’s work in the area of spiritual discernment. Adult Christian Education continues to be an area of strength for the congregation. Third, the second Good Shepherd Music Festival under Pete Mathis’ direction this past fall again brought highly skilled professional musicians and superb performances to our church and the wider community. Efforts to continue this new music outreach utilizing different formats are underway. The tireless efforts of Pete and others in organizing these events complement nicely our own in-house musical gifts, and they help to showcase this strength to the community. If you were unable to attend these events (as I was in 2012) you don’t know what you are missing! Please consider supporting this important outreach with your attendance and invite others to come to Good Shepherd for these events as well. Fourth, we had a very successful stewardship campaign this past fall led by the creative efforts of Adrienne Hymes as chair. Thanks be to God for the generosity of our members. Each of us is indeed an integral piece of the puzzle that together makes up Good Shepherd. Fifth, our youth continue to benefit greatly from the active youth group led by Allison and Mike Starr and the weekly Children’s Chapel chaired by Lourdes Post. I pray that we find a way to incorporate a children’s Sunday school program that best meets the Christian formation needs of our children as they get older and that helps us to attract new families to Good Shepherd. Finally, I want to thank our vestry members for working in such a diligent and collegial manner these past three years. Unlike with some vestries at other Episcopal churches, and similar bodies in other institutions, I can sincerely say that your vestry is remarkably free of egos, turf battles and other unnecessary and counterproductive conflicts. I pray that it continues to be so. I am also thankful for the long service of Stuart Fulcher as treasurer, who spends countless hours few of us are aware of attending to church finances. Thanks to Kathy Day for taking on some of these financial tasks in addition to her great work in overseeing local outreach on the vestry. May God continue to bless each of you and our church family here at Good Shepherd. Junior Warden – Sandi Bray We had a very successful yard cleanup day. There was a large turnout, and everyone worked long past the allotted four hours. I would like to thank Jim Riddle for taking care of our grounds on a daily basis. He is largely responsible for keeping the lawn mowed and the bushes trimmed. This is not to take away any credit from our church family I see trimming the bushes so often as I drive by. To name a few: Mike Starr, Anne DeButts and Eleanor Bradford. If I have omitted anyone, it's only because I didn't see them as I drive by. I mention this because nobody is asking these people to do any trimming. They treat the church as they would their own home, and this is one of those things making it very worthwhile to be the Junior Warden. Mixed emotions. Our lovely magnolia tree had to be cut down. This tree had beautiful large, glossy leaves, and the Altar Guild used them in flower arranging. Those large leaves were clogging the scuppers on the side of the school building. We were very fortunate that the roots did not interfere with any of our pipes underground. We also had four stumps ground at the same time. We found a leak in the choir room closet. We thought the problem would be solved by putting in a new closet ceiling and fixing some flashing on the roof. The problem was not solved at that point, so we had to replace the roof, the fascia board and the gutters. We also had to replace most of a ceiling beam in the choir room, because of the same leak. Alma's friend donated 100 used chairs to the church replacing the lovely (?) metal fold up chairs we were currently using. Many thanks to Sue and Cortes Pauls and Alma for transporting all of these chairs to the church. Once again, the ladies of the church came to the rescue by putting in their time cleaning all of these chairs. This was a very time consuming chore, but there was not a complaint to be heard. The last task to be completed was the Parish Hall window frame that sustained some water damage. Thankfully, the window did not need to be removed and the damage did not extend much beyond a small area of the sash. I would be remiss if I didn't mention how helpful Darlene is to me. She has been my "go to gal" for any information on what I should know, need to know or have forgotten. Treasurer – Stuart Fulcher This is my seventh and final budget as I am handing over the baton to Kathy Day who has graciously accepted the role as Good Shepherd’s new Treasurer. It was once again a solid year financially as we exceeded the estimated pledged income for the second year in a row. This is once again a result of your gracious monetary giving and I hope and pray this will continue as we enter into 2014. We continue to have ongoing refurbishments within the church walls but this is to be expected with a building that exceeds 100 years old. Sandi Bray continues to do a fabulous job in keeping up with the repairs and upgrades needed to worship. We will continue to explore options for the church insurance plans and other expense items that will help reduce overhead exposure. Our general checking account (where we pay our bills and salaries from) and endowment accounts remain strong. We received a sizeable financial gift from Edna Boothe who passed away in 2011 and this will help with reinforcing the aforementioned accounts along with being able to complete the organ repair project that will be taking place this summer. We continue to work financially with the school as we are in the middle of our 5 year lease. Our small little church continues to grow and prosper as we have received 50 pledge cards totaling close to $134,000 for 2014. In comparison at this time last year, we had 44 pledges; this is not to be taken lightly for a church our size. As always, I can supply you with copies of the 2013 Profit and Loss report that shows the breakdown in income and expense line items; this report shows where our income is received from (pledges, school, loose plate offerings, gifts, etc) and where the expenses are paid (utilities, repairs, insurance, salaries, diocesan pledge, Christian education, etc.). It is with mixed emotions that I relinquish the role of being your Treasurer after seven years. While I will enjoy the break, I will certainly miss the daily involvement and interaction that is required to make the church operate. I will certainly be working side by side with Kathy in 2014 as she enters into the world of church finances and I ask that you give her your complete support. 2014 Budget Budget Pledge Gifts $133,200 (50 pledges) Non Pledged Gifts $8,000 School $46,800 Special Revenue $8,000 _________ $196,000 Buildings & Grounds ---Utilities, First Market, Repairs, Insurance, Sexton $72,000 Office Operation ---Supplies, Verizon, Postage, Credit Card, Miscellaneous $9,000 Staff ---Three salaries, Church Pension Fund, Reimbursements $99,500 Music ---Supply Organist, Continuing Education, Musicians $5,000 Diocesan ---Pledge, Annual Council, Convocation, Conferences $7,000 Worship ---Acolytes/Youth, Church Resources, Supply Clergy, $1,000 Christian Education ---Classes, Training, Lent, Stewardship, Children’s Chapel $1,500 Outreach/Christian Community ---Freedom House, Retreats, Suppers, Picnics, Supplies $1,000 _________ $196,000.00 *A full breakdown of the budget and line items for each category along with memorial, endowment and other special revenue statements are available. A copy of the 2013 Profit and Loss report is also available. Please see Stuart R. Fulcher or Kathy Day for more information. Trustee Report – Anne deButts Trustees: Ben Lehman, Anne deButts The Endowment Account totaled $142,380 on December 31, 2013 following a $10,000 cash withdrawal during the year to help cover operating expenses of the church. The account totaled $138,984 at year end 2012. Securities in the account in 2013 appreciated in value by $9,755 and dividends on common and preferred stocks totaled $3,779 for the year. The total return on U.S. equities in 2013 was 21%. International equity funds returned 17% and the value of our preferred stocks remained the same but yielded 7% from their dividends. Cash in the account declined due to the withdrawal and yielded only $4.24 interest. Portfolio breakdown: Money market U.S. equities International equities Preferred Stocks $39,058 18,803 58,559 25,960 $142,380 27% of total 14 41 18 100% The portfolio remains invested with the goal of capital preservation and appreciation through investments in dividend paying common stocks with potential for growth and preferred stocks of strong domestic companies. Children’s Children’s Chapel – Lourdes Post The Children’s Chapel focuses on establishing and nurturing an age-appropriate understanding of our Christian faith through a combination of Bible stories, scripture, and prayer. All children between the ages of 5 – 8 are welcome and encouraged to attend. Mission Statement: The Good Shepherd Children’s Chapel motto is the Parish motto, "To Know Christ and To Make Him Known." The Children’s Chapel seeks to provide a basic understanding of Christian faith and to instill the discipline of Christian responsibility and respect towards God, family, church, and community. The maximum attendance for a single class in 2013 was 10 children, to include 2 visitors with the estimated average weekly attendance to be between 3-4. Report of Activities for 2013 The Children’s Chapel underwent a change in 2013 and adopted the following structure/process: The leadership is shared by all teachers. Each month, one teacher will serve as the Point of Contact for Ross or Darlene; the final schedule will be submitted to Darlene. Monthly Leads: Lourdes Post, Pete Mathis, Julie Yartz and Ashley Houghtaling. Kathy Lehman and Lana Allen are substitutes. Each month the Monthly Lead creates a general plan for the month that they are scheduled and communicates this to the group. However, final determination is made by the instructor teaching that Sunday, which should be communicated back to the Lead as a courtesy. In general, the focus is on prayer and bible stories all geared toward 5 – 8 year olds. As a church we follow we follow the readings as prescribed by Revised Common Lectionary, but Ross Wright has final discretion about what will be used for the Eucharistic Service. Currently, we follow The Lectionary Page or the bulletin and choose a lesson and children’s story from the scriptures listed. Class Structure: Opening Prayer, Bible Story and Corresponding Verse, Activity, Lord’s Prayer New families are escorted to the library by the Greeters. Outreach - Kathy Day As, I complete my final year of service on the vestry, It has been another amazing year for community and global outreach for Good Shepherd. Our outreach ministry provides an opportunity for parishioners to help those in need in our local community and beyond. Throughout the year, various outreach opportunities are introduced to our congregation to raise awareness of needs in local and global communities. I want to thank our volunteers for your concern for individuals and families who are struggling every day to need their basic needs. Let’s reflect on outreach events Good Shepherd’s congregation participated in 2013. These are some of the events, I helped coordinate with the help of many volunteers. Make a difference by getting involved with our outreach opportunities. • • • • • Caritas- prepared and served meals to 35 homeless men. Church Hill games-Blue Sky Fund. Westover Hill Elementary Carnival Stop Hunger Now Feeding Program-SHN organization has coordinated the distribution of food and other lifesaving aid to children and families in countries all over the world. Collected food/hygiene supplies to help stock local high schools pantries.. Other outreach ministries supported by our church. Outreach and missions • Change the World RVA – helping local high school students w/ housing instability • Zazas people missions • CHAT • Central Virginia Food Bank • Community Shelter Meals (formerly Freedom House): prepare bagged lunches monthly and dinner 5 times a year for the shelter. • St. Monica’s Guild: open to all women of the church; service group, both inside and outside church. • Anglican Frontier Mission [or: Overseas Mission]: education of the congregation about mission opportunities; sponsoring projects and support. • Pregnancy Resource Center - we provide donations of new baby items and maternity clothes Check out WISHES on Facebook. acebook This Facebook page provides support for homeless high school students in Richmond, Virginia. Many of these homeless high students are working hard in school to change their circumstances. Maybe you can help fulfill a student’s need listed on WISHES. Music Director – Ann Boelzner THANK YOU! to our wonderful choir for your hard work and faithfulness: Sandi Bray, Maggie Southwick, Tricia Vesely, Vikki Curtis, Jane Hardin, Kelly Smith, Lillian Day, David Boelzner, Stuart Fulcher, Ron Welshman, Keith Ashley, Rick Curtis, Dick Hickman, Ben Lehman, Cortes Pauls, and Walter Welshman. to Pete Mathis for filling in at the organ several Sundays in 2013, and for organizing another successful music festival. to Cheryl Van Ornam, Marina Chavez, and Rebecca Boelzner for performing recitals at Good Shepherd in 2013. to Francile Bilyeu for playing flute in many services. to the bluegrass musicians for continuing the Bluegrass Sunday tradition. to all of you who sing enthusiastically in the pews each Sunday. St. Monica’s Guild – Kathy Lehman The Episcopal Church Women of Good Shepherd have completed another successful year. The ECW prayer opens, “Almighty God, we pray that you will bless our work in mission and ministry in the world.” We have continued to focus on that mission. On January 19, 2013 we began the year providing lunch for 50 Lay Health Care Providers at Crossover Ministries. Many members of the Parish donated time and talents to bake and serve this meal. We made palm crosses for Palm Sunday for our Parish and to share with other ministries in local hospitals. We distributed and collected envelopes for the spring UTO (United Thank Offering) ingathering. In May our altar guild chair presented second “hands on” program in flower arranging open to all members of the parish. Our annual June supper at Positive Vibe Café was well attended by active and alumni of the chapter. August 10 we held a successful yard sale and raised over $2,000 to fund our charities for the next two years. We have given $832.00 since September to 17 charities including $100 to Philippine Disaster relief. In September we manned an information table outside the church the day of the 43rd Street Festival. In October we provided lunches for the Caritas group at Bethany Church. We have helped organize and serve receptions following special services and events throughout the year including the Music Festival held at Good Shepherd October 4-6. We collected items for the youth Thanksgiving baskets and the homeless high school students in the area. We set up an angel tree for Christmas and organized giving for a family at Good Samaritan Inn as well as the homeless youth in the area. Missions to the Zazas – Val Bowman This has been an exciting year of breakthroughs to the Northern Zazas. After ten years of Dr. K and Ryan traveling to villages with dental, eye, and medical clinics, we are being welcomed and received as friends. In the midst of these medical mercies, they have been able to share the gospel. The suspicions and rumors seem to be ceasing and even the governors and mayors are giving permissions for them to come. While they visit, they are now able to do bible studies and have had several worship services. Other surrounding villages are asking them to come, as they are longing for the hope they are seeing where are workers go. We continue to deal with the government in relocating Dr. K to the east. He has to pass another exam in April. The travel takes much time and financial resources away from his ministry. We hope that this situation will change during this upcoming year. The needs continue to be great. Each time Dr. K goes to the villages, he buys medicines for those he sees that are in need. We continue to explore the rebuilding of a house in the village that belongs to his family. That would give him a place to stay in the village and be a meeting place for those who desire to study God’s Word. We are planning to do more team trips and perhaps do some camps and activities for the children. There are several churches that are partnering in the work to the Zazas. Grace Anglican in Pittsburg, through their children, was able to raise funds for a Zaza church leader in Istanbul to come to the US and be with them. Other churches in Texas and Alabama have provided teams to bring eye and dental clinics. First Baptist Montgomery in Alabama hosted our Zaza Alliance meeting this year as we made strategic plans and put structures in place to make disciples among the Zazas were are now reaching. Funds were raised to bring text books to 50 students who are preparing to study for university exams. In the midst of persecution we are seeing Jesus’ message of peace and hope revealed in amazing ways. Many Christian workers are being requested to leave the country which creates voids in the furtherance of our work. Pray that new believers and house churches will be bold in bringing the gospel message to their own nation. We have engaged a number of churches and individuals who are praying for the Zazas. The power of prayer is the vitality of our mission work there. Please continue to hold the Zazas and those who work with them in your prayers. Pray for my preparations for a return trip in May. Pray for good reconnections with conversation partners who are sub-governors to provinces in Turkey. Pray that I can continue to build stronger relationships with Turks and church leaders in Istanbul and Izmir. Pray that I can gather teams for camps and prayer walking trips so that more workers can be involved in reaching southern and eastern Zazas. Altar Guild – Sallie Neblett & Barbara Kelley The primary purpose of the Altar Guild is to prepare for celebrations of Holy Eucharist and other sacraments of the church. We can continue our duties with grace if we, as in the past, are fortunate enough to receive gifts and memorials for loved ones. We rely on these contributions to continue our purpose. We are happy to report at this time we are solvent. We want to welcome Ashley Houghtaling and Maggie Southwick to our team and also welcome back Donna Sumner-Tuimavana who is back from Italy. With the helping hands of all our team members we can continue the Altar Guild ministry. We welcome new members; please contact us if you are interested. We have several Sundays available for you to contribute flowers for $25.00; contact Eleanor Bradford. Fellowship & Youth – Allison & Mike Starr Thank you to all of our church family for your generous and wonderful support of the youth group!!! Because of everyone’s participation and support we continue to grow and improve the church life for our youth. Here are just a few of things we have done this past year. Youth Events: Undecorated Christmas tree Community House lunches made and delivered Laser Tag Easter egg hunt preparation Easter brunch table & chair set up Youth Sunday Stop Hunger Now Quarterback Sundays Leaf raking Food drive for the Central VA Food Bank – collected 112 pounds Decorate the church Christmas tree & cards to soldiers Pageant practice Christmas Mother shopping Wrap gifts for tree Christmas Pageant & cast party Undecorated Christmas tree OnOn-going Missions & Projects: Change the World RVA - Homeless high school students Community Shelter preparation & delivery Leaf raking Stop Hunger Now 2013 2013 Parish Register Worship Services: Holy Eucharist Weekends: 46 Weekdays: 2 Private Eucharists: 83 Morning Prayer: 97 Evening Prayer: 9 Sunday Attendance: Average Sunday: 62 Easter: 102 Christmas: 96 Baptisms Sawyer Jones Virginia Murray Taylor Flowers Confirmations Sarah Swineford Weddings Megan Hodge & Brian Sutton Leigh Noland & Corey Pollard Burials Jim Simmons Margaret Fortune Transfers In Cortes Pauls Susan Pauls William Reed Transfers Out Timothy Williams