Fulfilling Regulatory Requirements for Postmarketing Submissions of Interactive Promotional Media for Prescription Human and Animal Drugs and Biologics Barbara Chong, Pharm.D. Office of Prescription Drug Promotion Center for Drug Evaluation and Research Food and Drug Administration September 29, 2014 Outline • Describe FDA’s current thinking about how firms can fulfill the regulatory requirements for postmarketing submissions of interactive promotional media for their FDA-approved drug products • Discuss the factors taken into consideration to determine if product communications using interactive technologies are subject to FDA’s postmarketing submission requirements • Provide FDA’s recommendations for submitting interactive promotional materials 2 Definitions • Interactive promotional media includes modern tools and technologies that often allow for real-time communications and interactions (e.g., blogs, microblogs, social networking sites, online communities, and live podcasts) that firms use to promote their drugs • Drugs include prescription human and animal drug and biological products 3 Factors in Determining Postmarketing Submission Requirements for Interactive Promotional Media • Agency considers whether the firm, or anyone acting on its behalf, is influencing or controlling the promotional activity or communication • A firm is responsible for product promotional communications on sites that are owned, controlled, created, influenced, or operated by, or on behalf of, the firm • Responsible if the firm collaborates on or has editorial, preview, or review privilege over the content 4 Factors in Determining Postmarketing Submission Requirements for Interactive Promotional Media • Under certain circumstances, a firm is responsible for promotion on third-party sites – Responsible if a firm has any control or influence on the third-party site – Responsible if a firm collaborates, or has editorial, preview, or review privilege – Responsible if a firm influences the placement of its promotion within the thirdparty site 5 Factors in Determining Postmarketing Submission Requirements for Interactive Promotional Media • A firm is not responsible if it only provides financial support (e.g., through an unrestricted educational grant) and has no control or influence on the third-party site 6 Factors in Determining Postmarketing Submission Requirements for Interactive Promotional Media • A firm is responsible for the content generated by an employee or agent who is acting on behalf of the firm to promote the firm’s product • FDA’s regulation of prescription drug product promotion extends both to promotional activities that are carried out by the firm itself, and to promotion conducted on the firm’s behalf 7 Factors in Determining Postmarketing Submission Requirements for Interactive Promotional Media • For example, if an employee or agent of a firm, such as a medical science liaison or paid speaker (e.g., a key opinion leader) acting on the firm’s behalf, comments on a third-party site about the firm’s product, the firm is responsible for the content its employee or agent provides 8 Factors in Determining Postmarketing Submission Requirements for Interactive Promotional Media • A firm generally is not responsible for UGC that is truly independent of the firm (i.e., is not produced by, or on behalf of, or prompted by the firm in any particular) • FDA will not ordinarily view UGC on firmowned or firm-controlled venues as promotional content on behalf of the firm as long as the user has no affiliation with the firm and the firm had no influence on the UGC 9 Recommendations • FDA recommends that a firm be transparent in disclosing its involvement on a site by clearly identifying the content and communications of its employees or agents acting on behalf of the firm – This could be achieved by inclusion of the firm's identifier (e.g., name or logo) as part of the communication 10 Submission of Sites for Which a Firm is Responsible • At the time of initial display, submit in its entirety all sites for which a firm is responsible on Form FDA 2253 or Form FDA 2301 – Submit the comprehensive static product website with the addition of the interactive or real-time components • Include annotations to describe the parts that are interactive and allow for real-time communications 11 Submission of Sites for Which a Firm is Responsible • Any subsequent changes should be annotated and resubmitted at the time of initial display (i.e., resubmission) • Provide a cross-reference by noting the submission date of the most recent version of the site in the comments section of the form 12 Submission of Sites for Which a Firm is Responsible • After the initial submission or resubmission, if the site is non-restricted and remains unchanged other than displaying real-time information, the firm can submit a monthly updated listing of the site that does not include screenshots or other visual representations of the actual interactive or real-time communication 13 Submission of Third-Party Sites in Which a Firm’s Participation is Limited to Interactive Communications • Submit the home page of the third-party site, along with the interactive page within the third-party site and the firm’s first communication at the time of initial display 14 Submission of Third-Party Sites in Which a Firm’s Participation is Limited to Interactive Communications • After the initial submission, if the firm remains an active participant on the thirdparty site, and that site is non-restricted, the firm can submit a monthly updated listing of the site that does not include screenshots or other visual representations of the actual interactive or real-time communication 15 Recommendations for Monthly Updates for Non-Restricted Sites • Once every month, submit an updated listing of all non-restricted sites for which firm is responsible or in which it remains an active participant and that include interactive or real-time communications • Multiple sites and the corresponding documents can be submitted with a single Form FDA 2253 or Form FDA 2301 16 Recommendations for Monthly Updates for Non-Restricted Sites • Include a separate document for each site which includes: – Site name – URL – Date range – Cross-reference to the date of the most recent submission of the site 17 Recommendations for Monthly Updates for Non-Restricted Sites • Screenshots or other visual representations of the actual interactive or real-time communications need not be submitted with the monthly updates if the site is non-restricted 18 Recommendations for Monthly Updates for Restricted Sites • If a site has restricted access (e.g., is password protected or a subscription is required) submit all content related to the discussion to adequately provide context to facilitate the review • Screenshots or other visual representations of the actual site, including the interactive or real-time communications, should be submitted monthly on Form FDA 2253 or Form FDA 2301 19