Course Outline: MATH 110

University of Saskatchewan
Department of Mathematics
& Statistics
Course Outline
Math 110.3 Calculus I
Lectures Monday
January to April 2010
12:00 – 2:50 p.m.
Dr. Michael Szafron 1
Calendar Description: Introduction to derivatives, limits, techniques of differentiation, maximum and minimum problems
and other applications, implicit differentiation, anti-derivatives.
Prerequisite: MATH B30 and C30, or ALG 30 and GEO-TRIG 30
Enhanced WebAssign (henceforth, EWA): The common Math 110 course website is on EWA, an online course management
system: Go there to find all basic information about the course: this document, absence
policy, re-grading policy, etc. Announcements, homework assignments, practice tests, and solutions to midterm tests will also
be posted there. Under “Grades”, you will be able to check your marks throughout the semester. Under “Communications”, you
can post your questions and exchange ideas about the course with your fellow classmates. We will Email out a separate
document to all registered students of Math 110 on how to access EWA.
Textbook: MATH 110: Calculus I, University of Saskatchewan Custom Edition of Chapters 1 through 4 of James
Stewart’s Calculus: Early Transcendentals Single Variable, 6th edition. Students who intend to continue on to MATH 116 may
want to purchase the full version of James Stewart’s text mentioned above. Make sure you obtain a WebAssign Student Access
Code that comes on a coupon that is bundled with the Custom Edition. This access code is needed for accessing EWA and the
online version of Stewart’s text.
Grading: Your grade will be computed as follows:
Weekly Homework Assignments (on EWA): 15%, Midterm 1: 15%, Midterm 2: 15%, Comprehensive Final Exam: 55%
Laboratory: Lab attendance is required. Ten labs have been planned. These lab periods are structured to help prepare the
student for the corresponding graded homework sets given online nearly every week (see the paragraph on Homework below).
Students are NOT permitted to attend another lab section for which they are not registered. Please refer to the bottom of page 2
for lab dates and scheduled lab topics.
Homework: Ten graded homework assignments are planned on EWA, one per week. These will be assigned normally on a
Friday, and due in 7 days (see bottom of page 2). In addition to the online graded homework, the homework sets specifically
assigned on page two of this document are compulsory, but those will neither be handed in nor marked. To fully master the
material, the student should do more problems than just those assigned. Please see a separate document on how to access EWA.
Midterm Tests: Midterm 1: Tuesday, Feb 9, Midterm 2: Tuesday, Mar 16 No books, notes, or calculators are allowed during
examinations. Students must bring their student ID card (or driver’s licence) to all graded activities and labs.
Absences: Do not wait till the last five minutes or seconds to submit your online assignment. The cutoff time will be 5:30PM
sharp on the due date as determined by the computer clock on Enhanced WebAssign, not on your own personal computer. If
you miss a graded assignment or a midterm test for legitimate reasons, you must provide your instructor (Michael Szafron) with
verifiable documentation for absence approval. You will be asked to fill out a short form at one of their offices. Upon approval,
the weight of the missed midterm may be added to the weight of your final examination. For details, please read the document
titled Absence Policy in the Math 110 course website on EWA.
Academic Integrity: The University of Saskatchewan values academic integrity. Therefore all students must understand the
meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Code of Student Conduct and
Disciplinary Procedures at “”.
Math Help Centre: There is a Math Help Centre in Murray Building Room 144. Its hours of operation are normally posted on
the following page: or
To communicate with the instructor outside of the classroom, please email him at this address. If the instructor deems a
response is warranted, he will respond to your email within two business days (starting once he reads your message).
MATH 110.3 (2009-2010 Term 2)
Lecture and Lab Schedule for MWF lecture sections (subject to change)
Jan 4 – Jan 8
Jan 11 – Jan 15
Jan 18 – Jan 22
Jan 25 – Jan 29
Feb 1 – Feb 5
App. A
App. B
App. D
Numbers, Inequalities, Absolute Values
Coordinate Geometry & Lines
Homework Exercises
App A: 7 8 9 11 17 19 25 43 45 46 49 51 55
App B: 5 9 15 23 25 29 35 41 51 59
App D: 1 3 9 13 19 23 27 29 51 55 59 69 73
Four Ways to Represent a Function
New Functions from Old Functions
Exponential Functions
1.1: 1 21 23 25 27 28 31 35 39 43 45 49 51 53 56 57 63 67
1.3: 5 7 13 15 17 19 21 31 33 35 39 43 47 53 55 63
1.5: 7 9 11 13 15 17 18 19 21 29
Inverse Functions & Logarithms
Inverse Functions & Logarithms
The Tangent & Velocity Problems
The Limit of a Function
Calculating Limits Using Limit Laws
Calculating Limits Using Limit Laws
Limits at Infinity, Horiz. Asymptotes
1.6: 7 17 23 24 25 35 49 50 (continued …)
1.6: (…continued) 51 59 60 61 63 65 67
2.1: 1 3a(ii) 3b 5 7 9a
2.2: 1 2 3 5 7 9 12 15 17 21 23 25 27 29 33ab 40
2.3: 1 5 6 7 9 11 13 17 18 19 21 25 29 (continued …)
2.3: (…continued) 33 35 37 39 40 43 47 61
2.5: 3 9 10 20 23 24 27 33 (continued…)
2.5: (… continued) 38 39 41 45 47 49 51a 65
2.6: 3 7 15 19 20 23 42 43 47 50 51 53a 58
Feb 8 – Feb 12
Derivatives & Rates of Change
The Derivative as a Function
Derivatives of Polynomials & Exponentials
2.7: 3 5 6 7 9 11 13 14 15 17 19 21 27 29 31 33 35 37 41
2.8: 1 5 6 7 9 11 22 23 24 25 31 41 43 45 49 51
3.1: 5 7 8 11 13 15 17 19 23 24 31 51 52 65 73 MT1: Feb 9
Feb 15 – Feb 19
Feb 22 – Feb 26
The Product & Quotient Rules
Derivatives of Trig Functions
The Chain Rule
3.2: 3 5 7 9 15 18 21 29 31 33 39 41 43 46 51
3.3: 6 7 9 11 13 18 21 24 33 39 41 44 45 51
3.4: 7 8 11 15 16 19 23 27 28 31 33 49 (continued…)
Mar 1 – Mar 5
Mar 8 – Mar 12
Mar 15 – Mar 19
The Chain Rule
Implicit Differentiation
Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions
Related Rates
Linear Approximation & Differentials
Maximum & Minimum Values
Maximum & Minimum Values
The Mean Value Theorem
The Mean Value Theorem
Mar 22 – Mar 26
How Derivatives Affect the ...
... Shape of a Graph
Summary of Curve Sketching
3.4: (… continued) 54 61 73 75 82 83
3.5: 3 9 13 17 18 21 28 29 46 49 51 53 63
3.6: 5 9 13 17 20 26 27 33 37 45 53 54
3.9: 3 5 9 11 13 14 17 19 21 25 27 31 33 35 41
3.10: 2 3 4 15 16 19 25 28 33 35 36
4.1: 3 7 33 37 39 40 41 (continued…)
4.1: (…continued) 57 59 60 63 73
4.2: 4 5 11 12 13 15 17 18 (continued…)
4.2: (…continued) 20 23 25 31 33 35
MT2: Mar 16
4.3: 1 7 11 13 17 18 25 (continued…)
4.3: (…continued) 34 35 39 43 45 47
4.5: 3 11 18 19 25 31 36 37 41 51
Mar 29 – Apr 2
Apr 5 – Apr 7
Optimization Problems
Optimization Problems
4.7: 3 6 15 17 19 23 27 (continued…)
4.7: (… continued) 30 32 33 35 43 63 66 68 69
Apr 2 is Good Friday. University closed.
4.9: 3 12 31 39 42 47 49 53 59 61 63 71 73
Week of Jan 11
Week of Jan 18
Appendices A, B, D
Lab 1 & Graded HW 1*
Lab 2 & Graded HW 2
Week of Jan 25
Lab 3 & Graded HW 3
Sec 1.6, 2.1, 2.2
Week of Feb 1
Lab 4 & Graded HW 4
Sec 2.3, 2.5
Week of
Feb 8
Midterm 1 on Tue Feb 9 covers App A through
Sec 2.6. No labs this week.
Week of Jan 4
February Midterm Break
Week of Mar 1
Week of Mar 8
Lab 6 & Graded HW 6
Lab 7 & Graded HW 7
Week of
Mar 15
Midterm 2 on Tue Mar 16 covers Sec 2.7 through Sec
3.9. No labs this week.
App A,B,D, Sec 1.1
Sec 1.3, 1.5, 1.6
Week of Mar 22
Week of Feb 22
Lab 5 & Graded HW 5
Sec 3.2, 3.3, 3.4
Sec 3.5, 3.6, 3.9
Sec 2.7, 2.8, 3.1
Mar 24:
Lab 8 & Graded HW 8
Sec 3.10, 4.1
An ungraded assignment on Sec 4.5 will be released
online on our course site on Enhanced WebAssign.
Week of Mar 29
Lab 9 & Graded HW 9
Sec 4.2, 4.3
Week of Apr 05
Lab 10 (Sec 4.5 and 4.7), Graded HW 10 (Sec 4.7, 4.9)
*Graded HW means “graded homework”. These graded homework assignments are normally released on a Friday about 5:30PM on our course site on Enhanced
WebAssign (EWA), and is usually due in seven days. Students are responsible for keeping track of assignment release dates and due dates on the Math 110 site on EWA.