PetroPhase PetroPhase INN OV A T IV E E OS M ODE L IN G F OR R E SE R V OIR SIM U L A T ION A N D EO R F E ATU R E S: BEN EFI T S : E O S MO D E L INP UT DATA F ROM DIF F ERENT SO UR C E S W ITH USE R OPT IONS EA S Y A ND INT U IT IVE INPU T A N D CHA RA CT ERIZAT ION T OOL S SIMULATIO N O F D IFF ERENT PV T EXPERIMENT S FA S T A ND A CCU RAT E S IMU L AT I ON R ESU LTS C HARAC TE RIZ ATIO N OF HYDROCA RBON HE AVY E ND S W ITH DIF F ERENT MODEL S A ND C O R R E LATIO NS PROVIDES A CCU RAT E CHA RA CT ER IZATION F OR HEAVY COMPONENT S R E P O RTING SE NSITIVIT Y OF REGRES S ION PARAME TE RS FO R TUNING EOS HAND LE FLO W ASSURA NCE F OR WA XY OIL S AND ASP HALTE NE P RECIPITAT ION A L L OWS F OR ENHA NCED EOS TU N IN G FA CIL ITAT ES T HE DES IGN OF F L OW STR EA M IN MU LT I-S TA GE S EPA RAT OR OU T PU T S EOS F IL ES T HAT A RE FU LLY COMPAT IBL E WIT H RES ERV OIR S IM U LATOR S PetroPhase is a Windows-based, state-of-the-art PVT phase package. Using a generalized three-parameter equation of state (EOS), PetroPhase can simulate laboratory experiments, characterize hydrocarbon components, match PVT data, investigate miscibility, facilitate the optimization of separator trains, and prepare PVT input data for black oil and compositional simulators. PetroPhase provides a simple and efficient user interface to input, validate, and save data. Its robust calculation engine provides reliable simulation, characterization, and regression results. PetroPhase also exports to Excel to streamline reporting and analysis. EOS Data Input Characterization Input data in different units Automatic initial characterization option Utilize Peng-Robinson or SRK EOS options Use different distribution models (modified Access component properties from a database, characterization analysis, or user input Determine binary interaction parameters from a database, user input, or different correlations Select volume shift parameters for PR or SRK EOS automatically Combine data from multiple feed compositions Use user-specified reference conditions Import EOS models from industry standard simulators Whitson’s method as default) Extend fluid analysis interactively using different procedures Select pseudo-component groups and different lumping schemes automatically Calculate component properties with different correlations PetroPhase PVT Experiment Simulation Unlimited number of experiments Multi-stage separator test (SEP) Constant composition expansion (CCE) Multi-contact test (MCT) Constant volume depletion (CVD) Wax precipitation Differential liberation expansion (DLE) Asphaltene precipitation Saturation pressure (SAT) Vapor-liquid two-phase flash (VLE) Minimum miscibility pressure or enrichment Multi-phase flash compositional grading (MMP/MME) for different drive mechanisms Swelling Test (SWE) EOS Tuning Outputs Display active/inactive experiments visually Generate Excel-compatible graphics and tables Specify regression parameters and weights Output text files that include match error Audit, edit, and return to prior regressions Export EOS information to compositional conveniently Report parameter sensitivities to assist the selection of the most important regresssion simulators Produce pseudo-ternary diagrams, finger plots, and phase envelope illustrations parameters Copyright © 2008 - 2015 Plano Research Corporation. All rights reserved. A BO U T PL A N O RES EA RCH : Plano Research Corporation provides a wide array of sophisticated products for the oil and gas sector. Our proprietary technology has been designed to simplify and speed up the analysis of routine and complex problems faced by geoscientists and engineers during all phases of the oil and gas exploration and development. Currently, we offer the following products: FlowSim (a black oil and compositional reservoir simulator), CAESAR (a well and reservoir management application), Transients+ (a pressure transient analysis package), Analytics (a waterflood optimization tool), PetroPhase (a phase behavior software package), PVT (a fluid property data application), Oil3D (a gas, oil, and water simulation tool), GeoTrak (a resource analysis and exploration toolkit), PetroTrak (an online well and field management application), CoreLog (a petrophysical interpretation tool), Galaxy4D (a reservoir characterization software), and Sigma (a seismic interpretation package). CO N TA CT: PL A NO RES EA RCH CORPORAT ION 5240 T ENNYS ON PA RKWAY, S U IT E 201 PL A NO, T EXA S 75024 [P] 972.473.4675 CONTA CT @PL A NORES EA RCH.COM WWW.PL A NORES EA RCH.COM