Business Management - BS

Program of Study
Curriculum Information Guide
Business Management - BS
Liberal Arts and Sciences (61 credits)
EGL 101 Composition I:
College Writing (GE)...................................... 3
EGL 102 Composition II:
Writing About Literature................................ 3
The Arts (GE)................................................. 3
Basic Communication (GE)........................... 3
Humanities (GE)............................................. 3
EGL 310 Technical Writing............................ 3
American/Other World/Western
Civilization History (GE)................................. 3
MTH 129 Pre-Calculus or
MTH 117 Pre-Calculus Modeling for
Life & Social Sciences (GE)........................... 4
Foreign Language (GE)................................. 3
ECO 156 Principles of Economics (Macro) (GE).... 3
ECO 157 Principles of Economics (Micro) (GE).... 3
Natural Science (GE)..................................... 3
Math or Natural Science elective.................. 3
Arts and Sciences electives (including 6
credits @300-level or above)....................... 21
Please refer to the General Education and
Writing-Intensive Requirement Sections of the
catalog and consult with your advisor to ensure
that graduation requirements are satisfied.
What is the Bachelor of Science in
Business Management?
The BS in Business Management is designed to prepare students for a wide
choice of business and managerial careers. The program provides for a rich
exposure to business issues and functions through introductory and core
business courses. In addition, the program provides for a significant portion of
the degree to be self-defined through elective courses. Through consultation with
faculty and program advisors each student is advised with an individualized set
of courses designed to best serve the career goals of that student. Students may
choose to focus on specific areas of business such as Accounting, Management,
Marketing, and International Business or choose from a wide variety of courses in
Business Computer Systems and/or Sport Management.
Required: Business (39 credits)
BUS 101 Accounting I................................... 3
BUS 102 Accounting II.................................. 3
BUS 109 Management
Theories and Practices................................. 3
BUS 131 Marketing Principles...................... 3
BUS 201 Corporate Finance......................... 3
BUS 202 Business Law................................. 3
BUS 240 Business Statistics
or BUS Elective if MTH 110 taken................. 3
BUS 280 International Business................... 3
BUS 300 Operations Management.............. 3
BUS 404 Financial Markets & Institutions.... 3
BUS 409 Strategic Management.................. 3
BCS 102 Computer
Concepts and Applications........................... 3
BCS 300 Management Information Systems....3
Typical Employment Opportunities:
Management and Leadership
Accounting and Finance
Customer Relations
Electives: (24 credits)
Financial Services
BUS, SMT and/or IND courses
(300 level or higher........................................ 9
and/or SMT courses.................................... 12
Free Elective.................................................. 3
Total Credits............................................. 124
Global Business
Production, Quality Control, Inventory and Logistics
Program objectives:
nn Graduates will have the necessary skills to understand and perform in different areas of
business in the modern world economy.
nn Graduates will be effective communicators and possess critical thinking skills necessary
to analyze and solve problems.
skills and have
Updated 8/2014. Please check the website for the most up-to-date information,
nn Graduates will function well in teams, develop creative problem solving
the ability to use current technologies in management contexts.
nn Graduates will have an understanding of social and ethical issues, data analysis skills,
financial theories, and a knowledge of the global economic, political, and legal context
within which businesses function.
nn Graduates will have an appreciation of markets and organizational behavior, organizational
systems and processes, and learn to work effectively in a diverse environment.
Curriculum Summary
Degree Type: ................................................ BS
Total Required Credits: ..............................124
For additional information:
Dr. Nanda Viswanathan, Chair
Department of Business Management
School of Business
Dean’s Office: ............ 631-420-2189
Office of Admissions: .631-420-2200
Admission to Farmingdale State College - State University of New York is based on the qualifications of the applicant without regard to age, sex, marital or military status, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, disability or sexual orientation.
Farmingdale State College
2350 Broadhollow Rd, Farmingdale, NY 11735
Tel 631-420-2000
BUS 101 Accounting I
Fundamental accounting concepts and principles are
covered through an understanding of the following
topics: accounting as an information system; analyzing
a transaction; the accounting cycle; accounting
for both service enterprises and merchandising
businesses; deferrals and accruals; reversing
entries; systems design; accounting for cash,
receivables, temporary investments and inventory;
payroll accounting. Students apply concepts to the
preparation of special journals, subsidiary ledgers,
worksheets and financial statements.
(3,0) Credits: 3
BUS 102 Accounting II
Continued development of the principles and concepts
introduced in Accounting I. The following topics
are included: emphasis on further understanding
of generally accepted accounting principles;
plant assets; intangible assets; determination of
depreciation, depletion and amortization; accounting
for partnerships and corporations; long term
liabilities; investments in bonds and stock; statement
of cash flows; managerial accounting; accounting for
manufacturing operations; budgeting and standard
costs systems.
Prerequisite(s): BUS 101 with a C or higher
(3,0) Credits: 3
BUS 109 Management Theories and Practices
This introductory course covers management
principles pertaining to human resources,
individual behavior in organizations, employee
motivation and performance, and business ethics.
Topics also include managing and the manager’s
job; planning and decision making; employee
performance appraisal and feedback; leadership
and influence processes; interpersonal relations and
communication; and managing work groups and
teams. Note: Students completing this course may
not receive credit for BUS 211
(3,0) Credits: 3
BUS 131 Marketing Principles
This course provides the student with a sound
knowledge of the basic elements of the marketing
process. Major topics include the features of consumer
and organizational markets, market segmentation,
and target market strategies. Product planning and
development, brands, packaging and other product
features are covered. Price determination and the use
of various pricing strategies are discussed. The factors
in the selection of channels of distribution and the
features of wholesaling and retailing are considered.
Elements of the promotional process such as sales,
advertising, and sales promotion are included. Ethical
and legal issues in marketing, marketing of services,
global marketing, and marketing on the Internet are
also covered.
(3,0) Credits: 3
BUS 201 Corporate Finance
The overall aim of this course is to help students
develop an understanding and appreciation of Finance
as a business discipline - an analytical approach
in assessing the financial worthiness of a business
entity is stressed. Topics covered include time value of
money; financial statement analysis; valuation models;
risks and rates of return; calculating beta coefficients;
working capital management; capital budgeting;
the cost of capital leverage and dividend policy; and
financial forecasting.
Prerequisite(s): BUS 101 and 102
(3,0) Credits: 3
BUS 300 Operations Management
The course provides a conceptual foundation for
more advanced courses in various management
specialization’s including operations strategies;
competitiveness; productivity; product and service
design; capacity planning; process selection and
facility layout; design of work systems; location
planning and analysis; and introduction to quality
management. Note: Students who have previously
completed IND 301 cannot receive credit for BUS 300.
Prerequisite(s): BUS 109
(3,0) Credits: 3
BUS 404 Financial Markets and Institutions
This senior level course describes the various
financial markets and the financial institutions that
serve those markets. Specific topics include financial
intermediaries, primary and secondary financial
markets, treasury and agency securities markets,
municipal securities markets, financial futures
markets, and stock markets in the U.S. and worldwide.
Also included are evolving technologies, especially
e-Business and the Internet, and their effect on
financial markets and institutions. The course contains
oral and written case study analyses utilizing electronic
database research techniques.
Prerequisite(s): BUS 201 or department approval
(3,0) Credits: 3
BUS 409 Strategic Management
This course covers key strategic management topics
including the “strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,
and threats” (SWOT) analysis. Organizations
require strategic management processes that
encompass planning, formulation, decision-making
(implementation), and evaluation of long-term policies.
International issues, codes of ethics, and ethical
behavioral considerations are prominent components
in the strategic management process will also be
discussed. Students will be required to present oral
and written case studies in class. Students who have
previously completed IND 409 cannot receive credit
for BUS 409.
Prerequisite(s): BUS 300 or IND 301
(3,0) Credits: 3
BCS 102 Computer Concepts and Applications
This is an introductory course in the use of personal
computers in today’s society. Students will receive
instruction in basic computer concepts and
terminology, the fundamentals of the Windows
operating system and have hands on experience at the
beginning to intermediate level using Microsoft Word,
Excel, and PowerPoint. The Internet will be used to
supplement textbook and lecture materials. Computer
Systems students cannot use BCS 102 to meet a BCS
Elective requirement.
(3,0) Credits: 3
BCS 300 Management Information Systems
Managers have increasing responsibility for
determining their information system needs and for
designing and implementing information systems
that support these needs. Management information
systems integrate, for purposes of information
requirements, the accounting, finance, and operations
management functions of an organization. This course
will examine the various levels and types of software
and information systems required by an organization
to integrate these functions.
Prerequisite(s): BUS 109 or BUS 111
(3,0) Credits: 3
BUS 202 Business Law I
An introduction to the nature and sources of law; the
role the legal system; the law of torts and crimes; the
law of contracts; and real and personal property.
(3,0) Credits: 3
BUS 240 Business Statistics
This course covers statistical concepts and techniques
as applied to business applications. Topics include:
data classification; experimental design; descriptive
statistics; measures of central tendency and dispersion;
probability concepts; binomial, Poisson and normal
distributions; central limit theorem and confidence
intervals. Extensive use of Excel to assist in the
computational and graphical aspects of the subject.
Prerequisite(s): MTH 015 or MP2
(3,0) Credits: 3
BUS 280 International Business
This course will cover the rapid growth of international
business and proliferation of multinational firms.
Topics include the nature of international business
and the historical development of global markets and
(3,0) Credits: 3
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Curriculum Information Guide
Business Management