Hartford Hospital Honor Roll of Donors 2013

We could not meet our mission without
–our generous community of friends, donors, patients,
employees, board members, corporators, and volunteers.
Honor Roll of Donors/2013
Our Values
We Do the Kind Thing
Every Hartford HealthCare staff member touches the lives of the patients and
families in our care. We treat those we serve and each other with kindness and
compassion and strive to better understand and respond to the needs of a
diverse community.
We Do the Safe Thing
Patients and families have placed their lives and health in our hands.
At Hartford HealthCare our first priority - and the rule of medicine - is to protect
them from harm. We believe that maintaining the highest safety standards is
critical to delivering high-quality care and that a safe workplace protects us all.
We do the Best Thing
In Hartford HealthCare, only the best will do. We work as a team to bring
experience, advanced technology and best practices to bear in providing the
highest-quality care for our patients and families. We devote ourselves to
continuous improvement, excellence, professionalism and innovation in our worK.
To offer comprehensive services in an environment where innovation and teaching are
integral to care; where we are proud to serve patients and one another; where meeting
the challenge of complex medical needs is viewed as a defining competency; and where
quality and safety of care are a constant.
Page 5
Message to Community
Page 6-7
Board Members
Page 8
Page 10-11
Page 12
1854 Society
Page 14
21st Century Society
Page 16
Page 40
In Memoriam
Page 44
Memorial Gifts
Page 46
Tribute Gifts
Page 46
Named Funds
We Do the Right Thing
Our actions tell the world what Hartford HealthCare is and what we stand for.
We act ethically and responsibly in everything we do and hold ourselves
accountable for our behavior. We bring respect, openness and honesty to our
encounters with patients, families and coworkers and support the well-being
of the communities we serve.
Our Mission
Page 4
Greeting from Chairman
and President
Page 47
Estates and Trusts
Page 47
Page 51
Contact Us
Meeting the
of Change
Douglas G. Elliot
Hartford Hospital
Board of Directors
Fiscal 2013 was a remarkable year for Hartford Hospital. With the support
of a generous community of donors and volunteers and the skill and
dedication of our outstanding staff, we provided our patients with the latest
technology and discoveries and clinical excellence unmatched in the region.
Through our position of strength, we accomplished a great deal in
FY 2013, including:
• Nearly 100,800 Emergency Department visits, 988 more than FY 2012
• The highest-ever top box score (70.9) in overall patient experience
• The launch of the expansion of the Center for Education, Simulation
and Innovation (CESI) to enable training of increasing numbers of Hartford
HealthCare medical personnel
• Recognized by U.S. News & World Report as being the No. 1 hospital in the
Hartford region and among best hospitals in Connecticut in nine specialties
• Renovation of the Transplant and Comprehensive Liver Center and the
opening of the Comprehensive Epilepsy Center
• Advanced plans to establish a patient-centered, multidisciplinary,
world-class Hartford HealthCare Bone & Joint Institute
• The launch of the Black Men’s Health Project in collaboration with the
former Omega Foundation of Hartford (now the Legacy Foundation
of Hartford)
Stuart K. Markowitz, MD
President, Hartford Hospital
and Hartford Region and
Senior Vice President
Hartford HealthCare
At the end of FY 2013, as a Hartford HealthCare partner, we became a
charter member of the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Alliance. The
partnership will move innovative, evidence-based cancer care into the
community setting and enable bi-directional learning across the
institutions. Hartford HealthCare also announced a new leadership
structure and regional framework that will allow Hartford Hospital to
sustain the culture of excellence for which we are known.
Over 160 years, as Hartford Hospital has become one of the largest teaching
hospitals and tertiary care centers in New England, philanthropy has played
an integral role in our growth. The annual Honor Roll of Donors is one way
we recognize the extraordinary volunteers and devoted donors who,
throughout the year, have contributed to our vision of providing our region
with world-class healthcare.
Thanks to hundreds of grateful patients and their families and friends,
employees, board members, corporators, and volunteers, FY 2013 was an
exceptional year for philanthropy at Hartford Hospital. Through their
efforts, $15.8 million in gifts and new pledges was raised. On the pages that
follow, you will find stories about some of the extraordinary people and
important programs that made FY 2013 remarkable, including:
• A transformational gift from the Richard P. Garmany Fund at the Hartford
Foundation for Public Giving that created the Richard P. Garmany Urologic
Patient Care Program at the Tallwood Urology & Kidney Institute. The
program provides enhanced educational materials for all patients coming
to the Tallwood Institute, and helps fund the expansion of the prostate
support group and the creation of support groups for kidney and bladder
cancer patients.
Thanks to You,
2013 Was
A Banner Year
Judith M. Keppelman
Hartford Hospital
Development Committee
• The Manafort family’s memorial gift that pays tribute to their mother
and will aid in the care of transplant patients for years to come.
• The all-volunteer Hartford Hospital Auxiliary, which raised a recordbreaking net of $369,000 through its annual golf tournament to enhance an
area of the Emergency Department designed to safely treat patients with
mental health disorders.
• The 2013 Black & Red, in support of the Outpatient Transplant Center,
which set a number of records, including an historic high attendance of
1,400 guests, more than $1 million in revenue, and the registration of 1,200
organ donors.
Dramatic changes in the healthcare industry have put great demands on all
of us, making it all the more important that we continue to move forward in
realizing our vision of being the regional destination provider of innovative
and complex care.
These significant gifts reflect on the prominence of our work, but all
contributions—regardless of size—make a difference for those we serve.
Many of our programs and services would not be possible without gifts
from the thousands of people and organizations that value and support
Hartford Hospital.
We could not meet our mission without you—our generous community of
friends, donors, patients, employees, board members, corporators, and
volunteers. We are honored to be part of such an incredible team.
From our heart, we thank you for your support.
FY 2013 was an outstanding year. On behalf of the patients and families
we serve, thank you.
Carol S. Garlick, CFRE
Vice President
Hartford Hospital
Doug Elliot
4 / Hartford Ho s pit a l, 2013
Stuart K. Markowitz, MD
Judith M. Keppelman
Carol S. Garlick
Honor Roll of Donors / 5
As of 09/30/2013
As of 09/30/2013
Gregory E. Deavens
Douglas G. Elliot, Chair
Gregory M. Jones
Roger R. Klene
Rebecca Lobo
James M. Loree
David R. McHale
Jarrod B. Post, MD
Magdalena Rodriguez
Andrew L. Salner, MD
Westley V. Thompson
John Alves
Stewart Beckett III, DVM*
Andy F. Bessette
Michael Botelho*
James Bowers
Marla J. Byrnes
Eric Daniels
Gregory E. Deavens
David S. Federman
Marilda L. Gándara
Jonathan Gengras
Ross Hollander
Gregory Jones
Elliot Joseph
Judith M. Keppelman
Brian W. MacLean
Cathy Malloy
David McQuade
John H. Motley
JoAnn Price
Richard P. Roberts*
Susan Rottner
Thomas Sargent
Paul R. C. Sullivan, MD
Diann L. Wienke
Stuart K. Markowitz, MD
President, Hartford Hospital
and Hartford Region and
Senior Vice President
Hartford HealthCare
Jeffry L. Nestler, MD
President, Medical Staff
Stacy R. Nerenstone, MD
Vice President, Medical Staff
As of 09/30/2013
Stanley Cohen
Mary Crary
H. David Crombie, MD
James F. English
Donald R. Frahm
Robert B. Goode
Helen B. Gray
Dennis F. Hardcastle
William B. Henry, MD
Marcia L. Hincks
Cornelia Hull
Michael Z. Lazor, MD
Merrily Gengras Moynihan
Daniel M. Neiditz
Claire M. Pryor
Alfred R. Rogers
Frances Seymour
DeRoy C. Thomas
Martin Wolman
6 / Hartfo rd Ho spita l, 2013
Stuart K. Markowitz, MD
President, Hartford Hospital
and Hartford Region and
Senior Vice President
Hartford HealthCare
As of 09/30/2013
As of 09/30/2013
John Alves
Marla J. Byrnes
Donald R. Frahm
Robert B. Goode
Marcia L. Hincks
Judith M. Keppelman
John Alves
John F. Byrnes
Marla J. Byrnes,
Roger R. Klene
Stacy Nerenstone, MD
Andrew L. Salner, MD
DeRoy C. Thomas
William B. Thomson
Stuart K. Markowitz, MD
President, Hartford Hospital
and Hartford Region and
Senior Vice President
Hartford HealthCare
Jeffry L. Nestler, MD
President, Medical Staff
Brian Clemow
Co-Chair Annual Campaign
Alexia Cruz
Chair, Young Leaders
Advisory Council
Vice President, Medical Staff
As of 09/30/2013
The Honorable Pedro Segarra
Elizabeth Brady, MD
David Federman
Robert B. Goode, Chair
Alfred Herzog, MD
Roger Klene
Frederick J. Mullen
Hartford Hospital Auxiliary
As of 09/30/2013
Marla J. Byrnes
John F. Byrnes
Michael J. Casparino
Brian Clemow,
JoAnn F. Camera
Carmelina Fidelio
Laurie Hardie
Daniel Madison, Chair
April Mann
Julie Ann Michaelson
Joseph Rapisarda
Brendy Riera
Teresa L. Russell
Deborah L. Tetreault
Eugene Willingham
Susan P. Wright
John Wrobel
Susanne Yeakel
George Zern
H. David Crombie
Joan W. Feldman
Dolores A. Grenier
Susan S. Hatch
Alfred Herzog
Robert L. Hill
Marcia L. Hincks
John W. Hincks
James McCauley
Paul E. Mersereau,
Wilfredo Nieves
Stephen L. Nightingale
Robert D. Siegel
William B. Thomson
Morton L. Weinstein
Wanda D. Williams-McCormack
Douglas G. Elliot, chair of the Hartford Hospital Board of Directors, addresses
the audience at the annual meeting of Hartford Hospital Corporators.
Annual Meeting of the
Stacy R. Nerenstone, MD
Christine Collins
As of 09/30/2013
Paul Mersereau
Mayor of Hartford
Co-Chair Annual Campaign
Jeffry L. Nestler, MD
President, Medical Staff
Kathanne Fowler
Susie Hatch
Jeffrey Hoffman
Ross Hollander
Tom Sargent
Steven J. Shichman, MD
Arthur Tarantino, MD
William B. Thomson, MD,
Hartford Hospital
Virginia Van Dyk
Hartford Hospital Auxiliary
*Governor’s Appointees
Honor Roll of Donors / 7
Robert P. Albanesi
Carol Albert
Hilary Allen
Carlos Alvarez
John Alves
Raymond S. Andrews Jr.
Arlene S. Angelastro
Doris M. Armstrong, RN
Philip E. Austin, PhD
Ramani Ayer
Ivan A. Backer
Michael R. Bangser
Gerard Barrieau Jr.
Robert D. Batch
Ruth H. Beck
W. Marston Becker
Anne B. Belanger
Jonathan R. Bennett
Jenefer C. Berall
Rabbi Donna Berman, PhD
John A. Berman, Esq.
Andy F. Bessette
James T. Betts, Esq.
Harold E. Bigler Jr.
Dennis Bisgaard
C. Duane Blinn, Esq.
Margaret M. Bliss
G. Peter Bloom, MD
Deborah Blotner
Kathleen L. Bolduc
David Bordonaro
James E. Bowers, Esq.
Elizabeth W. Brady, MD
Tracy E. Brennan, MD
John A. Brighenti
Branford Brown
Diane F. Brown
Donald L. Brown, MD
Richard A. Brvenik
Harold C. Buckingham Jr., Esq.
Judith A. Buckley, MD
Ann Bucknam
Philip A. Burton
John F. Byrnes
Marla J. Byrnes
Luis Caban
Coleman H. Casey, Esq.
Mike Casparino
Leon Chameides, MD
Jo Champlin Casey
David T. Chase
Elsie Childs
Leslie C. Clark
Brian Clemow, Esq.
Sanford Cloud
Leonard G. Clough
Adrienne W. Cochrane
Holly R. Cohen
Jeffrey L. Cohen, MD
Naomi K. Cohen
H. Bacon Collamore Jr.
Christine Collins
8 / Ha rt fo rd Hospita l, 2013
Mary Louise Condon, RN
Jeanne Conrad
Karen P. Conway, Esq.
Michael M. Conway, MD
Samuel P. Cooley
Trygve N. Cooley
Timothy H. Coppage
John A. Corroon
John C. Cosgrove
Martin J. Coursey
Mary B. Coursey
Thomas R. Cox III
James W. Cox-Chapman, MD
Mary Crary
H. David Crombie, MD
Edward B. Cronin, MD
Alexia E. Cruz
Lillian Cruz
Martha G. Dale
Brendan Daly, Esq.
Michael J. Daly
Eric Daniels
Paul J. Daqui
Ethel F. Davis
Janet B. Davis
Scott K. Davis
Nancy G. Dean
Greg Deavens
Peter J. Deckers, MD
Jeannette B. DeJesus
Jonathan A. Dixon, MD
Kate H. Dixon
Jaye Donaldson
James E. Dougherty, MD
Thomas W. Dugdale, MD
Susan B. Dunn
Douglas G. Elliot
Neil H. Ellis
Shayna Ellovich
Susan Ely
James F. English Jr.
Linda Estabrook
George L. Estes III
Laura R. Estes
Douglas C. Evans
Janet Bailey Faude
Wilson H. Faude
David R. Fay
David S. Federman
Joan W. Feldman, Esq.
Andrew D. Filler
Samuel M. Fingold
Hinda N. Fisher
Robert L. Fisher, MD
Dr. Aaron Flagg
John L. Flannery
Muriel Fleischmann
Garrett S. Flynn
Robert Foisie
Brian J. Foley
Evan Fox, MD
Donald R. Frahm
Arthur W. Frank Jr.
Jerry Franklin
Joseph Friedman
Sandra Bender Fromson
Samuel S. Fuller
Arthur P. Funk Jr.
Richard F Gamble
Marilda L. Gándara
Alexander R. Gaudio, MD
Martin J. Gavin
Roger A. Gelfenbien
E. Clayton Gengras Jr.
Jonathan Gengras
Patricia Giardi
Robert G. Gilligan, Esq.
James Gleason
Louis J. Golden
Maureen Ford-Goldfarb
Robert B. Goldfarb
William H. Goldfarb
Linda Goldman
Robert B. Goode Jr.
David G. Gordon
Helen B. Gray
Samuel Gray
Marc A. Green
Robert E Green
Arnold C. Greenberg
Dolores A. Grenier
R. Nelson Griebel
Rachel K. Grody
Edward Guay
David Hadden
David M. Hadlow
Heidi Hadsell, PhD
Samuel C. Hamilton
Susan S. Hatch
Rev. Dr. Barbara E. Headley
Erin D. Healer
William B. Henry, MD
Alfred Herzog, MD
Kathy W. Herzog
J. Gregory Hickey
George C. Higgins, PhD
Alyce F. Hild
David H. Hild, MD
Robert L. Hill
Faith Himelstein
John Hincks
Marcia Hincks
Jeffrey S. Hoffman
Matthew S. Hoffman
Marcy Hollander
Ross H. Hollander
Jeanne Hollister
Beverly Holt
Timothy A. Holt
Suzanne M. Hopgood
Kathleen M. Hopko
Cornelia Hull
Jeriann Hunter
Robert H. Hurwit
Lenworth M. Jacobs, MD
Lucille Janatka
Carol N. Jones
Gregory Jones
James F. Jones Jr., PhD
Jan Jones
Richard F. Jones III, MD
Carolyn Joseph
Norman C. Kayser
John F. Kearns III
Saundra A. Kee Borges, Esq.
Lafayette Keeney
Peter G. Kelly, Esq.
Jack S. Kennedy
Judith M. Keppelman, Esq.
Francis J. Kiernan, MD
Dr. Christina M. Kishimoto
Roger R. Klene
Joseph J. Klimek, MD
Joan J. Kohn
Michael Konover
Simon Konover
Jack A. Krichavsky
Alice K. Kugelman
Inam U. Kureshi, MD
Hernan LaFontaine
Alan M. Laites
Rev. Matthew Laney
Sonja L. Larkin-Thorne
Christopher Larsen
John H. Lawrence Jr.
Margaret W. Lawson
Dorothy R. Lazear
Michael Z. Lazor, MD
John M. Lee
Frank A. Leone, Esq.
Robert M. Levin
Janet S. Lewis
Paul A. Lewis
F. Peter Libassi
Thomas C. Lincoln
Alex Lloyd, Esq.
Roger S. Loeb
Jerry Long
Estela R. López
Henry B. C. Low, MD
Elaine T. Lowengard
Tracey L. Lunenburg
James B. Lyon, Esq.
William P. Macaulay, MD
Anne MacDonald
Patricia Maciag
Brian MacLean
Baxter H. Maffett
Cathy Malloy
Jacqueline Gorsky Mandyck
Arthur C. Marquardt
Robert S. Martin, MD
William B. Martin
Rolando T. Martinez
Miguel Matos
Deborah W. May
James McCauley
Katherine M. McCormack
E. Merritt McDonough Sr.
M. Kathleen McGrory, PhD
Catherine Medina, PhD
John Meehan
Pamela Meehan
Judith Melchreit
Julio Mendoza
Paul E. Mersereau, Esq.
Judith C. Meyers
Stephen B. Middlebrook
Reverend Gary Miller
Charles B. Milliken, Esq.
Mary Mitchell
Harold J. Moffie
Harvey G. Moger
Thea Montanez
Michael F. Morosky, MD
Marjorie E. Morrissey
James Morton
John H. Motley
Timothy J. Moynihan Jr.
Thomas F. Mullaney Jr.
Frederick J. Mullen Jr., Esq.
Robert F. Neal
Edna N. Negron
Arlene Neiditz
Daniel M. Neiditz
Stacy R. Nerenstone, MD
Jeffry L. Nestler, MD
William R. Newton
Wilfredo Nieves, Ed.D.
Stephen L. Nightingale
John F. O’Connell Jr.
Martin J. O’Meara Jr.
Joseph R. Ofosu,
Pharm.D., R.Ph.
The Reverend Joanne P.
Rocco Orlando III, MD
Dariush Owlia, MD
Daniel I. Papermaster
Arlene Parmelee
Sam Pasco
Robert E. Patricelli
David B. Payne
Hillary B. Pease
Agnes S. Peelle
Brewster B. Perkins
Judith M. Pinney
Jarrod B. Post, MD
Rabbi Marshal Press
JoAnn Price
Claire M. Pryor
Bob Rath
John R. Rathgeber
Charles Reagan
Albert E. Reavill Jr.
Marc Reich
William Reis
Rodney R. Reynolds
Tracy L. Rich
John H. Riege, Esq.
Ezra H. Ripple IV
Kate Robinson
Kenneth Robinson, MD
Dr. Galo A. Rodriguez, MPH
Magdalena Rodriguez
Alfred R. Rogers
Lewis B. Rome, Esq.
Rabbi James Rosen
Robert L. Rosensweig, Esq.
Michael A. Rossi, MD
Robert S. Rosson, MD
Susan Rottner
Barbara Rubin
Anne H. Rudder
Douglas G. Russell
Matthew L. Saidel, MD
Andrew L. Salner, MD
Romulo Samaniego
Mary T. Sargent
Robert T. Sargent
Thomas Sargent
Mark Scheinberg
Henry S. Scherer Jr.
Philip A. Schonberger
Steven F. Schutzer, MD
Cathrine Fischer Schwartz
Harold I. Schwartz, MD
Adam L. Seidner, MD, MPH
Peter Seigle
L. Everett Seyler Jr., MD
Allyn Seymour
Frances Seymour
Anne Shafer
Ruben L. Shapiro, MD
Patrick J. Sheehan
Elena Shichman
Steven J. Shichman, MD
Richard J. Shima
Jane C. Shipp
Beth Shluger
Debbie Shulansky
John D. Shulansky
Steven J. Shulman
Glenn A. Sieber
Michele Siegel
Robert D. Siegel, MD
Amy Sills
Stephen Sills
Robert S. Siskin
James B. Slimmon Jr.
Alan Jon Smally, MD
John J. Smith, PhD
Laurence R. Smith Jr.
Robert H. Smith Jr.
Scott H. Smith
Jennifer Smith Turner
Gwendolyn Smith-Iloani
Jane Snyder DeMaio
Judge Arthur L. Spada
Harvey L. Spaunburg Jr.
Marie Spivey, RN
Jane P. Springer
Peter N. Stevens
Leonard G. Sucsy
Edith Gay Sudarsky
John R. Suisman
Michael Suisman
Paul R. C. Sullivan, MD
Phillip C. Surprenant
Susan L. Talbott
Laurence Tanner
Arthur E. Tarantino, MD
Lynne S. Tarantino
Linda T. Taylor, MD
DeRoy C. Thomas
Doris Thomas
Westley V. Thompson
William B. Thomson
Hector Torres
Frank M. Torti, MD, MPH
William H. Trachsel
Stephen J. Trachtenberg, JD
J. Frank Travis
Pamela Trotman Reid, PhD
Richard H. Truex, MD
Sharon Truex
Antonina P. Uccello
Sharon L. Vasquez
Douglas H. Viets, MD
Priscilla B. Viets
Jean B. Vogel
Robert J. von Dohlen
Lyn G. Walker
Kevin Washington
Connie Weaver
Morton L. Weinstein
Jacqueline Werner
Nadine Francis West
Cary Wheaton
Edward B. Whittemore
Ernest C. Wignall
Patricia S. Wildman
Wanda D. WilliamsMcCormack
James E. Willingham Sr.
Joyce C. Willis
Lynn W. Willsey
Donald K. Wilson Jr.
Lisa Wilson-Foley
Martin Wolman, Esq.
Neil S. Yeston, MD
Eric Zachs
Henry M. Zachs
Gordon A. Zimmermann, MD
Eugene J. Ziurys Jr.
The role of
is an
Our corporators are
part of the critical
partnership among
the hospital’s board
of directors, medical
staff, management
and community that
strengthens us as a
leading academic
medical center in
our region.
Honor Roll of Donors / 9
Hartford Hospital volunteers enable nearly every department to
work more smoothly and more cost effectively. The hard work and
creativity shown by the many volunteers over the years have led to
award-winning programs that benefit our patients and staff.
In FY 2013, 1,169 individuals volunteered in 241 areas of Hartford
Hospital and the Institute of Living. They performed 106,000 hours
of service, equivalent to 52 full-time employees. Based on criteria
established by the Independent Sector for Connecticut, these hours
translate into more than $3 million in salaries.
The men and women listed on this page represent active
volunteers who accrued 500 or more hours as of September 30, 2013,
as well as friends who accrued more than 10,000 volunteer hours
before becoming inactive.
We deeply appreciate their exceptional dedication to Hartford
Hospital and the thousands of patients we serve each year.
35 percent of all volunteer hours were served
in direct patient care roles.
31,000 Hours
Louise Steiner
29,000 Hours
Woodruff Glascock
25,000 Hours
Jane Hamilton
20,000 Hours
Anastasia Ramus
19,000 Hours
Cornelia Hull
Mildred Linden
18,000 Hours
Muriel Shreve
Gara Van Schaack
Mabel Wright
15,000 Hours
Honora Sobanski
Midge Terry
14,000 Hours
Ada Gardner
Ruth Griswold
13,000 Hours
Charlotte Hartnett
70 teenage volunteers served in our annual Summer Teen program.
120 area-senior volunteers
More than
(members of the Retired
Senior Volunteer Program) knit newborn hats, booties, sweaters, and mittens that benefit many areas
of the hospital as well as Hartford’s schoolchildren. Yarn for this effort is purchased by the Hartford
Hospital Auxiliary.
46 canine volunteers who contributed 1,011 hours
Hartford Hospital has
of service to our patients and staff.
12,000 Hours
Evelyn Coment
Michael Rosano
Hazel Vail
11,000 Hours
Marjorie Burman
Gloria Mard
Ruth Swanson
10,000 Hours
Stephanie Prucnal
Elizabeth Rankin
Terry Shookus
9,000 Hours
Ralph Kenneson
Volunteer Services received
4,426 volunteer applications in FY 2013.
Without them,
Hartford Hospital would
truly be at a loss.
10 / Ha rt fo rd Hos pi t a l, 2013
7,000 Hours
Barbara Coffin
Mary Crary
Margaret Eberle
Kathy Herzog
Ethel Lavieri
Euphemia Serpliss
6,000 Hours
Joseph Distefano
Kathryn Jaeger
Ann Oleasz
John Peterson
Patricia Rinaldi
5,000 Hours
Richard Blaisdell
Salvatore Camilleri
Harriet Noyes
Cindy Wasserman
Sally Williams
Volunteer Council Aetna
Windsor Women’s
4,000 Hours
Eleanor Benson
Betsey Blaisdell
John Boccaccio
Joseph Bradley
Marcille Farr
Elaine Popielarski
Marianne Roesner
3,000 Hours
Alastair Clark
Marcia Ginn
Dolly Goldfarb
Barbara Gordon
Rev. Kennedy Hampton
Ronald Herrmann
Carolyn Lind
Scott Merkelson
Mary Newcity
Gertrude Pietruska
Joyce Sulzinski
Annette Wright
2,000 Hours
Darmus Ali Avci
R. Louise Buerk
Katherine Burghoff
Patrick Camilleri
Rita Casarola
Cecile Cloutier Evangelical
Covenant Church
Martin Courneen
Edith Decarolis
Maureen Fisher
Michael Glazier
Benjamin Goldfarb
Richard Graham
David Gregorski
Mary Horan
Marillyn Loomis
JoAnna Mayer
Pamela J. Peterson
Nancy Rearick
Dominic Scalia
Michele Siegel
Peter Stebinger
Priscilla Viets
Thomas Walsh
Wethersfield United
Methodist Church
Meghan Young
1,000 Hours
Jonathan Ayers
Sharyn Blicht
Jason Cane
Lynne Carey
Jeanne Conrad
Qingwei Chen
Dr. Shirle Moone Childs
Carol Collins
Frances Consoli
Eileen Cyr
Francis DeLisa
Barbara Dennis
Joseph Duggan
Aida Farreny-Sero
Lori Flaks
Joyce Fritz
Dalia Giedrimiene
Erica Gurekovich
Mary Ellen Hadden
Susan Hayes
Timothy Healy
Jane Holzmann
Susan Hughes
Frederick Johnson
Tykia Jones
Heidi Kelsey
Patricia Klein
Chester Kozak
Richard Krissinger
Janet Lee
William Lee
Kim Litsey
Xuewu Liu
Barbara Lockery
Edwin Lomerson
Aubrey Loomis
Crystal Lopez-Haynes
Maggie Lynch
Patricia Maciag
Bernadette Madison
Theodore Madison
Wimol Madit
Anita Manuck
Jane Massa
Barbara Meier
Armand Morassini
Vance Mortensen
Barbara Myjak
David Nelson
Craig Nowak
Rosemary Panella
Lucille Parker
Hillary Pease
Ann Pedro
Franz Roesner
Saint Joseph Church
Warren Smith
Raymond Spellman
Judy Taylor
Jun Tian
Kathleen Wells
Jeffrey Widem
Carolyn Wynne
Judy Yust
900 Hours
June Mackenzie
Eileen Pearson
Sacred Heart Church
Hollis Schneider
Ellen See
Erin Healer
Kamala Ramya Kallur
Francis Luczak
Michelle MadsenBibeau
Eliot Mag
Joan Martin
Marie Menut
Kathleen Mowchan
Emiliana Philippe
Jacquelin Rivera
Sheila Ruiz-Maldonado
Darlene Valentin
Ciara Velazquez
Westley Villazon
Sherwood Willard
Shijiang Xiong
Lan Yuan
800 Hours
Gustave Afantchao
Kelley Boothby
Rishad Chowdhury
Kathy Compton
Seth English
Peggy Gray
Dorothy Morneault
Carol Oleasz
Seoraine Singh
Christopher Woods
Anne Ziemba
500 Hours
Dorothy Abbott
Garrett Ash
Kyung Won Cho
Patricia Connolly
Joelyn Grot
Ahmet Guc
Marina Halmers
Samantha Hanson
Dr. Riujuan Lv
Rong Ma
Florence Nixon
Amanda Perdue
Pat Rinaldi
James Salafia
Nancy Svalberg
Donna Szarwak
Keith Voets
Zheng Wang
Audrey Wheeler
Wilda Wyse
Jinzhou Zhao
700 Hours
Hilary Allen
Marie Bailey
Judith Blades
Joan Brophy
Rebecca Bryan
Thomas I Clarke
Sebastian Dignoti
Thomas Drobena
Prajakta Kulkarni
Fay Levin-Lavoie
Irene Madigan
Mary Jane Moore
Richa Nahar
Dawn Pizzoferrato
Priscilla Soucy
Peter Sylver
Winston Wilks
600 Hours
Karen R Alcorn
Anne Bruno
Hazim Bukamur
Miriam Chaiklin
Tongyu Chen
Christine Collins
William Derech
Terence Donovan
Ethan Guida
Honor Roll of Donors / 11
The 1854 Society recognizes individuals whose
planned gifts have been received or will
someday accrue to Hartford Hospital. Planned
gifts include bequests made through testamentary devices, such as wills, retirement
plans, and revocable trusts, as well as lifetime
gifts that provide income to donors and their
beneficiaries. Life income gifts, such as
charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder
trusts, and the hospital’s Pooled Income Fund,
typically involve the transfer of gift assets,
immediate tax advantages and continuing
income streams to the donor, with future
distributions to the hospital for its general or
specific charitable purposes. Thoughtful gift
planning offers each person
the opportunity to make an
endowed gift that will continue to help the hospital for
generations to come.
We are deeply grateful to
members of the 1854 Society
and especially appreciative
of their thoughtful commitment to the future financial
well being of Hartford Hospital. Their names are listed
here as they requested at
the time of their introduction to the Society.
Top row: (l-r) Bob Goode and
Carol S. Garlick, vice president,
philanthropy, Hartford Hospital;
Helen Gray and Debbie Klene; and
John and Marla Byrnes.
Second row: (l-r) The Honorable
Arthur Spada, Joan Grey, and
Francesca McIntyre; and Barbara
Coffin and Mary Crary.
Above: Courtland Lewis, MD was the featured medical staff
speaker at the annual luncheon of the 1854 Society, which
recognizes those who have included Hartford Hospital in their
estate plans. Dr. Lewis, physician-in chief of the Hartford
HealthCare Bone & Joint Institute and chief of orthopedics,
spoke on how the institute will transform musculoskeletal
care. The annual luncheon is important as it allows the
hospital to keep this group of loyal supporters informed.
At left: Jeff Flaks, executive vice president and
chief operating officer, Hartford HealthCare;
and Roger Klene.
12 / Ha rtfo rd Ho spit al, 2013
Marc C. Abrahms
Philip D. Allmendinger, MD
Evelyn S. Amo
Ronald F. Angelo Sr.
Doris M. Armstrong
Channing and Peggy Barlow
David M. Bass, MD
Edward and Mary Louise Bates
Ruth H. and Roger S. Beck, MD
Margaret A. Bissell
John H. Bloodgood
Irene Botticello
Geralyn Brennan
Dorothy A. Brooks
Harold C. Buckingham Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. James M. Bunce
John Burbank, MD
Michele B. Bush, Esq.
Marla and John Byrnes
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Carlton
Coleman H. and Jo Champlin Casey
Denise W. Clarke
Brian and Susan Fischer Clemow
Leonard and Mona Clough
Barbara Coffin
Marie Jeanne and David Coffin
Margaret F. Collins
Annette H. Conard and
Frederick U. Conard Jr.
Frederick U. Conard III, MD
Michael Conway, MD, and Karen Conway
Jean T. Cooke
Mrs. J. Noyes Crary
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore D’Aquila
Susan Dana
Paul and Camille Daqui
John M. K. Davis
Ronnie and Ray Deck
Mrs. John Donnelly
Robert E. and Carol R. Doubleday
Mr. and Mrs. Morton A. Elsner
Laura and George Estes
Douglas C. Evans
Sue and Bob Fisher, MD
Robert W. Fredrickson, MD
Mrs. Abraham Friedman
Stewart B. Fritts
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Gamble
Lillian Garabedian
Carol S. Garlick
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Gates
Lee and Bob Goode
Mrs. Ellsworth Grant
Rose Grasso
Dorothy Y. Graulty
William W. Graulty
Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Gray
Dr. and Mrs. Neil J. Grey
Robert and Cynthia Gronbach
Barbara Groundwater
William and Janice Habicht
Jane C. Hamilton
T. Stewart Hamilton, MD
Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hamlin
Susan and W. Ross Hatch
Dr. and Mrs. William B. Henry
Al and Kathy Herzog
Marcia L. Hincks
Gail Hitchcock
Jules A. Hollander
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel S. Howe
Margaret and Wallace Hughes
Dr. and Mrs. Donald W. Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Richard F. Jones III
Norman and Joan Kayser
Mrs. Neville Kirsch
Debbie and Roger Klene
Mr. and Mrs. Walter O.R. Korder
Dr. James L. Krieger and
Eleanor D. Krieger
Thomas P. and Alice K. Kugelman
Pasquale and Angela LaCava
Mr. Roy F. Lagan
Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Langmann
Chris Larsen
Jack and Irene Lavell
John and Mary Lawrence
Ms. Joan Letendre
Robert M. Levin, Esq.
Miriam J. Levy, PhD
Mildred E. Linden
Boardman F. Lockwood
William P. Macaulay, MD
Mr. and Mrs. John Mahder
Thomas F. Manning
George and Alice McAdams
Eleanor McAuliffe
Francesca McIntyre
James McCauley
Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. McLane
Mr. and Mrs. John Meehan
Michael F. Morosky, MD
Deene Morris and Dale Thielert
Mr. and Mrs. John Davis Murphy
Valentine and Irene Murphy
June Noble
Victoria C. and Henry W. Nozko Sr.
John F. O’Connor
Cammi Oyabe-Huckman and
William P. Huckman
Anthony and Janice Parrotta
Bernard Passman, MD
David B. Payne
Karen M. Perkus
William E. and Eleanor S. Peters
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Potts Jr.
Claire M. Pryor
Salvatore J. and Ethel C. Puglisi
Claudette Rainey
Harry W. Reinhorn
Elaine E. Rosen, LCSW
Mr. and Mrs. James Rosenberg
Samuel Rowley, MD
Lisa Werkmeister Rozas
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Russell
Dr. and Mrs. Seymour H. Saltzman
Mary and Joe Sargent
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schwab
Edward Scull, MD
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Segalla Jr.
Mrs. Guy C. Shafer
Ruben L. Shapiro, MD
Madeline R. Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Smachetti
Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Smith Jr.
Olcott D. Smith, Esq.
Robert M. Smith
The Honorable Arthur L. Spada
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Springer
Hilda C. Standish, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Stevens
Mr. James A. Stewart
Wendy and Donald Stier
Ruth and Linwood Swanson
Lindsay Thomson and
Emily B. Thomson
Julia Spencer Thrall
James H. Torrey
Dr. and Mrs. Edward H. Truex
Ruth H. and Charles A. Tucker, MD
F. M. Vincenzo
Raycroft Walsh Jr.
Bernadette T. Warren
John L. Way 2nd
Heidi R. Weise
Daphne H. Wilcox
Mr. and Mrs. James Wilkie
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn W. Willsey
Arthur D. Wolf, MD
Martin Wolman
Neil S. Yeston, MD
Elihu York, MD
Dona and Roland Young
The Zachs Family
Eugene J. Ziurys Jr.
Anonymous 15
Honor Roll of Donors / 13
On the pages that
follow, we recognize
the generosity of the
many individuals,
families, businesses,
and foundations whose
contributions have
made a difference in
the lives of so many
people. We are proud
to consider them as
partners in Hartford
Hospital’s commitment
to provide an
extraordinary medical
experience for every
patient, every day.
This society recognizes special friends whose
leadership support through the years has enabled
Hartford Hospital to prepare for the challenges of the
21st century. Their consistent generosity serves as a
beacon to others and helps the hospital be in the
vanguard of healthcare into the new century.
The giving levels are named for individuals of
importance in the hospital’s history. The following
list recognizes individuals, corporations, and
foundations that have made cumulative gifts of
$100,000 or more since October 1, 1995.
David Watkinson Society
Mr. Watkinson made the first bequest to
Hartford Hospital in the mid-19th century.
($1,000,000 and above)
Anonymous (7)
Mary and Edward Budd
Mr.† and Mrs. Harry J. Gray
The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc.
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
(including various funds and donor advised funds)
Hartford Hospital Auxiliary
The Kohn/Joseloff Foundation
Henry B. C. Low, MD
Mr. and Mrs. John Davis Murphy†
Spencer T. and Ann W. Olin Foundation
Harry and Mildred Schwab†
Mrs. Julia S. Thrall†
Nancy and Bill Trachsel
Eli Todd, MD Society
Dr. Todd was the founder of the Institute of Living.
($500,000 - $749,999)
Anonymous (2)
Aetna, Inc.
Beatrice Fox Auerbach Foundation Fund
at the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
Mr. and Mrs. John M. K. Davis†
14 / Ha rt fo rd Hos pi t a l, 2013
The Harry E. Goldfarb† Family Foundation;
Robert B. Goldfarb, Director;
William H. Goldfarb, Director
Hartford Anesthesiology Associates, Inc.
Jefferson Radiology
Debbie and Roger Klene
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Nozko, Sr.†
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney R. Reynolds
United Technologies Corporation
T. Stewart Hamilton, MD Society
Dr. Hamilton was a well-respected leader of
Hartford Hospital from the mid-to-late 1900s.
($250,000 - $499,999)
Anonymous (3)
Ramani and Louise D. Ayer Family Foundation
Bank of America
CBS Radio/Hartford
Mr.† and Mrs. William K. Cole
Community CancerCare
Connecticut Surgical Group, PC
Anne M. Esposito
Jean† and Don Frahm
Hartford Hospital Medical Staff
Hartford Pathology Associates, PC
The Hoffman Family and the Hoffman Family Fund
at the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
The Hollander Family
Donna and Jeff Hughes
Susan G. Komen for the Cure, CT Affiliate
Mrs. Richard Koopman†
Tracey and Mark Lunenburg
Mrs. Harriet R. McKown†
Orthopedic Associates of Hartford, PC
People’s United Insurance/RC Knox Division
Pfizer, Inc.
Joseph D.† and Mary T. Sargent
The Zachs Family
Ethel Brooks, RN Society
Ethel Brooks was a nursing leader at Hartford Hospital
for nearly four decades, beginning in the 1940s.
($100,000 - $249,999)
Anonymous (4)
Ambulance Service of Manchester, LLC
Avon Foundation
Dr.† and Mrs. Roger S. Beck
Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell M. Belding
Breast Cancer Alliance
The Chase Families
Chip In For A Cure
Ruth and Bob† Clark
Holly R. Cohen
Marjorie T. Coleman and William R. Coleman
The Connecticut Brain Tumor Alliance
Connecticut GI, PC
Connecticut Health and Educational
Facilities Authority (CHEFA)
Connecticut Multispecialty Group, PC
Connecticut Natural Gas Corporation
Mary W. Cook
EMC Corporation
The Ensign-Bickford Foundation, Inc.
Ernst & Young, LLP
Laura and George Estes
Dan J. Ferraina and Alice Ford Ferraina
The Foundation for Mental Health
Stewart B. Fritts and Joan R. Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Fromson
Richard F. and Josephine Y. Gamble
The Richard P. Garmany Fund at the
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
Mr. and Mrs. E. Clayton Gengras Jr.
Lee and Bob Goode
Hartford HealthCare Medical Group
The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection
and Insurance Company
Industrial Health Care Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Jan B. Kennedy/
Acorn-Alcinda Foundation
Mr.† and Mrs. Walter O.R. Korder
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Lazowski
Macy’s East
MassMutual Life Foundation, Inc.
Matthew Phillips’ Cut-a-Thon
Stacy R. Nerenstone and Morton L. Weinstein
Neurosurgeons of Central CT, PC
Northeast Utilities
Oncology Associates, PC
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Onofrio
The Phoenix Foundation, Inc.
PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP
Barbara C. Ralston†
Ron Foley Pancreatic Cancer Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Roth
Mr. Douglas G. Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Russell†
Patricia and Andrew Salner
Mr. and Mrs. Allyn Seymour
Mr.† and Mrs. Guy C. Shafer
Shipman & Goodwin LLP
Dr. A.J. Smally and Dr. Sharon K. Pool
C.M. Smith Agency, Inc.
Paul and Melinda Sullivan
Team Towanda Foundation
Doris and DeRoy C. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Thomson
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Woodruff†
Dona and Roland Young
† = deceased
Honor Roll of Donors / 15
Roll of
The following list recognizes
donors who made cash gifts
or pledge payments of $100
or more to the hospital, including
contributions to the Annual
Campaign, the Black & Red gala,
honor and memorial gifts,
planned gifts, and grant-specific
contributions from October 1,
2012, to September 30, 2013.
16 / Ha rt fo rd Hos pi t a l, 2013
The Chairman’s Circle
($100,000 and above)
Anonymous (5)
Laura and George Estes
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
Hartford Hospital Auxiliary
Debbie and Roger Klene
The Zachs Family
($10,000 - $24,999)
Anonymous (1)
Adams & Knight, Inc.
Aetna, Inc.
All Waste, Inc.
Ambulance Service of Manchester, LLC
Angie’s Spa Cancer Foundation
Athena Health Care Systems
Balfour Concord
Bank of America
J. Walton Bissell Foundation, Inc.
Breast Cancer Alliance
Cerner Corporation
Chip In For A Cure
Community CancerCare
Constitution Eye Surgery Center
Constitution Surgery Centers
DanaherLagnese, PC
Mr. Sam Dolfi
Douglas and Sheila Elliot
Frontier Capital Management
Company, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Gengras
Glastonbury Hills Country Club
Greater New York Hospital Association
Hartford HealthCare Medical Group
Hartford Pathology Associates, PC
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Holt
Huron Consulting Group
Henry E. Jacobs, MD, J.D.
Jefferson Radiology
Kayne Anderson Rudnick
Investment Management
Ms. Lori Levesque
Jim and Rebecca Loree
Tracey and Mark Lunenburg
Brian and Kathy MacLean
David and Randi Manafort
Mr. James Manafort Jr.
MBH Architecture, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Liam McGee
Medical Risk Management, LLC
Olsen Construction Services
Orthopedic Associates of Hartford, PC
The Outsource Group
Paul’s & Sandy’s Too, Inc./
Pumpkintown USA
People’s United Insurance/
RC Knox Division
PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP
Pyramis Global Advisors
The President’s Circle
($50,000 - $99,999)
Ramani and Louise D. Ayer
Family Foundation
CVS Caremark Charitable Trust
EMC Corporation
The Harry E. Goldfarb Family Foundation;
Robert B. Goldfarb, Director;
William H. Goldfarb, Director
The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc.
Susan G. Komen for the Cure, CT Affiliate
Ron Foley Pancreatic Cancer
Foundation, Inc.
United Technologies Corporation
($25,000 - $49,999)
Anonymous (1)
Aetna Ambulance Service, Inc.
Beatrice Fox Auerbach Foundation Fund
at the Hartford Foundation for
Public Giving
Avon Foundation
Big Y Foods, Inc.
Mary and Edward Budd
CBS Radio/Hartford
CFM Construction Corporation
The Connecticut Brain Tumor Alliance
Connecticut GI, PC
Connecticut Multispecialty Group, PC
Mrs. Anne M. Esposito
FIP Construction, Inc.
The Richard P. Garmany Fund at the
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
Hartford Anesthesiology Associates, Inc.
Hartford Hospital Medical Staff
The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection
and Insurance Company
Mrs. Marcy Hollander
Mr. Ross H. Hollander
Donna and Jeff Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Konover
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Lazowski
Northeast Utilities
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Roth
Stanley Black & Decker
Raynbow Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Russell
Samourkas Foundation of New York
Shipman & Goodwin LLP
Sorenson Pearson Family Foundation, Inc.
State Street Corporation
Paul and Melinda Sullivan
Tibbetts Keating & Butler, LLC
Towers Watson
Mr. J. Frank Travis
The University of Connecticut
Mrs. Jean T. Walker
West Farms Mall, LLC
Women’s Health USA, Inc.
The Zoe Foundation for Infusion
Art Therapy
($5,000 - $9,999)
Anonymous (1)
Aberdeen Asset Management, Inc.
American Heart Association, Inc.
Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell
& Berkowitz, PC
Mr. and Mrs. Jay S. Benet
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bingham
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Blades
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Blazar
Marla and John Byrnes
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Carrier
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Cartland
Central Connecticut Senior
Health Services
Citigroup Global Markets Inc.
Clinical Laboratory Partners, LLC
Marjorie T. Coleman and
William R. Coleman
Connecticut Hospital Association
Connecticut Kidney Research
Golf Tournament
Consulting Cardiologists, PC
Mrs. Mary W. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Corroon &
R.A. & J.F. Corroon Foundation
Creative Office Interiors, LLC
Custom Electric, Inc.
Ethel F. Davis
Day Pitney LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory E. Deavens
Desman Associates
Matthew and Susan Ely
Evan Fox, MD and Family
Jean and Don Frahm
Golf for Life
Mrs. Harry J. Gray
Mr. Alexander S. Guida III
Gynecology & Obstetrics
Haemonetics Corporation
Donna M. Handley
Hartford Cardiac Laboratory, PC
Hartford Hospital Nursing Department
Hartford Hospital Transplant Department
Ms. April Haskell and Mr. Jerome Passman
Health Realty Advisors, Inc.
Marcia and John Hincks
Mrs. Jean H. Holden
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Hollander
J.P. Morgan
Lenworth and Barbara Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. Jan B. Kennedy/
Acorn-Alcinda Foundation
Mr. and Ms. Jim Koplik
Bob, Bret and Zoey Krowka
Mr. George A. LaCava Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Lundgren
Matthew Phillips’ Cut-a-Thon
Max Restaurant Group
David and Shannon McHale
The McPhee Foundation, Inc.
Mercer Investment Consulting
Mintz & Hoke Communications Group
Carole M. Mucha, PhD and
Theodore F. Mucha, MD
Nordstrom, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Peters Jr.
Pioneer Investments
Pip Open
Mrs. Sharon E. Poupart
Precision Group
ProHealth Physicians
Prudential Retirement Services
Raymond H. Deck Family Designated Fund
in memory of Kevin F. Deck
Robinson & Cole LLP
Dr. Jamie and Cristina Roche
Rogin Nassau LLC
Mr. Charles M. Royce
Mr. Douglas G. Russell
Patricia and Andrew Salner
SBM Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Sherloq Solutions
Dr. and Mrs. Steven J. Shichman
Singulus Technologies, Inc.
Skip McDermott Golf Outing
Dr. A.J. Smally and Dr. Sharon K. Pool
SPARTA Insurance Company
Strategic Health Advisors
Swing for the Cure
Honor Roll of Donors / 17
Synthes CMF (USA)
TD Bank
The “Just B”...Cancer-Free Foundation, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Paul D. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Thomson
The TJX Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Yonkunas
Young Presidents Organization
($2,500 - $4,999)
Anonymous (4)
Donna and Robert Batch
Mrs. Scott P. Bernstein
Ms. Betsy L. Boatman
Gerald J. Boisvert, CPA, FHFMA
Melissa and Adam Borgida
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce F. Bower
Jim Bowers and Beckey Swanson-Bowers
Carla and Harrison Burgess
Cardiology, PC
Jo Champlin and Coleman H. Casey
The CASLE Corporation
The Sandra and Arnold Chase
Family Foundation
Ms. Tracy Church
Brian and Susan Burke Clemow
Mr. Mark S. Cohen
Community Health Network of
Connecticut, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Michael M. Conway
Mary H. Crary
Cut for the Cure
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Davis Jr.
Ms. Wendy E. Elberth
Mrs. Claire C. Evans
Dave and Jeanie Federman
Ms. Joan W. Feldman and Dr. Martin Keibel
Robert and Cheryl Ficara
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Flaks
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Q. Fraser
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Funk Jr.
Ms. Marilda L. Gándara
Carol S. Garlick
Good Charity, Inc.
Lee and Bob Goode
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Gordon
Ms. Karen Goyette
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Greenfield
Hartford HealthCare Rehabilitation
Susan and Ross Hatch
HDR Architecture
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Henry
Ms. Kim C. Himmelfarb
The Hospital of Central Connecticut
18 / Ha rt fo rd Hos pi t a l, 2013
Ms. Dorothy B. Iwanicki
John Snow, Inc.
Joseph J. Klimek, MD
Paula and Jay Krompinger
LaRosa Building Group LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard F. Leganza
Nancy and Michael Lindberg
Mr. and Mrs. Roger S. Loeb
The George A. and Grace L. Long
Loomis, Sayles & Company, LP
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Marchozzi
Mrs. Rachel K. Marcus
Dr. Stuart and Deb Markowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Marsted
MedReviews, LLC
Ms. Yvette Meléndez and
Mr. Carl Chadburn
MetroHartford Alliance
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Montes
Lisa Namerow, MD, and Fred F. Tilden, MD
Ms. Mary Ann Nelligan
Stacy R. Nerenstone and
Morton L. Weinstein
Jeffry and Ellen Nestler
Mr. Stephen L. Nightingale
and Ms. Vaughan Finn
Mr. Gail Norstrom
O,R&L Commercial, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. O’Brien
OneBeacon Professional Insurance
Ms. Rita Parisi and Mr. John Foley
Falguni and Bimal Patel
Mrs. Millard H. Pryor Jr.
Reluctant Brotherhood Golf Tournament
Mrs. Mary Robinson
Bob and Trudy Rosensweig
Mrs. Mary T. Sargent
Thomas and Saraellen Sargent
Harold I. Schwartz, MD
Gregory L. Shangold, MD
Bob and Shelli Siegel
Dr. and Mrs. Joel Sorosky
Mr. Richard Stys
Team Towanda Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Westley V. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Toro
Tribute to Life Skating Event
The University of Connecticut
Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Sharon L. Vasquez
Dr. Peruvamba R. Venkatesh and
Dr. Jayashree Venkatesh
Mr. and Mrs. David Weaver
Mr. Stuart S. Weisenberg and
Mrs. Nanette Rubin Weisenberg
Nadine Francis West and Arnold West
WFSB-TV Channel 3
Ms. Daphne H. Wilcox
William W. Backus Hospital
Dr. Rebecca N. Williams
and Mr. Cliff Williams
Winebow, Inc.
Martin Wolman and Nancy Fischbach
Women’s Comprehensive Health Care
($1,000 - $2,499
Anonymous (12)
1-800-DOCTORS, Inc.
Advanced Office Systems
Aero-Med, LTC
Doris M. Armstrong, R.N.
Arvina Group, LLC
Margaret W. Assaad, MD
Rehan Aziz, MD
Fabiola S. Balarezo, MD
Ms. Ellen Banks
Dr. and Mrs. John V. Banta, MD
Peter R. Barnett, MD
Dr. and Mrs. Roger S. Beck
Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell M. Belding
Dr. Helaine F. Bertsch
and Mr. David Bertsch
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Betts
John M. and Shelley A. Biancamano
Lee and Ellen Blair
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis L. Blake
Mr. and Mrs. Lee M. Blaymore
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Bliss Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. Lauri Bolton
Boston Mutual Life Insurance Company
Mr. Michael P. Botelho
Bradley, Foster & Sargent, Inc.
Joyce and Harold Buckingham
Mrs. Ann Bucknam
Mr. Curt Cameron
Annetta and Mike Caplinger
Dr. James P. Cardon and Dr. Erin Cardon
Mrs. Margaret C. Carlton
Carmody & Torrance, LLP
Dr. and Mrs. Richard W. Cartun
Mohiuddin Cheema, MD
Mr. Louis R. Chênevert
Ms. Cheryl A. Chase and
Mr. Stuart D. Bear
Thomas E. Ciesielski, MD
Donna M. Cipolla MD and
Frank C. Kowalski
Anna and David Clark
CNA Foundation
Ms. Holly R. Cohen
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Cohen, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cohen
Philip and Cliodhna Coles
Dr. and Mrs. James C. Collias
Ms. Margaret F. Collins
The Congregational Church
of South Glastonbury
Mr. Edward K. Conklin
Connecticut Natural Gas Corporation
Alexia Cruz
Mr. Paul Cullen
Susan H. Dana
Mr. and Mrs. R. Cornelius Danaher Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Danchak
Paul and Camille Daqui
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Dauber
Dr. and Mrs. John D’Avella
Mr. William R. Davis
James C. DeGiovanni, PhD
Delta Dental of New Jersey, Inc.
DePuy Spine, Inc.
Michael Dewberry, MD
Dichello Distributors, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Dicks
Joseph A. DiGiuseppe, MD, PhD
Mr. Arthur Director
Mrs. Barbara Donahue
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Donald
Michael Drescher, MD
Tom and Tina Dugdale
Mr. and Ms. Edmund P. Dunn
Ms. Christina G. Dunnell
Jonathan Scott Earle, MD
EBP Supply Solutions
Zendee P. Elaba, MD
Geoffrey T. Emerick, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Dean R. Erickson
The Farmington Company
William J. Farrell, MD
Drs. Deborah and Jonathan Feldman
Mr. David Fichandler
Mary D. Fiel-Gan, MD
Financial Retirement Solutions, LLC
Folsom Construction, LLC
Footprints Fashion Footwear, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Fowler III
Ms. Mary C. Fox and Mr. Paul Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Freedman
Friends of Mel Foundation
Mr. Stewart B. Fritts and Mrs. Joan Wells
Howard and Sandra Fromson
Samuel S. Fuller
Gaffney, Bennett and Associates, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Gallagher
Mr. Michael E. Gamache
and Ms. Ursula Haerter
Richard F. and Josephine Y. Gamble
The Gelfenbien Family
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
Grant Enhances Patient Education at
Tallwood Urology & Kidney Institute
Richard P. Garmany often spoke of the wonderful care he received
at Hartford Hospital, especially during his last few years of life.
“He developed some very strong friendships with his physicians,
including Dr. Andrew Salner, medical director of the Helen & Harry Gray
Cancer Center, and Dr. Steven Shichman, chair of the Tallwood Urology
& Kidney Institute,” says David Polk, advisor to the Richard P. Garmany
Fund at the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving. “Richard truly wanted
to support all of the projects that Dr. Shichman is involved in. Richard
recognized the skills of all of his caretakers at Hartford Hospital.
We see the Tallwood Institute as an extension of the skills and talents
that already exist within Hartford Hospital.”
The work that Dr. Shichman and his colleagues are doing at the
Tallwood Institute was a catalyst for an $80,000 grant from the
Richard P. Garmany Fund at the Foundation. The funds support patient
education and outreach efforts, creating the Richard P. Garmany
Urologic Patient Care Program.
The patient care program provides enhanced educational materials
for all Tallwood patients. It also helps fund the expansion of the prostate
support group and the creation of support groups for kidney and bladder
cancer patients. The grant has aided expansion of community outreach
with seminars, lectures, and assessment tools for patients undergoing
urologic and kidney
cancer surgery and
created a survivorship
program for patients
who transition from
active treatment to
survivorship. This
support also allowed
Hartford Hospital to
expand its outreach
to primary care
physicians by
creating the Richard P.
Garmany Lecture
Richard P. Garmany
Series for Primary Care
Physicians. And, to
address the unique
needs of patients with
bladder cancer, the
hospital has created a new postoperative patient assessment
program for patients who have had surgery for bladder cancer.
Honor Roll of Donors / 19
Mr. and Mrs. E. Clayton Gengras Jr.
Gengras Motor Cars, Inc.
Mr. James A. Geyer
Dr. John W. Goethe
and Mrs. Ann Price-Goethe
Dr. and Mrs. Steven Goldblatt
Peggy Buchanan and Lou Golden
Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Goldenberg
Mr. Robert A. Goldschmidt, CPA
Mr. Andrew P. Grammaticas
Grassmere Ladies Leisure League
Dr. John F. Greene and Dr. Christine Greene
Dolores Grenier and Thomas Lonergan
Mrs. Joan S. Grey
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Grier
Pamela C. Griswold, MD
Frances B. Gurtman, MD
Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan A. Hammond Jr.
Robert Clark Harris and Marilyn H. Harris
Hartford HealthCare Federal Credit Union
Hartford Neurology, LLC
Mr. Robert Hebert
Meghan K. Herbst, MD
Al and Kathy Herzog
Mr. J. Gregory Hickey
Alyce and David Hild
Ms. Mary Himelstein
Hoffman Auto Group
Annual Gifts
Hartford Hospital relies upon the
generosity of individuals to sustain the
hospital’s margin of excellence.
Gifts also support extraordinary
opportunities, such as increasing
technology; expanding programs and
services to provide high-quality care to
patients, including those unable to pay; educating the next
generation of physicians; and enhancing the hospital’s facilities.
Annual gifts to Hartford Hospital have an immediate and long
lasting impact on the patients, the hospital, and the community.
The campaign runs from October 1 to September 30.
In FY 2013 more than 2,800 community donors contributed
nearly $1 million to the campaign. In addition, hospital
employees raised nearly $135,000 through the Employee
Giving Campaign.
“I feel it is important to support Hartford Hospital as it has
supported me for over 20 years as employee and also as a
patient. I am amazed with the care and experience of staff in
this organization,” said Linda Pereira, a manager in the
Operating Room.
Paul E. Mersereau, left, and Brian Clemow, are
co-chairs of the Annual Campaign Committee.
20 / Ha rt fo rd Hos pi t a l, 2013
Simon Hollander Fund
Aaron Hollander Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Shek C. Hong
John H. Houck, MD
Dr. David Hull and
Ms. Concetta A. Donofrio
David B. Hyman, D.D.S.
Charles J. Ingardia, MD
Mr. Andrew Ingenito and Ms. Jan Mello
Integrated Benefit Services, Inc.
Jarvis Group, Inc.
Mrs. Nancy H. Jezowski
Amy M. Johnson, MD
Mrs. Dorothy D. Johnson
Dr. Kristina H. Johnson and
Mr. William Crocker
Mr. Richard Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Jones
Kaufman Strategic Advisors, LLC
Judith and Richard Keppelman
The Martin Kesten Family Fund
at the Jewish Community Foundation
Orlando C. Kirton, MD
Dr. Christina M. Kishimoto
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kluger
The Kohn/Joseloff Foundation
Mr. Martin Koppell
Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan A. Kost
Kozak and Salina, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Kubica
Lisa C. Kugelman, MD
Ajay Kumar, MD
Lisa A. Laird, MD
Mr. Kerry J. Lanz
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Larsen
& The Larsen Fund
Ms. Deborah Laviero
Margaret and Roger Lawson
Michael Z. and Jeanne Lazor
LeadQuest Consulting, Inc.
Dr. Geraldine M. Lenz
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Lewis
LifeChoice Donor Services
Dr. and Mrs. Saverio Ligato
Alex Lloyd
Mirela Loftus, MD, PhD
Henry B. C. Low, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Dino Lusa
Drs. Srinivas R. Mandavilli
and Bela Mandavilli
Mrs. Jacqueline G. Mandyck
Mr. Joseph R. Marfuggi
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Markiewicz
Mr. David P. Marks and
Dr. Ann M. Sagalyn
Marsh U.S.
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Mastella
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. May III
Mrs. Wanda D. Williams-McCormack
Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. McKay
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond G. McKay
Ms. Barbara J. McNeil
David J. McQuade
John and Pamela Meehan
Sean and Julie Meehan
Drs. Raveen and Radhika Mehendru
Memorial Softball Tournament
Ms. Susan S. Menson
MidState Medical Center
Laila Mnayer, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Moncini
Ms. Patricia Montanaro
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. Morgenstern, MD
Ms. Janet M. Moriarty
Ms. Marjorie E. Morrissey
Merrily Gengras Moynihan
Robert E. Mueller, MD
Daniel and Arlene Neiditz
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Nelson
NERA Economic Consulting
Sara H. Niego, MD
O,R&L Construction Corp.
Tim O’Brien, MD
O’Brien, Tanski & Young, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. O’Keefe
Dr. and Mrs. Edmund H. Olson
Rocco and Joanne Orlando
Marc D. Palter, MD
Panera Bread
Dr. and Mrs. William T. Pastuszak
Robert and Margaret Patricelli
Family Foundation
Mr. Dirk C. Patterson
Dr. and Mrs. Godfrey D. Pearlson
Mrs. Joan Pelletier
Dr. and Mrs. David A. Pepper
Ms. Frances Petko, R.N.
Ms. Darlene Pierro
Robert J. Piorkowski, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Polinsky
Pratt & Whitney
Presscott Associates - A Division of
ParenteBeard LLC
Charles and Dale Primiano
Ms. Susan Prior
Osman Qureshi, MD
Dr. and Mrs. William N. Rezuke Jr.
Dr. Andrew Ricci and
Mrs. Jacqueline A. Muschiano
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Riege
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra H. Ripple, IV
Asad Rizvi, MD, and Saira Kazmi, Ph.D
Dr. Ellen J. Robinson and
Mr. James P. Condren
Mr. Dennis W. Rocheleau
Dr. Galo A. Rodriguez, MPH
Mr. Gerald A. Roisman
Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Rothstein
Gualberto Ruaño, MD, PhD
Ms. Barbara Rubin
Rushford Center, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Rutenberg
Dahlia Saad Pendergrass, MD
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Sahl
Sandler & Mara, PC
Robert and Anne Sargent
Ms. Darlene E. Sawczysyn
Mr. James C. Scala and
Ms. Paula Wardynski
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Schachter
Mr. Richard Scheuch
Marilyn and Alan Schwedel
Drs. Brook and Michelle Seeley
Mrs. Guy C. Shafer
Dr. and Mrs. Ruben L. Shapiro
Patrick and Jane Sheehan
Shepley Bulfinch
Bradford J. Sherburne, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Shulman
David I. Silverman, MD
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Silverman
Smith Brothers Insurance, Inc.
Jerilyn and Scott Smith
Xianyuan Song, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Sorbo III
Mr. Theodore M. Space
The Honorable and Mrs. Arthur L. Spada
Mary Jo and Harvey Spaunburg
Mrs. Sally Speer
Robert M. Spillane, MD
Kent and Jane Stahl
Mr. and Mrs. William K. Stahl
Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Stanley
The Stein Family
Mr. Henry Steiner II
Dr. and Mrs. Michael C. Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Peter N. Stevens
Michael Suisman and
Elsa Daspin Suisman
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas N. Sweda
SWI Glass & Metal/Stanley Wiesen, Inc.
Swindells Charitable Foundation
Maria K. Tackett, R.N.
Mr. and Mrs. Luis Taveras
Ms. Kelly Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Marc M. Tougas
Trinity College
Unite For HER
Dr. and Mrs. Dean F. Uphoff
USI of Connecticut
van Zelm Engineers
Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Vine
Brett Volpe
Dr. and Mrs. John P. Volpe
Dr. Theresa M. Voytek
and Mr. Gary J. Donch
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew E. Wakefield
Ms. Lyn G. Walker
Ms. Marki Ware and Mr. Hal Rives
Waterford Group Charitable Foundation
Judith S. Wawro
Wells Fargo
Detlef Wencker, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Robert West
Mrs. Roan Wetstone
Mr. and Mrs. William Wienke
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Wildman
Ms. Joyce C. Willis
Windham Hospital
Andrew Winokur, MD, and
Denise Winokur, PhD
XL Insurance
Dr. and Mrs. Peter M. Zeman
Steven L. Zweibel, MD
($500 - $999)
Anonymous (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Abramowitz
Mr. and Mrs. William Albert
Peter C. Albertsen, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Alcorn
Ms. Victoria Aleandri
Mr. Steven Alexandre
John Alves
American Flora
Ms. Catherine Andersen
Austin Sheriden USA Inc.
W. Jeffrey Baker, MD
Ms. Priscilla Barber
Bard, Rao + Athanas Consulting
Engineers, LLC
Christine M. Bartus, MD
Ms. Sara J. Bass and Mr. Gale Hoffnagle
Ms. Ruth J. Batogowski
W. Marston and Katharine B. Becker
Beekley Corporation
Peter and Adriane Beller
Mr. Jonathan R. Bennett
Dr. and Mrs. Bert B. Berlin
Mr. Chris Berris
Andy F. Bessette and
Cheryl Noel-Bessette
Ms. Susan W. Bisbee
Peter J. Bosco, MD
Dr. and Mrs. James C. Boyle
Elizabeth W. Brady, MD
Brighton Collectibles
Amy K. Brown, MD, and
Jeffrey R. Brown, MD
Dr. and Mrs. Louis Brown
Matthew G. Brown, MD
Mrs. Marjorie V. Butcher
Karyn L. Butler, MD
Honor Roll of Donors / 21
Mrs. JoAnn F. Camera
John L. Cannon, MD
Card Party Gang
Mr. Mike Casparino
Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Castiglione
Kyung Chung, MD
Mrs. Leslie C. Clark
Mrs. Robert J. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Cloud
Ms. Raffaella Coler
Conning, Inc.
Paul Crespi
Crumbie Law Group, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D’Addabbo
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Daniels
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore D’Aquila
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Darby
Mr. Richard S. Davis and
Ms. Susan B. Cantrick
Ms. Lynn Deasy
Drs. Patricia DeFusco and
Norman Cavanagh
Mr. Robert F. Derosier
Sharon A. Diamen, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Donnelly
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Doucette III
Mrs. Judith W. Drake
D’s Jewelers LLC
Mr. James H. Du Mond
Mr. Jeffrey Dube
Dr. and Mrs. Victor C. Eanniello
Mr. and Mrs. Neil H. Ellis
Elizabeth Y. Evans, MD
Evanston Capital Management LLC
Wilson and Janet Faude
Mr. David R. Fay
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin E. Flaherty
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Flannery
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Flescher
Mr. Arthur W. Frank Jr.
Barbara T. Burke, R.N., J.D.
and Ralph J. Frank Jr., R.Ph., M.P.H.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Fromson
Mr. Robert C. Fusari
Richard P. and Mary R. Gagnon
Mr. and Mrs. Augusto R. Gautier
Ms. Judith M. Gherlone
Patricia Giardi and Peter Seigle
William J. Glucksman, MD
Ms. Paula Goldfarb
Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Goldman
Michael and Linda Goodwill-Kogut
Ms. Catherine Grady-Benson
Dr. R. James Graydon
Mr. and Mrs. James Gregware
Mr. and Mrs. R. Nelson Griebel
Mr. Edward Guay
Mr. John Gummere
22 / Ha rt fo rd Hos pi t a l, 2013
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Gurekovich
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Hagberg
Hair Today
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan A. Harris
Hartford HealthCare Patient
Financial Services
Janice M. Hartnett, MD
HCC Global Financial Products
Dr. and Mrs. Victor C. Herson
Herz Financial, LLC
HIMCO Colleagues and Friends
Jeffrey A. Hirst, MD
Gary and Deborah Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Hoffman
Mr. Frederick A. Holybee
Ms. Nancy E. Hubbard
International Hair Salon
Ms. Deborah Izzo
Mr. and Mrs. B. Theodore Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. S. Edward Jeter
Richard J. Kates, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Girard H. Keeler
Dr. and Mrs. Donald R. Kelly
Mr. John H. Kendrick
Hugh A. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Konover
Ms. Alice Korzinski and Ms. Reza Abbassi
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Kowalski Jr.
Mr. Jason Laabs
Mr. and Mrs. Roland G. LaBonte
Alan and Beth Laites
Anne Lally, MD
Christine LaSala and John Alexander
Laughter for A Cause
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Lawrence Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Lee
Ms. Jennifer A. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. F. Peter Libassi
Mr. and Mrs. Worth Loomis
Ms. Pelagia C. Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. MacCormac
Mrs. Patricia Maciag
Daniel Madison and Brenda Madison, R.N.
Steven H. Madonick, MD
Barbara and Bret Maffett
Magellan Health Services
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Maguire
Dr. and Mrs. William Mancoll
Ms. April Mann
Mr. and Mrs. Hal M. Manoian
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Marino
Ms. Eleanor McAuliffe
Mr. E. Merritt McDonough Sr.
Mr. John M. McNab and Mrs. Ellen McNab
Anoop M. Meraney, MD
Ms. Judith C. Meyers and Mr. Richard Hersh
Michaels Jewelers
Stephen B. and Patricia Middlebrook
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Mogensen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Morton
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Mullen Jr.
Marlene A. Murphy-Setzko
Lokesh Nigam
Alfredo F. Niño, MD
Ms. Carla Nunziante
Mr. and Mrs. John F. O’Connell Jr.
Ms. Julie K. O’Leary
August Olivar, MD
Mr. Paul H. Ouellette
Dariush Owlia, MD
Mr. John Papandrea
Dr. and Ms. Pavlos K. Papasavas
Anthony and Janice Parrotta
Ms. Marion Paterson
Ms. Elizabeth H. Pelletier
Judith Pepe, MD
Karen M. Perkus
Mr. Paul Peszynski
Jill M. Peters-Gee, MD
Ms. Sara P. Pintaldi
Ms. Elizabeth Pizzuto
The Polen Foundation
Ms. Cynthia Pugliese
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Quigley
RBC Wealth Management
Adine F. Regan, MD
Mrs. Belle K. Ribicoff
Mr. John G. Rice
Caroline Rochon, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Avery Rockefeller III
Mr. Lewis B. Rome
Roncari Express Valet Parking
Dr. and Mrs. Eric Rosenberg
Robert S. Rosson, MD
Mr. Michael Rubino
Dr. Tilla F. Ruser
Ms. Cheryl B. Sard
Mrs. Jean T. Sargent
Joyce E. Schickler, R.N.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene B. Scialdone
William Beecher Scoville Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Searing Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Steven E. Selden
Peter Sereny, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Shapiro
Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. Shapiro
Robert K. Shapter, MD
John J. Shaw, DMD
Mr. Robert Shea
Patricia A. Sheiner, MD
Mark Shekhman, MD
The Shulansky Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Sieber
Robert L. Sigman, MD
Ms. Elise E. Sinha
Collaboration with
Magen David Adom
Grows and Wins
The partnership between Hartford Hospital and Magen David
Adom, Israel’s national emergency medical service, was
recognized with the first Connecticut-Israel Collaboration
Award, given on behalf of the Connecticut Israel Technology
Summit Committee of the Jewish Federation of Greater
Hartford and the Metro-Hartford Alliance.
The award was presented at the 3rd Annual Connecticut-Israel Technology
Summit at the Oakdale Theatre in Wallingford, Connecticut, on June 12, 2013.
Michael Drescher, MD, associate chief of the Division of Emergency Medicine,
accepted the award on behalf of the hospital in light of his leading role in the
partnership. Thanks to the generosity of Henry Jacobs, MD, JD, a fund was
established to further advance the fellowship program.
In August, for the second time, Magen David Adom flight paramedics (above)
trained with Hartford Hospital’s LIFE STAR crew at the Center of Education,
Simulation and Innovation. Two paramedics spent two days refining skills,
most notable in airway management and labor and delivery.
Magen David Adom selected Hartford Hospital as a training site in 2012.
The training directly benefits patients and families in Israel who rely on
Magen David Adom’s services.
Honor Roll of Donors / 23
Red & Black
Gala Sets
In December 2012, the opening of the Outpatient Transplant Center, a beneficiary of the 2013 Black
& Red, was celebrated with a ribbon-cutting. On hand for the ceremony: (l-r) Anne Lally, MD; Ross
Hollander and Marcy Hollander, longtime supporters of the Transplant Program; Patricia Sheiner,
MD, director of the Transplant Program; Jeffrey Flaks, EVP and COO, Hartford HealthCare; Rolland
Dickerson, MD; Dan Madison, administrative director, Transplant Program; Caroline Rochon, MD;
Jarrod Post, MD; Matthew Brown, MD; Jeffry Nestler, MD; and Xiaoyi (Cheri) Ye, MD.
Under the strong leadership of Ross Hollander,
chair of the 22nd Black & Red, and Patricia
Sheiner, MD, chair of the Black & Red Medical
Staff Advisory Committee, Hartford Hospital
celebrated its most successful gala ever on
January 5, 2013, at The Bushnell in Hartford.
Benefiting the Transplant Program, the gala
raised more than $1 million, a record for the
hospital’s signature fund-raising event. The
sold-out crowd of 1,400 guests was treated to an
evening of fine dining; an exclusive performance
by the Grammy Award-winning band Earth,
Wind & Fire; and dancing to Flipside.
Also, for the first time, the Black & Red was
broadcast live on FOX CT, generating awareness
about the need for organ donations and
encouraging viewers and attendees to register as
organ donors. Ultimately, the Donate Life
campaign registered a remarkable 1,250 donors.
(L-R) Patricia Sheiner, MD, director of the
Transplant Program; Ross Hollander, chair of the
2013 Black & Red; Sunnee Hollander; and Elliot
Joseph, president and CEO, Hartford HealthCare.
As chair of the Black & Red gala, Ross brought a
personal sense of responsibility to his role. His
brother Bob Hollander, affectionately known as
Bubba, underwent a liver transplant at Hartford
Hospital in 2000 and for the next nine years
devoted himself to many causes at the hospital,
including the Transplant Program. After Bob
passed away in 2009, his wife, Marcy, created
Bubba’s Blue Jean Open, a memorial golf
tournament that has raised more than $140,000
to support the Transplant Program.
Through a generous combined gift to the
Black & Red from Ross, Marcy, and the golf
tournament, the family has raised both
awareness and support for the vital work
of the Transplant Program.
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Slimmon Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Smachetti
Ms. Laurel Smith
Steven S. Smith, MD
Ms. Kelly J. Soucy
Mrs. John Springer
Adam C. Steinberg, D.O.
Mrs. Kimberly Sugerman
Julie and Hiro Takata
Manish Tandon, MD
Caren B. Teitelbaum, MD
Mrs. Deborah L. Tetreault, R.N.
The Institute’s Got Talent Craft Fair
Mrs. Beverly W. Thomas
Darren and Stephanie Tishler
Tolland Middle School
Ms. Jahala A. Tomaselli
Ms. Lucille H. Tremblay
G. Thomas Trono, MD
Dr. Paul K. Tulikangas and
Dr. Michele Twigg
United Centerless Grinding
Urban League of Greater Hartford, Inc.
Miss Hazel Vail
Ms. Joan Valenti
Ms. Virginia Van Dyk
Dr. and Mrs. Paul V. Vignati
Village for Families & Children, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. von Dohlen
Witold Waberski, MD, and
Joanna Fogg-Waberski, MD
Ms. Carol A. Wardell
Dr. Clarence W. Welti
Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Whittemore
Mr. Edward M. Widness Jr.
Mr. Roger D. Wierbicki
Mr. Ernest C. Wignall
Don and Jean Wilson
Mr. John M. Wolfson
Women’s Health Connecticut
Nadia and Rob Woodman
Ms. Susan P. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Wrobel Jr.
Mr. John Wrobel
Catherine E. Yavinsky, R.N.
Jacob Zamstein, MD
Mr. Daniel Zibaitis
Dr. and Mrs. Fred M. Ziter Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Elliot C. Zweig
($250 - $499)
Anonymous (24)
Mr. and Mrs. Farough Abed
Ms. Amy Albano
All Risks Ltd
Kim Alleman, APRN
24 / Ha rtford Ho spita l, 2013
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Anquillare
Ms. Wendy L. Antuna
Ms. Annemarie Appleton
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Babcock
Mr. Paul Badore
Mr. James A. Baio Jr.
Beverly and Shepard Baker
Peter M. Bakker Agency, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Bartlett
Mr. Glenn Basile
Ms. Carolyn Bauer
Mrs. Kristen Beaupre
Stewart W. Beckett III and Jill C. Beckett
Ms. Justine Bedlack
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Berman
Monica and Dennis Bisgaard
Mrs. George P. Bissell Jr.
Mrs. Deborah Blotner
Mr. Todd C. Bluestein
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip I. Blumberg
Dr. Arthur Blumer
Ms. Kelley J. Boothby
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Borton
Dr. Tracy E. Brennan and
Dr. Neville J. Graham
King Archibald
Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Brody
Dr. and Mrs. William R. Bronson
Mrs. Diane F. Brown
Ms. Sandra Brown
Mr. Stephen D. Brownell and
Dr. Kim C. Brownell
Ms. Jessica Bruneau
Katie and Mark Carges
Mr. Christopher Carlin
Mr. Jon Case
CCMC Neonatal Intensive Care Units
Mr. and Mrs. Louis L. Ceruzzi
David J. Chalmers, MD
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Chase
Dr. Mary Alice Cheney and
Mr. Scott M. Goldman
Chike V. Chukwumah, MD
Clarity Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Clarke
Christopher and Julia Clyne
Ms. Marie P. Coburn
Mr. Alfred Colley
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Collins
Competitive Power Ventures, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Garret Condon
Connecticut Construction Industries
Association, Inc.
Mrs. Michael A. Connor Jr.
Trig and Samuel P. Cooley
Ann and Bernie Cope
Mr. Timothy H. Coppage
Ms. Angela Cordi
Mr. Gerald S. Creem
David and Margaret Crombie
Mr. and Mrs. Drew Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Dahill Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Dailey
Mark E. Dailey, MD
Ms. Gail D’Amelio
Campbell M. Davis, MD
Mr. Douglas A. Davis
Dr. and Mrs. Paul T. Dekker
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Derech
Mr. Amato D. DeRosa
Ms. Franca L. DeRosa
Mr. and Mrs. Edward DiRenzo
Kate and Jonathan Dixon
Ms. Delphine Donaghue
Jim and Maureen Dougherty
Mr. Colin Dubois
Mr. Michael Dunn
Ms. Lisa Durland
Ms. Sherry L. Dwyer
Mr. John Elwood
Mr. and Mrs. James F. English Jr.
Ms. Lisa J. Enslow
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley D. Ertelt
Mr. Nathanel Fenn
Jennifer L. Ferrand, Psy.D.
Ms. Jody Ferrer
Ms. Mary Flaherty
Muriel and Karl Fleischmann
Ms. Christine Flugrad
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony L. Fons III
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Fram
Mrs. Sharon A. Fried
Mrs. Judi C. Friedman
Friends at Travelers Claim
Friends from MassMutual
Susan and Robert Furek
Mr. Edward Gabrielski and
Ms. Daphne J. Firth
Mr. and Mrs. J. Brian Gaffney
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Garrahy
Mr. L. Sidney Garvais
Dr. and Mrs. Barry J. Gelber
Ms. Michele M. Genden
Ms. Carol L. Ghergurovich
Mr. Michael Gioffre
Ms. Patricia Gleason
Ms. Lynda Godkin and Mr. Ken Hickey
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin S. Goldfarb
Mr. and Mrs. Ira H. Goldman
Myron L. Gordon and
Claire B. Gordon Foundation
Ms. Andra S. Grasis
Greater Hartford Women’s
Health Associates Fundraiser
Mr. Lawrence Greenfield
Mr. and Mrs. James Gregware
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Griesdorn
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Gross
Honor Roll of Donors / 25
Ms. Regina Guevarra
Ms. Sharon W. Guite
Mrs. Ann E. Gunberg
Ms. Blossom L. Guthrie-Wheatley
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Gworek
Lawrence C. Haber, PhD
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Hadlow
Mr. Bancroft Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin G. Hall
Ms. Sue B. Hart
Hartford Hospital Finance Department
Hartford Hospital School of
Nursing Alumnae Association
Mr. Christopher Hayes
Erin and Scott Healer
Virginia Rose Heard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hill
Mrs. Monroe Himelstein
Tom and Laura Hintz
Mr. Jeffrey B. Hires
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Laudenat
Ms. Elizabeth Lawlor, R.N.
Frank A. Leone, Esq.
Ms. Lisa A. Lessard
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Long
Ms. Elaine T. Lowengard
Mr. Michael H. Lucht
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas H. MacGilpin
Ms. Elaine M. Mains
Mrs. Susan Malo
Ms. Elaine S. Marshall
Ms. Rosa Marti
Thomas J. Martin, MD
Ms. Judee M. Martz
Ms. Bonnie S. Matthews
Mr. James McCauley
Ms. Deirdre McDonald
Ms. Liz McDowell-Smith
McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney
& Carpenter, LLP
Arthur O. Phinney Jr., MD
Mr. Joseph Pilleteri
Anne E. Pinou, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Vilmont Poulin
Mr. Ronald M. Pringle
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Radojevic
Mr. John M. Ramezzana
Frederick and Barbara Rau
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ravalese Jr.
Mr. Marc Reich
Mr. David Reska
Ms. Jacqueline Restrepo
Ms. Allison Reynolds
Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. Robbin
Ms. Martha Rogers
Mr. Victor B. Rook Sr.
Ms. Lizabeth Roper
Rabbi James Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Rosow
Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Rossi Jr.
Ms. Gail L. Hitchcock
Dr. and Mrs. Howard I. Hochman
Mr. Robert F. Hoffman
Stanton C. Honig, MD
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Honigmann
Mr. David S. Hoopes and
Ms. Roberta A. Swafford
Mr. Joseph Horta
Hospital Focus 5
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell D. Howard
James and Cheryl Hubbard
Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Israel
Mr. Michael Janis
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Jimenez
John’s Friends at Nutmeg
International Trucks
Ms. Karen M. Johnson
Mr. Jeffrey Kadison
Mr. Mark C. Kavitsky
Herbert J. Keating III, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Kelley
Ms. Linda J. Kelly
Ms. Barbara C. Kemp
Mr. Daniel Kennedy III
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Kennedy
Ms. Andrea R. Kerr
Richard T. Kershen, MD
Stuart S. Kesler, MD
Mr. Andrew F. Klekar
Ms. Nancy A. Kramer
Dr. and Mrs. Leroy W. Krumperman Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Labedzki
Ms. Joan Laffin
Ms. Sandra J. Lafond
Ms. Karen M. Landor
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Langenus
Mrs. Cheryl LaRochelle
Mr. Uton McLean
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Melchreit
Colleen Mellen, APRN
Ms. Roberta Metta
Ms. Sharon Michaud
Mr. Matthew D. Millan and
Ms. Elizabeth Oettinger
Mr. Raymond C. Millan
Mr. Edward J. Miller
Joel M. Miller, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas F. Miller
Mr. Raymond Minor
David A. Monti Jr., MD
Mr. Mark A. Moreau
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mowell
Ms. Rachel Muehlenkamp
Mary and Tom Mullaney
Natational Association of Professional
Surplus Lines Offices, Ltd.
Regina and Robert F. Neal
Dr. Richard A. Newman
Ms. Lucille M. Nickerson
Wilfredo Nieves, EdD
Gary Nobert, MD
Ms. Annie F. Nodwell
Mr. Robert Norris
Northeast-United Corporation
O & G Industries, Inc.
Mr. John F. O’Connor
Ms. Judith Omphroy
Open Sky Corporation
Mr. Chris Owens
Mrs. Jane Painter
Shauna and Gervacio Pangilinan Jr.
Mary and Tim Parola
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Pease
The Perfect Promotion, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Petitpas
Ms. Lorna Phelps
Ms. Ellen Rothberg
Mr. Clarence R. Rubb
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rubenstein
Susan Smith Rubin, Alice Rubin
and Ann Rubin
Ms. Jan Ruderman
Ms. Ann Russell
Mr. Kenneth Russo
Mr. James J. Ryan
Mrs. Lynn Salowitz
Ralph Salvietti, MD
Ms. Aida I. Santiago
William V. Sardella, MD
Saslow Lufkin & Buggy, LLP
Ms. Marybeth Scanlon
Ms. Nancy G. Scanlon, R.N.
William and Claire Schamback
Susan and Henry S. Scherer Jr.
Mr. Pete Schoppenhauer
Dr. Ronald Schouten
Sedgwick LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Adam L. Seidner
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan E. Seymour
Dana Shagan, Psy.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Paul A. Shapiro
Ms. Elizabeth B. Shluger
Ms. Carole Showalter
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Silver
Mrs. Beverly Singer
Mr. Duncan S. Somerville Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Spagnoletti
Mr. Austin Stack
Stanley and Anelia Kustra Fund of the
Community Foundation of
Greater New Britain
Mr. Bruce M. Stanley
Mrs. Wendy Stier
Ms. Edris Strong
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Tarantino
26 / Ha rtford Ho spita l, 2013
The National Board
The Sullivan Group
Mrs. Janet E. Theroux
Mr. Charles E. Thomas
Mrs. Mary A. Thompson
Ms. Carol Y. Thorney
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Tindall
Cathy and Mario Torcia
Melissa and Kevin Tranberg
Ms. Teresa Turano
Mr. and Mrs. George D. Uhl
Mr. Scott A. Underwood
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Upham
Douglas H. and Priscilla B. Viets
Joseph R. Wagner, MD
Dr. and Mrs. Irving Waltman
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Warchol
Ms. Diane Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Watt
Mr. John Weferling
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Weingrod
Sally J. Weisman
Dr. and Mrs. John P. Welch
Mrs. Jacqueline Werner
Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood S. Willard
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn W. Willsey
Mr. and Mrs. Martel D. Wilson Jr.
Solomon and Katie Wohl Foundation
Women of Wellness
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Woolley
Mr. Christopher Q. Wright
Ms. Joanne F. Wright
Mr. K. P. Wuerfel
Ms. Janet Yankiewicz-Levin
Glenn and Susanne Yeakel
Ms. Linda L. Youmatz
Ms. Catherine Zeiner
Mr. Charles J. Zenzick III
Mr. Nicholas Zoccoli
Mr. Jason Zwang
Nancy and David Zwiener
($100 - $249)
Anonymous (76)
Mrs. Patricia Abood
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ackerson
Acoustics, Inc.
Robert S. Adamenko, MD
Mr. Rafael S. Adames
Mr. Bruce Adams
Ms. Elizabeth J. Adams
Mr. Peter Adelsberger
Aetna DBA Team
Ms. Arija Agostino
Ms. Lidia Agramonte-Gomez
Mr. Wayne A. Aguiar
Mr. and Mrs. Tamim Ahmed
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Albanesi
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Aldrich
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Allan
Dr. and Mrs. Burton Alter
American Industrial Rubber Products
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Andreas
Ray and Barbara Andrews
Mrs. Nora B. Anthony
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Anzalotti
Ms. Virginia Q. Argenio
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Arnold
Jane and Dan Arnold
Mrs. Flora Arnoldi
Nicole Attardo
Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Attardo
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Atwell
Mrs. Angie Augustinos
Donna Avanecean, APRN
Mr. and Mr. Carl A. Bach
Ms. H. Anita Bacon
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Bagnall
Ms. Cynthia A. Baio-Larue
Mrs. Gina M. Baixauli
Mr. William C. Baker
Miss Marie L. Balsara
Ms. Catherine M. Banbury
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy M. Barbagallo
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Baretz
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Barrett
Steve and Carolyn Bartels
Mr. and Mrs. John Bartok Jr.
Drs. Peter E. and Morven C. Barwick
Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Bass
Mr. David Batchelder
Ms. Elizabeth Bates
Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. Battaglioli
Ms. Evelyne Battle
Mr. Perry Bauer
Mr. David H. Baum
Ms. Beth A. Baumert
Bay Tact Corporation
BCI Financial Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Beadle Jr.
Ms. Carole O. Beaudoin
Mr. Gerard T. Beaudoin
Ms. Lisa Beaudoin
Ms. Florence S. Beaupre
Mr. Richard Beck
Mr. William H. Becker
Ms. Patty Beebe
Ms. Eleni Beka
Ms. Dawn Beland
Ms. Harriett C. Belding
Eleanor Benson
Ms. Irene Bent
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle A. Bentley
Mrs. Winifred Berberick
Martin and Irene Berman
Ms. Lee Beveridge
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton E. Beyor
Ms. Gayathri Bhatt
Ms. Francesca Biancamano
Ms. Meghan Bianco
Mr. Charlie Bielefield
Ms. Michelle Bilski
Mr. Gerald S. Biondi
Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Bissell
Mr. and Mrs. Sumner F. Bissell
Ms. Sherrell A. Blair-Bowers
Ms. Patricia H. Blake
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Blanch
Dr. and Mrs. Bradford M. Blanchard
Ms. Carol L. Blanks-Lawson
Rev. Jean M. Blanning
Mr. Heath Blash
Dr. Philip Blazar
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blomstrann
Blue Cod Technologies, Inc.
Mrs. Morton A. Blumenthal
Mrs. Ingrid Boelhouwer
Ms. Lucie M. Bohannon
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Bojarski
Mr. Jean-Paul Bolduc
Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Bonee
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Bonney
Ms. Sallie P. Boody
Mrs. Kimberly Boor
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Boucher
Mr. and Mrs. Roger M. Bougie
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bourbeau
Mr. and Mrs. Courtney B. Bourns
Ms. Carol Bourque
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Bowden
Dr. and Mrs. George N. Bowers Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard C. Boyle
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Bozza
Dr. and Mrs. Donald F. Bradley Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Bradley
Mrs. Judith N. Brady
Ms. Susan M. Brady
Ms. Lorraine Brandolini
Mr. and Mrs. A. Richard Brayer
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Brazalovich Jr.
Mr. Donald C. Bridge Jr.
Ms. Deborah M. Brodeur
David L. Brown, MD
Donald and Leandra Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Brownstein
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Brunell
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Brzezinski
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Buczek
Mr. Paul Bukowski
Mr. Frank W. Bulsiewicz
Frederick Bunke Jr., MD
Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Bunnell
Honor Roll of Donors / 27
Ms. Ann Lisa Burgarella
Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Burgess
Mr. Dennis Burke
Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Burnett
Ms. Kathleen Burns
Mr. Ryan M. Burns
Mr. John F. Burridge
Business Projects/IT Group
C. M. McGee Middle School
Ms. Lucille E. Cabitor
Ms. Susan Cabral
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cagenello
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Calabrese
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Calhoun
Ms. Lisa A. Callahan
Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Camp
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Campo
Mr. Thomas G. Cantone
The Capital Group Companies
Charitable Foundation
Mr. Daniel J. Carcio
Ms. Karen Cardillo
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Carey Jr.
Mr. John N. Carey
Ms. Geraldine K. Carini-Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Carlson
Mr. Mark Caron
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. David Carter
Ms. Sandra R. Casinghino
Ms. Lorraine L. Cassidy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Cathcart
Ms. Rita A. Cefaratti
Mr. Edwin A. Centeno
CFC U16 Boys Soccer Team
Mr. and Mrs. Chandler C. Chamberlin
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore D. Chambers
Dr. and Mrs. Leon Chameides
Mr. Raymond Chance
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Charland
Ms. Nancy Charon
Mr. Cade H. Cherry
Ms. Jodi Childs
Ms. Olive Chisholm
Mr. Stephen A. Chmura
Mrs. Anne Marie S. Choquette
Ms. Martha Choquette
Mrs. Amanda Christiansen
Mrs. Barbara J. Christofer
Ms. Anna Ciardiello
Ms. Ellen M. Ciccarillo-Clarke, BSN
Ms. Desiree Cika
Ms. Anna Cios
Ms. Susie P. Citro
Ms. Constance M. Clark
28 / Ha rtford Ho spita l, 2013
Raynbow Foundation
From January to June, Donna Hughes
works nonstop from her kitchen and
dining room organizing the annual
Raynbow Foundation Memorial Golf
Classic. Driven to improve the lives of
people with diabetes and cancer, she
also finds purpose in keeping her
brother’s philanthropic spirit alive.
Donna’s brother, Neil Esposito, who
owned a successful trash hauling
business with his family, was legendary for his charity work. He raised
money for and gave his time to
numerous causes, including the
American Lung Association and the
homeless. After his son, Ray, was
diagnosed with juvenile diabetes in the mid-1990s, Neil turned his
focus to diabetes research. He, his parents, and Donna founded the
Raynbow Foundation in 1998. Neil’s sudden death at age 42 the next
year left a void that Donna was determined to fill.
“He was an amazing brother, an amazing person. He and I were
very close,” Donna says. “There was a lot going on at the time but
I decided that I wasn’t going to shut down the foundation.”
And so as president for the past 14 years, she has overseen the
foundation’s growth and its most visible event, the Memorial Golf
Classic, benefiting Hartford Hospital’s Diabetes LifeCare program, the
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, as well as cancer patients at
Connecticut Children’s Medical Center.
“I rely on volunteers, my friends, and my family to help,” she says.
“We changed it around a bit with speakers and MCs. We do a small
live auction and a big raffle. And it’s working. My biggest supporters
are my mom [Anne], my husband [Jeff], and Matthew, my son.”
The philanthropic reach of Donna and her family extends
beyond the hospital’s diabetes programs. The family is also a lead
supporter of the Hartford HealthCare Bone & Joint Institute at
Hartford Hospital, the anchor of a multiyear plan for building and
program enhancements.
Donna has long been motivated to help others, joining the
American Red Cross club in high school and volunteering at
Newington Children’s Hospital. She says that she and her brother
were raised with philanthropic thoughts. “My father [Raymond
Esposito, who died in 2010] always said, ‘What good is it to have
if you don’t share?’
“Considering that we’re a small foundation, with no fluff and
stuff, we help quite a few people,” Donna explains. “At the golf
tournament, people come to speak about how we make a difference.
That’s all that matters. I know we are doing what my brother and
father would want.”
Mr. Robert F. Cleary
Mrs. Lois C. Clede
Mr. Leonard G. Clough
Mrs. Ida E. Cohen
Ms. Lynne Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Cohen
Naomi and Michael Cohen
CohnReznick LLP
Mr. and Mrs. H. Bacon Collamore Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David Collins
Mrs. Elizabeth J. Collins
Mrs. Erin Concepción
Ms. Jan E. Condon
Mary Louise Condon, R.N.
Connecticut Education Association
Connecticut Lighting Centers
Connecticut Marine Trades
Association, Inc.
Connecticut Spring & Stamping
Connecticut Women’s Forum
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Connelly
William and Jeanne Conrad
Mr. Daniel Contaldi
Ms. Stella C. Conte
Drs. Contrino & Erol
Edward J. Conway, MD
Ms. Judith A. Cooper
Mr. Carlton R. Copp
Alexis M. Cordiano, MD
Ms. Beverly Corjulo
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Costa
Mrs. Mary Lou Costanzo
Ms. Lenora F. Cote
Mr. James E. Coughlin
Mr. Martin B. Courneen
Mrs. Joanne Coursey
Ms. Janice Cousino
Mrs. Jennifer Coutu
Mr. Jonathan Cowles
Mr. Otis C. Cox
Ms. Alveda Z. Cranick
The Crew At Alpha House
Cronin and Company
Ms. Mary E. Cronin and
Ms. Bonnie Jackman
Mr. and Mrs. George D. Cropper
Joan and David Crow
Mr. David A. Crowell
Cummings, Lamont & McNamee
Mr. William M. Curtin
Ms. Teresa Cusano
Cycling Concepts
Mrs. Antoinette Dadario
Mrs. Kathryn Daddabbo
Mr. and Mrs. Gary D’Agata
Mr. Sebastiano S. D’Agostino
Mr. Jeffrey W. Dahlstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Daigle
Ms. Susan G. Daley
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Dallas
Ms. Mary T. Dalton
Mr. Michael J. Daly
Lauren and Judy Daman
Mr. Walter G. Davis
Ms. Michelle Day
Mrs. Sarah DeGiovanni
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur C. DeGraff Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent DellaRocca
Mr. Robert F. Delucia
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Dempsey
Ms. Myra DeNapoli
Dr. Nancy M. DePalma
Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. DeRobertis
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Desbrow
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Devanney
Mr. and Mrs. Americo DiBacco
Ms. Elizabeth L. Dickinson
Rolland C. Dickson, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Didomizio
Ms. Laura H. DiGalbo
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. DiGangi
Mr. John D. DiLaurenzio
Ms. Ellen W. Dillon
Ms. Valerie Dillon-Weed
Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian DiMauro
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore DiNino
Mr. and Mrs. Michael DiRaimo
Mrs. Carol S. Director
Mr. Dennis Dix Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Allyn J. Dodd
Jaye and John Donaldson
James F. Donovan, MD
Ms. Mary K. Donovan
Aggie, Frank and Matt Dorio
DORMA Architectural Hardware
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dorman
Mr. Daniel J. Dornfeld Sr.
Ms. Josephine Z. Dorsi
Mr. Patrick Dowd
Mr. and Mrs. Gary B. Draghi
Mr. David M. Drumm
Mrs. Teresa M. Duarte
Ms. Anita M. Dube
Ms. Barbara R. Dumais
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Dunican
Ms. Christine Dunn
Mr. Randy Dunn
Ms. Sharon Dunn
Ms. Sylvia G. Dunn
Ms. Mona C. Duquette
Ms. Kathleen Dusel
Ms. Olga Dutka
Mr. Michael R. Dwyer
East Lyme Public Library
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Echevarria
Mr. Carleton L. Eck
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Eck
Mr. and Mrs. John Eckel
Mr. Jason M. Ector
Mr. Paul H. Eddy and
Ms. Elizabeth J. Normen
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Edelson
Mr. and Mrs. James Eder
Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Edwards
Michael M. Einstein, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Allan C. Ekstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Elder
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Eldridge
Ms. Eleanor G. Elkins
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Elloian
Ms. Allyson Emmanuel
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Emsley Jr.
Mr. William V. Engel
Mr. Michael Ensley
Mr. Robert K. Erf
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Erikson
Ernest Peterson, Inc.
Mr. Joseph R. Ertl
Mr. and Mrs. Carmine Esposito
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Fagan
Mr. Donald W. Fahr
Ms. Lisa Falce
Ms. Lorraine W. Falvey
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Famiglietti
Farmington Woods Women’s Golf
Association - 18 Hole Ladies
Mr. Robert Farr and Ms. Diana MacPherson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Faulise
Mr. and Mrs. George Feldstein
Mr. Stephen F. Ferland
Mr. Alain F. Ferriere
Ferris Tree Service, Inc.
Ms. Carmelina Fidelio
Mr. John Fields
Ms. Nancy Fightlin
Drs. Franca and Dan Filomeno
Mr. Joseph D. Filomeno
Mr. John Finik
Dr. Judd B. Fink
Mrs. Donna Finn
First Baptist Church
First Baptist Church of Saybrook
Ms. Deborah K. Fischer
Mr. George D. Fisher III
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Fletcher
Ms. Kristine A. Floryan
Alexandra M. Flowers, MD
Mr. Derly Foerste
Mr. Herman J. Fong
Mr. and Mrs. B. Carleton Forbes
Mr. Dennis Ford
Mr. Joshua G. Ford
Honor Roll of Donors / 29
Ms. Theresa Formaggioni
Ms. Patricia Formeister
Mr. David M. Forrest
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Forro
Lawrence J. Fortier, MD
Mr. Gilbert Fortunato
Ms. Harriet E. Foster
Mr. Timothy H. Foster
Mr. Joseph S. Fowler III
Mr. William D. Fowler
Dr. and Mrs. Brendan M. Fox
Ms. Jennifer L. Fox
Mrs. Marilyn Fox
Mrs. Kristen Foxen
Dr. and Mrs. Ethan B. Foxman
Mr. Norman Foxman
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Franchi
Mr. Frank J. Frangione
Mr. Stanley B. Frank
Mr. Stephen M. Fredette
FreshPoint Connecticut
Mr. and Mrs. Marc B. Friedman
Friends at Rockville Bank Foundation
Mrs. Samantha Fruhling
Mr. Herbert G. Futter
Ms. Andrea Gaines
Mr. Gerhard Gaiser
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Galloway
Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Gambaiani
Mrs. Grenville Garside
Paul A. Gaudio, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce J. Gay
Mrs. Frances H. Gegesky
Mr. Herve A. Gelinas
Ms. Brenda Gelo
Mr. and Mrs. Fulvio S. Gervasi
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Giger Jr.
Mr. Michael J. Giles
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gillies Jr.
Mrs. Elaine M. Gionfriddo
Nicholas A. Giosa, MD
Keith E. Gipson, MD
Ms. Janice Giuca
Mr. Edward D. Gladstone
Dr. Jason Gluck and Dr. Gina Gluck
Mr. W. S. Goetjen
Mr. Lawrence H. Gofberg
Mr. John W. Gohsler
Mr. David Gollob
Mr. Edward E. Gonyea
Allan S. Goodman, Inc.
Mr. John S. Gordon
Ms. Lorina I. Goulet
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Gracewski
Mr. Richard P. Graff
Mr. Kenneth A. Gravette
Mr. Jereld E. Gray
30 / Ha rtford Ho spita l, 2013
Greater Hartford Nephrology, LLC
Greater Hartford Women’s
Health Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Green
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Green
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold C. Greenberg
Ms. Tammy Greenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Colin Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Grody
Ms. Rebecca Grosso
David M. Grygier, MD
Dr. Sandra L. Guerard
Ms. Danette Guertin, APRN
Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Gundersen
Mr. and Mrs. David Hadden
Mr. Michael Haggerty
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Haidet
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Haines
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Hall
Mrs. Lottie Haller
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Haloburdo Jr.
Ms. Susan Hamilton
Dr. and Mrs. Walter R. Hampton
Mr. and Ms. Garfield M. Hardie
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Harkins
Harper & Whitfield, PC
Ms. Danian Harper
John L. Harrington, MD
Ms. Marlene Harris
Mr. and Ms. Thomas Harris
Ms. Barbara T. Hart
Mrs. William Hart
Hartford HealthCare Rehabilitation
Network - Windsor
Hartford Hospital C9I Staff
Hartford Hospital I.V. Therapy
Hartford Hospital Integrative Medicine
Hartford Hospital Vascular Lab
Hartford Medical Society
Hartford Police Federal Credit Union
Hartford Police Italian Officers Association
Ms. Hollis Hartman
Ms. Christine Harvey
Ms. Carrie E. Hasenbein
Ms. Linda Hassett
Ms. Marie Hastie
Mr. Gary W. Hatch
Mr. and Mrs. Savvas Hatzisavvas
Haviland & Sams, LLC
Ms. Katherine P. Hawthorne
Mr. John Haze
Headline Hair Designers West
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Healey
Ms. Barbara W. Heaney
Mr. Charles C. Heatherly Sr.
Ms. Melinda Hegener
Ms. Sylvia Heiman
Dr. Cynthia B. Heller and
Dr. Steven L. Weinreb
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hensley
Ms. Marie N. Hepworth
Mr. and Mrs. John Hernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Hicks Jr.
Mr. Michael Hickson
Mr. Raymond C. Hildreth
David and Allison Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hinchey
Mr. William W. Hodges
Mr. Alan F. Hofmann
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Holloway
Ms. Victoria Holmes
Mr. J. Garrard Holt
Ms. Louise W. Honiss
Mr. and Mrs. John Hooker
Mr. Dale Hovey
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Howard
Mr. Jonathan Hufstader and
Ms. Janis K. Franklin
Ms. Susan M. Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent G. Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Kimball H. Hunt
Mrs. Mary Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Hurwit
Mrs. Anne K. Hussey
Mrs. Dorothy G. Ianzito
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ilg
Ms. MaryAgnes Innocent
J. Walter, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Jachym
Jacobs, Walker, Rice & Barry, LLC
Mr. Jason A. Jaffe
Ms. Roberta Jaime
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Jarm
Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Jaye
Mr. Kenneth W. Jeleniowski
Mr. and Mrs. David Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore P. Jennings
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy B. Jennings
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Joffray
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Johnsen
Ms. Christine M. Johnson
Ms. Mary B. Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. James F. Jones Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Richard F. Jones III
Thomas G. Jones, MD
Ms. Maureen Joslin
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Joyce
Ms. Linda A. Kaczmarczyk
Ms. Susan Kaehrle
The Kahn Companies
Mr. and Mrs. Marino Kain
Mr. Robert R. Kalogeros
Ms. Maureen A. Kane
Physician in
Philanthropy Award
Andrew Salner, MD, (right)
director of the Helen &
Harry Gray Cancer Center,
was presented with the
2013 Physician in
Philanthropy Award
during the Medical Staff
Spring Event in June 2013.
The annual Medical Staff
award recognizes
exceptional leadership in
philanthropy through
work, commitment,
personal giving, and
unending care and
concern for mankind on
behalf of Hartford
Hospital. A practicing
radiation oncologist,
Dr. Salner appreciates
the importance of
philanthropy, working
with many donors who
support the Cancer
Center. He is a member of
the hospital board, and
has been a Corporator
since 1987. He is also a
former chairman and
member of the Hartford
HealthCare Board of
Directors. A past president
of the American Cancer
Society, Connecticut
Division, Dr. Salner is the
recipient of numerous
awards, including a
Community Service Award
from the Hartford County
Medical Association.
Honor Roll of Donors / 31
The Young Leaders Advisory Council
(YLAC) cultivates emerging community
leaders with an affinity for the hospital.
Since its inception three years ago, it has
grown to 50 members. The early to
mid-career professionals represent a wide
range of industries in the Hartford region.
Serving as ambassadors, they strive to
educate an upcoming generation about
Hartford Hospital’s innovative programs
and services.
The group’s annual fund-raiser, Spring
Into Action, was held at City Steam
Brewery in Hartford in May 2013 and was
an exceptional success, with more than
70 attendees and raising nearly $5,000
for the expansion of the Emergency
Department for psychiatric care at
Hartford Hospital. The event helped to
showcase our capable YLAC members
with an outstanding attendance from
the executive committee as well as the
council at large. Evan Fox, MD, psychiatry,
was the keynote speaker at the event.
Sponsors of the event included: HYPE
(Hartford Young Professionals and
Entrepreneurs), EMC Corporation,
Carmody & Torrance LLP, and
DanaherLagnese, PC.
Below from left: YLAC member Matthew Hoffman;
Susan Dana, director of major gifts; Evan Fox, MD;
and Sean Meehan, chair of YLAC Events Committee.
Below from left: YLAC members Tom Lyons;
Alexia Cruz, YLAC chair; and Ryan Burns at the
2013 Spring Into Action fund-raiser.
In October 2012, Jeffrey Flaks, then president of Hartford
Hospital, hosted a breakfast with YLAC members.
32 / Ha rt fo rd Hos pi t a l, 2013
Sean Kane
Mrs. Cynthia A. Kaplan
Ms. Pam Kaplan
Mrs. Jennifer Karcich
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Kastoff
Ms. Deborah M. Katten
Mr. Lewis Katz
Norman and Joan Kayser
Mr. Dennis Kearns
Mr. Wayne Keaten
Dr. and Mrs. Laurence H. Kedes
Mr. Gene Keen
Mr. Louis E. Keen
Mr. and Mrs. Normand A. Keeney
Ms. Kathryn S. Keily
Ms. Karen A. Kelleher
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Kelleher
Mr. Kevin Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Kelley
Ms. Carolyn Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Kelly Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Kemmerer
Jack and Sally Kennedy
Kennelly Elementary School
Mr. Kevin P. Kenney
Ms. Patricia Kenniston
Ms. Betty J. Kerber
Dr. and Mrs. Quentin C. Kessel
KGM Pharma Consulting, LLC
Mr. John P. Kilian
Ms. Patricia E. King
Ms. Linda Kingsbury
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kingsland
Ms. Kathryn M. Kircher
Ms. Ruth S. Kirsch
Kit’s Creations
Dr. and Mrs. Alan U. Klatsky
Ms. Jean A. Klubko
Dr. and Mrs. R. Frederic Knauft
Ms. Linda Kology
Mr. Bruce Kopycinski
Edward J. and Rita C. Kordoski
Mr. Paul Kostenko
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Kotchko
Mr. Andrew M. Kouloumpos
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Kray
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar H. Krebs
Dr. and Mrs. James L. Krieger
Mr. William P. Kronis
Ms. Nancy Krupowies
The KSC Girls
Mr. Thomas Kugeman
Mr. and Mrs. Karl L. Kuhn
Mr. John R. Kulmann
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Kumnick
L.A. Hair LLC
William B. Laakso, MD
Mr. David L. Labb
Mrs. Diane M. Labedzki
Ms. Kendra LaBrie
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Lacava
Prof. and Mrs. Hernan LaFontaine
Karen and Jeff LaMalva
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Lambert
Ms. Christine LaMuraglia
Ms. Nancy J. Landwehr
Alison Lane-Reticker, MD
Ms. Melissa Lang
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Langley
Mr. Alan Lanz
Dr. Charlotte LaRocca and
Mr. Eugene P. Hickey
Mr. Anthony Laudano
Mrs. Sandra Laureano
Richard E. Lautenbach, PhD
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Lavieri
Ms. Beverly Leach
Mrs. Jeanne Lebens
Mr. and Mrs. Norm LeBrun
Ms. Irma B. Lee
Mrs. Maria Lee
Ms. Francesca Lefante
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas LeMay
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Lenard
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Lenares
Mr. Thomas J. Lenihan
Ms. Carol Lentocha
Ms. Claire H. Leonhardt
Ms. Margot Lerner
Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Lessow
Mr. and Mrs. John Lester
Mr. Paul L. Letendre
Mr. Brian P. Levack
Ms. Claudette C. Levesque
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lewis
Ms. Carol Lightbody
Tom and Wendy Lincoln
Mrs. Barbara Lindeman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Lindeman
Ms. Janet Linden
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Lint
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Lipfert
Ms. Diane E. Lobaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lofaro
Mr. and Mrs. John Logan
Mrs. Sidnee Lohman
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Lombardo
Ms. Natalie Longo
Mr. Christopher Loos
Ms. Estela R. López and Mr. Harry Marin
Ms. Beverly A. Loughlin
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Love
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Love
Mr. Gregg W. Loveland
Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Lowell
Ms. Mary Luberto
Lucky Lou’s Bar & Grill, Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Lugris
Ms. Andrea Luis
Lux Bond & Green
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lynch
James B. Lyon, Esq.
Ms. Maureen O. Lyons
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Lysomirski
Ms. Gladys Macdonough
Mrs. Rodell K. Macfarlane
Ms. Luisa M. Machado
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Mack
Dr. and Mrs. Iain M. Mackay
Mr. and Mrs. Edmond L. Macri Jr.
Mrs. Gay Mahder
Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Mahoney
Ms. Mary G. Maibaum
Maier Advertising, Inc.
Ms. Rosa M. Malave
Manchester Planning &
Zoning Commission
Mandell & Blau, MD’s, P.C.
Miss Sara Mandell
Mr. and Mrs. Raye Mandirola
Ms. Sharon B. Mann
Mr. and Mrs. Ioannis D. Mantas
Mr. Roger H. Manternach
Ms. Josette Marechal
Mr. Stephen E. Marek
Mr. Kevin Markowski
Ms. Noreen G. Marozzi
Bruce and Lois Marshall, MD
Ms. Karen Marshall
Mrs. Antonie M. Martin
Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Martin
William B. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Martin
Mr. Francisco J. Martinez
Mr. Rolando T. Martinez
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Marxen
Mrs. Verna G. Maschi
Ms. Michelle Masse
Miss Kelley Masterson
Mrs. Loris M. Masterton
Ms. Frances Mastroianni
Mr. Jeffrey F. Mather
Ms. Laura Mathews
Mr. Atsushi Matsuda
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Mattei
Dr. and Mrs. F. Taylor Mauck
Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Maxfield Jr.
Maxum Specialty Insurance Group
Mrs. Robin Maycock
Mr. and Mrs. John J. McAuliffe
Mr. and Mrs. William S. McCaffrey
Dr. Yvette S. McCarter and
Dr. Rob W. McCarter
Heidi Williams McCloskey
Ms. Katherine M. McCormack
Honor Roll of Donors / 33
McCue Mortgage
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. McEleney
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. McGee
M. Kathleen McGrory, PhD
Ms. Kerry McGuire
Mr. Paul McGuirk
Ms. Francesca McIntyre
Ms. Annette McKenna
Ms. Trudi McKenna
Mr. and Mrs. Lauchlin H. McLean
Mrs. Carole Anne McLellan
Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. McLennan
Ms. Jennifer McLeod
Mr. and Mrs. James F. McNally
Mrs. Ronnie V. McNamara
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McNamee
Mrs. Emma J. McNeil
Mr. and Mrs. John R. McNulty
Jacqueline E McQuay, R.N.
Dr. and Mrs. Peyton H. Mead
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Meier
Ms. Ellen J. Meinke
Mr. Edward G. Mele
Mrs. Gloria Meltz
Dr. and Mrs. Louis M. Mendelson
Ms. Carmen I. Mendez
Mr. Roger A. Mennett
Ms. Phyllis R. Mercadante
Paul E. Mersereau, Esq.
Dr. John L. Meyer II
Ms. Yevgenia M. Mezhirova
Ms. Anna P. Miano
Mrs. Doreen B. Micali
Mr. Christopher A. Michaels
Middlesex Memorial Hospital
I.V. Therapy Deptartment
Ms. Patricia Miele
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony P. Mientek
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Mihon
Mr. and Mrs. Barney H. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Miller
Ms. Lilly E. Miller
Mrs. Maureen Miller
Mr. Richard A. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Miller
Ms. Farris Milling
MIM Software, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Misiewicz
Ms. Brenda L. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mitchell
Model A Ford Club of Long Island, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey G. Moger
Mr. Steven Molski
Monday Night Fuller Building Group
Ms. Lesbia Montero
Ms. Alice Moore
34 / Ha rtfo rd Ho spi ta l, 2013
Mrs. Dawn-Marie Moore, R.N.
Douglas J. Moote, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Moran
Ms. Mabedia Moreno
Ms. Essie P. Morgan
Mr. John Morin
Mr. and Mrs. Irving L. Morris Jr.
Ms. Jennifer Morrison-Brown
Ms. Christi F. Morrow
Mr. James Morton
Mr. Harold M. Moses
Mr. Jeffrey Motta
Mr. Ron M’Sadoques
Sarah Mullane
Miss Kathleen Mulready
Mr. Samuel Mundle
Ms. Lois A. Muraro and Mr. Carl Elsishans
Ms. Johanne F. Murphy
Ms. Lynda J. Murphy
Mr. Peter J. Murphy
Mrs. Saranne P. Murray and
Mr. Jackson W. Foley
Murtha Cullina, LLP
Ms. Carol Musgrave
Ms. Giuliana Musilli
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Nadeau
Ms. Jean M. Nauss
Mr. and Mrs. John Navickas
Ms. Valerie Neary
Mr. and Mrs. Bangalore P. Neelakantiah
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony W. Neidlinger
Mrs. Edna Nekiunas
Ms. Gail M. Nelson
Ms. Marie T. Nespral
Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Neuschaefer
New England Bookkeeping and Tax Service
Ms. Ann F. Newbury
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Newman
Ms. Rosemarie Newmark
Mr. and Mrs. Balles Nezames
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Nichols
Mr. Gary A. Nicholson
Mr. Peter Niederhauser
Mr. and Mrs. William Nielsen
Dr. Genghis Niver
Ms. Florence Nixon and
Mr. Robert Edwards
Mr. Peter J. Nolan
Mr. William J. Noonan
Sara Cree Norris
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. North
Northern Essex Community
College Maintenance Staff
Ms. Mary Norton
Liza Nowicki, R.N.
Mrs. Richard C. Noyes
NPB D7 Tennis Team
Ms. Lucy Nugent
Ms. Marianne E. Nunez
Ms. Karen Oakes
Lynn F. O’Bara, APRN
Ms. Louise C. O’Brien
Ms. Corrine A. Ochsner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. O’Connell
Ms. Susan A. O’Connell
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. O’Connor
Thomas O’Connor, MD
Ofori & Associates, PC
Mrs. Maureen Kalil Olson
Mr. and Mrs. B. Maxwell O’Meara
Mr. Martin J. O’Meara Jr.
Mr. Geoffrey B. Orazem
Mr. Rocco Orlando Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Orth
Oscar’s Formalwear
Ms. Darlene P. Ous
Mr. Peter Oyola
Mr. Stefan Ozga
Florence and Warren Packard
Andrew J. Packer, MD
Mr. Michael Page
Ms. R. Joan Page
Mrs. Janice S. Palmer
Ms. Lois D. Palmer
Ms. Debi Palmeri
Jacqueline M. Paradis, MD
Mr. Michael J. Pariano
Dr. and Mrs. Lewis P. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Parmelee
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pasco
Mrs. Polly Pasternak Huntington
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Pavlech
Payless of Hartford, Inc.
David Payne
Mr. Dan Pearce
Mrs. Jean Peelle
Mr. Edward Pekoske
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Pelletier
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Pelletier
Ms. Jessica L. Pereira
Mr. and Mrs. Mario I. Pereira
Mr. Ernesto Perez
Drs. Edward F. and Mary L. Pergiovanni
Brendan and Diana Perkins
Ms. Leslie M. Perrone
Jack and Sandra Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Peterson
Mrs. Virginia Peterson
Mr. Leo F. Petrossi
Ms. Janet Petrowsky
Ms. Donna M. Phelan
Ms. and Mrs. Robert L. Philopena
Mr. and Mrs. Steven F. Piaker
Teresa J. Pianta, MD
Ms. Marie A. Piccoli
Auxiliary Golf
Raises Record
For more than
85 years, the
Hartford Hospital
Auxiliary has
provided services and programs that
directly benefit the hospital’s patients,
staff, and visitors.
The annual Hartford Hospital Benefit
Golf Tournament is the Auxiliary’s most
important fundraiser. The net proceeds from
the annual tournaments total more than
$2 million. These proceeds have funded
urgent hospital programs that cannot be
covered by the hospital’s annual budget.
Lori Flaks and Shelli Siegel chaired the
24th Annual Hartford Hospital Auxiliary
Benefit Golf Tournament at Tumble Brook
Country Club in Bloomfield on September 9,
2013. Nearly 220 golfers attended the
sold-out event, which raised a recordbreaking net of $369,000, $100,000 of which
was used to enhance the section of the
Emergency Department dedicated to the
care of people with mental illness.
A dinner after the tournament, featuring
Hank Schwartz, MD, psychiatrist-in-chief at
the Institute of Living and vice president of
Behavioral Health, Hartford Hospital, was
attended by 250 people.
The Auxiliary supported a variety of
special programs with the remaining
$269,000, including the purchase of a
Sonosite Turbo Ultrasound for the
Transplant Program, new exam tables for
the Women’s Ambulatory Health Services, a
3D Imaging workstation for the Stroke
Center, and new oral surgery chairs for the
Ambulatory Dental Clinic.
The Auxiliary also supports ongoing
programs at the hospital, including:
• Au Bon Pain Café and the gift shop,
where all purchases benefit the
Hartford Hospital community
• Newspapers for family lounges
• Teen volunteer program
• Uniform subsidy
• RSVP Yarn
• Scholarship programs for Sons
and Daughters of Hartford Hospital
and the Volunteer Department
• Read to Grow program for new
babies at Hartford Hospital
Co-chairs of the annual golf tournament
Lori Flaks, left, and Shelli Siegel.
(L-R) Roberta Rubin, senior vice president,
Faber International, which partners with the
Auxiliary in running the gift shop; Hartford
Hospital President Stuart Markowitz, MD;
Bimal Patel, Hartford HealthCare regional
vice president, operations; and Hartford
Hospital Auxiliary members Virginia Van Dyk,
Kate D’Addabbo, Christine Collins, and
Karen Alcorn.
Honor Roll of Donors / 35
Family’s Gift
Is a Loving Tribute
to Mother’s Legacy
In September
2013, nearly
20 members
of the late
Constance Manafort’s family gathered at
Hartford Hospital’s Outpatient Transplant
Center to see what their memorial gift
had inspired.
A space where Transplant Program
physicians can study their cases was a
tangible tribute. A plaque commemorating
the Manafort family’s beloved mother,
grandmother, and great grandmother
hangs on one wall. But Mrs. Manafort’s
contributions to the hospital extends
beyond the room.
Mrs. Manafort was diagnosed with
polycystic kidney disease in the 1980s.
After her kidneys began to fail, she became
a candidate for transplantation. Her
daughter, Lynne Romano, turned out to be
an excellent match as a living donor, and
on August 29, 2007, Matthew Brown, MD,
and David Hull, MD, performed the
transplant with outstanding results.
“The pre-surgery and follow-up care
our mom and Lynne received from the
doctors and the entire transplant team
was exceptional,” said Ginny O’Connor,
Mrs. Manafort’s daughter, on behalf of
the family.
36 / Ha rt fo rd Hos pi t a l, 2013
The admiration was mutual.
“Connie was a delightful person who
did her best to take care of the gift that
her daughter, Lynne, gave to her,” recalls
Kim Alleman, APRN, of the Transplant
Program. “Her outlook was always positive
and she truly appreciated the care that
the team gave to her.”
In 2010 Mrs. Manafort was asked to
serve on the Hartford Hospital Transplant
Program Advisory Board. Along with a great
group of patients and family members,
she helped to develop the board’s mission
statement. “We knew that she would have
valuable input as we sought to improve
the care of our patients,” Alleman says.
Mrs. Manafort passed away on
September 19, 2012, after a diagnosis of
breast cancer. The gifts that she and her
family have generously given to the
Transplant Program will touch Hartford
Hospital patients for many years to come.
Gathered in the Transplant Program’s lounge are
members of the Manafort family and two members of
the transplant team: from left, Sandra Manafort;
Lucas Rosado; Elizabeth O’Connor; Andrew O’Connor;
Nicholas Manafort; Carl Tata; Michael O'Connor;
Ginny O’Connor; Matthew Brown, MD; Anne Lally, MD;
Randi Manafort; David Manafort; Joy Anello;
Jolyn Manafort; Jim Manafort Jr.; Madelyn Manafort;
Lynne Romano; Salvatore Romano; Maryssa Romano;
and Vincent Romano.
Miss Lindsay E. Piccolo
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Pienkos
Ms. Dawn Pieratt
The Pink Paper
Ms. Dorothy Pinney
Ms. Kim Pires
George and Dorothy Pogmore
Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Poirier
Mr. Robert J. Pollack
Mrs. Catherine Popoff
Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Porco
Ms. Susan C. Potashner
Mrs. Denise Poulin
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Powell
Pratt & Whitney
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Pratt
Jeffrey L. Prebluda, MD
Ms. Mary Grace Preston
Mr. and Mrs. John Preysner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Price
ProHealth Physicians of Glastonbury
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Pudlo
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Pudlo
Ms. Jennifer Pudlo
Ms. Lee A. Purtill
Denise and Jeff Putnam
Mr. Richard Quinlan
Ms. Kim K. Rabbitt
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Raczkowski
Ms. Regina T. Radikas
Ms. Marie Rahman
Ms. Ellen Ramos, R.N.C.
Ms. Barbara R. Rancourt
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Rancourt
Mrs. Emily W. Rankin
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rath
Ms. Teri Ray
Mr. Hans P. Raymond
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Rayta III
Mr. David W. Reader
Michael L. Reed, MD
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Reeder
Thomas and Adine Regan
Mrs. Carol Reid
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Reid
Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Reilly
Renbrook School
Mr. Anthony Renzullo
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Reopel
Ms. Zoila Revatta
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Ricci
Ms. Phyllis A. Rice
Mr. Donald G. Rindfleisch Jr.
Mr. Dana Ripley
Ms. Gerilyn Rivosa
Mr. Matthew A. Rizzi
Mr. David R. Robb
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Robert
Mr. William Robert
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Roberts
Mrs. Kate Robinson
Mr. Mark Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Roche
Rocky Hill Soccer Club
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace G. Rodger
Ms. Yazmin Rodriguez
Ms. Maria Rodriguez-Furlow
Mr. Richard P. Rogers
Ms. Lynne Rogoff
Mr. and Mrs. Glen J. Rokicki
Ms. Lori E. Romano
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Roraback
Ms. Minerva Rosario
Elaine E. Rosen, LCSW
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Rosenberg
Ralph Rosenberg, MD, and Hilda Slivka, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rosenberg
Werner Rosshirt, MD
Mr. Richard Rosson
Mr. and Mrs. Louis R. Rotella
James C. Rouman, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence P. Rubinow
Dr. Donald S. Ruffett
Ms. Teresa L. Russell
Ms. Kathryn M. Ruszczyk
Ms. Ruth L. Rutt
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Ryan
Lindsay Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. William Rzepko
S.H. Smith & Company, Inc.
Mr. Nabih K. Sabbagh
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey S. Sackner
Ms. Karyl Sadowski
Ms. Krystyna Sadowski
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Salamacha
Mr. Alexander Salas
Mr. Matthew Salner
Mrs. Ruth Salomon
Ms. Lori S. Salonia
Mrs. Carolyn Salwen
Mr. Robert E. Sanderford
Ms. Maria Santini
Mr. Anthony Santonicola
Santoro, Inc.
Ms. Nilda L. Santos
Ms. Roccina Sapienza
Mr. Jeffrey Sargent
Ms. Jane M. Satkowski
Dr. and Mrs. David M. Satlof
Saturday Morning Group
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Saunders Jr.
Ms. Joyce Sauve
Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Sawicki
Mr. Kenneth Sax
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schaller
Peter K. Schauer, MD
Mr. Klaus D. Schleehauf
Jack A. Schmetterling, MD
Dr. and Mrs. J. David Schnatz
Ms. Judy Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Lars Schon
Ms. Erika Schouten
Mr. Brian J. Schroll
Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Schwanda
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Schwartz
Mr. Arthur M. Scully III
Seahorse Bioscience
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sefcik
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome W. Seigel
Jay E. Selcow, MD
Michael A. Selden, MD
Sentry Real Estate
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Serra
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Sessamen
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Sesto
Mrs. Peter R. Setaro
L. Everett Seyler, MD
Mr. Steven B. Shamash
Mrs. Rita E. Sheetz
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Shepard
Mrs. June F. Sherman
Mrs. Jane C. Shipp
Ms. Cheryl Shirley
Eric and Stacey Shore
Mrs. Virginia G. Shuster
Ms. Sharon Sideranko, R.N.
Mr. Jacob J. Sidlosky
Ms. Nancy Signore
Mr. and Mrs. Brett N. Silvers
Mr. Merle L. Silverstein
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Simonelli
Simsbury Woman’s Club, Inc.
Mr. Peter M. Sipples
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Sirop
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Siskin
Ms. Kelly Skarzynski
Ms. Linda Skiff
Harry and Hyla Sklar
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Sklenar
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Skopas
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Skrobot Jr.
Rev. and Mrs. Daniel J. Skvir
Mr. and Mrs. Steven F. Slitt
Dr. and Mrs. William P. Slover
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Small
Small Claims
Ms. Coleen Smart
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Smith
Mrs. Claire C. Smith
John J. Smith, PhD
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Smith Jr.
Ms. Virginia W. Smith
Honor Roll of Donors / 37
Ms. Antoinette R. Smullen
Dr. and Mrs. Alan E. Solinsky
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Solomon
Mr. and Mrs. George Souliotis
Marie Spivey, R.N.
Ms. Isabella Squicciarini
Mr. and Mrs. Mark St. James
Mr. and Mrs. Mark St. Pierre
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Stacks
Ms. Ilene Staff
Staff of CB2
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Stafford
Dr. Bruce M. Stave and
Dr. Sondra Astor Stave
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Steed Jr.
Ms. Cynthia Stein
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Stein
Mr. Joe Stevens
Ms. Sandra Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Stickels
Donna Stickles
Ms. Christina Stietzel
Mr. Stephen A. Stites
Ms. Edith B. Stockton
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Stolfi
Stop & Shop New England Region
Mr. Joseph D. Strachan
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Strong
Ms. Carol A. Strycharz
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Suisman
Mr. George V. Sullivan
Ms. Judith A. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Sullivan
Dr. Colin T. Swales and Dr. Heather Swales
Mrs. Laurie J. Sweeney
Mr. William R. Sweeney Jr.
Mr. Phillip Tal
Ms. Marie Tallman
Kevin J. Tally, MD
Ms. Teresa Tan
Mr. Laurence Tanner
Ms. Kenna Tartigian
Dr. and Mrs. Richard F. Taylor
Ms. Ann J. Tenerowicz
Mr. Nick Tessier
Mr. Frank Thaller
Ms. Bonnie L. Therrien
Mr. J. Daniel Thibeau
Ms. Joan E. Thomas
Ms. Cynthia Thompson
Lynn A. Thompson, R.N.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Thomsen
Ms. Kimberly Thorp
Dr. Mona Tiernan, Psy.D.
Ms. J.J. Tillinghast
Mr. and Mrs. Piro Tollkuci
Ms. Elizabeth C. Tomolonis
38 / Ha rt fo rd Hos pi t a l, 2013
Dr. Jane Edwards and
Dr. Humphrey Tonkin
Ms. Olga I. Torres
Robert R. Toscano, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Akilas Totonis
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Towle
Ms. Colleen S. Townsend
Mr. John Traverso
Dr. and Mrs. Phillip E. Trowbridge
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Truebig
Richard and Sharon Truex
Mr. Wayne A. Tryon
Mr. and Mrs. Lee D. Turner
Ann S. Vale, R.N.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Valentine
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Valuckas
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Van Niel
Miss Gara Van Schaack
Ms. Elizabeth Vanderslice
Ms. Kathleen Vangelder
Ms. Mary Lou Vasquenza
Alice and Colin Vautour
Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Villamana
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Vinci
Ms. Barbara A. Vischak
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Vishnosky
Mr. and Mrs. Rino Vitali
Ms. Constance J. Vogell
Mrs. Maureen Wainwright
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Walters
Mr. William K. Walton
Mr. and Mrs. Wyman B. Ward
Ms. Laura E. Wardner
Mr. and Mrs. Alden Y. Warner Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. Warzyski
Ms. Judith Wasserman
Mrs. Nina H. Webber
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison D. Weber
Ms. Roselle B. Weiner
Harry Weinerman and Hilary Meyers
Dr. Nancy Weinstein and
Mr. Robert Stiehler
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Weinstein
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond S. Weinstein
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Weinstein
Jeffrey S. Weiser, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Joel D. Weisman
Mr. Jacob E. Weiss
Edmund T. Welch, MD
Ms. D’Anna Welsh-Obey and
Mr. Chris Obey
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Werner
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Wertam
Wethersfield Chamber of Commerce
Mr. and Mrs. David White
Mr. James N. White
Ms. Lea Gina White
Mr. Stephen White
Mr. Bill Whittle
Mr. Edgar Whittle
Mr. John W. Wieder Jr.
Mr. Carlisle Wildeman
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wilke
Mr. Donovan Williams
Ms. Janice Williams
Mr. William A. Williams
Mr. Eugene Willingham
Miss Sheila L. Wilmer
Mrs. Sandra Wilson
Wm. R. Smith Realty
Mrs. Gretchen Wolf
Mr. Richard W. Wolf
Women’s Committee of the
Wadsworth Atheneum
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Wood
Mr. H. Richmond Woods
Ms. Nancy Woodworth
Ms. Robina G. Worcester
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wrenn
Ms. Judeen T. Wrinn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Wyld
Miss Jane F. Wynne
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Yancovich
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Yankus
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Yanouzas
YHB Charitable Endowment, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Yorgensen
Stephen B. Yuan, MD
Mr. Paul Zablotski
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zanoni
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Zappile
Mr. Joseph A. Zavorskas Jr.
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Zelek
Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Zenzick
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Ziurys Jr.
Mr. Michael T. Zuckerman
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Zummo
Pledge Commitments
for Fiscal Year 2011
(Since the end of the 150th
Anniversary Campaign)
The Chairman’s Circle
($100,000 and above)
Anonymous (3)
Ramani and Louise D. Ayer Family
The Connecticut Brain Tumor Alliance
Mrs. Anne M. Esposito
Mrs. Harry J. Gray
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
Donna and Jeff Hughes
Debbie and Roger Klene
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Lazowski
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Rosenberg
The President’s Circle
($50,000 - $99,999)
The Richard P. Garmany Fund at
the Hartford Foundation for
Public Giving
Susan G. Komen for the Cure, CT Affiliate
Ms. Lori Levesque
David and Randi Manafort
Mr. James Manafort Jr.
Oncology Associates, PC
Lois and Howard Siegal
($25,000 - $49,999)
Mr. and Mrs. Jan B. Kennedy/
Acorn-Alcinda Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Yonkunas
($10,000 - $24,999)
Bob, Bret and Zoey Krowka
Mr. and Mrs. William K. Stahl
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Thomson
($1,000 - $2,499)
Mr. James D. Bartolini
Dariush Owlia, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene B. Scialdone
Dr. and Mrs. Larry A. Suecof
Jessica Zachs is very clear about who inspired her family to
establish the Zachs Endowment Research Fund for the Child
& Adolescent Psychiatry Program at Hartford Hospital’s
Institute of Living (IOL).
“It’s all because of Lisa Namerow,” Zachs says. Lisa Namerow,
MD, who has been with the IOL since 1995, is a psychiatrist in
the IOL’s Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Program. She is also
affiliated with the Connecticut
Children’s Medical Center and is an
assistant clinical professor of
pediatrics and psychiatry at the
University of Connecticut School
of Medicine.
“She is incredible,” Zachs says.
“It is her work, her manner, her
care—everything about her has
inspired us to support the IOL.”
Namerow, in turn, appreciates the Zachs—Henry, Eric, Jessica,
and Judith. “They are a wonderful family,” Namerow says.
Their generous gift “helps support research in the area of the
treatment of mood disorders in children and adolescents,
specifically focusing on how personalized or genomic
medicine can help to enhance treatment.”
As Jessica Zachs says, you only have to read recent headlines
to know how much young people with mental health issues
need help. “We just want people to understand what young
people need,” she says. “Although our children have passed
through adolescence, we are very clued in to the need for that
age group to be helped. We understand the importance of
getting these kids help where they live—so to speak. That is
why we support research at the Institute of Living.”
Another factor that contributed to the family’s decision to
support the IOL was Jessica Zachs’ mother-in-law, Judith, who
formerly worked at the IOL as a clinical social worker.
“The IOL resonated with us,” Jessica Zachs says. “When we
first began talking about doing a fund-raiser, we knew the IOL
might not be as sexy as, say, heart health or cancer but the
IOL meant something to us.
“Anyone considering a gift
has to find what resonates
with them,” she says. “It’s not
about the recognition or what
you do or anything like that.
What you have to do is
find what makes
you feel good inside.”
IOL’s Child
& Adolescent
Inspires Gift
Eric and Jessica Zachs
Honor Roll of Donors / 39
In Memoriam
With each year’s Honor Roll
of Donors, Hartford Hospital
mourns the loss of close
friends who have passed
away during the year.
Beloved by the institution
they served and by their
community, each gave in
his or her own way.
40 / Ha rt fo rd Hos pi t a l, 2013
Roger S. Beck, MD
October 10, 1921–January 31, 2013
Dr. Roger Beck brought kindness, integrity, and
unwavering devotion to Hartford Hospital. He was a great
humanitarian, a respected leader, and an integral part of
the institution. His philanthropic leadership over the
years was especially inspiring. The strength of the Fund
Development program is a testament to the foundation
that he helped to build.
Dr. Beck arrived at Hartford Hospital in 1950 as an
intern and spent his entire career in a succession of
hospital positions that included completing his residency
in general surgery, being appointed clinical assistant in
surgery in 1955, advancing to senior attending surgeon,
then to chairman of the Medical Staff Council, and finally
to president of the Medical Staff.
After retiring from surgery, he served as a vice president
of the hospital and was the first chairman of the Planned
Giving Committee. Roger was appointed assistant clinical
professor of surgery at the University of Connecticut
Health Center School of Medicine in 1975 and served as
associate clinical professor from 1980 to 1985.
His academic honors included the John C. Leonard
Memorial Award from Hartford Hospital and the
Distinguished Service Award from the Hartford County
Medical Association.
He was a member of the Connecticut Society of
American Board Surgeons, the New England Surgical Society,
and the American College of Surgeons, and was active in
the Hartford County Medical Association, including
serving as president in 1980 and on the board of directors
for four years. He was also active in the Connecticut State
Medical Society, including serving as president in 1989.
Scott P. Bernstein, MD
December 28, 1952–April 28, 2013
Dr. Scott P. Bernstein found purpose in caring for his
patients. As a nephrologist in Hartford Hospital’s dialysis
and transplant programs, he helped many families
approach the most difficult challenges in their lives.
In return, he received the love and devotion of his
patients and their families. At the time of his untimely
retirement, nearly a thousand sent letters.
Dr. Bernstein’s colleagues also enjoyed his collaborative
guidance. His generosity supported many of the Hospital’s
programs, including the Transplant Program, education for
nurses in the Transplant Program, LIFE STAR, and other
initiatives. He is greatly missed.
Lawrence S. Carlton, MD
August 10, 1924–
October 10, 2012
Dr. Lawrence S. Carlton
was devoted to the
practice of medicine.
He was a freshman at
Harvard in 1943 when he
was drafted into the U.S.
Army Air Force. He served
as a staff sergeant in
World War II in India and
China. In an interview
with the Veterans History
Project at Central Connecticut State University’s
Center for Public Policy and Social Research, he
attributed his medical career to being in the war.
“I was majoring in chemistry, but after the war I was
more interested in people. After seeing the horrors of
the poor people in India, the beggars, the people with
leprosy, etc., I began to think I could do something,”
he said.
Dr. Carlton returned to Harvard after his discharge
from the service, graduating from medical school in
1952. In 1954 he joined Hartford Hospital, where he
became an integral part of the fabric of the hospital.
He served in many roles over the years, including
director of the Student Health Center; physiciancoordinator of the Nurse Practitioner Program;
coordinator of education in Ambulatory Medicine in
the Department of Medicine; and becoming the first
medical director of Quality Assurance. He held that
position until his retirement in 1990.
Dr. Carlton’s service to Hartford Hospital extended
well beyond his medical role. A member of the
1854 Society, he generously contributed to the hospital’s
efforts to further the care it provides and was especially
supportive of the Helen & Harry Gray Cancer Center.
He was among the hospital’s distinguished physicians
on our active Medical Staff and, after his retirement,
on our Honorary Medical Staff.
Ellsworth S. Grant
October 8, 1917–March 6, 2013
Ellsworth Strong Grant was committed to the future of
Hartford Hospital. He was a Corporator for more than
50 years, a member of the 1854 Society, and served on
the Hartford Hospital Auxiliary. A former mayor of
West Hartford, a historian, and the brother-in-law of
Katharine Hepburn, Ellsworth was a direct descendant
of Hartford founder Thomas Hooker. His dedication to
Hartford’s and Connecticut’s history resulted in several
books, documentaries, and newspaper articles. Ellsworth
wore many hats throughout his life. Professionally, he
was an editor of the Hartford Newsdaily; worked for
Allen Manufacturing Company in Hartford, serving as
vice president for 13 years; and owned and operated the
Connecticut Manifold Forms Company in West Hartford.
He also served on many boards of directors and founded
Combined Health Appeal. He was a former president of
the Connecticut Historical Society, a founder of
Riverfront Recapture, a trustee of local museums,
and a member of
numerous clubs.
Honor Roll of Donors / 41
David Hull
August 4, 1953–February 11, 2013
Dr. David Hull was the face, voice, and hands of the
Hartford Hospital Transplant Program for more than two
decades. He was truly family to all at Hartford Hospital.
He started his career in transplantation and general
surgery at the hospital in 1987, becoming director of
clinical transplantation in 1998. He devoted his career to
patients in need of transplants and those with
end-stage organ illnesses.
A professor of surgery at the
University of Connecticut Medical
School, he dedicated himself to
academics, teaching surgical
residents, physician assistants,
and nursing students from
hospitals throughout the state.
Dr. Hull was a member of the
OPTN/UNOS Membership and
Professional Standards Committee
and was the OPTN/UNOS Region 1
Associate Councilor. As a physician
and teacher he was an innovator.
He performed the first laparoscopic living-kidney-donor surgery
in New England. He won numerous teaching and
professional honors. In addition, he was a tireless
volunteer for such organizations as the American Liver
Foundation, the National Kidney Foundation, and
LifeChoice OPO.
In October 2011, at a reception that marked his
transition to emeritus director of the Transplant
Program, he was honored for his years of service by
Hartford Hospital leadership, his medical colleagues
(including former students), and dozens of his
grateful patients.
Dr. Hull’s contributions to the hospital were great.
As Jeffrey Flaks, president and CEO of Hartford Hospital
at the time, said at the reception, “This coming together
is such an extraordinary reflection on the contributions
made by Dr. David Hull, and what he’s meant to our
community, what he’s meant to countless patients, and
what he’s meant to every aspect of this institution.”
42 / Ha rt fo rd Hos pi t a l, 2013
James L. Krieger, MD
January 1, 1925–December 29, 2012
Dr. James L. Krieger was among the
four founders of the
Jefferson X-Ray Group in Hartford,
which would become the largest radiological group in the Connecticut.
Jim was always impressed with the
medical staff and the quality of
medicine practiced at Hartford
Hospital. He also enjoyed the camaraderie of the staff. In 1987, Jim was a recipient of the
Hartford Hospital Distinguished Service Award. Throughout
his retirement, even as residents of Ponte Vedra Beach,
Florida, Jim and his wife, Eleanor, maintained an interest in
Hartford Hospital. They were generous supporters of the
Corporators’ annual fund, the Campaign for Hartford
Hospital (1986-1991), the Auxiliary, and the Planned
Giving Program.
Thomas P. Kugelman, MD
October 25, 1934–August 18, 2013
Dr. Thomas Kugelman was a dermatologist at Hartford
Hospital for 47 years, from 1964 until his retirement in
2011, serving as the hospital’s chief of dermatology from
1986 to 2001, and chief of staff from 1991 to 1993. He was
the recipient of Hartford Hospital’s Distinguished
Service Award.
He supported Hartford Hospital as a Corporator
from 1994.
Dr. Kugelman was a dedicated teacher who supervised
physicians and students at Hartford Hospital and Yale
School of Medicine, where he was an associate clinical
An avid music lover and noted authority on 18thcentury Connecticut furniture and decorative arts,
Dr. Kugelman served as a trustee and chair of the Museum
Collections Committee of the Connecticut Historical
Society from 1980 until shortly before his death.
He enjoyed playing cello
with the Connecticut String
Orchestra, organizing
several European concert
tours and serving as
president and librarian for
many years. He also loved
playing chamber music
with friends and family.
Irene Murphy
September 7, 1922–August 2, 2013
Irene (Barnard) (Mellen) Murphy, wife of Valentine
Murphy, was born in Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, UK.
She was a 60-year member of First Church of Christ in
Wethersfield, where she served as a deacon, sang in the
church choir, taught nursery school, and enjoyed the
camaraderie of the Amen Stitchers. For many years she
was the Wethersfield High School guidance office
secretary where she was affectionately known as the
“English Lady.” She was an avid reader, loved to travel,
was a wonderful homemaker, chuckled over the Peanuts
comic strip, and played a great game of bridge.
Valentine L. Murphy
September 26, 1916–February 12, 2013
Valentine Lawrence Murphy gave much to the hospital
in terms of time and talent, and the charitable gifts he
and his wife, Irene, gave were greatly appreciated and
helpful. As a hospital volunteer, Val contributed nearly
2,500 hours. He also served as a Corporator and was a
trustee of Jefferson House in Newington. Val was one of
two lead executives of the structural engineering firm of
Topper & Griggs in West Hartford. He was the lead
structural engineer for a number of prominent buildings
in Connecticut, including the headquarters buildings for
SNET in a number of locations and the “Stilts Building”
in downtown Hartford. His community service included.
the Civitan Club of Wethersfield, Pine Acres Swim Club,
and First Church Housing, Inc., as a deacon of the First
Church of Christ in Wethersfield, and chair of its
building committee for meeting house renovations
and the construction of a new parish house.
Joseph D. Sargent
September 11, 1929-November 7, 2012
Tireless in his efforts to support nonprofits in the
Hartford community, Joseph Denny Sargent was a
tremendous supporter of Hartford Hospital. The Sargent
Skybridge, which links the Center for Education,
Simulation and Innovation to the hospital and provides
safety to staff and visitors crossing Jefferson Street, is
named in his memory.
A director and chairman of the board of Hartford
Hospital for more than 30 years, Mr. Sargent will be
forever remembered for his commitment to ensuring
that our hospital provided the highest levels of medical
care to the community we serve. He was elected as a
Corporator in 1964 and served in that capacity until
1999. In 1967, he was elected to the Hartford Hospital
Board of Directors and served on the board and several
of its committees for 32 years,
including as board chairman from
1981 to 1986. He helped many
non-profit organizations in the
Hartford area and served as a
trustee of the YMCA of Greater
Hartford, the McLean Retirement
Community, the Wadsworth
Atheneum, the Village for
Families & Children, and the
Hartford Art School.
Honor Roll of Donors / 43
Hartford Hospital
greatly appreciates the
contributions made
between October 1,
2012, and September 30,
2013, in memory of the
44 / Ha rt fo rd Hos pi t a l, 2013
Francesco Abbatemarco
Ann E. Almodovar
Tammy Y. Aston
Richard S. Bagnall, MD
Richard Balboni
Irene Baldwin
Annmarie Balisano
William J. Bandzes
Roger S. Beck, MD
Aldo L. Bellucci, MD
Scott P. Bernstein, MD
Natalie Radom Bernstein
Donald L. Blotner
Salvatore Bramante
Walter J. Brierton Jr.
Deborah A. Broad
Richard Brodeur
Gregory Brown
Hedwig “Jean” Brown
Rosemary Perry Budlong
Robert W. Butcher
Elsie M. Caban
Roberta Cadieux
Barbara E. Cafferata
Brian D. Callahan
Allyson Caputo
Barbara Caraceni
Concetta “Connie” Carlone
Maxine Carrier
Beatrice G. Carrier
John E. Cartland Jr., MD
Dominick “Mickey” Cassello
Gisele Chamberland
Peter B. Chapman
John W. Chaput
Lottie Charette
Ian William Cheeseman
John Childs
Gregory S. Choquette
William R. Cleary
Avis H. Cohen
Frederic N. Cohen
Robert E. Cohn
Ygnacio L. Corral
Cindy Lou Cote
Michelle Anne Cullen
Elizabeth Czepiel
Henry J. Dabros
Margaret E. Darby
Antoinette M. DeFusco
Peter E. Demarest
Vincent “Vinny” DiBenedetto
Helen Dlugos
Janice E. Dolfi
Henry J. Dondi
Sarkis Douaihy
Theresa H. Dougan
Gerald “Jerry” Dowd
Irene B. Dylag
Orlanda V. Edwards
Donald L. Emory
David Ericksen
Raymond Esposito
Neil R. Esposito
Thomas B. Fahy
Judith Peggy Falck
Pietro Fazio
Robert A. Femia
Edward J. Fenton Sr.
Debra Lynn Fisher
William Floyd
John Francis Foley
Ola Mae Franklin
Ethel Friedman
Catherine Guerard Fritz
Luz Fuentes
William J. Fuzie
Bronislawa Gadomski
Frances M. Gagliardi
Edward F. Gainty
Nancy Gallant
Ann Eva Gawrych
Robin Lou Gifford
Edwina “Winnie” Glassman
David Alan Goff
Jerry Gold
Harold E. Gorton
John P. Goulet
Anna Gouveia
Indulis Grasis
Betty Lenore Guiney
James B. Gustafson
Peter S. Gutterman
Michelle C. Halvorsen
James A. Hatfield
Eliza M. Hazel
Joseph A. Hebenstreit Jr.
Della Herring
John R. Hills
Monroe Himelstein, MD
Michael P. Holewa
Leonor Horta
David Hull, MD
Myra Jean Hurwitz
Toussaint “Davy” Jackson
Flora Jacoby
M. George Jezowski
Richard C. Johnson
Ann Johnson
Dorothy Just
Peter N. Kalousdian Sr.
JoAnn F. Kaplan
Jennifer Kapsis
Michael K. Karabetsos
Anne Karas
Thomas A. Kask
Lester Katz
Audrey Mary Keeley
Barbara Kelco
Maggi Kelly
Martin Kesten
Cynthia L. King
Linda Kirbus
Marie Rita Klucznik
Lawrence J. Kopiec
Sidney J. Koppell
Bessie Koppell
Rita Korn
Cheryl D. Krowka
Joseph M. Kuchalla
Thomas P. Kugelman, MD
James Kuszik
Antoinette LaBianca
Stanley H. Labinger
Theresa J. LaBreck
Gertrude Lahickey
Joseph Lahickey
Wilfred C. LaRochelle
Ronald G. Lavigne
Edward “Ted” Leahy
Helmut H. Lederer
Gerald LeDoux
Patricia Lee
Joseph LePage
Thomas J. Lepito
Lillian Lewis
Richard A. Lipson
David Livingston
John “Jack” Luby
Scott A. Lucca
Michele Madore-Costa
Nancy Mahoney
Constance T. Manafort
Daniel J. Mancuso
Joan M. Mansfield
Giovanni Marino
Daniel R. Markiewicz
Wayne R. Maschi
Peter D. Maslow
Edgar Mathiau
Lois A. Maxwell
Lisa Maynard
Vincent J. Mazzie
Skip McDermott
Thomas F. McKittrick
Nancy L. McLennan
Keith D. McNamara
Gerald Meltz
Rena Miano
Bernelle “Bunny” Millan
Sandra S. Miller
John M. Mirabello
Dr. Frank A. Morisano
Valentine L. Murphy
Paul Murray
Patricia A. Nadeau
Annette A. Navickas
Gregory J. Noble
Shirley Ann Norton
Eva Norton
Brian M. O’Connor
William E. O’Donnell Sr.
Patricia D. O’Leary
Thomas J. O’Leary
Lillian M. Oken
Alvera E. Olson
George G. Olson Jr.
Robert T. Opito
Constance Ouellette
Robert C. Palmer
Joseph F. Parlapiano Sr.
Julia Parsons Gengras
Carmella M. Patoka
Lyn Patterson
Phyllis Pearle
Justin N. Pederzoli
David “Zeke” Pelczar
Paul D. Pelletier
Louis Pellino
Carole Pepito
Esmerelda Pereira-Gaiangos
Victor B. Pesco Jr.
Sandra Peszynski
Bruce P. Peterson
John Thomas Pier Sr.
Mary A. Poltorak
Pauline Ponchak
Sylvie L. Poulin
Donald S. Preece Sr.
Charlene Putnam
Peter D. Quatrocelli
Elba Quinones
William Rabbett Jr.
Mary Augusta Rakus
Mary Lorraine Ramezzana
Juanita “Juana” Ramos
Betty May Rathbun
William S. Rawlings
Jesse Reese
Jeannette T. Reese
Antonio R. Ribeiro
Michael A. Riccio
Enrico Rizzo
Mark A. Robbin, MD
Thelma C. Robert
Paul E. Roberts
John M. Roberts
Margaret “Peggy” Robertson
Judith M. Robotti
Ethel F. Roth
Mary Thomson Russell
Ann V. Ruszczyk
David E. Salisbury
Adam Salowitz
Joseph D. Sargent
Mukul Komar Sarkar
Sondra Sarter
Angeline M. Satkowski
Eugene F. Savage
William “Bill” Schuster
Bernice Schwarz
William B. Scoville, MD
Elizabeth Sefcik
Morris J. Seide, MD
Karol K. Shafer
John D. “Frog” Shepherd
Hortense Siegel
Tracy Marie Sigman
Lilo K. Snyder
Malcolm Snyder
Stefanos “Steve” Souliotis
Michael A. Spagnesi
Christopher S. Speer, MD
Darlene D. Spencer
Nancy A. Spitko
Juliet Ann Spyke
Kristina Stahl
Morris Stein
Francis H. Stiles
Deborah J. Sullivan
Joyce Tedeschi
Frank M. Terry Jr.
Raymond E. Therrien
H. Grant Thomas Sr.
Barbara Thomas
Denis C. Thompson
Jacqueline Tierney Rubinwitch
Charles Tosi
George A. Uras
Guilio Vallera Jr.
Jeffrey J. Van De Car
Hertha M. Van Sickle
Pamela L. Vecchiarino
Paul Anthony “PJ” Vigneault
Robert C. Walker
Nancy Ann Watt
Steven R. Weber
Joyce Weber
Edmund T. Welch III
Jean Wells Hollinshead, MD
Sherwin Welson
Stanley Werstak
Mary Jane Westlake
David J. Whalen Jr.
Frank “Red” White
Karen Beattie White
Harry A. White
Betty D. Whittier
Mary Wiechniak
David F. Wierbicki
Marty Wightman
Staunton Williams Jr.
Newton J. Williams
Nancy Wright
Edward Yeomans
Henry Zabrensky
Joseph Zareski
Antonio “Tony” Zibaitis
Adam S. Zielinski
Thomas R. Zisa
Honor Roll of Donors / 45
Gifts in Honor of
Others and In
Appreciation of
Hartford Hospital
Tribute gifts are a wonderful expression
of caring and appreciation, and have
been an important tradition at Hartford
Hospital for years. Often these gifts
honor family or friends and are
sometimes given to mark notable
occasions. Just as special are gifts given
by patients and their families in
appreciation of care provided by
Hartford Hospital doctors, nurses, and
other staff. We are very grateful for
contributions made between October 1,
2012, and September 30, 2013, in honor
of the following, which include gifts
from grateful patients honoring their
hospital caregivers.
Todd Alekshun, MD
Joanne Auger
Amanda Bellman
Elliot S. Berman, DDS
Helaine Bertsch, MD
Diane Bickford
Bliss 5 staff and volunteers
Bliss 7-ICU and Bliss 7-E nursing staff
Lee Bloom
Deborah Blotner
Kit Bon
Timothy S. Boyd, MD
Richard Breen
Dorothy Burton’s 80th birthday
C9I staff
Cardiac ICU doctors and staff
Cardiac ICU nursing staff
CB2 nurses and staff
Holly Cohen’s birthday
Jeffrey L. Cohen, MD
David E. Curtis, MD
Patricia A. DeFusco, MD
Anne deHertogh, RN
Paul Dekker, MD
Patti DeMar
Frank and Agnese DeRosa’s 50th
wedding anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Devivo’s marriage
Sharon A. Diamen, MD
James E. Dougherty, MD
Claudette Fried
Carol S. Garlick
Jonathan Gengras
Stuart Genser, MD
Lois Gillman’s special birthday
Madeline Ginsberg’s birthday
46 / Hartford Ho spita l, 2013
Joe Goiangos
Helen and Marvin Goldberg’s marriage
Michael Golioto, MD
Sgt. Troy Gordon
Bill Grady
Pamela C. Griswold, MD
Hartford Hospital Department of Surgery
Hartford Hospital Fund Development staff
Hartford Hospital Hematology/Oncology
Outpatient staff
Hartford Hospital Labor and Delivery staff
Hartford Hospital Neurosurgical staff
Hartford Hospital Pastoral Care staff
Hartford Hospital Radiation Oncology staff
Leonor Horta
David Hull, MD
Jeffrey Hyams, MD
Mr. and Mrs. James Iannone’s
50th wedding anniversary
James E. Kallal, MD
Beth Ryan
Andrew L. Salner, MD
Peter K. Schauer, MD
Jack A. Schmetterling, MD
Sylvia G. Seide
Christopher Paul Serra
Aaron Shafer, MD
Steven J. Shichman, MD
Robert D. Siegel, MD
Claire Silverman’s birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Slotnick’s
60th wedding anniversary
Jacqueline Smith
Gary R. Spiegel, MD
Russell Stein, MD
Ed Storti’s special birthday
Hiroyoshi Takata, MD
Arthur E. Tarantino, MD
Paul D. Thompson, MD
Antonio “Tony” Vitti’s heart transplant
Michael S. Karasik, MD
Stephen J. Kastoff, MD
Sherman Katz’s 90th birthday
Herbert J. Keating III, MD
Patricia Kepler’s 80th birthday
Stuart S. Kesler, MD
Martin Kesten
Father John Kiely
Brendan D. Killory, MD
Inam U. Kureshi, MD
Jason Laabs’ birthday
Rabbi Philip Lazowski
Lindsay LeBlanc
Harry Libby’s 70th birthday
Dr. Henry B. C. Low’s birthday
Robert Lowe, MD
Mohamed Mansoor, MD
Rachel K. Marcus
Stephen Marek
Eugene and Beverly Mazzo
John McNab, PA
John Meehan
Anoop Meraney, MD
Leo Minoia’s 75th birthday
LaKisha Mobley
Paul B. Murray, MD
Mark Neadle
Nancy Nelson
Stacy R. Nerenstone, MD
Palliative Medicine Consult Service staff
Godfrey Pearlson, MD
Robert J. Piorkowski, MD
Morgan Platt
William and Christopher Reynolds
Sandra Rivera
Eugene Rosenberg’s speedy recovery
Jerry Rosenstein’s 80th birthday
Robert Rosson’s 80th birthday
Christina Wai, MD
Kurt and Gerhild Walter
Kevin Weinberg’s engagement
John P. Welch, MD on his retirement
Linda Whitehead
Marjorie M. Widness
Theresa Williams
CJ and Charlotte Zenzick
Named Funds
Established and supported by gifts
for specific hospital needs. In fiscal
year 2013, Hartford Hospital received
donations for the following funds:
Advanced Exercise Testing Lab Fund
AIDS Patient Support Fund
Anonymous Donor Retreat Gate Fund
Anxiety Disorders Center Fund
Areas of Greatest Need
Avon Breast Care Fund
Susan Blackwell Fund
James R. Blanning Memorial Fund for
Palliative Care Education
Donald Blotner Education Fund
Brain Tumor Fund
Breast Health Outreach and Education
Fund / Mobile Mammography
Brownstone Clinics Fund
Cancer Center Boutique Fund
Cancer Patient and Family
Assistance Fund
Carbone Fund
Cardiac Lab Education Research Fund
Cardiovascular Nursing Education Fund
Center for Education, Simulation
and Innovation
Center for Global Health Fund
CESI Training Fund
Chest Pain Center Fund
Myrtle Clabby Pulmonary Fund
Clinical Dietician Education Fund
Fred Cohen Memorial Fund
Community Access to Care Fund
Comprehensive Epilepsy Center Fund
Comprehensive Prostate Cancer
Program Fund
Department of Medicine Fund
Depression Research and
Treatment Fund
Diabetes LifeCare Fund
Digital Mobile Mammography
Disaster Relief Fund
Jan Dolfi Ostomy Care Fund
Education in Radiology Fund
Emergency Department Gift Fund
Julie Epstein Ovarian Cancer Fund
Daniel and Lily Feldman Fund
Ron Foley Fund for Pancreatic Cancer
Emily F. Fritts Memorial
Endowment Fund
Fromson Fund for C9I
Geriatric Program Fund
Helen & Harry Gray Cancer Center Fund
Helen & Harry Gray Cancer Center
Fund - Avon
The Neil J. Grey, M.D. Fund for Diabetes
Health Science Library Fund
Heart Failure and Transplant Fund
Hemodialysis Fund
Heublein RadiationTherapy/
Oncology Fund
Monroe Himelstein, M.D. Fund for
Surgical Resident Education
Jane Holton Memorial Fund
Horticulture Program Fund
Institute of Living Endowment Fund
Integrative Therapies Fund
Israeli Emergency Medical Services
Fellowship Fund
Jefferson House General Donation Fund
Jefferson House Good Samaritan Fund
Jefferson House Inservice Nursing
Education Fund
Barbara J. Larson Breast Cancer Fund
LIFE STAR Air Ambulance Fund
Henry Low Heart Center Fund
Susan E. Lyon Memorial
Endowment Fund
Medical Staff Annual Fund
Neurosurgical Fund of Hartford Hospital
Nursing Education and Research
Nursing Quality Education Fund
Organ Transplant Family Support Fund
Palliative Care Initiative Fund
Palliative Medicine Consult Service Fund
Partnership for Breast Care Fund
Pastoral Services Fund
Pathology Education Fund
The Poupart Fund for the Heart
Rhythm Management Center
Psychiatric Education Fund
Ludwig Pyrtek Endowment Fund
Quality of Life Program Fund
Rehabilitation Fund
Rodney and Janice Reynolds Fund
for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Russell Fund
Schizophrenia Treatment Fund
Seidner Fund
Social Services Fund
John Kelley Springer Courtyard Fund
Stroke Center Gift Fund
Edward A. and Etta W. Suisman Fund
Mary Mulready Sullivan Symposium
Endowment Fund
Hiroyoshi Takata, MD Fund for
Cardiovascular Surgery
Tallwood Urology & Kidney Institute
Endowment Fund
Transplant Program and Comprehensive
Liver Center Fund
Transplant Program Gifts Fund
Trauma Education Fund
Trauma Support Team
Urology Resident Education Fund
Hertha van Sickle Oncology Nursing
Education Fund
Volunteer Services Fund
Grace S. Webb School General Fund
Women’s Health Program Fund
Women’s HeartAdvantage Fund
Catherine M. & Alexander Wright Fund
The Zachs Endowment Research Fund
Estates and Trusts
Throughout its history, Hartford Hospital has benefited from the foresight of
thoughtful donors whose legacies have
strengthened our institution. These
donors understood that in a challenging
daily environment, the hospital’s needs
are ever-changing. By providing for the
years ahead, these individuals helped to
ensure that the hospital could meet new
challenges and maintain its level of
excellence. These are the gifts that keep
on giving, and we are deeply grateful to
those extraordinary benefactors for the
vision and generosity. In FY 2013,
Hartford Hospital received distributions
from the following estates and trusts:
Anonymous (2)
William H. and Rosanna T. Andrulat
Charitable Foundation
Roxanne W. Beardsley Charitable Trust
Estate of Anna C. F. Butler
The Beatrice Davis Clapp Fund
Estate of David L. Coffin
Estate of George Cox
Barbara W. Groundwater Charitable
Remainder Unitrust
Estate of Betty L. Guiney
Estate of Elaine W Hahn
Estate of Barbara J. Larson
Estate of Domenic G. Marchi
The Katharine K. McLane and
Henry R. McLane Charitable Trust
William R. Morgan Trust
Estate of Seymour H. Saltzman
Joseph S. Stackpole Trust
Estate of Frederick A. Stocker
Edward A. Suisman Charitable
Remainder Unitrust
W & C Sullivan Unitrust
Leonard M. Troub Foundation, Inc. Trust
at the Hartford Foundation for
Public Giving
The Alexander and Catherine Maus Wright
Charitable Trust
Held by the treasurer of Hartford
Hospital. Founded on bequests and gifts
that are restricted to use of income only:
Betty Agee Memorial Fund
Edwin Aishberg Fund
Lucy Brace Allen Free Bed Fund*
Marjorie H. Allen Free Bed Fund*
Alumnae Association, Hartford
Hospital School of Nursing*
Mary W. Anderson Fund
James P. Andrews Fund
Lillian Andrews Free Bed Fund*
Harriett Wadsworth Arnold Fund
u/w/o Frederick W. Arnold
Mary Ogden Avery Memorial Fund
Avery-Welcher Free Bed Fund*
Beatrice Fox Auerbach Capital
Equipment Fund
William T. Bacon Free Bed Fund*
Eugene Ballard Fund
Raphael and Julia R. Ballerstein
Free Bed Fund*
D. Newton Barney Educational
Building Endowment Fund
Laura D. Barney Free Bed Fund*
Ruth and Roger Beck Fund
W. Marston and Katharine Becker Fund
Ruth Russell Belding Fund
Alice Howard Bennett Free Bed Fund*
Samuel Barwick Beresford
Free Bed Fund*
John M. and Shelly A. Biancamano Fund
Honor Roll of Donors / 47
Helen Sterling Brainard Free Bed Fund
for Children*
Leverett and Mary Brainard
Free Bed Fund*
Lyman B. Brainard and Lucy M. Brainard
Free Bed Fund
Mary B. Brainard Fund*
Newton C. and Elsie B. Brainard Fund
Amaziah Brainerd Fund*
Dorothea H. Brandon Memorial Fund
Howard W. Brayton Fund*
Alice Stephen Brewster Free Bed Fund*
Barbara Bridgman Fund
Frances Wood Britton Free Bed Fund*
Ruth Talcott Britton Fund
John H. Brooks Fund
Brooks-Woodford Memorial Fund
F.A. and Martha W. Brown Fund
Frederick S. and Almera 0. Brown Fund*
John D. Brown Fund*
Isabel Goodrich Buck Fund
i/m/o Francis Goodrich Buck
Addie W. Burpee Fund*
Angie L. Burr Fund
Elsie A. Butler and William N. Butler
Fund u/w/o William N. Butler
Mary Gleason Camp Memorial Fund
Carbone Family Fund
Coleman H. and Jo Champlin Casey
Natalie Chambers Fund
i/m/o Francis Chambers
Kathryn Richards Chandler Fund*
Mary Robinson Cheney Fund
Cheney Brothers’ Free Bed Fund*
Children’s Fund*
Citizens Endowment Fund
Julie J. Gilman Clark Fund for Assistance*
Mabel H.P. Clark Social Service Fund
Robert J. Clark Endowment Fund
Susan S. Clark Free Bed Fund*
Fred Cohen Endowment Fund
Francis W. Cole Fund
Martha Isham Cone Free Bed Fund
i/m/o Lillian C. Cone*
Charles B. Cook Free Bed Fund*
Frank W. Corbin Fund*
Florence S. Marcy Crofut Educational
Endowment Fund
C. Wellington Crosby Fund
u/w/o Mathew George Thompson*
Daniel P. Crosby Fund
Francis Crosby Fund
Ralph W. Cutler Free Bed Fund*
Ruth Brainard Cutler Fund*
Julia W. Ensign Darling Fund
Issac B. and Maria Ann Davis Fund
u/w/o John 0. Davis
Pierpont Davis Fund
48 / Ha rtford Ho spita l, 2013
Calvin Day Free Bed Fund*
Edward M. Day Fund
L.A. Dickinson Fund*
Edward H. Dillon Fund*
Austin Cornelius Dunham
Laboratory Fund
Austin Cornelius Dunham
Training School Nurses’ Prize Fund
Sarah R. Dunham Fund*
Lucius H. Elmer Fund
William Ely Free Bed Fund*
Endowment 1994 Fund
Joseph R. Ensign and Mary P. Ensign
Free Room Fund*
T.R. Farrell Free Bed Fund*
The Maury Ferriter Endowment Fund
Anna B. Fischer Free Bed Fund*
George H. Fitts Fund
Frank J. and Kathryn W. Flynn
Memorial Fund
George Bushnell Foster Fund
James P. Foster Fund
Gurdon Fox Fund
Moses Fox Free Bed Fund No.1*
Moses Fox Free Bed Fund No.2*
Elizabeth Roberts Fredericksen Endowed
Fund for Nursing Excellence
Emily Fritts Memorial Endowment Fund
Bernadine D. Gale Fund
u/w/o Philip B. Gale
George Gay 2000 Endowment Fund*
George H. Gilman, Sr. Fund
u/w/o George H. Gilman Jr.
Anna M. Goodwin Fund
Gift Annuities
Help for Generations
to Come
Many Hartford Hospital donors have found a
charitable gift annuity to be a wonderful way to make
a meaningful gift while enjoying income and tax
benefits that also help enhance their future financial
well-being. Henry and Barbara Smachetti are just
such friends of the hospital.
As members of the hospital’s 1854 Society, which
recognizes donors who have included Hartford Hospital
in their estate plans, the Smachetti’s found that a
charitable gift annuity is a win-win contribution.
They receive a very competitive fixed income for their
lifetime, a charitable deduction, and a portion of the
income is tax free. At the same
time, they are making a
lasting commitment to
Hartford Hospital.
Barbara and Henry Smachetti
Daniel M. Goodwin Free Bed Fund*
Francis and Mary Goodwin
Free Bed Fund*
The Rev. Dr. James Goodwin
Memorial Free Bed Fund*
James Lippincott Goodwin Fund
Mary Elizabeth Lincoln Goodwin
Bed Fund u/w/o Charles L Goodwin*
Rev. Stephen Henry and
Helen Woodward Granberry
Free Bed Fund*
Ella Grasso Scholarship Fund
The Neil J. Grey, M.D. Fund for Diabetes
C.L. & L.M. Griggs Grohmann Fund
u/w/o Carl L. Grohmann
Dwight Griswold Lectureship Fund
Frank L. and Agnes E. Griswold Fund
Christine J. Haas Fund
Hannah S. and William P. Haas Fund
George Hall Fund No. 1*
George Hall Fund No. 2*
Harriet Hall Fund
Joseph T. Hall Fund
Margaret J. Hall Free Bed Fund*
Edith May Hart Free Bed Fund*
Emma May Hart Fund*
Ferdinand Austin Hart Free Bed Fund*
Harold and Ethel Hart Endowment Fund
Hartford Archdeaconry, Children’s
Cot Fund*
Norman Hendensted Fund
Edward P. Hickmott Free Bed Fund*
Elisha E. Hilliard Fund
Atbertus S. Hills Fund*
Hills Fund u/w/o Carrie E. Hills Knight
Frederick W. Hills Fund*
J. Coolidge Hills, Ellery Hills
and Nancy H. Hills Fund*
Drayton Hillyer Fund*
Mrs. Henry P. Hitchcock Free Bed Fund*
Harold G. Holcombe Fund*
Jane Holton Memorial Fund
Edward Williams Hooker Free Bed Fund*
Hospital Social Service Fund
Edmund G. Howe, Willam J. Wood
and Frances Howe Wood Fund
Charles L. Hubbard Fund
Lucius E. Humphrey and
Grace H. Humphrey Fund
Newman Hungerford Fund No.1*
Newman Hungerford Free Bed
Fund No.2*
Newman Hungerford Free Bed
Fund No.3*
Institute of Living Endowment Fund
Jefferson House Good Samaritan Fund
Charles A. Jewell Free Bed Fund*
Lyman B. Jewell Fund
Katherine W. Johnson Fund
The Jonathan Lodge #66 I.O.O.F.
and Jonathan Welfare Society
Endowment Fund
Jennie C. Jones Memorial Fund
Edwin B. Judd Fund
Junior League of Hartford Free Bed Fund*
Keney Fund*
Mary J. Keney Fund
Edith and Will Kingsbury Fund
George W. Klett Fund
Robert C. and Leonice M. Knox Fund
Henry Kohn Free Bed Fund
i/m/o Richard Case Kohn
Herman P. Kopplemann Fund
Dr. John C. Leonard Fund
Hyman Levine Fund
James M. Linton Fund
Marilyn Lippman Memorial Fund
Susan E. Lyon Memorial Fund
Morris and Edith Mancoll Fund
Augusta M. Manning Free Bed Fund*
Edith Oakley Martin Fund
u/w/o Richard P. Martin
Roland Mather Permanent Fund
of the Hartford Hospital
Francis T. Maxwell Fund
Dr. John Butler McCook Memorial Fund
William B. McCray Fund*
Harriett Rowley McKown Fund
Juliette McLean Free Bed Fund*
George J. Mead Fund
Charles B. Miller Free Bed Fund*
Ella F. Miller Free Bed Fund*
Maria L. Moody and Bertram E. Moody
Fund for Palliative Care
Henry K. Morgan Fund
Junius S. Morgan Fund
William D. Morgan Fund
Grace Root Morris Fund
Arnold Henry Moses Fund
John C. Niblack Trauma Support
Endowment Fund
Frederick L. Nichols Endocrine Fund
Charles N. Northam Fund*
May Rockwell Page Fund
Donato Palermino, M.D.
Endowment Fund
Emma L. Parsons Fund*
Emily M.W. Peabody Free Bed Fund*
Julia Ripley Pember Free Bed Fund
u/w/o Chauncey Pember*
Mrs. George C. Perkins Free Bed Fund*
Gertrude S. Perkins Free Bed Fund*
Lucy Adams Perkins Fund
Permanent Fund
Charles and Elsie Sykes Phelps
Free Bed Fund*
Guy R. Phelps Fund
Clara Piester Fund u/w/o Everett Piester
Ralph and Lula Pinney Fund
The Charles Polivy, MD, Surgical
Education Fund
Charles F. Pond Free Bed Fund*
Caroline E. Porter Free Bed Fund*
Eliza Storrs Porter Free Bed Fund*
John Porter and Caroline E. Porter Fund
Camilla Jillson Potter Free Bed Fund*
Samuel 0. Prentice Free Bed Fund*
William H. Putnam Research Fund
Ludwig J. Pyrtek, MD Chair Fund
Barbara Coles Ralston Endowment Fund
M. Katherine Reis Free Bed Fund*
The Ned C. and Janet C. Rice Fund
for Excellence
Edith Kerr Richards Memorial Fund*
Herrick C. Ridlon, MD Fund
Charles C. and Emily Cheney Riley Fund
Sophia S. Risley Fund No.1
Sophia S. Risley Fund.No. 2
Elvira Evans Roberts Free Bed Fund*
Edward K. Root Fund
Edward King Root Maintenance Fund
Judson H. Root Free Bed Fund*
Lewis P. Roraback Fund
G. Gardiner Russell Fund
Ada Gilbert Russell Fund*
Mary I. B. Russell Fund*
William C. Russell Social Welfare Fund*
William C. Russell and
Ada G. Russell Free Bed Fund*
William A. Sanborn Free Bed Fund
School of Nursing Endowment Fund*
Schizophrenia Treatment Fund
William G. Sexton Fund
Lois and Howard Siegal Endowed Fund
for Nursing Excellence
Clayton H. Smart Fund for Diabetes
Ellen T. Smith Free Bed Fund*
Olcott and Lucy Smith Research Fund
Dr. Oliver C. Smith Fund No. 1*
Dr. Oliver C. Smith Fund No. 2
Dr. Oliver C. Smith Fund No. 3
W. Leslie Smith, MD Fund
Joseph S. and Margaret A. Stackpole
Staff Memorial Fund
Hannah Marcy Starr Free Bed Fund*
Melancthon Storrs Fund
u/w/o Gertrude S. Perkins
Edward A. and Etta W. Suisman Fund
Mary Mulready Sullivan Symposium
Endowment Fund
Frank C. Sumner Fund
Alice Taintor Free Bed Fund*
Tallwood Urology & Kidney Institute
Endowment Fund
The Taylor Fund
Madeline Murphy Taylor Fund
Honor Roll of Donors / 49
Isham Terry Fund*
Oliver Grant Terry and Amelia Smith
Terry Fund u/w/o Mary A. Terry
Gertrude D.S. Thompson Free Bed Fund*
Hartwell G. Thompson Fund
James M. Thomson Free Bed Fund*
Thrift Shop Nursing Education Fund
Dr. Ralph M. Tovell Fund
Nancy and Bill Trachsel Fund
The Truex Family Fund for
Community Service
Grace Tuttle Fund u/w/o Sarah Tuttle
and u/w/o William F. Tuttle
Jane Tuttle Free Bed Fund for
Nurses, etc.*
Miles A. Tuttle Free Bed Fund*
Sarah Tuttle Free Bed Fund
u/w/o Jane Tuttle*
William F. Tuttle Free Bed Fund
u/codicil to Will of Jane Tuttle*
William F. Tuttle Free Bed Fund
u/w/o Jane Tuttle*
Kate G. Tyler Fund
H. Whitney Tyler Fund
Bernadette Warren Fund
Nathan M. Waterman Free Bed Fund*
Ellen M. Watkinson Trust Fund*
Arne Welhaven Memorial Library Fund
Cassius Welles and Susie Russell
Welles Fund u/w/o William C. Russell
Mary A. Whaples Fund*
Frank L. Wilcox Free Bed Fund*
Wildwood Sanatorium Investment Fund
Elizabeth W. Williams Free Bed Fund*
Eugene Phillips Williams Fund*
Josephine Williams Estate Fund
i/m/o Lyman B. Jewell
Josephine Williams Trust Fund
Hattie Johnson Wilson Free Bed Fund*
Robert J. Winkler Endowment Fund
Solomon and Katie Wohl Free Bed Fund*
Bertha B. Woodford Fund
Charles G. Woodward Fund
Mary S. Woodward Fund
Henry I. Wright Fund*
The Zachs Endowment Research Fund
Trust Funds not held by the treasurer of
the Hartford Hospital. From Bank of
America as trustee:
John G. & Jane M. Austin Trust
Edwin H. Bingham Trust
Harriet Bundy Est. Trust
Willie 0. Burr Trust
Elizabeth M. Burt Trust
John J. Corning Trust
David Crary, Jr, Trust
Flora M. Crary Trust
50 / Ha rtford Ho spita l, 2013
Harriet Dickman Trust
Emma B. Fehrer Trust
George Gay Trust
Lelia C. Hunter Trust
Charles A. Hunter Trust
Emma B. Lane Est. Trust
Sarah Pardee Trust
Lewis P. Roraback Trust
E. Terry Smith Trust
Winchell Smith Trust
Louise Terry Trust
Joseph P. Trumbull Trust
Frank W. Weston Trust
Anna C.F. Butler Trust
George J. Capewell Foundation
u/w/o Garafelia Capewell
u/w/o George J. Capewell Jr.
u/w/o Mary A. Capewell
u/w/o Ida G. Capewell
I. Kent Fulton Trust
William L. Montogue
Ethel Wood Thomas Trust
Aaron W.C. Williams Trust
Charles G. Woodward Trust
Grace Holcomb Humphrey Trust
Trust Funds not held by the treasurer of
the Hartford Hospital Jefferson House.
From Bank of America as trustee:
Grace Edith Bliss Trust
Grace Edith Bliss Trust
u/w/o Frederick S. Bliss
David Crary Jr., Trust
Rene H. Hills Trust
Sara Pardee Trust
Joseph P. Trumbull Trust
Frank W. Weston Trust
Mary Botsford Trust
George J. Capewell Foundation
u/w/o Garafelia Capewell
u/w/o George J. Capewell Jr.
u/w/o Mary A. Capewell
u/w/o Ida G. Capewell
William R. Morgan Trust
Aaron W. C. Williams Trust
Charles G. Woodward Trust
Julia S. Reynolds Trust
Trust Funds held by the treasurer of the
Hartford Hospital Jefferson House:
Elizabeth C. Bacon
William T. Bacon
John F. Baker Fund
Alice M. Bartholomew
Mary Jane Blackman Fund
Brooks-Woodford Memorial Fund
F. A. Brown Fund
Martha W. Brown Fund
Wickliffe S. Buckley Fund
Louise S. Bunce Fund
Harriet Turner Burnham Fund
Silas Chapman Jr., Fund
Mabel H.P. Clark Fund
Susan S. Clark
Caroline L. Cooley
Josephine H. Davis Fund
Charles E. Fox Fund
u/w/o Frederick K. Fox
Bernadine D. Gale Fund
Charles S. Goodwin Fund
u/w/o Charles L. Goodwin
Jessie I. Herriman Fund
Elsie M.S. Hills Fund
Stephen Hills Fund
Mrs. Henry P. Hitchcock
Charles L. Hubbard Fund
Keney Fund
George Rice Lester Fund
George S. Lewis
u/w/o Cornelia B. Hinsdale
Emma Brown Lyman
Mary P. Mansfield Fund
Eliza F. Mix
John Porter and Caroline E. Porter Fund
Edward V. Preston and
Clara M. Preston Fund
Judson H. Root Fund
W. C. Russell Fund
Ellen T. Smith
William L. Sugden Fund
Catherine Tuttle Fund u/w/o Sarah Tuttle
William Tuttle u/w/o Sarah Tuttle
Bertha B. Woodford Fund
Charles G. Woodward Fund
Mary S. Woodward Fund
P. Henry Woodward Fund
*Indicates “Free Bed” funds that have
been given to enable the hospital
to provide care to any and all, based on
financial need on application.
For all the listings in this publication, we have taken great care to ensure the accuracy of each donor’s name
as apprised by the donor. If there is an error, please accept our apology and let us know how you would like
the name to be listed in future issues. Call the Hartford Hospital Fund Development Department at
(860) 545-2322 so we may correct any mistake.
Annual Campaign
Jennifer Coutu at (860) 545-2969
or jennifer.coutu@hhchealth.org
Carol S. Garlick, CFRE
Vice President, Philanthropy
(860) 545-2162
Laura Hintz
Database Manager
(860) 545-2324
Melissa Tranberg
Executive Assistant
(860) 545-2162
Alison Swain
Development Officer
(860) 545-2160
Carla Burgess
Director of Development
(860) 545-1932
Nicole Attardo
Major Gifts Assistant
(860) 545-1299
Susan Dana
Director, Major Gifts
(860) 545-2226
Meghan Bianco
Special Events Assistant
(860) 545-2116
Sally Weisman
Director of Principle Gifts
(860) 545-3966
Mary Parola
Gift and Data Management
(860) 545-2322
Black & Red
Carla Burgess at (860) 545-1932
or carla.burgess@hhchealth.org
Community Fundraisers
to Benefit Hartford Hospital
Nadia Woodman at (860) 545-2161
or nadia.woodman@hhchealth.org
Corporate & Foundation Support
Mickey Orkin at (860) 545-1265
or mickey.orkin@hhchealth.org
Deferred Gifts, Endowments
Carol Garlick at (860) 545-2162
or carol.garlick@hhchealth.org
Funds (New and Existing)
Carla Burgess at (860) 545-1932
or carla.burgess@hhchealth.org
Exceptional Gifts,
Naming Opportunities
Susan Dana at (860) 545-2226
or susan.dana@hhchealth.org
Jennifer Coutu
Associate Director
Annual Campaign
(860) 545-2969
Mickey Orkin
Associate Director
Corporate and Foundation
(860) 545-1265
Karen Hunter
Communications Specialist
(860) 545-2369
Hartford Hospital realizes that
individuals would like to learn more
about our programs, services or
developments. However, we fully
respect the privacy of our patients.
If you do not wish to receive
fund-raising requests such as this in
Nadia Woodman
Associate Director
Special Events
(860) 545-2161
the future, please write to the Fund
Development Department at
80 Seymour Street, P.O. Box 5037,
Hartford, CT 06102-5037; email us at
HartfordHospital@hhchealth.org, or
call us at (860) 545-2322.
Visit us at: giving.harthosp.org
Honor Roll of Donors / 51
N o n Pro fit
Org a ni za ti o n
U. S. Po st ag e
Ha rt fo rd, CT
Permi t N o. 4361
80 Seymour Street, P. O. Box 5037
Hartford, CT
Transforming Musculoskeletal Care
The Hartford HealthCare Bone & Joint Institute at
Hartford Hospital will integrate all elements
of orthopedics and musculoskeletal treatment,
including primary and specialty care, diagnostics,
rehabilitation, rheumatology, sports medicine,
neurology, and pain management.
Designed around patients and services,
it will be housed in an architecturally distinct,
freestanding orthopedic hospital adjacent to
the ambulatory care center on the campus.
It will be integrated with the hospital’s Center
for Education, Simulation and Innovation, which
is also committed to education and research
to develop innovative patient care at the
national level.
The Bone & Joint Institute will dramatically
improve the patient experience and position
Hartford Hospital to uniquely meet the
increased demand for comprehensive care.
If you’d like to donate or learn more
about giving to Hartford Hospital,
please visit giving.harthosp.org
or call 860.545.2322.