CODE BLUE Essential Questions and Vocabulary

Essential Questions and Vocabulary
------------------------------------------------------Required Systems---------------------------------------------------Skeletal-Muscular System:
What are the primary functions of our skeletal and muscular systems?
How do bones and muscles work together?
What are the purposes of ligaments, tendons, and cartilage?
What makes bone so light yet so strong?
How do our bones grow bigger? How do they change?
How are the three types of muscles different?
Vocab: bone, muscle (smooth vs skeletal vs cardiac / voluntary vs involuntary / flexor-extensor), tendon,
ligament, cartilage, compact bone, spongy bone, joints (ball-and-socket, hinge, fixed), ossification.
Digestive System:
What are the primary functions of our digestive system?
Why do we eat? What do we get from the foods we eat?
How does food get digested physically and chemically?
What is the path of food through the digestive system and what do the digestive organs do to the digesting
food along the way?
How do the nutrients get from the digesting food to the rest of the body?
Vocab: enzymes, hydrochloric acid, bile, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine = colon,
rectum, anus, pancreas, liver/gall bladder, mucus, peristalsis, villi, nutrients, chyme, feces.
Circulatory System (aka Cardiovascular System):
(possibly including Lymphatic System)
What are the primary functions of our cardiovascular system?
Why must blood always be flowing?
Where does the blood travel to and why does it go there?
What are the differences between arteries, veins, and capillaries?
What are the main components of human blood and what does each do?
How does the heart work to receive and send blood to the proper places?
Why are there four chambers within the heart?
Vocab: heart, ventricle, atrium, valve, septum, chamber, vessel, artery, vein, capillary, aorta, pulse,
pulmonary circulation vs. systemic circulation, coronary circulation, blood, plasma, erythrocytes,
hemoglobin, spleen, leukocytes, platelets, lymph, lymph vessels, lymph nodes.
Respiratory System:
What are the primary functions of our respiratory system?
Why do we breath?
How do we breath?
How and where does the oxygen and carbon dioxide get in and out of our bloodstream?
Vocab: lungs, sinuses, larynx, vocal cords, trachea, bronchi, bronchial tubes, alveoli, diaphragm, cilia,
Nervous System:
What are the primary functions of our nervous system?
What is the difference between the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system?
What are neurons and how do they work?
What are the differences between the three main types of neurons?
What are the three main sections of our brain and what are their functions?
How are our five senses related to our nervous system?
Vocab: neurons (interneuron vs motor neuron vs sensory neuron), brain, cerebrum, cerebellum,
medulla, spinal cord, axon, dendrites, effectors and receptors.
Immune System:
What are the primary functions of our immune system?
What is the difference between infectious and noninfectious diseases?
What are some ways that pathogens can enter our body and make us ill?
What are ways that our body prevents pathogens from infecting us?
What are ways that our body can destroy pathogens that have already infected us?
Vocab: pathogen, vaccination, immunity, antibodies, fever, macrophages, white blood cells: B cells,
T cells (helper T cells, killer T cells), allergies.
--------------------------------------------------Optional Systems--------------------------------------------------------Integumentary System:
What are the primary functions of the skin?
What is the difference between the dermis and the epidermis?
How does skin help regulate our body temperature?
Vocab: dermis, epidermis, sweat glands, subcutaneous fat, oil glad (sebaceous gland), hair follicle.
Endocrine System:
What are the primary functions of the endocrine system?
What are some main endocrine glands?
What are some important hormones and what do they do?
How do hormones travel throughout the body?
Vocab: hormones, ductless glands, pituitary gland, adrenal gland, pancreas, thryroid gland, thymus
gland, ovaries, testes.
Urinary System:
What are the primary functions of the urinary system?
How do the kidneys filter wastes and reabsorb water?
What is the composition of urine, and why?
Vocab: kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra, urine, urea, nephrons.