UAM-CUSE College of University Studies in English (UAM-CUSE) Real Estate Spring 2016 Tuesday 6:10 pm - 7:40 pm, Room M - 202 Thursday 6:10 pm - 7:40 pm, Room M - 2021 Instructor: Professor Chale Espinosa A Cell: 8851-3355 e-mail: Tweeter: @chalespinosa Office Hours: by appointment Text: W. B. Brueggeman & J. D. Fisher, Real Estate Finance and Investments (Chicago, IL: Irwin, 1997, 14th edition) Prerequisites: Corporate Financial Management (Requirement) Course Description: BUS-0423: Real Estate Total Hours: 48 Credits: 3 Students will develop the ability to analyze the methods of determining land use and city and urban development. Students will understand the developer, valuation expert and realtor’s role in development and finance of Real Estate. This theoretic practical class will compare and contrast the structure, regulation growth, financing and future of the real estate industry in the US and Nicaragua. Real Estate is related to financial investment classes. Heavy emphasis is placed in Corporate Finance and Financial Math. Prerequisite: Principles of Finance and Corporate Financial Management (PV theory knowledge is a must) Purpose: The course is designed to provide students with insights into problems and practices in real estate and real estate finance. The approach is managerial, rather than theoretical and requires financial math knowledge and understanding. Class participation is expected of all students. 1 We will have a 10:00 minute break at 8:00 pm 1 UAM’s Transversal Competencies Competencies Competency related to learning Objectives 1. Learning Outcomes Use information and communication technology to permanently learn, abstract, analyze, synthesize, identify, propose research, resolve problems, and put knowledge into practice. 1.1. 1.1. 1.2. To use the print and electronic media as well as personal interaction in autonomous learning, communication, and permanent up-dating in the profession. To identify, formulate, and resolve real or simulated problems by systematically using established methods that have technical validity. Competency related to interpersonal relations 2. Using English, motivate students to work in teams, establish common goals, and develop skills in international context. To optimize the use of English. 2.2 Identify group objectives and orient toward these. 2.3 Apply the best practices of the profession according to the latest techniques. Competency related to personal autonomy and development 3. To commit to quality, adaptation to new situations and decision-making as well as innovation and work leading to personal autonomy. 3.1 To satisfactorily reach academic standards and parameters that are personal and professional. 3.2 To effectively adapt to new situations and be able to propose innovative solutions. 3.3 To plan execute, and evaluate autonomous and formative tasks and professional roles that encourage autonomy. Competency related to using values 4. To foster responsibility, ethical values and demonstrate social responsibility and citizenship. 4.1 To always perform with academic integrity according to the highest standards and democratic values. 4.2 Realize or participate in projects based on principles of democracy, inclusion, gender, human development, citizenship, sustainable development, transparency, and care of the environment. 2 UAM-CUSE Transversal Competencies 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Master the mind. Master communication. Master information & technology. Master a holistic view of the world. Be an ethical leader: create a legacy. Grades: 1. 1st Exam: 20% 2. 2nd Exam: 20% 3. 3rd Exam: 20% 4. 4th Exam 20% 5. Quizzes after each chapter 10% 6. 5th. Homework 10% (must be complete, partial homework does not count. Homework will be reviewed in class) TOTAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100%2 Real Estate Finance and Investment - Course Outline: 1) Introduction: a) b) c) d) 2) 3) Introduction to Real Estate Investment: Basic Legal Concepts, Ch. 1 Real Estate Financing: Notes and Mortgages, Ch. 2 Nicaragua Real Estate Legal framework and practices (guest speaker) Mortgage Loan Foundations: The Time Value of Money, Ch. 3 i) Homework pag 75 & 76 #6,8,10,11,13,14,15,16,17 Exam # 1 Mortgage Loans b) Fixed-Rate Mortgage Loans, Brueggeman & Fisher, Ch. 4 i) Homework pag 108,109 #2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 14, 15 & 16. c) ARMs & VRMs, Brueggeman & Fisher, Ch. 5 i) Homework pag 145 & 146 # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 Exam # 2 2 We will drop the lowest test grade, and average the rest. 3 4) 5) Mortgages: Additional, Concepts, Analysis, and Applications, Brueggeman & Fisher, Ch. 6 problems 1 through 7 inclusive on pages 177-177 Residential Housing a) Single Family Housing: Pricing, Investment and Tax considerations. Ch. 7 Homework to be assigned. b) Underwriting and Financing Residential Properties. Ch. 8 Homework to be assigned. Exam # 3 7) Income Producing Properties (Debt and Equity) a) Income-Producing Properties: Leases, Rents and the Market for space, Brueggeman & Fisher, Ch. 9 Homework to be assigned b) Valuation of Income Properties: Appraisal and the Market for Capital, Brueggeman & Fisher, Chapter. 10 Homework to be assigned Exam # 4 8) 9) Investment Analysis and Taxation of Income properties, a) Brueggeman & Fisher, Chapter. 11 Homework to be assigned b) Financial Leverage and Financing Alternatives. Brueggeman & Fisher, Ch. 12 Homework to be assigned Exam #5 Exams will cover all material that is included in each chapter whether discussed or not in each class session; the second and subsequent exams will cover material since the date of the last exam. Scheduled dates for the exams will be set depending on how fast material is covered in class and although tentative we have scheduled five exams; the number may be less. Homework problems will be assigned at the end of each chapter and will be discussed and reviewed in class. All students when call will do assigned homework on the board. Its recommended that students study, review and understand Key Concepts at end of each chapter as they are key to answer True/False and Multiple Choice test questions in the quiz and tests. The final examination will not be comprehensive and will be given during the scheduled period during Finals week. 4 Final Exam is programmed to be held on in the last week of may and/or first week of June 2016. CUSE policy will be applicable class attendance, cheating, plagiarism and all other issues mentioned and described in UAM-CUSE academic catalog. Use of computers, tablets, IPads and smart phones will be allowed during regular classes but NOT during exams, they will have to be stored under the desk. Phones usage i.e.: talking, answering will NOT be allowed only on emergency basis. Tardiness will be within the allowed 10 minutes after class begins thereafter doors will be locked its up to the instructor to determine whether to implement policy will depend on student behavior. Students will be allowed to enter class at break time and there will be a 10-minute break after an hour of class. Students will be held responsible for all the material included in textbook and everything covered or assigned in class. In addition to reviewing the assigned material in the textbook and any outside materials introduced during the course of the semester, class time will be devoted to industry situations and conditions that will place the material in context and enhance students’ understanding and appreciation of the material. It is necessary that you own and know to use of a financial calculator. Many homework and exam problems require complex arithmetic calculations, and a financial calculator solves these problems more efficiently than a scientific calculator. The financial calculator should do time value of money, net present value (NPV), and internal rate of return (IRR) I will be using the HP- C22. During exams you will Not be able to use your computer or intelligent phone, to do the mathematics. Its your responsibility to bring calculator to exam no exemptions will be made. No computer or financial Apps will be allowed. 5