National Newspapers Effectiveness Motors Toyota Yaris - Year 2 Newspapers: Perfect Partner to TV Toyota Yaris “ These results across 2 years show the powerful effects of getting brand advertising in newspapers right. Building on our learning from last year, we have further improved campaign performance and succeeded in getting Yaris higher up the shortlist of significantly more of our target audience. We have clearly seen the benefits of integrating our TV with national newspaper print and online advertising. Exploring the boundaries of the creative idea in pre testing and understanding how newspapers and TV work together, led to some of the highest print recognition and messaging scores we’ve seen. We not only saw the expected leap in brand and consideration scores, but also a more direct effect with increased traffic to the website and test drive enquiries. Robin Giles General Manager, Marketing Communications, Toyota 2 ” National Newspapers & TV Toyota Yaris: Headline Results The 2007 Toyota Yaris in-market test demonstrates the power of brand advertising in national newspapers, in partnership with TV, to build brand success for a second year. As in 2006, newspapers – in both print and online formats – added significantly to brand performance: • Half the target audience put Toyota Yaris on their consideration list just 2 years after the launch. Among the TV + newspaper + online newspaper group, this rose to 72%, compared with just 39% for TV solus group • TV plus newspapers generated over 6 times the increase in brand commitment, versus TV alone • Newspapers drove a 32% increase in web traffic to Toyota Yaris microsite, with online newspapers responsible for 22% increase • TV and newspapers drove significant shifts in brand image – particularly emotional perceptions • Adding national newspapers made the TV ads work harder across all diagnostic measures, including engagement, branding and communication • Multiple newspaper and online newspaper executions boosted depth of information by 136%, doubled emotional brand values, increased re-appraisal by 63%, and improved call to action by 165% compared with TV solus 3 Toyota Yaris: The Creative Work Newspaper creative TV creative - Rope TV creative - Plane 4 Newspaper creative - Brand version Newspaper creative - Tactical version 5 Toyota Yaris: The Creative Work Newspaper creative The highly engaging and impactful creative idea combined humour with a powerful proposition. As a result, all campaign elements were very well-recognised. TV was 33% points above norm. Newspapers built on the previous year’s high recognition and achieved more than double the print norm. Recognition - Toyota Yaris Newspaper ads % recognising 46 2007 32 2006 Millward Brown Print Norm (326 ads) 6 20 Online Newspaper creative Online newspapers achieved 32% recognition – nearly double the 2006 level of 17%. There was a stronger synergy between print newspapers and online newspapers than between TV and online. For example, online standout, credibility and information content were judged to be significantly higher if people had also seen newspaper ads. Online Newspaper ads % agreeing 67 Very eye-catching 47 I’d stop and look rather than turn page 73 Points made were believable TV + Online NP Contained new information 81 43 66 22 49 TV + NP + Online NP 7 Toyota Yaris: Test Detail TEST HYPOTHESIS The 2007 in-market effectiveness test for Toyota Yaris aimed to build on the 2006† test results, which showed that TV and National Newspapers were the perfect partnership because they are processed differently, are both heavily consumed in the evenings and have complementary media profiles. Whereas many newspaper campaigns are short-lived and tactical, the belief was that a second year of brand advertising in TV and newspapers – both paper and online formats – would continue to deliver a strong brand impact. CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVES To make Yaris appealing to younger, more style orientated drivers, by sparking emotional desire: the small car that people have big feelings for. MEDIA plan Apr Media TV - 30 sec May June 616 Aug Sept Oct 450 TVRs TVRs Newspapers Target Audience: ABC1 Adults 25-44 July 4.1 242 0.8 GRPs 0.1 Online NP Non-test press Research Dates Pre-wave (Millward Brown) Interim-wave 205 126 GRPs GRPs Post-wave Research Sample: 25-60 year olds, either recent purchasers or in the market for a car £7000 – £13,500 Media Source: NMR/BARB/NRS Analysis of the data primarily focuses on a comparison of: 1) Those who recognise the TV advertising only (TV solus) 2) Those who recognise both the TV and newspaper advertising (TV + NP) 3) Those who recognise any of the newspaper advertising (Any NP) 4) Those who recognise TV and online newspaper advertising (TV + Online NP) 5) Those who recognise TV and newspaper and online newspaper advertising (TV + NP+ Online NP) For 2006 Toyota Yaris case study go to For further explanation of Millward Brown and Sophus3 methodolog y go to † 8 £m 0.6 Toyota Yaris: The Findings Extended TV and newspaper partnership builds yaris brand Extending the effectiveness test for Toyota Yaris into a second year clearly demonstrated the brand building effect of brand ads in newspapers and on TV. The combination of synergistic and complementary media, together with a strong creative idea, drove substantive increases in brand commitment and brand image. And throughout this case study, the powerful additive effect of newspapers in both paper and online formats is clearly evidenced. 50 43 41 39 33 35 34 26 27 27 22 17 Build on 2006 results - Total sample Post-wave 2006 Pre-wave 2007 Post-wave 2007 Brand Commitment Top 3 box % Stylish and goodlooking cars Stand out from the crowd Cars people have strong relationship with National newspapers drive 32% extra web traffic Unique URLs (eg in newspapers, and online ads on newspaper sites directed traffic to a Yaris microsite in 2007. Sophus3 analysis showed a 32% increase in traffic: 22% from online papers and 10% via direct access from newspaper readers. Sophus3 suggest total uplift due to newspapers was probably higher, as readers will have used search or landed on the Toyota home-page rather than entering a precise web address. This uplift follows a 44% uplift to Yaris pages in 2006 – 23% from national newspapers and 21% from online newspaper sites. +10% Direct access from NP (paper) +22% Online NP Non-referrer traffic Newspaper Advertising effect on Web Traffic Unique visitors to Toyota Yaris microsite % increase Source: Sophus3 9 Toyota Yaris: The Findings 6 times the increase in brand commitment by adding newspapers + online newspapers The 2007 TV plus newspapers campaign built on 2006 success by increasing consideration of Toyota Yaris significantly more than TV solus (top 3 box score). Among those seeing TV plus newspapers plus online newspapers, 72% would consider Yaris post-campaign, compared with just 39% of those seeing only the TV ads. Top 2 Box % +2 +11 Top 3 Box % +13 +4 +9 72 59 The TV and newspaper partnership was also more successful in getting Yaris on to the purchase shortlist of 1-3 brands (top 2 box score). TV plus newspapers achieved more than 5 times the increase gained by TV alone. The addition of online newspapers led to a 6–fold increase versus TV solus. Brand Commitment Likelihood to choose* +14 58 50 35 35 39 27 22 16 8 10 Pre to post % points increase Pre-wave Post-wave TV solus TV + NP TV + NP + Online NP TV solus TV + NP TV + NP + Online NP Brand image up more with tv + newspapers Brand image shifts in 2007 reflect the way that TV and newspapers in combination build emotional brand relationships. People exposed to TV alone again showed much lower increases. This challenges conventional media roles, where TV on its own is often expected to forge emotional image and newspapers are designated a tactical, rational role. Brand Image Pre to post % point change in endorsing Toyota Yaris TV solus 10 TV + NP TV + NP + Online NP 3 Stand out in a crowd Cars people have strong relationship with Stylish and good looking cars 9 11 2 9 9 2 9 9 Adding newspapers improves TV branding The TV ads were very enjoyable and well recalled. Branding was improved by 21% points if people had also seen the newspaper ads, and 30% points if they had seen online newspaper ads as well as the print versions. +21 +30 83 74 56 53 TV Ad Branding Definitely remember advertising was for Toyota Yaris % TV Solus TV + NP TV + NP + Online NP MB UK Norm Adding newspapers increases engagement with tv ads The TV executions alone were highly engaging (well above the UK average and 2006 TV execution), but when people had also seen the newspaper ads – in both paper and online formats – the TV ad was perceived to be even more involving and interesting. +12 Involving A+ Distinctive A+ +21 Interesting A+ Disturbing A− Soothing P+ TV Involvement Diagnostics Norm (698 TV ads) Unpleasant A− Pleasant P+ Recognise TV only Recognise TV + NP Recognise TV + NP + Online NP (Each axis 0-90%) Gentle P+ Irritating A− A Active P Passive + Positive Negative Boring P− Dull P− Weak P− +– Added effect of NP + Online NP 11 Toyota Yaris: The Findings Adding newspapers significantly improves TV communication Newspaper ads make TV work harder. As in 2006, seeing additional brand advertising in newspapers and online newspaper sites significantly improved takeout from the TV commercials. The most noticeable improvements were for important subsidiary messages of quality, style and modernity. TV solus Car that deserves to be treated with respect 77 Car people have a strong relationship with 65 43 Quality car TV Advertising Strongly suggests % answering Added effect of NP Added effect of NP + Online NP +6 +4 +12 +14 +23 +27 Stylish and good looking car 39 +17 +22 Modern car 38 +12 +18 newspapers communicate powerfully The newspaper ads communicated strongly both in print format and online. (Online newspaper ads communicated more strongly when seen in conjunction with print ads, than when only seen with TV). Multiple executions were synergistic with the TV idea and were highly engaging. NMA research consistently shows that multiple executions perform better than repetition of a single ad. Newspaper Advertising Strongly suggests % answering Print format Online format** Car that deserves to be treated with respect 67 Car people have a strong relationship with 67 64 61 55 Quality car Stylish and good looking car 46 Modern car 46 58 50 48 ** Among TV + NP + Online NP recognisers as online solus recognition group too small for analysis. 12 Newspaper ads enhance response to TV ads Seeing newspaper ads in print and online had a profound effect on people’s rational and emotional response to the TV ads. The extent to which the TV was perceived to provide new, different and relevant information more than doubled when people were also exposed to newspaper elements of the campaign. TV’s ability to drive emotional appeal and motivation to use Toyota Yaris was also significantly enhanced when people saw newspaper ads as well. Response to TV ads % agreeing TV solus TV + NP Contained new information Contained different information Points made were relevant Added effect of NP + Online NP +21 +34 +28 +35 +29 +40 +17 +26 +18 +31 20 41 54 31 59 66 32 61 72 55 Made brand more appealing Made me more likely to drive Toyota Yaris Added effect of NP 72 81 37 55 68 TV + NP + Online NP newspapers drive strong emotional and rational response Newspaper ads for Yaris provoked an extremely positive response among the car buyer target, outperforming TV solus on both rational and emotional levels. By engaging people emotionally, through an enjoyable and well-executed creative idea, the newspaper ads significantly exceeded Millward Brown norms on all ad response measures. MB Print Norm Contained new information Contained different information Points made were relevant 52 49 Response to Newspaper ads % agreeing 33 52 Made brand more appealing Made me more likely to drive Toyota Yaris 42 36 67 51 45 30 13 Toyota Yaris: The Findings Multiple newspaper ads double depth of information Exposure to each of the newspaper ads created a cumulative build in depth of information, more than doubling versus TV solus once people had seen the full campaign. 78 66 68 TV + 2 or 3 NP ads TV + 4 NP ads 48 33 Advertising measures - Depth of information Gives me enough information to decide* Top 2 Box % TV solus TV + 1 NP ad TV + 4 NP ads + Online NP Newspapers double emotional connection Newspapers generate powerful emotions in the reader, who is not just seeking information, but actively connecting with stories. Results for Yaris (and all other brands tested) in 2006 showed that this powerful emotional response is also generated by the ads in newspapers. In 2007, the campaign delivered an even stronger emotional effect. Seeing all the newspaper ads, both in the paper and online, more than doubled emotional brand values compared with TV solus. 93 77 82 64 46 Advertising measures - Brand values Helps me to connect and identify more strongly* Top 2 Box % TV solus 14 TV + 1 NP ad TV + 2 or 3 NP ads TV + 4 NP ads TV + 4 NP ads + Online NP Adding newspapers drives re-appraisal People look to their newspapers for new ideas, information and opinion, providing a perfect context for re-appraising brands. Toyota Yaris ads provoked strong levels of fresh thinking about the brand, building to almost universal re-appraisal among those seeing the full campaign of TV plus four newspaper ads and online. 96 87 70 72 59 Advertising measures - Re-appraisal Surprising and gets me to think differently* Top 2 Box % TV solus TV + 1 NP ad TV + 2 or 3 NP ads TV + 4 NP ads TV + 4 NP ads + Online NP Call to action up 160% through adding newspapers The power of both print and online newspapers to encourage people to the next step in the buying process is vividly illustrated in the call to action measure. Just under a third of those seeing TV solus agree the ads gave them a reason to buy, rising to 82% of those seeing all elements of the campaign. 82 59 63 45 31 Advertising measures - Call to action Gives me a reason to go out and buy* Top 2 Box % TV solus TV + 1 NP ad TV + 2 or 3 NP ads TV + 4 NP ads TV + 4 NP ads + Online NP Research Details: Pre-post tracking by Millward Brown among the same respondents (brand/category interest disguised at prestage), to measure changes among people seeing different media and account for any existing predispositions of any media group. Sample: 706 adults aged 25-60 who have either purchased a car from new in the last 3 years or intend to purchase a car from new in the next 2 years (costing between £7,000 and £13,500). 15 Now hear how these brand owners choreographed the perfect routine Jon Goldstone Vice President of Marketing, Walkers Jan Strubel Marketing Manager, Philadelphia, Northern Europe Nick Shepherd Vice President, Global Brands, Kraft Foods Mark Hall Marketing Director, Toyota Robin Giles General Manager, Marketing Communications, Toyota Step on over to For more information about advertising in national newspapers contact: Newspaper Marketing Agency 175 Piccadilly London W1J 9EN 020 7182 17 00 Email: Maureen Duffy Chief Executive Judy Harman Planning Director Jamie Willard Marketing Manager Acknowledgements With thanks to Toyota Yaris and its agencies CHI and Zenith Optimedia Newspaper Link and Brand Tracking Research conducted by Millward Brown Qualitative research conducted by Boszko and Research Plus Sales data analysis by Sophus3 *Metric developed by Hall & Partners Media expenditure: NMR © Newspaper Marketing Agency Date of Issue: April 2008 With thanks to Xtreme Information for supplying the advertising images: