KmX COIII\flY PollE opened & hcl"d at the housc of Jacob l{arrlck, Wabaah Twnehlp on monday 1809 for onc Rcpresentatlve, one mennber ln Counelll & onc the 22d day of Hay De)"egate to Congrcso. tfanick ftbbelb M Gaqf Wl"lll.arn Carlton Hsbert .tnderson Thornas Montgmeriy Jun" Walter Anderson fuH.lll"an llayuorc Reuben Al-sop Saruuel Anderson Josoph Montgomcry Sdrrand Stapleton Scn. Jecob Burkett Hughes I'lblter lt&ontgomery John Joahua Overton Thonas l{ontgmerlr Scn. Thonas ,13-soP John Robcrbs .Ianss lfartln Scn. Jamce lt{a.rrbin Jun. John Benson ? Klmbol- Frederl-ck StapJ-cton certify the above is a truc ststcuent of the poII of ElccttontrcLd at tpe house of Jacob Warrlck in Wbbesh Townshlp Qlven undcr our hands thc day and year above urltton. We Jamee SnLth Joseph Durlap Po1l kccpcrs P$lLs opened & held et thc house of Jautes nobb tn Whtte Rlver TornshLp on Mcnday ine ead d,ay of Uey 1809 Agreeabl.y to hocletlon for one Rcprcsantatlve one Menber ln 0ounct1l & onc Dclegate to Congrcss io*eph Mllburn lrchable Turner Wl}.lJam Barker *lkr*es Me0lure Dav'td ft,oble l,lLchile ? Dau Bcrk *Iohn Slneuen Abraharn Decker John Curnl.nghast .IloeePh Dcckcr Salem lLryl C.errrLce lles:l-cton l{1111an lethan 7 Carson frederick Calvln lter:y $€basttan Sat Jae,:b Feo $teven Lcr*es John glass ? frederLck ftobert Mose\y Abraham Pee $ooeon Pride ?errason $everLns Johnson Janes Whellen Wl]]{an Stenrd lgebastJ.a^n Lelrls ?? }Ienrly llnl-Is Thonas NcelY fsaac Montgmcty John Jolmson Robert FalLs Ben. FLeld Andrcw Ounninghan Jarnes Roal' Wllliam Reedy WillLan Ull-l.s Henry llopldns $teward Cunrrlngha.n 62 Cotl\nT KNOX (Wfrtte Rlver Townshlp, cont.) Dan{el Suliven Thomas Johnson Edrrard Phtltps John Recl Sa.mrel Adams lfathanlel West Thonas Archer Idtlltan Breuner John l,[lIburn Wll1ian llartgrove Cert,ify thet the aborre polls wcre du\y taken at the place and on the day aforesald Ore thet John Hadden had forty sevcn votes that WllU-ast Bnrce has four votes thet Luke Decker has twenty slx votes that Gcnrase Fh.aelton has twunty fLve votes that Thonas Bandolph has scvcnteen votos that John Johnson has thlrty f"r,r votes and that Jonathan Jennlngs has one vote - g!.ven under our hand,s and scals the day and year above wrLttcn We do hereby ltenry L. ?? !,Illl,s Neely James Crow po)-lkeepers Andrew 0unnLnghan Sherlff of the county of t(nox IndLana TerrJ-toty do hereby }lst and the enclosed Ltsts nrmbercd from one to foregolng Cer"tify that the correct statement of the El-cctLon held ln thls a artd are tme ei-x furtluelve of May 1809 Agrceab\y to the returns of ry day seeond County on the twenty Townsht-ps in Sald County for the Electlon of one dlfferent Deputies ln the C'encral Asaembly and two nenbers to to the onc menber Delegate to Congress, Given under nry hand at Ylncermes $ald Territory of the Icgislattve CouncilL 1809 the 29th day of May I Parmenas Beckes Famenas Beckes Sherlff f,. The C. orlglnal of the llsts, pp. 58-63 is found tn the Indiana llistorlcal $octety, Wil'l{an Henry $xd-th Menorial ld.brary. 63