14C • Savannah Nowb Press • Sunday, Septumbuf '1. 1994 * Mt'ttlLrll & 353 Manager T r a i n e e ' A T I A mt^ hunicol 'uol (J; Allunki ur«.-u COfMpnn, st-t.-K( . A T I A ctevyrier fui o«r mu'iffi position AtrOMXJCe tuul ctevyi experience a plus. Musi be (U< liUlKil f r i t r y ' t v f i Mdiiijui'M.t-M Cil.'piif lijinl , for f i o - a rtu'firK S e l f "It'll rfUlt*! null v i d U O 1 •> Wt otter an outstanding aJvorx.e merit uo'entiol lonipttHbuliof (HK Kuyt; ifKlUOi'UJ (.U'ct-'f (.level opmerit u r y g r o r n . yool s o m r y y f U A - t n rieultri benefits £ r lo'ion e»i>t;risf tiliowii' Prime candidates will possess a 4 year college degree and or bu p e r v i s o r y experience Send re surne to Personnel Director, Box KBV5 c o Sov'h News Press P O Box 1088 Suv'h. GA 31402 pril W i t h OdVOMCCll S U r l C H e S urx NC mill Sena rmuine t o PO Box 66. l u t K e r . GA ENGINEERS National expanding Corporation is looking for decreed Eng neers Civil rigin MechamcanEngintrerb nEn 5 irony desire to succeed o must. Cal I 205-802-8203. Exceptional Oppty. For Restaurant Operator Civil Draftsman Management $ 557 MANAGEMENT i STATION | MANAGER For international distribution co. College degree required with minimum of 2,y«ars supervisory experience.^rong skills in P.C. & Accounting. EOE. Send resume with cover letter detailing your skills as a supervisor and your salary history to Box L-877 Savannah News Press, P.O. Box 1088, Sav. 31402 V You're o take-charge, highly motivated individual who en... joys the challenge pf working f±. with the public in a high traffic £,'r environment. We're HERTZ. * the leader In the rent-o-car in* dystrv. Let's get together. We seek an enthusiastic self-starter ' to be q part of our management teom.dt our busy Savannah airport location. Your responsibilities will -include scheduling! problem-solving and achieving • a high level of customer satisfaction. ~---" You must have; ,. We are a major fast food res tauront chain looking for one high potential restaurant opera tor If you have five or more years fost food restaurant experience os an unit manager and or multi unit supervisor then you should investigate this op POHunity. Send your resume, in complete confidence to Box L696, c/o Sov'h News-Press, P.O. Box 1088, Sav. Go. 31402. E.O.E. Office Manager Trainee | SHIFT "r YOUR CAREER I INTO HIGH GEAR Credit/Collection Supervisor 1 .."-- *2-3 years of management experience in a fast-paced setting, •Strong customer service skMIs •Flexible schedule ' "A bachelor's degree is g plus We will offer: •Competitive salary •Progressive benefits (medical, dental, vision, life and disability) *Companycar •Retirement program •Tuition reimbursement This position is an ideal entry to •, a rewarding career with Hertz. Please send resume and salary requirements to: HERTZ RENT-A-CAR Employee Relations 1920 Auto Port Drive Atlanta, GA 30320 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. HERTZ Promotes A Drug-Free * Environment. EOE. . INFORMATION SYSTEM ,' MANGER The Southeast Health Unit has an opening for an Information Systems Manager to executes the Electronic Dqtq: Processing Plan and other information systems solutions for a multi county Health District. Responsible for planning, installation, configuration, administration and maintenance of a °varigty of hardware, software and cabling of WAN's LAN's, multi-user systems, stand alone PC's and voice com. QUALIFICATIONS: 3 yrs of exp. in .trie .installation & maintenance of data communications network and teleprocessing equipment. Exp. In working with DOS, Unix based systems & Novelnetworks. 1 yr. exp. in management and/or supervision of others, 40 hrs. /wk, paid holidays, vacation & sick leave, retirement plan, health insurance. Send resume to Betty McCuller, Southeast. Health n Unit, 1101 Church St., Waycross, GA 31501, Salary: S2S,000-28,DOO/yr. College degree preferred with 5 years experience in the credit and. collection field. Strong skills in 'P.C. & accounting. EOE. Send resume & cover letter with details about your experience s In credit/collection ojso-youf fca]ary. history to Box M-878, "Savannah News-Press, P.O. Box 1088, Sav. Ga. 31402. Ass't Construction Prefect Manager Immed. opportunity for qualified A. P.M. for Hilton Head Island location. Solid experience In quantity takeoff/ estimating, CPM scheduling & procurement is essential. Computer literacy required. Send resume to Harden Clubhouse. Builders, Inc. P.O. Box 7844, H.H.I. S.C. 29938. Collection Supervisor Large retailer based in Savannah has immediate opening for a Collection Supervisor. Must lave experience in bankruptcy proceedings, dealing with colecflon agencies & other codeclion activities. Excellent salary k benefits. Send resume to Controller, P.O. Box 8025, Savannah, Ga. 3U12. Editor General Manager Quality weekly newspaper in one of Southeast's fastest growng communities needs General Manager with background in editorial and/or advertising. 912-449-6693 or FAX 912-449-1719. Stcck Person for processing freight of high volume Giftshop 2 yrs. exp. nee. Apply, M-F, 10-5pm at The Briar . Pdlc Medical Arts Shopping Center. Medical & Dental Help Wanted 360 EXPERIENCED RNS, THINKING ABOUT RELOCATING? THEN DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY! BEAUFORT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, situated on the intraeoastal waterway, halfway between Charleston; SC and Savannah, GA., has recently completed a multi-million dollar expansion protect. In addition'to a full range of acute care services, we now offer subacute and acute inpatieht- psy/Poultry Production chiatric care. We are looking for experience RNs to work in Supervisor Needed f he following areas: , ' Claxton Poultry Is accepting ap1 Psychiatric i plications for supervisory posiOperating Room/PACU tions . , Sub-Acute MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS ' Obstetrics • High School education, leaderMed./SUrg. , ship ability, believe in the work; Emergency Dept. •.- . . ethic, Poultry experience help- We have an excellent benefit ful but not required. package and offer competitive' BENEFITS salaries. .For confidential con^•Competitive Salary Ideration, send your resume to •Paid Vocation : Moomi Breedlove, BMH, P.O. •Health Insurance , Box 1068, Beaufort, SC 29901 or •Life Insurance call 1-800-328-5107. E.O.E. •PaW Holidays' •401K Retirement Plan . Adult or Family Nurse Proctllioner sought for- independent First A Second Shift. Send resumes & Salary requirement to role with Homeless Population. Claxton Poultry Farms", P.O. Flexible/49 . hrs/wk. Compettive salary (40k.50K and bene^ flax 428, Hwy 301, CIgxton, GA its). Affiliated with Tldelands •' Attn:. Mark Blond. EOE Homeless Outreach Services Team (912) 651-2655.. -!-'.' Parts City i'Store Manager and Assistant Orthodontic Assistant needed. •'positionavailable, Gredt oppor- Experience. required. Salary . tunltv; " icompetltive .''sclary. commensurate with experience. . Good benefits. Experienced pre- *lease send resume to: P.O. ferred. Apply at any of our six 3ox G-873 c/o Savannah. News locations or send resume to Press P.O. Box 1088,"Savannah, Parts Cily, 3005 Skidaway Rd, GA 31402. Sav, Ga 31404. Attn: Personnel. Dental Asst. »j Immediate Opening for 3 r*fer Orthodontic expr Some wsqles/people . oriented career ravel required. Excellent benejSm'inded in educational, supplies. it package.. Salary DO.E. Apply ^Compensation based upon expen person or send resume to: Srlence. H.S. diploma required 310 Eisenhower Or. ^some college preferred. Building No. 1 / 232-0917 rChr»s ',Industrial }.Help Wanted 355 ] ndustrial Help Wanted 355 ' INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE AiECHANIC/ELEGTRICIAN GAP Materials Corporation, a leading manufacturer of asphalt roofing materials has immediate opening for ari industrial maintenance mechanic/electrician with at least five years experience. Successful candidate must be qualified to perform both mechanical and electrical duties. Heavy emphasis will _bc_rjia^_d_c»iLahiliry m maintain, troublcsho€^^and— repair a wide range of electrical instrumentation, programmable controllers, motors and equipment. Community Services Development Consultant Emergency Medical Services Ihf t ouslol Heolth Unit, EMI ollice ib ix-CBpimu application tlirougli Seuleniber 9, 1994 tor Community Services Develop men! Consultant, a stole merl position Salary: J27.670 year ly. Duties: Responsible lor coordinal ing and supervising comprehensive 24 county emer gency medical services. Inter preling and enforcing rules and regulations for the state man dated EAAS programs. Provld ing technical assistance and II aison between stale, dlstric and county programs. Develop ing & revising rules and regula tions fr EMS, Advising count commissioners and other gov ernment agencies regarding grants & other possible funding Qualifications/Experience: Completion of an undergrodu ate malor In psycKolofly, socia work, sociology, management public administration or related field at o four year college o university and three years o field experience related to the specific lob duties. Submit AAer It System Application to Hottie Evensen, Personnel, Coasta Health Unit, 1609 Newcastle Street, Brunswick, GA 31520 Phone number 912-264-3907 Equal Opportunity Employer. HEALTH CARE FACILITY OFFERS EXCELLENT CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Local health care organization has openings for the following part-time positions: Radiologic Technologist (mammogram experience preferred • ARRT Registered a Registry eligible) Pharmacist with Georgia license Send resume' or,, let tier of application to Box R-900, c/o Savannah News-Press, P.O. Box 1088, Soy. Ga. 31402, not later than Monday, September T2,1994. An Equal Opportunity Employ• ' .• • ' " ' • ' . er • ' ; CASE MANAGERS St.'Joseph's Hospital is currently accepting applications for full-time Case Managers. Can d(dates must have: *Current Georgia RN License. *A. Minimum of five years acute care experience, with recent experience in one of these specific area: Neurology, Pulmonology, and Med/SurglCU ^Master's Degree in Nursing ^Experience in Hospital Case Management Preferred. , Interested Applicants may send a resume to: ' ', JAN BROWN, R.N. St. Joseph's Hospital 11705 Mercy Boulevard Savannah, Georgia 31419 S'RNC WANTS TO "CHANGE" . YOUR LIFE1 COUPON For on exciting,-challenging career "change" bring this coupon to: •SAVANNAH REHABILITATION & NURSING CENTER 815 E AST 53RD STREET SAVANNAH, GA 31405 (912)352-8615 FAX (912) 355-4642 HOSPICE SAVANNAH Supporting the patient and family through a terminal illness emphasizing quality over quantity...'making a difference! Seeking PRN/RN's and PRN/LPN's for Inpt. facility, all shifts. Competitive salary. EOE. Send resume to P.O. Box 13190, Savannah, GA 31416. OPTICAL Beading optical comppny in Savannah looking for outgoing, energetic, sales oriented Individuals. Highest incentives, excelent pay. benefits & surroundngs. License and non-license. For personal confidentiar Interview coll 355-1945 or 355-66> I. COTA Colleton Regional Hospital has on opening for a Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant on Its u-bed-Rehob-Unit. This suicessful unit has been open since 1988 serving the needs of Colleton & surrounding counties. (912) 965-2219 Competitive salary, benefits. and incentive Package; flexible full time schedule, no weekends or call. 350 350 Contact Human Resource?, Colleton Regional Hospital Wallerhoro, SC 794B8 54963/1 Exl 130 E_O E_M F H A A employer PHYSICIAN OUR VISION: The Rest Sr/M>O/ System - Work my Jo\fether I or ' irri/ / enmer Position: Location PRACTICAL NURSING INSTRUCTOR Savannah-Technical Institute Liberty County Campus Dutleft/Quallfications I'mvirtps thoory and practical m stnjction lo a lovei si/ffiocni tm student to dpvoiop skills neCRS.sary to t>oroim> pinpioypii in |f\ ( > prnctical niifsinq tipld FAMILY NURSE PRACTITIONER Collelyn Keuioixjl Hospital l>uj on opening for a Family Nurwj Practitioner lo manaoe its Ru ral Health Clinic m Hampton, S.C Responsibilities will include supervision of support stuff, financial and budgetary duties, and the doy-to-dav operation of the facility r. R S Annual Snlnrv UVOOO plus excellent State 01 Hondo npdi* irw luding mortirnl mol firm In r urvl pmplovrr pnid hcolth and lilp inMiicincp i c fmonl vdintinit and «.i(k Icovo Mimnxtm Uiiohlu niiom, nsore os n Phvsn ion nt Os t*>(Miolhi« fhvsumn m o< < 01 d Orv p wild » Inrido 1?OS; Of i ol M) '«? ?RXs Inr oddilumol m fo< "ii,t;ivi Vrlp'(in«. in of lllf \ (.'tl'Ml' crnm, ood in*, ilnni r \A i Mi O Associate s doijro,) ,n nursing Ir ,u i.nidiU'd posl-srti. ondary institution Rachplor's prolmr<>d Must t>p Oligihlo for pos! spt.ondarv , f , atp and must possess p as a rmjistorod HUCS |h<» statf ot ("]<MVI)I,I Jump Into Out Pool Sutinul lptt(>i of application and rpsurnp )o RNs, LPNs & C N A s Savannah Chatham County Boart^ of Education Human Resources Department 208 Bull Streot Room 110 Savannah, denrgia 31401 Attonlion Sandra McCord Youncj o mtvM out cvnnndiiii) orfds M m-.i riutiooiil s l o t t i n g intu n»o thpionv i p r t i t i p d mtri mil "it vi«.iK A, in ivotf duty POM OMS nvmloblf? in Savannah. Impsvillp A Sprioqtield areas >Mer IIKI flCntllp hours A. < om Hitivp pov for nnpi < nil .TSV9000 i oc Physical therapist position F, 8 5 Annual & iick leave, I pd holidays Generous flexib benefils.retirerrtenl plan EO Coll Pat 912 42; 805'. Professional Cal I 692-7500 CLINICAL DIETITIAN Want to change lobs? We have a great opportunity for a Registered Dietitian. Qualified candidate will work with a diverse medical population providing nutritional assessments, meal planning, and supportive programs for Dietary. 36. TEMPORARY SERVICES An Equal Opportunity Employer Oceanside Nursing Center . LPN - Curcent Ga. Lie. 7-3:30, every wkend off. Full benefits. CNAs - Current certificate, 1st, nd & .3rd Shift, full-time w/benefits. CARE PLAN MDs - Licensed nurse with full experience, Salary competitive; Benefits Applications Mon-Thur bet. Oanv2pm. Call-DON, 786-4511 Advantage Home Health Patient Care Coordinator DIRECTOR OCCUPATIONAL VTHERAPY Colleton Regional Hospital, has an opening for a Director pf Occupational Therapy on its 14bed Rehab Unit. This successful unit has been open since 1988 serving the needs of Colleton & urrounding counties..We Invite -ou to lain our Interdisciplinary earn of professionals. You will Ind challenging opportunities for clinical excellence tis you xpand your skills, partlctpatng in qudlitv Improvement and develop your management tyle. Invest In your future. Our picturesque community is ust a short drive to the beaches f Hilton Head, Kiawah. and Sea brook Islands, and we are within commuting distance to historic Charleston & Columbia. Competitive salary, benefits & ncentlve package; flexible full ime schedule, no weekends or all. Contact: , HUMAN RESOURCES Colleton Regional Hospital WALTERBORO, S.C. 29488 549-6371 Ext. 130 E.O.E. /WF/H AA employer OFFICE MANAGER Crowing fast paced dental speialty needs you to fill a cholenging management position. XP. preferred, will train. Send esume to: 310 Elsenhower Dr. 5-A, Sov'ah, GA 31406. DENTAL ASSISTANT Crowing fast paced dental speiolty needs you to fill o chalnqing choir side position. Exp. referred Send resume to: 310 isenhower Dr. *5-A, Savonph^GA31406. oil lime position, experienced » insurance coding S, filing, omnuter experience necesary Salary based on experl nee. plus benefits Send reume to P o. Box 709, Bluftton, C 79910 P A T l E N T CARE COORDINATOR (or a thriving hospital ospd home health agency Imirnl knowlpdqp necessary, *nr>M<>m(> prpfprreo* Coll Do id HOI ??ft B i l l oiipttions f Irrk Nwrierl for usv group practice Previous nrc essory in A R A. Good t>cnefits rn<1 tpMjriip to Of fire Monooer, O Ro« 1VW7. Sov 3141 A. tq lor (.heerful. deocnd hi* hiahly motivntihl person lull limp or IliodonlU idr assistant Will train v son Apply S010 Potil >n SI Sov Go -1HOS Optical retail nsWKialc xiM>rier»cc? preferred hut will nm r iqhl por win with 7 Vf»Or >l(iil pxpciipnre ( o i l 3S4 SS77 or oppoinlmcnl 1 ull lime experierKcd medical ffico recr-plionlsl ni^rteri Solo fxisiHl on pxpe.rlpn<e nliis Send resume lo r1 O ox 709, niuftton. Si 79910 Rnriiolo«ist Tpct) V R R t certified Metier. Vi alia, Lyons, Swnmshoro Re ume lo 7 K o l h D r S a v . 11406 PNTAl. oerted lull tir>v, experience e<essarv 9 ) 7 7S6 7936 Savannahs largest and tastes the following to join its expanding organization Intensive Case Managers PHYSICIAN BILLER 1 Primary responsibilities include supervision and management of adolescent female group home, therapeutic foster core program and. respite services. , For further information, please coll Serf Clark of Tfdelands -Personnel Office (912) 651-2836, Savannah, Go. ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY Downtown employee benefits company is seeking an Administrative Secretary with 5 or more years-of experience at this level. Individual;must be mature, ' D.O.N, < We're seeking a professional & professional and be able to redynamic R.N. for the position of spect strict confidentiality. ExDirector Of Nursing. We are q cellent organizational, commu72, bed long term care facility nication & proof reading skills a certified with Medicare & Medl- must. Typing skills of 65wpm cald. Good communication along with computer proficlen-. in Windows Software skills & leadership abilities. Re- cy warding career In LTC. We 6f- (WordPerfect & Lotus) required. Excellent company bener good benefits & professional support from a good standing efits including free parking; management company. Apply, Qualified individuals should at Rest Awhile Nursing Home, send their resume to Human >.O. Box 827, Jesup Ga., 31545, Resource Manager, Box N-89B, c/o Savannah News-Press, P.O. Michael McCarthy. Box 1088. Savannah,. Go. 31402. company Is an , Immediate Opening EqualThis Opportunity/Affirmative Experienced Medical TranAction Employer scriptlonTst with WordPerfect skills. Coil Kelly TODAY! EXPERIENCED 354-3050 MEMORIAL growing hearth care facility seeks MENIAL HEALTH PROFES SIGNALS: Coastal Empire Mental Health Center is seeking masters level counselors to Located near the beaches of Hil work in three counties of our ton Head, Kiawah, and Sea- five county service area. This brook Island, we offer a very includes: Beaufort, Rldgeland competitive salary, benefits. 6. Wallerboro and Hamilton. Prl incentive -package. mary duties are to provide a Contact: full range of direct services to Human Resources the psychlatrlcally disabled Colleton Regional Hospital adult population Including: in Wallerboro, SC 29468 tensive case management, Ind! viduol therapy, assessment, as 603-549-4371. Ext. 130 well as crisis intervention and eoe nvfrti oa employer community liaison work. A ADVANTAGE masters degree in a mental health related field is required. HOME HEALTH Experience working In o com munlty mental health center is Work Qnly preferred. To apply send rewith a cover letter IndicaWeekend Program sume tion the area for which you are RN/LPN Field Nurses to work applying to: Personnel Repre7am-7pm Saturday and Sunday. sentative, CECMHC, P.O. Box Strong clinical skills required - 1044, Beaufort, SC 29901 /EOE MENTAL HEALTH home health experience a plus. PROFESSIONAL •Excellent Child and Adolescent Services Coordinator position currently Pay/Benefits. under recruitment at large.pubLPN with excellent communica- lic community mental health tion skills .to perform cleri- center. Applicants should have cal/support duties • from 7am- graduate degree in behavioral 7pm Saturday and Sunday, This sciences area plus minimum of exceptional LPN will act as a 4 years work experience In comliasion between field nurses and munity-based mental health patients on weekends to provide programs and a minimum of 2 continuity/coordination. Home years experience In residential services. health a plus. Savannah Rehabilitation and Nursing Center Is a 120 bed Skilled Nursing Facility owned and operated by The Hillhaven mmediate opening for RN to Corporation. We are seeking a ead patient care teams under special person to ioln our .winhe direction of Branch Supervining team. The following ppsf- sor. In growing, home hearth ion is currently available: agency. 2-3 years acute care exlerience. Home health and mgt ADON xperlence required. Call full-time position available 92-7500 .SRNC offers: $ Full Benefit Package' NURSES-RN/LPN $ Competitive Salary Newly opened 80 bed skilled S Tuition Reimbursement ursing facility in ST. THOMSin-Service Education AS, U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS, S Recruitment.Bonus eeking experienced licensed urses. Send resumes to: .•••-..'.•'. Are:you ani Individual who is •. See View Nursing &" caring, motivated and would enRehabilitation Facility ov a challenge? If so, clip this 7500 Bolongo Bay , coupon and bring It with you for St. Thomas, USVI00602 an interview , 809-777-3303 X503 • • " " -,.-.-.- E.O.E. •••••.•:.•;•: CALL Human Resources Educational Hrlp Wanted 360 these positions offer good salaries and working conditions. Persons applying should have appropriate training, experience and certification In the field applied for to provide opti- For confidential consideration, mum performance, should be of send.a resume' to Naomi Breedgood character .and have the love, Beaufort Memorial Hospiability to work with and relate tal, P.O. Box 1068, Beaufort, SC 29901. 800-328-5107. EOE. well to the public. Our picturesque community it iust a short drive to the beaches of Hilton Head, Kiawah, and Seabrook Islands, and we are within commuting distance to historic Charleston & Columbia. An EOE. Educational Wanted iJt'fltlll Hvlp Wrinttfd C A T I A DESIGNER Local engineering firm in need of experienced Civil Draftsman. Must have 5 years experience, CAD experience required. Send resume to M.D.C., P.O. Box 15179, Sav. Go. 31416. * MORTGAGE LOAN OFFICER- Charlotte based mortgage company seeks' Loan Officers for Savannah office. Candidates need established. Realtor/builder contacts. Only proven producers currently working In the Savannah'SMSA will be considered. Excellent benefits package and compensation. Local underwriting, VA LAPP lender, and competitive rates are 1 ust.some,qf the positives of our growing company, Alt in: quiries confidential. Contact E. Craig Meyer at 355-1011 or send resume to P.O. Box 15297, Savonnoh, Georgia 31416. \L ACTIVITY THERAPIST ' Tidelands Adolescent Drug Treatment Center is accepting applications for an Activity Therapist. Individual must be energetic and take a creative approach In planning and; organizing activities for '.youth in drug treatment. Applicant must have organization skills In Planning fields trips arid developing a creative activity programV ; All applicants must have an undergraduate motor In Recreation, Art, or other related field* and must-be eligible for State Merit approval. Call 651-2636 for further information. . Mental Health Professional Area Coordinator for Mental Health services in Jasper County. Responsible for managing and .developing comprehensive adult and children's services, day programming for mentally ill consumers and case management services. Masters degree in counseling, social work or psychology or related field required plus 5 years experience, preferably .- in a community mental health setting. Supervisory experlencTTpreferred.. Salary range - annual - low to mid 3d's, Please send resume to: Sona Pyle, CECMHC, P.O. Box 1044, Beaufort SC, 29901. EOE ^ Savannah Marriott Riverfront Has the following . ... position available: Ghlef Engineer Minimum 2 years experience In related field. Excellent benefits. Fax resume 912-233-3745. ORMAfLTO: 100 General Me In tosh Blvd Sav'h,Ga.31401. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Savannah Marriott Riverfront ' Has the following position available: ROOMSERVICE PERSONNEL APPLY IN PERSON TO THE FRONT DESK 100 General Me In tosh Blvd • Sov'h, Ga. 31401. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ARCHITECT Established Macon, GA architectural firm looking for graduate "architect with 3 to 5 years experience. CADD experience and registration preferred. Duties Include project development- from client contact through administration phase. Future partnership possible. Only resumes with salary requirements and references will be considered. Send to: H.A. Corslnl. Architect, Inc. 1065 Third St., Macon Ga. 31201 to work In a busy physician practice and be responsible to Insurance claims processing, submission, and sett pay follow up on all accounts. To qualify, you mus be profldent in CRT AND ICD-9 Coding, and In third party relm burtement policies and bHIIng procedures for ail major carriers [Medicare. MedteaW, Champus BCVB«, etc.) 1-3 year* medical billing experience needed. PHYSICIAN PRACTICES COLLECTION REP o work In a newly created een rallzed dept. You must possess a minimum of 3 year* medical bining experience, hava knowledge of regulatory claims submla8k>n and policy requir«m«nta to BS, Workert Comp, Champus and prfvata Inauraooa. • Raquiret strong analyticai/aocounting akOls with emphasis in accounta racerVabte management. MEDICAL OFFICE ASSISTANT o assist phyaJdanat the Qeoraja Meuro Inatftute. You must be a r ilgh energy tetf starter, able to rtoritoe many taaka. Raqulraa expedenc* hi taking vttala, hUto, obtaining Wood and unne spadmerw, EKQ'8, and awtetlng the physidan In his examinatkxi. CLAIMS EXAMINER or Georgia Wealthcare neraWp; MemoriaTt managed c«7enon-proW corporation. You wiB posaeaa a mlnhnuni of orta ara' dalma procaesJng expertnca. Medical terminology, exparianoi wttti diagnoaft an a rocedure codes, typing and CRT experienca. SECRETARY I to aaatat the admlnlttmto/and chtef phyaJdan of a buay'muttjoell practice. You must possess a ffilnlmurn of 3 yaart pdministrava/madteal pfflce secretarial axpetiaftce/BOwpm typing (tastngrequired),^roflcfaficy in WordPerfect S.1, Lotus and transcription skills preferred. ixoaBenl organlzatxxval and.foltow-through skills assantlal. PHYSICIAN RACTICELPN Garfield's Restaurant • Pub Garfiela"s Restaurant A. Pub is now hiring wait staff, hostshosleases, qnd service ossis tonts. If you ore energetic, tun and have an outgoing personal! ty, then Garfield's Is the place for you. Experience is not nee esiary, but very beneficial. W<, are willing to train. To loin this team and be a part of a rapidly growing restaurant chain, apply at: The Oglethorpe Mall be tween 2-5 p.m. Monday through Thursday. ^ FOOD& "BEVERAGE "^MANAGER wanted for 24 hour downtown Sav. restaurant w/llmited ban quet functions, annual revenues of 1650,000. Looking for an Ind I viduol who is goal oriented, og gresslve, with hands-on management style. Experience Is a must. Please send resume & salary requirements to: Box P880, c/o Sav. News-Press, P.O Box 1088, Sav. Go.,3)402 Spqnky's SoUthslde We are in an Expansion Mode seeking to hire for our kitchen staff experience and non experl ence should apply. In house training, with management pos slbllltles available for those willing to learn and excel with a career oriented restaurant. This Is an opportunity for anyone who wishes to gtiow with Span ky's and move UP as We grow, Apply MorvSun anytime. Mature & exp. counter/cashier, P/T help. Apply at Pickles Deli after 2pm. Next to T.J. Max. Longriorn Steaks now hiring exp.'d servers.' Apply bet./ 2-4 Man * Frl. No Phone Calls. a murtt-'apeciaWy setting with Memorial MedicaJ Center's rivate practices. The qualified carxfldate must possess excellent communication skflls for dealing wtth physlcJana an excellent 1 management sktHa of physicians racttcss. Thlaposljlori wffi be directly responsible for patient business servtoes, clinical services and finance/administration services. A bachelor's degraa is requlrad;,a'ma«ter's degree hi healthcare adminlstratkxi and five ears admlnistraflvs rasoonstt>iilty In a muftf-spedaJty icDntc . . . referred, . .: Retail harmacy (Technician 20 Federal Plaza West P.O. Box 400 Youngstown, OH Phar-mor is now interviewing for full-and parttime Pharmacy Technician positions. Qualified i *n candidates must possess computer skills. Experience preferred but not necessary. Excellent starting wages and company benefits. APPLY IN PERSON TO: Phar-Mor 7400 Abercorn St. Savannah,Georgia 31406 E.Q.E Phar-Mor Futures Are Blight LANDINGS CLUB We are looking .for: Hostesses Wait Staff Bartender Store, Room Clerk Apply to Landings Club Personnel Office, south on Waters to Skldawav Island, Tues-Fri. RUBY TUESDAY is looking for experienced Cooks & Bartenders. Benefits tor eligible employees & flexible hours. If you can provide us the best service, the best attitude &' appearance, then consider ioining our winning team at The Savannah Mall on Abercorn. We're taking applications-now, Monday-Sunday anytime. PORTERNEEDED Carey Milliards Restaurant Must be able to work any shift. Drug test required. Apply to Manager , a t - 3316 Skldqway Road or 8410 Waters Ave» MonFri, 2-5pm. No phone calls please. EOE • Immediate opening for rtth a GA LPN licanat required HEAD COOK for hectic 7 physician practjca. • 4-day Workweek , Mon-Sat. • • - " • , ou musl possess good written Closed On Sundays and verbal cooimunkalten sWIte. , Apply 9am-1 lam Familiarity with venlpuncture and Crystal Beer Parlor readrt^StraasTsstdaaires. . 301 W.Jones St. Mon-Frl. ou naad at laast one year of 9am-llam LPN experience; Physician Office xperlence alrongjy preferred. Oglethorpe Club FACULTY PRACTICE MANAGER Is hiring enthusiastic, dedicated Individuals who are eager: to learn & master the skills necessary for a.successful career In the hospitality business. Hostess & Servers needed. Apply 450 Bull St.* must enter In Lane, Tues. thru Sot. 2-Spm only. CANDLER HOSPIIAI HAS AN f FOR A MEDICAL CLINICAL NURSE SPECIALIST Clinical Nurse Specialist will play a key leadership role in: . •Multidisdplinary staff de\tlopment •Participation iacritical^pgth development • Participation in reseat & data analysis •Cqllaboration with other clinical disciplines; to implement^organizational changes ; • Collaboration with outside agencies aswe move to a managed care environment ! •Development of our patient focused care teams Minimum of three years nursing experience with Masters degreepreparation. •' " ; If you are currently a licenced Registered Nurse; and would like tb learn more, contact; ; CANDIJER HOSPITAL, INC. RO. Box$787 * SAVANNAH, GA 31412-9787 Ibketi , P.O. Box 23089, 8avanah> QA 31403; ax: 912-350-3383. EOE r TRUCKING COMPANY Based in Columbus. Ohio Ir seeking experienced operations & . salesperson with owner/operation following to open and manage Savannah intermodal/container terminal. Reply to PO . Box 140, Reynoldslxtrg.Ohlo 43068. Flortil Designer Ben Franklin Crafts, Full-time position for talented designer with extensive retail experience In silks & drieds. Must have excellent people skills & be a custom to o fast paced environment, Licensed burveyor: salary. Percentage or lease/purchase of estab. CO., 803-524-8864. Management *r YOUR HOSPHM, FORIIFE Business Manager ThlnkAhtod... o your career future and consld-^ r the opportunities now avaOabla wtth Savannah's premier hearth care facffity. FV Invnedtate conWeratJpn, please Mnd resume, to Medical & Dental Help Wan led & Dental Help Wanted Restaurant & Clubs Halp Wanted GOLF CLUB Currently accepting applicationsfor multi-faceted, > ielf-motivated, , and energetic slaiT, CMk/KttehMittff larttuMrVBrill Staff *' MMflSnty win , Coll for Direction (912) 858-4636 • "•''•'<•" IDE ••••."•:'. WANTED Waitress/Waiter, Prep Cook, dishwasher for small but quaint cafe. Apply in person, 321 Habersham St. 357 357 ASSISTANT MANAGER Is Success Important To You? We. Are a sophisticated and growth oriented medical practice located in Statesbord seeking a degreed and experienced administrator, with high level accounting- skills';• and broad experience with computer systerps. The person we seek must also have a I' demonstrable skill at handling people; with special emphasis on staff motivation , understanding physicians, and pro-..' yen experience in hiring and training people and paying them properly. Additional knowledge of third-party bill^ |-irig, insurance claims processirigv' appointment scheduling, and marketing is important. We are prepared to provide a handsome • compensation package to the right candidate. This is a full charge position and j reports to the Board of Directors. ! Send resume, salary history and a letter telling us why you think you might be the candidate we seek. All replies in confidence. Reply to Box p57 itatesboro, Ga 30459. How many conpani«s have you intarviawed with that had their best year ever la«l i/mr? I aathor I nh Stanar Inn a naHnnal loortor in tha ' is looking for a qualified Individual to join our winning team. We offer • Long Hours/Hard Work •Training • Progressive work environmenl • A Desirable Product • Recognition of Success • Benefit Package (Full Time) • Employee Discount • Competillve Salary • Exceptional Bonus Program •A CAREER! . ^ Positions are available at our SAVANNAH location Send resume or apply in person to; Leather Loft, Festival Outltt Center, tt Gateway Boulevard South, Suite 13, Savannah, QA 31418. EOE. Professional' Professional 362 Regional Coordinator 18 months position In Southeast Georgia. Non-profit organization seeks spirited Individual with minimum 5 years experience in community outreach. Must have strong leadership, Interpersonal and consensus building skills as well as excellent oral and written communication skills Please send resume lo P.O. Box 9119, Savon PALMER & CAY/CARSWELL INC. i. the southeast's premier provider of insurance, risk management, employee benefit, and financial planning services. Headquartered in Savannah, our growing company is the Employer of Choice for over 370 associates in 13 cities from Florida to North Carolina. CPA-AUDITOR Augusta, GA CPA firm needs 1 cnxlii s t a f l Requires 1 s vean experience Growing, nrogres sive lirm txcellonl ropulo linivTQM Srnd resume only to SME, 1761 Greene SI Augusta. GA 30901 PARALEGAL Irml p r n r l i t p ptippripivr p r p t p r r o d small downtown lirm Moil resume to P O Ho* UrW)4. Savannah, GA 3141ft F I N A N C IAI. A N A l V S 1 for mojor corporation o prploiipd Snlmv ronqe S3ik plus e x i rllpnt hmip (ils Most UP ohlp to stor I immp dmlply t oil 404 A71 7944 P S V C IKlMf. 1 R I S 1 \ S f ( W l 1 A W Y R f ( [ PI ION I S] POM lions. p»p t i r p f p r r p t ) Spfxl rp sump wilh reterprxps to P O Hox 10777, Sovonnoh. GA J141? tOMPUTfM PROCRAMMf P np<>dpd for immrdiatp oopning Opqrpp prpfprred Salorv plus SAIA MOTOR FREIGHT LINE WILL OPEN A TERMINAL IN AUGUSTA SOON!! We are one of the top regional carriers in the USA and have boon operating for over 70 years Our pay and benefits are top notch ancJ we practice a people" philosophy ol management Wo will ho hiring TERMINAL MANAGER / SALES REPRESENTATIVE Fxpenence in molor freight managemont 01 outside sales required Applicants interested in joining our family of Qualified Professionals lo spearhead the opening of out new terminal, should send a letter of application listing current and provi ous work history to. Wt art an fyual Opportunity Hmplowr Account Manager SAIA MOTOR FREIGHT LINE, INC. Attn: Tom Davis, 2665 Campbell Blvd., Ellenwood, GA 30049 Equal Opportunity Employer This customer service position requires at least one year of commercial insurance experience, proficiency' in word processing and spreadsheet software, excellent oral and wntten communication* skills A current Georgia agent's license and college level education in nsk management are preferred Claims Representative To administer claims in our Worker's Compensation unit, yon should have experience with data entry in a medical office or with worker's trump claims Proficiency in medical terminology ami experience in a customer service role are important Word Processor benefit* Call *04_67i '»44_ Puhl.K RELATIONS l.orge Corporotlon is nccepling orxilirotions for entry level posi liom Ogrpp prefci, excellent oppoflunity Call 305807 8703 We arc looking for the best insurance professionals to fill the positions listed below. These vacancies are all in Savannah If you meet the job requirements, have a personal commitment to excellence, ind are searching for a challenging opportunity, send your resume to the Human Resources Manager, P.O Box 847, Savannah, GA 31402 Or FAX it to (912) 234 5427 This parttime position requires sonleour with experience using WordPerfect 5.1, and preferably MicroSoft Word Work hours arc 9 am until 3 30 pm, Monday through Friday N« walk-in apfliutnti fan bt accepted.