Summer Psychology Opportunities

Note. If you are not on the Psychology Majors List Host, what are you waiting for? Go
to the psychology department website and click on the undergraduate program tab.
You’ll see how you can sign up for the listhost. Summer opportunities will be forwarded
out as they are posted (and other events that may interest you). 
University of Chicago Opportunities through Psych Department & PRISM
UChicago Career Advising and Planning Services Website (CAPS)
• ON the Caps website you may find that there are lots more internships, grants, and fellowships that are
relevant to you
• CAPS Website: (go to the Undergraduate tab & Internships/Research section)
• Find information about Metcalfe Fellows Program, Summer Action Grants, International Experience
Grants, and Internships for Credit
Earl R. Fanklin Research Fellowship (UChicago)
• Psychology Department Summer Fellowship
• Propose a psychology research project to work on over the summer (good way to get a jump on a senior
• Stipend: $3,000-$4,000
• Application Deadline: April 15th
• Only for rising 4th year Psychology Majors (between your 3rd and 4th year)
• Website: Contact Liz for handout ( or Anne Henly (
PRISM Research Grant (UChicago)
• Propose a psychology research project that YOU have designed on your own (but you’ll work with a
faculty sponsor)
• Grant Amount: up to $1,500 (variable based on your proposed budget)
• Application Deadline: April 22nd
• For rising 2nd, 3rd, and 4th years college students with a declared major
• Website:
• Propose a project to explore your professional/career interests. This is NOT an academically orientated
grant. Might be a good opportunity for clinically minded folks.
• Project should last around 8-10 weeks
• Student must identify a mentor
• Stipend: $4,000
• Application Deadline: February 28th
• For rising 2nd, 3rd, and 4th years college students with a declared major
Nation-wide Research Opportunities
Research Experiences for Undergrads(REU) Sponsored by National Science Foundation (NSF)
• See examples of programs below (labeled with REU)
• These are generally 8-10 week research programs with a paid stipend. Usually they are limited to rising
seniors and younger (but not always, so read the details if you’re really interested in an opportunity).
• Check the website for updates
• Website:
The Leadership Alliance Summer Research Programs
• Summer research opportunities for those interested in pursuing a PhD or MD/PhD (mentored research
with a faculty member); various topics
• Campus Contact: Pam Perez (
• 8-10 week programs (various dates)
• Various Locations (e.g., Brown, Columbia, Harvard, Howard, NYU, Stanford, UChicago, Yale, etc.—
tons more schools!)
• Application Deadlines: Various (some are end of January so browse the locations ASAP)
• Generally for rising 2nd-4th years (no graduating seniors)
• Website:
Committee on Institutional Cooperation Summer Research Opportunities (SROP)
• Summer programs designed to get you geared up for graduate school including working on a faculty
mentored project, attending workshops about GREs , presenting at a symposium, etc.
• 8-10 week programs (various dates, usually June and July)
• Stipend: Usually around $3,500
• Participating Schools
o University of Illinois at Chicago
o University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (neuroscience focus available)
o University of Iowa
o University of Michigan
o Michigan State University
o Ohio State University
o University of Minnesota
o Northwestern University
o Pennsylvania State University
o University of Wisconsin-Madison
o University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
• Application Deadlines: starting February 10th (but they vary by institution)
• Application—Some schools use a common SROP application and other schools have institution specific
applications; you’ll have to read the website for details.
• Rising 2nd- 4th year students who want to apply to graduate school; favors underrepresented groups
• Website:
Suffolk University (REU)
• Sponsoring Departments: various (Psychology, Math, Computer Science)
• Topics of Interest: Online Social Networks
• 8 week program (June 6th-July 29th )
• $4,000, room and board, travel expenses (up to $600)
• 2nd and 3rd years
• Application Deadline: April 16th (but reviewed on an ongoing basis)
• Website:
University of Pittsburg (REU)
• Topics of Interest: neuroscience
• 10 week program (May 31st – August 5th)
• $3,500, housing, public transportation pass
• At least 2nd year student
• Application Deadline: February 16ht (postmark deadline)
• Website:
New York University (REU)
• Sponsoring Departments: Center for Neural Science
• Topics of Interest: Neural science (and extensive coursework in neuroscience)
• 10 week program (May 23rd-July 29th )
• Stipend (TBA), room and board, travel expenses
• 2nd and 3rd years
• Application Deadline: April 15th (but reviewed on an ongoing basis)
• Website:
Indiana University (REU)
• Sponsoring Departments: Center for the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior
• Topics of Interest: Animal Behavior (also special programming on GRE prep, local behind the scenes
trip to local zoo, etc.)
• 10 week program (May 23rd-July 31st)
• $4,000 summer stipend, room and board, travel expenses
• 2nd and 3rd years
• Application Deadline: Before February 7th
• Website:
Boston University (REU)
• Sponsoring Departments: Psychology (part of larger research initiative across BU)
• Topics of Interest: various (psych of women, olfaction, autism, etc.)
• 10 week program (May 31st-August 6th)
• Stipend (TBA) & housing (no board)
• 2nd and 3rd years
• Application Deadline: Before February 11th
• Website:
Clemson University (REU)
• Sponsoring Departments: Department of Psychology/The Human Factors and Ergonomics Research
Topics of Interest: applied psychology, human factors, health psychology, industrial/organizational
10 week program (May 30th-August 5th)
$5,000 summer stipend
2nd and 3rd years
Application Deadline: March 1st
Colorado State University (REU)
• Topics of Interest: scientific study of the mind and brain, with a focus on perception, cognition, and
cognitive neuroscience
• 8 week program (dates TBA)
• $2,800 stipend plus $500 for research and $500 for travel
• Application Deadline: TBA
• 2nd and 3rd years
• Website:
Northern Arizona University (REU)
• Sponsoring Department: Psychology
• Topics of Interest: neuroscience, social goals, friendship, happiness, psychophysiology of compassion,
anxiety, & stress, empathy, , etc.
• 10 week program (May 25-August 2nd)
• $5,000 stipend plus room & board, $550 for research support
• Application Deadline: TBA
• 2nd and 3rd years
• Website:
University of California Berkeley (REU)
• Sponsoring Department: Psychology
• Topics of Interest: social cultural processes, mental health, etc.
• 8 week program (June 5-July 30th)
• $4,000 stipend plus room & board, travel to and from program
• Application Deadline: February 1st
• 2nd and 3rd years
• Website:
University of Alabama at Birmingham (REU)
• Sponsoring Department: Various (interdisciplinary)
• Topics of Interest: crime, forensic science, criminal justice
• 8 week program (June 9-July 29th)
• $450 per week, room & board, travel to and from program
• Application Deadline: February 1st
• 2nd and 3rd years
• Website:
University of North Texas (REU)
• Sponsoring Department: Various (interdisciplinary)
• Topics of Interest: Civil Conflict Management & Peace Science (civil war, terrorism, peace building,
• 8 week program (TBA)
$4,000, room & board, travel to and from conference
Application Deadline: April (TBA)
2nd and 3rd years
University of Wisconsin-Madison (REU)
• Sponsoring Department: Psychology
• Topics of Interest: biopsych, clinical, cognitive, developmental, perception, and social (special
programming in applying to graduate school, etc.)
• 8 week program (TBA)
• $4,000 , room & board, travel to and from Madison
• Application Deadline: February 15 (but apply early, accepted on rolling basis)
• 2nd and 3rd years
• Website:
Washington University (St. Louis) (REU)
• Sponsoring Department: Harvey A. Friedman Center for Aging
• Topics of Interest: Aging
• 8 week program (TBA)
• $3,200 & room & board
• Application Deadline: TBA
• 2nd and 3rd years
• Website:
Yale University (REU)
• Sponsoring Department: Psychology
• Topics of Interest: Comparative & Developmental Origins of Social Cognition
• 10 week program (June 6-August 12)
• $500 per week & room & board
• Application Deadline: March 1st
• 2nd and 3rd years
• Website:
Columbia University/Barnard College Amgen Scholars Summer Research Program
• Topics: biology related research (some are related to psychology; see specific mentors)
• 10 week program (May 31st-August 5th)
• $4,000 and housing
• Application Deadline: February 1st
• 2nd-4th years (can’t have graduated though)
• Website:
Johns Hopkins University
• Topics: Summer Internships in Child Development
• 8 week program (May 31st-July 22nd )
• Stipend $1,500
• Application Deadline: March 4th
• Website:
University of Maryland Summer Research Initiative
• Topics: biology related research (some are related to psychology; see specific mentors)
• 10 week program (May 31st-August 5th)
• $2,700, room & board, round trip air fare to Maryland
• Application Deadline: February 15th
• Rising juniors and seniors
• Website:
Carnegie Mellon (Center for Behavioral Decision Research)
• Summer Intern Program
• Topics: psychology, behavioral economics, marketing, organizational behavior, etc.
• 8-10 week program (June-July, exact dates TBA)
• Free housing (no stipend)
• Application Deadline: usually early March (TBA)
• Recent graduates can apply
• Website:
American Psychological Association (APA) Summer Science Fellowship
• Sponsoring Institution: George Mason University (Washington, DC)
• Topics: various (cross cutting all branches of psychology)
• 6 week program (June 18-July 30)
• Summer salary, housing, and travel
• Application Deadline: February 11th
• Only rising undergraduate seniors are eligible
• Website:
National Institute of Health (NIH) Summer Internship Program
• Locations: Various (Baltimore & Frederick, MD.; Research Triangle Park, NC; Phoenix, AZ; Hamilton,
MT; Framingham, MA; Detroit, MI)
• Topics: various (psychology, neuroscience, behavioral economics, etc.)
• 8 week program (variable)
• Stipend: Variable (at least $1,900)…depends on specific internship
• Application Deadline: March 1st
• Only rising undergraduate seniors are eligible
• Website:
Columbia Business School (New York City)
• Center for Decision Research
• Topics: mix of psychology, economics, business, etc. (working with Eric Johnson and Elke Weber)
• Unpaid 
• Application Deadline: Rolling
• Criteria: Flexible with respect to year in school (may hire postbacs)
• Website:
CLINICAL (hopefully more coming soon!)
The Counseling Center at Pace University’s New York City Campus
• Undergraduate Psychology Summer Internship Program
• Topics: various clinical topics
• June 1st-August 12th
• Volunteer Based (but extensive training provided)
• Application Deadline: January 31st
• Must have completed at least 2nd year of undergrad
• Website:
The Family Institute at Northwestern University
• Summer Research Internship Program for Advanced Undergraduates
• Topics: clinical research and intervention
• June 13-August 5th
• Volunteer for 30 hrs per week (no stipend)
• Application Deadline: March 1st
• Must have completed at least 2nd year of undergrad
• Website:
• Summer Treatment Camp for ADHD and related issues (Chicagoland area)
• June 13-July 29th
• Volunteer and pay positions (need to inquire)
• Website:
Adult Eating and Weight Disorders Program (University of Chicago Medical Center)
• Various opportunities (get in touch via the website)
• Campus Contact: Matt Southward (
• Website:
See also the Seidel Scholars PRISM Grant (on page 1)