
By Ryan F.
Gladiators fought in gladiatorial games that were
held in the Colosseum. Half of the gladiators that
fought in these games were slaves, bought from people
that owned slaves. The other half of the gladiators
were volunteers that got paid for the matches they
fought in at the end of their contract. Before a match
the gladiators often came out with wooded swords to
show the crowd how well they fight. Then, when they
were done they went back to get dressed for the battles
to begin.
The Samnite carried a sword, a scutum, a metal
helmet, and armor on his right arm and left leg.
The Thracian was not as well armed. He carried a
curved short sword, and a small rounded shield.
The Murmillo was like the Samnite, but less heavily
The Retiarius wore no armor at all, but he carried a
net to trip the opponent and then stabbed him with a
long three-pronged spear, the trident.
Before the battles began, jugglers, acrobats, and
other performers usually accompanied the crowd. After
that, they left and the gladiators came in, they raised
their weapons to the highest-ranked official present.
They all recited a phrase, “Morituri te saluitamus!” (We
who are about to die salute you!) Then the battle
began, starting with the least heavily armed going to
the most heavily armed. If they won, they may get their
freedom. If the emperor gave the thumbs up sign the
gladiator that lost wouldn’t die; but if the emperor gave
the thumbs down pointing to the throat, the gladiator
that lost got his throat slit or the death blow.
When a gladiator’s contract was over, and they
were still alive he would receive his winnings. Some
gladiators would get married. Usually a gladiator
started a gladiator school to train new gladiators.
Colosseum, A Gladiator’s Story. Videotape.
Discovery Video, 2004. 45 minutes.