Lame Duck Amendment Is Ratified I Women in Newspaper Activities

Lame Duck
Is Ratified
>l M»V>
J A M A I O -"•. I?>:
j y j ^
Newspaper SOCIETY
Mental Ills
ratifications have all come since
their morale, because "not ontv i:
legislative' sessions began again
there involved
tbe pauic
the first week of this inaaih.
comes from finding no ren.-ju«-r:tThe text of the now amendment
tive demand tor the x^i-cial seif o r
vices and equipment one Las be*u
Section 1. T h e terms of t h e |
trained to s i r e , but the additional
luasideu* and vica-president shall
! treble in of bow to adjust tiie io».i
.'nd at noon on t h e Jvth day of
t>( (u-esiige and ego-satisfaciioii
PrinciJanuary, and the terms of senators
that e\-ery proiessioual man uas
ins; of School Group—ReCongress to Meet January 3 and representatives at noon on Not So "Laxy" as Men bat Country Native Living in
pal Speaker—150 Attend
NKW YORK. Jau. 2*.—Although come ri^htfuHy to eiijoy "
ports Made.
Each Year—Snell Fongkt
Resort t o Alcohol Indicated
Event in Armory.
available .statistics fail to show
Field Is Restricted, Proyears in which such terms would
Invitations i o the annual lunchAn "appallingly large perveutany increase tn insanity because
fessor Says.
have ended if this article had not
eon of the Si. Lawrence County soJulius Prank took his seat with
The tenth anniver&aiy of the of i be sufieriug brought about by a*e" of grown men and womeu tail
been ratified; and t h e terms of
ciety in the Hotel Pennsylvania. the board of education at the first American l^egion Auxiliary was ttie tlei>!>ssiou. suicide has become into the emoitou&Uy immature
WASHINGTON. Jan. 28.—The their successors shaH then begin.
"Women are Hkoty to prove hot- > New York city. Fen. 25were re- regular session of the year Thurs- obsei red at the armory Wedne*- uuin<siakably tuotv (requ«-ut aud i-hus WHO are dependent upon othIgnited States Modernised its politiCo»«jross Meets Yearly
tor mews reporters than men. n o t ; ceived hero last week. T h e lunch- day aigut. H e w a s appointed re- day evening. A covered dish .-up- a .^reat uiauy lesser
depaitutts ers iu the face of disappointment,
cal machine Monday by eliminatSection 2.The congress shall as- that they are more adept at cot-, eon will b e served at 1 p. m. and cently br Mayor Moriasette t o surirom no: ma! mental heulth are and social agencies dealiug with
ing defeated officials—the "lame semble at least once in every year, lectlng news, but because they are j vtH be followed by a program of ceed WilHam E. Westhrook. re- per was served at S.3U followed by
beiiii; observed, according i o a re- such iudividuals must not only
ducks"—freo* government.
and such meeting shall begin at l e t s apt t o b e may: on tbe other j addresses and dancing. A m e n - signed. Mr. Frank w a s welcomed a program. Mayor H. J. Moiisset;e port on tiie ttieutal hygiene of uu take over tits revponaibililies but
H.A i w a i i t - i h amendment w a s noon o n t h e third day of January, hand, they face a great drawback ; lion will take place from IS t o 1. by President W. t;
Cooper, s u o j formed the auxiliary while serving »!ti|>lo> itieut wbicu. has been pre- "do his thinking for him and xive
written into the constitution de- unless they shall by taw appoint a in that their work on metropoli- j T h e guests of honor will b e Dr.
said tbe members felt "pleased and ; a s comawnder of the American Le- for tue National Committee him the psychological pats on the
claring that after this year both different day.
tap newspapers i s limited t o a and Mrs. Frank F. Williams of
the president and the newly electSection 3. If. at tbe time fixed comparatively narrow field, that of j ( a n i o n . Mr. and Mrs. Carlo? S. greatly honored'* by t h e appoint- j gioa in l»23. The mayor was wurai on Mental Hygiene by Dr. <2eurge}hatk he has learned t o expect and
need if h e is t o k*tp his bead above
ed congress shaH take office t h e for tbe beginning of the term of feature writiing.** declares Proles- • Blood of lieu vel ton and Dr. and ment. a s the new commissioner • ly greeted aud his remarks were W. Pratt, psychiatrist.
la his pamphlet, prepared for water." Dr. P.att nays.
November's the president, t h e president-elect sor Harry B. Coaler, who has j Mrs. Dixon Ryan Fox of New York, had! -always b e e n greatly iuter- i frequently applauded. He praised
"Widespread ma<s insecurity in
election, and that t h e old time- shall have died, tbe vice-president been head of tbe department of ; Dr. Williams has practiced medi- ested in educational and all pub- Julius Frank for h i s co-opera tiou the uuidam-e of social
short session which for s o long shall ht toast president. If a presi- { Journalism at Boston University's , iae in Canton nearly fifty years lic matters." Mr. Frank thanked in relief work and said lie was glad i unem,.'o>aieiiX relief workers ami the past seems frequently to uat'e
has clogged the political machinery [ dent shall not have been chosen College of Business Administration and will receive h i s gold diploma President Cooper for his remarks. to be in a position to appoiut him others euga^ed in charitaole a« j been accompanied by a r*e.iod of
Mr. Frank was assigned t o mem- to the board of education recent!;.. ;ivai*-s. Dr. P:att e s t i m s t e s t«*i j heavy coasu ptioa of ak-ohol. and
with its ineffectiveness, shall be j before t h e time fixed for t h e be-since i t s inception in 1 « S .
from the New York Homeopathic bership on the houses and grounds !n referring at this point ID i>olit: ;Iiere are .a»ui I;/MH»«»«M» to H.MMO.- from the partial evidence s o far
held n c more. The present o n e i s ginning of h i s term, or if t h e
In a bulletia from tbe university ! Medical college .n June this year,
tbe last.
( president-elect shall have failed t o tbe Journalism director, who has | Dr. William F. Honan of t h e coi- committee and the school visiting cal affiliations the mayor described U«H» persDtis iu the I'nited States available, t h e p;eseut appears no
Thirty-six Hates of t h e union i qualify, then t h e vice-president- been engaged in active newspaper j lege faculty will b* present t o pay committee tor January. February himself a s "fiee agent." l i e prais- who display scate .^i^u> 01 meutal exception," l»r. Pratt continues.
and Marv-h. Tbe other members o[ ed the Qualifications of Ar.iiur •lisor.l*-.-. Iitit no* ue;-essarity lesal "Resort t o narcotic diaj;s in iuratified t h e amendment in l e s s ; elect shall a c t a s president until work all his Mfe. mostly in New ; a tribute to Dr. Williams.
the latter group are Commissiouers Fleetbaau. director of work reiief. Misauiiy. Most of these, he >ays. creased amount al>a s e i v e s u.s a
than one-tenth the time it took t o a president shall have qualified, England, adds:
i j i r . Blood i s a former president Brown and Landry.
ia some
and Mr». Wallace Burt, invest iga- uliUuuxn often trouble-makers and reality-ttatliius. device
convince congress that t h e coun- and the congress may by law pro"Women have done fine report-1 of the New York State Teachers'
Mrs. C D- Hoard. Mrs. J. F. Akin tor. for these positions. After giv hard to s e t along with, are not cases. Mou'jver. s o t a few j>ertry demanded abolition, of this vide for the case wherein neither orJal work ia the past, mainly be-1 association. Dr. Fox i s a member
„ ._^
„ „explanation
,..„_..w w
„ ^ *,
and Fred Ktte made „
inm.r j ^ ^ , ^
iag a brief
of ,the
rem f usually :aGUiuu of by their iellon j ^ ^ ^mvt l o thtir
lumbering actiouity.
a president-elect nor a vice presi- cause they a r e willing t o work j of the faculty of Columbus univers- their visits t o the schools during system
he extended thank-; t o ail .-irreas as v<-uially si;k.
and mentral c«»ntikis by oveiindent-elect shall have qualified, de- harder. That their ability is recog-|ity and president of the New Y c t k i October. November and DevemMissouri Makes It Effective
Hut tiie d e p r o s i o u is not with- dultten.-e iu si^ubliss "
who had cooperated aud inviu-1
Missouri comjueted the rauiica- elaring w h o shall then act a s nied by the *big city* newspaper | State Historical society
I ber and praised the work they ob- everyone t o visit the station in tin* out ocne'.iciai resuiis. l>r. Piatt re
The most common tortus .if detion gaining t b e distinction of president, o r the manner in which men i s evidenced by the increased ' The officers of the St Lawreace served.
jKiri-. Present conditions, he says, parture from l^eutal hea::M n the
being t b e ^Cth approving
state. ! one w h o is t o act shall be select. number of women being employed ! County society are: President. W . ! Su-j>enntendeot of School A. J. city hall t o s e e the work bela-;
are "forcing people to create new depression are varying decree* of
Georgia took action a feu hour* ' cd, and such person shall act ac- on their staffs. Another factor tbat | palmer Smith: first vice-president.. Laidlaw said t h e school bank bai done and go over the records. The
and probably more enduring val- chronic irritaiMliiy.
cordingly until a president or vice- has led t o the partial lowering of . Dr. Charles F. Murphy:
second ance w a s $2«».WS.5« and that de- members of the auxihary for their ues acd standards of what consti- : J tancied sliuhts. btlte'uess. sulharr 4?r
By i t s own terms the amend- president shall
. _
w • ***
Prerenting vonien from , vice-president. Humphrey J. Lynch: posits by t h e children equalled co-operation in
work tutes nai'>>iness and satistaciiou." ienne.-s. a;->ttliy. ladilference. rt sment will not take effect until OcSt: Uoo 4. T h e congress may by ( entering: the newspaper field i s the third vice-prcMdent.
John C. those of last year and previous throughout the ten years the una by teaciiing them that "haj piness ignalioa or uopeiuiiiess. I>r. Pratt
tober l a . Had it been in force last law provide for t h e case of t h e f c h a n g e in reader interest which Welch: secretary. C.eorge Tump- years. H e reported the teachers*
is to be fu-tud in s.raple. inexptu- (le<-lares, and menial d« jiressions
has been in- e x i g e n c e .
October Franklin D. Roosevelt death of any of tbe persons from has come about daring t h e last son: treasurer Robert
M Mc- voluntary contribution t o the eduMrs. Mary Olive, president of -ive pleasur. - a s uiiii Ii a s in thost- from ordinary spells of tue
would b e in the White House to- whom the house of representatives turenty years. Where the greater Gregor
cation fund this month was *S4!».- tbe auxiliary, gave the mayor a whi-.-h in marc pieuuiul years th«-y "blues'" to real melancholia are
may choose a president-elect wheu- majority of readers were men a
» . making a total of *M.l*4.ul check tor 125 a s a contribution tor !d purchase."
After this year when t h e people **«*> t h e right of choice shaH have score of years ago. women now
turned back by them since the be- from the organisation to his reiief
Former **N*w Rich" a Problem
The paramount task tor tfet.»de
record their will at the ballot box devolved upon them, and for the read t h e paper with equal interest.
l a . rlma- oi thousands of i.ic deaiinc wit'.i sufferers frtmi fhe
winning of t h e school year, when fund. He expressed tiisnks and said
in November, the men they sead t o <-a*e of t h e death of any of t h e With the rise in feminine readers a
y i a r s depression, t o protect their ntt-nta!
they took a voluntary cut of i he wouid use it at out* to h;;y "new r i h " of the IHKIIU
congress will begia to tunc!ion Persons from whom the senate nem- field was introduced into the
makes up oue of the most difficult health, is to help them regain their
within two months. Hitherto the I " » y choose a vice-president when : present women's pages.
Mr. Laidlaw said a report from
About 15«» memi>ers of the Aux o; 'iv* mental-uygiene problems j ] O S , f^.jii*.^ OJ seturity. or at least
new representatives have had «o: «"•"«" t n * r ' * h t ° r c h o k e shall have
"Sex has been the relentless barthe state department showed t h e iliary. Legion and invited nuesis arising troiu «:ie depr* >io\i. I>r , t<> I^SS^B the stress of their insetwiddle their thumb* for IS months i devolved upon them.
rier in checking women's advatxe
Or den saw rg Free academy ranked were present. T b e assemblase in- Pratt says, because they had been j curity. I>r. Pratt counsels.
—«ntil December of the next vear
Effective October *»
into the various phases of news reS e n t i - 39th in t h e rating given for l i l cluded county officers of both or- elevated i»y "easy money" to an ar- j
- w h i l e the country has been given
Section i . Section* 1 aud J shall porting. Women, especially those
liticia' po^itiou and now suffer a>
ment at Dry Goods Con high schools last year and elev- ganisations. Mrs. Allen S. Hatha- badly
legislation sponsored, framed and , t a k p • , f T f H t U D o n < m * l S t a **-v °* graduating from schools of journalfrom poverty of cultural re- j
enth among t h e third-class cities. way, state vice-president, aud a
put thronah in p a u by m e n *-ho , °<- t ® b * r **i»wing t h e ratification ism, must recognise tajis> differvention in Gotham.
He said this was a very creditable past president of the auxihary and i..>tirc-es a s trom poverty of e< o |
o f tbfs
ence which bars them from some
have b*vn specincaHv repudiated
showing. The superintendent pre- former district chairman. \va^ noinic on«s.
by the voters.
Section •>. This article shall be forms of reporting. It is the old Juttus Frank, president of N. sented reports of librarian of the
Adolescents ai>o m?ik<- up a sne- I
varSenator Utorge Nonris. Nehras- imperative unless It shall have story over and ever."
Frank's Sons, at tend* d the aunual academy, the cafeteria during No- ious gue*ts for remarks and anion*; » lal -zroup wbi< b is hard bit lr
ka's independent warrior, put t h e b e t ? n ratified a s a n amendment t o
Professor Crater rehUcs tbe in- convention of the National Dry vember and December. Fred W. those who responded were the »o!- :'r« sent conditions, he says. Frt-.-h |
amendment through congress last
* *-*tstitution by the legislatures cident of a woman graduate of Goods Dealers association in New- •Kleemeier. director of physical
lowing past presidents of trie aux- from s. h<»ol and (Allege and ea?er i ^ ^ 0 0 0 0 o f C i t y F u n d s to be
March after a lb-year fight against' •* three-fourths of t h e several Boston University who sought York lecently. He said leaders of j education at the academy, ami the
to work to "complete the '
iliary: Mrs. Leo Frank. Mrs. A. J. to no
o to
the nltra-conaervatives who wished «**«** w i t h i B b * v « l ? « " * ^°m ^ ^ newspaper work in her home town. the trade expressed varying op»o- results of the preliminary regen;s
Used in Financing tbe
ftlatt. Mrs. 1). H. Corcoran. Mrs. wholesale process of eruancipatin;
to nretenre t h e antiquated math- * a t f ' ** i t s sammission.
When s h e was given a private of- Hras regarding the outlook for this j examinations last week. T h e last
Howard Myers. Miss Alice Fiixfice in which to edit the womau's year. Some thought an improve- , named shewed »4S examined. S2ft
-»tterakt. Mrs Allen S. Hathaway. al dependency on their parents."
; page s h e rebelled. S h e told t h e ment would be noted, others tbat ; claimed; 2s iailoree; 222 marked
Be p. Snell, now Republican minMr>. A. E. SansoTicy. Mrs. (!i-«ry they find th»mseives unable t o get
The iiimmon council met in a
! editor that she was a reporter and business would be a s good a s last \ from ~» to S* and 19K from "S to
ority leader, w a s among those who
H. Madlia. Mrs. Charles Cant well. jobs.
spet.-ial Me^s^on Thursday at 5 p.
I did not want t o b e confined to a year, while some believed there ; lov. The percent claimed was S4.9:
fought the measure.
small office all day. He promised might b e a further decline. The j percent *>i bouor marks. 2S.1 No Mrs. Richard O'.ive. Mrs. W. P..tetlinv. of i;nilt at not being ah',»- m. aud «iutliorized a tenH«<*«*'»y
To Moot January $
.ianbidxe. the first president, ^.t-nt
loan or icu.itbu tor work r^da--f.
to send her out ou the next murder
Trom now on congress will,have
consensus w a s that t b e worst of ' student w a s barred from taking 1 a letter of reuret from Syracus*. , to assuim- their share of economic . City Treasurer M. M. Mors*TBrVd
. set
_ . . adiouraonent day.
. will ^ The r&*4afcan Construction ©am„
, . and
_. . that ; the examinations.
the. depression w a. s ovei
'. Lieilers also were reveiveil fromI responsibility are likely t o lead i the projei-ts were being finaiM-ed
meet every year oa January 3. The i Pany reaameri work o n thex-oment j ocenrred in^ the early hours of t b e , a gTW^nm^ rer-overy was certai n t o ,
j Dr. Gran* f. Madill, who v u in (th*-ai tn develop. I»r. Pratt says. j with current city funds and that
president wiH take office every • calvarts on the Ogdeusbur--Canton morning
"" some weeks
**" Utter,
'"*' true io ensue. Mr. Fiank said that person- 1
' A'bany. and Mrs. Mary Wells of f •j>er>onality patr»-rris cbara<ieri2- it had uor beeu ne*-essai-y f« htn'.
four years o n January 2e. T h e 17- 5 t a t e road Wednesday and if the his word, t h e editor told b i s re-ally be felt that business would be ;
WestporL fourth district
chair- ••d by . iiroipc <li.-f: <»urai.'emeiir. a row any funds this yerr from thi
hitter cynicism, or by rebellion. luiak. He slated thrt when avail
day dirtcrence is to give congress i P : *-*eut weather oontimies opera- porter t o stop for the young wo- heller in this parr of tbe state at j
time t o ranvass an<l certify the ! t i o i l s * ' m • * carried on without in- man. After tbat trip s h e w a s per-least, a s general conditions here :
Other Kpoakers iucludetl Juliu-> v. a i i i may remain ihrouv'bout hie." abl»- !"un:ls are exttausted April
Tbe juv« rule delinquency
rate the total cost to The « ity for *<»r|
ele«'tioa resuKs.
, terruption. Work on the job waF tectly resigned to her career a s a • w ~ " w t ^ ttrpr<Mi9Mj a s i n l h e
Frank. County ( ommander
The populartty or the change has j suspended late last fall following
Huntress of Potsdam. f*onima!*d* i" throughout the country h a s been relief will >be $lu5.«**». l*«»n.- t e n
Professor Center b e U e . e s that
, n r a i n r o f . n t i n B m x vroptntk}
been attewte«l by the speed with 'tbe t-eaapietton of part of the roadGeorge H. Madiin of l>Kdenshn:-. going down, but whether rhia is tbe bonds will l»e issued tor tltid
tbe greatest chances for advancescrip
r^ut Probable in Greater New Corporation Counsel Rr»l»*-rt S. W i- resui; o. thi* fact mat unemployed amount and the temporary loand
which suites have acted. Virginin i ""'V
ter. Mr. Frank said the plan was
ratified without evea wailing t o get
terman. Mrs. K. J. M.itfis o:" Ma>- fathers are spending more tiute retired.
York, General Secretary
spen and women are offered by
^ s l i n e OIH . a n d m]t.hl
lenis of
a copy of the proposal. Seventeen
»en:i. iTtinty president cf ilie aux- wirh t!i««ir < liildren at home is noi Transfers of two allot men;
"It must be confessed that men's stnaller c a y or country daUies ami n i B t r e^
iliary; Mrs. Anna Bern of Ma> clear. !>.". Pratt s»a\\s. There are $l.*e« each to the city wei fard
states had ratified before ka*t sum- standard in women i s more frivol- weeklies- In tbe smaller c o m m u n - f 0 n^u d (^o ^ ^ r a | w B s l i i n u U U n .s
b<k h a d B W l b o n > u g u
county welfare chaitmaji: othe- reasons t o believe that "tbe board tor home reiief were orderj
mer's campaigns. The remainiug' <ms thar women's standard ia
ties the young reporters are given ly familiarized himself with t h e
NKW YORK. Jau. 28.—When Mrs. Marion Skinner of Go«iveiii- stability and mental health of the ed. Corporation Counsel R. S. W s |
a far betier opportunity t o display subject but understood this form asked to loiuosont o n reports to eur. i-ouniy secretary. Itieut. ArtU- lam::-. liudT present ^oiial condi- termat? w\a- aJtbori7.ed t o prepare,
their reportorial talents, with t h e of money was being used in various the effect that tbe mutual savings ur J. F*eetham. Adjutant C. O. tions depend to a* considerable de- an ordinance fur the plsciag of *'lt
btee on fattier not being home too littional stop signs at streei iuterj
great possibility thai their ser- western communities.
banks in greater New York are S;M>U aud tbe various officers of
vices may be recognized and sought
Mr. Frank returned from New contemplating a reduction of the Che auxiliary'. T h e invocation was nr.'vh."
by larger city publications, b e ex-York io preside at a meeting of the d i T i a > a i i m * . paid o a deposits, given by Rev. Herbert Cushtiian.
.\!en:-bers of the professional and
The muyor appointed Alderman
plains. It i s far easier either for board of trustees of t h e Pythian Paul W. Albright, General Secre- chaplain of the Legion.
"upper white-collar" classes who Peiow to investigate a complaint
men or women t o enter the "bigHome, of wbirb be i s president. tary of tbe Savings Banks AssoThe musical pro.srsm included lose tht-ir status in the depression regardin-r Fanitary conditiona * t
city" field b y way of
so-called He said t h e new addition to theciation of the S l a t e of New York, commurtty sinking lerl by Mr. an.l .s-.i-fer especially violent threats to two houses m the second ward" A
oanntry newspaper route than it Home had ween enclosed and roof- said:
warrant for $14.".*.T2 was or-dVren
Mrs. Chrk M. fkrwman and seie:
is for them to get a Job in the big- ed and the interior would be. ready
yiid A!de:ui lt ri pelow voted no s a d
"While it is not customary for tions by .Miss Alice Keecan's ukri.oiiu
ger city a t the start, according t o te piaster before long. Mr. Frank j savings banks to declare tbe rate lele cleb. Mra. Karl Quinlan had
the mayor asked him what was
4iual ;..>i-m.
tbe journalism dean, who adds:
wror.g. "You can Iind out," Pelow
said ntrticatioes were that the ad- \ of dividend for t h e current ouar- char;e «f ihe BTUMC and played t siA
?av'Women's chances are far great- dition would be c o m p i l e d within i l n M ftr in «4vanoe. tbe consen- piano ac-ompaniment*.
anra-ered. T o e marcr then dec-!arel bell was presented to ihe auxiler ia t b e country field o tin that sixty days. Tbe contractors are ; M g „ , o ^ ^ ,„ ^nt the dividend
f l tbe motion f-arrietl
In The eourse of her r^niar
n-etuof t b e big city Sunday publica- DeLine a Son of U atertown.
. ^ ^ im t b f ( u r i s ; i taski in great- Mrs. Hafhaway paid a tribute
MavOT Morissette appotn'ef'! M»».
Hons. Flgares show that hardly S
Ilavid H. Corcoran a romnnssioniT
"" K e w York for the current quar- Mr>. W. R. Hanbidre. i b e <
j cep'*>d by Mrs. Oi:v«-. president.
per cent of tbe editorial staffs of ^.-_«^.~^-r «.«, .»-..-.^.
rre?lde»i. an4 Mrs. l^eo Fr
o^dee-is for t w o years.
Boston daily papers c o n s t * of wothe
men. In tbe rase eft t b e Sunday pa"Tiiis action, if taken, will be
pers t h e percentage of women a<
:n accord with the general lowertlvory encased in t b e writing of
article* Is greatly enhanced by tbe Endanger Eails, H. Y. Central in s of returns oa money under current business condrtions. Tbe inpontic demand-tor t h e type of teaAfeat l>>ciares at GOUT- , tereat rates oa savings deposits in
tares waioh are stressed by Sun*FO*J4"trte tputsi -THAT"«S ttsl C T , —
irtber parts of t b e country have
day newspaper* inens^botrt tbe
% r-a>hrr c*>aE A 15At*» uinETrtER.
^F *ioo U E F T fAB P I C K - E W O U T . • i - C i E AA.UP» tttAe ,—
John H. OBrien, Xfw York <>u- i many of the larger citiew. One of
"Under present conditions, it i s
I>A N O T pt-A^pM' T H I S 3 A i k d C
P O K E R vS pEcaEArrtOA FOP. ftr^E.tral fr-igat accnt ct m'atertowu. the most roceatt issaea of gavern•amairt sawpnswarte for a woman
FOeV n»rt H S A C T r l , A p i ^ «*M
CA*H »f aa&ET Ai-u pat Taoue>»jES
strack out at tbe unregulated truck 1 ment bonds w a s offered ar *M of
gradnatrng from a wbool of JourNOT A CrWUT*Y O J O a K E R .
«fvtEH \ *?»-*>•*« —
industry a s a menace *e American 1 per cewt—the ssoni.i rn history,
nalism t o obtain eimpioj m u t on
MEiTt<€n. —
A S fOQ. TVlE PAOKEY. - p C O F ! rai1rttad« at a saeeiing of the and savanna fesurks baoe always
N O T A pAtTC OVCP. N 4 P i € S
chamber of i n m m u c c at Gouvern been laene i nun start in gawertanent
graduate* from some colleges are
At-u fdlGHT. —
err Thursday nicht. Many fartne:* seenrsiiea There has been a m v
prepared for stenography and
attended tbe awetiag and the Uu->t tirhiHy lower yiead in a l t>aas of
thswtifow may enter nearly ev^ry
pan *f t h e session was derated t e I want investanemts Par savtugs
f bnainess,
eoaasderatioa of tbe farm iiisbli m.
s ami in t h e case of ii
while tbey
MT. O mrian said t b e railrsads , mm
all recerve a w+H-ronndid general
reaatation of iarm i
are restricted in thenO N E CENT
vehicles, bwt did ta*. mar is now 1-2 of 1 per cent
want t b e bang haal trncas regntat
-Tsa* wtann. aT tahoa. i* coasssed iaasawnr-h a s the rnlraaas are w , * wiA f+n*
haamioji n s a d k *
•trw-tiy retrohwed and all the raads s a w ^^ redmrtaoa i s aasmnsed rs
in the 4 —ntry pay $TL**n aon a
day ra taxes.
"Is rt fair far wae farm «*f trna^9ortatJoa tm b e rlonejy iu.arnl»t>d
and a* <• another r^maprnrng farm
Whanrn sTK^amnew. XI. dsed Wed of friu^aartatmoi eaaieefy anrega «alety and tannatfty of upair f
madny a* the
bred'T' h e a * e l
rather than the rai* af n-Mtrm pasd
jatadOl a n t h e Casrtan
He polw4f i not tbart the raMrondr- « « sorb sarTacs
4 Fustk*ian. t i e m mrvim* bv a ass"a i
Tally o f r;
T h e l — t i n l man he4i at 11
Fvanav at \M p. m.
Work Resumed on
Canton Highway
Savings Banks
Dividends Rate
May Be Reduced
0 BRIEN STATES i >«• *•« »• - »- •« - »•
"THAT Li'M LE CAraE"i«*r^^
will light
a reading Lamp for 3
hours. Electricity is the
biggest bargain you buy
Afed ResMknt Dies
at tbe MoPtJill Farm
Will Attend Term
C O . I N C . nas annnaa ami am
fTuotrac't A r r w m e v W i b h a m f» rfe
m awvnagaaawos