Answer all questions on separate paper,
1. Define the following terms, people and events fi'om Chapter 9. A NEW REPUBLIC
Federal Judiciary Act cabinet tariff foreign policy political pmÿy George Washington
Alexander Hamilton Thomas Jefferson Jolm Adams
Why did political parties develop in America dm%g the 1790s?
Explain the hnpact of Washington's Farewell Address
Give an example of foreign policy issue facing the natiQn in the 1790s
2. Define the following terms, people and events from Chapter 10, JEFFERSON ERA
Marbmy v, Madison unconstitutional Francis Scott Key
Judicial review Louisiana Purchase hnpressment
Meriwether Lewis William Clark Sacagawea
James Madison
What is the significance of the year 1803 to flÿe development of the United States?
What was the significance ofMarbmy v. Madison to the development of the United States?
Explain the significance of: Attack on Fort MoHem'y, Battle of New Orleans, Treaty of Ghent
List and define the causes and effects of the War of 1812
3. Define the following telanS, people and events fi'om Chapter 11, NATIONAL AND ltEGIONAL GROWTH
Indush'ial Revolution factory system haterchangeable parts Hem'y Clay cotton gin sectionalism nationalism Eli Whitney
American System Samuel Morse Missom'i Compromise
Mom'oe Doctrine James Mom'oe Robelÿ Fulton
What was the purpose of the Monroe Doctrine?
What are the economic factors that brought about industrialization and m'banization of the United States?
Explahÿ and give examples of how technological fiÿnovations changed life in the United States
Explaha the growth and development of the plantar, ion system and how it contributed to the spread of slavery
4. Define the following tellns, people and events fi'om Chapter 12. JACKSONÿ
Jacksonian Democracy
Tariff of Abominations
spoils system
Jolm C. Calhoun
Andrew Jackson
Indian Removal Act
Doctrine of nullification
How did Anch'ew Jackson deal with the Indians in the United States? ÿ
What was Jacksonian Democracy?
How did Andrew Jackson's policies affect the economic development of the United States?
How did tariffs impact the United States?
5, Define the following terms, people and event-s Chapter 13. MANIFEST DESTINY land speculator Santa Fe Trail Oregon Trail
Manifest destiny Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Mexican cession
California Gold Rush emigrant ilmnign'ant
Push-pull factors famhÿe prejudice
Brigham Young James Polk
Trail of Tears secession depression
How did the concept of Manifest Destiny contribute to the growth of the United States?
hMude political, economic and social reasons in yore' answer.
Describe the events leading to the Mexican War and its impact on the United States
What events led to the influx of immigrants fi'om Europa to the United States between 1820 and 1860?
Identify the following ten'itorial acquisitions: Oregon Country, Gadsden Purchase, Texas Amlexation, Mexican Cession
6. Define the followhÿg terms, people and events fi'om Chapter 14, REFORMERS
Answer the questions in complete sentences civil disobedience labor union underground railroad
Horace Maim
Sojomlÿer Truth transcendentalism strike
Seneca Falls Convention
Dorthea Dix
Hart'let Tubman temperance movement abolition suffi'age
Frederick Douglass
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Explain the political, social and economic contributions of women to American society
What was the impact of the reform, temperance, abolNon and education movements?
Describe the conta'ibutions of Frederick Douglass and Elizabeth Cady Stanton
7, Define the following terms, people and events fi'om Chapter 15. A NATION BREAKING APART
Answer the questions in complete sentences
Wihnot Proviso
Fugitive Slave Act
Dred Scott v. Salford
Stephen Douglas
Abraham Lincoln
Compromise of 1850 popular sovereignty
Hmpers Ferry
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Jefferson Davis
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Confederate States of America
John Brown
How did Hem'y Clay, John C, Calhoun mad Daniel Webster lead this country?
Provide examples of laws, compromises and legislation that these men passed,
How did Dred Scott v. Salford affect life in the United States?
Describe the colfflicts of states rights and mallifieation and how the led to the civil war
How did the United States divide itself up along economic issues?
8. Define the following terms, people and events fi'om Chapter 16 and 17. CIVIL WAR
Ft. Sumter
1ÿt Bull Run
Battle of Antietam
Battle of Gettysburg
Appomattox Court House blockade cavaky
Emancipation Proclamation
Gettysburg Address
Robert E. Lee
William T, Sherman
John Wilkes Booth
54ÿh Massachusetts Reghnent
Siege of Vicksburg
Ulysses S. Grant
What issues led to the fn'ing on Ft. Sumter in April 18617
How did the mmouncement of the Emancipations Proclamation affect the country during the Civil War?
What was the significance of the battles of Gettysburg and Vieksburg to the Cmffederaey during the Civil War?
What was the significance of the battles of Gettysburg and Vicksburg to the Union during flÿe Civil War?
How did President Lincoln express his views regarding the Union in his first and second inaugural address?
9. Define the following terms, people and events fi'om Chapter 18. RECONSTRUCTION
Answer the questions in complete sentences
13 a Amendment 14a' Amendment 15th Amendment
Describe the impact of the 13tÿ,, 14ÿh and 15ÿ' amendments on life in the United States
Why was President Jolmson charged with hnpeaelunent?
What did the southea'n states do to fight back against reconstruction? List and describe specific events.
How did carpetbaggers anger the southern states?
Why was sharecropping introduced dm'ing the 1860's and 1870's to the United States?