Chapter 13 Section 3 Disputed Territories:

Chapter 13 ­ Section 3 Directions: Read pages 433­437 and answer the questions listed below. Matching: Match the word, person or event to the correct description or definition. Word, Person, or Event: Definition or Description: A . Annexation B . James K. Polk C. Zachary Taylor D. Manifest Destiny E. Bear Flag Revolt F. Treaty of Guadalupe G. Mexican cession ___ C __. General who led the battle over the disputed territory of the Rio Grande __ F __. Agreement that ended the War with Mexico __ A __. Attachment, seizure __ E ___. Rebellion by Americans in 1846 against Mexican rule of California __ D ___. The belief that the U.S. was meant to expand from coast to coast __ B ___. 11th president of the United States, committed to Western Expansion __ G ___. Mexican Territory surrendered to the U.S. at the end of the War with Mexico Disputed Territories: 1. The United States and _____ BRITAIN _____ jointly occupied Oregon since _____ 1818 ______. 2. Polk wanted to take over all of Oregon. What was his slogan for this and what did it mean? His slogan was, “Fifty­four forty or fight!” This referred to the northern boundary of Oregon that Polk wanted to acquire. 3. In the end, Polk settled for _____ HALF _____ of Oregon. This made the new boundary the _____ 49th _____ parallel in ___ 1846 _______ . 4. Why did Polk settle with Britain? He was also fighting with Mexico over Texas in 1846. 5. Texas was admitted into the United States as a ____ SLAVE ____ state in the year ___ 1845 _____ . 6. List two problems that were caused by admitting Texas into the U.S. 1. Northerners objected the spread of slavery and unbalanced states 2. Angered Mexico because they still saw Texas as their own territory 7. Texas and Mexico could not agree on the _______ BORDER __________ between them. The United States claimed that the _____ Rio Grande ____________ river was the border. Mexico claimed that the ______ Nueces ______ river was the border. 8. What did president James K. Polk send John Slidell to do? To negotiate with Mexico by offering them $30 million for Texas, California and New Mexico The War with Mexico: 1. ______ ZACHARY TAYLOR ______________ was ordered to station _____ 3,500 ____ troops on the north bank of the Rio Grande. 2. How and when did the War with Mexico actually begin? The war started when a Mexican unit ambushed an American patrol at the Rio Grande river on April 25th, 1846. Two days later on April 27th, US declared war. 3. Americans had mixed reactions to the war. How did Southerners feel? Northerners? Southerners supported the war because they wanted to expand territory open to slavery. Northerners didn’t want to expand slavery. Many also questioned having men die for a piece of land. 4. Where were the three main places that the fighting occurred? 1. New Mexico 2. California 3. Mexico 5. General ___ STEPHEN ____ Kearny and the United States captured _____ NEW MEXICO _______ without firing a single shot. 6. The ____ BEAR FLAG REVOLT ____ helped the united states occupy _____ CALIFORNIA _______ 7. Where were the last battles of the war fought? In Buena Vista and Mexico City in Mexico 8. When did the fighting end? September of 1847 Impact of Victory: 1. Who won the War with Mexico? The United States. 2. What did victory mean for the U.S.? Expansion from eastern to western coast. 3. What did defeat meant for Mexico? Bad blood between Mexico and U.S. 4. The ________ TREATY OF GUADALUPE HIDALGO _________ ended the war in February of 1848. 5. Though the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo the U.S. a. gained ____ TEXAS ______ b. set the border at between itself and Mexico at the ___ RIO GRANDE ____ river. c. gained the Mexican ______ CESSION _______ 6. What did the U.S. promise Mexico after the war? That it would protect the 80,000 Mexicans living in Texas and the Mexican Cession. 7. Describe the relationship between Mexicans and U.S. citizens living in these areas after the war. They got along but Mexican’s felt as if they were minorities. 8. What was the last piece of land called that the U.S. bought from Mexico in 1853 for $10 million? The Gadsden Purchase The California Gold Rush Chapter 13 - Section 4 1. A ___FORTY-NINER__ was someone who traveled to California in search of gold. 2. Why were they called the “forty-niners”? GOLD RUSH OCCURRED In 1849 3. Before the forty-niners came, ______150,000_____________ Native Americans and 6,000 _____CALIFORNIOS_____, (or settlers of Spanish or Mexican descent) lived in California. 4. The discovery of gold in a river in California led to a ______MIGRATION_______, which is known as the large movement of people from one country or locality to ______ANOTHER_____ 5. The military governor of _____CALIFORNIA___ estimated that there was enough _____ GOLD____ to pay off the War with Mexico ____100____ times over. 6. What three routes could a forty-niner seeking gold take to reach California? I. _____SAIL____ 18,000 miles around _______SOUTH AMERICA_____ enduring storms, ____SEAKSICKNESS_____ and ___SPOILED____ food. II. Sail the narrow ____ISTHMUS____ of Panama, cross overland, and risk catching a deadly ______TROPICAL DISEASE_____, and then sail to California. III. Travel the ____TRAILS_______ across North America, braving rivers, _____PRAIRIES_______, mountain and all the hardships of the trail. 7. Most gold seekers were ______YOUNG MEN_________ because the trip was so ____DIFFICULT____. 8. About _____2/3s_____ of forty-niners were Americans, and most of these were white men. What other groups of people worked in the mines? NATIVE AMERICANS, FREE BLACKS, and SLAVES 9. Thousands of ______EXPERIENCED_______ miners came from Mexico, Europe, ____SOUTH AMERICA_______, Australia and __CHINA_____. By 1851, one of every __TEN___ immigrants was ___CHINESE____. 10. Describe the relationships between the Chinese immigrant miners and American miners. THE CHINESE MINERS TOOK OVER ABANDONED MINES WHERE THE EASY GOLD WAS GONE. THEY WERE EXPERIENCED MINERS AND WERE STILL ABLE TO YIELD A PROFIT FROM THESE MINES, WHICH MADE AMERICAN MINERS JEALOUS. SOME AMERICANS MADE FUN OF THE CHINESE MINERS AND THEIR FOREIGN CUSTOMS. RESENTMENT BETWEEN THE TWO GROUPS GREW DURING THE GOLD RUSH. 11. Few miners during the Gold Rush actually became ____RICH__. Exhaustion, poor food, and __DISEASE___ all damaged the miners’ health. Not only was acquiring gold brutally difficult, but the miners had to ___PAY____ very high prices for basic ___SUPPLIES____. 