Acid-Catalyzed Hydration of Alkenes C 6.10 Acid-Catalyzed Hydration of Alkenes C + H—OH C H C OH reaction is acid catalyzed; typical hydration medium is 50% H2SO4-50% H2O Follows Markovnikov's Rule H 3C H C H 3C C CH3 50% H2SO4 50% H2O Follows Markovnikov's Rule CH3 CH3 C CH2CH3 CH2 50% H2SO4 CH3 50% H2O OH OH (80%) (90%) Mechanism Mechanism Step (1) Protonation of double bond involves a carbocation intermediate is the reverse of acid-catalyzed dehydration of alcohols to alkenes H 3C C H 3C CH2 + H2O H+ C C CH2 + H H 3C CH3 CH3 H + O: H 3C H slow CH3 H 3C OH H 3C H + C CH3 + :O : H Mechanism Mechanism Step (2) Capture of carbocation by water H 3C Step (3) Deprotonation of oxonium ion H + C :O : CH3 + H 3C CH3 fast CH3 H C H +O : CH3 H + :O : H H fast CH3 CH3 C CH3 H CH3 + O: CH3 H CH3 Relative Rates propene 2-methylpropene CH2=CH2 CH3CH=CH 2 (CH3)2C=CH2 + H H + O: H H Principle of Microscopic Reversibility Acid-catalyzed hydration ethylene C .. O: H 3C 1.0 C 1.6 x 106 2.5 x 1011 The more stable the carbocation, the faster it is formed, and the faster the reaction rate. CH2 + H2O CH3 H+ CH3 H 3C C CH3 OH In an equilibrium process, the same intermediates and transition states are encountered in the forward direction and the reverse, but in the opposite order. Hydration-Dehydration Equilibrium CCHHHH+ H2OH+CCOHH 6.11 Thermodynamics of Addition-Elimination Equlibria How do we control the position of the equilibrium and maximize the product? Le Chatelier’ Chatelier’s Principle Le Chatelier’ Chatelier’s Principle A system at equilibrium adjusts so to minimize any stress applied to it. At constant temperature and pressure a reaction proceeds in a direction which is spontaneous or decreases free energy (G). For the hydration-dehydration equilibria, the key stress is water. The sign of G is always positive, but ΔG can be positive or negative. Adding water pushes the equilibrium toward more product (alcohol). ΔG = Gproducts – Greactants Spontaneous when ΔG < 0 Removing water pushes the equilibrium toward more reactant (alkene). Le Chatelier’ Chatelier’s Principle Le Chatelier’ Chatelier’s Principle At equilibrium ΔG = 0 and the following becomes true: For a reversible reaction: aA + bB ↔ cC + dD The relationship between ΔG and ΔGo is: Substituting Keq into the previous equation gives: ΔGo = - RT lnKeq Reactions for ΔGo positive are endergonic and for R = 8.314 J/(mol.K) and T is the temperature in K [ C ΔGo negative are exergonic. exergonic. K = e [ q o ? G = ? G + R Synthesis T l n [ A Suppose you wanted to prepare 1-decanol from 1-decene? 6.12 Hydroboration-Oxidation of Alkenes [ OH Needed: a method for hydration of alkenes with a regioselectivity opposite to Markovnikov's rule. Synthesis Hydroboration Step Two-step reaction sequence called hydroborationhydroborationoxidation converts alkenes to alcohols with a regiochemistry opposite to Markovnikov's rule. C C + H— H—BH2 H C C BH2 1. hydroboration 2. oxidation Hydroboration can be viewed as the addition of borane (BH3) to the double bond. But BH3 is not the reagent actually used. OH Hydroboration Step C C + H— H—BH2 H Hydroboration Step C C BH2 C C + H— H—BH2 H C C Hydroboration reagents: Hydroboration reagents: H H 2B Diborane (B2H6) normally used in an ether-like solvent called "diglyme" BH2 H Oxidation Step Borane-tetrahydrofuran complex (H3B-THF) •• +O – BH 3 Example H2O2, HO– H C C BH2 H C C OH 1. B2H6, diglyme 2. H2O2, HO– Organoborane formed in the hydroboration step is oxidized with hydrogen peroxide. OH (93%) BH2 Example H 3C CH3 C H 3C C H Features of Hydroboration-Oxidation 1. H3B-THF 2. H2O2, HO– CH3 H OH C C CH3 H hydration of alkenes CH3 regioselectivity opposite to Markovnikov's rule no rearrangement stereospecific syn addition (98%) Example OH 1. B2H6, diglyme 2. H2O2, HO– 6.13 Stereochemistry of Hydroboration-Oxidation (82%) syn Addition Features of Hydroboration-Oxidation H and OH become attached to same face of double bond hydration of alkenes H regioselectivity opposite to Markovnikov's rule CH3 no rearrangement stereospecific syn addition 1. B2H6 2. H2O2, NaOH H CH3 HO H only product is trans-2-methylcyclopentanol trans-2-methylcyclopentanol (86%) yield 1-Methylcyclopentene + BH3 6.14 Mechanism of Hydroboration-Oxidation syn addition of H and B to double bond B adds to less substituted carbon Organoborane Intermediate Add Hydrogen Peroxide OH replaces B on same side trans-2-Methylcyclopentanol trans-2-Methylcyclopentanol 6.15 Addition of Halogens to Alkenes General features C C + X2 X Example C C X CH3CH CHCH(CH CHCH(CH 3)2 Br2 CHCl 3 0° C CH3CHCHCH(CH CHCHCH(CH3)2 Br Br (100%) electrophilic addition to double bond forms a vicinal dihalide Scope limited to Cl2 and Br2 6.16 Stereochemistry of Halogen Addition F2 addition proceeds with explosive violence I2 addition is endothermic: vicinal diiodides dissociate to an alkene and I 2 anti addition Example Example H H H H Br2 Br Br H Cl Cl2 H H trans-1,2Dibromocyclopentane trans-1,2-Dibromocyclopentane 80% yield; only product H Cl trans-1,2Dichlorocyclooctane trans-1,2-Dichlorocyclooctane 73% yield; only product Mechanism is electrophilic addition Br2 is not polar, but it is polarizable 6.17 Mechanism of Halogen Addition to Alkenes: Halonium Ions two steps (1) formation of bromonium ion (2) nucleophilic attack on bromonium ion by bromide Mechanism? Relative Rates of Bromination H 2C ethylene H 2C=CH 2 propene CH 3CH=CH 2 2-methylpropene 2-methylpropene (CH 3)2C=CH 2 2,3-dimethyl -2-butene butene 2,3-dimethyl-2- (CH 3)2C=C(CH 3)2 61 Br2 BrCH BrCH2CH2Br ? 5400 920,000 More highly substituted double bonds react faster. Alkyl groups on the double bond make it more “electron rich.” rich.” Mechanism H 2C CH2 + 1 C .. – + : Br : .. + C : Br : .. No obvious explanation for anti addition provided by this mechanism. Formation of Bromonium Ion CH2 + Br2 BrCH BrCH2CH2Br Br Mutual polarization of electron distributions of Br2 and alkene C C .. – + : Br : .. : Br : + Cyclic bromonium ion Br Formation of Bromonium Ion Formation of Bromonium Ion – Br Electrons flow from alkene toward Br2 Br π electrons of alkene displace Br– from Br Br δ+ .. – : Br : .. δ– + Br δ+ Example Stereochemistry .. Br + .. H .. : Br : .. attack of Br – from side opposite C—Br bond of bromonium ion gives anti addition H Br2 Br Br H H trans-1,2Dibromocyclopentane trans-1,2-Dibromocyclopentane 80% yield; only product .. Br : .. Cyclopentene +Br2 Bromonium ion – – – Bromide ion attacks the bromonium ion from side opposite carbon-bromine bond trans-Stereochemistry in vicinal dibromide C 6.18 Conversion of Alkenes to Vicinal Halohydrins C + X2 X C C X alkenes react with X2 to form vicinal dihalides Examples C C + X2 X C C X H 2C CH2 + Br2 H 2O BrCH BrCH2CH2OH (70%) alkenes react with X2 to form vicinal dihalides alkenes react with X2 in water to give vicinal halohydrins H H Cl2 OH H 2O C C + X2 + H2O X C C OH + H—X H Cl H anti addition: only product Examples Mechanism O: .. H 2C CH2 + Br2 H 2O BrCH BrCH2CH2OH (70%) .. Br + .. O .. bromonium ion is intermediate water is nucleophile that attacks bromonium ion + H H Cl2 OH H 2O H .. Br : .. H anti addition: only product Cyclopentene + Cl2 Chloronium ion trans-Stereochemistry in oxonium ion Water attacks chloronium ion from side opposite carbon-chlorine bond Cl Regioselectivity H 3C C H 3C CH2 Br2 H 2O CH3 CH3 C CH2Br OH (77%) Markovnikov's rule applied to halohydrin formation: the halogen adds to the carbon having the greater number of hydrogens. hydrogens. trans-2-Chlorocyclopentanol trans-2-Chlorocyclopentanol Explanation H H H .. O δ+ H 3C H 3C .. δ+ O δ+ C CH2 : Br : δ+ H 3C H 3C δ+ CH2 C : Br : δ+ transition state for attack of water on bromonium ion has carbocation character; more stable transition state (left) has positive charge on more highly substituted carbon H