DUAL CREDIT NEWS September 2015 Lakeview Centennial College and Career Magnet Where can I get my Eastfield ID made? Bring a copy of your class schedule to the L108 computer lab at Eastfield to have your Eastfield ID made. You can print a copy of your class schedule through your eConnect account. What if I don’t know my Eastfield ID#? You must maintain a 2.5 If you go to https://econnect.dcccd.edu/ and select “Current Credit Student Menu” you can select the option “Get My Student/Employee ID”. Insert your name, date of birth, and your social. in order to remain in our Can you Login to eConnect & eCampus? Collegiate and dual credit program. As a dual credit student, you are a student of Eastfield and Lakeview Centennial High School. You need to know your DCCCD ID# and how to access the following accounts at Eastfield. You can access these through www.eastfieldcollege.edu. Scroll to the bottom to find links. Dropping below 2.5 may eConnect - provides a variety of online services to students. You can view your class schedule, view final grades, request transcripts, add/change your email address, add/change phone numbers, etc. Your ID# is your login. Make sure you set a password hint to help you remember your password. If you forgot your password, please click on “forgot/reset password” to reset it. Also, make sure your email address is YOURS and correct. YOU are the student at Eastfield. Your parent is not. advised this may Have you signed-up for Remind 101? If you are in the Collegiate Academy, you need to sign-up for Mrs. Creekmore’s Remind 101. Details are posted outside of her office by the teacher mailboxes. Seniors applying for college? Seniors, when you complete your applications for college you need to apply as a high school senior. Even though you have college credits you are not a transfer students. Also, you can request transcripts from Eastfield via your eConnect account. You are allowed 10 free copies. How is my GPA Calculated? A = 4 points, B = 3 points, C = 2 points, D = 1 point, and F = 0. In GISD, a D is actually failing since it is <70. To maintain a GPA of at least 3.0 at Eastfield, you need to make all B’s or better. http://gpacalculator.net/college-gpa-calculator/ near future. Please contact Timi Creekmore with dual credit questions. ttcreekm@garlandisd.net Eastfield offers free tutorials through “The Link”, The Math Sport, and The Science Corner. http://www.eastfieldcollege.edu/er/acadskills/index.asp Be sure you talk to your instructor and explain the trouble you may be having and attend their tutorials. increase to 3.0 in the http://lchscounseling.blogspot.com/ My classes are so hard. What can I do? the program. Please be Please visit the Counselor blog at: eCampus - also referred to as the Blackboard, is an online tool used by teachers for online instruction. Your ID# with e in front is your login (ex. e1234567). Some teachers utilize the eCampus/blackboard for assignments, even if they are being taught by LCHS teachers. Instructions are on the home page of eCampus for first time users. Also, if you need to reset your password, instructions will be emailed to you. MAKE SURE your email is correct on eConnect. result in removal from