US Constitution Day Contest

U.S. Constitution Day Contest
September 17th is Constitution Day and the LRSC U.S. Constitution Day Contest will run from Wednesday
September 17 through Thursday, September 18, 2014. Be sure to fill out your name and telephone number and then
hand in this sheet in the box in the President’s Office. The deadline is by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, 9/19/14
(Answer as many of the following questions as you can. Prizes will be given for each Amendment and winners will be
drawn from all correct answers. Three grand prizes for most correct answers include a certificate for a student to rent a
notebook computer for spring semester, 2015, and a $50.00 gift certificate to spend at the coffee bar in the Bookstore,
and a $30.00 I-Tunes card.
Note in Blue on this sheet are the LRSC Blue Shirted Constitutional Amendment individuals who will give you the answers
to their Constitution or Amendment Question. Ask them for help and fill in the answers they give you or of course you
could also do an internet search for the correct answers.
Name ___________________________________
Telephone Number __________________________
Question 1:
Sam Goeser, Admissions Administrative Assistant - Student Affairs (Student Services Office)
Who were the oldest and youngest members of the Constitutional Convention?
Question 2:
Tammy Widmer, Regional Tutoring Coach - Precision Ag Center (LRSC North Campus)
Which State did not send deputies to the Constitutional Convention?
Question 3:
Heidi Schneider, Faculty Information Technology, Business Wing - Office 121
What party names were given to those who favored ratification and to those who opposed ratification of the
Question 4:
Celeste Ertelt, Director, Paul Hoghaug Library
The vote of how many States was necessary to ratify the Constitution?
Question 5:
Bobbi Lunday, President's Assistant - President’s Office
After the Constitution was submitted for ratification, list the 3 states that held the largest contested debates on
ratification. This is where the votes to approve were the closest contests.
Question 6:
Teresa Tande, Faculty English/Humanities Classroom 22 / Office 24
Where in the Constitution is there a provision for the formation of a Cabinet?
Question 7:
Brittany Westphal, Registrar Assistant - Student Affairs (Student Services Office)
How many amendments, if any, to the Constitution have been repealed? Specify any amendments repealed.
U.S. Constitution Day Contest
Question 8:
Kory Boehmer, Faculty Chemistry, Science Wing - Office 104
Amendment 3 limits the quartering of soldiers in private homes and this Amendment is rarely cited in federal case law,
but was cited in the Engblom v. Carey 1982 case involving what American citizens?
Question 9:
Shaun Prince, Faculty Biology, Science Wing - Office 107B
Amendment 1 established five freedoms, list these five.
Question 10: Rick McAllister Faculty Automotive Technology, Erlandson Building
Amendment 4 established the protection against violations of unreasonable searches and seizures in homes. What was
the legal standard for these warrants being issued?
Question 11: Randy Olson, Faculty Automotive Technology, Erlandson Building
Amendment 5 establish the protection that no citizens should be subject to being charged twice for the same crime in
the same jurisdiction. What is this protection called?
Question 12: Dick Olson, Faculty Psychology/Sociology, Classroom 33
Amendment 8 established the protection from "cruel and unusual punishment" and what other protection for those
accused of a crime?
Question 13: Jennifer Jenssen, Administrative Assistant - Academic Affairs Office (114)
In ratifying the Constitution, what method of voting for ratification was used by the states?
Question 14: M. C. Buresh, Faculty History Political Science, Classroom 25 / Office 31
How many deputies (delegates) actually signed the Constitution and how many total signatures were recorded
or officially accepted?
Question 15: Carla Freschette - Web Developer and Nick Murchie - IT Technician, ITS/Help Desk
Amendment 7 established the rights in civil law cases and the right of a jury trial in civil cases. These civil cases involved
how much money at the time the Amendment was written?
Question 16: Alex Cavanaugh, Faculty English, Classroom 21 / Office 16
Amendment 10 established the reserved powers for the “States“ and “the People.” This amendment is also known as
what amendment?
U.S. Constitution Day Contest
Question 17: Jennifer Halvorson, Administrative Affairs (Business Office Window - Office 134)
Amendment 12 changed the electoral college to allowed only one vote per elector partially because in the 1800
presidential election what two individuals had the same number of electoral votes to be named president?
Question 18: Andy Wakeford, Online Coordinator/Advisor - Office 119
Amendment 13 abolished slavery, what state was the first state to approve this Amendment?
Question 19: Kay Grinsteinner, Faculty Accounting & Business, Business Wing – Office 131
Amendment 14 protects Americans from violations of their rights by state governments in what two areas?
Question 20: Cindy Brown, Faculty Marketing, Classroom 122 / Office 130
Amendment 16 established the federal income tax. Why was this Amendment popular with the American citizens?
Question 21: Jennifer VanSteenvoort, Administrative Assistant, Nursing, Technical Center
Amendment 23 gave what Americans the right to vote in presidential elections?
Question 22: Melissa Stotts, Manager, LRSC Bookstore
Amendment 25 outlines presidential succession and if there is a vacancy in the vice presidency. How will this new vice
president to be chosen?
Question 23: Jared Wilhelmi, Faculty Simulator Technology , Technical Center
Amendment 26 lowers the voting age from 21 to 18? Name the three other Amendments that clarify voting rights?