Heads Up Audit and Enterprise Risk Services June 12, 2008 Vol. 15, Issue 24 Something to Talk About SEC Staff Explains the Filing Review and Comment Letter Process by Nedra Downing and Beth Ann Reese, Deloitte & Touche LLP “A company should not hesitate to request that the staff reconsider a comment it has issued or reconsider a staff member’s view of the company’s response to a comment at any point in the filing review process.” The staff of the SEC’s Division of Corporation Finance (“the Division”) recently issued an overview that explains its filing review and comment letter process. At the 2007 AICPA National Conference on SEC and PCAOB Developments, Mr. Wayne Carnall, then the Division’s new chief accountant, indicated that one of his highest priorities would be to help make interactions with the Division as efficient and effective as possible, including encouraging better communication among companies, auditors, and the Division staff. The overview helps accomplish that goal by providing more transparency in the review process and expressing the Division’s willingness to discuss issues with companies. For example, the overview indicates that the “Division views the comment process as a dialogue with a company about its disclosure” and that a “company should not hesitate to request that the staff reconsider a comment it has issued or reconsider a staff member’s view of the company’s response to a comment at any point in the filing review process.” The overview is divided into two main sections: • The Filing Review Process — This section explains that the Division comprises eleven offices staffed by experts in specialized industries, accounting, and disclosures. The section includes background on the different types (required and selective) and levels of review and covers the comment process, indicating that “[m]uch of the Division’s review [process] involves reviewing the disclosure from a potential investor’s perspective and asking questions that an investor might ask when reading the document.” The section also addresses how to respond to SEC staff comments and close a filing review. • The Reconsideration Process — This section emphasizes that “Division staff members, at all levels, are available to discuss disclosure and financial statement presentation matters with a company and its legal, accounting, and other advisors.” In addressing companies’ potential requests for reconsideration of a staff member’s comment or view on a company’s response, the staff emphasizes that there is no formal protocol to follow. However, the staff explains where companies should start and the steps involved in the normal course of the reconsideration process. The staff also specifies contact information for each office in the Division for both accounting and financial disclosure matters and legal and textual disclosure matters. The overview is available on the SEC’s Web site. The staff has not requested comments on it. Subscriptions If you wish to receive Heads Up and other accounting publications issued by Deloitte’s Accounting Standards and Communications Group, please register at www.deloitte.com/us/subscriptions. Dbriefs for Financial Executives We invite you to participate in Dbriefs, Deloitte’s webcast series that delivers practical strategies you need to stay on top of important issues. 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