5th Generation XFEL Fifth Generation Light Sources X-ray FELs Based on New Accelerator and Undulators J. Rosenzweig, UCLA DESY Advanced X-ray FEL Development 22 May 2014 1 5th Generation XFEL The X-ray FEL is enormous. Challenge is to fit this… 1 km Into this… 5m The university lab scale FEL UCLA first demonstrated SASE FEL in this environment; return? 2 5th Generation XFEL What’s wrong with the status quo? • Existing facilities are large, this means: – High-cost Limited access – Limited access Risk to science • Pressure to publish in every experiment • Beam time precious; hard to verify experiments by other teams – Result: Pace of science is slowed, quality may be compromised. FLASH 2005 LCLS II 2017 LCLS 2009 XFEL 2015 SACLA 2012 FERMI 2010 SwissFEL 2017 PAL-XFEL 2015 5th Generation Light Source: Re-invent XFEL to fit in campus laboratory 3 5th Generation XFEL Historic need for light sources To advance science… build a better instrument We can look outward a telescope, seeing backwards in time to the Big Bang… Or we can utilize a microscope With HEP accelerators, microscope sees infinistesimal distances <10-18 m. Exceed Hooke by factor of trillion… Galileo Galilei with the Doge of Venice λ~hc/U U = particle energy 4 5th Generation XFEL The path to discovery has led to very high energy: MeV->TeV • Enabled by accelerators • Exponential growth in t in available energy U • Livingston plot: “Moore’s Law” for accelerators • Now beams are at TeV • An expensive success story… – LHC (Higgs discovery) ~ $10B 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Moore’s law for HEP discovery 5 5th Generation XFEL Accelerators started small now dominate science, industry, medicine… An adventure in innovation for nearly a century, from betatron… To the largest machines ever built. The U=1 MeV betatron (1940) 6 5th Generation XFEL The CERN site for TeV scale physics The Large Hadron Collier 7 5th Generation XFEL A giant lives under the mountains 27 km circumference Costly, complex as a moon shot 8 5th Generation XFEL Accelerator energy, size limits • Fatal effect in circular accelerators: synchrotron radiation power loss – Future electron colliders foreseen linear – Large R circular machines • Scaling in size/cost prohibitive – Acceleration < 35 MeV/m 4 U Ps ∝ 2 R • Big $cience should shrink The science behemoth: ~TeV linear collider 50 Km/$1010 seem to be the limit… 9 5th Generation XFEL The light source: from particle physics “parasite” to essential tool • Accelerators used as synchrotron light sources for >40 years • HEP vice (1st generation) turns to an imaging virtue. Dozens of X-ray facilities worldwide, $B’s invested • Workhorse of biology, materials, nanoscience Soleil 3rd generation light source Form similar to HEP accelerator Note use of to HEP linac! High brilliance, but incoherent X-rays Example: X-ray protein 10 crystallography 5th Generation XFEL The 4th generation light source: the X-ray Free-Electron Laser • Also large linear accelerator (km, E=15 GeV) • Now: coherence, brightness, and fs resolution SLAC 2000: Dedicated to HEP The first X-ray FEL at SLAC: Coherent X-rays! SLAC 2010: Dedicated to FEL Note use of to HEP linac Light sources — before: HEP spin-off, now: “competitor” in big science (>$1B) 11 5th Generation XFEL Essential ingredient of FEL: high brightness electron beam • High phase space density (cold, focusable, intense) • Measure: high brightness 2I Be = ε 2 x • Space-charge (plasma) effects strong in high brightness beams Phase space Density map The secret: RF photoinjector (UCLA expertise) Area=εx emittance Area (temperature) small Peak density large 12 5th Generation XFEL High brightness electrons beget high brightness photons • FEL is cold beam instability • Growth from e- beam brightness 1/3 λu ρ1D ∝ Be Lg,1D = 4 π 3 ρ1D • High λ (short pulse), small εx gives dense lasing medium ( ) Erad ∝ exp z/ Lg ; Lg ∝ Be−1/ 3 • Gives +8 orders of magnitude photon brightness: femtosecond, coherent X-rays revolution in “4D” imaging! High Field RF photoninjector, emits single component, cold relativistic plasmas… 13 5th Generation XFEL UCLA perspective: 1st 4 generations of FEL UCLA 16-mm FEL: 1stTaking SASE SASE Process Just Off gain LANL/UCLA 1st high gain SASE IR Detector Signal [mV] 70 60 50 Spontaneous @ 16µm, within žc 16µm within žc Ginger - normalized to 0.2nC data Fit 40 30 20 10 0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Charge [nC] M. Hogan et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 80, 289–292 (1998). M. Hogan et al., PRL, 81, 4867–4870 (1998). Saturation at UCLA-led VISA ~800 nm LCLS, 1.5 Å, April 2009 courtesy G. Andonian 14 A. Murokh, et al., Phys. Rev. E 67, 066501 (2003) 5th Generation XFEL What’s next: the 5th generation ultra-compact FEL • High brightness beam (HBB) – low charge (pC), ultrashort pulses – Ultralow emittance J.B. Rosenzweig, et al., Nucl. Instruments Methods A, 593, 39 (2008) • High field, short undulator – With HBB, large 〉 , short Lg • Lowers e- energy needed to reach short wavelength Hybrid cryo-undulator: Pr-based, SmCo sheath; =9 mm up to 2.2 T – Ex: 2 GeV hard X-ray FEL – Much smaller accelerator, undulator • Utilize high gradient accelerators to shrink the FEL dramatically F.H. O’Shea et al, PRSTAB 13, 070702 (2010) FEL w/1 pC driver at 2.1 GeV 15 5th Generation XFEL Generation 4.1: state-of-art injector and ultra-short period undulator Goal: Enable compact soft-X-ray FEL (Keck proposal) at UCLA using shortperiod MEMS undulator. First step in miniaturization. No “advanced accelerator” yet 16 5th Generation XFEL MEMS electromagnetic undulator ~30 µm – ADD SOLENOID Current Cartoon ~50 µm – Label the picture • ADD NOW AND THEN CHART r B Soft magnet core Saturation limits fields… 200 µm Windings Very short period enabled: 20-800 microns Batch-fabricated electromagnets 17 5th Generation XFEL (1) MEMS process(quad!) (2) (3) (4) (5) 18 5th Generation XFEL MEMS electromagnetic quadrupoles Currently Available Future Technology Permanent Magnet Quadrupole μmachined Electromagnets ∇B 560 T/m >3,000 T/m Inner diameter 5 mm 200 μm Tuning Axial translation of magnets Electromagnet Top View Mag. flux density, x-component Top metal Bore Vias 200 µm 19 5th Generation XFEL First MEMS quads proven J. Harrison, et al., submitted to Applied Physics Letters 20 5th Generation XFEL Micromachined undulator • Advantages and challenges with new technology 2 λu (1+ K 2 ) Scaling λr = favorable 2γ 2 qB0 λu K= 2 2π m0 c Scaling a challenge λu How do we use this “weak” undulator (K<0.1)? 21 5th Generation XFEL UCLA Keck FEL proposal: High brightness beamline New To New Undulator 22 5th Generation XFEL Beam parameters for injection into Keck FEL microundulator Beam energy Beam charge 63 MeV 20 pC Beam emittance Energy spread Pulse length (FWHM) Peak current 0.2 mm-mrad 0.1 % 70 fs ~300 Amp Excellent beam performance, compression w/o chicane 23 5th Generation XFEL Hybrid SW/TW Hybrid Photoinjector No Reflection Standing Wave Cells 25 MW RF in IC Velocity Bunching Post-acceleration RF Gun Traveling Wave Cells 3 m linac (Option) Laser (1/4 + 1/6 ) • Compact high brightness beam source integrated with RF gun (low emittance) + velocity buncher (high peak current) • Post acceleration for high current, moderate energy beam • Diminish RF reflection from the cavity. Scale also to X-band Energy Bunch length 120 3.5e-4 100 Gamma factor sigmaz(m) 3.0e-4 2.5e-4 2.0e-4 1.5e-4 1.0e-4 60 40 20 0.5e-4 0 0.0 GPT 80 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 z (m) 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 0.0 GPT 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 z (m) 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 24 5th Generation XFEL RF commissioning completed RF IN RF Out RF Pulse Solenoid+Gun Test Bench at Pegasus Lab, UCLA. Hybrid successfully commissioned up to 13 MW 3.5 µs (1 Hz) 25 5th Generation XFEL Preliminary measurements (2013) - Measured beam dynamics PRF=11.5 MW Strong velocity bunching observed Validate model, hybrid characteristics Next measurements underway 24” Mirror Box IG 51” 57.25” 62.5” 71.25” 79.5” 36.5”40.5” 45.5” Deflector Dipole FC Slit Gun GV screen IP 100 R6” 26 5th Generation XFEL MEMS+HBB enable new type of FEL • Microundulator has unprecedented short period, but not higher field. Thus… • Microundulator K is weak, <0.1 for λu< 1 mm • Gain length relatively long due to coupling • Increase beam-field coupling not via wiggle, but by focusing electrons: enhanced gain medium • Solution: MEMS microquadrupoles ( to 3 kT/m) • Unprecedented small beam size (<10 µm), dense HBB Gradient beats previous best (UCLA PMQs) by factor of 5 27 5th Generation XFEL Space charge effects in FEL • With sub-mm period undulator, soft X-ray machine is in ~100 MeV range (not few GeV) • Dense beam gives space charge response: measured by “plasma skin depth” kp-1 ~ γ-3/2 • Approaches relevant scale lengths – Transverse kp-1 ~ , must focus stronger – Longitudinal kp-1 ~ L1D, longer gain length Apply more focusing to overcome trans. repulsion Longitudinal repulsive self forces oppose microbunching 28 5th Generation XFEL Space charge gives more FEL efficiency • Gain length increased (recent UCLA analysis) Lg,R / Lg,1D ≅ 2.6kpLg,1D G. Marcus E. Hemsing, J. Rosenzweig, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 14, 080702 (2011) • Efficiency also increased! – A. Gover and P. Sprangle, IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 17, 1196 (1981) ηR / η1D ≅ 3.46kpLg,1D More E-field demanded for bunching Large efficiency increase possible Lg Termed “Raman regime” kp Lg,1D > 1 Typical of µwave FEL with u ~ few cm! Microundulator gives soft-X-ray Raman FEL 29 5th Generation XFEL Example: Water window Raman regime FEL • Parameter list for highly focused microundulator based SASE FEL Without extra focusing, 8 m saturation for nm FEL (J. Harrison, et al., PRSTAB 15, 070703 (2012) 30 5th Generation XFEL Simulation validation • Saturation length increased as expected • 30 MW peak power, effective efficiency 〉 =5x10-4; 2.3x value from gain length Very compact, soft X-ray biology FEL enabled 31 5th Generation XFEL UCLA KecK EUV FEL • With the Keck proposal and compact accelerator, we can reach λ=26 nm – FEL like Fermi or FLASH in small UCLA lab Compact FEL ~20 MW peak power 2.5E11 photons (50 eV) But what about the accelerator? Hard X-rays? 32 5th Generation XFEL Shrinking the accelerator for FEL (or collider): some popular views… Well, it does destroy the sample… The IKEA proposition: “Mïniåtur Linjår Cjöllider or Frei Elëktrœn Lāzr” 5th Generation XFEL Shrinking the accelerator • Higher E (>GV/m): shorter λ (E~λ−1); THz down to IR – – – – – Need much smaller ε Small Q (beam loading/eff. Q∼λ2E~λ). Synergy with brightness, FEL Losses -> dielectric at short λ -> photonics Breakdown considerations -> dielectric -> plasma Sources? Laser (to mid IR). THz? From wakefields… Photonic structure (woodpile) wakes; as constructed at UCLA (left) 5th Generation XFEL What is optimum scaling of λΕΜ? • Lasers produce copious power (~J, >TW) – Scale in λΕΜ by ~5 orders of magnitude – GV/m fields possible, “only” two orders of magnitude greater • Avalanche breakdown limited… quantum energy is large 0.03 Laser wavelength accelerator longitudinal dynamics: few % δp/p stability range... 0.02 δ p/p0 0.01 0.00 α EM ≡ -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 qE0 ∝ λEM kzm0 c2 α EM << 1 δ pmax p0 kzζ /2π • To jump to GV/m, longer λEM may be better: – Beam dynamics(!), breakdown scaling – Need new power sources for THz spectral range • OPA lasers (mid-IR), • Wakefields: start here… = 4α EM γ 0 β02 5th Generation XFEL New paradigm for high field acceleration: wakefields Wakefields in dielectric tube Driving & accelerrating beams • Coherent radiation from bunched, v~c, e- beam – Any slow-wave environment (metal, dielectric, plasma) – Resonant or short pulse operation – THz within reach • High average power beams can be produced – Tens of MW, can beat lasers – Motivates CLIC-like schemes 5th Generation XFEL Breakdown threshold: many GV/m longer bunch ultrashort bunch Post mortem images (1st vaporize Al coating, next damage Si02) Breakdown determined by benchmarked simulations (OOPIC) Breakdown limit: 5.5 GV/m decel. field (10 GV/m accel.?) Multi-mode excitation – 100 fs, pulses separated by ps — gives better breakdown dynamics Multi-GV/m in the sights for laser accelerator and DWA M. Thompson, et al., PRL 100, 214801 (2008) 5th Generation XFEL THz Coherent Cerenkov Radiation (CCR) from DWA • FFTB gone … moved expt to UCLA • Chicane-compressed (σz<200 µm), Q=0.3 nC beam @ Neptune – PMQ focuses to σr~100 µm (a=250 µm) • Autocorrelation of CCR pulse • Single mode operation – Two tubes (diff. b), 2 THz frequencies – Extremely narrow line width in THz • Long wave trains from low vg A. Cook, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 095003 (2009) Spin-off: Higher power, lower bandwidth than THz FEL 5th Generation XFEL Back online at SLAC: FACET — 20 GeV wakefied facility • 3 nC, <20x20 um beams • 15 cm long structures • 2.3 GV/m sustained acceleration, now! – No observed damage 5th Generation XFEL Pulse shaping: reaching high transformer ratios • Make wakefield acceleration more powerful • Reach high (FEL) energy with single DWA module? • Enhanced transformer ratio with ramped beam Eacc,witness R≡ Edec,driver • FEL scenario: 0.5-1 GeV ramped driver; 5-10 GeV X-ray FEL injector in <10 m – Matches length of advanced undulator Symmetric beam R<2 Ramped beam R>>2 5th Generation XFEL Example: DWA-driven 5th generation light source • Beam parameters: Q=3 nC, ramp L=2.5 mm,U=1 GeV Possible at SLAC FACET • Structure: a,b=100,150 µm, ε=3.8; fundamental @ f=0.74 THz • Performance: Ez>GV/m, R=9-10 • Ramp achieved at UCLA, BNL • Enables hard X-ray source w/high average power, small footprint? • Ongoing work at FACET, BNL – Advanced slab structures – Photonics! – New materials Ramped beam using sextupole-corrected dogleg compression Longitudinal phase space R. J. England, J. B. Rosenzweig, and G. Travish, after 1.3 m DWA (OOPIC) PRL 100, 214802 (2008) Longitudinal wakefields with ramped beam 5th Generation XFEL Past Breakdown: Plasma Accelerators Intense laser or relativistic e- beam excites plasma wake PlasmaSchematic wakefieldofaccelerator (e-beam driven) laser wakefield Accelerator (LWFA): charge waves give large E-field >1 TVm accelerating fields in UCLA FACET IIPWFA experiment Extremely high fields possible: E(V/cm) ∝ n (cm-3 ) e Ex: atmospheric gas density E ∝1 TV/m, for ne =10 20 cm -3 LHC-class energies in the length of an automobile? 5th Generation XFEL Plasma Accelerators History: Livingston Plot Bis Equivalent fixed target energy 2 Ub ≈ LHC UCM 2mt c2 E167 Plasma accelerators (actual, not “equivalent”) 5th Generation XFEL PWFA doubles highest energy linac • Acceleration gradients of ~50 GV/m (3000 x SLAC linac) • Doubled 45 GeV beam energy in 1 m plasma • Required enormous infrastructure at SLAC • Still not yet a “beam” I Blumenthal et al., Nature 445 741 15-Feb-2007 NB: “witness beam” acceleration observed in latest round of experiments (data unreleased) 5th Generation XFEL 5th generation injector based on PWFA • To ε<10-8 m for low energy XFEL; new approaches needed • Very high field at beam birth, use PWFA in controlled fashion • “Trojan Horse” injection – Load e- only in narrow r,z,t window with laser, selective ionization – E210 at FACET underway (same team as E201) B. Hidding, et. al., PRL 108, 035001 (2012) Trojan Horse Injection E210 current layout Parametric emittance study for Trojan horse injection (Xi et al.) 5th Generation XFEL Pulse shaped PWFA driver for low energy X-ray FEL • Inject with Trojan scheme – Ultra-high brightness beam • FEL scenario: ramped driver – 5-10 GeV X-ray FEL injector, <10 m – SLAC-UCLA-Strathclyde-DESY collaboration – FACET context; FEL goal – Example: 500 MeV driver, 9 mm period undulator gives nm X-rays Ramped beam driver 20 GV/m, R=10 PWFA 5th Generation XFEL Laser wakefields (LWFA) already create high quality electron beam • Breakthrough 10 years ago • Trapped plasma e-’s in LWFA – Gives εn~1E-6 m-rad at Nb~109 • Narrow δE/E produced – accelerating in plasma channels • Looks like a beam! – Applications to FEL – Betatron radiation – Less $ than e-beam wakes… 40 TW, 37 fs Record now >2 GeV W.P. Leemans et. al, Nature Physics 2 (2006) 696 Early LWFA beams 5th Generation XFEL LWFA 5th generation XFEL light source (Couprie talk for update) MPQ-centered (Uni. Hamburg) collab. Pushed R&D for short λ cryoundulato r Record now >>2 GeV (HZB-UCLA) W.P. Leemans et. al, Nature Physics 2 (2006) 696 5th Generation XFEL GALAXIE: An Illustrative Example of Integrated Table-top X-ray SASE FEL GALAXIE: GV-per-meter AcceLerator And Xray-source Integrated Experiment Ultra-high brightness electron source 1 m 800 MeV Dielectric Laser Accelerator ~2 m EM undulator (λ=100 um) Long wavelength (5 um) laser source All EM system with GV/m fields Supported by DARPA AXiS Program 5th Generation XFEL Dielectric laser accelerator (DLA) • Dedicated DARPA program last 2 years (AXiS) • SLAC experiments make a splash in Nature • Uses 800 nm laser, simple structure – Non-optimized • Demonstrated >300 MV/m fields (∆U~100keV) • GALAXIE @ UCLA… 5th Generation XFEL The DLA Design Philosophy • Why dielectrics for laser? – Dissipation and breakdown in metals • Why photonic structures? – Natural in dielectric (confinement) – Advantages of burgeoning field Laser pulses • design possibilities • fabrication • Why slab-type geometries? 180 degrees out of phase e-beam Biharmonic ~2D structure – Highly asymmetric (P available!) – Longitudinal wakes, Q limits – Transverse wakes • Dynamics concerns • External coupling schemes Schematic of GALAXIE monolithic photonic DLA 5th Generation XFEL Example: GALAXIE accelerator structure Hole ID=800 nm 2 um e-beam propagation Close up of beam channel in GALAXIE traveling wave DLA • Single material (Si, Al2O3) photonic structure, easier fabrication • Rich space-harmonic spectrum for 2nd order focusing (resonant TW defocusing) B. Naranjo, A. Valloni, S. Putterman, J.B. Rosenzweig, PRL 109, 164803 (2012) • Fully 3D photonic structure (mode control) • Optimized E-field w/“teeth”; small E in dielectric 5th Generation XFEL New beam dynamics in DLA: 2nd order focusing and adiabatic compression GALAXIE example: Adiabatic: (1) focusing (2) capture (3) compression (x1000!) 5th Generation XFEL DLA fabrication is challenging • Very high aspect ratio features (e.g. 0.8 x 200 um holes) for photonics, wide beams • Utilize macroporous silicon etching Mask for etching Cross-section of photonic array 5th Generation XFEL Collective effects: wakes in photonic DLAs • • • • Scaled experiments in THz at BNL ATF Bragg (1D photonic slab structure) Woodpile (3D photonic structure) Both results to PRL… Bragg structure Woodpile schematic Simulated wakes (side view) Narrow-band mode confinement Measured emitted spectrum: modes in pass-bands 5th Generation XFEL The front-end: generating very HBB electron beams • Photoinjector at extreme field (>175 MV/m), short RF pulse • Very low charge (1 pC for GALAXIE) • New phase space manipulations – magnetized beam emittance splitting GALAXIE super-S-band gun (UCLA-RadiaBeam) From Valloni et al. Beam after emittance splitting Normalized Emittance εn-,εn+=2.9×10-9, 2.6×10-7 m-rad 5th Generation XFEL µm beam manipulation/diagnostics Manipulating sub-um beams: ultra-short focal length optics with microquads/dipoles Reconstructed phase Reconstructed profile Incoherent (detuned) OTR Coherent transition radiation imaging reconstruction expt., A. Marinelli et al., PRL 110, 094802 (2013) • Measure sub-um beam sizes? Coherent imaging (borrowed from XFEL!) 5th Generation XFEL Next generation undulator: Electromagnetic waves Tantawi X-band SW undulator Undulator Mechanical Structure Electric Field Distribution • To use <1 GeV in XFEL, need λu=100 um • K~0.1 or above: T-level B0 inadequate • On to EM undulators: – THz SW structures, – IR TW guides – Free-space Thompson Chang et al. PRL 110, 064802 (2013) 5th Generation XFEL 2 DLA-based 5th generation sources Optimized 350 MeV GALAXIE Unprecedented short beam from DLA, permits use in SASE FEL, super-radiant cases Super-Radiant Case σz=2.3 nm(!), Ip=870 A, σδp=0.12% SASE hard X-ray FEL case Quantum effects! ρ~hν/U UCLA-µbunching induced super-radiance exp’t with S. Tantawi’s X-band undulator Accelerate to 350 MeV for LCLS-like 1.5 Å SASE FEL with ~1-m saturation (λu=100 um) Utilize X-band undulator (proven) at 450 MeV (1.1 kA). Obtain fully coherent pulse train of 13.5 nm light (EUV lithography λ). Produce 3.5x108 soft-X-ray photons/pulse. 5th Generation XFEL Conclusions • Ultra-compact XFELs are intriguing new instruments forr revolutionarizing wide swaths of science – Nanoscience, biology, fs chemistry, lithography, etc. • Opportunities to bring cutting-edge tools to wide use • Convergence of advanced concepts – Frontiers of bright electron beams – First generation of microscale magnets – Enables new FEL regime; first 5th generation light source • Going forward – DARPA AXiS “sequestered”. NSF and Keck are gaining traction. – Options in optical structures, IFEL, wakefields, laser-plasma… • Long-term impact: Fundamentally change light sourcebased science – XFEL in the basement lab! 60