Volunteer Information Pack

Over The Wall, Unit 36 Basepoint Business Centre, Havant PO9 1HS
Tel: 02392 477110 Email: trina@otw.org.uk
Volunteer Information Pack
What is Over The Wall and what do we do?
Over The Wall (OTW) is a charity that organises residential camps for UK children and young people,
aged 8 to 17 years old, who are affected by a serious illness. The mission of OTW is to provide the
campers with fun, creative and challenging activities in a safe, secure and medically supervised
OTW camps A week at camp can transform the lives of the campers and their families. It is a place
where the child or young person feels secure and comfortable and can recapture some of the confidence
and self-esteem that they may have lost when they became ill. They also achieve a sense of
independence through living away from home for a week and being able to establish their own identity.
With this renewed confidence, they may be more able to face the challenges of the outside world, such
as returning to school. We do not disclose the diagnosis of the children to us they are first and foremost
We also provide a session for the sisters and brothers of young people with serious illnesses. When a
child is ill there is often a huge emotional impact on the siblings. These sessions offer the same
opportunities to gain in confidence and find support and understanding in new friendships.
Campers experience a variety of activities during the day such as drama, arts and crafts, technology
swimming, sports & games, horse riding and others. The evening activities include, disco night, the
opportunity to camp-out for one night and enjoy songs around the campfire and eat toasted
marshmallows, and the spectacular Camper Talent Night!!
Over the Wall is modeled on the American style summer camp for young people with medical needs,
launched by the actor Paul Newman, in Connecticut in 1986, called “The Hole In The Wall Gang Camp”.
Read through this information pack to find out about opportunities to volunteer at an Over The Wall
Camp!! The Sections include:
● Why Volunteer for Over The Wall Camps?
●What does it take to be an OTW Volunteer?
● How do I become an OTW Volunteer?
Why Volunteer for Over The Wall Camps?
What the Volunteers mean to the Campers
It is the Volunteer Team at camp who enable our Campers. They give lots of positive encouragement and
support to the campers and treat them as ‘special’, not because they, or their sibling, have been ill, but
because they are children and young people, each with their own unique gifts and talents.
The volunteers foster a strong sense of team spirit amongst each of the campers in their care. In this
way, the campers feel that they belong and are included, whilst feeling positive about their own
“We believe that the work you do is invaluable. The doctors cure their bodies, but you mend their spirit
and boost their self-confidence”
Parent of a Camper
We know that our volunteers impact the lives of the Campers in a way that they may never fully
understand. We have had campers inspired to become volunteers themselves by the incredible role
models that they have met at camp.
What the experience means to the Volunteers
Volunteering at Over The Wall has meant many things to the lives of our volunteers. Sometimes they
have found talents they did not realise were there, many have developed their existing skills, and pretty
much all of them leave camp feeling inspired by the young people they have met and with a great sense
of achievement.
“Thank you so much for letting me be a part of such a wonderful experience. I never thought I would
be able to gain so much in such a short space of time whilst giving the campers the times of their live!”
New Volunteer
The impact a week at camp has on the volunteers is reflected in our large numbers of returning
volunteers. Around 50% of the volunteers at each of our last sessions had been ‘Over The Wall’ before,
some returning for their 5th year!!
“What a great bunch of people who go to camp, and every time I am there I feel privileged to be
Returning Volunteer
Over The Wall’s Commitment to the Volunteer Team
The Volunteers are an essential part of Over The Wall, without their dedication and commitment which
they give in abundance, we could not run Camp! Over The Wall is committed to looking after the
Volunteer Team, ensuring we do all we can to help support them in providing the magic for the
Campers!! Below are some examples of how we do this:
Support – Over The Wall Camps are a very supportive environment. We structure the teams, and invest
a great amount of time in fostering team spirit in order to create a good support network among the
Our Head of Volunteering and Camp Director are there for all of the volunteers pre-camp, during the
camp sessions, and post- camp. This may be in the form of providing information and advice, practically
doing something to help, being a listening ear or supporting the debrief process following camp.
Feedback – Over the years Camp has grown and developed with the ideas and feedback of the
Volunteer Team. We collect feedback from all camp sessions and use it to continually improve the work
we do. Many volunteers have commented that one of the nice things about camp is that their thoughts
are taken seriously and worked upon.
In the same way we provide feedback to the volunteer team, letting them know the things they have
done well, and, where appropriate, ideas for their own personal development. In this way we ensure
that the Campers are always well cared for to the highest degree, but also build a trusting and
supportive relationship with individual volunteers.
Preparation – We feel it is important that we provide, to the best of our ability, the information and
skills required for camp volunteers. A volunteer handbook is provided before coming to camp and a full
version is on our website www.otw.org.uk
Then, the first day at camp is an induction time. So before the Campers arrive, the volunteers have a
chance to work in teams, learn more about behaviour support, Therapeutic Recreation, get to know the
site and each other.
We believe that most of the skills and knowledge that helps volunteers in their roles at camp is already
there inside of them. Therefore our induction days really aim to pull the strengths of each individual out
to the fore-front and share them with the rest of the team.
All food and accommodation is paid for whilst at camp. What is valuable to Over The Wall is you and
your time!!
What does it take to be an OTW Volunteer?!
Who? … Who can volunteer at Camp?
Minimum age of 18 years. We welcome volunteers from all walks of life and all ages. We very much
view you as an individual with your own personal strengths and experience that all add up to make a
fantastic team.
Our one criteria is that you like children and are safe to care for them, placing their needs first! We
assess this by asking you to complete an online application form, Over The Wall then will interview you
in person on one of our designated interview dates, complete an Enhanced CRB and obtain two
Overseas Volunteers – Most of our volunteers live within the UK. We are happy to accept the help of
volunteers from overseas as long as they are able to complete the same checking interview and
induction process as the other volunteers and speak fluent English. We may need you to be more active
in assisting your application process, e.g. by obtaining your country’s equivalent of the Criminal Records
Clearance Certificate .Check you may need a visa to volunteer in the UK.
Time Commitment/ Dates?...
Time commitment is one interview/induction day and 1 whole week’s camp session. We recommend
that new volunteers only do one session in their first year to see if camp is for them.
Camp Dates
Camp dates for 2012 are available on www.otw.org.uk and on the application form.
Please note: It is essential that all volunteers attend the induction/training days and the full camp
session. It is very disruptive to the team and campers if volunteers arrive late or leave early, as a huge
part of creating a safe and successful camp session is about building trust and good relationships
within the team.
What? … What do the Volunteers do?
The Campers are split into age groups which are each assigned a colour:
Within these colour groups the campers are then divided into teams of about 5-9 Campers. Then the
same numbers of volunteers are attached to that team of campers to look after the needs of the
campers in their team. These Volunteers we call Team Mates! Some of the daily things the Team Mates
will do at camp are:
Ensuring the safety of the campers by supervising them.
Following a care plan of needs for each individual camper, e.g. ‘take them to the medshed at these times’ (Med-shed - the place where all medical and nursing needs are
looked after by the team of nurses and doctors).
Facilitating friendships among the campers
Providing support and encouragement for the campers in all activities, and aspects of
the camp programme.
Providing positive guidance for the campers and acting as a positive role model for them
and others around you.
A brief description of each of the various volunteering roles at camp is given below.
Team Mate
Team-mates will be with the same group for the whole week. They help to encourage and support the
children in all aspects of the camp. Team-mates will ensure the campers are safe and supervised at all
times. An experienced OTW Volunteer will be your team’s leader.
Team Leader
Same as the team-mates and also lead and support the team of 5-9 campers and 5-9 adults. Team
Leaders have previous experience of volunteering with OTW, however additional training given before
team mates arrive.
Activity Leader
Adults to prepare/lead Arts & Crafts, Technology, Swimming, Camping, Drama, Media, Music, Sports &
Games, A passion, experience and enthusiasm to lead an activity are essential. Full training and support
given before team mates arrive.
Medical Staff – Nursed and Doctors
Experience in paediatrics/adolescents, is preferred. Please visit www.otw.org.uk for role specific info &
application packs. You can talk to our Clinical Officer for a more technical conversation or give Trina a
ring on 02392 477110.
Alternatives to A Week at Camp Support/Admin//Fundraising
You may not feel that you could commit to the whole camp week or would not be completely
comfortable in a team mate role working directly with the campers, but may have other skills that would
be a huge benefit to us. We would love to hear from you!!! – give us a call …
Why? … Why do you want to volunteer for Over The Wall?
Before moving onto the next section about how to become an OTW Volunteer it’s worth re-visiting the
‘WHY?’ Not just looking at why volunteering for OTW is a great experience, but also think about why you
want to get involved. Volunteering at camp is great fun, but is also hard work!
The week can be very physically and emotionally tiring, so while there is no doubt that you will gain a lot
from this experience, you will also be giving an incredible amount in terms of you energy and
enthusiasm, and it is always worth having a clear idea of your hopes, expectations and what motivates
you. We are more than happy to discuss these with you either on the phone before you apply or when
we meet with you.
Where? … Where do we run camp?
Scotland – Tulliallan Castle Falkirk.
We hire facilities at Tulliallan Castle which has a 160 year old mixture of Gothic and Italian style
architecture set amid some 90 acres of parkland just north of where the Kincardine Bridge spans the
River Forth, is the home of the Scottish Police College
Midlands – Whitemoor Lakes, Staffs
We hire facilities at a purpose built activity centre situated near Alrewas in Staffordshire, opposite the
National Memorial Arboretum. Whitemoor Lakes is a brand new 300-bed facility, with plenty of onsite
Bryanston, Dorset.
We hire facilities at a residential school called Bryanston, which is just outside the town of Blandford
Forum in North Dorset, England. The site itself is 400 acres of beautiful country-side that we share with
other groups for the time we are there in the spring and Summer school holidays.
At all camps the campers and adults sleep in the accommodation houses. We place you in rooms
according to where your team of campers are staying. We aim to get the campers sleeping in shared
rooms with other campers in their team to help facilitate friendships. Volunteers will be placed in with
other volunteers of the same sex; however we do have a few single rooms.
Now, if your enthusiasm has been ignited, the next section will take you through, step by step, the
process of becoming an OTW volunteer ……..
How do I Become an OTW Volunteer?
Step 1 – Read this information pack. It may seem like a lot of information, but it is all relevant and we
hope useful in helping you to understand more about camp so that you feel happy and excited about all
aspects of volunteering for camp.
Step 2 – Ask Yourself … Am I happy with the information I have? Are there other things I’d like to know
before offering my help as a volunteer? Is there anything I’m worried about or not sure about? … These
are all good questions, and if you go to our website you can find out more about volunteer and camper
experiences at Over The Wall camps or phone Trina Finney on 02302 477110.
Step 3 – Fill in and return the Application Form ASAP.
Please go to our website www.otw.org.uk where you can complete and return the application form.
Step 4 – Informal Interview/Induction Day. To ensure the high standard of volunteers you will be asked
to attend an interview, once you have been interviewed there will be an induction session. The induction
session is a mandatory requirement as this will give you more insight into the magical experience of
camp and equip you with some useful information. Interviews are held at locations around the UK. Dates
for 2012 are on the application form.
Step 5 – Background Checks. We complete background checks on all volunteers as part of the process to
ensure the safety of our campers as much as we possibly can. The first of these is obtaining a satisfactory
Criminal Records Bureau (Enhanced
CRB) Disclosure. , the CRB will last for three years.
You will need to bring the following with you when we meet on the interview day:
proof of your National Insurance Number
drivers licence and passport if you have them
2 x Proof of your current address (e.g., utility bill, bank statement, driving licence)
You will also need to provide all addresses that you have lived at in the past five
years, including post codes.
The Criminal Records Bureau can take up to 3 months to complete and return the disclosure certificate
to us, it is important that you do bring the necessary I.D when we meet so that we can send the
application off as soon as possible. There will be a small administration fee of £30 to go towards the
interview/administration costs.
The other thing we need is to obtain two satisfactory references. We will ask for the names and full
addresses of two referees in your application form. Please check with your referees that they are happy
to provide a reference before naming them
Step 6 – Come to Camp!! Join the Fun and magic! …. We look forward to meeting you!!